Comtax - Up.nic - in - cSTAct - CST UP Form-1 With Annexure

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FORM - I Department of Commercial Taxes, Government of Uttar Pradesh

[See Rule-5 of the CST (U.P.) Rules, 1957] Return of Tax Period - monthly / quarterly
[To be filled in block letters only]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a-

Assessment Year Tax Period Ending on Designation of Assessing Authority Name of Circle / Sector Name / address of the dealer / firm

- d d -

m m y y y y

Taxpayer's Identification Number [TIN] Details of Purchase [in Rs.] Vat Goods i. Interstate purchase by transfer of documents during movement of goods ii. Purchase in U.P. in Ex. U.P. Principal's a/c iii. Any other purchase Total : Non Vat Goods i. Interstate purchase by transfer of documents during movement of goods ii. Purchase in U.P. in Ex. U.P. Principal's a/c iii. Any other purchase Total : Grand Total [a+b] : Calculation of Gross Inter-State Sale Gross Turnover Gross turnover including value of goods transferred to other place(s) of business or agent(s) or principal(s) outside the state, otherwise than by way of sale Deductions i.


8. a-



Turnover of goods the sale of which has taken place outside the state, as defined in section 4 of the Act. Turnover of goods sold in course of export out of ii. India, as defined in section 5(1) of the Act. iii. Turnover of goods sold in course of import of the goods into territory of India, as defined in section 5(2) of the Act. Turnover of goods sold in course of export out of iv. India, as defined in section 5(3) of the Act. Turnover of goods sold within the state. v. Turnover of goods returned to the dealer by the vi. purchaser within a period of six months from the date of delivery, as laid down in section 8-A of the Act. vii. Value of goods transferred to other places(s) of business or agent(s) or principal(s) outside the State otherwise than by way of sale in are respect of which exemption is claimed under Section 6-A of the Act. Total : Gross Inter State sales = Gross Turnover - Deductions [a-b] -1-


Deduction form Gross Inter-State Sale Turnover of goods, unconditionally, exempt under UPVAT, 2008, sold in course of inter state trade or commerce. Turnover of goods purchased and sold by transfer of ii. documents of title thereto on which exemption is claimed under section 6(2) of the Act. iii. Turnover of goods under section 8(6) Total : Calculation of Net Inter-State Sales




Gross inter-state sales as in Sl.No.9 - Deductions as in Sl.No.10. Calculation of Central Sales Tax on Net Inter-State Sales


Sl.No. i. ii.

iii. iv. v.

Rate of tax a. Vat Goods @ 1% @ ....% {as prescribed under section 8(1) of the Act} @4% @ 12.5% @ .......% (other) b. Non Vat Goods @ ....% {as prescribed under section 8(1) of the Act} @ 20 % @ 21% @ 32.5 % @ .......% (other)


Sale amount


Total : i.

ii. iii. iv. v.

Total : Grand Total :

12. 13. 14.

Adjustment of ITC against CST

Tax Payable [in rupees] = Tax as calculated in Sl.No. 11 Amount declared in Sel.No.12

Detail of Tax deposited Name of the bank / branch Total Total T.C. number Date Amount of tax

in figures in words



I enclose with this return a signed list of the -----------Sales made to : a. registered dealers, in respect of which concession is being claimed under section 8(1) of the Act.

b. registered dealers, in respect of which exemption is being claimed under section 6(2) of the Act. c. registered dealers, in respect of which exemption is being claimed under section 8(6) of the Act. 2Despatchers made to any other place(s) of business or principal(s) or agent(s) outside the state in respect of which exemption is being claimed under section 6-A of the Act. 3The original copies of the declaration and certificates in respect of the aforesaid sale/despatches will be submitted within the time as perscribed under rule-12 of the Central Sales Tax (U.P.) Rules, 1957. 4I, ........................................................ Proprietor of the business / partner / manager of firm / director / managing agent / principal officer of company incorporated under the companies Act / Karta of the Hindu undivided family / Principal officer managing the business of club, association of society / guardian of minor / trustee of trust / duly authorised agent of the dealer under his written authority / an officer duly authorised by the Government do hereby declare and verify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above statement is true and complete and nothing has been willfully ommitted or wrongly stated.

Place Date -

Signature -------------------------------------Status ------------------------------------------


FormAnnexures to Form-1 of The Central Sales Tax (Uttar Pradesh) Rules, 1957
Annexure - A

(Information to be furnished along with return of each tax-period in relation to purchases against Form-E1 Form-E1)
Sl. Name of No. purchasing dealer TIN Address State Name of place Name of place Invoice Invoice Description Quantity Value of Details of and state from and state to No. Date of goods goods form-C received which which the from purchasing movement of goods have dealer goods been commenced consigned Sl.No. Date
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Details of RR/ Name of Status State of Tripsheet of lorry/ of tax issue of any other doc. of liability Form-C transportation (write code*) No. Date
15 16 17 18

1 12-

Total : * write 1 if CST has been paid or will be paid, write 2 if no tax is payable in view of general exemption under section 8(2)(c) and write 3 if the sale is covered by any exemption or concession granted under section 8(5). Name and signature of authorised person Date

FormAnnexures to Form-1 of The Central Sales Tax (Uttar Pradesh) Rules, 1957
Annexure - B

(Information to be furnished along with return of each tax-period in relation to purchases against Form-E2 Form-E2)
Sl. Name of TIN Address State Name of Name of Invoice Invoice Description Quantity Value of Details of Name of No. purchasing place and place and No. Date of goods goods From-C received State of dealer state from state to from purchasing issue of which which the dealer Form-C movement goods have of goods been commenced consigned Sl.No. Date
1 122 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Status of Details of RR/ Sl.No. Tripsheet of l of form payment orry/ any other E-1/ E-2 of tax on doc. of received goods (write code*) transportation No. Date





Total : * write 1 if the dealer from whom the documents of title to the goods have been purchased, has paid the tax or will pay the tax , write 2 if the goods are exempt generally under section 8(2)(c) and write 3 if the sale is exempt under section 8(5). Name and signature of authorised person Date -4-

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