The document is a diagnostic report from Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Cancer Centre for patient Neelam Srivastava, a 53-year-old female out-patient. The report includes a complete blood count with several parameters indicating low hemoglobin and abnormal white blood cell counts, suggesting possible hematological issues. The report was finalized on 16/10/2024 and was electronically verified by Dr. Himani Rai, Consultant Pathologist.
The document is a diagnostic report from Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Cancer Centre for patient Neelam Srivastava, a 53-year-old female out-patient. The report includes a complete blood count with several parameters indicating low hemoglobin and abnormal white blood cell counts, suggesting possible hematological issues. The report was finalized on 16/10/2024 and was electronically verified by Dr. Himani Rai, Consultant Pathologist.
The document is a diagnostic report from Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Cancer Centre for patient Neelam Srivastava, a 53-year-old female out-patient. The report includes a complete blood count with several parameters indicating low hemoglobin and abnormal white blood cell counts, suggesting possible hematological issues. The report was finalized on 16/10/2024 and was electronically verified by Dr. Himani Rai, Consultant Pathologist.
The document is a diagnostic report from Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Cancer Centre for patient Neelam Srivastava, a 53-year-old female out-patient. The report includes a complete blood count with several parameters indicating low hemoglobin and abnormal white blood cell counts, suggesting possible hematological issues. The report was finalized on 16/10/2024 and was electronically verified by Dr. Himani Rai, Consultant Pathologist.
Sundar Bagiya, Near Nariya Gate, Banaras Hindu University Campus, Varanasi (U.P.) - 221005 India Tel : 0542-2225022 E - mail : [email protected] Website : DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES - HAEMATOPATHOLOGY LABORATORY Case No. 18F2024/002392 Requisition No. UZZ/HL/24/641857 Req Date 02/10/2024 :Path No VP243406775 Name NEELAM SRIVASTAVA Sex / Age F/ 53 Years Category/Status C/ Out Patient - - DMG : DMG - THORACIC Provisional Diagnosis SURGICAL ONCOLOGIST Nature of Material : EDTA Blood Sample FINAL AUTOMATED COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT REPORT Report Date : 16/10/2024 INVESTIGATION LOW NORMAL HIGH UNITS Reference Ranges HAEMOGLOBIN 10.20 g/dL 12.0-15.0 RBC COUNT 3.18 x 10e12/L 3.8-4.8 HAEMATOCRIT 32.90 % 36-46 MCV 103.50 fL 83-101 MCH 32.10 pg 27-32 MCHC 31.00 g/dL 31.5-34.5 RDW 17.80 %CV 11.6-14.0 HDW 3.33 g/dL 2.2-3.2 PLATELETS 169.00 x 10e9/L 150-410 MPV 12.10 fL 7.5-10.5 PDW 65.10 % 25-65 PCT 0.21 % 0.12-0.36 WBC COUNT 5.33 x 10e9/L 4.0-10.0 NEUTROPHIL % 53.50 % 40.0-80.0 LYMPHOCYTE % 24.00 % 20.0-40.0 MONOCYTE % 15.40 % 2.0-10.0 EOSINOPHIL % 0.60 % 1.0-6.0 BASOPHIL % 0.60 % 1.0-2.0 LARGE UNSTAINED CELLS % (LUC) 5.90 % 0-4 NRBCS % (NUCLEATED RBCS) 0 NRBCS/100 0.0-2.0 NEUTROPHIL ABS (ANC) 2.85 x 10e9/L 2.0-7.0 LYMPHOCYTE ABS 1.28 x 10e9/L 1.0-3.0 MONOCYTE ABS 0.82 x 10e9/L 0.2-1.0 EOSINOPHIL ABS 0.03 x 10e9/L 0.02-0.5 BASOPHIL ABS 0.03 x 10e9/L 0.02-0.1 LARGE UNSTAINED CELLS (LUC) ABS 0.31 x 10e9/L 0.0-0.4 "Sample analyzed on ADVIA 2120(1) Methodology for WBC {TC & Diferential (Baso & Peroxidase)}, RBC, Platelet is Flowcytometry, Hemoglobin is Spectrophotometry, MCV, RDW & MPV, PDW is Derived, other parameters are calculated." Req Dt/Tm: : 02/10/2024 / 12:58:39PM RBC : Anisocytosis:+ Macrocytosis:+++ Hypochromia:+++ Coll.Dt.Tm: :16/10/2024 / 9:46:34AM WBC : Atypical Lymphocyte:+ Suspected Immature Cells:+ Recd.Dt/Tm: : 16/10/2024 / 12:24:06PM PLATELET : Large Platelets:+ Commit Dt.Tm: : 16/10/2024 / 1:51:21PM
SWATI APURVA Consultant Pathologist FINAL AUTOMATED COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT REPORT Committed By Manually verified values will be sent as a separate report. "The report relates only to the sample submitted." "All Samples/Slides/Blocks submitted for evaluation will be retained by the Hospital under normal circumstances." This report has been electronically verified and authorized for release.