Basara priest
Hyderabad: The Basara temple
main priest P Sanjeev Kumar
and Stapati Parayan Dar Shra-
van Sharma were suspended on
Wednesday following allega-
tions of shifting the ‘Utsava-
murthulu’. An inquiry was also
ordered into the incident.
Speaking to the media, En-
dowments Minister A In-
drakaran Reddy expressed an-
guish over the shifting of
Utsavamurthulu from the tem-
ple. He directed Endowments
Commissioner Shiv Shankar to
suspend Kumar and Sharma,
who have ‘hurt’ the sentiments
of the devotees.
Shiv Shankar issued orders
suspending the duo.The Minis-
ter stated that the government
would not tolerate if anyone
plays with thea sentiments of
the devotees.
Reddy asked Regional Joint
Commissioner Krishnaveni to
inquire into shifting of the
Murthi. He said that memo was
issued to the temple’s Executive
Officer, Inspector and Sweeper.
Ayana: Dakshinayana
Ritu: Varsha
Masa: Shravana
Paksha: Krishna
Tidhi: Tritiiya
Nakshatra: P.Bhadrapada
Durmuhurtham: 10.13
am to 11.04 am again
03.19 pm to 04.10 pm
Raahukaalam: 01.56 pm
to 03.32 pm
Varjyam: 12.17 pm to
01.54 pm
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Fajr Zohar Asr Maghrib Isha
Sensex: 31,797.84 216.35
NIFTY: 9,908.05 70.50
Gold (10g): � 29,470 � 100
Silver (Kg): � 39,000 � 600
(Source: NVS)
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Vikram Goud grilled
2BHK becomes a major burden on GHMC OUR BUREAU On the other hand, another ac-
cused contradicted it in his
MADDY DEEKSHITH The State government ture cost itself would burden the Hyderabad: The police o�cials statements, as he had mentioned
civic body with Rs 1,500 crore. He who interrogated former Minis- that 20 bullets were bought for
Hyderabad: The Telangana State had earlier asked the said if the government asks to pur- ter M Mukesh Goud’s son the purpose.
government's flagship double civic body to bear chase land, the GHMC will be not Vikram Goud on Wednesday Another question, which was
bedroom housing project for the Rs 1.5 lakh per unit as in a position to provide basic civic tried to reconstruct the scene by raised by the police during the
urban has turned out to be a major infrastructure cost per amenities and pay its salaries to grilling him during his one-day interrogation, is about the Rs 50
burden to the Greater Hyderabad unit and it amounts to employees in near future. The custody. lakh contract for shooting. Since
Municipal Corporation (GHMC). Rs 1,500 cr. In the latest GHMC o�cial further said out of According to sources, after he claimed to have spent Rs 13
The government earlier has asked move, the government total 650 acres required, the civic taking him into custody from lakhs during the entire opera-
the civic body to bear Rs 1.5 lakh has also asked the body has identified about 480 Chanchalguda jail, the police tion, the police questioned him
infrastructure cost (per unit). It is acres of land to take up the 2BHK took him to Osmania General about the remaining money.
now asking them to purchase the GHMC to purchase land housing project. He said the gov- Hospital for medical examina- They asked him if he had access
land to take up the 2BHK housing at Kolluru village for the ernment has already asked it to tion. Later took him to Banjara to the remaining money or hid
project. O�cials claimed that if project purchase 80 acres from GHMC's Hills police station and contin- somewhere, so as to distribute
the government continues with account but further such instruc- ued questioning him till the after the accomplishment of the
same policy, the corporation will body to purchase about 80 acres tions to purchase land will bank- evening. act. Meanwhile, the other five ac-
soon become bankrupt. of assigned land at Kollur village rupt the civic body. The police team tried to get cused in the case were also ques-
According to GHMC o�cials, to take up the 2BHK project. The Meanwhile, the GHMC has ac- clarity on some missing links of tioned on the first day of their
the government on 29th June estimated cost for the project is quired 52 acres of land in Hyder- the case. They questioned him custody. The interrogation of
2017 has asked the civic body to Rs 33 crore where about 20,000 abad district, 150 acres in Ran- over number of bullets bought them will continue for another
bear the Rs 1.5 lakh infrastructure units of 2BHK houses will be con- senior GHMC o�cial told The signed land in the Kollur village gareddy, about 250 acres in Medak from Indore (Madhya Pradesh), two days, since the police re-
cost per each unit. The govern- structed. Hans India that the civic body will with an estimated cost of Rs 33 and 40 acres of land in San- as he had earlier claimed that ceived three days custody of
ment has now instructed the civic When asked about the issue, a now purchase the 80 acres as- crore. He said that the infrastruc- gareddy. only three bullets were bought. them.
of octroi tax, toll tax they saw a large contingent of Rapid Action Force, along with Medak town police
parading on the roads in several areas of the town wielding automatic rifles.
Venkaiah opposes
‘hereditary politics’
Hyderabad: Vice-Presi-
dent-elect M Venkaiah
Naidu has strongly op-
posed the practice of
hereditary politics in
some political organisa-
tions in the country for ple directly would achieve
decades. success early in politics.
Participating in a get The Vice President
together with scribes here elect said in his 45 year
on Wednesday, he said political career, his regu-
every political aspirant in lar tours, constant book
the existing families with reading and interaction
a big political ground with journalists helped
should develop on his or him to emerge as national
her own. One could leader and reached pin-
emerge as a strong politi- nacle in the Indian poli-
cal leader not through tics. He visited all 624 dis-
hereditary but because of tricts in the country and
their leadership qualities acquainted socio and po-
only. litical knowledge in every
Venkaiah made it clear region.
that he did not encourage Now Venkaiah Naidu
either his son or daughter is studying the working
as heir apparent in the style of his predecessors
next generation politics. like Sarvepalle Rad-
His o�springs were given hakrishna, Hidayatul-
freedom to select their lah etc and knowing his
own interested fields and responsibilities to per-
pursue the same as ca- form his duties as In-
reer. If any of his children dia’s 14th vice president
are interested to take a in the next five years.
plunge into politics in fu- Venkaiah regretted over
ture, he said he would not his cut off to active pol-
discourage but insist itics permanently after
them to develop on their getting elected to the
own. Leaders who main- India’s second highest
tained rapport with peo- constitutional post.
Call: 9705555551 KMP PATNAIK Even the agitation against the at the public meeting at NTR 1 lakh, this will be the best sources
bauxite mining took toll of several Grounds here on Wednesday, the ofincomeforthepeopleapartfrom
Araku Valley: Allaying fears of the lives including some elected rep- Chief Minister said the govern- tourism,”he informed.He said that
tribals, Chief Minister N Chan- resentatives, who were slain by the ment would rather exploit the nat- the government would also focus
drababu Naidu announcedthat the outlawed Maoists. Apart from ural resources found abundant on organic farming and set up mar-
government would not take up Maoists, all the Opposition parties over ground in the Agency area keting agency, so that the well
bauxite mining, hurting the senti- including Congress went against rather than going for mining. packaged products found their way
ments of the local people. the government, which had pro- “At present co�ee is being grown into the supermarket shelves all
The Chief Minister su�ered a posal to revive the mining. in 1.5 lakh acres in the 11 mandals over the country and abroad
setbackinthelastgeneralelections Sensing severe opposition, of the Agency and it will be in- “The Governor tasted pepper
as the people were against bauxite Naidu thought it was wise to shelve Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu interacting with a tribal creased to 5 lakh acres benefiting and said it is the hottest ever he
mining. Most of the Assembly seg- bauxite mining for some time and woman during a programme on the occasion of World Adivasi Day 6 lakh tribal population in the dis- tasted in his life. He was also im-
ments and Lok Sabha constituency promote other activities in a big at Araku on Wednesday. (Below) Chief Minister and Governor trict. As each acre will earn the pressed with the co�ee which he
was won by the Opposition YSRCP. way to win their hearts. Addressing ESL Narasimhan taking part in a traditional tribal dance. grower an amount of Rs 70,000 Rs tasted on arrival,” he added.
On the insistence of the Telangana government, the GST Council reduced tax
from 18 per cent to 12 per cent for some specified projects in the recently held
meeting in New Delhi.
Telangana government has been demanding bringing down of the tax to 5 per
cent which was collected before the introduction of new tax regime from July 1st
this year.
Following the instructions of KCR, Chief Secretary SP Singh on Wednesday
held an emergency meeting with the Secretaries of all important departments
and explained them the necessary steps being taken by the government to rescue
state from tax burden without halting the works. The o�cials were asked to hold
meeting with contractors and private agencies for the completion of works in a
scheduled time.
����� [email protected]
Fear of Nandyal defeat makes tiny in deciding the winner and loser, irrespective of the calibre of
the individual. Every fan of Usain Bolt never expected this type of
AP CM level wild allegations tame finish of his career and Justin Gatlin’s triumph, who was a
dopey in the past. Though the crowd was unhappy and mocked at
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Why did EC reject votes
of Gujarat Cong MLAs?
Very recently in 2016, the vote of Congress MLA from Haryana,
Randeep Singh Surjewala, was also rejected because he showed his
vote to a person other than the authorised agent of the party
RAKESH DUBBUDU Sabha election. This amend-
ment makes the voting in the
he Election Commission Rajya Sabha election an open
of India (ECI) rejected the ballot rather than a secret ballot.
votes of two Congress Following the amendment to the
MLAs after it was revealed that RP Act, the relevant rules were
Disaster management
they showed their ballot paper to amended in 2004 to add rule
others in addition to 39AA. The Rule
the authorised agent. 39AA of the Conduct
These provisions of Election Rules
What do Assam, Himachal lives. Promises are aplenty –
and Gujarat have in com- house-building grants, rehabili-
tation schemes and free rations.
story is recurrent elsewhere too.
Bringing things to such a pass
that everything is kaam chalao!
night order on Tues-
day, the Election Commission di-
rected the returning o�cer of the
party to which the
voter belongs should verify the
ballot paper without which the
A) Lord Indra is playing hooky What it all boils down to is a Crisis over it is back to business Gujarat Rajya Sabha polls to re- vote will be treated invalid. The
once again causing massive de- measly pay-out of Rs 200 each to as usual. ject the votes of two Congress ECI also states this in its hand-
struction, death and anguish. about 2000 people for building Flood policies are based on the MLAs. In its order, the ECI said book to the returning officer.
Whoever said when it rains mis- houses against the promised Rs assumption that flood disasters that these two Congress MLAs These provisions were chal-
eries, it pours, was dead on! Leav- 750. result from nature's actions and violated the voting procedure lenged in the Supreme Court by
ing us desis with just one option Not for them implementation are not man-made. Whereas, in and secrecy of the ballot papers Kuldip Nayar. Kuldip Nayar
– pray to God that disaster doesn’t of basic suggestions and develop- actuality the damage is caused by cast by them. But what rule posi- challenged these amendments
strike in their region. The flood ing long-term responses. Think. human error, mainly, poor land tion was violated by these two in the SC through a writ petition
toll has reached a whopping 700 Around 76% of India's coastline management and myopic flood- MLAs? Here is a lowdown of the filed in 2004. The SC dismissed
now and a few thousands have be- is prone to cyclones and control strategies. This was un- rules involved in voting during this petition in 2006 after hold-
come homeless and counting. tsunamis, 10% to floods and river derscored by the CAG 2010 re- the Rajya Sabha election. ing that the Constitution does
Oh, so predictable is our netas erosion, over 20 million people, port which lamented the In 2003, during the rule of the not put any restriction on the
response: an annual nautanki, about 6.5 million acres of crop is country’s disaster management first NDA government, an legislative powers of Parliament
yawn. Everyone goes through the submerged and more than 20 preparedness and warned of im- amendment was made to the with respect to the election of
stereotype motions – deluge and lakhs cattle heads perish. Yet, our pending catastrophe including Representation of People’s Act, members of the Rajya Sabha.
relief are freely bandied about. leaders remain oblivious to hy- severe natural ecology hazards. 1951. The following two provi- The SC maintained that amend-
Prime Minister Modi announces drological concerns of cities, busy Loss of green spaces which can sions relating to the election of ments to Sections 3, 59, 94 and
Rs 2 lakh compensation for the as they are enlarging their respec- reduce flood intensity and soil Rajya Sabha members were 128 of the Representation of the
deceased and Rs 50,000 for those tive “relief empires” and pointing erosion has added to the problem modified through this amend- People’s Act, 1951, made through
injured, and Chief Ministers fol- accusing fingers at each other. along-with concretisation, un- ment. an act in 2003 do not infringe on
low. Their ideas and remedies as wa- planned urbanisation alongside The first one is that the can- any Constitutional provision.
Moreover, why do our netagan ter-logged as the floods under dis- nature’s fury. Concerted e�orts didate contesting the Rajya Since then, the elections to
prioritise floods only at crises cussion. are needed like massive a�oresta- Sabha election from any state the Rajya Sabha are being held
time? Remember, similar floods Funds are doled out from the tion and soil conservation pro- need not be a voter in that state. in the open ballot system as de-
struck Chennai in 2015, Uttarak- Calamity Relief Fund. Little real- grammes throughout the coun- In other words, a voter from any scribed above. Very recently in
hand and Srinagar 2014, Delhi ising that instead of helping the try. Reforesting of the Himalayas part of the country can contest 2016, the vote of Congress MLA
2013 and Mumbai in 2005. Ac- people, most State Governments would be a beginning in this di- the Rajya Sabha election from from Haryana, Randeep Singh
cording to a Parliamentary Stand- use this for purposes other than rection. any state. For instance, the for- Surjewala, was also rejected be-
ing Committee on Water Re- disaster management or to create It is needed to trap some of the mer PM Manmohan Singh is a cause he showed his vote to a
sources between 1953 and 2012 infrastructure for which money early monsoon water under- beneficiary of this amendment. person other than the autho-
an average of seven million is provided in the regular budget ground in artesian basins which He was and is currently a mem- rised agent of the party. The ECI
hectares of land and nor do the could be used during dry season. ber of the upper house from As- has now rejected the votes of
and over 32 mil- State Disaster Rainwater harvesting, improved sam which is not his home state. two Congress MLAs in Gujarat
Why are long-term
lion people were Boards imple- waste management practices, The second one prescribes the following the same provision.
a�ected each responses not ment any proj- multi-purpose projects could be manner of voting in the Rajya (Courtesy: factly.in)
year because of developed to what is ect properly. taken up, which would not only
floods. an annual expected Shockingly, control floods, but also augment
The average problem? Why aren’t according to the power supply alongside develop-
loss of lives was adequate CAG 2013 re- ment of urban fringes to reduce
1,653 each year,
cattle loss
arrangements made
to ensure survivors
port the Na-
tional Disaster
pressure on existing urban cities.
Our polity needs to emphasis KINDS AND LEVELS OF DISASTERS
96,593, a whop- Management on national priorities, take into
ping 12.54 lakh don’t die of Authority has account local realities and involve
houses were starvation, due to the no “information experts and environmentalists
damaged and
the total de-
ineptitude. Primarily
and control over
progress of (dis-
who would evaluate the ecologi-
cal problems, study its context
P rimarily disasters are triggered by natu-
ral hazards or human-induced. The
human society is also vulnerable to Chemi-
increased risk from many kinds of human-in-
duced hazards arising from accidents (in-
dustrial, road, air, rail, on river or sea,
struction to because the aam aster manage- and be involved in decision and cal, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear building collapse, fires, mine flooding, oil
crops, houses aadmi translates into ment) work at policy-making. With special em- (CBRN) disasters, as per the National Disas- spills, etc.). Biological, Radiological, and Nu-
and public utili- the State level, phasis on problems created by ter Management Plan (NDMP) A publication clear (CBRN) hazards rank very high in
sterile statistics to be
ties estimated at was unsuccess- burgeoning population and its of: National Disaster Management Authority among the human-induced risks. Terrorist
Rs 3,612.12 manipulated at will ful in imple- impact on the local eco-system, (NDMA). activities and secondary incidents add to
crores annually. mentation of growth of haphazard housing, en- Disasters arising from natural hazards are these risks and call for adequate prepared-
And every year millions of words various projects and ine�ective vironmental insanitation and de- classified into five major categories: 1. Geo- ness and planning.
are written and millions more in its functioning in most core ar- cay, drainage and stagnant water physical: Geological process or phenomenon Levels of Disasters: Level-L1: The level of
will continue to be written. But eas." Succinctly, disaster manage- bodies. that may cause loss of life, injury or other disaster that can be managed within the ca-
it’s like water o� a duck’s back. ment is a disaster. The need of the hour demands health impacts, property damage, loss of ological: Process or phenomenon of organic pabilities and resources at the District level.
Why are long-term responses Moreover, even as the Centre action. Blueprints and discus- livelihoods and services, social and eco- origin or conveyed by biological vectors, in- However, the state authorities will remain in
not developed to what is an an- approved Rs 33,580.93 crore for sions are not going to help unless nomic disruption, or environmental damage; cluding exposure to pathogenic micro-organ- readiness to provide assistance if needed;
nual expected problem? Why State Disaster Response Funds and until the government starts 2) Hydrological: Events caused by deviations isms, toxins and bioactive substances that Level-L2: This signifies the disaster situa-
aren’t adequate arrangements for 2010-2015, many States misu- implementing those master- in the normal water cycle and/or overflow of may cause loss of life, injury, illness or other tions that require assistance and active mo-
made to ensure survivors don’t tilised these, some didn’t invest plans dumped in dusty govern- bodies of water caused by wind set-up; 3) health impacts et. bilization of resources at the state level and
die of starvation, due to the ad- them, thereby incurring huge in- ment corridors. Even as NaMo Meteorological: Events caused by short- Human-Induced Disasters: The NPDM deployment of state level agencies for disas-
ministration’s ineptitude. Prima- terest losses, smacking of finan- bulldozes ahead with grand de- lived/small to meso-scale atmospheric notes that rise in population, rapid urbaniza- ter management. The central agencies must
rily because the aam aadmi trans- cial indiscipline while not a few signs to build 100 futuristic processes (in the spectrum from minutes to tion and industrialization, environmental remain vigilant for immediate deployment if
lates into sterile statistics to be are yet to utilise funds. ‘smart’ cities, this season’s devas- days); 4) Climatological: Events caused by degradation and climate change aggravates required by the state; and Level-L3: This cor-
manipulated at will. Examples: Assam has over Rs tating floods shows, fixing today’s long-lived meso- to macro-scale processes the vulnerabilities to various kinds of disas- responds to a nearly catastrophic situation
Undeniably, the governments’ 500 crore which is unutilised, flood-prone metropolises is a (in the spectrum from intra-seasonal to ters. Due to inadequate disaster prepared- or a very large-scale disaster that over-
approach is one of criminal casu- even as it wants another Rs 3,000 more pressing task. multi-decadal climate variability); and 5) Bi- ness, communities, and animals are at whelms the State and District authorities.
Ola driver
destroy roots of democracy’ Both accused were inter-
rogated by police o�cials
for over two hours before
being booked under Sec-
Kundu at Panchkula near Chandigarh.
3 militants
EC to use EVMs with killed in
VVPAT in Gujarat polls encounter
Srinagar (PTI): Three militants
New Delhi (IANS): The Election Com- conducting election to the Gujarat leg- were killed in an encounter with se-
mission on Wednesday told the islative assembly is 70,000 units. curity forces in south Kashmir's
Supreme Court that it will be able to The VVPAT machine is connected Pulwama district, police said.
use EVMs with Voter Verified Paper with EVMs and dispenses a paper The bodies have been recovered
Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines in the proof for the voters so that they can from the encounter site where the
upcoming Gujarat Assembly polls. verify that their vote is cast correctly. search operation was still in
A bench headed by Chief Justice J.S. Taking note of the submissions of the progress, a police o�cial said. The
Khehar was told by the poll panel that Election Commission, the court dis- identity and group a�liation of the
it will be able to conduct the Gujarat posed of the plea filed by Gujarat Pati- slain militants is being ascertained,
Assembly polls later this year using dar leader Reshma Vithabhai Patel the o�cial said. Security forces
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) seeking the use of either ballot paper launched a cordon and search op-
with paper trail if it gets 73,500 VVPAT or EVMs with VVPAT for the assembly eration in Gulab Bagh area of Tral
machines by September from the elections. in Pulwama after receiving specific
manufacturers. Patel, also convener of the Patidar inputs about the presence of mili-
An affidavit filed by the poll panel Anamat Andolan Samiti which was at tants there. As the forces were con-
said: "If the said consignment of the forefront of the Patel quota agita- ducting the search operation, the
VVPATs is delivered on time (Septem- tion, alleged that the EVMs were not hiding militants fired upon them re-
ber), the Election Commission expects fully reliable, foolproof, tamper-proof sulting in an encounter. Mean-
to be able to conduct the elections to or hack-proof. while, a Delhi court sent to 14-day
the Gujarat legislative assembly com- The Election Commission main- judicial custody Kashmiri separatist
pletely with the use of VVPATs." tained that EVMs currently used for leader Shabir Shah, who was ar-
Currently it has 53,500 VVPAT units, conducting Lok Sabha and assembly rested in a decade-old money laun-
said the poll panel, adding that the elections in the country "cannot be dering case for alleged terror fi-
number of VVPAT units required for tampered with". nancing.
‘Nagasaki must be the last place to suffer N-attack ’
Tokyo (AFP): Nagasaki must spreading across the globe cludes those who survived US President said at his golf firmly set under the US nu-
be the last place to suffer an that in the not too distant fu- the explosion itself but died club in New Jersey. The se- clear umbrella. Many in
atomic bombing, its mayor ture these weapons could soon after from severe radi- curity fears over North Japan feel the attacks
said on Wednesday, marking actually be used again,” said ation exposure. Three days Korea have recently been amount to war crimes be-
72 years since the devastat- Mayor Tomihisa Taue at a later, the US dropped a plu- cited by nuclear powers cause they targeted civilians
ing American nuclear attack ceremony at Nagasaki tonium bomb on the port Britain, France and the US to and due to the unprece-
on the Japanese city with a Peace Park. “Nagasaki must city of Nagasaki, killing oppose a UN treaty banning dented destructive nature of
passionate call for denu- be the last place to suffer an some 74,000 people. Japan atomic weapons. the weapons. But many
clearisation. The anniver- atomic bombing,” he said. A announced its surrender in It was a position sup- Americans believe they has-
sary comes as tensions over bell tolled as thousands of World War II on August 15, ported by Japan. Taue lam- tened the end of a bloody
North Korea’s rogue people, including ageing 1945. Wednesday's cere- basted Tokyo over its stance conflict, and ultimately saved
weapons programme and in- survivors and relatives of mony took place amid re- on the treaty as “incompre- lives, thus justifying the
creasingly bellicose rhetoric victims, observed a minute’s People pray for atomic bombing victims on the 71st gional concerns over North hensible to those of us living bombings. Barack Obama
A boy from the minority from United States presi- silence at 11:02 am (local anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing Korea, with Trump sharpen- in the cities that suffered became the first sitting US
Yazidi sect worships at a dent Donald Trump rattle the time), the exact moment ing the rhetoric against Py- atomic bombings”. Japanese president to visit Hiroshima
Yazidi shrine which is region and put nuclear that the blast struck on Au- is the only country to have bomb on Hiroshima on Au- ongyang. “They will be met officials routinely argue that in May last year, paying mov-
being rebuilt after it was threats in the spotlight. “A gust 9, 1945 in the closing suffered atomic attacks. The gust 6, 1945, killing around with fire and fury like the they abhor nuclear weapons, ing tribute to victims of the
destroyed by Islamic strong sense of anxiety is days of World War II. Japan US dropped the first atomic 140,000 people. The toll in- world has never seen,” the but the nation’s defence is devastating bomb.
State in Bashiqa, a town
near Mosul
Lassa fever
kills two in ‘Enjoy paradise,’ ignore SA opposition
wants Parliament
Rouhani names two
woman vice-presidents
Lagos (AFP): Two people
in Lagos have died and a
hundred medical workers
have been placed under ob-
NK threat, Guam told
Hagatna (Guam) (AFP): The Pa-
Johannesburg (Reuters): The
opposition Democratic Al-
liance (DA) on Wednesday
called for South Africa’s Parlia-
servation after a flare-up of cific island of Guam remained ment to be dissolved and a na-
Lassa fever, a cousin of the outwardly calm on Wednesday in tional election to be held, one
deadly Ebola virus, offi- the face of a threatened North day after its no-confidence mo-
cials said on Wednesday. Korean attack, and a senior o�- tion in President Jacob Zuma
Lagos University Teaching cial in the US territory urged peo- was defeated.
Hospital said the two died ple to “relax and enjoy paradise”. Alliance leader Mmusi
this week after being ad- After US President Donald Maimane said the party would
mitted for treatment. “Each Trump threatened North Korea bring the motion to dissolve
of these two patients pre- with “fire and fury” over its nu- parliament to the assembly on Masoumeh Ebtekar Dr Laya Joneydi Shahindokht Mowlaverdi
sented very late and died in clear ambitions yesterday, Py- Thursday and request that it be
spite of efforts to salvage ongyang raised the stakes just debated as soon as possible. Tehran (AFP): Iranian President deputy positions to fill and it was
them,” Professor Chris hours later -- saying it was con- A family at a beach in Guam on Wednesday Zuma, who has been dogged Hassan Rouhani appointed two unclear if any would go to
Bode, the hospital’s chief sidering missile strikes near US by accusations of corruption female vice presidents on women.
medical director, said. The strategic military installations on our safety”. “I want to reassure They’re just buying school sup- and mismanaging the econ- Wednesday, a day after coming The lack of any women among
first case was a 39-year-old Guam. In a televised address to the people of Guam that cur- plies because the schools’ just omy, survived an attempt in under fire from reformists for Rouhani’s new ministers, an-
pregnant woman with a the 162,000 residents on the rently there is no threat to our is- opened.” Guam, which advertises parliament to force him from nominating no women ministers. nounced on Tuesday, has been
bleeding disorder who died Western Pacific island, Governor land,” he said. George Charfauros, pristine beaches, clear blue skies o�ce on Tuesday. But he was Massoumeh Ebtekar, known in- strongly criticised by his re-
after stillbirth, he said. Eddie Calvo said Guam was work- the territory’s homeland security and “world-famous sunsets” is a left politically wounded after ternationally for her role as formist allies who say he has
ing with Washington “to ensure adviser, said there was “0.000001 popular destination, with some members of his ruling spokesperson during the 1980 US bowed to pressure from the reli-
per cent chance of the North Ko- tourism a key pillar of its econ- African National Congress embassy hostage crisis, was gious establishment. Rouhani, a
6 Red Cross rean missile hitting Guam”. His
advice to residents to “relax and
omy. But it is also home to about
6,000 US troops and houses two
(ANC) party voted with the op-
named as vice president in charge
of women’s a�airs, having previ-
moderate cleric, sailed to victory
in May over hardliner Ebrahim
members enjoy the paradise” appeared to US military installations -- the Maimane told a news con- ously run the environment brief Raisi with the backing of re-
hit home. There was no evidence Andersen Air Force Base and the ference in Cape Town that the in Rouhani’s o�ce. Laya Joneydi formists after vowing to improve
killed in CAR of panic buying in stores Wednes- Naval Base Guam. Despite the result showed the ANC was di- was appointed as the vice presi- civil liberties and rebuild ties
Bangui (AP): Aid officials day and gas stations were oper- significant contribution the mil- vided and the country needed dent for legal a�airs, while an- with the West.
say six Red Cross volun- ating normally. Shop worker itary makes to the local economy, “a new beginning”. other woman, Shahindokht But he faces a di�cult balancing
teers have been killed in Chelsea Nu said the threat of at- there is a small but growing op- “The ANC may have won in Mowlaverdi, was named as a spe- act in seeking to address popular
Central African Republic tack was not even a conversation position to its presence. Nation- the no-confidence motion in cial adviser for citizens' rights. pressure for reform while assuag-
(CAR), the third deadly at- topic in her store. “I haven’t alists argue the territory is a po- parliament yesterday, but it Rouhani, who had three female ing conservative opinion in par-
tack on the group in the heard people talk about it. The tential target of aggression due to has lost the confidence of the vice presidents during his previ- liament and other power centres
country this year. Antoine customer tra�c is normal. the presence of US forces. country,” Maimane said. ous term, still has several more behind the scenes.
Mbao-Bogo, president of
the Central African Red
Cross, said Wednesday he
was “appalled” by news of
the killings in the south-
SPIDER ON THE STREET Kenyatta surges ahead, Country, pop star
Glen Campbell
east. The circumstances of
the attack were not clear,
according to the Interna-
rival says results fake dies at 81
tional Red Cross and Red Nairobi (AFP): President Uhuru Los Angeles
Crescent Movement. The Kenyatta appeared headed for re- (IANS): US
Red Cross says the volun- election on Wednesday but his ri- country and
teers were in Mbomou pre- val Raila Odinga claimed a mas- pop singer
fecture attending a crisis sive hacking attack had Glen Camp-
meeting at a health facility. manipulated results, ratcheting bell has died
up tensions in east Africa’s richest after a long
Rashad Rouse, 27, whose economy. With ballots from 92 per battle with
Bail for Khaleda dream is getting his star
on the Hollywood Walk
cent of polling stations counted,
electoral commission (IEBC) re-
Supporters of Raila Odinga, set
barricades on fire
his family
in graft case of Fame, hangs upside sults showed Kenyatta leading said on the musician’s o�cial
down from a tra�c with 54.4 per cent of the nearly 14 tronic system, saying hackers had Facebook account. He was 81.
Dhaka (PTI): The High signal pole in a Spider- million ballots tallied against gained entry to the system using A string of celebrities paid trib-
Court on Wednesday Man costume to get Odinga’s 44.7 per cent, a di�erence the identity of top IT o�cial Chris ute to him on social media.
granted permanent bail to attention from tourists of 1.3 million votes. “These results Msando, who was found murdered In his early 20s, Campbell
former prime minister on Hollywood are fake, it is a sham. They cannot and tortured late last month. “This moved to Los Angeles, where
Khaleda Zia in a corruption Boulevard, in Los be credible,” Odinga told a press is an attack on our democracy. The he gained fame as an excellent
case involving embezzle- Angeles. Rouse is a conference in the early hours of 2017 general election was a fraud,” and much sought-after studio
ment of 21 million musician and sometimes Wednesday as partial results came said Odinga, claiming detailed evi- musician, working with stars
Bangladeshi Taka. The works as an Uber driver quickly via an electronic tallying dence of the hacker’s movements. such as Elvis Presley, Dean
graft case was filed in when he is not working system aimed at preventing fraud. He would not say how he got the Martin and Frank Sinatra.
2008. The Anti-Corruption on the boulevard He later detailed accusations of a information, as he wanted to “pro- Campbell passed away on
Commission (ACC) case massive hacking attack on the elec- tect his source”. Tuesday, Efe news reported.
accused Khaleda, her son
Tarique Rahman and four
others in the Zia Orphan-
One suspect held over Quake in Sichuan
age Trust corruption case.
Surge in gold imports from EX-TOP BRASS OF RBI TURN CRITICAL ON ONGOING POLICY DOGMA Tata Motors Q1 net up
S Korea on govt radar ‘Farm loan waiver should Multiplicity of
GST rates is a 42%, riding on JLR
New Delhi (PTI): Worried over
Volume spurts to
multi-fold jump in gold imports
not become a policy’ challenge’
pension plan benefit
$338.6mn in just S Improving health, educa�on
from South Korea, the govern- Govt already delayed NPA action, we need to take sectors is a biggest task in next
ment is contemplating steps to 1 month as against New Delhi (PTI): Homegrown
check the surge in inbound ship- timely action, says Bimal Jalan 5 years, agriculture also has been global auto major Tata Motors
ments from the country, accord- $70.46mn in FY17 completely neglected so far on Wednesday reported 41.54
ing to an o�cial. Gold imports
from South Korea, with which In-
dia has a free trade agreement
since January 2010, has jumped
to $338.6 million during July 1 and
New Delhi (IANS): Former Re-
serve Bank of India (RBI) Gov-
ernor Bimal Jalan on Wednes-
day said farm loan waivers
should be a ‘need based’ one-
‘ I would
not have
approved it
(note ban)
New Delhi (IANS): Former RBI
Deputy Governor Rakesh Mo-
han on Wednesday said the
GST rollout was a colossal task
achieved after over a decade
per cent jump in net profit to
Rs3,199.93 crore for the June
quarter of the current fiscal, ben-
efiting from one-time gain relat-
ing to changes made to JLR pen-
August 3 this year. The import in time decision and should not be had I been at but the multiplicity of rates still sion plans. It had posted
2016-17 was $70.46 million. turned into a policy. remained a challenge. consolidated net profit of Rs
“We have lots of mechanisms in “Farm loan waiver as a one-
the helm of the “GST has been achieved after 2,260.4 crore in the April-June
place to control this surge like we time effect is all right. But you country’s central bank a decade. GST with multiple period of last fiscal, Tata Motors
can stipulate that the gold which can’t make it a policy,” Jalan rates is an issue,” Mohan said said in a BSE filing.
is imported should be used for 10 per cent customs duty. India is said here on the sidelines of the RBI, I should not demonetise it here at the Income from operations dur-
designated purpose like for export the world’s second biggest gold ‘Economics and Governance’ unless there is a crisis,” Jalan ‘Economics ing the period under review Butschek said: “While the first
only. Safeguard duty can also be consumer after China. The im- event organised by think tank said in an interview ahead of the and Gover- stood at Rs 59,818.22 crore, as quarter results have not met our
imposed, but we have to plug the ports mainly take care of demand Thinkers and Penguin Random release of his book “India: Pri- nance’ event against Rs 66,165.89 crore in the expectations, we are working
loophole before the onset of the by the jewellery industry. India House India. “Else people will orities for the future” on organised by year-ago period, down 9.59 per with renewed focus and energy
festive season,” the finance min- has implemented free trade agree- borrow farm loan and may use Wednesday. RBI Governor Urjit Penguin cent. to improve performance of our
istry o�cial said. ments with countries including it for other purposes. It should Patel and SBI Chairperson publishers. Rakesh Mohan Jaguar Land Rover CEO Ralf commercial and passenger vehi-
Under the free trade pact be- Japan, Asean and Singapore. The be need based,” he said. Arundhati Bhattacharya have The Goods and Services Tax Speth said: “We continue to de- cle businesses.”
tween India and South Korea, ba- collections from customs duty and Coming to note ban, which also earlier said farm loan has tax-slabs of 0, 5, 12, 18 and liver rising volumes and rev- Volume sales, including ex-
sic customs duty on gold was elim- IGST from imports post imple- was announced on November 8, waivers should not become a 28 per cent. Gold is at a special enues across the business, re- ports of commercial and passen-
inated. Further, the 12.5 per cent mentation of GST has almost dou- 2016, Jalan said that “though practice as they result in fiscal rate of 3 per cent. flecting strong demand for new ger vehicles for the quarter stood
countervailing duty on gold im- bled to Rs30,000 crore in July. demonetisation had some posi- slippages. The former RBI o�cer said models such as the Range Rover at 1,11,860 units, down 11.8 per
ports has been subsumed in the Gold imports contributed sig- tives, I would not have approved Touching upon the non-per- India needed to focus on health Velar and established global cent when compared to the cor-
Goods and Services Tax (GST). Ac- nificantly to this increased collec- it had I been at the helm of the forming assets (NPAs) or bad and education to achieve a award winners such as Jaguar F- responding quarter last year, it
cordingly, the imports now attract tion. The revenue collected in- country’s central bank. There is loans' resolution mechanism of higher growth rate. “Health and PACE. Consolidated profit be- said. Tata Motors said its oper-
only 3 per cent integrated GST. clude those on account of customs need to tackle the problem of RBI wherein the banks have education is a challenge. We fore tax for the quarter includes ating performance broadly re-
The o�cial added that similar duty, Integrated-GST (IGST) black money at the root and see been allowed to initiate insol- have the worst health and edu- one-time gain of Rs 3,609 crore flected JLR’s lower wholesale
surge in gold imports could be wit- from imports, Countervailing whether taxes are high.” vency procedure against de- cation indices. India can’t grow (437 million pound) relating to volumes excluding China JV and
nessed from other countries with Duty (CVD), special addition duty “On balance, if a rupee has faulters, Jalan said whatever at 10 per cent without major the changes made to the Jaguar continuation of higher compet-
which India has free trade pacts. (SAD) and Cess collection on im- been guaranteed by the Govern- needs to be done should be done improvements in these sec- Land Rover pension plans.” Tata itive incentive levels and launch
Currently, gold imports attract ported items. ment of India and issued by for a speedy recovery. tors,” he said. Motors MD & CEO Guenter and growth costs seen in FY17.
n Rakhi the sister’s visits or goes
to her brother’s house and per- R akhi is the most im-
portant festival for all Topic for this week : What is the importance of
form pooja and apply kunkuma of them in our country. Independence Day?
on his forehead and ties the Rakhi Every girl will tie the
in return the brother’s gives her Rakhi for her brother. It Format : MS Word (Scanned copies
a gift and blesses her and the is one of the traditional will not be considered)
family. This festival is cele- festivals. The Rakhi will
brated by all the Hindus all shows the relationship be- Who can send : Students of Class V to
over the words during the tween the brother and sister. Class X, with details of
olden days the women tied a When the sister ties the Rakhi
Rakhi on her husband’s hand for her brother, the brother will class, school name, phone
to protect him from evil and
this tradition chanced and sis-
bless the sister and he will give some gifts for number and photo along
is sister. The roots of most of the Hindus festival can be traced
ters tied Rakhi on brother’s hand to Hindu mythology. We do here about why is Holi celebrated with the essay
or wrist to protect his from evils.
-B Vijayalaxmi, Class VII,
or what is the significance of Diwali but, hardly anyone Deadline : August 16
known’s why Raksha bhandhan is celebrated.
TSWRS/JC, Vikarabad -H Shivani, Class VII, TSWRS/JC, Vikarabad Email : [email protected]
t has been a year since Kashmir turned on its Jamooriyat. The present PM has hinted on was getting back the PoK. • If PM is able to provide appropriate new militancy characterized by the
head and went on the path of self-destruction following the same path. The Union home · The present also PM asked the people to talk development options, along with that, for presence of social media-wielding youth
ostensibly under a new leadership and new minister has already made it clear that all about the atrocities committed on the the youth there is education, jobs and was little understood by the establishment,
foot soldiers. Burhan Wani’s death, in an the stakeholders in Kashmir will be talked people of PoK and the problems they are whatever be the other skill sets and other intelligence agencies and the media. Their
encounter on July 8, 2016, led to the outpouring to. The process of identification of these facing should be highlighted. He suggested a human security issues- like access to assessments were archaic and based on
of emotions which got converted to extreme stakeholder has begun and this will take two-way road map: medical colleges, hospital, modern assumed beliefs.
violence and led to a change in the nature of the place with the local government. These • The people belonging to that region get in technology, the Kashmir valley will see more • The youth were building a new narrative of
conflict. issues will be focus of attention of the touch with those who are residing currently peace. No doubt, these issues have been resistance through social media outreach.
government including the opposition party in PoK and expose the miserable conditions identified in the past but it lacked policy The state was observing this but did little to
Why Kashmir is volatile? to have stretched on the need for dialogue. they are living in backed actions and political rhetoric launch an e�ective counter in the domain
• Jammu & Kashmir, then ruled by a king, • The Indian mission should also try and build followed whenever there is unrest. that mattered — social media or any form of
acceded to India in 1947 through Article 370 What next? up on this narrative. • The 80000 crore package given to J&K, it is communication to the public.
of the Constitution of India. • The PM has not given any concrete • This is a di�erent approach that has no not just meant for building roads electricity, • Social media, ideology and religion are the
• Over the years, that Article has been framework on Kashmir though he has given precedence. As far as India’s Pakistan policy it is for all round development of every part last things that the security establishment
breached many times. direction. It is good in a way as it is not a is concerned, such clear cut mention of PoK of J&K. understands because it involves rebooting,
• Kashmir Valley, home to seven million knee-jerk reaction. and actions that can be possible taken is • So, every region should get its share of relearning, mastering technology and most
people, is the centre of the conflict. • In past it has been observed that political departure from past. development money so that good education, importantly, getting to know the religious
• The people of the Valley have reacted meetings of this kind and there will be • The PM is actually advocating that the employment for youth, modern healthcare underpinnings of the time.
aggressively to the denial of the autonomy immediate reaction to it, which in long run Indian state should reach out, also and encourage tourism. • With their typical tenure-based approach to
that was promised when J&K acceded to doesn’t help. This time, the all-party meeting encouraging the people in J&K who have • The point that J&K assembly still has vacant problem solving, the security establishment
India. was a consultative meeting. The PM heard family and friends in PoK to ascertain the seats from the PoK region representation does not display the capability to assess
• A small number wants the Valley to become everyone out and there was collating on the actual conditions on the ground and apprise shows that India is determined that PoK is intellectually or learn nuances beyond the
part of Pakistan. suggestions. The concrete policy will be the global community about the excesses part of India only. ordinary response involving gun-on-gun.
• An overwhelming majority demands azadi. drafted very soon. Earlier dialogues did not being committed by Pakistani state and also, • Intelligence agencies have a better measure
• Every government in J&K and at the Centre create any long term resolution of Kashmir the denial of certain basic human rights, Internationalisation of the issue of institutional continuity but lack the
has responded to the challenge with more issue. particularly the democratic norms and • The very nature of the issue was such that it means of persuasion to convince and
warnings, more troops and more laws. • This time, the government is taking its time, principles. should have been settled at the bilateral thereby alter understanding and planning.