Posting Transaction Description Money In (R) Money Out (R) Balance (R)
Date Date
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Cash Deposit: 417075049~cash Dep N Ncr 70.00 70.00
Burgersfort Tc 2n
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) -0.98 69.02
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Banking App Prepaid Purchase: Vodacom -25.00 44.02
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 43.52
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Payment Received: K Mohlala 2.00 45.52
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Banking App Transfer to My Project: Transfer -15.52 30.00
First Saving
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Payment Received: B Tsie 1 300.00 1 330.00
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 Payment Received: B Tsie 300.00 1 630.00
05/10/2024 05/10/2024 SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s) -1.05 1 628.95
06/10/2024 06/10/2024 Banking App Transfer Received from My Project: 2.00 1 630.95
06/10/2024 06/10/2024 Banking App Transfer Received from My Project: 3.00 1 633.95
06/10/2024 06/10/2024 Banking App Transfer Received from My Project: 10.00 1 643.95
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 Banking App Transfer to My Project: Transfer -150.00 1 493.95
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 Cash Withdrawal: Ncr Burgersfort Tc -900.00 593.95
4thburgersfort Mpza
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.00 583.95
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 SMS Notification Fee: 5 notification(s) -1.40 582.55
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 Banking App Transfer Received from My Project: 150.00 732.55
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 Banking App Prepaid Purchase: Cell C -45.00 687.55
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 687.05
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 Banking App External PayShap Payment: -90.00 597.05
Mmiditsi High School
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 External Immediate Payment Fee -6.50 590.55
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 Banking App Transfer to My Project: Transfer -10.00 580.55
08/10/2024 08/10/2024 SMS Notification Fee: 5 notification(s) -1.40 579.15
09/10/2024 09/10/2024 Banking App Immediate Payment: Mao Owethu -2.00 577.15
09/10/2024 09/10/2024 Immediate Payment Fee -1.00 576.15
10/10/2024 07/10/2024 Nesta Foods Burgersfor Polokwanecabl (Card -488.30 87.85
10/10/2024 10/10/2024 Capitec Pay Payment: Vault Markets -50.00 37.85
(CU1298225 1728570238)
10/10/2024 10/10/2024 Capitec Pay Fee -1.00 36.85
10/10/2024 10/10/2024 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.35 36.50
11/10/2024 11/10/2024 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.70 34.80
11/10/2024 11/10/2024 Banking App Transfer Received from My Project: 10.00 44.80
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 1 of 5
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 2 of 5
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 3 of 5
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 4 of 5
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 5 of 5