The yellow-green luminescence of 3-hydroKyfkwone zmd quercerin ztrroom tempemture in solution arises from a
tautomcr of the mol=cuies produced by excited state proton-tmnsfcr zwzross
;1barrier in the double-minimum hydrogen-
bonding potenti& At 77 K in 2-methylbutane rigid mat& 3.normal W-violet fluorescence is observed in correspondence
with the W absorption Ewzitition spectra and deutemtion effects confum the mechanism.
Volume 68, number 2,3 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 15 December 1979
300 -350 4
Fig. 2. Luminescence spectrum of 3-hydroxyflavone, 2.0 X
‘hWELENGTti. nm
10m5 hl in Zmethylbutane solution_ (a) Violet fluorescence
Fis 1. Uitmviolet absorption spectrum of Shydro*yflavone of normal molecule at 77 K in rigid glass matri.. 1%) Green
in 7-methylbutane solution (1 cm cell) at room temperature fluorescence of tautomer ar room temperature (297 K).
(297 fi). (Cat-y 15 spectrophotometer.) (Varian SF 330 spectrofluorimeterr) (The hump at 170 nm in
a is probably the phosphorescence of the normal molecule
Fig 3. Excited state proton transfer model for 3-hydroxyflavone (icreasin, 0 tautomerization barrier heights 1,2,3 corresponding
to increasing viscosities [ 2])_ -
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