Fish SSC
Fish SSC
Fish SSC
Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Fish: Characterization,
Isolation, Enrichment, and Recent Advances of
In Vitro Culture Systems
Xuan Xie 1, * , Rafael Nóbrega 2 and Martin Pšenička 1
1 Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and
Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Zátiší 728/II,
389 25 Vodňany, Czech Republic; [email protected]
2 Reproductive and Molecular Biology Group, Department of Morphology, Institute of Biosciences,
São Paulo State University, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +420-606-286-138
Received: 9 March 2020; Accepted: 14 April 2020; Published: 22 April 2020
Keywords: spermatogonial stem cell (SSC); fish; spermatogenesis; florescence-activated cell sorting
(FACS); magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS); germ cell culture
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mitotic/spermatogonial
Mitotic/spermatogonial phase.
phase. (A) Mitosis produces
(A) Mitosis produces spermatogonium
spermatogonium clones.
clones. In
In rodents,
type A
type A single
spermatogonia(As) harbor
(As) harborthethe
spermatogonial stemstem
cell population, whichwhich
cell population, can either
self-renew or generate two interconnected cells named type A-paired spermatogonia
either self-renew or generate two interconnected cells named type A-paired spermatogonia (Apr). (Apr). The A-
paired spermatogonia are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridge (CB) as a consequence of incomplete
The A-paired spermatogonia are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridge (CB) as a consequence of incomplete
cytokinesis during
cytokinesis during cell
cell division.
division. Amplifying
Amplifying divisions
divisions beyond the A-paired also do not complete
cytokinesis and continue to generate longer syncytial chains, termed
cytokinesis termed A-aligned
A-aligned spermatogonia
spermatogonia (Aal).
(B). An
(B). Anelectron
electron micrograph
micrograph showing
showing a cytoplasmic
a cytoplasmic bridgebridge
(arrow)(arrow) connecting
connecting daughterdaughter cells
cells resulting
resulting from spermatogonium division. The mitochondria (M), nucleus (N), smooth endoplasmic
from spermatogonium division. The mitochondria (M), nucleus (N), smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER),
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 3 of 31
centrioles (C), and microtubules (arrowhead) are depicted in the cytoplasms of two interconnected
spermatogonia (Spg) (illustration and data: Nóbrega—unpublished observations).
During the meiotic phase, the spermatogonia differentiate into spermatocytes that go through two
meiotic divisions characterized by reshuffling of the parental genetic material during the first division
and the reduction to a haploid genome at the second division [10].
In the spermiogenic phase, the haploid spermatids emerging from meiosis differentiate into
flagellated spermatozoa without further proliferation. The morphological changes in germ cells
occurring during spermiogenesis involve reduction in cytoplasmic volume and organelles, maximum
DNA condensation, and differentiation of the flagellum, and are similar among species. However,
the final spermatozoon morphology can differ and sometimes provides taxonomic discrimination [10].
Following the general vertebrate scheme, the testes of fish are composed of the interstitial or
intertubular compartment, and the germinal or tubular compartment, separated by a basement
membrane [12]. The interstitial compartment contains the steroid-producing Leydig cells, blood/lymph
vessels, macrophages, granulocytes, and connective tissue elements [13]. The peritubular myoid
cells form a single layer of flattened cells surrounding the seminiferous tubules [14]. These cells
are contractile and involved in the transport of spermatozoa and testicular fluid in the tubule [14].
The germinal compartment is composed of germ cells at various stages of development and their
associated somatic Sertoli cells, which together form the germinal epithelium [12]. In the epithelium,
germ cell survival and development depend on constant close contact with Sertoli cells [15]. Although
many features are conserved in vertebrate spermatogenesis, the Sertoli/germ cell association differs
among vertebrates. While anamniotes (fishes and amphibians) exhibit so-called cystic spermatogenesis,
the amniotes (reptiles, birds, and mammals) present non-cystic spermatogenesis [12], in which the
seminiferous epithelium can be divided into separate stages according to the cell associations observed
in each tubular cross-section [16].
The germinal epithelium of amniote adult testes is composed of a fixed number of “immortal”
Sertoli cells that support successive waves of spermatogenesis [15,16]. During these waves, a given
Sertoli cell simultaneously supports several germ cell developmental stages (i.e., cells belonging to
different germ cell clones). The Sertoli cell base may contact spermatogonia, with lateral segments
contacting spermatocytes and early spermatids, and adluminal segments contacting late spermatids.
In this type of spermatogenesis, Sertoli cells have been shown to be terminally differentiated in the
testes, ceasing division during the early pre-pubertal phase, from approximately 10 and 20 days after
birth in mice and rats, respectively [15,17]. However, recent studies have demonstrated that Sertoli
cells from the transition region between the seminiferous tubules and the rete testis of adult testes
remain undifferentiated for a longer period and are able to proliferate, although at a lower rate [17].
In anamniote vertebrates, the germinal epithelium is composed of spermatogenic cysts. The cyst
as a morpho-functional unit is formed when a group of Sertoli cells envelope a single SSC [18].
As spermatogonia divide, the derived cells remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges [10,12,15].
Thus, the anaminiote Sertoli cell supports a single germ cell clone, while in amniote testes, depending
on species, at least five germ cell clones at different stages of development are supported by a single
Sertoli cell [10,12,15]. Sertoli cells from anaminiote testes are able to continuously proliferate, even
after the onset of puberty [19].
The structural differences in the Sertoli/germ cell relationship of anamniotes and amniotes result
in a less complex situation in fish than exists in mammals. Cystic spermatogenesis proceeds in a
sequential manner, while, in non-cystic spermatogenesis, several processes occur simultaneously [15].
In vertebrates, the endocrine system has evolved as the master control system of spermatogenesis,
and the somatic Sertoli, Leydig, and peritubular myoid cells became the primary targets for the major
reproductive hormones, acting as paracrine relay stations for these signals in the testes [20,21].
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 4 of 31
Figure 2. Balance between spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) self-renewal and differentiation. An imbalance
Figure Balance between
between spermatogonial
spermatogonial stem
stem cell
cell (SSC)
anddifferentiation. AnAn
results in testicular cancer or depletion of spermatogenesis.
imbalance results in testicular cancer or depletion of spermatogenesis.
imbalance results in testicular cancer or depletion of spermatogenesis.
The simultaneous process occurs in vertebrates showing continuous spermatogenesis, while,
in seasonal simultaneous process
breeding species, occursfrom
a switch in vertebrates
in vertebrates showing
self-renewal continuous
to differentiation spermatogenesis,
observed as gonadswhile, in in
seasonal breedingspecies,
species,aa switch
switch from
from self-renewal
differentiationis is
observedas as
gonads begin
to mature [10].
to mature [10].
to mature [10].
Spermatogonial stem cells are maintained in a specialized microenvironment in the testes known as
Spermatogonial stem cells are maintained in a specialized microenvironment in the testes
the testicular stem3) cells
niche (Figure are maintained
[2–4,22–25]. The niche in a specialized
provides microenvironment
growth factors and cell-to-cellininteractions
the testes
known as the testicular niche (Figure 3) [2–4,22–25]. The niche provides growth factors and cell-to-
that as the
regulate testicular
SSC activityniche
in the(Figure 3) [2–4,22–25].
testes: cell-cycle The niche
quiescence, providesofgrowth
maintenance factors and cell-to-
the undifferentiated state,
cell interactions that regulate SSC activity in the testes: cell-cycle quiescence, maintenance of the
cell interactions
proliferation via that regulateand
self-renewal, SSCapoptosis
activity (Figure
in the testes:
3) cell-cycle quiescence, maintenance of the
undifferentiated state, proliferation via self-renewal, and apoptosis (Figure 3) [2–4].
undifferentiated state, proliferation via self-renewal, and apoptosis (Figure 3) [2–4].
Figure 3. Mammalian
3. Mammalian SSCSSC
niche.niche. Spermatogonial
Spermatogonial stem stem cells reside
cells (SSC) (SSC) along
along the basement
basement membrane
(BM) (BM) to
in proximity in interstitial
proximity to interstitial
Leydig cells Leydig cells
(LE) and (LE)vessels
blood and blood vessels
(BV), (BV),
and are in and are in
contact contact
with Sertoli
Figure 3. Mammalian
with Sertoli SSC
cells (SE). In thisniche. Spermatogonial
microenvironment, stem and
physical cellsparacrine
(SSC) reside alongregulate
interactions the basement
membrane (BM) in proximity to interstitial Leydig cells (LE) and blood vessels (BV), and are in contact
with Sertoli cells (SE). In this microenvironment, physical and paracrine interactions regulate SSC
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 5 of 31
cells (SE). In this microenvironment, physical and paracrine interactions regulate SSC self-renewal,
differentiation, quiescence, apoptosis, and the ability to transform into different cell types (pluripotency).
Peritubular myoid cells (PTM) are also depicted in the figure.
The niche can be defined as a microenvironment that maintains the undifferentiated state of a stem
cell by preventing its differentiation, and is usually composed of (1) supporting cells; (2) stem cells;
and (3) the surrounding extracellular matrix (Figure 3) [26–28]. In mammals, SSCs lie on the basement
membrane of the seminiferous epithelium and are in contact with Sertoli cells, which control the fate
of the SSCs via physical and paracrine interactions [4,29–31]. In addition to Sertoli cells, peritubular
myoid cells and Leydig cells may contribute soluble growth factors to the niche environment [32–34].
Mammalian SSCs are preferentially located in those areas of the seminiferous tubules near the
interstitial tissue where Leydig cells and blood vessels reside (Figure 3) [33,35–38]. Recent studies
have shown that type A undifferentiated spermatogonia are uniformly distributed on the basement
membrane of seminiferous mouse epithelium [39]. It has been demonstrated that SSC self-renewal
and proliferation are intensified in areas of high fibroblast growth factor (FGF), which corresponds to
vasculature-proximal and interstitium-proximal regions, and SSCs must be exposed to a sufficiently
high level of FGF in order to maintain the self-renewal state [40].
In anamniote species, SSCs and their niche remain poorly investigated. In fish and other
anamniotes, SSCs are single cells, not lying directly on the basement membrane, but completely
enclosed by Sertoli cell cytoplasmic extensions [10]. Similarly to mammals, fish have SSCs that are
considered type A undifferentiated spermatogonia (Aund ) [1,10]. There is evidence for two sub-types of
single, undifferentiated spermatogonia, type Aund* and type Aund , in several fish species (Figure 4A–C),
including ancient species, such as sterlet Acipenser ruthenus (Figure 4D–G) [10,22,41]. The Aund*
spermatogonia exhibit a large nucleus with little heterochromatin; a high volume of the cytoplasm; a
convoluted nuclear envelope; evident nucleoli; and particularly relevantly, darkly staining material near
invaginations of the convoluted nuclear envelope [10,41]. These patches are known as “nuage,” material
composed of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and RNA-processing proteins [10]. The Aund spermatogonia show
a smooth nuclear envelope, darker chromatin with abundant patches of heterochromatin distributed
in the nucleus, and less nuage [10,41].
These cells also exhibit differences in the cell cycle, as shown by bromodeoxyuridine
5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU), a marker of S-phase in pulse-chase experiments [22]. Nóbrega
and collaborators [22], using BrdU pulse-chase, reported that BrdU was rapidly diluted in type
Aund spermatogonia, while the percentage of BrdU-positive Aund* spermatogonia remained constant.
The authors [22] suggested that type Aund constitute an “active” population with rapid proliferation
and differentiation, as indicated by the more rapid loss of BrdU; Aund* are the “reserve” population
with slow self-renewal proliferation, as indicated by relatively stable BrdU labeling. Two types of
single A spermatogonia in humans display similar characteristics: a “pale” type acting as reserve,
and a “dark,” active type [42,43]. In medaka Oryzias latipes, Nakamura and collaborators [44], using a
BrdU pulse-chase experiment, also revealed distinct rapid and slow-dividing populations of oogonial
stem cells.
With respect to whether spermatogonia display a preferential distribution within the fish
testes, studies of zebrafish [22] and Astyanax altiparane [45] have shown that both Aund * and Aund
spermatogonia are located near the interstitial compartment, in contact with androgen-producing
Leydig cells and blood vessels (Figure 4A–C). These observations suggest that the androgens; growth
factors; and vascular supplies of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones may play essential roles in SSC
maintenance and self-renewal vs. differentiation in the fish testis niche [10,21].
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 6 of 31
Biomolecules 2020, 10, x 6 of 31
Figure 4.
Figure Spermatogonial niche and type A undifferentiated
4. Spermatogonial undifferentiated (A und)) spermatogonia.
(Aund spermatogonia. (A) (A) Asterisks
Asterisks show
the most undifferentiated type A spermatogonia
the most undifferentiated type A spermatogonia (Aund* (A ), preferentially located near the interstitial
und*), preferentially located near the interstitial
compartment (delimited
compartment (delimited inin yellow)
yellow) in
in zebrafish Danio rerio.
zebrafish Danio rerio. (B,C)
(B,C) In In common
common carp Cyprinus carpio,
carp Cyprinus carpio,
both A
both Aund* andAAund
und* and und are
are locatednear
located nearthe
Sertoli cell
Sertoli cell (S)
(S) and
and type
type BB spermatogonia
spermatogonia are are shown. (D–G): Generations
shown. (D–G): Generations of of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus
sterlet Acipenser ruthenus
spermatogonia: AAund*
spermatogonia: und* and
and Aund
Aund andand
typetype A differentiated
A differentiated (Adiff(A diff ) spermatogonia.
) spermatogonia. Staining:
Staining: periodic
periodic acid–
acid–Schiff (A,E,G) and toluidine blue (B,C,D,F). Scale
Schiff (A,E,G) and toluidine blue (B,C,D,F). Scale bar: 10 µ m. bar: 10 µm.
With respectassays have spermatogonia
to whether been reported displaythat consist of transplanting
a preferential distributionSSCs fromthe
within a donor into
fish testes,
studies of zebrafish [22] and Astyanax altiparane [45] have shown that both Aund* and Aon
a recipient testis in which endogenous spermatogenesis has been blocked [46]. Depending und
self-renewal and
spermatogonia aredifferentiation
located near the capacities, transplanted
interstitial compartment, spermatogonia
in contact with are androgen-producing
able to colonize the
Leydig testisand
vesselsinto functional
(Figure gametes
4A,B,C). These[46].observations
Studies havesuggest
demonstrated donor-derived
that the androgens;
spermatogenesis following type A und spermatogonia transplantation
growth factors; and vascular supplies of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones may play essential into recipient testes in roles
SSC of fish [22,41,47–49].
maintenance Type Avs.
and self-renewal undifferentiated
in the fish testishaveniche also been shown to exhibit
sexual plasticity and
Functional assaysthehave
to de-differentiate
reported that and differentiate
consist into oocytes
of transplanting SSCs when
a donor into intoa
zebrafish ovaries [22]. In addition, A und spermatogonia transplanted into
recipient testis in which endogenous spermatogenesis has been blocked [46]. Depending on self- sexually undifferentiated
larvae were
renewal andable to differentiate
differentiation into functional
capacities, spermatozoa
transplanted or eggs,are
spermatogonia depending on the genetic
able to colonize sex of
the recipient
the recipient [50,51]. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that
testis and differentiate into functional gametes [46]. Studies have demonstrated donor-derived SSCs represent a subset of
type Aund spermatogonia.
spermatogenesis following type Aund spermatogonia transplantation into recipient testes in several
species available information
of fish [22,41,47–49]. on fish SSCs hasspermatogonia
Type A undifferentiated expanded in recent have decades,
also beenmarkers
shown tofor SSCs
have been
sexual identified
plasticity and intheonly a few
ability to species [52], presenting
de-differentiate limitationsinto
and differentiate to detecting
oocytes whenand isolating SSCs.
Similar to the situation in mammals, in the past decade, spermatogonium
into zebrafish ovaries [22]. In addition, Aund spermatogonia transplanted into sexually transplant was the only
means of assessing the “stemness” of putative SSCs in fish [24,48,53–55].
undifferentiated larvae were able to differentiate into functional spermatozoa or eggs, depending on
There issex
the genetic evidence
of the that promyelocytic
recipient leukemia
[50,51]. Taken zinc finger
together, theseprotein (PLZF),
findings a transcription
provide evidence thatrepressor
essential for the maintenance of mammalian
represent a subset of type Aund spermatogonia. SSCs [56], can be a marker of SSCs in fish, as demonstrated
in the rohu Labeo
Although rohitainformation
available [57], zebrafish [58,59],
on fish SSCs dogfish
has expandedScyliorhinus
in recent canicula
decades, [60], rainbow
markers trout
for SSCs
Oncorhynchus mykiss in
have been identified [61],
onlyand several
a few speciesspecies
[52], of catfish [9,62,63].
presenting limitationsIn the neotropical
to detecting andcatfish
quelen, in situ hybridization showed that plzf is strongly expressed
Similar to the situation in mammals, in the past decade, spermatogonium transplant in type A und spermatogonia,
was the only but
assessinginthe type Adiff spermatogonia,
“stemness” although
of putative SSCs at less
in fish intensity [63].
There is evidence that promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger protein (PLZF), a transcription
repressor essential for the maintenance of mammalian SSCs [56], can be a marker of SSCs in fish, as
Biomolecules 2020, 10, x 7 of 31
demonstrated in the rohu Labeo rohita [57], zebrafish [58,59], dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula [60],
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss [61], and several species of catfish [9,62,63]. In the neotropical
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 7 of 31
catfish Rhamdia quelen, in situ hybridization showed that plzf is strongly expressed in type Aund
spermatogonia, but was also detected in type Adiff spermatogonia, although at less intensity [63].
Glial cell-derived
neurotrophicfactor (GDNF)
factor is a Sertoli
(GDNF) is a cell growth
Sertoli cellfactor involved
growth factorin involved
mammalian in
SSC maintenance [64]. The GDNF-binding receptor GDNF family receptor
mammalian SSC maintenance [64]. The GDNF-binding receptor GDNF family receptor alpha1 alpha1 (GFRα1) attaches
to the membrane
(GFRα1) attaches to of the
SSCs, and is considered
membrane of SSCs, and a SSC marker in aseveral
is considered mammalian
SSC marker species
in several [64–67].
Recently, GFRα1Recently,
species [64–67]. has beenGFRα1
Aund of in Nile tilapia
type Oreochromis
Aund of Nile tilapia niloticus [68], rainbow
Oreochromis niloticus
[68], [69], dogfish
rainbow [60],
trout anddogfish
[69], common[60],
carpand(Figure 5A). Incarp
common rainbow gdnfInis rainbow
(Figure expressedtrout,
in germ cells
gdnf is
from spermatogonia
expressed in germ cells to spermatocytes but not
from spermatogonia to in Sertoli cells, indicating
spermatocytes that it is
but not in Sertoli not indicating
cells, secreted asthatan
autocrine SSC niche
it is not secreted factor
as an in rainbow
autocrine troutfactor
SSC niche testes,inunlike
rainbowin mammals [69].
trout testes, unlike in mammals [69].
5. (A)
Figure 5. (A) Immunoreactivity
Immunoreactivity of of GFRα1
GFRα1 waswas found
found preferentially
preferentially in
in type A undifferentiated
spermatogonia (arrowheads) of common carp. In contrast, GFRα1 immunoreactivity decreased in
spermatogonia (arrows). The inset
(arrows). Theshows GFRα1-positive
inset undifferentiated
shows GFRα1-positive spermatogonia
spermatogonia (B) POU2 was (B)
(arrowheads). detected
POU2 inwas
common carp
detected in type A undifferentiated
common spermatogonia
carp type A undifferentiated
spermatogoniawhereas its immunoreactivity
(arrowheads), whereas decreased in differentiateddecreased
its immunoreactivity spermatogonia
in (arrows). Inset
shows POU2-positive
spermatogonia undifferentiated
(arrows). Inset shows spermatogonia.
POU2-positive = spermatocyte. Scale
Spc undifferentiated bar: 25 µm. Spc =
spermatocyte. Scale bar: 25 µ m.
Transcription factors NANOG and Pou5f3 (POU family/Oct4) are expressed in SSCs of mammals,
and Transcription
in some fish, factors
including NANOG medaka, andzebrafish,
Pou5f3 (POU Nile tilapia, and rainbow
family/Oct4) trout [61,68,70–72].
are expressed in SSCs of
Both NANOG and Pou5f3 play important roles in the maintenance and self-renewal
mammals, and in some fish, including medaka, zebrafish, Nile tilapia, and rainbow trout [61,68,70– of undifferentiated
72]. pluripotent
Both NANOG cellsand
[73,74]. In medaka
Pou5f3 gametes, nanog
play important roles is
inexpressed only in spermatogonia,
the maintenance and self-renewal being
absent in somatic cells of ovary and testis [72]. In common carp, POU2
undifferentiated and pluripotent cells [73,74]. In medaka gametes, nanog is expressed only in was detected in A und
being absent in expression
in somaticascellsspermatogonia
of ovary and differentiated
testis [72]. (Nobrega
In common et al.—unpublished
carp, POU2 was
detected in Aund (Figure 5B).
spermatogonia, decreasing in expression as spermatogonia differentiated (Nobrega
Recently, an approach
et al.—unpublished to establishing
observations) (Figuremarkers
5B). for SSC in fish has been developed [75]. The method
consisted of generating monoclonal antibodies
Recently, an approach to establishing markers for (mAb) to cell-surface
SSC in fishmolecules
has beenofdeveloped
rainbow trout
[75]. type
A und spermatogonia
method consisted of by inoculating
generating enriched antibodies
monoclonal live Aund spermatogonia into mice
(mAb) to cell-surface and screening
molecules with
of rainbow
type Aundofspermatogonia
cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent
by inoculating enrichedassay,
livelive-cell staining, and flow
Aund spermatogonia into cytometry
mice and
Among the obtained
a combination antibodies,
of cell two (numbers
enzyme-linked 80 and 95)assay,
immunosorbent were capable
live-cell of specifically
staining, and
labelling Aund spermatogonia
flow cytometry (FCM) [75]. Among of rainbow trout and
the obtained zebrafishtwo
antibodies, [75],(numbers
while other antibodies
80 and 95) were(numbers
172 and 189) showed
of specifically strong
labelling Aundsignals for type Aofspermatogonia
spermatogonia rainbow troutand andthezebrafish
oogonia of several
[75], whilespecies
of salmonid(numbers
antibodies [76]. By 172
usingand these
showed strong with signals
fluorescence-activated cell sortingand
for type A spermatogonia (FACS) [75] or
the oogonia
of several species ofcell sorting [76].
salmonid (MACS) [77], itthese
By using was possible
antibodiesto enrich Aund spermatogonia and
with fluorescence-activated cellincrease
transplant success rate in selected teleosts. This method presents
(FACS) [75] or magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) [77], it was possible to enrichthe potential to identify molecular
markers of SSCsand
spermatogonia in fish, and the
increase potentialsuccess
transplant to isolate and
rate in enrich
selectedSSCs for downstream
teleosts. This method studies, suchthe
presents as
single-cell RNA-seq or in vitro experiments. Table 1 presents the major SSC markers
potential to identify molecular markers of SSCs in fish, and the potential to isolate and enrich SSCs currently reported
downstream studies, such as single-cell RNA-seq or in vitro experiments. Table 1 presents the
major SSC markers currently reported in fish.
tilapia [102]. There is evidence that FSH stimulates Igf3, which, in turn, promotes spermatogonial
proliferation and differentiation in zebrafish testes (Figure 6) [20]. A recent study has shown that
FSH-stimulated Igf3 release activates β-cateninc signaling in type A spermatogonia to stimulate their
differentiation (Figure 6) [103].
Accumulated evidence in zebrafish demonstrates that FSH stimulates spermatogonial
differentiation by down-regulating Amh and activating β-catenin signaling via Igf3. In addition, FSH
promotes spermatogonial self-renewal through Wnt5a and the non-canonical Wnt pathways [21].
This balanced regulation could counteract depletion of Aund spermatogonia while promoting
spermatogonial differentiation (Figure 6).
of zebrafish spermatogonia in the 25% and 30% Percoll fractions [122]. Percoll is currently the most
commonly used method to isolate and purify fish spermatogonia [112,130,131]. However, the technique
has low resolution capacity, since it may not distinguish spermatogonia from Sertoli cells, peritubular
myoid cells, and Leydig cells. This contamination has been reported in rainbow trout [132], sterlets [111],
channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, and blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus [62].
In contrast to what is seen during spermatogenesis, germ cells increase in size during oogenesis,
with oogonia being slightly smaller than early-stage primary oocytes [133]. The ovary also contains
a larger quantity of somatic cells. Since oogonia exhibit an intermediate size among ovarian germ
cells, their isolation is more challenging compared to that of spermatogonia. Wong et al. [114] detected
germ cell distribution in Percoll fractions in transgenic zebrafish (vasa:DsRed2-vasa). The majority
of ovarian germ cells were collected in the 25–35% Percoll interface, which provided approximately
20-fold enrichment of the initial cell suspension. The enriched cells were able to colonize the transplant
recipient gonad and produce offspring. Wong et al. [122,134] also showed that Percoll-enriched oogonia
were able to proliferate in vitro.
In tilapia, cell populations differentially stained with propidium iodide and carboxyfluorescein
succinimidyl ester were identified and quantified by FACS [149]. However, there are few studies of
germ stem cell surface markers. Nagasawa and colleagues [80,81,150] identified lymphocyte antigen
75 (Ly75/CD205) as a surface marker of primordial germ cells and mitotic germ cells in rainbow
trout and Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. However, there is still no evidence that Ly75/CD205
is capable of labeling and fractionating live type A spermatogonia. To isolate and enrich type A
spermatogonia, Yano et al. used pvasa-GFP transgenic rainbow trout and sorted cells based on diameter
and green fluorescent protein (GFP) intensity [54,151]. Further study has shown that physiochemical
characteristics such as high forward scatter and low side scatter could be used for sorting type A
spermatogonia from GFP-transgenic rainbow trout [124]. These studies showed the possibility that
spermatogonia can be dramatically enriched in a population of large cells with a simple intracellular
structure. Subsequently, Ichida et al. [125] established a method of purifying type A spermatogonia
of immature, maturing, and spermiogenic testes of Pacific bluefin tuna according to light scattering
properties using FCM. In this study, spermatogonia were enriched 15-fold compared to the unsorted
cell fraction. These findings indicate that light scattering properties are applicable to enriching
type A spermatogonia without cell-labeling systems such as transgenes and cell surface antibodies.
Monoclonal antibodies (numbers 172 and 189) have been produced by inoculating Pacific bluefin
tuna-enriched live type A spermatogonia into mice, and screened using cell-based enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunocytochemistry, FCM, and immunohistochemistry [77]. These
antibodies were able to recognize cell surface antigens of Pacific bluefin tuna type A spermatogonia
and be used to identify live spermatogonia in a recipient following transplanattion when conjugated
with fluorescent dye [77]. This represents an important advantage in applications to commercially
valuable or endangered species that lack transgenic strains or specific molecular markers for identifying
cell lineages.
Flow cytometry is an automated, multiparametric, and sophisticated sorting tool requiring skill
and costly equipment, and it is not affordable for many laboratories. Moreover, it can require cell
labelling with fluorescent antibodies, which might alter cells and their functions.
In contrast, MACS does not require a flow cytometer and can be performed in a short period of
time through relatively simple methodology. It uses magnetic beads that bind specifically to target
cells with mAbs [152]. The dissociated testicular or ovarian cell suspension is incubated with magnetic
nanoparticles that are directly or indirectly conjugated with mAbs against a particular surface antigen.
Once bound to the intended target, beads are subjected to magnetic forces that allow immobilization of
the bound cell type and concurrent separation from other components in the suspension. Additional
washing and elution steps complete the purification cycle, resulting in an enriched preparation of a
specific cell type [152]. This technique can also be used for negative selection to eliminate undesired
cells. Compared with methods requiring FCM, MACS is a simple technique and requires no special
equipment except the magnetic beads and a magnet stand. The technique is effective for large quantities
of cells and more rapid than FCM at collecting a high number of cells [113].
Magnetically-activated cell sorting is commonly used in mammalian germ cell research [153–156],
with several surface markers employed to differentially sort spermatogonia. The c-Kit protein has
been used to separate types of spermatogonia in hamsters, mice, and monkeys [157]; GFRα1 [158],
α6-integrin [159,160], CD9 [161,162], and Thy-1 [153,163,164] have been used to isolate SSCs. Most
of these surface markers have also been applied to sorting fish spermatogonia. Panda et al. [57]
enriched highly pure type A spermatogonia from carp testis using Thy1.2 (CD90.2) antibody from
mouse. The same marker has been employed in channel catfish I. punctatus and blue catfish I. furcatus
spermatogonia [9].
It is believed that cell surface markers should exhibit low species-specificity, but mammalian
antibodies are not always suitable for work with fish spermatogonia. For this reason, Yoshizaki
and colleagues produced cell surface mAbs by inoculating enriched and live type A spermatogonia
from vasa::GFP rainbow trout into mice [75]. Using these antibodies, it was possible to isolate
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 13 of 31
undifferentiated germ cells from vasa::GFP rainbow trout with MACS [75]. The MACS-enriched cells
showed a strong GFP signal and significantly higher transplantability than the unsorted cells, especially
the ovarian cells [76]. However, like in FACS, antibodies bound to the cell surface may inhibit some
cell functions, since cell surface proteins or sugar chains could be masked by the antibodies [77].
In addition, the surface markers/antibodies developed for MACS may not be effective for all species.
It is also lower resolution than FACS, since some antibodies identified by FACS are not recognized by
MACS [147]. Therefore, more studies regarding antibody identification in fish are required.
cells, Shikina and Yoshizaki replaced FBS with soluble factors, such as BSA, adenosine, and salmonid
serum [110]. The new culture extended the duration of type A spermatogonia culture, maintaining
their original morphology and GFP intensity similarly to that in vas::GFP trout spermatogonia, without
overgrowth of somatic cells [110]. In zebrafish, spermatogonia were reported to show effective
propagation for up to three months in medium with 3% FBS [179]. Wong et al. established a female
germline stem cell (FGSC) culture based on a serum-supplemented, proprietary, StemPro-34-based
(Gibco) medium, which contained the original StemPro-34 supplement plus 16 individual compounds
along with basic nutrients, including 1% FBS [122]. The proliferation of FGSCs continued for more
than 6 weeks in vitro with unchanged germ cell markers, and cells generated normal offspring after
transplantation. Multiple germ cell cultures with decreased, or no, FBS for long-term maintenance
have been reported [60,122,134]. Research should focus on development of a well-defined medium
for mixed cell populations that inhibits growth of nontarget cells while stimulating proliferation of
target cells.
embryo extract. The SG3 cell line expressed spermatogonial stem cell genes rather than Sertoli cell
markers. In this culture system, spermatogonial cells proliferated in the absence of feeder cells,
but ceased rapid growth upon depletion of growth factors in the culture medium. The SG3 cell line
was observed to undergo meiosis and spermiogenesis to generate motile spermatozoa in vitro [108].
Similar to a previous study [186], spermatogenesis occurred in suspended aggregated germ cells.
Spermatogenesis was automatically induced by high cell confluence without subculture. It has been
suggested that bFGF may inhibit differentiation or promote self-renewal in medaka [108], indicating
that, although spermatogonia exhibit potential for continuous proliferation, their long-term culturing
depends strongly on culture conditions.
In mammalian cultures, various feeder layers have been tested. The effects of the Sandos
inbred line, mouse embryo-derived, thioguanine-resistant, ouabain resistant cells; mouse embryonic
fibroblasts; and mouse testicular stromal cells on SSC proliferation and maintenance differ between
species [87,187,188]. All these substances interfere with stability of feeder cells and make the culture
process more difficult to control. Mouse SSCs have been successfully cultivated without feeder cells on
a laminin-coated plate in the presence of GDNF [169].
As germ-cell xenotransplantation has been established for rainbow trout [55,189,190], the high
demand for germ stem cells requires an in vitro culture system to propagate and maintain spermatogonia
for long periods before transplant. Using immature rainbow trout, Shikina and Yoshizaki reported
optimized spermatogonium survival and proliferation in type A undifferentiated spermatogonia with
culture in L-15 supplemented with 10% FBS [115]. Spermatogonial proliferation was maintained
for more than one month in vitro by addition of insulin, trout embryonic extract, and bFGF to the
culture medium [115]. However, the overgrowth of testicular somatic cells restricted proliferation of
spermatogonia after one month of culture. The cultured spermatogonia colonized and proliferated
in the recipient gonads following transplantation, although at a lower rate than observed for fresh
disassociated cells [115].
To further suppress the overgrowth of testicular somatic cells and enhance the survival,
proliferation, and transplantability of spermatogonia, Shikina and Yoshizaki replaced FBS with
adenosine and salmonid serum [110]. These conditions enhanced the transplantability of cultured
spermatogonia, indicating that adenosine and salmonid serum were able to stimulate SSC survival
and self-renewal in vitro.
The development of culture media has increasingly been focused on improving germ cell expansion
while maintaining “stemness.” Initial studies expressed uncertainty as to whether germ cells in clumps
grow during in vitro culturing [105,108,110]. Several studies observed spermatogenesis after clump
formation, suggesting that differentiation may have occurred [108,186]. However, SSC proliferation
may also take the form of clumps. In L. rohita, enriched SSCs sorted by MACS with Thy 1+ were capable
of proliferation and remaining undifferentiated for more than 60 days [57]. In this feeder-free culture,
cells proliferated to form colonies with unique morphological compactness features. The induction
of proliferation was not observed in the presence of either mouse or human recombinant GDNF
in the culture medium [57]. In zebrafish, most clumps of spermatogonia were positive for BrdU,
indicating active proliferation [179]. Lacerda [68] showed that Nile tilapia spermatogonia remained
undifferentiated and able to proliferate for at least one month of culture. When purified spermatogonia
were kept at high confluence without subculture, large colonies expressing vasa, sox2, and the gfra1
were generated, without expression of meiotic marker (dmc1). Thus, it could be assumed that clumps
were likely derived from a few aggregated SSCs and expanded during proliferation [68].
Spontaneous germ cell differentiation has been observed, and probably can be attributed to
cell-cell communication [2–4]. Fish embryo stem cells and spermatogonia have been demonstrated
to differentiate in vitro via enhanced cell–cell interactions [191]. Nevertheless, it is possible that,
in contrast to in vivo, the surface properties of the cells may change in vitro and the adhesiveness
reflect specific developmental and/or cell cycle phases.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 16 of 31
In 2012, Kawasaki et al. showed that zebrafish spermatogonia proliferate continually for longer
than one month in a culture medium supplemented with a cocktail of recombinant mammalian
growth factors, including GDNF, IGF-1, and bFGF. The cultured spermatogonia produced functional
spermatozoa after transplantation [179]. In contrast to previous studies in which GDNF showed no
effect on germ cell proliferation [57], in the zebrafish culture, Kawasaki and collaborators showed
that recombinant human GDNF enhanced spermatogonial proliferation [179]. However, compared
to mouse SSC culture, a 5 to 10-fold concentration of GDNF was needed to promote proliferation of
zebrafish spermatogonia [163,192]. In 2013, Wong et al. further studied the role of homologous growth
factors [122] in homogeneous cultures of zebrafish FGSCs. The FGSCs remained undifferentiated
for more than six weeks in vitro and showed high transplantability [122]. The FGSC proliferation
was enhanced when cultured on ovarian-somatic feeder cells (OFCs) engineered to express zebrafish
leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), bFGF, and GDNF in a serum-free culture [122]. These conditions were
also applied to a zebrafish SSC culture [134,175] with the opposite effect observed: the number and
proliferation of spermatogonia decreased, and differentiation was stimulated after three weeks [175].
The OFCs used in this culture were assumed to express Bmp and induce spermatogonium differentiation,
since the expression of Bmp was increased in the latter part of the culture period. When blocking Bmp
signaling with the specific inhibitor dorsomorphin, spermatogonium growth could be prolonged to
6 weeks. Thus, the effect of Bmp was shown to differ in culture of zebrafish male and female germline
stem cells.
In culture of dogfish spermatogonia, GDNF has been shown to induce spermatogonium
proliferation by reducing apoptosis, and cells remained pluripotent and capable of self-renewing for
more than five months [60]. Similarly, recombinant medaka GDNFa/b enhanced the proliferative
activity of SG3 cells, which retained the spermatogonial gene expression pattern and showed alkaline
phosphatase activity [193]. There is also evidence that a high concentration of recombinant human
GDNF and LIF in culture medium was responsible for maintaining spermatogonia of sturgeon
in vitro [194]. Satoh et al. examined the in vitro effects of baculovirus-produced recombinant medaka
LIF proteins on medaka spermatogenesis [195], and found that LIF protein in the culture medium
and in co-culture with LIF-overexpressing medaka testicular somatic cells promoted spermatogonial
proliferation [195]. The influences of physiological and biochemical factors on germ cell culture have
been investigated [196,197]. Kawasaki et al. found high oxygen (20%) concentration to stimulate
spermatogenesis, while heparin contributed to propagation of spermatogonia [196].
In summary, supplementation of culture media with appropriate soluble growth factors is essential
for germ cell survival and proliferation for long-term incubation. However, in co-culture with somatic
cells, germ cells are likely to attach to somatic cells, form clumps, expand in number, and initiate
spermatogenesis. This indicates that germ cell in vitro activity may occur partly through intercellular
junctions and not only through paracrine signals from Sertoli cells. The germ cell attaches to feeder
cells prior to initiating proliferation. Some studies have demonstrated that Sertoli cell-germ cell
and germ cell-germ cell adhesive and gap junctions are involved in Sertoli cell functions to support
germ cell development within the cyst [198,199]. Thus, the role of intercellular junctions on germ cell
development, and whether there is synergism/antagonism between soluble growth factors and the cell
junctions need to be investigated.
The effort
developa testis tissue
a testis culture
tissue system
culture beganbegan
system in the in
the in1960s
mammals [201]. Trowell
in mammals [201].
[202] developed
Trowell an organan
[202] developed culture
organ system, and Steinberger
culture system, et al. [203]
and Steinberger adapted
et al. it to rats.itIttoisrats.
[203] adapted a method
It is a
in whichintissue
method whichfragments are placed
tissue fragments on a on
are placed thin layer
a thin of agarose
layer of agarose covering
covering a aperforated
perforatedmetal metal grid
(Figure 7A).
(Figure 7A).Calf
was added
added to maintain
to maintain the the viability
viability ofseminiferous
of the the seminiferous
[203]. This agarose
This agarose gel organgel organ
culture culture
became became
a reliable a reliable
standard method standard
to studymethod to study in vitro
in vitro spermatogenesis in
spermatogenesis in mammalian species including
mammalian species including rabbits and humans [204–206]. rabbits and humans [204–206].
Tissue Tissue Membrane
gel Float
Figure 7. Organ
Figure 7. Organculture
culture systems.
systems. (A)(A)
TheThe classical
classical agarose
agarose gel model
gel model in mammals
in mammals [203]; (B)[203]; (B) the
the Japanese
eel testis eel testismodel
culture culture model
[207]; (C)[207]; (C) the zebrafish
the zebrafish testis primary
testis primary culture[208]
culture model model[208] (1,tissue;
(1, testis testis
tissue; 2, nitrocellulose membrane; 3, agarose cylinder; 4, medium (1 mL); scale bar:
2, nitrocellulose membrane; 3, agarose cylinder; 4, medium (1 mL); scale bar: 1 cm); (D) Microfluid 1 cm); (D)
Microfluid culture model [209]. (E) Pumpless microfluid
culture model [209]. (E) Pumpless microfluid culture [209]. culture [209].
immature Japanese
Organ culturing for spermatogenesis was reported in immature Japanese eels
eels in
in the
the 1990s
1990s [207].
Similarly, to techniques use in mammals, freshly minced eel testes were placed on floats of elder pith
covered with
witha anitrocellulose membrane
nitrocellulose in tissue
membrane culture
in tissue dishesdishes
culture (Figure(Figure
7B). The basal
7B). The culture
medium consisted of L-15 supplemented with BSA, a cocktail of amino acids, and other substances
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 18 of 31
consisted of L-15 supplemented with BSA, a cocktail of amino acids, and other substances necessary to
maintain cell activity. This culture system has been employed in analyzing effects of several steroid
hormones on eel spermatogenesis, and, with some modifications, in studies of Japanese Huchen Hucho
perryi testes and ovaries [210,211]. In 2009, a zebrafish testes culture system was developed, based on
the Japanese eel model [208]: Following disinfection, testes were placed on a 0.25 cm2 nitrocellulose
membrane in a 750 µm agarose cylinder and kept in 1 mL medium in each of 24-well flat-bottom plates
(Figure 7C). The basal culture medium was composed of L-15 supplemented with HEPES, BSA, retinoic
acid, and antibiotics [208]. The agarose cylinder was prepared using 48-well plates as molds [208].
The zebrafish testis culture model has been widely used to study endocrine and paracrine regulation
of zebrafish spermatogenesis [20,22,89,212].
A Nile tilapia testis culture model similar to the eel system was developed to study sex
differentiation in vitro [213]. A testis tissue culture system has also been established to examine
effects of FSH and LH on gene expression in rainbow trout testis [96,214]. A novel culture system
capable of effectively replicating the microcirculatory system of the mouse body was developed in
2016 [215]. The device consisted of a chamber for tissue and a channel for medium flow. The testis tissue
was separated from the flowing medium by a thin porous membrane. Nutrients and waste products
were exchanged by molecular diffusion as in vivo (Figure 7D). Using this microfluidic culture method,
mouse testis tissue could be maintained six months in vitro and could undergo spermatogenesis [215].
With the addition of appropriate hormones to the culture medium, the system can mimic in vivo
conditions. In 2018, a simpler, user-friendly system [201] using hydrostatic pressure of the medium
in a reserve tank, along with a resistance circuit, was developed to control the flow rate without the
use of a pump. The pumpless device can create culture conditions for testis tissue in a tissue chamber
(Figure 7E). These microfluidic devices have successfully created a novel organ culture system that
differs from the classic agarose gel system and has the potential to revolutionize organ culture.
The current organ culture systems described for fish can also support culture conditions suitable
for ex vivo study of testis function. Organ culture can maintain the integrity of gonadal processes
and, hence, is a powerful tool to evaluate the effects of a wide range of substances involved in fish
spermatogenesis, among them pituitary hormones, steroids, and growth factors, as well as suspected
endocrine disruptors.
Figure 8. Scanning
Scanning electron
electron micrographs
micrographs of skin collagen, swim bladder collagen, and porcine tendon
collagen fibrils
fibrils formed
formed at 21±±1 1°C◦ Cforfor
at21 2424
h. h.
(a–c) bester
(a–c) skinskin
bester withwith
NaCl concentrations
NaCl of 0,of
concentrations 70,0,and
and mM; (d–f)(d–f)
140 mM; bester swim
bester bladder
swim bladder with NaCl
with concentrations
NaCl concentrationsofof0,0,70,
mM; (g–i)
(g–i) porcine
collagen with NaCl concentrations of 0, 70, and 140 mM. Scale Scale bars,
bars, 55 µm
μm [227].
A three-dimensional
three-dimensional cultureculture creates
creates aa complete
complete microenvironment
microenvironment resembling
resembling the
the in
in vivo
conditions. Although
Althoughsuch such systems
systems have
have been
been shown
shown toto successfully
successfully induce spermatogenesis,
conditions differ
conditions differfrom
from those
thosein vivo, andand
in vivo, comparisons may be
comparisons inaccurate.
may Using an
be inaccurate. appropriate
Using scaffold,
an appropriate
3D culture can avoid the ischemia that develops in long-term organ tissue culture and mimic
scaffold, 3D culture can avoid the ischemia that develops in long-term organ tissue culture and mimic the
the of germ
structure cellscells
of germ within the cyst.
within the cyst.
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
This review
This review summarizes
summarizes the the most
most relevant
relevant aspects
aspects of of teleost germ cell
teleost germ cell biology,
biology, including
spermatogonium characterization, and novel techniques for isolation and
spermatogonium characterization, and novel techniques for isolation and culture. Combined culture. Combined with with
procedures as cryopreservation and transplantation, stem germ cell propagation
such procedures as cryopreservation and transplantation, stem germ cell propagation can be a can be a powerful
tool for research,
powerful tool for aquaculture, and conservation
research, aquaculture, of endangered
and conservation species (Figure
of endangered 9).(Figure
species Stem germ cell
9). Stem
germ cellenrichment, and culture conditions
isolation, enrichment, and culture to support theirto
conditions proliferation
support theirwithout differentiation
proliferation will
help to overcome the limitations of low germ cell numbers for cryopreservation
differentiation will help to overcome the limitations of low germ cell numbers for cryopreservation and transplantation
(Figure 9). Germ cell culturing
and transplantation (Figure is9).valuable
Germ forcellstudying
culturingthe is
valuable for underlying
the proliferation,
differentiation of stem cells, meiosis, and stem cell regulation in vitro. Of particular
underlying mitotic proliferation, differentiation of stem cells, meiosis, and stem cell regulation interest is the
potential to combine germ cell culture with gene editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas
vitro. Of particular interest is the potential to combine germ cell culture with gene editing techniques for germ-line
such by cell transplantation,
as CRISPR/Cas nuclear transfer,
for germ-line transmission by celland/or in vitro spermatozoon
transplantation, production
nuclear transfer, and/orforin
artificial insemination. Knowledge in this area has evolved rapidly, and
vitro spermatozoon production for artificial insemination. Knowledge in this area has evolved has revealed novel and
rapidly, and approaches
has revealed to germ
and cell manipulation.
promising approaches to germ stem cell manipulation.
Biomolecules 2020, 10, 644 20 of 31
Biomolecules 2020, 10, x 20 of 31
Characterization of
germ cell populations
In vitro
Gene editing
In vitro expansion of
germ stem cells
Figure 9. Potential
Figure applications
9. Potential of germ
applications cell isolation
of germ and culture.
cell isolation Testes are
and culture. removed
Testes from the from
are removed fish body
the fish
and body
dissociated, providing a cell suspension that can be sorted using fluorescence-activated cell sorting
and dissociated, providing a cell suspension that can be sorted using fluorescence-activated cell
or centrifugation in a density gradient; e.g., in Percoll solution or by magnetic-activated cell sorting.
sorting or centrifugation in a density gradient; e.g., in Percoll solution or by magnetic-activated cell
The purified germ cell suspension can be characterized with respect to molecular characteristics and
sorting. The purified germ cell suspension can be characterized with respect to molecular
morphology. Purified cells may be injected into a recipient to generate germ-line chimera or amplified
characteristics and morphology. Purified cells may be injected into a recipient to generate germ-line
by in vitro culture. Cultured cells can be employed in gene editing or subjected to cryopreservation.
chimera or amplified by in vitro culture. Cultured cells can be employed in gene editing or subjected
to cryopreservation.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.P.; methodology, X.X. and R.N.; writing—original draft preparation,
and R.N.;Contributions:
writing—review Conceptualization,
and editing, M.P. andM.P.; methodology,
R.N.; supervision, X.X. andR.N.;
M.P. and R.N.;project
and R.N.; funding acquisition,
X.X. and M.P. and R.N. and
R.N.; writing—review All authors
andand agreed
R.N.; to the published
supervision, M.P. andversion of
R.N.; project
the manuscript.
administration, M.P. and R.N.; funding acquisition, M.P. and R.N. All authors have read and agreed to the
M.P. version
Funding: and X.X.ofwere financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
the manuscript.
Republic—project CENAKVA (LM2018099) and Biodiversity (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007370); and the Czech
Science M.P. and
Foundation X.X.
(grant were financially
number 20-23836S).supported
R.N. was by the Ministry
supported by Sãoof Education, Youth
Paulo Research and Sports(FAPESP)
Foundation of the Czech
Republic—project CENAKVA (LM2018099) and Biodiversity (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007370); and the Czech
Science Foundation
Acknowledgments: The(grant number
authors would20-23836S). R.N. Beatriz
like to thank was supported
Marques byde
Research Foundation
the technical (FAPESP)
support in
(14/07620-7).analysis of sturgeon gonads, and Dr. Angel Andres Arias Vigoya for the GFRα1 and POU2
the histological
immunodetection in common carp testes. We would like to thank Alan Pike and Kathleen Hills for English
correction. We are alsoThe authors
grateful to would like toreviewers
anonymous thank Ms. forBeatriz
Souza for the technical support in
to improve
the histological
the manuscript. analysis of sturgeon gonads, and Dr. Angel Andres Arias Vigoya for the GFRα1 and POU2
immunodetection in common carp testes. We would like to thank Mr. Alan Pike and Ms. Kathleen Hills for
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in thecorrection.
collection,We are alsoorgrateful
analyses, to anonymous
interpretation of data; reviewers for their
in the writing valuable
of the recommendations
manuscript; to improve
or in the decision to
the manuscript.
publish results.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to
publish results.
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