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|English Version]

. Answer any five questions:
) What isopportunity cost? Find out thc opportunity cost of a
poliy to reduce global warming.
(b) Explain two main causes of markct failure giving an cxample of
cach. ( Explain what is mcant by a good being "cxcludable" and
"Tival in consumption". Is a pizzaexcludable and/or rival in consump
tion? (d) Explain the signs of cross price clasticity of demand for
substitute and complcmentary goods. (c) "The tax burden collccted
in the form of revenue by the Government coustitutes a net loss to
4 CUEoonomics (Hons ) Qucs. Papers (Part-I& l-201
the socicty".Truc, falseor uncertain? Explain. (0) Suppose the
ronment dcteriorates duc to incrcaing pollution. What arethe cvi.
cies available to correct this problen? Which onc do you prcfcr) cthe poli,
Over the past 20 years. technological advanccs have rcduccd i
cOst of computer chips. How do you think this aficcted the
prcfer? (g
computcrs? For computer soflwarc? For typewritcrs? market t
(h) Are the cxtcrnilities
associatod with public goods gencrall 2+1+|
positive or negative? Use cxamples to illustrate your
Group- B
Answer any five qucstions
2. Imagine a socicty that
consumer good 'butter. (a) Draw produces a military good 'guns and a
guns and butter. Using the concept aproduction possibility
of frontier for
shape. (b) Show a point that is
in1possible opportunity
for the
cost, explain its
Show apoint that is feasible but cconomy to achicve.
has two political parties called theinefficient. Imagine that the socict
and the Doves (who want a Hawks (who want astrong nilitary)
production possibility fronticr smaller military). Show a point on your
point the Dovcs miglht choose.that(d)the Hawks might choose
country roduccs the size of its
As a
that a ncighbouring
and Doves reduce their result, both the Hawks
anount. Which party would gct theproduction of guns by thc same
by the incrcase in butter biggcr `pcace dividcnd' mcasured
production? Explain.
Arethe lollowing statcments 2+1+1+2
Two countries can achicve gains true or falsc? Justify your answer.
countries has an absolute from trade cven if one of the
(by lf trade is good for advantage in the production of all
cOuntry country. il must be good for everyonegoods. in the
Consider the market for cpgs. For cach of thec 3+)
bclow. identitfy which of the cvents listcd
affected. Also indicate whether determinants of supply or demand are
supply demand increascs
decreases in cach case. (a) The price
medical study indicates that eating eggsof isfood for hens falls. (b) A
The numbes of
egg-producing farms hazardous to health.2+2+2(C)
5, (aYA person always spends oneincreases.
Whal is his income clasticity of third of hisincome on clothing
the midpoint of the lincar demand?
demand curve (byfínd out the clasticity al
q=a-bp(a.b>0). 2+4
First Papcr- 2012
6 (a )Whcn aretaxcs on buycrs and taxcs onscllers cquivalent?
fhe Governmcnt imposesa Rs.25,000 (axon lUxury cars. willthe
orice paid by consumers risc by more than Rs.25.000. lcss that RS.
25,.000 or cxactly Rs. 25,0007 Explain.
7. ( Supposethat tlhe markct for tyres is dcscribcd by the following
Jemand and supply cqations. Q" =70)P. Q =-500+ 15P,Equilibrin
Drice =Rs. 75, .Equilibrium quantity =625. Now suppose that a tlax of
Rs.5 is placcd on buycrs oftycrs. so that the new demand cquation is
OP= 700-P+5). Calculate the price received by scllers; the price paid
by buyers and the dcadwcight loss.
8. Consider the following total utility schedule:
Quantitics Consumcd0 1 23456|7 8

813| 17 20 |22|23 23|22 20

Total Utility
MUschedule from
(a) Drawa total utility schedule and derive the
curve from the
it.(b) Ifthe MUof monev(2 ) is 0.5. plot the demand
MUschedule. (c) Find thecquilibrium quantity demanded ifthe
ofthecommodity is Rs.4 per unit.
is considering a fireworks
9. Consider a thrce-person city that proposcd fireworks displav.
display. A is willing to plav Rs. 100 for the respcctively. The
while Band C are willing to pay Rs.30 and Rs.20any single citizen
cost of the fireworks display is Rs. 120.own?(a) Will
provide or the displav on his or her (b) If the cost of the
fireworks display is dividcd cqually among thecitizcns, willa majority
transaction that
Vote in favour of the display? Explain.(c) Describe a 2+2+2
would bencfit allthrcc citizens.
(Macroccomomic Principle)
FullMarks - 50


ACE afE 444 AG3e2 4¢ B 4JI200 2007a(A A

V14 A 7GA Re. 1. Rs.2 qR Rs.3
4BSA Aq4PCA Rs.2. Rs.3
Econ. IloI, (ad-lN3
8 C.U, Econonnics (Hons. )Ques. Papers (Part-I & II)-2012
|English Version]
Answer any five qucstions : 4x5
1. Let thèconsumcrs in acountry have afixed basket of goods
containing 4 unitsof commodity Aand 2 units of commodity B. The
prices of Aare Rs.1, Rs.2 and Rs.3 in 2005, 2006 and 2007 respctivey
The per unit prices of Bare Rs.2, Rs.3 and Rs.4 respectivcly for the
samcyears. (i) Considering 2005 as the base year, coHnpute thcCPI in
cach year. (iì) Using CPI, determine the inflation rate over the ycars.
2 (a)Suppose GDP is Rs.5,000. Domestic residents reccive fact
payments from abroad of Rs.150. Foreigncrs reccive Rs.90 as factor
payments from this country. What is the value of GNP.
(b) If women work more hours in paid jobs and fewer hours in
unpaid houschold work, how will the GDP be affccted? Explain. 2+2
3. Calculate the national income and the personal disposable
income from the following information
in Rs. Crore
GDP at markct price =60X00
Net Factor income from abroad =-75
Depreciation =800
Indirec taxes =700
Corporate profits =1.200
Dividend =600
Transfar payments to persons =1,300
Personal taxes -1,500 2+2
4. IfC= 500 +0.75 Y, find Swhen Y=2,000. Whendue to floods.
Y falls to 1.600, how are C and S affected? 2+2
5. Along the consumptionfunction income changes more than
consumption'- What docs this imply for MPC and MPS? 4
6. Consider an economy with two labour arkets onc for
manufacturing workers and one for service workers. Supposc initially'
that ncither is unionzcd. (i) If manufacturing workers form a union.
what impact on the wages and emplovment in manufacturing would
you predict? (ii) How would thesc changes in the manufacturing
First Paper- 2012
labour market aflect the cquilibrium wage and cmploymcnt in the
service sector labour market?
7. Suppose that the requircd reserve ratio is0. 12 for deposits
and there are no cNCCSS reserves.Supposc also that the total demand
for currency isequal to 0,3 times deposit. (i) If the total reserves are
Rs40 bilion, what isthe level of moncy supply? (ü) By how much
docs moncy supply change if the RBI buys govcrnment bondsratio
Rs l billion in the opcn market? (keep the required reserve 2+2
for a capital
8 Ifthc rate ofinterest is 10% and the annual viclds
year lifespan) are Rs. 1, 100/- and Rs.2,420/- for the
asset (with two
the investiment project
first and the second period respectively, IsRs.2,850? What happens
profitable when thecost of the projcct is 2+2
when the cost rises to Rs.3000/-?
Section -B
nswer any fivequcstions
do cconomists cvalute the succe[s of an çconomy's
9. How instruments by which the
What are the policy
overallpcrformance? 3+3
goals can be achicved? GDPand rcal GDP. Explain the
10.Distinguish betwccn potential
importanceof GDP gap. anticipated and unanticipatedinfla
11.Distinguish between the
cflects of these twvo inflations?
tion. What are the cconomic detcrminants of productivity. 6
12. Listand describe four run growth
from abroad affect the long
13.How may the inves1nent 6
process of an cconomv? financial markcts andarapid growth
14.(a) Howdo social sccurity,
personal savings rate? (b) Is it true mat
in paper wealth influcnce everwhere? Explain. 4+2
MPC+MPS= 1. always and policics on uncmployment
cffect of following
15.What willbe thcUnemploymentinsurcnce provided by the gov
In the cconomy? (i) wage law set by the government. 3+3
emment (iü) Minimum deposits. (i) "The size ofthe money
16. (i)Define the size of is bank's desircd reserve ratio and he
multiplier is greater, thesnaller ratio'.Explain. 2+4
Smaller is the public'sdesircd
10. scale cost
of edly (b) Iive (111) Sider of
buying Consider cars
ofdifferent ycarappropriate The (a) 1.
hardened of
tobacco where ofa what Answer five
consumption. plan.
=400. particular
one from th e kind
snoker was cases to of
before or
majority In
shouldbe both finding share firdepic1
=7, Whatincreased (i) : diagrammatic
had during questions(English :
consistent? the of where of the Section-A
change increased the of out each
by values, th e 2010.
50%o, terminal there sector
Give in of bythe used (ii) are (iü)
price? 5% a fe w inThe facts
rcasons his cost classes grouped valuc total
to and extreme mode :
) cost
(dmaintain (i)
why? are outlay The
for Are ofliving frequency of
th e ofwould
your tlivinghe (copen. duringmonthly
) distribution. a
s When you
answer. data wasformer Whichdistri mark
tenth sales con 4x5
Sccond Paper-2012 13

(e) Two variable XamdY (ake the following valucs:

X: -3 -2 ) 2 3
Y: 9 4 0 4
Show that correlationcoeffcicnt r.. is 0. What is the rcasons for
the correlation cocfficicnt bcing zero?
()Among the 250 candidatcs participated in aTV rcality show,
100candidates preferred red colourcd dress. 80 candidates prcferred
bluc colourcd dress and the rest perferred grccn dress. What is the
probability that (i) candidates wearing blue dresscs will win both the
first andsecond prizes? (iü) acandidate wearing blue dress will win
the first prize and acandidate wearing green dress the second?
(g) Defineacontinuoüs random variable and its probability den
sity function.
(h) State the importance of normal distribution instatistics.
Answer any five questions 6x5
2. (a) The first twO moments about the value 2 are 4 and 65.Findits
mcan and standard deviation. (b) What is crude birth rate? 442
3. You are given the position in a factory before and after the
settlement of an industrial dispute. Conment on (i) the variability of
the distribution of wages and (ii) the symmetry of the distribution of
wages bcfore and afler dispute
Before After
Noof workers 3000 2900
220 230
Mcan wage (Rs)
250 240
Median wage (Rs)
Standard Deviation (Rs) 30 26 3+3

4. (a) Explain the concept of Lorenz curve as representation of

distribution of income. (b) The correlation cocfficient of 5r and -3vis
numerically thesame as the correlation coeffcient betwcen x and v.
True or falsc? Give rcasons. 4+2

5.9 competitors on paper presentation were marked by the two

judges Aand Bas follows:
Competitors 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Marks by Judge A 45 0 32 45 32 32 58 56 47
Marks by Judge B 51 51 38 54 54 38 62 58 38
Find Spcarman's rank correlation cocfficicnt. 6
14 C. U. Economics (Hons.) Qucs. Papers (Part-I&I)-2012
6. (a) Describe the Axiomatic approach to probablity. (b)Two nce.
aper Xand Yare published in acity, It is estimated from a survey
that 16% rcad X. 14% read Y and 5% rcad botlh the ncwspapers. Find
the probability that a randomly sclcctcd person (i) docs not rcad any
ncwspapcr. (ii)read only Y.
7.(a) Distinguish betwecn pairnwise indepcndence and mutual inde.
pendence. (b)In 2013 there will be thrcc candidatcs for the position of
principal in a collcge - Dr, Banerjcc. Dr. Singh and Dr. Sen: whose
chances of getting the appointment are in the proportion 4 :2:3
respectivcly. The probality that Dr. Banerjcc if sclected would intro
ducc co-cducation in the college is 0.3. The probability of Dr. Singh
and Dr. Sen doing the same are respectively 0.5 and 0.8. (i) What is the
probability thatthere willbe co-cducation in.he college in 2013?(ii)
Ifthere is co-education in the college in 2013 what is the
that Dr. Sen is the Principal? probability
8.X isa discrete random variable having the following
mass function:
Mass points (x): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P(X= x) k 2k 2k 3k 2k² 7k? +k
(a) Determine the constant k(b)find P(x<6). 343
9. (a) Find mcan and standard deviation of Poisson distribution
using moment gencrating function. (bj Express normal distribution in
standardized form. 442
(Mathematics for Economics)
Full Marks-50


(*)y=x () y²=x()y= 10 ()y=3x+2 St++s

|English Version]
Section -A
Answer anj five questions
. Mention which of the following equations are functions
which are not. (a) y=x (b)y²=x (c)y= 10 (d) y=3x +2 I+1++1
followinghgivefunctie t othe I+1-2poind
II-2012 clasticity
2+) 3+1 the 4 two-persol
following lincar
utilit thatthe B.
the player
utility Verify
in identity ina
the:fr)=-3x changefindarc
& first. ina
solution to
derivativethe it.
of 100,the of method
to respoct
Givenhowof chosenfind
partial to
dimension A
M>0). plaver
duc + feasible with
Papers function -5pAlso
secondfirstgoods. goodisgoodq= Rs.5.Rs.6. the why?
of player
5 3 41 |model
Ques. and ofonc function
respectivc to Lagrange=M.basic
Multiplier 1
the the utilitics which Rs.5 Indicate 21 Programning
andof function in is not. +y pay-off
(Hons.) change price
utility a
graph matter from [-15
7] 4-2
0 -12T B?If 2x by
changes A. 6 to mcan
subject the
Economics utility with no demand
the = problem?
IA 6 -3 out problen:
you given Lincar
first the changessame.
the ifprice =
Al case. (i)
B= find Maximizexy
anv =
A do is zero
Use to find thetheGivenof that 6.thc
Use sum
game. a
For marginal
function U=x,x,.in clasticity Given Show
each you What Below
U. I change demand
C. 6) is in Can
2 good good 7. 8.
18 used
6x5 in the (b) or =-3r+production
2+2+2 s K thethe 1+3+2 solutions.
10 to its rupec'sof
19 2+2+2 2+4 wherc usesII of rupecs
courscs Physics that of none
83 217 63 subjects sketclh a
Verify Show l
industry produce
morc :subjccts not f(x)values. a LO
feasible uses lakh
scmcster Statistics of the
Physics thrcc
but function
curve respcctively.
l6 <8 24 20 solutions. Il 100
inflcsional I00K2 Draw
< s the Ito II.
tatof industry deimands
all cquation: cent commodity conodity
qucstions Chemistry Chemistry
and (level function. indicateknown
(a) the homogencous = =4 +30r,
Z= feasibleper
taking q
isoquant I; sector
taking of and labour
function Y, is comnodity
five the valucs
conves 1.Y,=3,LPP:
the doing it 60 of
Statistics (c) cconoiy.
basic and of openrupces
any students werc stationary and percent
students Statistics a an so product
Answer of of production and In the the1laklh
500and studcnts local examplc cquationcapital following
function. 2Y,= graphically.
of 329 I86295 decrcasing Il:
not themaxin1um, 200
own uscscommodity
of Physics
numbers of + solutions
oncfor the thelevel theY-2Y,., Considcr
14, nupcc' s land
survey Howbut UDClassify
Clhemistrymany this
theorcm its but
ChMnistry,Physics Statistics?
Chemistry Give Find
Solve Subjcct
Maximize it 5Ana of productCOMmodity
9Afollowing local are ISoquant
isoquant. basic
Solve CentaProduceof
11. 12. L 13:
Sas and e
in the Centre
Right3.0 3,0 5,4
(Part-I& II.
the uscdcommodity
for B
and input solutions 1,3 10. 2.4
matrix primary of
Papers Strategy THIRD
input-cocfficient Left 1.0 0,2 0.2
Qucs. theI
(Hons.) amount
Nash MiddleBottom
Economics the
down the all
DeriveLocate Strategy
Write Player
U. rupce's
C. (i) (ii) 16. game:
20 a
(6) (a) 1
Can AnSwer
of any
income [English
SECTION-A Version]
shape will
labour lead
supplv the
of4x5 8+
Teduce quantitics cxpansion long-run aretruc this lcisure
mption?Sliould month. his Drarespcctively. Rs, parts cach ofa Why(R) .Eplain.
consumption curve?continuously. lincar. of
(b)A best
w)Obtain cofisumption (arh)e (MIs (e) () c) hours
0.50 of (a 2. ofthcm What spccific (affcct
hcIis The clhoiceVikram's coffec
Akram Diflerent Is the or
State in is
consunner of per Stackelberg thc average false: an
consunnption could corresponding
pat h the
the inferior
oz. to
coffee the throughout preventsa resource firm's with
budget th e ( )
budgct day
point cquation
Conc budgets cconomic clasticities a bricfreasoning
his is five producer' s total
willing by and and major cquilibriun eNpansion Short-run increascdgood?
nsunption line part questions competitive ? constraint?
of E cost Paper-
milk of Mof Rs.
the sources do averagc Suppose
attaIwice is to on witVikram' milk. rent (i)
average from
th e which s denote weck. 18/- not path
and trade thrce : be a counterpart If
that budget Collce market of Nash make whether
of is weck a arkct variable always and he 24that
inCrcase Ikg
sugar dillerence Vikram quantities
budget Hc total liours
of cquilibrium? price long-run
marginal by
oflin e. prcpares
cosis Irom cost the some
atta.Sugar for failure? wi th lincar? to
andsugar discrinmination of
Should purchases line. Re his operating following is 30
of respect total ncver hours.nmiracle
increase lor curves (ii) his consumer' s a decline costs
wi l
consumption 3kgs coffec per l collce Sate Argue Can
the Determine colfee to cost less
and (ii) oz clicicntly? bricfly you statemcnts How the
atta of and and with th e in
represent fcasible. call curve than number
a wi th owner brict would
con milk milk nilk 6x5 212 why 3+1price 212 the 212 23
6 or per the 4 4 an is
4 4
the industry
petitivefirm.MentionStackclberg a functions
a C= practice
of industry.
average produce
with long constant
Cournot8q,;i=1,2. Q production wifourth th acre 24
(h)Let leader's (i) is () the (e) () () (c)
If th e prices industry run four of C.
Sate The () cost, If
the cquilibrium?output the total perfectcurve tothe cost fim A returns worker land () U.
+215Lbethe outputl demand production workers? The
intuition the leader firms changed
equal A maximise firm
derive in is
and output Q= cquilibrium? function ina long-run averagc
is 150
First price to can to
and and collude function 4 perfectlyBQ=3;50K5 scale: cnmploy
profit? 10-P and the profit? sell (ii)
behind profit sold
discrimination, in C(q) functions product (Hons.)
firm What equation Q=3OOK25L +
the 2 its average What cd, of
(i) 1o by in at (ii)
output =
the in 2will act tw o
monopolist the (iii) competitive is
th e a has q-60q
Is ofQucs.
as What duopoly is 75
Stackelberg a be as two optimum.
for Ifthe cxhibitcost?bushels. labour
production the will a total tlhe the
output at the and Papers
monopolist, how p=
long + minimum
(iii) the whcn
profits? be firms: market cost ? sells industry 1500q
Rs. incrcasing.
of the much (ii) Can th e of What (Part-I& I)-2012
function ru n 975,
Detcrmine marginal
function Welfarefollower. price The A in threc
(iii) is monopolist you two supply isfirm
what firms Q=profit has cfficicnt is
Iffirn and obtain that inhow theworkcrs
of what 20- TC markcts ()compatible much tlhe decrcasing product.
will should curve of wvhcther total
perfect! a outputs have + the following
willbe l P, 4Q. faces 2+2+2
constant scale farm
2+2+2 aciS be where of will 2+2+2 outiy
2+4 cos! 343 the T0 ratio with hc
i te a it the o when an
Third Paper-2012 25

) For w = Rs. 45 and p = Rs. 3. find the profit maximising

employment of the firm. (1) How would the firm behave if a minimum
wage higherthan Rs. 45 is imposed in the labour market? 442
[English Version]
Answer any five question
1. In acountry thevelocity of money is constant. Real GDP grows
by 5% per year, the money stock grows by 14% per year and the
normal interest rate is 11%? What is the real interest rate? 4
Third Paper - 2012 27

2. Supposc the annual level of aggregate demand is given by AD

-50+0.9Y where Y=annual GDP.
Find out the amount of daily rate of involuntary change in inven
1or, when producers planncd income level is.
() Y =450 and (ii) Y=600 4
3. Explain why and how an csogenous incrcase in autonomous
expenditure by a given amount raises cquilibrium output by a larger
amount. 4
4 Suppose that a country devalues its currency by 12%. but at the
ame time domestic prices rise by 10%. What real devaluation has
been achievcd? What if prices have risen by 15%?
5. Government undertakes an unannounced policy to increase
money supply in order to increase output. This increase in money
supply,about which producers are unaware of, leads to an increase
price of the commodities. (i) How do you think that the deci
would react to the increase in price? (ii) Doyou think that the
in the long run?
sion of the producers taken in (i) Would be sustained

6Use the neoclassical model of investment to explain the impact

of capital, the cost of
of each of the following on the rental price monetary policy raises
capital and invest1nent. ) Anti-inflationary
destroys part of the capital
the real interest rate. (ii) An carthquake 2+2
the Solow model. population growth leads to steadv-state
7. In
total output, but not in output per worker. Do vou think this
growth in exhibited increasing or
be true ifthe production function
Would still
decreasing returns to scale? Explain. Rs. 12 billion. Ifthe marginal
taxes by
8. The govern1mentraises happens to () national savings and
Propensity to save is 0.6. what 2+2
i)investment. SECTION-B
Answer anyfivequestions :
the Centralbank increases moncy supply.
9. Supposc explainwhat happens to the interest
(1) Using IS-LM diagram,
AD-AS diagram, explain what happens tothe
and output, (i) Using 3+3
price level.
28 C. U. Economics (Hons.) Qucs. Papers (Part-I& II-2012
10, Explain the diffcrence betwccn transaction and
demand for moncy. Which onc of these play an important role in t
quantity thcory of moncv and how?
11. 0) Explain why the incrcasc in output duc to incrcasei
governmcnt expcnditure would be less under the IS-LM model tho:
under the simple Keynesian model. (ii) Do you think that the IS-LM
framew ork violates the ncutrality of money? Briefly explain.
12. Diffcrentiate between adaptive and rational
Explain whether Phillips Curve holds under ralional expectations
13.State Permanent Income expectations. 2+
picces of evidence ragarding Hypothesis. Does the above explain
14. According to the consunption behaviour ? 24
oficn people go to the bank?Bauimol-Tobin model. what detemines how
money demand? What does this decision have to do wit
15. Supposethat the
is the likely RBI embarks on a
impact on India's cxports tight money policy. What
(i)flexible exchange rate? under (i)fixed cxchangc rate an
16. Write short
) Natural Rate of on: 343
Unenmploy ment. (ii) Tobin's 'a'.
pnent Theory)

() Ter f , () 21, (51) 79br1 g faT I

|English Version]
Section -A
1. Answer any ten questions: 2x 10
(a) Mention any two characteristics of Indianplanning. (b) What
were the structural constraints of Indian economy during fifties? (c)
State two main rcasons for the failure of the Neheru-Mahanalobis
plan. (d) What were the measures of new strategy of agricultural
develop1ment during the late sixties? (e) State the basic arguments of
32 C. U. Economics (Hons.) Ques. Papcrs (Parn-I&Il)-2012
FifhFiveYcar Plan. (0) State any two objcctives of land reform in
India. (g) How did thc development strategy change following the
adoption of New Economic Policy in 19917(h) Distinguish betwen
theconcepts of Markctcd Surplus and Markctable Surplusof fo
grains in India.(i) What were the reasons behind introducing industral
liccnsing policy in India? G) What is MRTP act?(k) Mention any two
schemes implementcd by the Govt. of India for gencrating rural
cmplovmcnt in India. () Discuss the conccpts of uncployment set
by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) (m) State ong
cause of tlhe crisis of lndian cconomy during 7h plan. (n) What are
the argumcnts in favour of import substitution Policy in Indian
cconomy? (0) What was the nain objcctive behind the price policy in
agriculture in India.
Section -B
Answer any three qucstions
2 Give a bricf account of cconomic
conditions that
India during the British rule. Do you think that Indian prevailedwasin
in astate of stagnation during thc British Colonialrul?cconomy 6+4
3. Explain the basic issues relating to far1m-sizc and Discuss.
Do you think that the rclation bctween farn si~e and productiviy
scalc-ncutral? Explain. productivity is
4. Describe the rationable bchind the
adoption of India's
development objective and stralegy in the carly plhascs of planning
Why and how was thc devclopment objcctive modificd
fifth plan period? during thc
5. Discuss the cffects of Grccn
Revolution on the following
aspects : (a) Productivity. (b) Employment. (c)
poverty. Distribution ano 343+4
6. Whal were the principal causes of
during 1980s? Discuss inflationary pressurc in Indu

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