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Chemistry XI ANNUAL 2022-23[1]

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Class XI (ISC)
CHEMISTRY Paper- I (Theory)
Maximum marks: 70
Time: Three hours
Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start
writing during this time.
This paper is divided into four sections - A, B, Cand D. Answer all questions.
Section A consists of one question having sub parts ofone mark each.
Section B consists of ten questions of two marks each.
Section Cconsists of seven questions of three marks each.
Section D consists of three questions of five marks each.
Internal choices have been provided in one question each in Sections B, C and D.
All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to rest of
the answers.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in [1.
Balanced equations must be given wherever possible and diagrams where they are helpfiul. When
solving numerical problems, all essential working must be shown.
In working out the problems, use the following data:
atm K' mol
Gas constant R = 1.987 cal deg mol' = 8.314 JK' mot' = 0.0821 L
1Latm =l dm atm = 101.3J Avogadro 's number = 6.023 x 10, 1 Faraday = 96500 Coulombs.


Question 1
(A) Fill in the blank by choosing the appropriate word/words from those given
in the bracket: [4 x 1]

[Inert pair effect, acid, bond pair, base, lone pair, activating, deactivating, 1,
2, 2.5, paramagnetic, unstable core, diamagnetic, lonic bonding,
vacant d-orbital]
(i) Nucleophiles are Lewis and possess of electrons.

(ii) Ortho and Para directing substituents are substituents whereas

meta directing substituents are substituents.

(iii) The bond order of O, ion is and the ion is in


(iv) Variable electrovalency of Lead is due to whereas that of Iron is

due to

M-4 This paper consists of Eight printed pages. Turn over

(B) Complete the following by selecting the correct alternative from the choices
given: [4x1]
i) Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible?
(a) n= 1, /=0, m=0, s=+ 2
1 1
(b) n=3, l=3, m= t;s=-;
2 2

(c) n=3, l=2, m=0, s=:12

(d) n=3, l=2, m=1, s=

(i) Acovalent molecule has AB, formula and pyramidal structure. The
number of lone pair and bond pair of electrons present in it are respectively:
(a) 3 and (b) 1and 3
(c) 2 and 2 (d) Oand 4

(iii) When Ethyne is treated with dil. H,SO4in presence of HgSO4 at 348 K, the
product is:
(a) Propanol (b) Propanal
(c) Propanone (d) Ethanal

(iv) The symbol for the element Unnilennium is:

(a) Unn (b) Uuu
(c) Unl (d) Une

(C) Match the following: [4x1]

(i) Lactic Acid (1)|Actinoids

(ii) Aromaticity (2)| SF%
(111) Octahedral (3)| Huckel's rule
(iv) Inner transition series (4) Optical Isomerism

M-4 (2)
(D) Assertion and Reason [2x1]
() Assertion: Atequilibrium the concentration of reactants and products become
Reason: At equilibrium, the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to
rate of backward reaction.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true.

(i) Assertion: Alkynes are less reactive than alkenes towards electrophilic reagents.
Reason: The bond energy ofC= C bond is higher than that ofC=Cbond.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(C) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true.


Question 2 (21
1.325g of anhydrous Sodium carbonate are dissolved and volume of so lution is made
250 mL by adding water. 20 mL ofH,SO4 neutralises 25 mL of Sodium carbonate
solution. What is the normality andstrength of H,SO4 ingram/litre?

Question 3 [2]
The mass of an electron is 9.I x10 - kg. If its kinetic energy is 3.0x10°J, calculate
its wavelength.

M -4 (3) Turn over

Question 4 [21
Find the oxidation number of theunderlined species:
i) HP0,
(i) H,O;

Question5 (2]
() Find the conjugate acid and base of HP04.

(ii) Forthereaction, SO2 (g) +0; SO: (g),

if K, = Ke(RT)", where the symbols have usual meanings, then find the
value ofn.

Question 6 (2]
) What type of isomerism is shown by the following pair of compounds?
(a) But-1-ene and But-2-ene
(b) Propanal and Propanone.

(ii) What is Markovnikov's rule? Give an example also.

Question 7 [21
Give the IUPAC name of each of the following compounds:
(i) CH2= CH -CH-C=CH

(ii) CH, CH = C - CH CHO

Question 8
Give a reason for each of the following:
(1) Chloroacetic acid is more stronger than acetic acid.
(ii) Benzene although an unsaturated compound prefers to undergo
substitution reaction.

M-4 (4)
Question 9 [2]
Balance the given equation in acidic medium by ion electron method:

MnO4 + C,0, + H* ’ Mn + CO, + H,0

Question 10 (2]
The solubility product of PbCl, at 298 K is 1.7 x 10.Calculate the solubility of
PbCI, in g/L at 298 K.

Question 11 [2]
Explain the following:
(i) Ice floats on water

(iü) Alkanes are known as Paraffins.

Question 12 [3]
1.01 g ofan organic compound on Kjeldahl analysis required 11.6 mL of IN HCI. In
Carius method 0.2066 g of the substance gave 0.5544 g of BaSO4.Find the
percentage of Nitrogen and Sulphur in the compound. [Atomic Weight of Ba = 137,
S= 32,O= 16, N = 14]

Question 13 [3]
1.52 g of ametal hydroxide on ignition gave 0.995 g of its oxide. Find the
equivalent weight of the metal.
(i) State Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle.

Question 14 [3]
Anelement has 2K, 8L, 3M electrons. Predict its period, block and group.

M -4 (5) Turn over

Question 15 (3|
(i) Define Ostwald's dilution law.

(ii) Calculate pH of a0.01 M NaOH solution.

Question 16 (3)
Identify [AJ, (B]&(C] in the following series of reactions:

NaOH + CaO CI,

’ (B]
CI, Sunlight

Question 17 3|
(i) (a) 10 mL of SO, diffused through a porous plug in 18 seconds. In what time will
10mL of Heliumdiffuse through the same porous plug at the same
temperature? (Atomic weight ofS = 32,O=16)

(b) Give the vander waal's equation of real gases for Imole ofa gas.


(i) (a) A weather balloon has a volume of 175 L when filled with Hydrogen at a
pressure of 1.000atm. Calculate the volume of the balloon when it rises to a
height of 2000 m, where the atmospheric pressure is 0.8000 atm. Assume
that the temperature is constant.

(b) What is compressibility factor? What is its value for an ideal gas?
Question 18 [3)
Give a reason for each of the following:
(i) CCl4 is not hydrolysed by water but SiCl, is easily hydrolysed.
(ii) Boron trihalides acts as Lewis acids.

(iii) CO, is a gas but SiO, is a solid with very high melting point.

M -4 (6)
Question19 (5]
(i) Define Hess's Law.

(i) State Le Chatelier's Principle. Explain the effect of change of pressure and
temperature on the following reaction:
N, (g) + 3H, (g) 5 2NH; (g) AH =- 92.4 kJ

(i) The Molar heat of combustion of C,H; (g), Cgrup hite,and H; (g) are -3 10.62 kcal,
-94.05kcal and -68.32 kcal respectively. Calculate the standard heat of formation
of CzH(g).

Question 20 (5]
Give an example of disproportionation reaction.
(ii) Balance the following redox reaction in basic medium by Oxidation number
Cr(OH): + IO; ’ CrO.+1
(ii) Balance the following redox reaction in acidic medium by lon electron
Cry0, + SO, Cr + So,

Question 21
) (a) How will the following be converted (Give chemical equations):
(1) Methane to Chloroform
(2) Benzene to Glyoxal
(3) Ethene to Ethyne.

(6) Arrange the following in the increasing order of stability and state the
reason for the same:

CH, - CH, CH,C CH, - CH

M-4 (7) Turn over


(ii) (a) Give onechemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of
(1) Ethane and Ethene
(2) Ethene and Ethyne.

(b) Pick out the electrophiles and justify your answer:

BF, NH,, H,0, NO,

(c) Write the chemical equation for the following name reactions:
(1) Wurtz reaction
(2) Friedel Craft alkylation reaction.

M-4 (8)

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