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March 2025 News - Parish of Newcastle & Newtownmountkennedy with Calary, Co. Wicklow

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Parishes of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy with Calary

Archdeacon Ross Styles
Email: [email protected]

Diocesan Lay Minister:

Caroline Tindal

Parish Office:
Email: [email protected]

Parish Websites:
Dear Friends,
The introduction to the Ash Wednesday service in the Book of
Common Prayer highlights why, as Christians, we observe the season
of Lent. We are called to keep these days, still our hearts and minds
and hear the call to repentance and the assurance of forgiveness that are
proclaimed in the gospels. We are invited to observe a holy Lent,
through self examination and repentance, prayer, fasting and by
reading and meditating on God’s holy word. Yet Lent is not all about
giving things up, fasting or abstaining. In Lent we can also take things
up! We can use this period of 40 days to make changes in our lives, to
take up new activities, to perhaps give of our time to help others, to
help those in our communities or perhaps further afield. Sadly we live
in a world that needs help. This Lent, let us reflect on the importance of
the sacrifice made for us all at Easter and let us also use these 40 days
to make our world a better place.

Our Lenten reflection series 2025 starts on Wednesday 5th March at

8pm in the parish centre and continues each Wednesday during lent
with our final one on Wednesday 16th April. It is accessible to
everyone and all are warmly welcome!

Bishops’ appeal and Church of Ireland Youth Department have teamed

up for a special Pancakes and Prayer initiative for Lent, focusing on
schools in South Sudan within the dioceses of Ibba. They are part of
the Fields of Life Thrive programme. With this in mind, on Sunday
2nd, Sunday Club will be having a pancake morning and for the
‘youthful at heart’ we will have pancakes at our weekly Rector’s
Breakfast in the Parish centre on Tuesday 4th March! Boxes available
both days if you would like to donate to this worthy cause. Please do
join us, if you can!

Heat has returned to Newcastle church, sincere thanks to Robert,

James, Peter and Ed! Services are back to our normal times in March.

A huge thank you to Kim and her team following the success of the
fashion event held in the parish centre on Saturday 22nd February.
Thank you also to everybody who supported the event. Nearly €2,500
was raised for the parish and towards the new playground in Newcastle
On the evening of Saturday 1st March, at 7pm, Sandy Blackley, who
has recently moved to Newcastle, will give a talk on the humanitarian
trips that he has taken to Ukraine, and why they continue to need our
support. All are very welcome!

On Tuesday, 4th March, the Reverend Natasha Quinn-Thomas will

become the Rector of our neighbouring parish of Delgany. We
welcome our new neighbour and we wish her every blessing in her
new ministry!

Congratulations to our other neighbours in Wicklow, Rev. Jack and

Rachael, on their new arrival, baby Rossa! We wish them every

On Friday 7th March, International Day of Prayer, Newcastle church

will be open from 7 pm for personal prayer and reflection.

On St Patrick’s Day, we will have a short service in Calary church at

9.30 am, followed at 11.30 am by the St. Patrick’s Day parade in
Newtownmountkennedy, with our Youth Groups joining the Parade for
the first time! Please come and support them, alongside all the other
local community groups that will be involved.

On Saturday 22nd March we are looking forward to hosting the Dublin

and Glendalough Church’s Ministry of Healing Quiet Day, in the
parish centre in Newcastle. Lydia Monds from CMH:I will be leading
the quiet day, centred on Psalm 23. All are very welcome!

On Friday 28th March we will be holding our regular Friday tea/coffee

morning but it will be in aid of the Irish Cancer Society, Daffodil Day
appeal. Please come along and bring a friend! All are warmly welcome
and all donations gratefully received.

Rehearsals are under way for this years Newcastle

Players performance which will take place after

Wishing you all a blessed Lent.

God bless,
Calary News
A World Day of Prayer Service for local parishes, which includes
Calary, will be held in Powerscourt Church on Friday 7th March at
7:30pm. All are welcome. As usual we have been asked to supply three
readers to take part in the service so if anyone would like to volunteer
to do one of the readings please let June or Ethni know asap.

Table Tennis has moved to Wednesday evening, still at 7:30pm.

Contact 086 8092211.

The programme for “Music in Calary” for 2025 has now been final-
ised. Many thanks to Derek, Andrew and Charlotte for all their hard
work in getting together an amazing programme for this year.
Happy Birthday Tony!

Castle Kidz celebrating St

Valentine’s Day

Junior Youth
Group Fun
St Francis’ whole
school trip to
Newcastle Aerodrome

Sunday Club making

St Brigid’s Day
If you would like to read along we are currently reading
Happy Head by Josh Silver
This lent why not try to do something positive each day! An act of kindness
e.g. using kind words, helping tidy up etc. An act of friendship e.g. include
someone, paly a game with a neighbour etc. An extra moment of prayer,
Spending more time out in nature, Taking a minute to be grateful for what
you have, Read a bible story, Set aside time to read more of your book,
Draw something, Sing, Dance… anything at all but something with intention
each day.
Parish Centre, Church Lane, Newcastle

Open 9am to 12 noon
5 days a week
Full-time and Part-time places
ECCE and non-ECCE
Excellent facilities indoors and outdoors

Open 1:20pm to 6pm
5 days a week
Full-time and Part-time places available

For information and booking:

Please contact Joanne on
087 7216929

Registered for National Childcare Scheme

Now taking bookings for September 2025


Sunday 2nd Exodus 34: 29-35

Calary 9:30
The Sunday Holy Psalm 99
St Matthew's 10:45 RS
before Lent Communion 2 Corinthians 3: 12 - 4: 2
Transfiguration Newcastle 12:00
Luke 9: 28-36

Wednesday Isaiah 58: 1-12

Holy Psalm 51: 1-18
5th St Matthew's 10:30 RS
Communion 2 Corinthians 5:20 - 6:10
Ash Wednesday Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21

Friday 7th Church open

World day of Newcastle 7pm RS for
Prayer Prayer

Sunday 9th Calary 9:30 Deuteronomy 26: 1-11

Morning Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16
The first St Matthew's 10:45 CT
Prayer Romans 10: 8b-13
Sunday in Lent Newcastle 12:00 Luke 4: 1-13

Sunday 16th Calary 9:30 Service Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18

Psalm 27
The second St Matthew's 10:45 RS of
Philippians 3: 17 - 4: 1
Sunday in Lent Newcastle 12:00 the Word Luke 13: 31-35

Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday,

with prayer for the sick, at 10.30am in St Matthew’s.

Everyone is warmly welcome for tea/coffee in the

McLean Room after all services.

Morning Psalm 106: 1-5

Monday 17th
Calary 9:30 RS Isaiah 51: 1-8
St Patrick’s Day Prayer Acts 16: 6-10

Service of Isaiah 55: 1-9

Sunday 23rd Calary 9:30
Wholeness Psalm 63: 1-9
The third St Matthew's 10:45 RS
and Healing 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13
Sunday in Lent Newcastle 12:00 Luke 13: 1-9

Family Joshua 5: 9-12

Sunday 30th Calary 9:30
Service on Psalm 32
The fourth St Matthew's 10:45 RS
Mothering 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21
Sunday in Lent Newcastle 12:00 Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32

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