(2) To provide programs that equip local businesses and the communities to
address and prevent human trafficking in their areas.
(3) To provide a Women’s Drop-in Center for female victims of domestic
violence, sex crimes including human trafficking; to get help with basic needs,
such as finding local resources, and providing a supportive environment for
people to heal from traumatic experiences.
Pivot to Peace
For more information or to refer a client, contact:
Deborah Barnes-Byers at 502.589.6510
email: [email protected]
Peace Education Program’s Pivot to Peace is a program for
survivors of stabbings and gunshot injuries, as well as those living at a high
risk of violence. Pivot to Peace is an opportunity to be supported
post-injury, develop plans to stay safe and address the factors that may
have put individuals at risk for violence.
Who is eligible to participate?
• Jefferson County residents injured by gunshot or stabbing.
• Anyone living with a high risk of violence
1-800-585-2686 (24/7/365) [email protected]
We are the only certified domestic violence program in the
Purchase Area Development District serving Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton,
Graves, Hickman, Marshall, and McCracken counties.
Our campus includes a 36-bed emergency shelter, a central
administration/counseling and dining area, and outreach and counseling services
buildings. We have been privileged to serve Paducah and the surrounding
counties for more than forty years.
Hoosier Hills PACT DV Shelter: 812-883-1959/Salem, IN/812-723-2621
Center for Women & Families New Albany: 4919 Charlestown Rd/812-944-6743
St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities: 812-949-7305/702 E Market St. 8-4 M-F intakes
Pregnant women and women with children under 5
Not just single woman and just 1 kid under 5