2. Methods of Estimating National Income
2. Methods of Estimating National Income
2. Methods of Estimating National Income
1. Product Flow: - It is also called output flow or real flow. It refers to flow of factor services and flow of
goods and services. That is, it consists of:
a. Factor flow, i.e., flow of factor services.
b. Product flow, i.e., flow of goods and services.
2. Income Flow: - It is also called money flow. In a monetised economy, the flow of factor services
generates money flows in the form of factor payments which take the form of income flow. The
expenditure on goods and services take the form of expenditure flow. Both income and expenditure
flows move in a circular manner in an opposite direction. Money flows from hand to hand in much the
same way as water flows through a pipe or electricity through a circuit.
Significance of Circular Flow
(a) Knowledge of Interdependence: - Circular flow models help to understand interdependence between
different sectors of the economy. For example, it tells the interdependence between producers and
(b) Size of National Income: - The magnitude of circular flow determines the size of national income. More
the magnitude, more is the national income and vice versa.
(c) Level of Economic Activity: - Circular flow, through its information on various macro variables, tells us
about the level of economic activities in an economy.
(d) Injections and leakages: - Circular flow gives us information on injections like investment, government
spending, exports and leakages like saving, tax and imports.
Phases of Circular Flow
Production phase leads to production of goods and services in an economy. Income or distribution phase leads
to generation of factor income, i.e., rent + wages + interest + profit. Expenditure or disposition phase relates to
spending of income in terms of consumption of goods and services and investment expenditure. This
expenditure leads to further production or flow of goods and services. The three processes go on simultaneously.
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Q2. using the income method calculate: (a) Domestic Income, (b) National Income.
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we obtain gross value added at MP. If the value of consumption of fixed capital (depreciation)
is deducted from Gross Value added at MP, we get Net Value Added at MP
Net Value Added at MP = Gross value added at market price – Consumption of fixed capital
3. Net Value Added at Market Price: - An enterprise uses raw materials and factors and produces
commodities. The value of these commodities is the Gross Value of output at market price. If
the value of intermediate output is deducted from the gross value of output at market price,
we obtain gross value added at MP. If the value of consumption of fixed capital (depreciation)
is deducted from Gross Value added at MP, we get Net Value Added at MP.
Net Value Added at MP = Gross value added at market price – Consumption of fixed capital
Value added at factor cost
i. Gross Value Added at Factor Cost: - If net indirect taxes are deducted from gross value added
at market price, then gross value added at factor cost is obtained.
Gross Value Added at Factor Cost = Gross value added at market price (or Gross Domestic
Product at Factor Cost)
ii. Net Value Added at Factor Cost: -From the net value added at MP deduct net indirect taxes,
we get net value added at factor cost.
Net Value Added at FC = Net value added at market price – Net indirect taxes
d) Difference between Value of Output, Value Added and Income Generated
The point of distinction between value of output and value added is the value of intermediate goods
and services. Value of output includes it and value added excludes it.
1. Gross Value Added at Market Price = Value of output – Intermediate consumption
2. If value of output is taken in the computation of national income, it would lead to the problem
of double counting.
Meaning and Composition of NI by Value Added Method
Product method or Value-Added method is also called Industrial Origin method or Net Output method. Value
Added method is defined as that method which measures the national income by estimating the contribution
of each producing enterprise to production in the domestic territory of the country in an accounting year.
National Income = Sum total of net value added at factor cost across all producing units of an economy
NI by Value Added = 1. Gross value added by Primary Sector within the domestic territory
+ 2. Gross value added by Secondary Sector within the domestic territory
+ 3. Gross value added by Tertiary Sector within the domestic territory
– 4. Depreciation
– 5. Net Indirect Taxes
+ 6. Net Factor Income from Abroad
Steps Involved in Calculating NI by Value Added Method
Step 1. Identification and Classification of Producing Enterprises
As in income method, producing enterprises are classified into three heads:
1. Primary sector
2. Secondary or manufacturing sector
3. Tertiary or service sector.
Step 2. Estimation of Gross Value Added
Value added is the market value of only final goods and services. Value of output is excess of value
added over and above the value of intermediate consumption.
Gross value added (GVA) = Value of output – Intermediate consumption
= [Sales + Change in stock] – Intermediate consumption
If intermediate consumption is not subtracted from the value of output, it would lead to the problem
of double counting.
Step 3. Estimation of National Income
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Expenditure Method
Meaning and Composition of NI by Expenditure Method
The expenditure method of measuring National Income is also called Income Disposal method or Consumption
and Investment method. Expenditure method is a method which measures the final expenditure on gross
domestic product at market price during an accounting year. This total final expenditure is equal to the gross
domestic product at market price.
According to expenditure method, GDPMP is the aggregate of all the final expenditure in an economy during a
year, i.e.,
𝑌 = 𝐶 + 𝐼 + 𝐺 + (𝑋 – 𝑀)
Y = National Income
C = Private Final Consumption Expenditure
I = Final Investment Expenditure or Capital Formation
G = Government Final Consumption Expenditure
X – M = Net exports (X stands for exports and M stands for imports).
According to the expenditure method, composition of GDPMP is as follows:
1) Private final consumption expenditure
2) Government final consumption expenditure
3) Government fixed investment
4) Business fixed investment
5) Investment on residential construction
6) Inventory Investment or Change in Stock (i.e., Closing stock – Opening stock)
7) Net Exports (Exports – Imports).
GDPMP by expenditure method = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
Steps Involved in Calculating NI by Expenditure Method
1) Identification of Economic Units Incurring Final Expenditure
There are four categories of economic units which incur final expenditure within the domestic territory
of a country. They are:
1. Household Sector
2. Production Sector
3. Government Sector
4. Rest of the World Sector.
2) Classification of Final Expenditure
The final expenditure is classified into the following three kinds:
1. Final Consumption Expenditure:
i. Private Final Consumption Expenditure.
ii. Government Final Consumption Expenditure.
2. Gross Domestic Capital Formation:
i. Gross Domestic Fixed Investment or Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation.
ii. Inventory Investment or Change in Stock.
3. Net Exports.
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Q2. Gross Domestic Capital Formation: - It includes expenditure on the purchase of final goods by
the producers. The investment expenditure is of two kinds:
i. Gross Domestic Fixed Investment or Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation: - It
refers to expenditure on purchasing fixed assets (like machinery) by producers. Fixed
Investment is of three kinds:
a. Business Fixed Investment.
b. Government Fixed Investment.
c. Investment on Residential construction by Households: To measure the
expenditure on construction, the volume of material inputs like steel,
cement, bricks and labour is multiplied by the price paid by the builders. This
is called commodity flow approach.
ii. Inventory Investment: - The expenditure on change in stock is measured by
multiplying the volume of physical change in stock with the market prices of the stock.
The change in stock is estimated by subtracting opening stock from closing stock, i.e.,
Change in Stock = Closing Stock – Opening Stock
Note. Increase in stock with consumer are not included, as all consumer goods are treated as
consumed the moment the consumer acquires them.
Q3. Net Exports: - Net exports is the difference between exports and imports of a country during
the period of one year. It can be positive or negative. It is a part of domestic product.
Net Export = Exports – Imports
i. Exports: - They are defined as goods (like jute, tea, etc.) and non-factor services (like
insurance, shipping, banking, etc.) sold by one country to the other. These are
included in our domestic product.
ii. Imports: - They are defined as purchase of goods and non-factor services from rest
of the world. These are not included in our domestic product.
Net Foreign Investment = Net Exports + NFIA
= (Export – Import) + NFIA.
3) Estimation of NI by Expenditure Method
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Q4. using expenditure method calculate: (a) NNPMP, (b) NDPMP, (c)Net Domestic Income, and (d) NI.
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Q5. Calculate (a) Gross Domestic Product at market price and (b) Net National Product at factor
cost from the following data:
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Q6. Calculate (a) Gross National Product at market price and (b) Net National Product at factor
cost from the following data:
Q7. Find out (a) Gross Domestic Product at market price and (b) Net National Product at factor
cost from the following data:
Q9. If domestic factor income is ₹1,000 crores and net factor income from abroad is ₹ (–)5 crores,
how much will be the national income?
Q10. Find Operating Surplus from the following data:
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Q11. Calculate Gross Value Added at factor cost from the following data:
Q16. Estimate (a) Gross value added or GDPMP by primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, (b)
National income (NNPFC).
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Q17. On the basis of the following information calculate: (a) Net value added at factor cost, (b)
Gross domestic product at market price.
Q19. From the national accounts for the year 1990 at current prices we have the following
information. Compute the value of (a)NNP at MP (b) GNP at MP (c)GNP at FC (d)NDP at FC.
Q20. The figures given below pertain to 1994–95. Compute (a) Depreciation, (b)Net factor income
from abroad, (c) Subsidies, (d) NDP at factor cost.
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Q22. From the following data, calculate Net Indirect Taxes and NDPFC:
Q23. In a hypothetical economy, only the following transactions take place. Firm A sells all of its
product worth ₹4,000 crores to firm B. Firm B sells its entire output for ₹8,000 crores to firm C.
Firm C sells his goods for final demand at ₹14,000 crores, (a) Calculate value added by each firm.
(b) An Indirect tax of 20% is levied on A’s product. The burden of this tax is shifted on to the
consumers. Determine the market price of the goods. (c) A subsidy of ₹50 crores is given to B.
As a result, it reduced the price of its output. Determine the market price of the output of the
three firms again.
Q24. Calculate the values of GNPMP and GNPFC.
Q25. Calculate gross value added at factor cost from the following:
Q26. From the following given data determine the values of (a) GDPMP (b)GNPFC (c)NNPMP (d)NNPFC.
Q27. From the data given below find out the Net Value Added at factor cost:
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Q28. Calculate (I) National Income with the help of Income Method, (ii) GDP at Factor Cost from
the data using Expenditure Method.
Q29. From the data given below calculate (I) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price by Income
Method, (ii) NI by Expenditure Method.
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Q31. Calculate Gross Domestic Product at Market Price from the data:
Q32. Calculate (I) GDP at MP by Income Method and (ii) NNP at FC by Expenditure Method.
Q33. Calculate (I) GDP at MP by Income Method and (ii) NNP at FC by Expenditure Method A sells
his goods to B for ₹800 and for private final consumption for ₹400. B sells his goods for ₹.1000
to C. C sells his goods to private final consumption for ₹1,150. Find out Gross Value Added at
Market Price.
Q34. Calculate GDPMP and GNPMP by income method.
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Q37. Calculate the Total Value of Production both at Current and Constant Prices.
Q38. Find the Value of Output and GVA at MP from the following data.
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Q39. Given the following transactions, calculate the National Product. Firm X sells goods worth ₹
600 to Firm Y and goods worth ₹ 400 to firm Z. Firm Y sells finished goods worth ₹ 250 for final
consumption and goods of ₹500 to firm Z. Firm Z sells its product for ₹ 2,800 to households.
Q40. Industry A sells its entire output of ` 500 crores to Industry B. B adds a value of ₹100 crores to
it and sells half of its output to industry C and the rest of it to private consumers. C adds the
same value as B to its intermediate inputs and sells it for final consumption. Determine Gross
Value Added by each industry.
Q41. For the given economy, calculate (I) GNP at MP, (ii) NNP at MP, (iii) GDP at MP, (iv) NDP at
MP, (v) GNP at FC, (vi) NNP at FC, (vii) GDP at FC, (viii) NDP at FC. Industry A imports goods for
₹200 and sells to B for ₹500, and to C for ₹300 and for final consumption goods worth ₹1,200.
Industry B sells goods for ₹300 to C and for ₹2,000 to households. C sells goods for ₹3,000 to
consumers and export goods worth ₹1,000. Depreciation amounts to ₹50 and indirect taxes add
upto ₹75, Subsidies are worth ₹75.
Q42. There exist four industries in an economy such that the value of output of each is the same.
Intermediate consumption expenditure of the four industries are ₹ 500, 1,000, 2,000, 2,500 in
crores. If the total value of output in the economy is ₹ 30,000 crores, calculate the Value Added
by each industry and the National Product.
Q43. Firm A sells its output to firm B for ₹500 crores. Firm B sells its product to firm C for ₹800
crores. Firm C sells all of its output to private consumption for ₹1,200 crores. (I) What is the
value of National Product and the value added by each industry? (ii) If A’s imports amount to
₹50 crores, what will be the value of National Product? (iii) If firm A imports goods for ₹100
crores and firm C exports goods for ₹200 crores, find the value of National Product.
Q44. Find out (i) NDP at Factor Cost by Expenditure Method and (ii) GDP at Market Price by Income
Method from the data given below:
Q46. Calculate National Income by Income Method from the given data:
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Q49. Calculate GDP at Market Price by the (i) Income and (ii) Expenditure Methods from the
following data:
Q50. From the data given below calculate National Income by (i) Income Method, (ii)Expenditure
Method and (iii) GNPFC.
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Q52. With the help of the information given below estimate GNP at MP:
Q53. NDP at market price is ₹2,400 crores, the capital stock of the country is worth ₹400 crores and
depreciation is 10% per annum. Indirect taxes amount to ₹120 crores and subsidies equal to
₹20 crores. Factor income from the rest of the world is ₹400 crores and to the rest of the world
is ₹600 crores. Calculate Gross National Product at Factor Cost
Q54. From the information given below calculate (i) GDP at FC and (ii) National Income:
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Q56. Calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure Method from the following data:
Q57. Find Net Domestic Product at Market Price from the following data:
Q58. From the following data calculate Gross National Product at Factor Cost:
Q59. Calculate Net Value Added at Market Price from the following data:
Q60. Calculate (i) GNP at MP by Expenditure Method and (ii) GDP at MP by Income Method:
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Q61. Find out Net Value Added at Factor Cost by an enterprise on the basis of following data:
Q62. From the given data for a firm find out Net Value Added at Factor Cost:
Q63. Calculate: (i) Gross Value Added at Factor Cost, (ii) Value of Gross Product, (iii) Value of Net
Product at Market Price, (iv) Net Value Added at Factor Cost:
Q64. Gross national product at market price is ₹ 2,000 crores and the capital stock are worth ₹4,000
crores. The capital stock depreciates at 12.5% per annum. Factor income from abroad is ₹400
crores and to abroad is ₹600 crores. Indirect taxes amount to ₹200crores and subsidies are ₹30
crores. Find out:
a. NDP at MP
b. NDP at FC
Q65. Use expenditure method to calculate Net National Product
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Q66. Find out Gross Domestic Product at Market Price according to both Income Method and
Expenditure Method. Show that the result shown by both the methods is the same:
Q68. From the data given below, calculate: (i) National Income with the help of Income Method
and (ii) Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost with the help of Expenditure Method:
Q69. From the data given below, calculate (i) Gross National Product at Market Price by Expenditure
Method and (ii) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price by Income Method
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Q70. From the following data calculate (i) Gross National Product at factor cost and (ii) Net National
Disposable Income:
Q71. From the following data, calculate “national income” by (a) income method and (b)
expenditure method:
Q72. From the following data, calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure method:
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Q73. There are only two producing sectors A and B in an economy. Calculate (a) Gross value added
at market price by each sector, (b) National income.
Q75. Calculate Gross National Product at Market Price and Net National Disposable Income:
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Q76. Calculate Gross National Product at Market Price and Net National Disposable Income:
Q78. Calculate (a) Gross domestic product at market price and (b) Factor income from abroad from
the following data:
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Q79. Calculate National Income and Gross National Disposable Income from the following:
Q80. Calculate Net National Product at Market Price and Gross National Disposable Income:
Q81. Calculate (a) ‘Gross National Product at Market Price’ and (b) ‘Personal Disposable Income’
from the following:
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Q82. Calculate (a) ‘Net National Product at Market Price’ and (b) ‘Private Income’ from the
Q83. Calculate (a) ‘Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost’ and (b) ‘Private Income’ from the
Q84. Calculate National Income and Personal Disposable Income from the following:
Q85. Find out (a) national income and (b) net national disposable income:
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Q86. Find out (a) Gross National Product at Market Price and (b) Net Current Transfers to Abroad:
Q87. Find out (a) Net National Product at Market Price and (b) Gross National Disposable Income:
Q88. Find out (a) Net National Product at Market Price and (b) Gross National Disposable Income:
Q89. Find out (a) Gross National Product at Market Price and (b) Net Current Transfers from
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Q90. Find out (a) Net National Product at Market Price and (b) Gross National Disposable Income
from the following:
Q91. Find out (a) National Income and (b) Net National Disposable Income:
Q92. Find out (a) Gross National Product at Market Price and (b) Net Current Transfers from
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Q93. Find out (a) National Income and (b) Net National Disposable Income:
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