Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing
A vehicle to carry the sensor is called a "platform". Aircraft or satellites are used as
Data vs Information
Data can be any character, text, words, number, pictures,
sound, or video. Data usually refers to raw data, or
unprocessed data.
Ex.: Aerial Photograph, Satellite Image etc.,
The amount of scattering takes place depends on several factors including the
wavelength of the radiation, the diameter of particles or gases, and the distance the
radiation travels through the atmosphere
Refraction is the deflection of EM radiation as it passes from one medium with one
refractive index to a medium with a different refractive index.
Energy Interaction with Atmosphere
Reflection is the process whereby radiation ‘bounces off’ an object like the
top of a cloud, a water body, or the terrestrial earth.
1. Indian Remote Sensing Satellites ( IRS; Polar) - Altitude around 700km to 800km – Earth Observation
2. Indian National Satellites (INSAT; Geosynchronous ) - Altitude around 36000 km - Communication
INSAT -1A 1982 Delta 3910 PAM-D Multi-purpose Communication & Meteorology Satellite
IRS-1C 28.12.1995
LISS-III had improved spatial resolution.
Land and vegetation observation. WiFS
data used for very large scale mapping;
mainly used for ocean monitoring.
Wide Field
Sensor (WiFS)
Satellite Launched On Sensor Resol. (m) Purpose
Ocean Colour Monitor
(OCM) To study surface winds and ocean surface strata, observation
IRS-P4 / of chlorophyll concentrations, monitoring of phytoplankton
26.05.1999 Multi - frequency Scanning
Oceansat blooms, study of atmospheric aerosols and suspended
Microwave Radiometer sediments in the water.
IRS P6 / LISS-IV 5.8 Monitoring of vegetation dynamics, crop yield estimates,
Resourcesat-1 LISS-III 23.5 disaster management support etc.
Synthetic Aperture Radar It is useful in all weather remote sensing application. Disaster
RISAT-2 20.04.2009
(SAR) Management applications.