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INTERNET BUSINESS MALL Company list (1 - 7 of 7) Company: Engineering Factory For Material Work Phone: +(202) 7082170 Fax:

+(202) 7083131 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: N/A Address: Arafa St., El-Barageel road, Ossem, (Giza). Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Ain Shams Industrail Development Co. 02/4185865 02/4198843 N/A N/A 11, El Marwa Bldgs. - Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Golden Touch 02/2664448 N/A N/A N/A 4, Sakr Qureish Masakin - Sheratoun (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Mina Al Agaybi For Engineering & Trading 02/2356408 02/2356408 N/A N/A 2, Hanna Wasef St., - Shoubra (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Misr Refrigeration Air Conditioning Mfrs. Co. ( Miraco ) 03/4252005 03/4252060 N/A N/A 5, Albert Al Awal St., - Semouha (Alex) N/A

Company: Nile Air For Air Conditions

Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

02/2724019 02/2704663 N/A N/A 57, Abd El Hakim El Rafae St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

World Technology ( El Amawy ) 02/2724382 02/2742057 N/A N/A 30, Dr. Naguib Mahfouz St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

INTERNET BUSINESS MALL Company list (1 - 10 of 24) Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description: Ain Shams Industrail Development Co. 02/4185865 02/4198843 N/A N/A 11, El Marwa Bldgs. - Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Cac Power 02/2917085 02/2906459 N/A N/A 112, El Merghany - Heliopolis Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Egat 02/3451000 02/3468014 N/A N/A 62, Lebanon Sq. - Mohandessin Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Egat 011/330270 011/330633 N/A N/A 2nd, Industries Zone Part Form Address: 253 To 257 (6th of october) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Egicat 02/3377082 02/3608795 N/A N/A 19, Amer St. - Dokki (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Int'l Co. For Eng. Industries & Airconditioning - Union Air 02/2725158 02/2723281 [email protected] N/A 72, Abbas El Akkad St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Int'l. Co. For Eng. Industries & Airconditioning - Union Air 011/333267 011/333268 N/A N/A Ind. Zone 3 No. 238-239 (6th of october) N/A

International Air Conditioning Co. 02/3610406 02/3605063 N/A N/A 6 Ibn Malek St., / Orman - Dokki Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

International Co. For Eng. Industries & Air Conditioning 02/4022766 02/2610804 N/A N/A 10, Ali Amin St. - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Miraco - Carrier 02/3483369 02/3498124 N/A N/A 15, Maka St., Address: Dokki (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Misr Engineering Industries 02/2465876 02/2485876 N/A N/A 24, Abdel Rahman El Rafie St., Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address:

Misr Engineering Industries Co. 049/601323 049/601323 N/A N/A 2nd, Industries

Zone (Sadat city) Description: N/A

Misr Refrigeration Company: Air Conditioning Mfrs. Co. ( Miraco ) Phone: 03/4252005 Fax: 03/4252060 E-Mail: N/A Website: N/A 5, Albert Al Awal Address: St., - Semouha (Alex) Description: N/A

Mizushi Egypt 02/2919861 02/2919899 N/A N/A 70, El Marghany Address: St. - Heliopolis (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Nado Est. Trading ( Funai ) 02/2725532 02/2706123 N/A N/A 16/124, Ahmed Fakhry St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

New Egypt Co. 02/2758550 02/2758550 N/A N/A El Shorta Tower Address: Nasr City (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Tiba Air

Conditioning Co. 02/2907483 02/2900892 N/A N/A 92, Asmaa Fahmy Address: St., - Heliopolis (Cairo) Description: N/A Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Tiba Air Conditioning Co. 015/364034 N/A N/A N/A Industrial Zone C 1 Block ( 14 S ) (10th of ramadan) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Tiba Mall 065/548032 N/A N/A N/A Hurgada (Red sea) N/A

Tiba Mall 02/4029072 N/A N/A N/A 62, El Nasr St. - Nasr City Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Trane 03/5487074 N/A N/A N/A 365, Gamal Abdel Naser Rd. Address: Miami (Alex)

Description: N/A

Trane Air Conditioning 02/2467344 02/2467311 N/A N/A 34 A, El Hegaz St., - Heliopolis Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

York 02/3412527 02/3410840 N/A N/A 10, El Kamel Mohamed St., Address: Zamalek (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Pricing and Subsidy
Beginning in 1952 the government initiated a program of price controls that included both indirect taxation and subsidies. The aim was to reallocate resources to serve various goals ranging from industrialization to social welfare, but the effects were mixed. In agriculture, for example, the state set the price of agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, and crops, especially cotton and sugar. Some basic consumer commodities, especially food and energy, and services, such as education, were subsidized to make them available for the bulk of the population. In industry, public enterprises paid subsidized rates for energy but had to sell their products to consumers at fixed, low prices. Price distortions and subsidies were magnified over time, resulting in the misallocation of resources and straining the government budget. For example, in 1987 the ratio of consumer price per kilowatt-hour of electricity to production and distribution costs was less than 0.25. This shortfall, coupled with rising consumption, contributed to a growing government deficit, which compelled the government to reconsider its pricing policy (see Energy; Manufacturing; Agriculture , this

The wage structure did not exhibit major shifts, except perhaps between private and public employment. The real average wage per worker throughout the economy probably increased from E257 in 1977 to E1,210 in 1986, or at the rate of 18.8

percent per year. In the same period, the consumer price index rose at an annual rate of about 15 percent. Not all sectors, however, exhibited increases similar to the overall average. The highest wages in 1986 were recorded in the oil industry and finance and insurance. Oil industry workers received 4.8 times the overall average wage, and workers in finance and insurance, 2.8 times. Agricultural wages remained the lowest, about 42 percent of the overall average, similar to their 1977 ratio. Unofficial studies, however, indicated that agricultural workers' wages did not exceed 20 percent to 29 percent of the overall average. The industrial and mining wage remained steady at about 1.3 times the overall average in 1986. Average annual pay in the private sector was said to be three times that in the government. Government employees, who lived on fixed incomes and had been given the sobriquet "the new poor," probably suffered the most from inflation, in spite of ad hoc costof -living raises, including an 18 percent increment in the FY 1987 budget to offset the impact of the May 1987 austerity program. The government had a limited ability to raise salaries significantly, because wages constituted the largest item of its budget (see Public Finance , this ch.). Civil service remuneration was based on a grade system that left little room for merit allowances. Publicsector enterprises were given more leeway with respect to wage determination, although most raises were intended to compensate for cost-of-living increments. Workers in public-sector enterprises, especially in industry, were unionized and were able to bargain collectively. There was little unionization among private-sector employees. Wages alone did not tell the whole story of workers' compensation. The Nasser regime introduced a set of fringe benefits, including pension, health insurance, and paid holidays that had been practically nonexistent before. Their costs as a whole in organized urban industry amounted to 20 percent of the wages in FY 1969. No such estimates were available for the 1980s. Data as of December 1990

From 1840 to 1930, Egypt had a free trade system, based on the conventions that were imposed by the European powers. The conventions limited tariffs to 5 percent--later 8 percent--on most imported goods. This system constituted a serious obstacle to the country's industrialization. In 1930 Egyptian authorities, in their quest to establish an industrial base, were able to determine their own import duty levels, setting them at 6 to 8 percent for raw materials and up to 15 percent for manufactured goods. Another step toward more independent decision making in the foreign trade domain occurred in 1947 when the government decided to leave the sterling standard and move away from trade with Britain.

As with other aspects of the economy, foreign trade came under government control gradually in the 1950s and then decisively in 1961. From that year until Sadat's infitah, all exports, imports, prices, and payments were handled by public organizations and enterprises. The government, however, did not have an entirely free hand in running foreign trade. It had to operate within the constraints of domestic supply and demand and under the compromises reached with bilateral trading partners. The private sector also could still export fruit and vegetables and a few other items. The state monopoly on trade was eased in the 1970s. Initially, private firms were permitted to import some commodities under particular conditions. Then, in 1976 the government holding company that had controlled foreign trade was abolished, and the private sector was able to trade in most goods, with a few exceptions, such as cotton. The government, especially under Mubarak, offered investment incentives that included fewer restrictions on imports and exports of commodities by the private sector. The government also extended the multirate exchange system, in part to facilitate foreign trade transactions. But the multiple exchange system created statistical difficulties, and foreign trade accounts could be more consistently examined if expressed in dollars or Special Drawing Rights (SDRs--see Glossary) of the IMF. Data as of December 1990

Two major trends occurred in the composition of merchandise imports. The first trend was the decline in the late 1980s in the value of capital and intermediate goods (e.g., industrial and agricultural inputs). For example, the value of capital goods imports in 1988 was 14 percent less than it was in 1985. While capital goods and intermediate goods imports dropped in absolute value, however, their share of total imports grew. Nevertheless, the decline in the absolute value was likely to have an adverse impact on the development of such sectors as industry and agriculture. The second trend was the continuous increase from 1979 to 1985 in the share of food and agriculture in the import bill. The increase began in the 1970s, as the result of a combination of population and income growth and the unsatisfactory performance of agriculture. The trend persisted through the 1980s, until food became the fourth largest item in the import bill. Not all the value of food coming into Egypt, however, appeared in foreign trade accounts, because a large proportion of the wheat came as grants, especially from the United States. Hence, the import figures seriously underestimated the value of imported foods. Overall, merchandise imports rose rapidly after 1975, mainly because of the big rise in world oil prices, which gave Egypt more purchasing power, and because of the liberalization of import policy. In FY 1983, an election year, merchandise imports approached US$10 billion. The government subsequently reintroduced some restrictions on private-sector imports. These measures, together with the general scarcity of foreign

exchange in commercial banks, led to a leveling off of imports and then to an actual decline. The value of imports since World War II has consistently exceeded that of exports, and a chronic trade deficit has marked Egypt's foreign trade. The deficit nearly doubled between 1979 and 1985, growing at an annual rate of about 11.8 percent. The growth of the deficit slowed considerably after the 1985-86 collapse of oil prices and the concomitant drop in imports. In 1987 the deficit reached about US$4.4 billion, and it climbed again in 1988 to nearly US$5.9 billion. Data as of December 1990

Direct Foreign Investment
Foreign investment in Egypt dated from the nineteenth century. Relatively large amounts were invested in the 1890s, with investment peaking in 1907. Between 1903 and 1907, for example, the cumulative private direct investment may have amounted to E8.6 million. The two world wars and the depression interrupted the process, and little foreign direct investment occurred during the nationalist economic phase under Nasser. Whatever investments took place then were essentially in the oil sector. In 1974 they amounted to as little as US$87 million. The picture changed in the following years, in part as a result of a new policy, embodied in Law Number 43 (of 1974) for Arab and Foreign Capital Investment and Free Zones. The law sought to provide incentives to investors in many sectors, including industry, land reclamation, tourism, and banking. It offered concessions on imports, profit transfers, and taxation, as well as guarantees against nationalization, to which foreign investors were particularly sensitive because of the sweeping nationalization that occurred under Nasser. The law gave priority to projects that promised to generate foreign exchange and had advanced technology components. A special body, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, was founded to supervise foreign investment. Both Arab governments and private investors responded quickly. They initiated separate joint venture projects with Egypt, both in the military and civilian, especially banking, sectors. Arab and other foreign business concerns were located in the free zones near Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said, and Suez. Arab investments, however, declined severely after the 1979 Camp David Accords. Foreign investment continued to go mainly into oil production and exploration. By 1981 net foreign direct investment was estimated at about US$1.7 billion, a ten-fold nominal increase from the US$0.17 billion of 1970. The picture stayed basically the same in the 1980s. Oil and banking absorbed the bulk of investments. In the late 1980s, however, tourism attracted a number of foreign investment groups, and in 1989 a few major joint venture projects were under way with foreign firms, including a digital telephone exchange plant with Siemens, West

Germany, a tire factory with Pielli, Italy, and a baby-food processing plant with Nestl, Switzerland. According to some estimates, the average annual foreign direct investment amounted to about US$255 million between 1981 and 1988; according to others, it was considerably higher. The difference in estimates resulted from frequent lack of distinction in Egyptian official statistics between Egyptian and Arab investment. As of early 1990, no action had resulted from parliamentary debate on a draft investment law that would synthesize and amend all previous laws. The new draft law also proposed modifications in profit transfers, making them use the highest exchange rate on the date of transfer. The draft law gave companies flexibility in distributing their capital between external and domestic sources and left it to the discretion of the prime minister to rule in specific situations. It also exempted foreign investors from administered prices and the setting of profit margins; the cabinet would have the right to intervene in special cases. In the view of some observers and business people, the new law of itself was insufficient to attract investments; a more significant factor would be the easing of bureaucratic hurdles. Data as of December 1990 Economyoverview: At the end of the 1980s, Egypt faced problems of low productivity and poor economic management, compounded by the adverse social effects of excessive population growth, high inflation, and massive urban overcrowding. In the face of these pressures, in 1991 Egypt undertook wide-ranging macroeconomic stabilization and structural reform measures. This reform effort has been supported by three successive IMF arrangements, the last of which was concluded in October 1996. Egypt's reform effortsand its participation in the Gulf war coalitionalso led to massive debt relief under the Paris Club arrangements. Although the pace of reform has been uneven and slower than envisaged under the IMF programs, substantial progress has been made in improving macroeconomic performance. Budget deficits have been slashed while foreign reserves in 1997 were at an all-time high. And Egypt has been moving toward a more decentralized, market-oriented economy. These economic reforms and growing investment opportunities have prompted increasing foreign investment, but incoming capital has largely been concentrated in stock market portfolio flows. Egypt's economy also has been hit by a sharp downturn in tourisma key foreign exchange and job producing sectorfollowing the 17 November 1997 massacre of foreign tourists at Luxor. Although Egypt will probably regain these revenues over time, the slump in tourism is likely to slow the GDP growth rate in 1998. GDP: purchasing power parity$267.1 billion (1997 est.) GDPreal growth rate: 5.2% (1997 est.) GDPper capita: purchasing power parity$4,400 (1997 est.) GDPcomposition by sector: agriculture: 17% industry: 32% services: 51% (1996)

Inflation rateconsumer price index: 4.9% (1997) Labor force: total: 17.4 million (1996 est.) by occupation: agriculture 40%, services, including government 38%, industry 22% (1990 est.) Unemployment rate: 9.4% (1997 est.) Budget: revenues: $19.2 billion expenditures: $19.8 billion, including capital expenditures of $4 billion (FY96/97 est.) Industries: textiles, food processing, tourism, chemicals, petroleum, construction, cement, metals Industrial production growth rate: 8.5% (1996 est.) Electricitycapacity: 13.04 million kW (1995) Electricityproduction: 48.5 billion kWh (1995) Electricityconsumption per capita: 778 kWh (1995) Agricultureproducts: cotton, rice, corn, wheat, beans, fruits, vegetables; cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats; annual fish catch about 140,000 metric tons Exports: total value: $5.1 billion (f.o.b., FY96/97 est.) commodities: crude oil and petroleum products, cotton yarn, raw cotton, textiles, metal products, chemicals partners: EU, US, Japan Imports: total value: $15.5 billion (c.i.f., FY96/97 est.) commodities: machinery and equipment, foods, fertilizers, wood products, durable consumer goods, capital goods partners: US, EU, Japan Debtexternal: $30.5 billion (1996/97 est.) Economic aid: recipient: ODA, $1.713 billion (1993) Currency: 1 Egyptian pound (E) = 100 piasters

Exchange rates: Egyptian pounds (E) per US$13.4 (November 1994), 3.369 (November 1993), 3.345 (November 1992); market rate3.3880 (January 1998), 3.3880 (1997), 3.3880 (1996), 3.3900 (1995), 3.3910 (1994), 3.3718 (1993) Fiscal year: 1 July30 June

Economic Policy

A wide-range change of the Egyptian Economic Policy was introducced in 1974 by President Anwar Al-Sadat. The goal of this new policy, the so called infitah or Open Door Policy was to move Egypt from a highly centralised economy to a more liberal economy by encouraging foreign and domestic private investment. Since the establishment of this Open Door Policy, Egyptian has achieved a great deal. In 1991, the Government established an Economic Reform Programme to achieve macro economic stability, reform the the financial sector, stimulate productiopn, cut the budget defecit, strenghtenthe balance of payments and remove price distortions and obstacles to trade. The government reecognised the need to boost exports and develop alternative export opportunities. This programme contains the following measures: -introduction of privatisation programme -gradual replacement -gradual reduction of government spending on subsidies -deregulation of interest rates and the foreign exchange regimes -introduction of new Capital Markets Law and revision of the trade regime. Actually the government is concentrating on keeping low sovereign debt, stimulating economic growth, decreasing inflation, increasing private investment, boosting the productive, rather than service, sectors at the economy, and ioncreasing foreign direct investment through streamlined and less restrictive laws.

Monetary Policy
During the 1980, the principals subjects of the Egyptian Monetary Policy was to contain inflation, to stabilise the Egyptian pound, and to decrease gradually the domestic interest rates, thus encouraging investment and promoting economic growth. The rationalisation of banking credit was obtained by the deregulation of the interst rates, the use of Treasury bills to absorb liquidity and finance the budget defecit, and the continuation of credit ceilings. To build up the foreign exchange reserves, the Egypt liberalised the foreign exchange system, unified the changes rates and turned around the current account from defecit to surplus. Additionally, after all during the periode of the early 1990s other measures such as the elimination of the minimum requirements of interest rates on Egyptian pound three month deposits, allowing foreign banks to deal in local as well as foreign currency (under determinated conditions), the remove of restrictions on public sector companies as to which banks they could deal with, and the prohibition for banks oif investing more than 30 % of their paid up capital and reserves inb any one client were applied. All these measures led to a gradual decline in interest rates, the stabilisation of the nominal exchange rates against the US-dollar and the complete elimination of credit ceilings. The Egyptian Central bank carries out a policy of keeping a positive differential between interest payable on Eqyptian pound deposits and US dollar deposits to reduce the risk of re-dollarisation of the economy.

ECONOMIC INDICATORS Main Economic Indicators

Real GDP (Annual percent change) Current Balance (Millions Pounds) Current Balance (% GDP) Inflation Domestic Debt (Millions Pounds) Foreign Debt (Millions Pounds) Deficit (%GDP) Exchange rate (Pound/ $ USA)

1997 5,0 -2408,9 -0,9 6,2 6785,0 -1607,0 -2,0 3,388

1998 5,3 -8693,6 -3,1 4,7 3,388

1999 6,0 3,8 3,405

Average Growth 1992-1999 3,4 661,6 (*) 1,0 (*) 9,1 3235,3 (**) -1681,7 (**) -0,7 (**) 3,383

(*) Average growth 1992-1998 (**) Average growth 1992-1997

GDP 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 302300,0 7,9 6,0

GDP Current Prices (Millions 139100,0 157300,0 175000,0 205000,0 228300,0 256250,0 280220,0 Pounds) % Growth Real GDP (Annual percent change) 25,1 0,3 13,1 0,5 11,3 2,9 17,1 3,2 11,4 4,3 12,2 5,0 9,4 5,3

INFLATION % Consumer prices 1992 21,1 1993 11,2 1994 9,0 1995 9,4 1996 7,0 1997 6,2 1998 4,7 1999 3,8

DEPT Units: mills. $ 1992 TOTAL EXTERNAL DEBT OF EGYPT Long-term Debt Public & Publicly Guaranteed Debt (lt) Private Debt (lt) IMF Debt Short Term Debt DEBT vs GDP 1992 DEBT / GDP (*) 67,8% 1993 60,9% 1994 59,2% 1995 51,8% 1996 39,9% 1997 32,1% 31.575 28.857 28.257 600 202 2.516 1993 31.110 28.905 28.404 501 202 2.003 1994 33.039 30.913 30.538 375 193 1.933 1995 34.116 31.638 31.325 313 103 2.375 1996 29.670 27.169 26.900 269 16 2.485 1997 27.617 24.525 24.282 243 3.092

(*) DEBT= Public or Publicly Guaranted Debt

Monetary Policy
During the 1980, the principals subjects of the Egyptian Monetary Policy was to contain inflation, to stabilise the Egyptian pound, and to decrease gradually the domestic interest rates, thus encouraging investment and promoting economic growth. The rationalisation of banking credit was obtained by the deregulation of the interst rates, the use of Treasury bills to absorb liquidity and finance the budget defecit, and the continuation

of credit ceilings. To build up the foreign exchange reserves, the Egypt liberalised the foreign exchange system, unified the changes rates and turned around the current account from defecit to surplus. Additionally, after all during the periode of the early 1990s other measures such as the elimination of the minimum requirements of interest rates on Egyptian pound three month deposits, allowing foreign banks to deal in local as well as foreign currency (under determinated conditions), the remove of restrictions on public sector companies as to which banks they could deal with, and the prohibition for banks oif investing more than 30 % of their paid up capital and reserves inb any one client were applied. All these measures led to a gradual decline in interest rates, the stabilisation of the nominal exchange rates against the US-dollar and the complete elimination of credit ceilings. The Egyptian Central bank carries out a policy of keeping a positive differential between interest payable on Eqyptian pound deposits and US dollar deposits to reduce the risk of re-dollarisation of the economy.

NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Millions Pounds Private consumption % Growth Government consumption % Growth Gross Fixed Capital Formation % Growth Exports of Goods & Services % Growth Imports of Goods & Services % Growth Increase/ Decrease (-) in Stocks % Growth Gross Domestic Product % Growth Real GDP (% Growth) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 224250,0 7,9 30420,0 7,7 64430,0 8,1 48440,0 2,6 73700,0 12,9 8460,0 209,9 302300,0 7,9 6,0

101000,0 115000,0 130500,0 148900,0 171700,0 192700,0 207740,0 24,8 14500,0 16,5 28700,0 3,1 40400,0 30,3 44300,0 11,3 -1200,0 0,0 0,0 13,9 16000,0 10,3 31000,0 8,0 43500,0 7,7 48200,0 8,8 0,0 13,5 18000,0 12,5 35600,0 14,8 40100,0 -7,8 49200,0 2,1 14,1 21500,0 19,4 38600,0 8,4 45100,0 12,5 49800,0 1,2 700,0 15,3 23600,0 9,8 42100,0 9,1 48450,0 7,4 59100,0 18,7 1550,0 121,4 12,2 26050,0 10,4 49400,0 17,3 51700,0 6,7 63800,0 8,0 200,0 -87,1 7,8 28250,0 8,4 59600,0 20,6 47200,0 -8,7 65300,0 2,4 2730,0 1265,0

139100,0 157300,0 175000,0 205000,0 228300,0 256250,0 280220,0 25,1 0,3 13,1 0,5 11,3 2,9 17,1 3,2 11,4 4,3 12,2 5,0 9,4 5,3

% / GDP. Current prices (%) Private Consumption Government Consumption Gross Fixed Capital Formation Current Balance Increase/ Decrease (-) in Stocks 1992 72,6 10,4 20,6 6,7 -0,9 1993 73,1 10,2 19,7 4,9 0,0 1994 74,6 10,3 20,3 0,1 0,0 1995 72,6 10,5 18,8 -0,4 0,3 1996 75,2 10,3 18,4 -0,3 0,7 1997 75,2 10,2 19,3 -0,9 0,1 1998 74,1 10,1 21,3 -3,1 1,0 1999 74,2 10,1 21,3 0,0 2,8

EXTERNAL SECTOR Miilions of pounds TRADE BALANCE Exports Goods (fob) Imports Goods (fob) Balance GOODS & SERVICES BALANCE Exports Goods & Services Imports Goods & Services Balance 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 48440,0 73700,0

12252,7 11953,0 13713,2 15831,3 16191,3 18718,7 14917,4 29716,9 33458,4 33899,8 41585,1 44616,6 47963,9 49522,4 17464,2 21505,3 20186,6 25753,8 28425,3 29245,2 34605,0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

40400,0 43500,0 40100,0 45100,0 48450,0 51700,0 47200,0 44300,0 48200,0 49200,0 49800,0 59100,0 63800,0 65300,0 -3900,0 -4700,0 -9100,0 -4700,0

- -25260,0 10650,0 12100,0 18100,0

BALASSA INDEX (X+I) / GDP (%) Trade of Goods / GDP Trade of Goods & Services / GDP LABOR FORCE 1992 Unemployment rate 9,0% 1993 10,9% 1994 11,0% 1995 11,3% 1996 1997 9,4% 1998 1992 30,2 60,9 1993 28,9 58,3 1994 27,2 51,0 1995 28,0 46,3 1996 26,6 47,1 1997 26,0 45,1 1998 23,0 40,1 1999 40,4

INTERNET BUSINESS MALL Company list (1 - 10 of 24) Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description: Ain Shams Industrail Development Co. 02/4185865 02/4198843 N/A N/A 11, El Marwa Bldgs. - Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Air Evapco L T D 02/2585451 02/2578882 N/A N/A 3, El Mamalik St., - Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail:

Cac Power 02/2917085 02/2906459 N/A

Website: N/A Address: 112, El Merghany - Heliopolis (Cairo) Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Egat 02/3451000 02/3468014 N/A N/A 62, Lebanon Sq. - Mohandessin (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Egat 011/330270 011/330633 N/A N/A 2nd, Industries Zone Part Form 253 To 257 (6th of october) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Egicat 02/3377082 02/3608795 N/A N/A 19, Amer St. - Dokki (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Int'l Co. For Eng. Industries & Airconditioning - Union Air 02/2725158 02/2723281 [email protected] N/A 72, Abbas El Akkad St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Int'l. Co. For Eng. Industries & Airconditioning - Union Air 011/333267 011/333268 N/A N/A Ind. Zone 3 No. 238-239 (6th of october) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

International Air Conditioning Co. 02/3610406 02/3605063 N/A N/A 6 Ibn Malek St., / Orman - Dokki (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description: Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website:

Tiba Mall 065/548032 N/A N/A N/A Hurgada (Red sea) N/A Tiba Mall 02/4029072 N/A N/A N/A 62, El Nasr St. - Nasr City Address: (Cairo) Description: N/A Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description: Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description: Trane 03/5487074 N/A N/A N/A 365, Gamal Abdel Naser Rd. Miami (Alex) N/A Trane Air Conditioning 02/2467344 02/2467311 N/A N/A 34 A, El Hegaz St., Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: York 02/3412527 02/3410840 N/A N/A


10, El Kamel Mohamed St., Zamalek (Cairo) Description: N/A



Engineering Factory For Material Work

Phone: +(202) 7082170 Fax: +(202) 7083131 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: N/A Address:

Arafa St., El-Barageel road, Ossem, (Giza).

Description: N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Ain Shams Industrail Development Co. 02/4185865 02/4198843 N/A N/A 11, El Marwa Bldgs. - Heliopolis (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Golden Touch 02/2664448 N/A N/A N/A 4, Sakr Qureish Masakin - Sheratoun (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Mina Al Agaybi For Engineering & Trading 02/2356408 02/2356408 N/A N/A 2, Hanna Wasef St., - Shoubra (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone:

Misr Refrigeration Air Conditioning Mfrs. Co. ( Miraco ) 03/4252005

Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

03/4252060 N/A N/A 5, Albert Al Awal St., - Semouha (Alex) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

Nile Air For Air Conditions 02/2724019 02/2704663 N/A N/A 57, Abd El Hakim El Rafae St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Company: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Website: Address: Description:

World Technology ( El Amawy ) 02/2724382 02/2742057 N/A N/A 30, Dr. Naguib Mahfouz St., - Nasr City (Cairo) N/A

Society of Engineers Society of Mechanical Engineers 28 Ramses Street Cairo Egypt Phone# 20-2-5741290 Fax# 20-2-5740569

List of Electrical Air Conditioning in Egypt

City 10 Th Of Ramadan Alexandria Company El Gamal For Building Materials Atec Condition.

Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza

Cool Comfort Ford For Conditions & Refrigerators Kaldair Kheimikond For Engineering Trade Miraco Nobel Airco Cairo Office Refrigeration & Air Condition Carrier Air Conditioning Egypt Comm Air Delta Service Dewing Trading & Contracting Co Egycond Egyptian Center For Trade El Islam Electro House Center Of Trade First Air Condition Gibson Iccon Industrial Co For Development Cooling & Air Conditioning Maneurope Mina Al Agaubi Nile Engineering Power Egypt Coroporation Seven Engineers Co Suez Marine International The Egyptian Energy Equipment ( Cac ). The Engineering & Contracting Co 1st Car. Amco Bel Air Coldest Dunham - Bush Egyptian Importing ( Egicat ) El Handassia Engineering Office Fresh Air Frost For Air Condition Giza Engineering Services Miraco Misr Cool New Coldest Peacock Engineering Services Center.

Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Giza Ismailia Ismailia Ismailia Luxor Luxor Luxor Port Said Sadat City Suez

Philco Rasco Co Seven Stars Shams Spring Air Co Wissam Electronic Industries Canal Co For Air Conditioning El Canal For Air Conditioning El Marwa For Refrgeration & Air Conditioning Al Alamia Air Conditioning Sewuas El Mohandes For Air Conditition Refigeration. Misr Air Condition Mfrs Co El Mesria For Air Conditioning Miraco Falcon Services Last Updated

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