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www.thehansindia.com THURSDAY 10 AUGUST 2017 HYDERABAD PAGES 32 `5.


H Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Nizamabad | Rajamahendravaram H

Godavari to flow backwards

to make Telangana fertile
ADEPU MAHENDER day. The government’s plan
is to tackle the dwindling
Nizamabad: A powerful water flow in Godavari due
earthquake once caused to umpteen number of
the River Mississippi to dams constructed in the up-
flow backwards. River Go- per riparian Maharashtra
davari now stands to re- region and insu�cient rains
peat a sort of such a feat, in catchment areas.
albeit manmade, if all goes Albeit SRSP, constructed
according to the plan of across Godavari near
Telangana Chief Minister Pochampad in Nizamabad
K Chandrashekar Rao. district, is regarded as the
The massive retro-walk lifeline of north Telangana
plan of Godavari waters to region, it barely fulfilled
replenish and revive Sri Endowments Minister A Indrakaran Reddy o�ers the aspirations of the farm-
Ram Sagar Project (SRSP) bouquet to Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao at ing sector.
will get underway on Thurs- SRSP Guesthouse in Pochampad on Wednesday Con�nued on page 6

GSTified: KCR to skip BJP MLA admits

he voted
Venkaiah’s swearing-in against party
Gandhinagar (ANI): BJP MLA Nalin
PATAN AFZAL BABU pare a report on GST e�ect on every Kotadiya's vote
scheme implemented by their re- probably re-
Hyderabad: As a mark of strong spective departments this year. sulted in the vic-
protest against imposing heavy tax The government already esti- tory of Congress
burden on developmental projects mated the GST effect on irriga- candidate
under the single tax regime GST tion, Mission Bhagiratha, two- Ahmed Patel,
(Good and Service Taxes), Telan- bedroom housing scheme and the who won the
gana Chief Minister K Chan- proposed road network projects election by se-
drashekar Rao has decided to stay in the state. The other depart- curing neces-
away from the swearing-in cere- ments of Civil Supplies, Municipal sary 44 votes. BJP MLA Nalin Ko-
mony of M Venkaiah Naidu as Vice Administration and Urban Devel- tadiya said that he has voted against
President on August 11 in New opment (MA&UD), Panchayat Raj BJP in the Rajya Sabha polls after
Delhi. KCR cancelled his three-day and Rural Development and Med- seeing the pain of 14 youths who
scheduled visit to New Delhi from ical and Health Services are also died during Patidar agitation. He
Thursday. asked to study the GST impact on himself admitted in a Facebook post,
KCR also took the decision to lead the services the departments ren- and said, "Seeing the pain of 14
a delegation to Delhi soon to apprise der to people. youths who died during Patidar agi-
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of Sources said that KCR would sub- tation I voted against BJP. His vote
the negative impact of GST on in- mit a detailed report to the Union may have probably resulted in the
frastructure development projects government with regard to the GST victory of Congress candidate
and the slowdown of the state econ- e�ect on the State-sponsored devel- Ahmed Patel, who won the election
omy in the coming months. The CM opment programmes. by securing necessary 44 votes.
instructed all the Secretaries to pre- Con�nued on page 6 Con�nued on page 6

Motkupalli may get guv post

Hyderabad: Vice President-elect M Venkaiah Naidu hinted that Telangana TDP senior
leader Motkupalli Narasimhulu would get his dream fulfilled soon.
The TDP leader was vying for gubernatorial post since the BJP-
led NDA government assumed power in 2014. The TDP delegation
led by party Telangana unit President L Ramana called on Venka-
iah at the latter’s residence and congratulated the vice presi-
dent-elect from Telugu states. During informal talk, the senior
leader is learnt to have told Narasimhulu that the Centre is actively
considering the TDP leader’s name for the Governor post and the
orders would be issued anytime. Sources said Venkaiah also
shared his personal views on the political developments in Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh just before 2019 elections. TDP leaders Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy, Nama
Nageswara Rao and others were also present.

Tirupati airport set to

operate global flights

Tirupati: Tirupati airport is all set to op-

erate international services, which
make the journey to Gulf countries
much easier for people of Rayalaseema.
Many people from abroad visiting
India can directly come to Tirupati to
visit Tirumala via Gulf, as it is serving
as a hub connecting several countries. Airport in June this year. Earlier, the
This will reduce the travelling time sig- Prime Minister inaugurated the inter-
nificantly and boost pilgrim tourism in national terminal in October 2015. The
the district particularly in Sri Kala- new terminal works were started in
hasti, Kanipakam, Kailasakona besides 2011. During the last six months, im-
Talakona and Horsley Hills. migration, customs and health wings
The Central government has ac- are being readied at the airport.
corded international status to Tirupati Con�nued on page 6

Action on cops if involved in Nerella excesses: KTR

OUR BUREAU made a promise that action would mafia angle to the issue. However, he did not know when excavation, how the government community was not targeted as that he was a partner in the com-
be taken against the police o�- Narrating the sequence of the police arrested few persons got so much of revenue and the alleged by Opposition. pany, and it had ceased its oper-
Hyderabad: Industries Minister cials of Siricilla district if they are events in Nerella, he said the gov- and sent them to remand. The ar- allegations of the opposition were Leaders of various political ations prior to 2014. As it had in-
K T Rama Rao on Wednesday found committing excesses on ernment had given permission rest came to the light when the contradictory. The Minister said parties started to make beeline to curred losses, the company was
Dalit in Nerella. for sand excavation in mid Man- prison o�cials refused to take he was not aware about the use of Nerella and he did not have a not doing any business and they
The Minister had an informal air project as there was abundant them. third degree on the accused in the chance to visit the village. During are yet to start the winding up
chat with the media representa- sand. Once the project is filled Stating that the government case. Local leaders did not tell his visit to Nerella, the victims activity.
tives and had spoken about var- with water, the sand cannot be ex- had earned Rs 1,000 crore on him about the issue. had complained against the po- The Opposition had levelled al-
ious issues, including Nerella in- cavated. This would result into sand excavation, he said that it Refuting the allegation of Op- lice and no one accused him. KTR legation that the government had
cident. KTR said the opposition loss of revenue to the govern- has got Rs 20 crore in the form of position that he was directly in- said that the DIG concerned had purchased vehicles from the Hi-
parties had been using the inci- ment. Permits on large-scale penalties on the trucks for rash volved in the case, the Minister been asked to file a report on the manshu Motors though it was in
dent to get political mileage by were given and number of trucks driving and illegal excavation said how a Minister would direct incident and if the police were tractors business only. He de-
raising bogey of sand mafia and had risen due to this. which is higher than the revenue the police to beat up people of his found guilty, the government fended the government’s action
atrocities on the Daliths. He said An accident took place at during the Congress government. own constituency. He said there would spare none. in giving exemptions to Swarna
the incident was an accident and Nerella and the irate mob torched He said that if there was an in- were few Schedule Caste persons Speaking on the Himanshu Bharati Trust as it was doing yeo-
there was no Dalith or sand six lorries on the spur of moment. volvement of mafia in the sand among those arrested and SC Motors issue, the Minister said man service.

Nerella incident: HC asks Home Secy to submit report

LEGAL CORRESPONDENT tims who suffered severe injuries. illegal detention of the villagers by
The bench heard this matter as the police, they were produced be-
Hyderabad: Taking a serious view of the counsel for the petitioner V fore the court on July 8. The counsel
the alleged police torture of Dalit Raghunath moved an urgent lunch also informed the bench that the
villagers in Nerella and Ramachan- motion. He informed the bench that District SP Vishwajit himself partic-
drapuram villages in Siricilla dis- daily over 200 lorries carrying sand ipated in the torture of the villagers
trict, the High Court at Hyderabad mined from Thangalapalli stream and he had threatened to slap cases
directed the State Home Secretary passing through the villages and re- against the family members if the
to submit a detailed report on the cently one of lorries driven reck- victims dared to go public.
incident. It also directed that two lessly by the driver mowed down a The Telangana Advocate General
senior doctors from MGM Govern- villager. Enraged villagers staged an D. Prakash Reddy in his submissions
ment Hospital in Warangal should agitation against the lorries passing informed the bench that since alle-
be sent to examine the severity of through the villages. gations about severe injuries to the
the alleged injuries inflicted on six ganathan and Justice J Uma Devi The counsel further informed villagers are being made, the state
villagers who are presently taking gave these directions on Wednesday that the police came in civil clothes government is willing to provide
treatment in a private hospital at while hearing a public interest liti- on the night of July 4 and took away care for them in Warangal MGM
Vemulavada. The doctors must sub- gation petition moved by Civil Lib- eight persons from the village. Six Hospital. The bench instead sug-
mit a report of their findings to the erties Committee President Gad- of them were tortured severely with gested that NIMS Hyderabad would
court, and, if necessary, the victims dam Lakshman seeking either a CBI rubber lathis and they were given be a better choice if further care is
must be shifted to NIMS in Hyder- probe or a probe by a special inves- electric shock, including to their pri- needed for the victims and directed
abad for better treatment. tigation team into the police torture vate parts, debilitating them. Only that if necessary arrangements be
The division bench comprising of Dalits in Nerella village and pro- after the villagers and other organi- made to shift them. It adjourned the
Acting Chief Justice Ramesh Ran- viding better treatment to the vic- sations started agitation against the case to 16th of this month.


Basara priest
Hyderabad: The Basara temple
main priest P Sanjeev Kumar
and Stapati Parayan Dar Shra-
van Sharma were suspended on
Wednesday following allega-
tions of shifting the ‘Utsava-
murthulu’. An inquiry was also
ordered into the incident.
Speaking to the media, En-
dowments Minister A In-
drakaran Reddy expressed an-
guish over the shifting of
Utsavamurthulu from the tem-
ple. He directed Endowments
Commissioner Shiv Shankar to
suspend Kumar and Sharma,
who have ‘hurt’ the sentiments
of the devotees.
Shiv Shankar issued orders
suspending the duo.The Minis-
ter stated that the government
would not tolerate if anyone
plays with thea sentiments of
the devotees.
Reddy asked Regional Joint
Commissioner Krishnaveni to
inquire into shifting of the
Murthi. He said that memo was
issued to the temple’s Executive
Officer, Inspector and Sweeper.


Call Center: 9705555551

Ayana: Dakshinayana
Ritu: Varsha
Masa: Shravana
Paksha: Krishna
Tidhi: Tritiiya
Nakshatra: P.Bhadrapada
Durmuhurtham: 10.13
am to 11.04 am again
03.19 pm to 04.10 pm
Raahukaalam: 01.56 pm
to 03.32 pm
Varjyam: 12.17 pm to
01.54 pm
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Fajr Zohar Asr Maghrib Isha

4.41 12:21 4:49 6:45 8:01

am pm pm pm pm

Sensex: 31,797.84 216.35

NIFTY: 9,908.05 70.50
Gold (10g): � 29,470 � 100
Silver (Kg): � 39,000 � 600
(Source: NVS)

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Vikram Goud grilled
2BHK becomes a major burden on GHMC OUR BUREAU On the other hand, another ac-
cused contradicted it in his
MADDY DEEKSHITH The State government ture cost itself would burden the Hyderabad: The police o�cials statements, as he had mentioned
civic body with Rs 1,500 crore. He who interrogated former Minis- that 20 bullets were bought for
Hyderabad: The Telangana State had earlier asked the said if the government asks to pur- ter M Mukesh Goud’s son the purpose.
government's flagship double civic body to bear chase land, the GHMC will be not Vikram Goud on Wednesday Another question, which was
bedroom housing project for the Rs 1.5 lakh per unit as in a position to provide basic civic tried to reconstruct the scene by raised by the police during the
urban has turned out to be a major infrastructure cost per amenities and pay its salaries to grilling him during his one-day interrogation, is about the Rs 50
burden to the Greater Hyderabad unit and it amounts to employees in near future. The custody. lakh contract for shooting. Since
Municipal Corporation (GHMC). Rs 1,500 cr. In the latest GHMC o�cial further said out of According to sources, after he claimed to have spent Rs 13
The government earlier has asked move, the government total 650 acres required, the civic taking him into custody from lakhs during the entire opera-
the civic body to bear Rs 1.5 lakh has also asked the body has identified about 480 Chanchalguda jail, the police tion, the police questioned him
infrastructure cost (per unit). It is acres of land to take up the 2BHK took him to Osmania General about the remaining money.
now asking them to purchase the GHMC to purchase land housing project. He said the gov- Hospital for medical examina- They asked him if he had access
land to take up the 2BHK housing at Kolluru village for the ernment has already asked it to tion. Later took him to Banjara to the remaining money or hid
project. O�cials claimed that if project purchase 80 acres from GHMC's Hills police station and contin- somewhere, so as to distribute
the government continues with account but further such instruc- ued questioning him till the after the accomplishment of the
same policy, the corporation will body to purchase about 80 acres tions to purchase land will bank- evening. act. Meanwhile, the other five ac-
soon become bankrupt. of assigned land at Kollur village rupt the civic body. The police team tried to get cused in the case were also ques-
According to GHMC o�cials, to take up the 2BHK project. The Meanwhile, the GHMC has ac- clarity on some missing links of tioned on the first day of their
the government on 29th June estimated cost for the project is quired 52 acres of land in Hyder- the case. They questioned him custody. The interrogation of
2017 has asked the civic body to Rs 33 crore where about 20,000 abad district, 150 acres in Ran- over number of bullets bought them will continue for another
bear the Rs 1.5 lakh infrastructure units of 2BHK houses will be con- senior GHMC o�cial told The signed land in the Kollur village gareddy, about 250 acres in Medak from Indore (Madhya Pradesh), two days, since the police re-
cost per each unit. The govern- structed. Hans India that the civic body will with an estimated cost of Rs 33 and 40 acres of land in San- as he had earlier claimed that ceived three days custody of
ment has now instructed the civic When asked about the issue, a now purchase the 80 acres as- crore. He said that the infrastruc- gareddy. only three bullets were bought. them.


Inter girl kills self over campaign from
alleged harassment August 17
Hyderabad: The Centre for
Hyderabad: A girl studying World Solidarity (CWS) on
Intermediate on Wednesday Wednesday conducted aware-
committed suicide due to al- ness programme on measles and
leged harassment by the rubella. Religious leaders who in-
management of the private cluded Centenary Baptist Church
college in Nagole under Hay- pastor Fr Ephrian, Ramakrishna
athnagar police station limits. Mutt paediatrist Dr Annapurana
P Shravya , 16, a resident of and Dr Shyamala Kumari, and
Valigonda, Yadadri-Bhuvana- eminent members of Brahmaku-
giri district, who was dis- maris participated in the pro-
turbed by the alleged harass- gramme. Director for Centre for
ment of the college World Solidarity Dr Gyanana
management of Narayana Prakashan, District Immunisa-
branch in Nagole over pay- tion o�cer (DIO) Dr Jayamala,
ment of fees, was reluctant to P Shravya UNICEF State consultant Dr
go to college. She informed Aruna, and WHO State consult-
the same to her father. But Later, her father and other ant Dr Sucharita were also pres-
her father tried to convince relatives blamed the college ent. The State government with
her and accompanied her to for her death and demanded the support of UNICEF and
the college on Wednesday. that the police arrest those WHO launched vaccination pro-
However, Shravya, who was who were responsible for ha- gramme for children in the age
upset, went upstairs to her rassing her. Several student group of 9-15 to eradicate measles
hostel room and committed unions staged their protest in and rubella. The vaccination
suicide by hanging. Her fa- front of the college till late campaign will begin from August
ther who learnt about her ex- evening on Wednesday. 17 and conclude on September
treme step immediately took While some of the unions 20. Parents are urged to get their
her to a private hospital, but also declared closure of vari- children vaccinated. Vaccination
the doctors declared her ous branches of Narayana centre will be set up at Angan-
brought dead. throughout Telangana. wadi and Primary Health Care
centres. The vaccinations will be Two boys enjoying the sudden showers that lashed the city, while transporting steel material for building construction, oblivious to the risk
given free. involved, at Basheer Bagh on Wednesday Photo: Srinivas Setty

Helicopter joy ride for

OUR BUREAU ANERI SHAH Sagar, Rethibowil junction to AP police acad- Cheriyal X road and Nagole junction to Gow- from ECIL X road to Cheriyal X road and Nagole
emy, Cantonment Y junction to Gandipet T erelly village X road is under progress, but the junction to Gowerelly Village X road has been
Hyderabad: Department of Tourism is initiating a new Hyderabad: The radial road development junction, Bairamuluguda to Bogulur gate, Pa- stretch from Shaikpet to Kokapet and delayed as the department has not received ap-
exciting way where the tourist/visitor can explore Hy- project which was slated to be finished by hadisherif police station to Tukkuguda, Jeedimetla to Saregudem is being delayed due proval from Forest department and the remain-
derabad by hopping onto a helicopter and introducing September 2016 is yet to be completed. 33 ra- Laxmiguda X road to Mamidipally and exten- to contractor laxity. The o�cial said the work ing are being funded by R&B department.
a novel option of viewing landmark tourist spots and dial roads were identified to improve connec- sion financial district to Kokapet have been
other destinations of Hyderabad from air. Explore the tivity between city roads and National High- completed by HMDA and Roads and Building
beauty of Hyderabad city from over 1500 feet with a ways and State Highways. Out of the 33 radial (R&B) department. The remaining five roads
10 minute helicopter ride. This is the chance to gift roads, only mere 12 road works have been from Aramghar Junction to Umda nagar, Pan-
your loved ones, the memories of a life time. The completed. The total length of 33 radial roads jagutta to Muttangi, Tadban to Kandla Kooi,
Copter ride start from Necklace Road and Touring is 376 kilometres. The Hyderabad Metropol- Uppal junction to Anojiguda, LB Nagar to To-
Tank bund with Buddha Statue, Lumbini Park, NTR itan Development Authority (HMDA) o�- has have been improved by National Highway
Garden, Birla Mandir, Charminar, Mecca Majid, High cials claimed that the negligence of contractor Authority.
Court, IMAX, Sanjeevaiah Park, Snow World and back was the reason behind the delay. According A senior HMDA o�cial said the radial
to Necklace Road. Department of Tourism is organiz- to HMDA o�cial, out of the 33 roads, 16 roads roads work was supposed to be completed by
ing Hyderabad Joy Ride from August 10 to 15 August have been handed over to Roads and Building September 2016. He said the radial roads
in connection with Independence Day celebrations. (R&B) department under GO 144 dated 17 work from Shaikpet to Kokapet, Jeedimetla
Messrs Thumby Aviation Pvt. Ltd is organising the joy March 2015. Radial road works from Acharya to Saregudem, Radhika junction to
ride at Necklace Road. NG Ranga Agricultural University to Himayat Yadgarpally Junction, ECIL X road to

Trader gets threat call from ‘Nayeem’s brother’

OUR BUREAU native of Bangladesh. According village, Manoharabad Mandal, financial problems and decided
to o�cials, the prime accused, Medak District. Subhash is a to commit chain snatchings.
Hyderabad: A businessman ap- who came to Hyderabad for resident of Blossam Residency They covered their bike number
proached Rajendranagar police livelihood about three years ago, at Panjagutta in Hyderabad. with `black colour tapes’ for
to complaint about threat from started working for a construc- Acting on the complaint of avoiding identification.
‘Nayeem’s brother’, who threat- tion company. Mohammed Iqbal, Associate Earlier, Abrar involved in a
ened him to register his land in However, five months ago the Vice President (Collections) of snatching case at S R Nagar in
latter’s name. co-accused Sherajul Islam, a Kotak Mahindra bank at Rajb- 2008 and was later released on
The businessman, named Bangladeshi, came in contact havan Road in Somajiguda, a bail. He again planned to commit
Veeresh, in his complaint, alleged with him and started human traf- case was registered under sec- snatchings with the help of
that a person claiming to be ficking. They forced the minor tions 420, 406 IPC at Central Dasarath who used to drive bike.
brother of ‘Bhongir Nayeem’ girls into flesh trade in the City, Crime Station, Detective De- As pillion rider, Abrar used to
tried to threaten him. He al- the police said. The accused along partment. snatch away chains from the
legedly demanded that Veeresh with and girls rescued during the In their investigation K gullible women on the streets.
register a prime land between raid were handed over to Langer Umesh Chary, SI, Special Inves- In one such incident, Kilaru
Mailardevpally and Rajendrana- Houz police station for taking tigation Team (SIT) found that Jyothi, 65-yrs and resident of
gar or hand over Rs 50 lakh as necessary action. the accused cheated the bank. Madhura Nagar was targeted by
protection money. The business- After his arrest, the police pro- the duo near D-Block Park on
man who recorded his call imme- Businessman held for duping duced him at Court and re- August 6, while she was walking.
diately approached the Rajen- bank to the tune of `6.5 cr manded him to judicial custody. The accused rode Bajaj Platina
dranagar police. The police on Wednesday ar- bike from opposite direction and
Sex racket busted, minor rested the Director of K B Two chain snatchers held; snatched away her 9-tulas of gold
Rolling Mills Private Limited 9 tulas of gold recovered Mangal Sutram.
Bangladeshi girl rescued who is accused of cheating Ko- The S R Nagar police on Wednes- The passersby chased them;
The Task Force team raided a tak Mahindra Bank by availing day, arrested 2-chain snatchers but could not catch them. Fol-
brothel under Langar Houz po- Rs 6.5 crore credit facilities and who had involved several chain- lowing the incident, crime team
lice station limits and rescued diverting the hypothecated snatching incidents. Police re- of S R Nagar police station
two minor girls who hailed from goods from his company. covered 9-tulas of gold and other analysed the CCtv footage from
Bangladesh. According to police, the ac- ornaments, along with bike Madhura Nagar and Vengal Rao
On the intervening night of cused Subhash Kumar Kedia whose number was covered with Nagar areas. After some locals
Tuesday and Wednesday, the (44) was arrested in connection black tape. The accused have identified the prime accused,
sleuths of Task Force, (West with cheating the Kotak Mahin- been identified as Syed Abrar the police raided his house in
Zone) raided a brothel and ar- dra Bank, Panjagutta Branch, to (29), flower vendor and resident Sultan Nagar of Erragadda. Af-
rested Abdul Bariq Shaik alias the tune of Rs 6.5 crore credit of Erragadda and B Dasarth Ram ter recovering gold ornaments,
Raju, 44, resident of Bapu Nagar, facility and diverting the hy- (31), tea powder vendor, Bora- they raided the house of
Langer Houz and native of West pothecated goods from his banda. Both are the childhood Dasarth and seized bike from
Bengal and Sherajul Islam, 19, a company at Muppireddypally friends and have been facing with his possession.

CPM condemns renewal RAF-police parade in Medak

Medak: The people of Medak town were taken by surprise on Wednesday, as

of octroi tax, toll tax they saw a large contingent of Rapid Action Force, along with Medak town police
parading on the roads in several areas of the town wielding automatic rifles.

OUR BUREAU The CPI (M) city secretary

M Srinivas on Wednesday said
Hyderabad: The re-introduc- the Central government had
tion of octroi tax and toll tax, introduce GST last month for
within a month of discarding uniform taxation. He said
it over Good and Service tax these taxes have a direct im-
(GST), has led to resentment pact over S D Abodes Pvt. Ltd.,
from the members of Secun- which is a private company
derabad Cantonment Board that holds the temporary con-
(SCB). Communist Party of tract of these taxes and
India (Marxist) CPM, city claimed that TRS member
unit, claimed that the re-in- and current MLC Mynam-
troduction of these taxes is in pally Hanumanth Rao’s wife
the favour of ruling party and M Vani is the current director
must be condemned. of the company.

Tribals celebrating the World Adivasi Day in Bhadrachalam on Wednesday


Adivasis still feel left out

PV SATYANARAYANA Development plans tion of the state, ITDA project
on paper o�cer Rajiv Gandhi Hanuman-
Bhadrachalam: Even as the Sizeable amount of funds are thu was appointed Bhadradri-
Adivasis world over preparing allocated in budgets of state and Kothagudem district collector
to celebrate the World Adivasi central governments for devel- leaving the project o�cer post
Day on Wednesday, the bene- opment of Agency areas. But, in vacant for more than a year. The
fits mentioned in the fifth and reality, the development pro- Adivasi leaders pointing out
sixth schedules of the Indian grammes are not trickling down that it reflected the concern the
Constitution are yet to reach to the tribals. Hundreds of government has for them.
the tribals. crores are allotted for develop- Polavaram project’s impact
The Schedules mentioned ment of roads in the Agency ar- According to Telangana irri-
about the reservations for them eas but the funds mostly re- gation experts, the Polavaram
and the Provisions of the Pan- mained unspent to develop project will displace over 400
chayats (Extension to Sched- remote tribal hamlets in the villages in Telugu states and
uled Areas) Act, 1996, which are Agency areas. Even today, there Chhattisgarh. Further, another
still far from implementation by is no pucca road facility to 140 villages face the threat of in-
the o�cials and the elected peo- many Agency villages in undation because of the proj-
ple’s representatives, it is felt. Bhadrachalam—Kurnapalli, ect’s backwaters.
Meanwhile, leaders of Adi- Puligundala and Kondavayi in The Adivasis perceive threat
vasi associations felt that their Charla mandal, Pydigudem and to their culture, traditions and
culture is being threatened by Gundala in Dummugudem customs because of the displace-
the Polavaram project. mandal and Allapalli mandal. ment of villages by the project.
Even seven decades after the As a result, the problems being The Adivasi leaders alleged that
country becoming independ- faced by the Agency tribals, in- the protests and movements or-
ent, the implementation of 1/70 cluding expectant mothers, ganised to protect their cultural
Act is not total and alleged vio- during rainy season for want of identity fell on the deaf ears of
lation of the Act was by none a pucca road are many. the government.
other than the State Govern-
ment, which is supposed to up- Unemployment Finds no support
hold the Act’s implementation. In Bhadradri-Kothagudem According to Gondwana
district, the tribals are in the Sankshema Parishat founder
Threat to existence grip of illiteracy and unemploy- president Sondi Veeraiah, the
In the Agency areas, water, ment. Literacy rate should im- Adivasis feel that the death of
forest and mineral wealth be- prove further in the Agency ar- their protagonists like BD
longs to the Adivasis, they eas and the school drop-out rate Shankar and SR Sankaran (se-
said but, the government is is very high. Apart from the 29 nior IAS o�cers), human rights
inviting corporate firms to primary health centers in the leader and advocate Balagopal,
exploit the mineral wealth in Agency areas, the emergency human rights leader Burra Ra-
the Agency areas in the name medical services to the tribals mulu and Prof Janardhan Rao
of development. They allege are still remained inaccessible. rendered the tribals orphans.
behind-the-screen conspir- Though there are some o�-
acy being hatched to drive ITDA’s role nominal? cials who have soft corner for
away the tribals from their The Bhadrachalam ITDA was the tribals, the Adivasis by and
natural habitat. formed in 1975. Upon bifurca- large feel loss of support.

Aadhaar to be made Police arrest

mandatory for purchase, orphanage
sale, registration of vehicle Siddipet: Two town police
OUR BUREAU arrested private orphanage
organiser for molesting girl
Hyderabad: Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy on Wednesday children residing in the or-
directed the Transport Department o�cials to make Aadhaar manda- phanage here on Wednes-
tory for the sale, purchase, registration and transfer of ownership of day. Prabhakar, organiser of
vehicles. Premanilayam orphanage
The Minister gave these directions during a review meeting to discuss was arrested after locals
the issues pertaining to the transfer of ownership of the vehicle seized thrashed him for allegedly
by the RTA and police. The Minister was informed that there were 95 harassing minor girls sexu-
lakh vehicles in the State and most of the owners were not following the ally. Based on the complaint
regulations pertaining to second and third transfer of ownership, re- given by Swapna, District
sulting in problems. Mahender Reddy said that in case of accidents, the Welfare O�cer, police along
persons on whose name the vehicle was registered would be held liable with ICDS o�cials raided
and they would be deprived of the insurance benefits. He said the vehicle the orphanage and rescued
owners would be prompted to transfer the vehicle in their name. several boys and girls from
It came to the notice of the Transport Department that the private the hostel.
financiers were harassing the auto-rickshaw, lorry and other vehicle According to Anjaneyulu,
owners. The private financiers have been selling away the vehicles with- Circle Inspector, statements
out e�ecting the transfer the vehicle in the name of buyers. of some girls have been
The department was facing di�culties in imposing penalty points recorded and Prabhakar has
because of these issues and there was a need to bring changes to avoid been charged under 354 (A)
such issues. The Minister asked the o�cials to take up camps to create of Nirbhaya Act and Section
awareness about the transfer of vehicles in the name of buyers. The (12) of POCSO Act. All the
Minister asked the o�cials to upload the details of sale of vehicles and rescued children have been
phone numbers of sellers, etc. on the Transport Department website shifted to government hos-
www.telanganatransport.gov.in. tels temporarily.

HMDA yet to get 0.25 pc revenue

from transportation depts
ANERI SHAH duct study of various projects in that all the transportation de-
Hyderabad Metropolitan Area partments have to pay 0.25 per
Hyderabad: According to Hy- (HMA). However, the HMDA cent of amount; but HMDA has
derabad Unified Metropolitan o�cials claim that they have not not received the amount be-
Transport Authority (H- received the amount from cause of which there is a delay
UMTA) Act, all the departments the organisations for the past in research and study for future
related to transportation in the four months. projects related to HMA.
State (including Bus Rapid Besides this, 0.25 per cent of Meanwhile, during the 11th
Transit System (BRTS), Metro the annual revenue collected H-UMTA meeting which was
Rail, TSRTC, Road Transport from parking, advertising, traf- held on February 10, 2017 it
Authority (RTA) and others) fic penalties, cess on vehicle reg- was proposed that the parking
have to pay 0.25 per cent of the istration charges, cess on fuel, fees and amount collected
revenue generated by them to additional registration charges through penalties in HMA area
Hyderabad Metropolitan De- and other transportation modes should be deposited to HMDA
velopment Authority (HMDA) should also be deposited into to utilise to maintain traffic
and the amount would be used HMDA’s account. signals and other traffic re-
for research work and to con- A senior HMDA o�cial said quirements.
TAX BURDEN ABVP calls for educational bandh today
Medak: ABVP has called for a Statewide bandh police had made lathi-charge on student in

KTR hopeful of GST reprieve

of all educational institutions on Thursday to Karimnagar and Mahbubnagar districts. In
protest police lathi-charge on students during Medak hundreds of students staged a sit-in
the agitation “laying siege to Collectorates” protest at Collectorate to protest against the
on Wednesday. The ABVP alleged that the government’s education policies.

OUR BUREAU and another international event.

Industries Minister The government is endeavoring to
Hyderabad: Industries Minister K T says the complete Nagole-Miyapur corridor
Rama Rao on Wednesday said the by the end of November of this year
Telangana government would wait Telangana to throw it open to tra�c. He said the
for the response of the Centre on ob- Chief Minister had written a letter
jections on 18 per cent GST on infra-
government will to the Prime Minister inviting him
structure projects. move court if the for the launch of the project.
In an informal chat with the press The Minister made it clear that the
representatives, the Minister said Centre doesn’t Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS)
the next meeting of the GST Council
would take place on September 9 in
respond positively would win the next elections and the
Congress was much aware of it. Chief
Hyderabad and they had been ex- Minister K Chandrashekar Rao
pecting a positive response from the The VAT on them was 5 per cent be- tre might have to accede to the de- would be in the o�ce till 2029, he
Centre. “If the Centre do not give fore the introduction of the GST and mands of the government. said.
respite, then moving the court will the project costs were calculated on He said Tamil Nadu government He said that president of Telan-
be considered,” Rama Rao said. this basis for budgetary allocations. objected to the higher GST on gana Congress N Uttmkumar Reddy
He said with the imposition of 18 The government would have to tamarind, Rajasthan on marbles and did not accept his challenges during
per cent GST on the drinking and ir- bear the increased GST as the courts Kashmir on almonds. Telangana ob- the GHMC and Palair elections. He
rigation projects, the cost of the proj- would give orders if the contractors jected to high rate of GST on beedies, refuted the reports that some of the
ects being taken up by the govern- file cases. With the demand of the textile and others. TRS MLAs and MPs were in touch
ment had risen by Rs 19,000 crore. State, the Centre had reduced the Speaking on the Metro Rail, the with the BJP.
The Telangana government has GST from 18 per cent to 12 per cent Minister said the government had Rama Rao said he had no di�er-
taken up projects worth Rs 2 lakh and the State wanted exemption of decided to invite Prime Minister ences with the Irrigation Minister T
crore including Rs 1 lakh worth proj- ongoing projects from GST, he said. for inauguration of Nagole and Harish Rao, adding that he was ap-
ects in irrigation, Rs 48,000 crore The Minister said States like Bihar Miyapur corridor. The Prime Min- preciative of Harish’s hard work in
worth Mission Bhagiratha, Rs 18,000 had agreed with the objections being ister is expected to come to Hyder- the Siddipet constituency. A big rail-
crore worth double-bedroom project raised by Telangana and if all the abad on Global Entrepreneurs way project would come to the State
and several others in other sectors. States adopted similar lines, the Cen- Summit, Indian Science Congress soon, he added.

Women health assistants face wage disparity

assigned to us by the officials. The
Male HAs are paid Rs 30,000 a
assignments include programmes
month, while the women like mother and child health care,
workers have to be content vaccination, school children health,
with just Rs 10,000 wage pulse polio, deworming, vitamin-A
scheme, mission indradhanush,
V NAVEEN KUMAR KCR Kits, Measles Rubella vacci-
nation and other programmes.”
Hyderabad: The principle of ‘equal Health and Family Welfare Com-
pay for equal work’ seems practi- missioner Karuna Vakati said, “I
cally null and void in Telangana. have nothing to do in this matter.
Multipurpose women Health Assis- The government has to take the fi-
tants are facing gender discrimina- nal decision.”
tion in the wage parity. T Manjula, female health assis-
While their male counterparts Multipurpose Women Health Assistants staging a sit-in in Hyderabad, tant, who claimed that she regis-
are paid three times more salary, demanding wage parity on a par with male HAs ( file photo) tered over 200 complaints with the
women workers have been facing Minister for Health Laxma Reddy
discrimination since 2010. The gov- of maternal and child care. Depend- would get wages including basic, which proved fruitless, said cur-
ernment orders which were issued ing on the vacancies, the govern- HRA, TA, DA and other benefits. Ac- rently Telangana has around 1,500
in the favour of male workers in ment had been regularising female cording to GO No. 10, the male vacancies for the post of female
erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh in health assistants accordingly. As of health assistants, lab technicians health assistants. “We are request-
2008 are being followed in Telan- now, they are as many as 722 female and pharmacists are getting Rs ing the government to fill at least
gana State, too. health assistants, who are waiting 30,000 a month whereas, the female 722 vaccines with us,” she added.
Around 4,000 female health as- for regularisation. health assistants are paid a meagre
sistants were recruited for Euro- According to Government Order wage of Rs 10,000.
pean Commission Scheme through no10 (GO) issued on January 8, Aruna, a female health assistant
AP District Selection Committee 2008 the persons who were re- said, “For the last 14 years we have
(DSC) in 2003 for the improvement cruited on the basis of contract been doing whatever work has been

Syndicate Bank SRSP works on fast-track

cuts MCLR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Saraswathi canal and Sadarmatt anicut
maintenance works and maintenance of
OUR BUREAU Nizamabad: The Chief Minister K Chan- the dam costing Rs 873 crore to irrigate
drasekhar Rao on Wednesday arrived at an ayacut of 13.70 lakh acres under SRSP
Hyderabad: Syndicate Bank has Pochampad to launch the revival works Stage-I. The break-up of funds: Rs 385
reduced its Marginal Cost of of Sri Ram Sagar Project (SRSP). After crore for the modernisation of Kakatiya
Funds Based Lending Rate unveiling the pylon of SRSP revival works Main Canal; Rs 356 crore for the mod-
(MCLR) between 15 to 25 basis on Thursday, the CM will also address a ernisation of distributaries of Kakatiya
points for various tenors from public meeting. Ministers A Indrakaran Main Canal; Rs 20 crore for the repair
July 10, the bank has issued a Reddy and Pocharam Srinivas Reddy works of Laxmi Canal; Rs 49 crore for the
press statement in this regard on were present with the CM. modernisation of Saraswathi Canal; Rs
Wednesday. Further, the bank Meanwhile, the State government on 21 crore for the modernisation of Sadar-
has reduced 1 year MCLR by an- Wednesday accorded administrative ap- matt Anicut; Rs 31 crore for the repair
other 10 basis points and 6 proval for the works of modernisation of works of SRSP and Lower Manair Dam.
months MCLR by 5 basis points 284-kilometer Kakatiya main canal and This is in addition to the Rs 1,000 crore
with e�ect from August 10. distributaries including Laxmi canal, allocated for the revival of SRSP works.

Venkaiah opposes
‘hereditary politics’

Hyderabad: Vice-Presi-
dent-elect M Venkaiah
Naidu has strongly op-
posed the practice of
hereditary politics in
some political organisa-
tions in the country for ple directly would achieve
decades. success early in politics.
Participating in a get The Vice President
together with scribes here elect said in his 45 year
on Wednesday, he said political career, his regu-
every political aspirant in lar tours, constant book
the existing families with reading and interaction
a big political ground with journalists helped
should develop on his or him to emerge as national
her own. One could leader and reached pin-
emerge as a strong politi- nacle in the Indian poli-
cal leader not through tics. He visited all 624 dis-
hereditary but because of tricts in the country and
their leadership qualities acquainted socio and po-
only. litical knowledge in every
Venkaiah made it clear region.
that he did not encourage Now Venkaiah Naidu
either his son or daughter is studying the working
as heir apparent in the style of his predecessors
next generation politics. like Sarvepalle Rad-
His o�springs were given hakrishna, Hidayatul-
freedom to select their lah etc and knowing his
own interested fields and responsibilities to per-
pursue the same as ca- form his duties as In-
reer. If any of his children dia’s 14th vice president
are interested to take a in the next five years.
plunge into politics in fu- Venkaiah regretted over
ture, he said he would not his cut off to active pol-
discourage but insist itics permanently after
them to develop on their getting elected to the
own. Leaders who main- India’s second highest
tained rapport with peo- constitutional post.


Call: 9705555551 KMP PATNAIK Even the agitation against the at the public meeting at NTR 1 lakh, this will be the best sources
bauxite mining took toll of several Grounds here on Wednesday, the ofincomeforthepeopleapartfrom
Araku Valley: Allaying fears of the lives including some elected rep- Chief Minister said the govern- tourism,”he informed.He said that
tribals, Chief Minister N Chan- resentatives, who were slain by the ment would rather exploit the nat- the government would also focus
drababu Naidu announcedthat the outlawed Maoists. Apart from ural resources found abundant on organic farming and set up mar-
government would not take up Maoists, all the Opposition parties over ground in the Agency area keting agency, so that the well
bauxite mining, hurting the senti- including Congress went against rather than going for mining. packaged products found their way
ments of the local people. the government, which had pro- “At present co�ee is being grown into the supermarket shelves all
The Chief Minister su�ered a posal to revive the mining. in 1.5 lakh acres in the 11 mandals over the country and abroad
setbackinthelastgeneralelections Sensing severe opposition, of the Agency and it will be in- “The Governor tasted pepper
as the people were against bauxite Naidu thought it was wise to shelve Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu interacting with a tribal creased to 5 lakh acres benefiting and said it is the hottest ever he
mining. Most of the Assembly seg- bauxite mining for some time and woman during a programme on the occasion of World Adivasi Day 6 lakh tribal population in the dis- tasted in his life. He was also im-
ments and Lok Sabha constituency promote other activities in a big at Araku on Wednesday. (Below) Chief Minister and Governor trict. As each acre will earn the pressed with the co�ee which he
was won by the Opposition YSRCP. way to win their hearts. Addressing ESL Narasimhan taking part in a traditional tribal dance. grower an amount of Rs 70,000 Rs tasted on arrival,” he added.

Godavari to flow backwards TSPSC

to make Telangana fertile various exam
Continued from P1 mated at Rs 1,067 crore includes
However, the project’s original
storage capacity is 112 tmc ft of wa-
the costs of three lifts and land ac-
quisition to the extent of 40 acres. schedules
ter, it had come down to around In fact, the KLIP was originally
80 tmc ft due to accumulation of envisaged to fill the Mid and Lower OUR BUREAU
silt as per the hydrographic survey Manair dams, besides other pro-
conducted by the Andhra Pradesh posed reservoirs such as Mallan- Hyderabad: TSPSC has released
Engineering Research Laborato- nasagar with the waters drawn the schedule for Gurukula teach-
ries (APERL) in 2014. Though the from Medigadda, Annaram, ers’ posts examinations, which
SRSP Phase-I was envisaged to ad- Sundilla and Yellampally barrages. were postponed earlier. TSPSC
dress the irrigation needs of 9.68 However, the government has de- issued a press note in this regard.
lakh acres, the project never got cided to divert the waters also to According to the new schedule,
past the 5 lakh acres mark since its SRSP. It may be noted here that Gurukula TGT Physical Science
inauguration in 1978. KLIP sources water from the and Social exam will be con-
Against this backdrop, the gov- downstream of Kaleshwaram con- ducted on August 29, TGT Sci-
ernment’s plan is to divert the wa- fluence where Pranahitha merges ence on August 30, Art, craft
ters drawn from the Kaleshwaram with Godavari river. Even though exam on August 31, Music
Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP) to Godavari receives insu�cient in- Teacher selection exam on Sep-
Yellampalli reservoir and FFC flows, the waters flown in from tember 1 while degree, junior col-
within 15 months. Pranahitha are su�cient for the lege lecturers, physical directors,
As per the proposed plan, 60 KLIP. degree, school principal exams
tmc ft of water in as many days will Chief Minister K Chan- and junior college librarian ex-
be pumped to SRSP through flood drasekhar Rao is scheduled to ams will be held on September 10.
flow canal (FFC) using three lifts. launch the pylon of the SRSP re- Staff nurse and PET exams
This would stabilise at least 5 lakh vival works besides addressing a will be conducted on September
acres of ayacut under the SRSP. public meeting at Pochampad on 17, according to the commu-
The revival project which is esti- Thursday. niqué.

Tirupati airport set to

operate global flights
Continued from P1 ation (DGCA) for slots, which in
Regarding the expansion of the turn consult Airport Authority of In-
runway, the director said that the dia (AAI).
state government was showing a lot Despite a few air operators show-
of interest and problems involved in ing interest, no one has formally ap-
land acquisition would be solved proached DGCA so far. If the formal-
soon. ities are completed the operators
Air India, Spice Jet and True Jet need three months’ time to start
are operating domestic services and bookings. Therefore, it will take
Indigo is set to start its operations some more time for the services to
from November. From 2015-16 to commence.
2016-17, the traffic has increased by Air Asia is showing interest to op-
48 per cent. Almost five lakh passen- erate services to Singapore and
gers per annum have travelled Malaysia, said Tirupati Airport di-
through the airport in 2016. rector H Pulla.
International services are benefi- Speaking to The Hans India, he
cial to the renowned educational in- said, “The existing runway and other
stitutions that were established in requirements are adequate to oper-
Tirupati after bifurcation like IIT, ate international services from here.
IISER, Culinary Institute etc. These If the operators find the required
institutes invite foreign professors. number of passengers, they will
They can be able to travel from Tiru- come forward with their plans.”
pati itself instead of Chennai or Ben- The new terminal with 22,500 sq
galuru, once the international serv- mts is almost three times larger than
ices commence. the old 8,000 sq mts terminal. The
Now the authorities are looking existing 7,500 feet long runway is
for operators to run the services. sufficient for all services with 180
The operators need to approach seats, except Boing 777, which re-
the Directorate General of Civil Avi- quires 12,500 feet long runway.

BJP MLA admits he

voted against party
Continued from P1 Ahmed Patel as a matter of prestige.
The Congress had complained to The BJP also left no stone unturned
the EC that the MLAs had shown to win all the three seats.
their votes to Bharatiya Janata Party The saffron pitted Balwantsinh Ra-
(BJP) national president Amit Shah jput, a recent acquisition from the
and Union Information and Broad- Congress, against Ahmed Patel know-
casting Minister Smriti Irani and in- ing that Patel's defeat will bring huge
dependent candidate Balwantsinh embarrassment for Sonia Gandhi
Rajput instead of representative of since he is her political secretary.
Congress candidate Ahmed Patel. The EC late on Tuesday night de-
Ahmed Patel's win is being consid- clared votes of two Congress MLAs-
ered a major victory of Congress and Bhola Bhai Gohil and Raghav Bhai
a blow for the BJP. Patel- invalid. The decision was taken
Congress had made candidature of on a complaint of the Congress.

GSTified: KCR to skip

Venkaiah’s swearing-in
Continued from P1

On the insistence of the Telangana government, the GST Council reduced tax
from 18 per cent to 12 per cent for some specified projects in the recently held
meeting in New Delhi.
Telangana government has been demanding bringing down of the tax to 5 per
cent which was collected before the introduction of new tax regime from July 1st
this year.
Following the instructions of KCR, Chief Secretary SP Singh on Wednesday
held an emergency meeting with the Secretaries of all important departments
and explained them the necessary steps being taken by the government to rescue
state from tax burden without halting the works. The o�cials were asked to hold
meeting with contractors and private agencies for the completion of works in a
scheduled time.


LAW COLLEGE PROF V NAVEEN KUMAR any special treatment. Recalling an inci-
dent, Anuradha said that when she joined
Hyderabad: A tribal woman who has done the OU College of Law, some students
her Ph D against odds, crowning her stud- searched for the daughter of an MLA who
ies during formative years in a village, is understood to have joined the institu-
tribal area residential school and govern- tion. “They found it di�cult to identify me
ment college, has now been appointed As- because of my simplicity. They were
sistant Professor in the Post-Graduate shocked and wondered why I had stayed
College of Law in Osmania University. The at the hostel,” she revealed.
woman, Gummadi Anuradha, is from the On her noticeable simplicity, Anuradha
Koya community. explained, “I have learned simplicity from
The Koyas mainly inhabit the hilly areas my father. There has been lot of influence
of Khammam and Warangal districts and of my father on me. He used to tell us to be
are sparsely found in Adilabad and Karim- part of society to understand people.”
nagar districts. Their population as per Expressing her views on the thesis she
2011 Census is 4,86,391. submitted for her Ph. D titled ‘Tribal Prop-
Anuradha, daughter of Gummadi Nar- erty Rights in Telangana-- special refer-
saiah, former legislator who was elected ence in Khammam district’, she says, "The
five times as MLA, has by choice never al- tribal people did not get any rights pro-
lowed her father’s identity to overshadow vided in the enactments and no one edu-
hers. Looking very simple, and with a coy cates them about their rights and violation
smile, she says: “My father is my strength of the rights of Adivasis.”
and weakness.” Anuradha’s reaction upon being ap-
Recalling her early schooling, Anuradha pointed as Assistant Professor was: “It is
says, “I studied Class 1 to Class 2 in my vil- the greatest opportunity to serve my com-
lage, Tekulagudem, which is in Karapalli munity. I want to do a lot more to my com-
mandal of Khammam district. From 3rd munity. I would like to educate them to
class to Intermediate I studied at the AP adapt to the current and modern trend to
Tribal Area Residential School at Sudi- get the best opportunities.”
malla in Yellandu and later completed de- “I am at this stage due to the motivation
gree at the Yellandu Government College.” extended by my father. In our community,
She underscored, “I never felt my father many children do not show interest in
as an MLA. He was only my father. In studies. Many stop at Intermediate or De-
school days, the teachers as well as stu- gree and go to agricultural work. No one
dents treated me as a normal student. I opts for higher studies. My father encour-
had led my school life like all other stu- aged me to study as he knew the impor-
dents. There was no special treatment for tance of studies and its value in society,”
me among the students.” The point she re- she adds.
peatedly makes is that she has never used She was felicitated on Wednesday to
her father’s name for anything. She asserts mark the World Tribal Day at a function
that she has completed her studies without organised at the Tagore Auditorium in Os-
Gummadi Anuradha using his name and had never asked for mania University.

Recreating menu of India’s CHILDREN’S LIBRARIES

last night as a colony

MOHAMMED SHAFEEQ Palace and Mumbai will take dishes in the main course and one
Hyderabad (IANS): Consomme
al Indienne, Delicacies a l'Hin-
dustan, Poularde sou�e inde-
their guests back in time by serv-
ing the same dishes beginning
this week and till the Independ-
ence Day.
Words like 'al Indienne', 'a
l'Hindustan', 'independence' and
'liberation' were added in tune
old books
pendence. These were some of The chefs have developed a with the significance of the occa-
the dishes on the dinner menu at menu which is in sync with the sion.
The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, culinary trends of that year. They The chef tried to match the
on August 14, 1947. had to go back and understand preparation of the menu with the
The night when India ushered the essence of the recipes, and Indian dishes.
in its Independence, it was cele-
bration time at the famed five-
star hotel with music, dance and
speeches and, of course, the deli-
cious food, reflecting the Indo-
adapt it to current tastes using lo-
cal ingredients and techniques.
"We've retained the Indo-
French touches not just in the
dish names, but also in their
Cardamom enhanced clear
chicken soup (Consomme' al In-
dienne) was the only soup served,
but the chef has added another
soup -- creamy almond veloute.
and costly
French cuisine of those times.
At Shamiana, the popular
restaurant at the hotel, the menu
of three courses was set to
cabaret entertainment, albeit ra-
foundations on the core French
sauces and ingredients -- albeit
with a modern Indian twist," said
a chef.
Nitin Mathur, Executive Chef
The starter comprises three
flavoured smoked cottage cheese
steaks with mint chutney (Deli-
cacies a l-Hindustan). The origi-
nal main course comprised
tioned as per government regu- at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, Paupiette de saumon joinville SRAVANTHI SANAM engage in reading at a young age. here. When we purchase newspa- K Priya, a parent who visits a
lations at the time, say o�cials of pointed out that since the photo- (Salmon roulade, soft creamy Private libraries are mushroom- pers, additionally we buy maga- private library, says: “Though the
the Taj Group of Hotels. graphs of the dishes are not avail- mash, wilted spinach, turned veg- Hyderabad: “Reading is to the ing in the city, but most of these zines.” government is not concerned
The rationing conditions were able, they used their imagination etables and joinville sauce) and mind what exercise is to the are known to be catering to the Books N More activities centre about providing books to li-
applicable to all restaurants at to match the menu. Poularde sou�e Independence body,” goes a saying. For growing upper middle class and rich fam- for kids at West Marredpally Var- braries, I’m really glad that at
that time and diners had to "As chefs we tried to recreate (chicken sou�e with steamed children, given their fertile mind ilies. sha Ramesh said, “Ours is a pri- least there are private libraries for
choose course combinations the whole thing by working on it. vegetables and lemon parsley and imagination, reading is very Director of Jawahar Bal Bha- vate organization and we charge children. They update the books
rather than feast on each choice. We used our imagination to sauce). important. These days, even van M Radha Reddy says: “We a nominal amount of Rs 100 per quite often and my kids love to
Dosabhai Framji Karaka also match the menu," Mathur told The chef added two vegetarian when children exult in immersive have nearly 16,000 books, most of month so that everyone can af- spend time in these libraries.”
known as D.F. Karaka, an Indian IANS. choices -- Crepes aux epinards experience from their mobiles which are over 50 years old. They ford it. We have 1,500 centers and Another parent, P Swathi, ob-
newspaper editor and then owner "We did not tweak the menu (stu�ed spinach crepes with and iPads; the simple, incompa- are mostly worn-out and we did more than 20,000 books. We get serves: “These days kids have be-
of Current Weekly, addressed the and retained all dishes that were makhani gravy) and rable joys of reading books should not purchase any books due to new books every month. We have come more tech savvy with smart
guests, the o�cials said quoting there," he added. Champignons Vol-au-Vents not be an alien concept. Books lack of funds. About 50-60 kids kids from the age of 3years to 15 phones; instead of reading books.
from the book 'The Taj at Apollo However, the chef has provided (tru�e and wild mushroom, pa- that fire imagination and enrich come from di�erent schools in years who come regularly. Ap- More libraries should come in the
Bunder'. a few choices to the vegetarians. prika cheese sauce). mind should be made available the city daily. Children read the proximately 1,000 kids come here colonies so it will be helpful for
Seventy years later, Taj has "There were no vegetarian Taj has fixed Rs 1,947 as the everywhere, with every child be- magazines which are available every month.” the future generations.”
recreated the menu served on choices in the menu, but we have price of this dinner (for one per- ing encouraged to read. Reading
that memorable night. The added a few," Mathur said. son). While guests will enjoy the devices should not edge out
group's flagship hotels in Delhi, There were a total of five com- sumptuous meals inside, the ho- books.
Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru binations on the original menu, tels from outside will be illumi- Alas! Children’s literature is of-
and Kolkata besides Taj Mahal comprising a soup, a starter, two nated in the Indian tricolour. ten overlooked when it comes to
mainstream collection. Many li-
braries do not focus on keeping
children’s books. Although there
are some libraries that are meant
exclusively for children, they too
have outdated books, many of
which haven’t been replaced for
years with newer editions.
There are as many as 86 li-
braries in the city that are run by
the State government. Some of
the libraries do have a separate
section for children’s books. The
Jawahar Bal Bhavan (Grade ‘A’ li-
brary) run by the government is
one such library that is ostensibly
dedicated to children. Even in
this library books haven’t been re-
placed for over 50 years. The sit-
uation is no di�erent in the State
Central Library at Afzalgunj and
the City Central Library at
Chikkadpally as well.
Experts are of the view that the
government should take immedi-
ate steps to build additional chil-
dren’s libraries so that kids can

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Time to recognise Netaji &
End this logjam INA brought freedom
T he protracted stando� between India and China at Doklam which
the latter calls as Donglang is threatening peace and stability in the
region. As Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said in Parliament, war is no
n a few days
from now, on
August 15, In-
and the remaining through the East In-
dian Company) by playing Indians
against Indians and using Indian
band 31. Addressing his countrymen,
Netaji said that the back of British Im-
perialism had been broken and that the
September 1948 was advanced. He also
announced that the country would be
partitioned. The Congress Working
solution. Diplomatic sagacity and statesmanship should prevail to find dia will complete troops to keep secure the ‘jewel in the British could concede independence to Committee (CWC) accepted this pro-
70 years of Inde- crown,’ began feeling insecure for the India in two years. Netaji promised to posal of partition like meek lambs. Only
an amicable solution to the latest irritant in Sino-Indian relations that
pendence. There first time after 1857. Military intelli- come to India and sit on judgment Aruna Asaf Ali in the CWC opposed it
saw remarkable growth in the recent past, especially in trade relations. will be celebra- gence reports suggested that Indian of- upon those trying ‘my men at Red Fort.’ while Mahatma Gandhi did not open
The prolonged impasse has the potential to derail the gains achieved on tions and public ficers and soldiers of the British Indian Netaji also revealed that he was ‘at his mouth because he was on maun
the bilateral front over decades. functions and Army could no longer be trusted im- present under the shelter of great pow- vrat. Actually, Gandhiji had become ir-
The unrelenting anti-India tirade in Chinese media further vitiates paeans will be pelling the British to draw up elaborate ers.’ From revelations from other de- relevant in Congress by then: Nehru
the climate. Beijing should immediately contain the hawkish rhetoric KINGSHUK sung in praise of plans to evacuate the 43,000 Britons classified files we can infer that the and Patel had taken over the party.
NAG those who sup- in India in an operation code named Congress leaders did not savour the Nehru was a great friend of Lord
even in the State-run media. This should be the first Confidence Building posedly brought ‘Gondola.’ So scared were the British prospect of Netaji returning. On July Mountbatten and his wife Edwina.
Measure (CBM) to arrive at a mutually acceptable and reasonable agree- us freedom. But the history books have that after three Indian o�cers were 22, 1946, Khurshed Naoroji, one of the Mountbatten was orchestrating every-
ment to resolve the face-o�. China insists unconditional and unilateral been written by those who came to found guilty in the court martial and Secretaries of Mahatma Gandhi, wrote thing after gaining the confidence of
withdrawal by India. India cannot accept this and in turn proposes mutual power in 1947 and regretfully the role Nehru. The two had met in Singapore
withdrawal. China has rejected India's o�er, resulting in stalemate. of many important players has been Declassified reports reveal after World War had concluded and
China is right when it says that Doklam is a dispute between it and virtually omitted. Prime among these the office of British Governor Mountbatten (who was supreme com-
are the names of Netaji Subhas Chan- mander of the Allied Forces in South
Bhutan. But, Indian strategic concerns over Chinese presence in the Dok- of Bengal had ‘caught’ the
dra Bose and his Indian National Army East Asia) put the fear of Netaji in
lam plateau cannot be altogether dismissed. India and Bhutan remind broadcast of three
(INA) who gave the last kick to the Nehru. He said that if Netaji returned
China of the fact that Beijing should not have altered the status quo on British. transmissions of Netaji Nehru would end up handing over the
the border by moving troops and equipment into the Doklam region A poorly armed INA under the lead- between December 1945 and country to the latter on a platter.
ership of Netaji fought a valiant battle February 1946 (months after Mountbatten, a careerist, then went
which China claims it to be its own territory, citing a 19th century Anglo-
against the British and entered the he was supposed to have back home and bid for the position of
Chinese convention while Bhutan was not a party to it. died) on short wave band 31.
country through the north east plant- Viceroy of India. He assured the British
Doklam plateau is at the tip of the Chumbi valley that connects Indian ing its flag on Indian soil. Here it lost Addressing his countrymen, Prime Minister Clement Atlee that he
state of Sikkim and China. Chinese presence in Doklam will bring it at a the battle and 24,000 soldiers to a bet- Netaji said that the back of would work through Nehru and would
striking distance from the strategically critical Siliguri corridor, the region ter equipped army and to hunger and British Imperialism had been ensure that the Government of India
that separates Indian North East with the main land. India fears that disease, but the men were never short broken and that the British after Independence would be a true
China can easily bully small neighbour like Bhutan to get a tactical ad- of courage. With strict censorship in could concede independence successor to the British Indian govern-
India, the brave exploits of the INA to India in two years. Netaji ment trying its best not to disturb the
vantage in this strategically critical territory. Doklam falls in the tri-junc-
were unknown to Indians at that time. promised to come to India status quo. That’s what actually hap-
tion of India, China and Bhutan. But when Britain won the World War pened but this manipulation is not
and sit on judgment upon
Latest reports indicate that China has agreed to move back 100 metres II, in supreme arrogance it decided to recorded in the o�cially written his-
those trying ‘my men at Red
from their present position at Doklam. But, India reportedly suggested teach a lesson to Indians. Three INA Fort.’ From revelations from tory of India. The din of the ham
that China should pull back its troops to 250 metres for New Delhi to soldiers – a Hindu, a Sikh and a Muslim handed partition (the partition line
other declassified files we
withdraw its troops. This indicates that both sides are trying for a hon- – were put on public trial at Red Fort. was drawn by a British lawyer who had
This was the place where the last can infer that the Congress no knowledge of India), in which 10-
ourable retreat despite jingoistic outburst at home. China feels India is leaders did not savour the
Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar 12 lakh people were displaced and
being subsumed into US plans to encircle it. India took a strident anti- was tried and banished from the coun- prospect of Netaji returning around 2 lakh people lost their lives,
China position on South China Sea dispute. Beijing is also wary of India's try and the choice of a Hindu, Sikh and shifted the focus away from Netaji.
joint military exercises with US and Japan in the region. a Muslim was symbolic. It was as if the sentenced to transportation, it was to Lord Mountbatten: ‘At the heart the But a few years later in 1956 when
Similarly, India is conscious of growing China-Pakistan nexus detri- entire nation was on trial. deemed fit to suspend the punishment. Indian army is sympathetic to the INA. Clement Atlee visited Calcutta (he was
mental to its interests. India refused to join Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) The colonial masters, however, did The British realised that if they were If Bose comes with the help of Russia no longer Prime Minister then) he was
not bargain for what happened next. to actually carry out the sentence, In- neither Gandhiji nor Nehru nor the asked by the acting Governor of Ben-
calling it a Chinese expansionism. They had thought that public would be- dians would rise and physically evict Congress will be able to reason with gal, Justice P B Chakravarty, the rea-
India and China should intensify meaningful dialogue to dispel the in- gin despising the INA o�cers – the mo- them from the country. The mutiny of the country.’ USSR is the country that son for the British to leave India be-
creasing apprehensions on each other's strategic interests. Doklam is a ment they heard that these soldiers had naval ratings across India – from Netaji Subhas Bose is supposed to have cause the Quit India movement of
culmination of worsening Sino-Indian relations in the recent past. Both deserted the British Indian Army and Karachi to Calcutta – in early 1946 only disappeared into. Declassified records 1942 had petered out. Atlee said that
sides should realise that any confrontation between them will only exac- fought the latter along with the Japan- confirmed the suspicion of the Britons now also reveal that on October 25, there were various reasons including
erbate great power rivalry in the region. Peace, normalcy and stability ese. Contrary to their expectations, a that they could not hold India in its grip 1945, the British Prime Minister was the fact that the British could not take
wave of enthusiasm ran through the anymore. chairing a cabinet meeting for ‘final- for granted the loyalty of the Indian
should be restored through mutual trust. Doklam cannot be allowed to country as stories of exploits of INA Netaji was supposed to have died in ization of a policy towards Bose’ dis- soldiers after the activities of the INA
snowball into a foreign policy quagmire. soldiers became public. Even the men an air crash in Taipei (Taiwan) on Au- cussing a confidential note on the sub- and the Naval Mutiny. On the role of
of British Indian Army began harbor- gust 18, 1945 but the British knew that ject by the Viceroy of India Lord the Quit India movement in getting
ing feelings of pride for the INA sol- this was not true. Recently declassified Wavell. What that policy is not clear the British to leave India, he said: Min-
diers and hatred for the British. This reports reveal that the o�ce of the from files in India but does establish imal.
was even as political parties of all hues British Governor of Bengal had ‘caught’ that Netaji was still alive at that time. It’s time that the story of India’s

EDITOR: PROF K NAGESHWAR rushed in to o�er legal aid to those on

trial. The British who had ruled the
country for nearly 200 years (nearly
the broadcast of three transmissions
of Netaji between December 1945 and
February 1946 (months after he was
On July 3, 1947, Lord Mountbatten,
the new Viceroy of India, announced
that India would be free on August 15,
freedom is rewritten and the right
place be accorded to the INA and Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose whose ultimate
100 years under the British sovereign supposed to have died) on short wave 1947 thus the earlier expected date of fate is still shrouded in mystery.

����� [email protected]
Fear of Nandyal defeat makes tiny in deciding the winner and loser, irrespective of the calibre of
the individual. Every fan of Usain Bolt never expected this type of
AP CM level wild allegations tame finish of his career and Justin Gatlin’s triumph, who was a
dopey in the past. Though the crowd was unhappy and mocked at

A P CM Chandrababu Naidu seems

to have lost his sense of proportion
in levelling wild allegations against late
his present demand for a medical college in the pub-
lic sector, while he was in power.
potentiality. At the same time, the government also
must keep teacher-student ratio at 1:30.
Gatlin, but he showed his noble self with a salute with an unusual
gesture bowing his head before Bolt who had established unerasable
records and bagged the highest number of medals in that sport.
YSR in the plot to eliminate him in A Yugandhar, Suryapet Y Pratapa Reddy, Tiruvuru, Krishna This act of sportsmanship exhibited by Gatlin made every sports

Carefully study implications Genuineness of � 500 note

2003 Maoist attack at Alipiri. If there lover was heart-touching. Kudos to Justin Gatlin and wishes for
is any grain of truth in the allegation, Bolt for the rest of life.
god knows why he has been sitting on E Gajendra Nath Reddy, Badvel, AP
the issue for so long while he was the
CM and later as the opposition leader. of detention system a frivolous issue?
Will Rajini be another MGR in TN?
He claims to have wielded a lot of power at the Centre also during
the period. He was only making a frivolous and absurd allegation
in desperation to make some political capital. The fear of losing
T o continue or not to continue current no-de-
tention system in secondary education up to
9th standard has become a hot topic among educa-
A t least on the face of it, a matter as vital as the
genuineness of a monetary unit of face value of
as high as Rs 500 was dismissed as "frivolous" by A fter a lot of humming and hawing in
Tamil Nadu political circles, it is almost
Nandayal by-election seems to be working on him. It is strange tionalists. Those who support no-detention system the Union Finance Minister, quoting procedural a certainty that matinee idol Rajinikant will
to hear Naidu speak about poise. When the note-for-vote scam say that it will increase dropout rate many-fold reasons. The whole nation stands bewildered and take the plunge and in all probability the
exploded in his face, he became utterly jittery and wildly argued among children in the age group of 10-15 years. It is left hapless by his contention. Oddly enough, the formal announcement might come any day
in a public meeting to have his police stations and police force at will invariably impose pressure on tender minds. word "frivolous" has acquired a peculiar connota- now. In a brief interview to a TV channel re-
Hyderabad. When his party MLAs threatened in the assembly Further it drives them to resort to rote methods of tion, thanks to the Union Finance Minister. cently, his daughter Sowndarya and son-in-
to kill the opposition leader, he remained a mute spectator. Some learning rather than creative way of learning. Critics Seshagiri Row KARRY, Hyderabad law Dhanush assured that the family would
kind of grace! Even his admirers will admit that poise is a trait say even teachers will focus on examinations and support the actor-politician to the hilt in all
alien to him. make the students mug up subjects. Even child psy- the latter's future plans. Rajini was reported
Vinay Bhushan Bhagwaty, Hyderabad chologists also oppose the detention system as it Gatlin act heart-touching to have set out three goals before him viz.,

Ponnam’s fasting a drama

unnecessarily puts pressure on not-yet-developed
minds. The people who support detention say that
in the absence of examinations, both teachers and
“S ports do not build
character. They re-
veal it,” This remark of
transparency in governance, corruption-
free administration and linking of all the southern rivers from Ma-
hanadi to Cauvery. He also hopes to seek the support of not only the

T he initial undertaking and subsequent breaking-up of the

fasting drama by the former Congress MP in Karimnagar
was expected well. The understanding of the commoners, is that
students will not attend to class work seriously as
there is no yard stick to measure their performance.
In 2003, Geetha Bhukkal Committee appointed by
Heywood Broun was re-
alised on Saturday in Lon-
don during the competi-
Centre but the neighboring States as well. Although there are other
political parties who are eager to woo the actor into their own polit-
ical outfits, indications are that he may float his own party. Can he
when there are no political issues for counter-campaigning, this CABE recommended detention system. The Stand- tion for world 100 meters replicate the popularity and charisma of an MGR or an Annadurai?
medical college demand emerged. This does not mean that the ing Committee of Union HRD in its 253th report race. This competition and Time only will tell!
present TRS government's moves are people-friendly, attractive also opposed automatic upgradation of students its outcome would remain RMVN Ramakantha Rao, Visakhapatnam
& supportable. The same former MP, who was very vociferous from one class to another class. l hope teachers in the minds of sports
for carving out of Telangana State, was conveniently silent about would take detention as a challenge and prove their lovers for ever and reminds us about the role of des-
Resistance to GST shows poor
litical parties must rise above petty considerations of understanding of TS govt
BJP left red-faced, proves it
is no different from Congress
their respective ideologies and must uphold and protect
the Constitution of India.
PSS Murthy, Hyderabad
Y ou are branding the GST as a tax structure that goes against the
co-operative federalism (editorial, 8th Aug) merely because some
states are now feeling the pinch. Notable amongst the states that

T he winning of Ahmed Patel as a Member of Rajya

Sabha from Gujarat must have been a sigh of relief
for the Congress party. But for the right decision of the BJP, too, encouraging
are crying foul is Telangana. As a state which claims that it is the
richest state with a superlative growth rate of over 21%, it cannot
clamour for a super reduction of GST to 5% or less on its various de-
Election Commission at a crucial juncture, he couldn't velopment projects. The state has been saying for the past few days
have won the race. The all-out e�orts of BJP to defeat defections that if the GST is not brought down to the level it wants, it would ask
him, which were totally unbecoming for a party with
people's mandate, went futile leaving the rank and file
red-faced. Now the episode has raised the doubts that
T he victory of Ahmed Patel in Gujarat Rajya Sabha
elections should teach the BJP as well as the Center
and many state governments that encourage violation
other states also to join in its fight against the GST Council for justice.
Alternatively, it plans to approach the Supreme Court for redressal.
There are two flaws in Telangana's argument: one is that, having ea-
whether the BJP is a party with di�erence, as it boastfully of anti-defection laws of our constitution. Even as there gerly supported the introduction wholeheartedly, the state cannot
claims. proceed on the expected lines of majority. It is unfortu- was a clear number of MLAs for election of Gujarat Rajya claim exemptions under whatever head. The second flaw is that with
Dr DVG Sankararao, nate that cross-voting has assumed embarrassing pro- Sabha Member from the Congress party, the BJP en- a mechanism like a Council in place, it has to be given a fair chance.
Nellimarla, Vizianagaram portions. Two of the dissenting members flaunted that couraged defection from Congress. It is immoral on the That is what other states are doing. Approaching the Supreme Court
they voted for BJP, in a brazen disregard for the secrecy part of BJP to contest the third seat to defeat Patel by is the State's constitutional right but one should be discreet enough
and sanctity of vote. It would have been graceful if the hook or crook. Not only in Gujarat poll but also in Goa to do that so early in the day. Fiscal uniformity was not imposed by
Why did BJP field third BJP were not to have fielded a third candidate from Gu- and Jharkhand, despite in second position, BJP grabbed the central government. The states voluntarily walked into it obvi-
jarat, due to its insu�cient numbers. However, wooing power by encouraging defections from Congress, which ously believing that their political diversity is secondary to the boun-
candidate? the members of the other party has become a norm for won the highest number of seats. This is condemnable ties that 28% GST revenues would bring them. It all shows that some

E lections to the House of Elders have all the ingredi-

ents of a whodunit. Usually, the elections to the RS
most of the parties in India. They have made democracy
one of valueless barter of political opportunism. All po-
by all political parties and intellectuals.
Dr JK Moorthy, Benguluru
politicians have a poor understanding of political economy.
Maringanti, Secunderabad

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Why did EC reject votes
of Gujarat Cong MLAs?
Very recently in 2016, the vote of Congress MLA from Haryana,
Randeep Singh Surjewala, was also rejected because he showed his
vote to a person other than the authorised agent of the party
RAKESH DUBBUDU Sabha election. This amend-
ment makes the voting in the

he Election Commission Rajya Sabha election an open
of India (ECI) rejected the ballot rather than a secret ballot.
votes of two Congress Following the amendment to the
MLAs after it was revealed that RP Act, the relevant rules were

Disaster management
they showed their ballot paper to amended in 2004 to add rule
others in addition to 39AA. The Rule
the authorised agent. 39AA of the Conduct
These provisions of Election Rules

turning out a disaster

were brought in prescribes the man-
through an amend- ner in which voting
ment made to the should take place in
Representation of the the RS elections. The
People’s Act, 1951, in rule clearly states
POONAM I KAUSHISH alness. It only reacts after people crore as interim relief. Similarly, 2003 when the NDA that the authorised
and cattle have either lost their Odisha has Rs 824 crore and the was in power. In a late agent of the political

What do Assam, Himachal lives. Promises are aplenty –
and Gujarat have in com- house-building grants, rehabili-
tation schemes and free rations.
story is recurrent elsewhere too.
Bringing things to such a pass
that everything is kaam chalao!
night order on Tues-
day, the Election Commission di-
rected the returning o�cer of the
party to which the
voter belongs should verify the
ballot paper without which the
A) Lord Indra is playing hooky What it all boils down to is a Crisis over it is back to business Gujarat Rajya Sabha polls to re- vote will be treated invalid. The
once again causing massive de- measly pay-out of Rs 200 each to as usual. ject the votes of two Congress ECI also states this in its hand-
struction, death and anguish. about 2000 people for building Flood policies are based on the MLAs. In its order, the ECI said book to the returning officer.
Whoever said when it rains mis- houses against the promised Rs assumption that flood disasters that these two Congress MLAs These provisions were chal-
eries, it pours, was dead on! Leav- 750. result from nature's actions and violated the voting procedure lenged in the Supreme Court by
ing us desis with just one option Not for them implementation are not man-made. Whereas, in and secrecy of the ballot papers Kuldip Nayar. Kuldip Nayar
– pray to God that disaster doesn’t of basic suggestions and develop- actuality the damage is caused by cast by them. But what rule posi- challenged these amendments
strike in their region. The flood ing long-term responses. Think. human error, mainly, poor land tion was violated by these two in the SC through a writ petition
toll has reached a whopping 700 Around 76% of India's coastline management and myopic flood- MLAs? Here is a lowdown of the filed in 2004. The SC dismissed
now and a few thousands have be- is prone to cyclones and control strategies. This was un- rules involved in voting during this petition in 2006 after hold-
come homeless and counting. tsunamis, 10% to floods and river derscored by the CAG 2010 re- the Rajya Sabha election. ing that the Constitution does
Oh, so predictable is our netas erosion, over 20 million people, port which lamented the In 2003, during the rule of the not put any restriction on the
response: an annual nautanki, about 6.5 million acres of crop is country’s disaster management first NDA government, an legislative powers of Parliament
yawn. Everyone goes through the submerged and more than 20 preparedness and warned of im- amendment was made to the with respect to the election of
stereotype motions – deluge and lakhs cattle heads perish. Yet, our pending catastrophe including Representation of People’s Act, members of the Rajya Sabha.
relief are freely bandied about. leaders remain oblivious to hy- severe natural ecology hazards. 1951. The following two provi- The SC maintained that amend-
Prime Minister Modi announces drological concerns of cities, busy Loss of green spaces which can sions relating to the election of ments to Sections 3, 59, 94 and
Rs 2 lakh compensation for the as they are enlarging their respec- reduce flood intensity and soil Rajya Sabha members were 128 of the Representation of the
deceased and Rs 50,000 for those tive “relief empires” and pointing erosion has added to the problem modified through this amend- People’s Act, 1951, made through
injured, and Chief Ministers fol- accusing fingers at each other. along-with concretisation, un- ment. an act in 2003 do not infringe on
low. Their ideas and remedies as wa- planned urbanisation alongside The first one is that the can- any Constitutional provision.
Moreover, why do our netagan ter-logged as the floods under dis- nature’s fury. Concerted e�orts didate contesting the Rajya Since then, the elections to
prioritise floods only at crises cussion. are needed like massive a�oresta- Sabha election from any state the Rajya Sabha are being held
time? Remember, similar floods Funds are doled out from the tion and soil conservation pro- need not be a voter in that state. in the open ballot system as de-
struck Chennai in 2015, Uttarak- Calamity Relief Fund. Little real- grammes throughout the coun- In other words, a voter from any scribed above. Very recently in
hand and Srinagar 2014, Delhi ising that instead of helping the try. Reforesting of the Himalayas part of the country can contest 2016, the vote of Congress MLA
2013 and Mumbai in 2005. Ac- people, most State Governments would be a beginning in this di- the Rajya Sabha election from from Haryana, Randeep Singh
cording to a Parliamentary Stand- use this for purposes other than rection. any state. For instance, the for- Surjewala, was also rejected be-
ing Committee on Water Re- disaster management or to create It is needed to trap some of the mer PM Manmohan Singh is a cause he showed his vote to a
sources between 1953 and 2012 infrastructure for which money early monsoon water under- beneficiary of this amendment. person other than the autho-
an average of seven million is provided in the regular budget ground in artesian basins which He was and is currently a mem- rised agent of the party. The ECI
hectares of land and nor do the could be used during dry season. ber of the upper house from As- has now rejected the votes of
and over 32 mil- State Disaster Rainwater harvesting, improved sam which is not his home state. two Congress MLAs in Gujarat
Why are long-term
lion people were Boards imple- waste management practices, The second one prescribes the following the same provision.
a�ected each responses not ment any proj- multi-purpose projects could be manner of voting in the Rajya (Courtesy: factly.in)
year because of developed to what is ect properly. taken up, which would not only
floods. an annual expected Shockingly, control floods, but also augment
The average problem? Why aren’t according to the power supply alongside develop-
loss of lives was adequate CAG 2013 re- ment of urban fringes to reduce
1,653 each year,
cattle loss
arrangements made
to ensure survivors
port the Na-
tional Disaster
pressure on existing urban cities.
Our polity needs to emphasis KINDS AND LEVELS OF DISASTERS
96,593, a whop- Management on national priorities, take into
ping 12.54 lakh don’t die of Authority has account local realities and involve
houses were starvation, due to the no “information experts and environmentalists
damaged and
the total de-
ineptitude. Primarily
and control over
progress of (dis-
who would evaluate the ecologi-
cal problems, study its context
P rimarily disasters are triggered by natu-
ral hazards or human-induced. The
human society is also vulnerable to Chemi-
increased risk from many kinds of human-in-
duced hazards arising from accidents (in-
dustrial, road, air, rail, on river or sea,
struction to because the aam aster manage- and be involved in decision and cal, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear building collapse, fires, mine flooding, oil
crops, houses aadmi translates into ment) work at policy-making. With special em- (CBRN) disasters, as per the National Disas- spills, etc.). Biological, Radiological, and Nu-
and public utili- the State level, phasis on problems created by ter Management Plan (NDMP) A publication clear (CBRN) hazards rank very high in
sterile statistics to be
ties estimated at was unsuccess- burgeoning population and its of: National Disaster Management Authority among the human-induced risks. Terrorist
Rs 3,612.12 manipulated at will ful in imple- impact on the local eco-system, (NDMA). activities and secondary incidents add to
crores annually. mentation of growth of haphazard housing, en- Disasters arising from natural hazards are these risks and call for adequate prepared-
And every year millions of words various projects and ine�ective vironmental insanitation and de- classified into five major categories: 1. Geo- ness and planning.
are written and millions more in its functioning in most core ar- cay, drainage and stagnant water physical: Geological process or phenomenon Levels of Disasters: Level-L1: The level of
will continue to be written. But eas." Succinctly, disaster manage- bodies. that may cause loss of life, injury or other disaster that can be managed within the ca-
it’s like water o� a duck’s back. ment is a disaster. The need of the hour demands health impacts, property damage, loss of ological: Process or phenomenon of organic pabilities and resources at the District level.
Why are long-term responses Moreover, even as the Centre action. Blueprints and discus- livelihoods and services, social and eco- origin or conveyed by biological vectors, in- However, the state authorities will remain in
not developed to what is an an- approved Rs 33,580.93 crore for sions are not going to help unless nomic disruption, or environmental damage; cluding exposure to pathogenic micro-organ- readiness to provide assistance if needed;
nual expected problem? Why State Disaster Response Funds and until the government starts 2) Hydrological: Events caused by deviations isms, toxins and bioactive substances that Level-L2: This signifies the disaster situa-
aren’t adequate arrangements for 2010-2015, many States misu- implementing those master- in the normal water cycle and/or overflow of may cause loss of life, injury, illness or other tions that require assistance and active mo-
made to ensure survivors don’t tilised these, some didn’t invest plans dumped in dusty govern- bodies of water caused by wind set-up; 3) health impacts et. bilization of resources at the state level and
die of starvation, due to the ad- them, thereby incurring huge in- ment corridors. Even as NaMo Meteorological: Events caused by short- Human-Induced Disasters: The NPDM deployment of state level agencies for disas-
ministration’s ineptitude. Prima- terest losses, smacking of finan- bulldozes ahead with grand de- lived/small to meso-scale atmospheric notes that rise in population, rapid urbaniza- ter management. The central agencies must
rily because the aam aadmi trans- cial indiscipline while not a few signs to build 100 futuristic processes (in the spectrum from minutes to tion and industrialization, environmental remain vigilant for immediate deployment if
lates into sterile statistics to be are yet to utilise funds. ‘smart’ cities, this season’s devas- days); 4) Climatological: Events caused by degradation and climate change aggravates required by the state; and Level-L3: This cor-
manipulated at will. Examples: Assam has over Rs tating floods shows, fixing today’s long-lived meso- to macro-scale processes the vulnerabilities to various kinds of disas- responds to a nearly catastrophic situation
Undeniably, the governments’ 500 crore which is unutilised, flood-prone metropolises is a (in the spectrum from intra-seasonal to ters. Due to inadequate disaster prepared- or a very large-scale disaster that over-
approach is one of criminal casu- even as it wants another Rs 3,000 more pressing task. multi-decadal climate variability); and 5) Bi- ness, communities, and animals are at whelms the State and District authorities.

Sharif ’s ouster: Should India be worried?

D K GIRI of courts, the Army and the Ji-

A ny major political or military

event in Pakistan concerns
India inasmuch as both coun-
On the other hand, Imran Khan
is caught in sexual harassment
complaints by the women work-
tries are at daggers drawn on
On India-Pakistan relations, there may not be much of an impact ers in his party. The Army may
Kashmir. The ouster of Mian although a stable democratic government is better for dialogue than leave it to the voters, as it is not
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif the Army. But on Kashmir, Sharif is on the same page as the Army and keen on a take-over. Also the
should certainly worry India for Supreme Court’s activism with a
a good many reasons. He had the Jihadists. Doors for dialogue may now be fully shut. However, the Messianic complex may not go
dealt with six Indian Prime Min- down well with the voters who
isters and had developed work-
US and China, the big influencers in the region, will not like, for would want full democracy.
ing relations with all of them. di�erent reasons, the India-Pakistan conflict to spiral out of control On India-Pakistan relations,
With his business background, there may not be much of an im-
Sharif had realised that good 93, 1997-99 and 2013-17. Earlier, nisance of the Panama leaks and longer fit to be the Prime Minis- pact although a stable democratic
trade and economic relations with he was ejected by Army and now instituted a Joint Investigation ter.” It asked the Election Com- government is better for dialogue
India would ensure peace and by the Supreme Court. His dispro- Team (JIT) that included two mission to de-notify him from the than the Army. But on Kashmir,
harmony between the two na- portionate income and assets Army o�cials. National Assembly and ordered Sharif is on the same page as the
tions. It is him more than any Pak- were exposed by the Panama Pa- The presence of the Army in the National Accountability Bu- Army and the Jihadists whose rai-
istani Prime Minister who wanted pers leaked by law firm Mossack JIT confirms that it was pursuing reau, an anti-corruption body, to son d’être is fomenting trouble in
to rein in the anti-India Pakistani Fonesca. He has amassed wealth Sharif, who had tried to muscle file charges within six weeks for India. Sharif had somewhat kept
military. In his second stint in stance brings it political and pe- pillars – the Islamic Groups, the beyond his stated income, and his into the Army’s turf, the Kashmir the trial to be completed in six the doors for dialogue open, but
1997-99, Sharif had removed two cuniary gains. Furthermore, Army and Kashmir – all the three children had flats in expensive policy etc. The JIT submitted its months. Unmistakably, the court these may now be fully shut.
Army chiefs in one year. He had Sharif had taken on the pro-army confront, bedevil and squeeze po- parts of London. That Sharif did report on 10th July and the has thrown Pakistan’s politics into However, India need not worry
appointed Pervez Musharraf after Supreme Court which has the litical democracy in the country. not disclose his firm in UAE dur- Supreme Court gave its verdict turmoil as the General Elections as the US and China, the big in-
superseding other senior o�cers. controversial habit of dismissing Pakistan has a fledgling democ- ing filing his nominations for the without wasting time, on the 28th. are due in a year. fluencers in the region, will not
It is another matter that Mushar- elected civilian governments. Al- racy which is yet to take firm National Assembly is another Invoking a clause of the Constitu- The big question is what will like, for di�erent reasons, the In-
raf later staged a military coup though accused of rigging and ma- roots. No civilian government in charge. Even his bête noir Imran tion that stressed Islamic virtues happen to Sharif, Pakistani poli- dia-Pakistan conflict to spiral out
and forced Sharif into exile. nipulating elections, Sharif strove that country has ever completed Khan of Tehreek-e-Insaf party, that a Prime Minister “be saga- tics and India-Pakistan ties in the of control.
The Pakistan Army thrives on to establish the supremacy of the its five-year term. Sharif too did too, had made faulty declarations cious, righteous, non-profligate, post-Sharif period? There are (Writer is Prof of Interna-
antagonism with India and now democratic State. Remember, not run the full term in his three of assets as a candidate. honest and upright,” the apex limited options for Sharif to es- tional Politics, Jamia Millia
Afghanistan, as it believes such a Pakistan’s politic is based on three stints as Prime Minister – 1990- The Supreme Court took cog- court decreed that Sharif was “no cape the conspiratorial clutches Islamia University, New Delhi)


Dilip Kumar
Paramilitary constable arrested
Raipur (PTI): Police have arrested a Nearly 500 girls took part in the July
Mumbai (PTI): Veteran CRPF constable and identified an- 31 event and tied rakhis to the CRPF
actor Dilip Kumar was dis- other jawan in connection with the al- personnel.
charged from hospital, leged molestation of girl students of The event was aired on a local news
eight days after being ad- a state-run residential school during channel on August 7.
mitted for kidney-related a cultural programme in Chhattis- Later, the school hostel's warden
ailments. The actor came garh's Dantewada district. The two complained to the district adminis-
out of the hospital on a personnel were identified last evening tration that CRPF personnel allegedly
wheelchair with wife Saira based on the statements of the victims followed the girls to the toilet and mo-
Banu, family friends and and photographs of the event, Dante- lested them on the pretext of frisking,
doctors. Saira hugged and wada Superintendent of Police Kam- the SP said. Based on the complaint,
kissed the actor on his lochan Kashyap told PTI. an FIR was lodged under IPC section
cheek before asking him to Shamim Ahmed (31), a constable 354 (molestation) and relevant pro-
wave to the waiting fans. belonging to the CRPF's 231 battalion, visions of the Protection of Children
"This was a terrible thing was arrested, he said. The constable from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act at
(his illness) which hap- will be produced in local court today, Representational image the Kuakonda police station, he said.
pened all of a sudden. It he said. The SP said that a police team Dantewada Collector Saurabh Kumar
was like a nightmare. He is was sent to nab the other identified programme was organised by the earlier said the district administration
perfectly fine now. Every- personnel, who is believed to be on CRPF troopers ahead of the festival had formed a five-member committee
body wished for his good leave since August 3 and went to his at the state-run residential school in headed by zila panchayat's chief ex-
health and God heard. He home town Dehradun in Uttarakhand Dantewada's Palnar village under ecutive officer (CEO) to look into the
is eating and also talking after the incident came to light. Kuakonda police station. The para- matter. The CRPF was also conduct-
slowly. God willing, he The incident allegedly took place military force had been organising ing an inquiry into the incident at its
will be fine soon," Saira on July 31, when a 'Raksha Bandhan' such events in Palnar for a few years. level, he had said.
told reporters outside the


spiritual leader,


the Dalai Lama
Lecture in New
S The clock is ticking away, says a Chinese editorial Delhi on

S India has learnt from 1962 War, Jaitley in Parliament

New Delhi/Beijing: The countdown to a mili- China has warned India of serious conse- 1962 war with China that "the armed forces
BJP MP Sanwar tary conflict between India and China has be- quences if Indian troops were not pulled back will have be made fully capable on our own be-
gun and New Delhi should come to senses and from Doklam, which Beijing calls Donglang cause even today the nation faces challenges
Lal Jat dies withdraw troops from Doklam before it's too and claims is its territory. from our neighbouring countries." Compared
New Delh (PTI): Former late, a Chinese daily said on Wednesday. Defence Minister Arun Jaitley said the In- to 1962, the armed forces were made stronger
Union minister and BJP An editorial in the state-run China Daily dian armed forces are strong enough to meet in 1965 and 1971 wars, Jaitley said.
MP from Ajmer Sanwar
Lal Jat died here of cardiac
told India that the "clock is ticking away". The
piece was latest addition to the hostile com-
any challenge to the country's security as he
underlined that lessons have been learnt from
In 1962, India had to face a war imposed by
China and su�er severe reverses. However, in
‘Doklam not a serious issue’
arrest aged 62, a top offi- mentaries in the Chinese media. the 1962 war. the wars of 1965 and 1971 thrust by Pakistan, New Delhi : The Dalai Lama said complicated”. “Even in 1962, Chi-
cial at the AIIMS said. Jat, The newspaper said "India will only have He also said in the Rajya Sabha that the peo- India had emerged victorious. the Doklam stando� between India nese forces which reached
who served earlier as Min- itself to blame" if it didn't withdraw troops ple of the country have a predominant wish of "I agree that some challenges are still there. and China is “not a very serious” is- Bomdilla, eventually withdrew. In-
ister of State for water re- from Doklam where its troops are locked in a retrieving the parts of Jammu and Kashmir Some people are targeting our country's sov- sue, adding the two countries have dia and China have to live side by
sources in the Narendra stand-o� with the Chinese Army since mid- occupied by Pakistan since 1948. ereignty and integrity. to live side by side. The Tibetan side,” the 14th Dalai Lama added.
Modi government, died at June. Jaitley, while initiating a special debate to But I am fully confident that our brave sol- spiritual leader said the two coun- The neighbouring countries have
6.15 am, AIIMS Director "The countdown to a clash between the two mark the 75th anniversary of Quit India Move- diers have capabilty to keep our country se- tries must invoke the spirit of been at an impasse in the Doklam
Dr Randeep Guleria said. forces has begun, and the clock is ticking away ment launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1942, cure, may it be challenges on the eastern bor- “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai.” “I do not region in Sikkim for two months
The BJP MP had collapsed the time to what seems to be an inevitable con- said India had faced many challenges over der or the western border," he said. think it is very serious. India and now, after Indian troops stopped
during a meeting chaired clusion," it said. "As the stando� ... enters its these decades but "we can proudly say the "The armed forces can give any kind of sac- China have to live side by side.” He the Chinese from constructing a
by party president Amit seventh week, the window for a peaceful so- country became stronger with each challenge". rifice for the security of the nation," the de- added “propaganda makes things road in the area.
Shah at Jaipur last month lution is closing." He said India had "learnt a lesson" from the fence minister asserted.
following which he was
admitted to the Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) of Sawai
Man Singh Hospital there.
He was shifted to the
AIIMS from Jaipur after
his condition turned criti-
75th anniversary of Quit India movement Vikas Barala, friend held;
booked for abduction
Chandigarh (IANS):
Haryana BJP President
Subhash Barala's son Vikas
Barala and his friend
Ashish Kumar were on
Wednesday arrested again
by the Chandigarh Police
after they were booked un-
der the non-bailable sec-

‘Forces of darkness trying to tions of attempt to abduct

and attempt to commit of-
fence for stalking an IAS of-
ficer's daughter. Varnika Kundu is seen with her father Varinder Singh

Ola driver
destroy roots of democracy’ Both accused were inter-
rogated by police o�cials
for over two hours before
being booked under Sec-
Kundu at Panchkula near Chandigarh.

Luthra told the media here.

"They will be produced in
tively, professionally and
independently." The inci-
New Delhi: On the 75th anniversary of by one per cent of the Indian popula- tion 365 (kidnapping or ab- court tomorrow. We will dent of stalking happened
duction with intent to con- seek police remand from on the night of August 4-5.
arrested the 'Quit India' Movement, the Upper
House of Parliament adopted a resolu-
tion. In 2016, the figure rose to 58.4 per
cent of GDP in the hands of one per fine person) and Section the court. We have to con- The Chandigarh Police
Mumbai: A 31-year-old tion recalling the heroic sacrifice of cent of population. 511 (attempt to commit of- front them with various came under widespread
woman from Uttar millions of Indians in the freedom "Is this the India of the dreams of fence punishable with life facts," Luthra said. criticism for allegedly
Pradesh, who had come to struggle and vowing to make India 1947 when we became independent?" imprisonment). "Following "The arrests and new favouring the accused who
Mumbai for an interview, strong, self-reliant and secular. he said. interrogation, new facts charges are based on many stalked and intimidated
was allegedly molested by Chairman Hamid Ansari read out Claiming that democracy and have emerged. We have de- new facts like legal opinion, Varnika Kundu, 29, daugh-
an Ola cab driver in the the resolution, after which the house freedom were being disrupted under cided to press two new new pieces of evidence in ter of Haryana Additional
city's Shivaji Park area, unanimously adopted it. the Narendra Modi-led Central gov- charges. These are at- form of CCTV footage, Chief Secretary V.S. Kundu.
police said. The alleged "This House recalls that 75 years ernment, West Bengal Chief Minister tempted abduction (sec- statement of witnesses and Both the accused earlier
incident took place on ago, Mahatma Gandhi called for Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday tions 365 and 511). We have map of the route," he said. arrived amid high drama at
Tuesday afternoon when British to quit India and gave the clar- launched a "BJP quit India" move- decided to arrest them," "There is no political the Sector 26 police sta-
the victim booked an Ola ion call to 'do or die' to the Indian peo- ment. Chandigarh Director Gen- pressure (on us). We are tion, in a Ford Endeavour
cab in suburban Marol to ple to end the British rule," Ansari said "The nation's democracy has been eral of Police Tejinder doing everything objec- SUV.
go to Parel in central reading out the resolution. disrupted and people's freedom and
Mumbai, senior police in- Congress president Sonia Gandhi right to live are under threat in the
spector Gangadhar Son-
awane told PTI.
took a veiled dig at the BJP-led govern-
ment wondering whether the "forces
Congress President Sonia Gandhi
hands of the current Central govern-
ment. That's why our slogan from
9 dead after ITIs to grant CBSE
of darkness" were trying to destroy
speaks in the Lok Sabha in New today is 'BJP quit India, communal-
vehicle falls
Another SP
the roots of democracy as "clouds of
hate and division" were hovering over
secular and egalitarian values.
Delhi on Wednesday
that there were people and organisa-
ism quit India, intolerance quit In-
dia'," Banerjee said at a public rally
here on the 75th anniversary of the
into a gorge equivalent certificates
MLC quits She used her speech in the Lok tions which had opposed the Quit Quit India Movement. Jammu: A vehicle carrying New Delhi (IANS): In a move Education and Indian School
Sabha during a special discussion on India movement and made no contri- Accusing the Bharatiya Janata passengers skidded o� and to boost vocational education Certificate Examinations
Lucknow: Samajwadi the Quit India movement to underline bution to the country's freedom. The Party of trying to divide the country, rolled rolled down into a in the country and dispel its schools. "There has been a
Party MLC Ashok Bajpai the contributions of the Congress and Congress has often accused the RSS she said her party would not allow it 200-feet deep gorge in stigmatisation, the govern- complete reform of ITIs' struc-
resigned from the UP Leg- Jawaharlal Nehru to the landmark of playing no role in the freedom at any cost. Jammu and Kashmir's ment plans to set up a central tures, curriculum, syllabi, as-
islative Council, taking the episode in India's struggle for inde- movement, a charge denied by it. "The party at the Centre is trying Reasi district killing nine board of certification for In- sessments," he said.
number of party MLCs pendence and also attacked the ruling It is necessary that communalism to divide India. They are also trying people and injuring six oth- dustrial Training Institutes Designed to facilitate mobil-
who have quit recently to BJP, who her party has accused of and neo-liberal economic policies that to divide Bengal for political bene- ers, police said. (ITIs) that would grant school ity between the vocational and
four. Three of the SP communalism. are hurting people "quit India", Com- fits. We will not let that happen. We The tempo fell into the finishing certificates, equiva- the formal education systems,
MLCs who had resigned "We will not allow the idea of India munist Party of India Marxist (CPI-M) will not let the country to be di- gorge at the Chechi Nallah lent to Class 10 and 12, Union the move will also help stu-
have already joined the to be a prisoner to narrow mindedness leader Sitaram Yechury said in an im- vided," said Banerjee, also the Tri- area in the Mahore belt of Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy dents undertaking courses in
BJP and Mr Bajpai is also and communal ideology. Today it looks passioned speech on Wednesday. namool Congress chief. the district this morning, said. "The government has de- ITIs to pursue regular courses
expected to follow suit, like secularism and free speech are in "What is the meaning of observing The first phase of the movement Senior Superintendent of cided to set up a central certi- in other schools and colleges,
sources said. "I am tender- danger. If we have to preserve free- the 75th Anniversary of the Quit India would continue till September 5, Police (SSP) Reasi, Tahi Sa- fication board to give equiva- Rudy said.
ing my resignation from dom, we'll have to defeat forces en- Movement if today what has to quit with the second phase resuming jad Bhat told PTI. lent certificates to students of He recently announced that
the Council membership. I dangering it." India does not quit India? You have to after the festive season in Bengal is He said nine people were ITIs, which currently number the HRD Ministry has permit-
am peeved at the treatment "We can't and we won't allow sec- quit these economic policies that are over, she said. killed and six others injured around 2.3 million," the Min- ted the Directorate General of
meted to 'Netaji' (Mulayam tarian forces to succeed," she said. increasing unemployment, that are in- The Chief Minister also attacked in the incident and a rescue ister of Skill Development and Training to conduct examina-
Singh Yadav) in the party," People have to fight for the India creasing poverty, that are increasing the Centre for bad implementation operation has been Entrepreneurship said at a tions for 23 lakh students en-
Bajpai told reporters after they believe in, which is loved by one the divide between the rich and the of demonetisation and Goods and launched. media briefing here on the rolled in ITIs for matricula-
giving his resignation to and all and which was envisioned by poor," Yechury said in Rajya Sabha. Services Tax, calling the initiatives The SSP said the injured work of his ministry that came tion, secondary and higher
Council Chairman Ramesh the freedom fighters, she said. He said that in 2014, wealth amount- "calamitous for the poor and com- are being shifted to a hos- into being in August 2015. secondary equivalence and
Yadav. It should not be forgotten, she said, ing to 49 per cent of the GDP was held moners". pital and e�orts are being The ITIs are to come up as give certificates to the candi-
made to recover the bodies. Central Board of Secondary dates who clear them.
Cong expels 8 MLAs
for cross-voting
Ahmedabad/New Delhi (PTI): Cracking down on dissidents in Gujarat,
the Congress expelled for six years eight of its MLAs who cross-voted
Next goal victory in assembly
in Rajya Sabha elections.
AICC general secretary incharge of Gujarat unit Ashok Gehlot said
polls: Ahmed Patel
he has also recommended the expulsion of six of its legislators who Congress stalwart Ahmed Patel, who retained his Rajya Sabha seat in Gu-
had earlier resigned as MLAs. Three of them had later joined BJP. jarat in a humdinger of a contest, said his victory has come as a boost to
Asserting that indiscipline will not be tolerated in the Congress, the party workers and set an aim of 125 seats in the assembly polls due
Gehlot said those expelled were indulging in anti- party activities. later this year. Patel, the high-profile political secretary to party president
Gehlot, a former chief minister of Rajasthan, said the party will Sonia Gandhi, admitted that the election was the "toughest" one he had
strengthened further ahead of the state Assembly elections due later ever fought in his life. He beat BJP nominee and Congress defector Bal-
this year. wantinh Rajput in the bitterly-fought contest marked by defection of
The Gujarat Congress spokesman Manish Doshi said the eight MLAs MLAs, political manoeuvring and a see-sawing number game.
were expelled for cross-voting in favour of BJP candidates defying the Congress workers celebrated Patel's victory by bursting crackers and
whip issued by the party. distributing sweets at many places. "This was the toughest election that I
These MLAs are: Shankarsinh Vaghela, his son Mahendrasinh, have fought in my life. I thank my party leaders and my MLAs," Patel told
Raghavji Patel, Bhola Gohil, Dharmendra Jadeja, P K Raulji, Amit a gathering of Congress MLAs at the Gandhinagar Circuit House. The
Chaudhary, Karan Patel. Congress has been out of power in Gujarat for more than two decades.
Vaghela, a former chief minister, had resigned from the Congress Winning his fifth term to the Upper House of Parliament, Patel secured
and the post of leader of the opposition in the Assembly weeks ahead 44 votes, after the Election Commission invalidated the votes cast by two
of the RS elections, but not from the House. Congress MLAs for violating the rules.
"We have expelled them for six years as they defied the party whip PatelexpressedhisgratitudetowardsJD(U)leaderSharadYadav,whose
and cross-voted. We will take action against them under the anti-de- party had supported the BJP but its lone MLA voted for Patel in the Rajya
fection law also," said Gujarat Congress chief Bharatsinh Solanki. Sabha poll.
Gehlot also thanked the Gujarat unit of the party for the victory of MLA Chhotu Vasava is known to be close to Yadav, a former party chief.
Ahmed Patel, political secretary to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, His vote proved crucial in Patel's win as he got 44 votes, the minimum
in the RS poll. number required to win with the first preference votes.


Maratha community people during a
silent protest in Mumbai on Wednesday,
to demand reservation in government
jobs and educational institutions.

3 militants
EC to use EVMs with killed in
VVPAT in Gujarat polls encounter
Srinagar (PTI): Three militants
New Delhi (IANS): The Election Com- conducting election to the Gujarat leg- were killed in an encounter with se-
mission on Wednesday told the islative assembly is 70,000 units. curity forces in south Kashmir's
Supreme Court that it will be able to The VVPAT machine is connected Pulwama district, police said.
use EVMs with Voter Verified Paper with EVMs and dispenses a paper The bodies have been recovered
Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines in the proof for the voters so that they can from the encounter site where the
upcoming Gujarat Assembly polls. verify that their vote is cast correctly. search operation was still in
A bench headed by Chief Justice J.S. Taking note of the submissions of the progress, a police o�cial said. The
Khehar was told by the poll panel that Election Commission, the court dis- identity and group a�liation of the
it will be able to conduct the Gujarat posed of the plea filed by Gujarat Pati- slain militants is being ascertained,
Assembly polls later this year using dar leader Reshma Vithabhai Patel the o�cial said. Security forces
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) seeking the use of either ballot paper launched a cordon and search op-
with paper trail if it gets 73,500 VVPAT or EVMs with VVPAT for the assembly eration in Gulab Bagh area of Tral
machines by September from the elections. in Pulwama after receiving specific
manufacturers. Patel, also convener of the Patidar inputs about the presence of mili-
An affidavit filed by the poll panel Anamat Andolan Samiti which was at tants there. As the forces were con-
said: "If the said consignment of the forefront of the Patel quota agita- ducting the search operation, the
VVPATs is delivered on time (Septem- tion, alleged that the EVMs were not hiding militants fired upon them re-
ber), the Election Commission expects fully reliable, foolproof, tamper-proof sulting in an encounter. Mean-
to be able to conduct the elections to or hack-proof. while, a Delhi court sent to 14-day
the Gujarat legislative assembly com- The Election Commission main- judicial custody Kashmiri separatist
pletely with the use of VVPATs." tained that EVMs currently used for leader Shabir Shah, who was ar-
Currently it has 53,500 VVPAT units, conducting Lok Sabha and assembly rested in a decade-old money laun-
said the poll panel, adding that the elections in the country "cannot be dering case for alleged terror fi-
number of VVPAT units required for tampered with". nancing.


NCERT portal for online books Frankfurt-Delhi

New Delhi (IANS): Minister "At the time of placing the web service is that no child AI plane lands
of State for Human Resource orders, the schools are not should be compelled to buy
Development Upendra Kush- required to make the pay- more expensive books for in Iran
waha launched the NCERT ment; the payment can be want of NCERT books," said New Delhi: A crack in
web portal on Wednesday made just before the supply. Anil Swarup, Secretary, the main cockpit win-
for the supply of textbooks "The schools will also have School Education & Literacy dow forced an Air In-
to schools and individuals the option of directly procur- (HRD), at the book launch. dia plane from Frank-
here in the national capital. ing textbooks either from He said that new books will furt to Delhi to land
Schools can order these their nearest NCERT vendors be updated with recent de- mid-way in Tehran on
books by entering their or from the Regional Produc- velopments in the country, Wednesday morning.
Board's affiliation number tion-cum-Distribution Cen- and complete with correc- AI 120 Frankfurt-Delhi
and other details till Sep- tres (RPDCs) of the NCERT tions. The NCERT textbooks plane landed at Tehran
tember 8 for the session located at Ahmedabad, can also be downloaded, at about 6.20 am as a
2018-19, a statement from Kolkata, Guwahati and Ben- free of cost, from the "precautionary" meas-
the ministry said. galuru," the statement read. NCERT's website ure, according to the
The web service would There are about 80 vendors www.ncert.nic.in and users airline spokesperson
soon be launched for indi- to supply the books to can access the digital ver- Dhananjay Kumar.
viduals where they will be schools. Individuals will re- sion by downloading the There were 249 pas-
able to purchase books on- ceive the books through nor- 'epathshala' mobile applica- sengers onboard the
line. mal post. "Our aim with the tion. aircraft. "The main
window in front of the
pilot developed cracks.
This happened be-
cause of malfunction-
ing of the internal
heating system," said
an airline official on
the condition of
The Boeing 787
Dreamliner has now
been grounded and a
relief plane, a Boeing
747, has been sent from
Mumbai to ferry the
passengers to Delhi,
Kumar said.

‘Nagasaki must be the last place to suffer N-attack ’
Tokyo (AFP): Nagasaki must spreading across the globe cludes those who survived US President said at his golf firmly set under the US nu-
be the last place to suffer an that in the not too distant fu- the explosion itself but died club in New Jersey. The se- clear umbrella. Many in
atomic bombing, its mayor ture these weapons could soon after from severe radi- curity fears over North Japan feel the attacks
said on Wednesday, marking actually be used again,” said ation exposure. Three days Korea have recently been amount to war crimes be-
72 years since the devastat- Mayor Tomihisa Taue at a later, the US dropped a plu- cited by nuclear powers cause they targeted civilians
ing American nuclear attack ceremony at Nagasaki tonium bomb on the port Britain, France and the US to and due to the unprece-
on the Japanese city with a Peace Park. “Nagasaki must city of Nagasaki, killing oppose a UN treaty banning dented destructive nature of
passionate call for denu- be the last place to suffer an some 74,000 people. Japan atomic weapons. the weapons. But many
clearisation. The anniver- atomic bombing,” he said. A announced its surrender in It was a position sup- Americans believe they has-
sary comes as tensions over bell tolled as thousands of World War II on August 15, ported by Japan. Taue lam- tened the end of a bloody
North Korea’s rogue people, including ageing 1945. Wednesday's cere- basted Tokyo over its stance conflict, and ultimately saved
weapons programme and in- survivors and relatives of mony took place amid re- on the treaty as “incompre- lives, thus justifying the
creasingly bellicose rhetoric victims, observed a minute’s People pray for atomic bombing victims on the 71st gional concerns over North hensible to those of us living bombings. Barack Obama
A boy from the minority from United States presi- silence at 11:02 am (local anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing Korea, with Trump sharpen- in the cities that suffered became the first sitting US
Yazidi sect worships at a dent Donald Trump rattle the time), the exact moment ing the rhetoric against Py- atomic bombings”. Japanese president to visit Hiroshima
Yazidi shrine which is region and put nuclear that the blast struck on Au- is the only country to have bomb on Hiroshima on Au- ongyang. “They will be met officials routinely argue that in May last year, paying mov-
being rebuilt after it was threats in the spotlight. “A gust 9, 1945 in the closing suffered atomic attacks. The gust 6, 1945, killing around with fire and fury like the they abhor nuclear weapons, ing tribute to victims of the
destroyed by Islamic strong sense of anxiety is days of World War II. Japan US dropped the first atomic 140,000 people. The toll in- world has never seen,” the but the nation’s defence is devastating bomb.
State in Bashiqa, a town
near Mosul

Lassa fever
kills two in ‘Enjoy paradise,’ ignore SA opposition
wants Parliament
Rouhani names two
woman vice-presidents
Lagos (AFP): Two people
in Lagos have died and a
hundred medical workers
have been placed under ob-
NK threat, Guam told
Hagatna (Guam) (AFP): The Pa-
Johannesburg (Reuters): The
opposition Democratic Al-
liance (DA) on Wednesday
called for South Africa’s Parlia-
servation after a flare-up of cific island of Guam remained ment to be dissolved and a na-
Lassa fever, a cousin of the outwardly calm on Wednesday in tional election to be held, one
deadly Ebola virus, offi- the face of a threatened North day after its no-confidence mo-
cials said on Wednesday. Korean attack, and a senior o�- tion in President Jacob Zuma
Lagos University Teaching cial in the US territory urged peo- was defeated.
Hospital said the two died ple to “relax and enjoy paradise”. Alliance leader Mmusi
this week after being ad- After US President Donald Maimane said the party would
mitted for treatment. “Each Trump threatened North Korea bring the motion to dissolve
of these two patients pre- with “fire and fury” over its nu- parliament to the assembly on Masoumeh Ebtekar Dr Laya Joneydi Shahindokht Mowlaverdi
sented very late and died in clear ambitions yesterday, Py- Thursday and request that it be
spite of efforts to salvage ongyang raised the stakes just debated as soon as possible. Tehran (AFP): Iranian President deputy positions to fill and it was
them,” Professor Chris hours later -- saying it was con- A family at a beach in Guam on Wednesday Zuma, who has been dogged Hassan Rouhani appointed two unclear if any would go to
Bode, the hospital’s chief sidering missile strikes near US by accusations of corruption female vice presidents on women.
medical director, said. The strategic military installations on our safety”. “I want to reassure They’re just buying school sup- and mismanaging the econ- Wednesday, a day after coming The lack of any women among
first case was a 39-year-old Guam. In a televised address to the people of Guam that cur- plies because the schools’ just omy, survived an attempt in under fire from reformists for Rouhani’s new ministers, an-
pregnant woman with a the 162,000 residents on the rently there is no threat to our is- opened.” Guam, which advertises parliament to force him from nominating no women ministers. nounced on Tuesday, has been
bleeding disorder who died Western Pacific island, Governor land,” he said. George Charfauros, pristine beaches, clear blue skies o�ce on Tuesday. But he was Massoumeh Ebtekar, known in- strongly criticised by his re-
after stillbirth, he said. Eddie Calvo said Guam was work- the territory’s homeland security and “world-famous sunsets” is a left politically wounded after ternationally for her role as formist allies who say he has
ing with Washington “to ensure adviser, said there was “0.000001 popular destination, with some members of his ruling spokesperson during the 1980 US bowed to pressure from the reli-
per cent chance of the North Ko- tourism a key pillar of its econ- African National Congress embassy hostage crisis, was gious establishment. Rouhani, a
6 Red Cross rean missile hitting Guam”. His
advice to residents to “relax and
omy. But it is also home to about
6,000 US troops and houses two
(ANC) party voted with the op-
named as vice president in charge
of women’s a�airs, having previ-
moderate cleric, sailed to victory
in May over hardliner Ebrahim
members enjoy the paradise” appeared to US military installations -- the Maimane told a news con- ously run the environment brief Raisi with the backing of re-
hit home. There was no evidence Andersen Air Force Base and the ference in Cape Town that the in Rouhani’s o�ce. Laya Joneydi formists after vowing to improve
killed in CAR of panic buying in stores Wednes- Naval Base Guam. Despite the result showed the ANC was di- was appointed as the vice presi- civil liberties and rebuild ties
Bangui (AP): Aid officials day and gas stations were oper- significant contribution the mil- vided and the country needed dent for legal a�airs, while an- with the West.
say six Red Cross volun- ating normally. Shop worker itary makes to the local economy, “a new beginning”. other woman, Shahindokht But he faces a di�cult balancing
teers have been killed in Chelsea Nu said the threat of at- there is a small but growing op- “The ANC may have won in Mowlaverdi, was named as a spe- act in seeking to address popular
Central African Republic tack was not even a conversation position to its presence. Nation- the no-confidence motion in cial adviser for citizens' rights. pressure for reform while assuag-
(CAR), the third deadly at- topic in her store. “I haven’t alists argue the territory is a po- parliament yesterday, but it Rouhani, who had three female ing conservative opinion in par-
tack on the group in the heard people talk about it. The tential target of aggression due to has lost the confidence of the vice presidents during his previ- liament and other power centres
country this year. Antoine customer tra�c is normal. the presence of US forces. country,” Maimane said. ous term, still has several more behind the scenes.
Mbao-Bogo, president of
the Central African Red
Cross, said Wednesday he
was “appalled” by news of
the killings in the south-
SPIDER ON THE STREET Kenyatta surges ahead, Country, pop star
Glen Campbell
east. The circumstances of
the attack were not clear,
according to the Interna-
rival says results fake dies at 81
tional Red Cross and Red Nairobi (AFP): President Uhuru Los Angeles
Crescent Movement. The Kenyatta appeared headed for re- (IANS): US
Red Cross says the volun- election on Wednesday but his ri- country and
teers were in Mbomou pre- val Raila Odinga claimed a mas- pop singer
fecture attending a crisis sive hacking attack had Glen Camp-
meeting at a health facility. manipulated results, ratcheting bell has died
up tensions in east Africa’s richest after a long
Rashad Rouse, 27, whose economy. With ballots from 92 per battle with
Bail for Khaleda dream is getting his star
on the Hollywood Walk
cent of polling stations counted,
electoral commission (IEBC) re-
Supporters of Raila Odinga, set
barricades on fire
his family
in graft case of Fame, hangs upside sults showed Kenyatta leading said on the musician’s o�cial
down from a tra�c with 54.4 per cent of the nearly 14 tronic system, saying hackers had Facebook account. He was 81.
Dhaka (PTI): The High signal pole in a Spider- million ballots tallied against gained entry to the system using A string of celebrities paid trib-
Court on Wednesday Man costume to get Odinga’s 44.7 per cent, a di�erence the identity of top IT o�cial Chris ute to him on social media.
granted permanent bail to attention from tourists of 1.3 million votes. “These results Msando, who was found murdered In his early 20s, Campbell
former prime minister on Hollywood are fake, it is a sham. They cannot and tortured late last month. “This moved to Los Angeles, where
Khaleda Zia in a corruption Boulevard, in Los be credible,” Odinga told a press is an attack on our democracy. The he gained fame as an excellent
case involving embezzle- Angeles. Rouse is a conference in the early hours of 2017 general election was a fraud,” and much sought-after studio
ment of 21 million musician and sometimes Wednesday as partial results came said Odinga, claiming detailed evi- musician, working with stars
Bangladeshi Taka. The works as an Uber driver quickly via an electronic tallying dence of the hacker’s movements. such as Elvis Presley, Dean
graft case was filed in when he is not working system aimed at preventing fraud. He would not say how he got the Martin and Frank Sinatra.
2008. The Anti-Corruption on the boulevard He later detailed accusations of a information, as he wanted to “pro- Campbell passed away on
Commission (ACC) case massive hacking attack on the elec- tect his source”. Tuesday, Efe news reported.
accused Khaleda, her son
Tarique Rahman and four
others in the Zia Orphan-
One suspect held over Quake in Sichuan
age Trust corruption case.

Canadian car attack on soldiers

province kills 19
Beijing (PTI): Car rams into
Unflushed toilet leads
pastor freed
Seoul (AP): North Korea
Paris (AFP): French secu-
rity forces have shot and ar-
rested a man suspected of
soldiers in Paris suburb At least
19 people were killed and
nearly 250 others injured after
a powerful 7.0-magnitude
to burglar’s arrest
says it released a Canadian being behind an attack on earthquake struck a moun- Los Angeles (PTI): A burglar in
pastor who has been serv- soldiers in a Paris suburb on tainous region in China's the US was arrested after he left
ing a life sentence since Wednesday, security southwest Sichuan province, behind ‘key evidence’ at the
2015 for anti-state activities sources said. The man, aged with rescuers today evacuating crime scene -- an unflushed toi-
over health reasons. Py- in his late 30s, was inter- over 45,000 tourists from the let. Andrew David Jensen's fae-
ongyang’s official Korean cepted on a motorway north area, according to the official cal matter in the toilet bowl at a
Central News Agency said of the French capital in the media. The temblor that home in Los Angeles suburb of
on Wednesday that Hyeon vehicle used to drive into the soldiers, the sources said, asking not to struck the popular tourist des- Thousand Oaks matched the
Soo Lim was released on be named because they were not authorised to speak. One source tination in Jiuzhaigou County DNA on an FBI database. The 42-
“sick bail” following a de- close to the case said the man had been stopped at the wheel of a last night was followed by an- year-old was arrested on July
cision by the country’s BMW driving towards the northern port of Calais. A second legal other 6.6- magnitude quake to- 28, nearly a year after the resi-
Central Court. The agency source added: “The arrested individual, born in 1980, is suspected to day in the far northwestern re- dential burglary in October
didn’t provide further de- be the culprit” of the assault in the Levallois-Perret area of Paris at gion of Xinjiang province, 2016, the Ventura County Star
tails. Lim was convicted around 8:00 am (0600 GMT). “He was driving the vehicle we were more than 2,000-km away. The reported. While searching the
and sentenced in 2015 on looking for and tried to flee,” the source added, leading police to open massive earthquake in Sichuan crime scene, police found faecal
charges of trying to use re- fire. Six soldiers were injured -- none seriously -- after a BMW quickly struck at 9:19 PM (local time) matter in an unflushed toilet
ligion to destroy the North accelerated and struck them outside their barracks in a quiet street last night and the epicentre that possibly had the suspect’s
Korean system and helping in the upmarket Levallois-Perret area. was monitored at a depth of 20 DNA, Detective Tim Lohman of a known suspect, police said. On County. The case of 1997 murder
US and South Korean au- The a�uent suburb on the northwestern edge of Paris is home to km, state-run Xinhua new the Thousand Oaks Police De- July 25, the California Depart- of Ventura teenager Jake Bush
thorities lure and abduct France’s domestic counter-terrorism agency. Several dozen troops agency reported. Jiuzhaigou, partment was quoted as saying. ment of Justice informed Thou- during a burglary remained
North Korean citizens. from Operation Sentinel, launched in the wake of Islamist attacks in or Jiuzhai Valley, is a national Authorities took a sample and sand Oaks police that the profile ‘cold’ for years.
Paris in early 2015, are based there. park famed for more than 140 submitted the evidence to the matched Jensen. Authorities ar- However, DNA extracted from
The car accelerated into the troops, who were starting their patrol, lakes whose waters range from Ventura County Sheriff’s Office rested Jensen on suspicion of faeces left inside the burglarised
when they were a few metres away, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb crystal-clear to turquoise, ly- Forensic Services Bureau for first-degree residential bur- home helped identify Marco
told reporters outside the hospital where the three more seriously ing at the feet of forest-clad processing. Once the DNA pro- glary, a felony. Casillas, of Port Hueneme, as a
injured victims were being treated. “This was a deliberate act, not an mountains. The death toll in file was processed, scientists His bail was set at $ 70,000. suspect in 2014. Casillas was
accident,” Collomb said, adding that counter-terrorism investigators the quake in Sichuan has risen submitted the results to the This was not the first time fecal convicted and sentenced in
had taken up the case. A judicial source said the unarmed suspect to 19, with 247 injured, includ- Combined DNA Information Sys- DNA has helped lead authorities March to life in prison without
was arrested on a motorway in northern France after. A Reuters wit- ing 40 seriously, authorities tem to see if the profile matched to a crime suspect in Ventura the possibility of parole.
ness saw a bullet-riddled BMW at the scene. said.
JKumar, Parsvnath move SAT Nettlinx picks 51% Govt notifies GST
timeline for filing
in Sri Venkateswara of tax returns

against shell company tag Green Power Projects

To set up `200-cr
S 71.3lakh exis�ng tax
payers, 15 lakh new
assesses get GSTN so far
New Delhi (PTI): The Centre on
Wednesday notified the time-
Several other firms gear up to challenge market regulator’s decision; Sebi defends the move Hyderabad: Nettlinx Limited on waste-to-power line for furnishing final tax re-
Wednesday announced acquisi- turns for July and August under
Mumbai (PTI): A number of com- etisation. Sebi has asked the ex- tion of 51 percent stake in Sri plant; production the Goods and Services Tax
panies, including Parsvnath De- The trading ban in 331 changes to restrict trading in Venkateswara Green Power in 18 months likely (GST) regime. The GST Coun-
velopers, JKumar Infraprojects stocks from Tuesday shares of 331 "suspected shell Projects Ltd, a firm engaged in cil, chaired by Finance Minister
and Prakash Industries, on companies", some of which have developing and implementing a Arun Jaitley and comprising
Wednesday moved the Securities
turned out to be a major investments by several well- viable and environmentally sus- state counterparts, had in June
Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against jolt to about 36 lakh known domestic and foreign in- tainable 12 MW power plant, a allowed businesses extended
Sebi classifying them as ‘shell investors in addition to vestors. renewable energy project. The timeline for filing final GST re-
companies,’ contesting that their MFs and foreign funds. The hearing at the Out of the 331 companies, total power project cost is esti- turns in forms GSTR-1, GSTR-
businesses are legitimate. shares of more than 160 firms are mated to be Rs 200 crore and 2 and GSTR-3 for July and Au-
Defending the move, Sebi said tribunal has been adjourned till Thursday and actively traded on the exchanges. would be funded with an equity gust. In the interim period,
it took the action after receiving the market regulator is expected to give its “We have filed an appeal before infusion of 60 crore, out of businesses will have to file
the list of companies from the reply on the same day SAT. Our plea is to set aside the which Nettlinx, a city-based in- GSTR-3B which is a summary
Union Ministry of Corporate Af- Sebi order. We are not a shell com- ternet infrastructure company, in synergies to both the enti- of self-assessed tax liabilities
fairs. Several other firms are ex- pany and we have complied with will contribute 51 per cent ties.” with consolidated details of out-
pected to take similar recourse to more firms to cover all 167 active whether investigation was carried all the rules and regulations and through its internal accruals. KVenkateswara Reddy, MD of ward supplies and input credit.
challenge the market regulator’s stocks from Sebi’s list of 331 sus- out in the intervening period. Con- not evaded any tax,” Parsvnath Nettlinx in a release said that Sri Venkateswara Green Power Over 71.30 lakh excise, serv-
decision asking stock exchanges pected shell companies. The tri- trary to general perception, shell chairman Pradeep Jain said. the proposed state-of-the-art Projects, said: “The company ice tax and VAT payers have mi-
to restrict trading in 331 firms for bunal asked Sebi as to why the companies are apparently being On Tuesday, many of the com- power plant will convert and associates will infuse to- grated to the GSTN portal and
being ‘suspected shell companies.’ matter was not investigated before referenced here for those sus- panies tagged annual reports and Greater Hyderabad Municipal wards our share of 49 per cent over 15 lakh new assessees have
JKumar Infraprojects and issuing the circular. The Securities pected to have indulged in abet- other financials along with their Corporation (GHMC) waste of equity participation, while been registered on the plat-
Prakash Industries told the SAT and Exchange Board of India ment of tax evasion and money filings to press upon the exchanges into energy, and being set up in the rest of the project funding form. GST, which has sub-
that their businesses are legiti- (Sebi) told the tribunal that it got laundering activities post demon- that they are not shell companies the south zone of the city. The will come from term loans and sumed over 17 di�erent levies,
mate and that they are not shell the information from the corpo- etisation, including through share and are in compliance with all reg- project will be operational in working capital borrowings.” has kicked in from July 1, 2017.
companies. rate a�airs ministry and subse- dealings, regulatory sources said. ulations. It may be recalled that about 18 months time. He further said that the proj- Forms Deadline
Meanwhile, NSE announced quently asked the exchanges to in- Many of those stocks also saw the Centre had cancelled regis- Manohar Loka Reddy, Chair- ect is commercially viable as the GSTR 3B for July August 20
that only 48 companies from Sebi’s vestigate and take action. The huge jump in their prices and vol- tration of 1.62 lakh companies for man, Nettlinx Ltd, said: “The in- power purchase agreement with
GSTR 1 for July Sept 5
list of 331 firms listed on its plat- hearing at the tribunal has been umes after demonetisation in No- not carrying out any business ac- vestment and acquisition is Telangana power distribution
form, of which 10 were already adjourned till Thursday and the vember last year. Last month, tivity for long. Out of these strategic in nature, considering company specifies a tariff of Rs GSTR 2 for July Sept 10
suspended. NSE is in the process market regulator is expected to Prime Minister Narendra Modi deregisered firms, 76,451 compa- the company’s decision to diver- 7.40 per unit and is on a must GSTR 3 for July Sept 15
of collecting information and ver- give its reply on the sameday. had said 37,000 shell companies nies were located in Mumbai, sify into sunrise business seg- buy basis and also stipulates a GSTR 3B for Aug Sept 20
ifying credentials of 48 ‘suspected Observing that Sebi received indulging in tax evasion had been Delhi and Hyderabad. RoC ments. We are confident of suc- minimum guarantee price. The GSTR 1 for Aug Sept 20
shell companies’ as per regulator the list of companies on June 9 detected and more than three lakh deregistered 20,588 companies cessfully executing this state government had given as- GSTR 2 for Aug Sept 25
Sebi directions. BSE has imposed and the circular was issued on Au- firms were under the scanner for in Hyderabad, 33,000 in Mumbai prestigious project, not just surance of 700 tonnes waste per
GSTR 3 for Aug Sept30
maximum trading curbs on five gust 7, the SAT asked the regulator suspicious dealings after demon- and 22,863 firms in Delhi. help us diversify, but also brings day delivery at the plant site.

Surge in gold imports from EX-TOP BRASS OF RBI TURN CRITICAL ON ONGOING POLICY DOGMA Tata Motors Q1 net up
S Korea on govt radar ‘Farm loan waiver should Multiplicity of
GST rates is a 42%, riding on JLR
New Delhi (PTI): Worried over
Volume spurts to
multi-fold jump in gold imports
not become a policy’ challenge’
pension plan benefit
$338.6mn in just S Improving health, educa�on
from South Korea, the govern- Govt already delayed NPA action, we need to take sectors is a biggest task in next
ment is contemplating steps to 1 month as against New Delhi (PTI): Homegrown
check the surge in inbound ship- timely action, says Bimal Jalan 5 years, agriculture also has been global auto major Tata Motors
ments from the country, accord- $70.46mn in FY17 completely neglected so far on Wednesday reported 41.54
ing to an o�cial. Gold imports
from South Korea, with which In-
dia has a free trade agreement
since January 2010, has jumped
to $338.6 million during July 1 and
New Delhi (IANS): Former Re-
serve Bank of India (RBI) Gov-
ernor Bimal Jalan on Wednes-
day said farm loan waivers
should be a ‘need based’ one-
‘ I would
not have
approved it
(note ban)
New Delhi (IANS): Former RBI
Deputy Governor Rakesh Mo-
han on Wednesday said the
GST rollout was a colossal task
achieved after over a decade
per cent jump in net profit to
Rs3,199.93 crore for the June
quarter of the current fiscal, ben-
efiting from one-time gain relat-
ing to changes made to JLR pen-
August 3 this year. The import in time decision and should not be had I been at but the multiplicity of rates still sion plans. It had posted
2016-17 was $70.46 million. turned into a policy. remained a challenge. consolidated net profit of Rs
“We have lots of mechanisms in “Farm loan waiver as a one-
the helm of the “GST has been achieved after 2,260.4 crore in the April-June
place to control this surge like we time effect is all right. But you country’s central bank a decade. GST with multiple period of last fiscal, Tata Motors
can stipulate that the gold which can’t make it a policy,” Jalan rates is an issue,” Mohan said said in a BSE filing.
is imported should be used for 10 per cent customs duty. India is said here on the sidelines of the RBI, I should not demonetise it here at the Income from operations dur-
designated purpose like for export the world’s second biggest gold ‘Economics and Governance’ unless there is a crisis,” Jalan ‘Economics ing the period under review Butschek said: “While the first
only. Safeguard duty can also be consumer after China. The im- event organised by think tank said in an interview ahead of the and Gover- stood at Rs 59,818.22 crore, as quarter results have not met our
imposed, but we have to plug the ports mainly take care of demand Thinkers and Penguin Random release of his book “India: Pri- nance’ event against Rs 66,165.89 crore in the expectations, we are working
loophole before the onset of the by the jewellery industry. India House India. “Else people will orities for the future” on organised by year-ago period, down 9.59 per with renewed focus and energy
festive season,” the finance min- has implemented free trade agree- borrow farm loan and may use Wednesday. RBI Governor Urjit Penguin cent. to improve performance of our
istry o�cial said. ments with countries including it for other purposes. It should Patel and SBI Chairperson publishers. Rakesh Mohan Jaguar Land Rover CEO Ralf commercial and passenger vehi-
Under the free trade pact be- Japan, Asean and Singapore. The be need based,” he said. Arundhati Bhattacharya have The Goods and Services Tax Speth said: “We continue to de- cle businesses.”
tween India and South Korea, ba- collections from customs duty and Coming to note ban, which also earlier said farm loan has tax-slabs of 0, 5, 12, 18 and liver rising volumes and rev- Volume sales, including ex-
sic customs duty on gold was elim- IGST from imports post imple- was announced on November 8, waivers should not become a 28 per cent. Gold is at a special enues across the business, re- ports of commercial and passen-
inated. Further, the 12.5 per cent mentation of GST has almost dou- 2016, Jalan said that “though practice as they result in fiscal rate of 3 per cent. flecting strong demand for new ger vehicles for the quarter stood
countervailing duty on gold im- bled to Rs30,000 crore in July. demonetisation had some posi- slippages. The former RBI o�cer said models such as the Range Rover at 1,11,860 units, down 11.8 per
ports has been subsumed in the Gold imports contributed sig- tives, I would not have approved Touching upon the non-per- India needed to focus on health Velar and established global cent when compared to the cor-
Goods and Services Tax (GST). Ac- nificantly to this increased collec- it had I been at the helm of the forming assets (NPAs) or bad and education to achieve a award winners such as Jaguar F- responding quarter last year, it
cordingly, the imports now attract tion. The revenue collected in- country’s central bank. There is loans' resolution mechanism of higher growth rate. “Health and PACE. Consolidated profit be- said. Tata Motors said its oper-
only 3 per cent integrated GST. clude those on account of customs need to tackle the problem of RBI wherein the banks have education is a challenge. We fore tax for the quarter includes ating performance broadly re-
The o�cial added that similar duty, Integrated-GST (IGST) black money at the root and see been allowed to initiate insol- have the worst health and edu- one-time gain of Rs 3,609 crore flected JLR’s lower wholesale
surge in gold imports could be wit- from imports, Countervailing whether taxes are high.” vency procedure against de- cation indices. India can’t grow (437 million pound) relating to volumes excluding China JV and
nessed from other countries with Duty (CVD), special addition duty “On balance, if a rupee has faulters, Jalan said whatever at 10 per cent without major the changes made to the Jaguar continuation of higher compet-
which India has free trade pacts. (SAD) and Cess collection on im- been guaranteed by the Govern- needs to be done should be done improvements in these sec- Land Rover pension plans.” Tata itive incentive levels and launch
Currently, gold imports attract ported items. ment of India and issued by for a speedy recovery. tors,” he said. Motors MD & CEO Guenter and growth costs seen in FY17.

Direct tax kitty

swells 19% US-North Korea tension 99 FDI proposals Aurobindo Pharma
Q1 net down 11%
to `1.90L cr
Demonetization brings casts shadow over mkts pending in various at `518 cr
more individuals under
tax net in Apr-July
Mkts reel under shell firm order; weak global cues dampen sentiment; Sensex at 3-week low ministries: Nirmala Hyderabad: Aurobindo Pharma
on Wednesday announced re-
sults for the first quarter ended
New Delhi (PTI): Direct tax col-
lections jumped 19 per cent in the
Mumbai (PTI): The domestic
stock markets closed down for
TOP GAINERS FDI up 9% at $43.47 bn in FY17 June 30, 2017. The pharma ma-
jor su�ered 11.38 percent de-
Symbol LTP % change
first four months of the current the third consecutive session as
OUR BUREAU Nirmala further said the cline in the consolidated net
239.20 1.83
fiscal as demonetisation of higher the selling pressure gathered govt initiated already profit at Rs 518.33 crore for the
NTPC 173.60 1.43
denomination currency brought momentum on Wednesday. Mir- New Delhi: As many as 99 foreign the process on the first quarter. The company had
ASIANPAINT 1,155.55 0.71
in more number of individuals in roring the downward movement direct investment (FDI) propos- master plan of three posted a net profit of Rs 584.90
INFY 970.70 0.71
tax net. Collections of direct taxes, of the markets, BSE Sensex als were pending with various crore during the first quarter of
which are made up of personal plunged by over 216 points, or
ONGC 165.15 0.70
ministries and departments, Par- identified nodes, 2016-17 fiscal. US sales ac-
and corporate taxes, soared to Rs 0.68 per cent, to end below the liament was informed on Ponneri (TN), counted for Rs 1,694.9 crore as
TOP LOSERS Krishnapatnam (AP) &
1.90 lakh crore in April-July, an 32,000-mark at 31,797.84, its Wednesday. In a written reply to against Rs 1,703.9 cr in the first
o�cial statement said here. The lowest closing since July 18. The Symbol LTP % change Rajya Sabha, Union Commerce Tumkur (Karnataka) quarter. Aurobindo Pharma has
collection, net of refunds, was 19.5 gauge lost 527.57 points in three AUROPHARMA 682.15 -6.08 and Industry Minister Nirmala received final approval for 17
per cent of the total Budget Esti- sessions. The NSE Nifty also re- SUNPHARMA 472.50 -5.57 Sitharaman said the work of which commerce and industry ANDAs and tentative approval
mate of direct taxes for 2017-18. mained under pressure and fell ADANIPORTS 396.00 -4.53 granting approval for foreign in- ministers from eight states, who for 3 ANDAs during the quarter.
Corporate income tax grew 7.2 70.50 points, or 0.71 per cent, to CIPLA 558.00 -3.56 battered the most, plunging 5.13 vestment in eleven notified sec- were Members of the Council, Aurobindo Pharma in its
per cent on gross terms and per- close at 9,908.05. Intra- day, it TATAMOTORS 416.05 -3.24 per cent to an over four-year low, tors/activities under FDI policy and representatives of other 16 communique to BSE said that
sonal income tax by 17.5 per cent. cracked below the 9,900-mark to after its US subsidiary Taro Phar- has now been entrusted to the states in addition to trade bodies net sales during the quarter un-
“However, after adjusting for touch 9,893.05. auto and financial stocks lagged. maceutical Industries reported concerned administrative min- such as FICCI and CII partici- der review stood at Rs 3,621.07
refunds, the net growth in corpo- “Global headwinds owing to Investors resorted to o�oad weak quarterly numbers. Others istries or departments. FDI into pated in the meeting, she added. crore as against Rs 3,704.60
rate income tax collections is 23.2 geo-political tension between following muted June quarter to lose ground were Adani Ports the country grew nine per cent to “A total of 99 FDI proposals crore in the year-ago period,
per cent, while that in personal North Korea and the US pro- earnings by some companies, (4.12 per cent), along with Cipla, $43.47 billion in 2016-17. were pending in various min- down 2.25 per cent.
income tax collections is 15.7 per vided more cues to the domestic said brokers. Pressure on stocks Tata Motors and Bajaj Auto. But Nirmala further said that the istries/ departments,” she said N Govindarajan, MD at Au-
cent,” the statement said. market, which is already reeling continued on growing sense of NTPC looked up, climbing 1.25 Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corri- adding 48 such proposals were robindo Pharma, said: “We be-
under Sebi's regulatory pres- disquiet following Sebi crack- per cent, followed by ONGC, dor Development Corporation awaiting approval in the Depart- lieve the momentum to sustain
sure... Small- and mid-cap under- down against suspected shell HDFC and Asian Paints. (DMICDC), the nodal agency for ment of Industrial Policy and Pro- going forward driven by chang-
performed today,” said Vinod companies. The market regulator Foreign portfolio investors Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial motion (DIPP). Similarly, foreign ing product mix towards com-
Nair, Head of Research, Geojit clamped down on 331 such firms (FPIs) were net buyers of shares Corridor had already initiated the investment applications are plex products. We remain fo-
Financial Services. on Monday, directing bourses to worth Rs 1,539.82 crore while do- process on the master plan of pending in department of eco- cused on strengthening our
Key indices in Japan, Hong take action against them. It was mestic institutional investors three identified nodes, Ponneri nomic a�airs (13), department of existing businesses and devel-
Kong, Singapore, China and Tai- so strong that all the sectoral in- (DIIs) bought shares worth Rs (Tamil Nadu), Krishnapatnam pharmaceuticals (14), department oping a di�erentiated and spe-
wan moved down by up to 1.29 dices, led by healthcare and auto, 798.55 crore yesterday, provi- (Andhra Pradesh) & Tumkur of telecommunications (8) and cialty driven product basket.”
per cent. Tension flared up be- ended in the negative zone. sional data showed. The selling (Karnataka). Ministry of Home A�airs (5). She Total expenses during the pe-
tween the US and North Korea Overseas, Asian stocks ended activity accelerated in broader In last January, the second said a standard operating proce- riod remained almost flat at Rs
over the latter’s ballistic missile lower and European shares markets, with small-cap index meeting of Council of Trade De- dure for processing FDI proposals 3,004.03 crore as compared to
programme cast a shadow on do- dropped in early hours. In the sliding 1.88 per cent and mid-cap velopment and Promotion has already been issued by the Rs 3,004.51 crore in the corre-
mestic markets here. Healthcare, Sensex pack, Sun Pharma was 1.66 per cent. (CTDP) was held in New Delhi, in ministry in June. sponding quarter of last fiscal.
www.thehansindia.com New horizons for Gen Next


R aksha bandhan is a Hindu festival.
It is popularly used to celebrate
brother and sister relationship who
R akhi means not only a festival in
which sisters just tie a band to
their brothers. The rakhi band tied
aksha Bandan in Sanskrith literally
means “the tie or knot” of protection.
The word Raksha means protection while
may or may not be biologically re- to the brother by his sister should bandan is the verb to tie. It is an ancient
lated. In ancient days, the women be tied whole-heartedly and with Hindu festival that ritually celebrates the
generally knot the rakhis to her hus- true love. On this festival only sis- love and duty between brothers and the
band to protect him from evil influ- ters tie the rakhi band to their sisters. Some parts of India also reserve
ences and those factors which may brothers because sisters know that Raksha Bandhan day importance for the
spoil his character. Gradually, this they have someone close enough to sacred thread changing ceremony when the
tradition has been changed to be fas- make them happy and smile forever. young Brahmin boys discard the old one and
ten the rakhi to their brothers as a token That is their brother. Even I have a don a new one rituallistickly. However, on
of love, to protect their brothers from brother who takes care of me and makes Raksha Bandan we lovingly remember our sisters
troubles and to increase the bond between me happy. I am going to tie him a rakhi and brother and brothers promise to take care of their sisters.
the siblings, in return sister’s receives gifts. band this time with my true love. -D Vastav Arya, Class VI,
-D.Navya Jayaram, Class IX , DAV High school, RTPP, Kadapa -E Yasaswi Akshaya, Class VIII, Nalanda Vidya Niketan, Edupugallu Swami Vivekananda High School, Hanumkonda

R aksha Bandhan in the modern times

can be attributed to an oath of binding
to honors sisters as well as to earth and
R akhi is a special day for us. Sister will
tie a beautiful rakhi to her brother and
her brother will present a gift. In this oc-
T he word Raksha means protection, while
Bandhan is the verb to tie. The festival
celebrates the love and duty between broth-
environment. On Raksha Bandhan a sis- casion they will be very friendly. If they ers and sisters. It is also popularly used to
ter ties a rakhi on her brother’s wrist with fight with each other from this day they celebrate any brother-sister type of rela-
a prayer for his prosperity and happiness. will be friendly. Rakhi is very important tionship between men and women who
This symbolizes the sister’s love; the to brothers and sisters. I also have a may or may not be biologically related. On
brother gives her a token of gift and a prom- brother he is very friendly. When rakhi fes- Raksha Bandhan, a sister ties a rakhi (sacred
ise to protect her. It is also celebrated by a tival comes I tie a rakhi to him. He pres- thread) on her brother's wrist with a prayer
sect of Jains and Sikhs in the other parts of the ents me a gift. So I like this festival. It is for his prosperity and happiness. This symbol-
world. Jain priests give threads to devotees. In very important day to me and not only to izes the sister's love. The brother gives her a token
Nepal the festival is called as Janai purnima or Rakshi- me but to every bro and sis. gift and a promise to protect her.
tarpani involving a sacred thread ceremony one observed by Hindus and -M Nikshitha, Class VII, DAV High -MSNV Karthik, Class VIII,
Buddhist communities. School, RTPP, Kadapa Sri Vishwashanthi, Vuyyuru, Krishna
-Y Jahnavi Reddy, Class VIII, DAV High School, RTPP, Kadapa

R aksha Bandhan in Sanskrit literally means

"the tie or knot of protection". The word
Raksha means protection, while Bandhan is the
R aksha bandhan festival depicts the love of
brothers and sisters. Sisters pray to the god
for the safety of her brother and to lead in a
T he word Rakhi means ‘band’. So,
this festival is called Rakhi be-
cause during the festival it is tradi-
verb to tie. Raksha-bandhan is one of the very good path. So this festival should not be cele- tional for a sibling to tie a band or
significant festivals in India. This festival is brated as a formality but this festival should rakhi around the wrist of their other
celebrated by the brothers and sisters only. On be celebrated whole heartedly. This festival sibling in order to symbolize the
Rakshabandhan day the sisters tie 'rakhi', a shows the relationship between brothers and bond that binds them. In general,
silken thread, on their brothers' wrist. This is a sisters. They both wish each other and lead a Rakhi festival or Raksha Bandhan is a
symbol of their love and respect for their brothers. peaceful life. This festival believes that it shows festival that celebrates brotherhood, sis-
Rakhi also signifies that the sisters pray for long life peaceful harmonious and coexistence life. This terhood and the bonds that bind us to other
and well-being of their brothers. The brothers, in turn, vow festival occurs in the month of July or August. who (though we are not biologically related to
to always take care and protect their sisters from all evils and dangers. -Thahaseen Anjum, Class VIII, them) feel like our siblings. At first sisters would tie the rakhi around
As a token of their love, the brothers either give cash or other gifts to Veenadhari High School, Choppadandi their brother’s wrist, but now anyone can perform this on anyone else –
their sisters. and close friends do it too. A rakhi will usually be red and gold.
-Allepu Pravasthi, Class X, Vignan Next Gen School, Karimnagar -Annarapu Anusha, Class X, Vignan Next Gen School, Huzurabad

T he first and the foremost initiative of mine

to save rain water is collecting rain water in
empty vessels and barrels whenever there
N ow a days every living creature
suffer for water shortage. We
should create a rain water
R ain water harvesting is very im-
portant for many people. In vil-
lages, they use pits for saving water.
occurs rain. After filling up all the empty collection system in the street In cities now a days they use same
vessels I and my sister arranged pipes to or locality. There are many technique with advanced features.
drain the water collected on the terrace ways in which we can store or Many people in cities like middle
to the rain harvesting pit kept ready. save rainwater in our daily life. class and poor people will use the
Once that is filled we direct all the wa- We can collect rain water in rain water carefully. Many people
ter to the village water tank. During rain barrel or even large in cities are not using this tech-
summer season we do social service polythene, wood or fiber glass nique because the pollutants in the
and campaign initiating for rain har- tanks. We can create a fiberglass air are polluting rain water and are
vesting pits for every house. tanks on the roof of our house and it harmful to us. So, lets use this tech-
can use for the washing purpose by this nique and boil the water for purifying
-Y. Jahnavi Reddy, Class VIII, we can save rain water. and be healthy.
DAV High School, RTPP, Kadapa -Hari Tejaswini, Class X, -Maddula Vivek, Class VIII,
Sree Akashara High School, Mahabubnagar Kankipadu, Edupugallu

n Rakhi the sister’s visits or goes
to her brother’s house and per- R akhi is the most im-
portant festival for all Topic for this week : What is the importance of

form pooja and apply kunkuma of them in our country. Independence Day?
on his forehead and ties the Rakhi Every girl will tie the
in return the brother’s gives her Rakhi for her brother. It Format : MS Word (Scanned copies
a gift and blesses her and the is one of the traditional will not be considered)
family. This festival is cele- festivals. The Rakhi will
brated by all the Hindus all shows the relationship be- Who can send : Students of Class V to
over the words during the tween the brother and sister. Class X, with details of
olden days the women tied a When the sister ties the Rakhi
Rakhi on her husband’s hand for her brother, the brother will class, school name, phone
to protect him from evil and
this tradition chanced and sis-
bless the sister and he will give some gifts for number and photo along
is sister. The roots of most of the Hindus festival can be traced
ters tied Rakhi on brother’s hand to Hindu mythology. We do here about why is Holi celebrated with the essay
or wrist to protect his from evils.
-B Vijayalaxmi, Class VII,
or what is the significance of Diwali but, hardly anyone Deadline : August 16
known’s why Raksha bhandhan is celebrated.
TSWRS/JC, Vikarabad -H Shivani, Class VII, TSWRS/JC, Vikarabad Email : [email protected]

I t is the festival, which combines the relation-

ship between brother and sister. On this festi-
R aksha Bandhan festival is celebrated in the month of Shravana
i.e. in August on the full moonday. According to Hindu Tradi-
tion it has been popularly known to celberate the love between R akhi stands for the celebrations of emotions
and is also known as Raksha Bandhan- the
val sister will tie Rakhi to brother and brother will brothers and sisters. The practice of this festival is being followed knots of protection. People have a belief that
promise to be behind them as a savior. It also since ancient period and several myths are written the thread of Rakhi has a strong power to hold
shows love and a�ection towards brother and in scriptures for this tradition. Raksha Bandhan the a�ectionate relation of a brother and a
sister. When we are in trouble brother take part holds a speical place. Sister ties a thread / band sister. Since ages, this festival is being cele-
to solve the problem. Rakhi festival is also called around her brother’s wrist wishing his brated to cherish sacred relation between
as Rakshabandhan. Rakshabandhan stands for longlife and happiness. In exchange brother brothers and sisters on this globe. This festi-
caring of the relation which we show towards our promises to protect his sibling from evils. val of Rakhi has been seen as a way of ex-
brothers. It is the only loving festival related to rela- Raksha Bandhan is not only meant for sib- pressing your love for those who are always
tionship of brother and sister. The brother is only the lings but for protection of any loved one. there in dark days of your life.
person with whom we share most of our feelings. -D Gayathri, Class X, - G Thanuja, Class VII,
-K Nihitha Krushna, Class IX, Vasistha EM High School, Madanapalli ZPHS Velkicherla, Mahabubnagar Sindhu High School, Narasaraopet
Civil Services
Demystifying Kashmir saga and way forward
GUDIPATI RAJENDERA KUMAR initiative which he initiated in Kashmir in Day speech by former PM Narsimha Rao, he understood or implemented. The PM has Issues
terms of Insaniyat, Kashmiriyat and mentioned that the only unfinished agenda been able to grasp the issue so far. • It may be important lessons to note that the

t has been a year since Kashmir turned on its Jamooriyat. The present PM has hinted on was getting back the PoK. • If PM is able to provide appropriate new militancy characterized by the
head and went on the path of self-destruction following the same path. The Union home · The present also PM asked the people to talk development options, along with that, for presence of social media-wielding youth
ostensibly under a new leadership and new minister has already made it clear that all about the atrocities committed on the the youth there is education, jobs and was little understood by the establishment,
foot soldiers. Burhan Wani’s death, in an the stakeholders in Kashmir will be talked people of PoK and the problems they are whatever be the other skill sets and other intelligence agencies and the media. Their
encounter on July 8, 2016, led to the outpouring to. The process of identification of these facing should be highlighted. He suggested a human security issues- like access to assessments were archaic and based on
of emotions which got converted to extreme stakeholder has begun and this will take two-way road map: medical colleges, hospital, modern assumed beliefs.
violence and led to a change in the nature of the place with the local government. These • The people belonging to that region get in technology, the Kashmir valley will see more • The youth were building a new narrative of
conflict. issues will be focus of attention of the touch with those who are residing currently peace. No doubt, these issues have been resistance through social media outreach.
government including the opposition party in PoK and expose the miserable conditions identified in the past but it lacked policy The state was observing this but did little to
Why Kashmir is volatile? to have stretched on the need for dialogue. they are living in backed actions and political rhetoric launch an e�ective counter in the domain
• Jammu & Kashmir, then ruled by a king, • The Indian mission should also try and build followed whenever there is unrest. that mattered — social media or any form of
acceded to India in 1947 through Article 370 What next? up on this narrative. • The 80000 crore package given to J&K, it is communication to the public.
of the Constitution of India. • The PM has not given any concrete • This is a di�erent approach that has no not just meant for building roads electricity, • Social media, ideology and religion are the
• Over the years, that Article has been framework on Kashmir though he has given precedence. As far as India’s Pakistan policy it is for all round development of every part last things that the security establishment
breached many times. direction. It is good in a way as it is not a is concerned, such clear cut mention of PoK of J&K. understands because it involves rebooting,
• Kashmir Valley, home to seven million knee-jerk reaction. and actions that can be possible taken is • So, every region should get its share of relearning, mastering technology and most
people, is the centre of the conflict. • In past it has been observed that political departure from past. development money so that good education, importantly, getting to know the religious
• The people of the Valley have reacted meetings of this kind and there will be • The PM is actually advocating that the employment for youth, modern healthcare underpinnings of the time.
aggressively to the denial of the autonomy immediate reaction to it, which in long run Indian state should reach out, also and encourage tourism. • With their typical tenure-based approach to
that was promised when J&K acceded to doesn’t help. This time, the all-party meeting encouraging the people in J&K who have • The point that J&K assembly still has vacant problem solving, the security establishment
India. was a consultative meeting. The PM heard family and friends in PoK to ascertain the seats from the PoK region representation does not display the capability to assess
• A small number wants the Valley to become everyone out and there was collating on the actual conditions on the ground and apprise shows that India is determined that PoK is intellectually or learn nuances beyond the
part of Pakistan. suggestions. The concrete policy will be the global community about the excesses part of India only. ordinary response involving gun-on-gun.
• An overwhelming majority demands azadi. drafted very soon. Earlier dialogues did not being committed by Pakistani state and also, • Intelligence agencies have a better measure
• Every government in J&K and at the Centre create any long term resolution of Kashmir the denial of certain basic human rights, Internationalisation of the issue of institutional continuity but lack the
has responded to the challenge with more issue. particularly the democratic norms and • The very nature of the issue was such that it means of persuasion to convince and
warnings, more troops and more laws. • This time, the government is taking its time, principles. should have been settled at the bilateral thereby alter understanding and planning.

Whatisthereasonforrecentconflicts? In the domain of military deployment

• The people of the Kashmir Valley have • The army always laid great stress on North
alternated between hope and despair. Kashmir. This was quite natural with three
• The current slide to chaos began in July 2016 of its major formation headquarters
with the killing of Burhan Wani. located there and the task of counter
• The state government has remained passive infiltration based on LoC deployment
and helpless while the armed forces have which is essentially army-oriented.
implemented a muscular policy to quell • By contrast, South Kashmir had only a
dissent and disturbance. single Rashtriya Rifles (RR)) force
• Since July 2016 and up to January 20, 2017, headquarters but it had Pulwama,
the violence in J&K claimed 75 lives. Shopian, Anantnag and Pampore, all
• Besides, 12,000 people were injured, 1,000 trouble spots where the better educated
lost vision in one eye due to pellet injuries youth reside.
and five were blinded.
What should be done?
Turn of events • The core issue is not holding territory, it is
• 2011-2013: Was the peaceful period. giving people confidence in the Indian
• 2008-2010: The separatists attempted a project.
strategy of combining terror and street • The border with Pakistan should be
turbulence to make their struggle more defended by all means, taking deterrent
relevant. action against infiltrators but ‘counter-
• 2011-2013 : was a recovery time which the terrorist operations’ in the Valley should be
Indian establishment failed to cash-in on put on hold.
despite its default actions of changed • The presence of the army and paramilitary
strategy of outreach and engagement, and forces should be reduced and the
the interlocutors’ genuine attempt at responsibility of maintaining law and order
discerning the aspirations and seeking the in the Kashmir Valley should be handed
path of compromise. The ray of hope created over to the J&K police.
in the people, especially the youth, did not • Interlocutors should be appointed to pave
find matching energy or a sense of the way for talks.
commitment and continuity in the • The Central government should begin a
establishment. The demand by the state dialogue with all the stakeholders including
government to do away with the AFSPA and civil society groups, student leaders and
the contestation by the army only helped eventually the separatists.
create wrong narratives and took the focus
away from the emerging situation. Way forward
• Drift was the order of the day. It is this drift • Absence of or lower level of military
and the dashing of hope of the people that achievements does not mean normality. It is
led to the rise of Burhan Wani and the the social parameters that need to be
renewed romanticism with the gun. It was viewed.
brushed aside as an isolated resurgence • The virtual denudation of the southern belt
among renegades but the groundswell of below Shopian Kulgam and the overall
support eluded our assessment. inadequacy of troops in the south allowed
• The engagement with the people once again local militancy to bloom. When it did, we
became transactional, providing the window fought it in the physical domain while it was
that was needed by the separatists to actually flowering in the virtual and
energise the movement. psychological domain.
• Pakistan started focusing on the Jammu it is seriously studying the issue and wants to • The Indian mission given freedom to obtain table of India and Pakistan, but the idealistic • The deployment of all forces must be more
sector because it was easier to infiltrate and take measured step about what it means to inputs from those residents of PoK faith of Nehru in the international balanced and no premature withdrawal
execute actions there in a single night. be in Kashmir and have a game plan. Balochistan who all had to flee Pakistan and institutions have hampered the cause of should be executed on the basis of statistical
now residing elsewhere, does mark a certain India. inputs.
Present situation PoK issue assertiveness as far as India’s Pakistan policy • The cold war politics has provided fillip to • The fight in the psychological domain can
• Kashmir has been under abnormal situation • There was a strong implicit message for is concerned. the Kashmiri problem with the US no longer be ignored. This needs an
since July 2016 where there is a prolonged Pakistan when India clearly said that it is • When the PM mentions that PoK remains supporting the Pakistan and its allies in approach beyond what the army has
curfew, continuous demonstrations and lot willing to talk to people of PoK. underdeveloped, people are facing lot of Arab world. provided; the army’s achievements are
of people have got injured and have died. • The issue of no compromise with terror and problems and in India, there is relative • Indo-China war in 1962 has created a deep highly creditable but can no longer remain
• In August 2016, there was an all-party no talks with Pakistan given the atmosphere. peace, people have democratic rights; not rift. China was demanding parts of the the only domain of focused strategic
marathon meeting of 8 hours chaired by PM If any talks are to be held, there will be talks only a political but a multi-dimensional Indian territory in Aksai Chin as part of communication.
on Kashmir situation. This meeting was the on Kashmir of PoK only. approach is being undertaken. Tibet like in Arunachal Pardesh. It also • The continuity factor in a hybrid conflict
first engagement of the Modi government • It is first time that a PM has raised PoK topic • Thus, PM is trying to widen the base, in heralded support to Pakistan militarily environment has to be taken into
with the Kashmir issue. openly else every time there is a parliament terms of the issues in which Kashmir issue and strategically, though not always consideration. Personnel management
resolution passed where PoK is part of India. as located in the entire J&K can be overtly. practices cannot override national needs
PM’s message • People are waiting for government of India addressed. • The strategic location of Pakistan and its and the best talent must be made available
• One message that has come out from the to spell out their stand. open border with Afghanistan has continued to fight the enemies of the state. It’s only
meeting is that the entire political spectrum • He drew attention to excesses committed by Involving the Kashmiris its relevance for the western world in the then that the campaign becomes
of the country is worried about what is Pakistan state on its own regions and • The first CBM- confidence building measure post-cold war era and has remained immune comprehensive.
happening in Kashmir and is concerned minorities. He even alluded of the fact that towards people of Kashmir will be decision from its sin of fomenting terrorism in India. • India should allay the fears of Kashmiri
about it. Pakistan has been guilty of using fighter on use of pellet guns which is a big issue in However India’s surging economy and its people as suggested while making way for
• The PM’s address has stated that all doors of aircraft against its own citizens in Kashmir. good relations with the Arab states has Kashmiri Pandits to return to the valley.
government and country is open for every Balochistan. • The PM talked about the people of J&K counterbalanced the international follow- • India should dismantle the terrorist
Kashmiri. It is an important statement • In the state of J&K, there is state of Gilgit- whether Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists ups on the issue except by China. infrastructure created by Pakistan through
which shows the intentions of the political Baltistan which was earlier called the to contact people in di�erent regions of India • In fact China besides capturing Aksai diplomatic pressures and military
leadership. Apart from it, it has been Federally Administered Tribal Area where, and tell them the kind of development that Chin, is also administrating the area of muscularity.
clarified that Kashmir is integral part of Gilgit-Baltistan particularly is in a twilight has happened in the state and also compare it Shaksgan valley ceded by Pakistan from • Some also suggest that India can explore the
India and there will be no compromise on it. zone. to development in another states. the Pakistan occupied Kashmir, which lies option of opening the borders by
• There will be no adjustment with terrorism. • It is neither part of Pakistan in full sense like • The priority of government is restoration of north of the Siachin glacier – the world’s recognizing LoC as “soft border” so that
India will continue to fight against it and other provinces. Here the citizens do not normalcy. The PM has given clues to the highest battleground. India fears that in people to people contact enhances, as
elements which promote terrorism. enjoy democratic rights that the other young people who were major part of the case we demilitarize the glacier, China will worked upon by Parvej Musharraf and Dr
• For the first time, India raised the issue of citizens of the state have. Technically Gilgit- agitators. occupy it and thus can control the river Manmohan Singh in and around 2005-06.
PoK where it is clarified by the PM that India Baltistan can be described as equivalent of • He gave clues by telling that Kashmiris that systems and other issues central to India’s
will also talk to people of PoK. This is disputed of area. they are our people, a majority of Kashmiris interest. Expected Questions
important in the wake of the agitation going are peace loving people and there is a small • Challenges in Kashmir ranges from increasing
on in various cities and towns of PoK against India’s Kashmir section of people who are misguided. Current situation radicalization among the youths, usage of new
the fraud elections recently held. • The PM has reminded the citizens of India, • In addition, there is a neighbouring country • There were two by-elections — in Srinagar modes of resistance like social media,
• The PoK also includes Gilgit and Baltistan. many of whom may not remember the which is stoking fire. The government has and Anantnag constituencies. Srinagar traditional approach of security establishment
One-third of it is handed over by Pakistan to historical detail that Kashmir is not an issue given the assurance of addressing all the constituency, spread over three districts, to deal with issues at hand to issues related
the Chinese. by itself, it is part of the composite state of problems but never the national security went to the polls on April 9. with military deployment. Discuss.
J&K and Pakistan is illegally occupying its will be compromised. • The voter turnout was 7.14%, the lowest in 28 • India’s approach to Pakistan’s double
The Vajpayee connection part. • The state is reeling under acute years. There was widespread stone-pelting. standards on terrorism and human rights
• PM involved the name of former PM • The real significance is that PM has drawn unemployment and lot of analyst have given • Re-polling in 38 booths took place and no violation has given a diplomatic shock to
Vajpayee in dealing with Kashmir issue and attention to the four parts of state of Jammu the reasons that most of the demonstrators voter turned up in 20 of those 38 booths, Pakistan. Analyse.
had made open statements. PM Vajpayee and Kashmir- Jammu + Ladakh + Kashmir + have been the unemployed youth generally. and the voting percentage in the re-poll was
had been a very popular figure in Kashmir PoK. • PM has talked about development in the 2.02%. SYLLABUS
and was seen as a change-maker. • He reminded his interlocutors in the all region and has given a rough policy on • Meanwhile, polling in Anantnag
• He was the person who could think out of party meeting as well as a signal to Pakistan Kashmir. constituency was postponed to May 25. General Studies 3
box. While addressing Kashmiris, he said that, for India, the concern is about the • Once the people of PoK compare their • The non-vote is actually a vote of no • Security challenges and their management
that insaniyat is more important than composite state of J&K which had acceded existence with rest of India and also J&K, confidence against the state government in border areas; linkages of organized crime
constitution. Thus, he entirely changed the or joined India in October 1948 and Kashmir they will understand that Azadi for Kashmir and the Central government. with terrorism.
course of narrative in Kashmir. cannot be seen in isolation. is not a legal not a political option. The • The situation cannot be retrieved through a • Role of external state and non-state actors
• The present PM is expected to take on the • In 1994, Parliament passed a unanimous people of J&K do not see themselves as ‘muscular’ policy — tough talk by ministers, in creating challenges to internal security.
Kashmir matters further with former PM resolution where they mentioned that becoming a part of Pakistan. dire warnings from the Army Chief,
Vajpayee’s approach. An essential part of PM Kashmir is an integral part of India • Their entire grievances are about the way in deploying more troops or killing more General Studies 2
Vajpayee’s formula was a kind of political including PoK. In a similar Independence which autonomy package has been protesters. • India and its neighborhood- relations.


Olympic champs to head PCB

Lahore: The Pakistan Cricket
Board (PCB) on Wednesday
elected Najam Sethi as its

rule the roost

Sethi, also Chairman of Pak-
istan Super League (PSL), was
elected unopposed at a meeting

Isaac Makwala of Botswana

of the Board of Governors at
the National Cricket Academy
here. He will succeed Shahar-
Axar Patel
IAAF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS yar Khan for three years.
Sethi, who had previously
served as PCB Chairman inter-
Axar brought London: Two-time Olympic
mittently in 2013-14, thanked
the board members for their
in for Jadeja champion Barbora Spotakova of
the Czech Republic lifted her sec-
He said the board's next chal-
New Delhi: Left-arm spin- ond world javelin throw title at lenge was to revive interna-
ner Axar Patel has been the IAAF World Championships tional cricket in Pakistan.
named as a replacement for
suspended Ravindra Jadeja
in the 15-member Indian
team for the third cricket
here, South African Wayde Van
Niekerk was in a class of his own
to claim the 400m title while
Poland's Anita Wlodarczyk com-
Trouble brews Congratulating Sethi, outgo-
ing chairman Shaharyar said: "I
am sure his experience and
guidance will bring cricket in
Test against Sri Lanka,
starting in Kandy on Au-
gust 12. India sealed the
Test series against Sri
pleted a hat trick of women's
hammer throw world titles.
World and Olympic champion
Van Niekerk finished well clear
at Worlds Pakistan to higher levels and
will end Pakistan's isolation in
international cricket."
As part of the revival of in-
Lanka after winning the in 43.98 seconds on Tuesday London: Botswana's Isaac Makwala was refused entry to the ternational cricket in Pakistan,
second Test at the SSC in night, reports Xinhua news London Stadium on Tuesday after earlier being withdrawn from the PCB is also planning to host
Colombo by an innings and agency. the night's 400 metres final at the World Championships after a Twenty20 series against a
53 runs and the first at "It is amazing to win the world falling victim to an outbreak of sickness that has hit scores of World XI in Lahore. Sethi was
Galle by 304 runs. Squad: title. I hope the fans enjoyed competitors. was the key o�cial behind the
Virat Kohli (Captain), that," the South African said. The 30-year-old, who was considered one of the main chal- successful staging of Pakistan’s
Shikhar Dhawan, KL Steven Gardiner of Bahamas lengers to gold medallist Wayde van Niekerk and is a national domestic Twenty20 league.
Rahul, Cheteshwar Pujara, clocked 44.41 for the silver and icon, had also been ordered to withdraw from Monday's opening Although the two editions of
Ajinkya Rahane (vice cap- was followed by Abdalelah Wayde van Niekerk of South Africa round of the 200m. Pakistan Super League were
tain), Rohit Sharma, R Ash- Haroun of Qatar in 44.48. Makwala said he felt well and wanted to race but when he at- held in the United Arab Emi-
win, Axar Patel, W Saha The 36-year-old Spotakova, and Beijing worlds silver medal- my country," the 21-year-old said. tempted to go through the athletes' entrance, an o�cial and rates, Sethi staged the final of
(wk), Ishant Sharma, who won her last world title in ist Zhang Wenxiu from China Xue Changrui had looked he security personnel barred his way. the second edition of PSL at La-
Umesh Yadav, Hardik 2007 in Osaka, won the gold finished a disappointing fourth could make an amazing break- "I arrived at the stadium ready to run but I found a trap set hore in March.
Pandya, Bhuvneshwar medal with an e�ort of 66.76 me- in 74.53. through by winning China's first there ... and was denied entrance (Government order by the Sethi will be travelling to Sri
Kumar, M Shami, Kuldeep tres in her second attempt. The 110m hurdles saw ever men's pole vault medal. way not IAAF)," he said later in a message to his fans on Face- Lanka on Thursday to chair the
Yadav, Abhinav Mukund. China's Li Lingwei, a two-time McLeod, gold medalist in the Rio However, he failed to clear book. meeting of the Asian Cricket
Asian champion, produced a life- Olympics, clock 13.04 seconds to 5.89m and American Sam "We fought all day for the truth to come out ... I still maintain Council. He said he will discuss
time best of 66.25 to take the sil- rank first ahead of Russia's de- Kendricks claimed the title with I am not sick and have never been tested by any doctor ... I shall the Sri Lankan team’s tour to
Easy win for ver and her teammate Lyu Hui-
hui settled for the bronze at
fending champion Sergey
Shubenkov, who was given
5.95m and Polish Piotr Lisek
bagged a silver at 5.89m.
rise again. It is well."
The IAAF issued two statements on Tuesday, the first saying
Pakistan later this year.
Pakistan is due to host Sri
Andhra Blue 65.26. green-light for the champi- Olympic gold medallist Cons- Makwala had been withdrawn due to a "medical condition" on Lanka in October in the United
In the women's hammer onships as an authorized neutral eslus Kipruto finally came to a the instruction of the "IAAF Medical Delegate". Arab Emirates and Sethi said
Vijayawada: Andhra Blue, throw, Wlodarczyk, who won the athlete by the IAAF. golden finish in the men's The head of Botswana's athletics federation, Falcon Sedimo, Pakistan wants to host Sri
riding on a cohesive team event in 2009 and 2015, bagged Olympic champion Faith 3,000m steeplechase at the world told the BBC that there had been no communication from the Lanka in Pakistan after the se-
effort defeated Madhya the gold medal with a throw of Kipyegon of Kenya turned her championships after two runner- IAAF and that Makwala had not undergone any medical tests. ries ends in the UAE
Pradesh by six wickets in 77.90 meters in her fifth attempt, 1500m silver at Beijing two years up finishes at previous worlds as In the second statement, the IAAF said Makwala had been
the Dr Ganga Raju Trophy adding the title to her two ago to a gold medal as the 23- the Kenyan clocked 8:14.12 min. diagnosed with an "infectious disease" following an examination
2017-18 cricket tournament Olympic titles in 2012 and 2016. year-old pulled away in the last Pierre-Ambroise Bosse of by a doctor in the warm-up medical centre on Monday and said
at DVR ground in Mula- China's Wang Zheng brought 50 meters to clock 4:02.59 to win. France lifted his first world title the Botswana team had been informed.
padu near here on Wednes- China its first medal at the world Reigning world indoor cham- in men's 800m as the he clocked Makwala had told the BBC earlier on Tuesday that he had
day. The local outfit, which championships here in 75.98m. pion Yulimar Rojas made history a season best of 1:44.67. The sil- felt fit to race both in the 200m heats on Monday and the 400m
garnered full six points, The Asian record holder was ju- by claiming the women's triple ver and bronze medals belonged final. "I just vomited. Like any other athlete, I vomit ... I could
achieved the 127 runs tar- bilant after securing the silver. jump gold medal in 14.91m. to Adam Kszczot of Poland and have run because I did my warm-up well and I did everything
get in 27.5 overs losing Another Polish Malwina Ko- "I am so proud about this gold Kipyegon Bett of Kenya respec- well. I was ready to run," he said.
four wickets in the process. pron took bronze in 74.76 meters medal. This is a great victory for tively. Najam Sethi
Brief scores: Andhra Blue
319 and 127 for four wick-

Real retain Super Cup, end 27-yr jinx

ets in 27.5 overs (K Ma-
heep Kumar 44, S Yudish
26no, Venkatesh Iyer 2/44)
bt Madhya Pradesh 90 and
355 in 87.3 overs (Sagar London: Real Madrid beat Man- meeting Dani Carvajal`s perfectly
Solanki 92, Rahul Chandrol chester United 2-1 on Tuesday to weighted cross on the half-volley
74, Venkatesh Iyer 88, K lift the European Super Cup for to add to his goal in the Champi-
Ajay Kumar 3/52, K Vamsi the fourth time as they became ons League final win over Juven-
Krishna 2/44, S Abdul Haq the first team to retain the trophy tus.
3/89). since AC Milan in 1990. Europa League holders United
Brazilian midfielder Casemiro barely mustered an e�ort at Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez grimaces in pain
struck the opener with a left-foot Navas in the first period, the
Bouchard out
strike midway through the first
half while Spain midfielder Isco
consolidated Real`s advantage
club`s record signing Paul Pogba
wasting their only chance with a
shot that was easily blocked
Arsenal dealt Sanchez blow
with a slick finish in the 52nd when Henrik Mkhitaryan was London: Arsenal forward Alexis St Germain in the French media,
Toronto: Eugenie minute at the National Arena in unmarked screaming for the ball. Sanchez will miss their first two but Wenger has been adamant
Bouchard's mid-season Skopje, Macedonia. Real continued to dominate af- Premier League games of the sea- that he would stay at the Emi-
nosedive continued on United`s new striker Romelu ter the break as United struggled son after picking up an abdomi- rates Stadium.
Tuesday as the Canadian Lukaku got his first competitive to press their opponents in the nal strain in training, manager "He had a little abdominal
was swept aside 3-6, 4-6 by goal for the club to reduce the Real Madrid players celebrate after defeating Manchester United heat and humidity that was so in- Arsene Wenger said on Wednes- strain that he caught on Sunday
Croatian qualifier Donna deficit just past the hour with a 2-1 for their fourth European Super Cup tense the teams took a water day. morning in training and he had a
Vekic despite having home simple finish on the rebound in break in each half. Wenger said the Chile interna- scan two days ago," Wenger told
advantage and the backing the annual showdown between nied by Keylor Navas` save, en- League winners monopolised A fine save by United keeper tional would miss Arsenal's home a news conference. "He is out for
of an excited crowd in a the European champions and suring Real won their fifth inter- possession and nearly took an David de Gea prevented Toni fixture against Leicester City on a while, could be two weeks but
first round clash at the Europa League holders. national trophy under Zinedine early lead when Gareth Bale sent Kroos from scoring moments af- Friday as well as the trip to Stoke he will not be available for Stoke."
Rogers Cup. Former world That sparked a brief period of Zidane. an instinctive shot narrowly over ter the restart while their de- City on Aug. 19. Sanchez, whose current deal
No 1 Caroline Wozniacki pressure from Jose Mourinho`s Mourinho`s admission before the bar. fender Chris Smalling did well to Sanchez, who was Arsenal's runs through till 2018, did not
opened her campaign with United side and they could have the game that Real had much It was then that defensive mid- block a goal-bound e�ort from top scorer in the Premier League play in Arsenal's victory over
a 6-3, 6-0 second round drawn level when Marcus Rash- more quality than his side was fielder Casemiro crashed a diving Marcelo and send it into the side with 24 goals last season, has Chelsea in the Community Shield
rout of Ekaterina Alexan- ford burst through but he was de- confirmed as the Champions header against the bar before netting. been linked with a move to Paris on Sunday.
drova. Russian 16th seed
Elena Vesnina crushed
American Alison Riske 6-3,
6-3. Meanwhile, Argen-
tinean Diego Schwartzman
provided the day’s biggest
upset when he took down
third seed Dominic Thiem
with a hard-fought 6-4, 6-7
(7), 7-5 verdict.

Titans tie Bulls

Nagpur: A stellar perform-
ance by mercurial skipper
Rahul Chaudhari helped
Telugu Titans, which is
powered byTVS Tyres in
the championship’s fifth
edition, staged a magnifi-
cent recovery to snatch a
draw against Bengaluru
Bulls in their 2017 Pro
Kabaddi League match at
Mankapur Indoor Stadium
here late Tuesday night.
The Zone ‘B’ match got-off
to a cautious start with both
the sides playing a meas- Andhra Pradesh Sports Minister Kollu Ravindra takes the
ured game. Although, the salute prior to inaugurating the seventh Mini sub-Junior
Bulls dominated the pro- Under-10 and 12 National Softball Championship 2017 at
ceedings with a series of Nellore on Wednesday. K Shobhan Babu, General Secretary
points in the first half, of Telangana Softball Association, and Corporators are also
Chaudhari turned the tables seen. In the U-12 boys league matches, Telangana beat
in the dying minutes with a Gujarat, Rajasthan blanked Kerala, Madhya Pradesh The Mission XI Million seminar that was organized at Rotary Club in Khammam on Wednesday was a resounding success as it
couple of rampant raids. defeated Pondichery while Andhra Pradesh put it across attracted the participation of 190 Government Schools. A quiz competition revolving around football, conducted by AFC ‘A’
The match ended at 21-21, Karnataka. Among competitions for U-12 girls, MP, Licenses coach ES Shyam, drew an overwhelming response from the students, who displayed a strong understanding of the
with both the sides taking Rajasthan, Delhi and AP prevailed over Kerala, TS, UP and beautiful game. The Mission’s Telangana State coordinator Prakash Gopal, DYSO Parandhan Reddy and PETs from all over
three points each. Haryana respectively. Photo: Saleem delivered motivational speeches. Photo: Hans

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