Examination: University of Newcastle
Examination: University of Newcastle
Examination: University of Newcastle
1 Semester 2006 PARTICLE PROCESSING CHEE294O paper for Callaghan is students This
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n 40 Processig CHEE29 Particle Question1. (30 marks) velocity solidspheres waterby in for settling of Derivethe Stokesequation terminal steps. completing following the in the settling the spheres? of a) Whatforcesare important determining terminal the on showing forces thesphere. b) Drawa picture for equation the forces. c) Writethe balance for d) Write the equation the Stokesdrag on the sphereas a functionof the p, velocity, of the Vn viscosity, andthe terminal D, the liquid diameter, sphere the as Define othersymbols necessary. sphere, for e) Write the equations the otherforceson the sphereas a functionof the pt, p". D, the waterdensity, dnd the spheredensity, Define spherediameter, as the othersymbols necessary. yourequations in 1d) obtained Questions and 1e)intothe forcebalance f) Insert for equation the to the equation obtain Stokes andsolvethe balance equation, velocity,V7. terminal settling g) Use the Stokesequation Vr obtained Question and calculate 1f) the tor in ps pt velocity a solidsphere withD = 100 ILfr, = 2000kglm3, of terminal settling = 1000kg/m3, 1r= 1 mPa.s. and in 1g). number the solidsphere Question of h) Calculate Reynolds the (limit)of the Stokesequationfor terminal i) What is the major assumption velocity solidspheres? of settling j) Howcan you improve determination the terminal velocity the sphere of the of givenin Question properties 1g). withthe physical Question2. (10 marks) (withdensity, andvolume pe, fraction, is A suspension madefromfinesolidparticles py. withthe density e)and liquid can as of rsl,s, the suspension be described a function the solid of a) The density, particle for Writethe equation volumefraction. and the and liquiddensities the density. determining suspension it density e = 0.2,p"= 2500kg/mt,andpr= 1 kg/L. b) Calculate suspension the of and c) How manykilograms solidparticles how manylitresof liquidthat have percent p" with solids? = 1m3 suspension 10 volume of to be mixedto produce 2000kg/m3,andpr= 1 kg/L.
Question3. (15 marks) a) What is a surfactant? Drawa cationicsurfactant molecule show its major to structure. b) Explainhow surfactants adsorbat the air-waterinterface.Use words and representation. simple schematic how dodecylammonium c) Explain chloride interface adsorbs the silica-water at pH. representation. at neutral Usewordsandsimple schematic formmicelles solutions? in d) Whydo surfactants
e) Whatis the CMC?
Question4. (15 marks) representation in a) Whatis the zetapotential? wordsand simple Use schematic youranswer. the in b) What are the majorfactorsaffecting zeta potential particles aqueous of solutions? in of solutions can be c) Explainhow the zeta potential fine particles aqueous representation. measured. words, Use simple equations simple and schematic point? d) Whatis the isoelectric point. yourdiagram. to Explain e) Drawa diagram showthe isoelectric Question 5. (30 marks) a) Write the Boltzmann equation(s) describing distribution ions at an the of Define symbols the electrically charged surface. usedin yourequation(s). double-layer b) What is the sign (+ or -) of the van der Waalsand electrical particles water?Whichof the forcesis attractive? forcesbetweenidentical in Writetwo simpleequations the Whichof the forcesis repulsive? describing two forces. Define symbols the usedin yourequations, c) Drawa diagram showing DLVOforcesand the totalDLVOforceversus the particles, the separation two Howmanyminina can distance between identical DLVOforcehave? minina yourdiagram. in the total Showthe interaction to d) What are the two techniques createa total repulsive between particles? Describe themusing words, simple equations simple and schematic representation appropriate. as