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Introduction to global warming

Global warming begins when sunlight reaches Earth. The clouds, atmospheric particles, reflective ground surfaces and ocean surface then reflected about 30 percent of it back into space, while the remaining is absorbed by oceans, lands and air. This in turn heats the planet s surface and atmosphere, making life possible. As Earth warmed up, this solar energy is radiated by thermal radiation or infrared heat, travelling directly out to space, thus cooling the Earth. However, some of the outgoing radiation is re-absorbed by carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases in the atmosphere and is radiated back to Earth s surface; these gases are known as greenhouse gases due to their heat-trapping capacity. This re-absorption process is naturally good; the Earth s average surface temperature would be very cold if not for the greenhouse gases. The problem begins when the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were artificially raised by humankind at an ever-increasing rate since the past 250 years. As of 2004, over 8 billion tons of carbon dioxide was pumped out per year; natural carbon sinks such as forests and the ocean absorbed some of this, while the rest accumulated in the atmosphere. Millions of pounds of methane are produced in landfills and agricultural decomposition of biomass and animal manure. Nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere by nitrogen-based fertilizers and other soil management practices. Once released, these greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for decades or longer. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide and methane levels have increased by 35 and 148 percent since the 1750 industrial revolution. Paleoclimate readings taken from ice cores and fossil records dating back to 650 000 years show that both gases are at their highest levels. Thermal radiation is obstructed further by the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, resulting in what is known as enhanced global warming. Recent observations of global warming have solidified the theory that it is indeed an enhanced greenhouse effect that is causing the world to warm. The planet has experienced the largest increase in surface temperature over the last century. Between 1906 and 2006, the Earth s average surface temperature rose between 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius; the last 50 years saw the temperature increase rate almost doubling. Sea levels have shown a rise of about 0.17 meters during the twentieth century. The extent of Arctic sea ice has steadily shrunk by 2.7 percent per decade since 1978, just as world s glaciers steadily receded. As the world continues to consume ever more fossil fuel energy, greenhouse gas concentrations will continue to rise, and with them Earth s temperature. The IPCC estimates that based on plausible emission scenarios, average surface temperatures could increase between 2C and 6C by the end of the 21st century. Continued warming at current rates poses serious consequences. Low-lying coastal regions, with dense

population, are especially vulnerable to climate shifts, with the poorer countries and small island nations having the hardest time adapting. It has been projected that by 2080, 13 to 88 million people around the world would lose their home to floods.

What is Global Warming?

Simply put, global warming refers to the increase, on average, in Earth's temperature near the surface. This warming is believed to have risen to the point of creating changes in climate and rainfall, as well as a rise in sea level. These changes impact plants, wildlife, and humans alike. The atmosphere has it's own natural supply of greenhouse gases that keep earth from being a frozen wasteland; and allows the earth to be habitable as it absorbs some of the heat from the sun. The problem is that there is a build-up of greenhouse gases which have been released into the earth's atmosphere, that started during the industrial revolution. These excess gases are what have contributed to the rise in the surface air temperature. Find out what greenhouse gases are and the types of things that contribute to it. You will realize how the increase in Earth's temperature impacts the land as well as life on land, and what this means for the future of our planet. It's not enough to discover the detrimental effects of global

warming without discussing ways to reduce our contribution to greenhouse gases. By making a few easy changes in our lives, we can reduce our "carbon imprint" and help make a better planet for our children.
Effects of global warming Summary
There is no doubt that the effects of global warming are felt in many ways now and this will worsen. Effects are, and will, be increasingly noticeable in these areas
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Extreme weather Rising oceans Food and water resources Human health Economic War and conflicts and Further global warming

Today s average surface temperature is up by about 0.5C since 1890. It is expected that global mean temperature will increase by between 1.4 and 5.8C, or 2.5 to 10F. Of course it is difficult to link global warming with specific events. But we do know such events have increased while carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and temperatures have risen at the same time. For example, between 1950 and 1959 there were 20 great natural disasters worldwide. Between 1990 and 1989, 89 were counted - wildfires, cyclones, flooding, drought and mudslides among them. There are many, many factors that combine in their effects of global warming, and many of them are not predictable with certainty. Here are some that most scientists think are now happening or are likely to happen

Effects of global warming weather

More extreme weather is already occurring. Cyclones have gained in strength since 1970. Rainfall associated with such weather has increased by 7% in the USA for example. Heavily populated, low-lying coastal areas in cyclone-prone areas are particularly vulnerable. "Hurricane Katrina" which hit New Orleans was a case in point. Cyclone Nargis in Burma is another among demonstrations of the devastating nature of some effects of global warming. Also a case in point in who would suffer first and most from climate change: the poor, elderly and disabled.

Up till 2004 hurricanes were strictly a North-Atlantic affair. Until Hurricane Catarina struck Brazil that year from the South Atlantic. Already, in some African countries droughts and floods occur more frequently, and outside of previously known cycles. Higher evaporation rates will cause more rainfall in some areas, causing soil erosion and desertification of areas. In the future, Africa, the poorest continent, will be particularly hard hit by droughts and floods while having few resources to combat these. Transport will be affected by cracking road surfaces, rupturing pipelines, railway lines and runways. Melting permafrost presents risks of road and railtrack subsidence. The new Beijing Tibet railway across the Himalayas was built to account of this. Permafrost in Alaska, Russia and Canada is already melting. Billions of tonnes of methane gasses, now locked in huge frozen peat bogs in Siberia will be released in this thaw. Imagine if you can, the size of this frozen peatbog. It is the size of France and Germany combined! Can you? No, it s hard isn t it. And methane gas is a 22 times more potent, if shorter-lived, greenhouse gas than is CO2.

Effects of global warming - oceans

Between 1880 and 2000 a 20cm rise in ocean levels has been recorded now occurring at 0.2mm per year. This is due to ocean water expansion through its warming and water from melting glaciers and polar ice. However only land-based polar ice can be blamed for this as floating ice takes up the same volume as melted water. Oceans have absorbed about half the human-made CO2 emissions since 1800. A higher CO2 content makes the oceans more acid. This has adverse effects on coral, fish and plankton. Warmer ocean water and volumes of fresh water from melting glaciers could disrupt the Gulfstream which influences Northern European weather. A cooling effect could occur. Rising oceans could swallow low-lying islands and coastal areas. My homeland, the Netherlands is such a vulnerable country as much of it lies below sea level. But the Dutch have plans, including for floating cities.

Effects of global warming - ecosystems

All ecosystems are affected by global warming.

The UN Environment Program predicts that by 2075 few locally endemic species will survive. Twenty five percent of the Earth s mammals and 12% of bird species will be extinct within the next 30 years. In a Triffid-like appearance, grass has established itself on Antarctica for the first time in millions of years. Polar bears are stressed through loss of habitat. Many species are steadily moving their ranges towards higher northern and southern latitudes, including butterflies, frogs, and birds. They breed earlier and plants flower earlier in the season. Aha! So that s what s happening with my fruit trees! Yep, could well be. The IPCC's summary of part of its 2007 report (p.5) states that "eleven of the last twelve years (1995 -2006) rank among the 12 warmest years in the instrumental record of global surface temperature (since 1850)." And "The linear warming trend over the last 50 years (0.13 [0.10 to 0.16]C per decade) is nearly twice that for the last 100 years." Look into the future NOW here...

Effects of global warming - polar ice and glaciers

Since 1900 global glacier surface area has decreased by half and glacial retreat is occurring on every continent. The effects include landslides, glacial lake overflow and flash floods as regular, seasonal patterns of snowfall and some melting are destroyed. Less glacier meltwater in summer means the drying up of rivers and streams, needed for drinking water, irrigation and many other processes. Just imagine the effects from an accelerated melting of Himalayan glaciers. The Ganges and other major rivers are the lifeblood for the huge populations of India, China and other parts of Asia. After the initial floods there will be no more meltwater... What then? The icesheets of Greenland and the West Antarctic are also melting at rapid rates. Since 99% of ice resides in polar regions, these huge amounts of fresh water will have noticeable impacts, contributing to rising ocean levels and disruption of the Gulfstream mechanism.

Fisheries will be affected, including of wild salmon, trout and ocean fish, as many rely on the cold water for breeding and food.

Effects of global warming - water availability

Reduced rainfall, droughts, and vanishing glaciers will severely reduce the availability of drinking water. Of course there are hi-tech band-aides, desalination being one. You may be interested in reading about one approach that conjures water from air. Through condensation or by using salt! Yes indeed...

Effects of global warming - human health

Human health will suffer as a result of climate change. The 2003 European heat wave killed some 30,000 people. But warmer winters may reduce deaths from cold weather. Some infectious, vector-borne diseases will spread as malaria already has. There are many other health effects too including effects of food shortages.

Effects of global warming - further global warming

Melting glaciers and permafrost may be at a stage where there is no turning back. As they contribute their fresh water to the oceans and as methane gas is released these events will further accelerate global warming. This is called the positive feedback effect. It is a scenario climate scientists have feared since first identifying "tipping points" delicate thresholds where a slight rise in the Earth's temperature can cause a dramatic change in the environment that itself triggers a far greater increase in global temperatures. Huge deposits of methane are trapped in ice crystals under the oceans. If these would be released the atmosphere would experience sudden and significant further warming.

Effects of global warming war and conflict

Dwindling resources will increase competition between nations in order to survive. The US Pentagon, not known for its Green credentials, warned of global conflict in a leaked secret report, in 2004. It predicts nuclear war and conflicts over water, energy and food resources on a scale that eclipses its concerns over international terrorism. If that s the most conservative assessment we re in real trouble Mass migration of environmental refugees, up to 150 million of them by 2050, will also increase risks of violent conflicts.

Obviously among alternate energy sources that of our genuine care and goodwill towards others and our environments is crucial.

Effects of global warming - economic effects

The insurance industry is already facing increased costs from global warming. By 1992 this industry knew that since 1960 economic losses from disasters worldwide had grown threefold and insured losses four-fold. One study suggests that of these about 35 40% are related to climate change. In 2001 the UN estimated the cost of increased disasters due to global warming at more than US$300 Billion per year by 2050. You can keep an eye on some of the many effects here yourself as they occur and you can also locate harbingers and local effects of global warming. Effects of global warming include a wide range, not all strictly bad in themselves. There will be economic opportunities among the losses. Both are hard to quantify. And part of estimating economic costs depends on what is regarded to have a monetary value, and how much. For example, can we cost extinct species, and loss of human life as easily as we can cost land and agricultural crop losses? Of course the alternate energy sector is already booming in terms of activity and investment. But so is oil, being more deserving of its "black gold" tag as it defies traditional economic wisdom that price determines demand. Oil demand is still growing including its environmental cost. Perhaps oil running out is a far greater economic threat than global warming is in itself, but that s another story. As northern permafrost melts it may be possible to open shipping lanes thus far blocked between Europe and Asia. This would shorten the existing trade route by 9000km and this may present economic opportunities.

Advantages/Benefits of Global Warming

I will now list the three major benefits of global warming.

Fewer cold-related deaths. Many, many more people die from cold than from heat (though the cold related deaths don't get as much media attention). The warmer it gets, the fewer people will die from cold. Moreover, global warming models all predict that the coldest times of the year, the coldest times of the day, and the coldest parts of the world will warm much more than the warmest times of the year, times of the day, and parts of the world. So, the positive effect of warming in the cold areas/times will more than offset, by a huge margin in fact, the negative effect of warming in the warm areas/times. Increased food supply. Alarmists will tell you that global warming endangers the world's food supply. This is because they do not have a basic understanding of agronomic

production. There are three things that crops need more than anything else to grow and produce high yields: heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide. Some crops can get too much heat, but even the worst predictions of global warming alarmists don't call for such temperatures. In most cases, increased temperatures will increase yields. Moreover, millions of acres that are now too cold to grow crops will become warm enough. Furthermore, in traditional cropgrowing areas, it is entirely possible that, with a shorter, warmer winter, farmers will be able to plant their crops earlier and harvest them later. What this means is that they might be able to get two crops planted and harvested in one year, effectively doubling the yield. The case can be made that rainfall will decrease in some areas of the world if global warming continues. But overall, worldwide precipitation will increase. So we might have to shift farming to other areas (which is not a bad idea anyway) but there will be plenty of places where rainfall is adequate for growing crops. And even where it isn't, there's always irrigation. Carbon dioxide is obvious. Supposedly, it's the culprit behind global warming, so if global warming continues, it will be because of more carbon dioxide. But plants live on carbon dioxide - the more of it they have, the faster they grow and the higher yields they obtain. Greenhouse growers have artificially raised CO2 levels to several times current atmospheric levels, with no ill effects (and plenty of positive effects) to the crops. All in all, global warming will probably be the best thing to happen to agricultural production since the invention of the tractor and man-made fertilizers. Less Disease. The most common diseases, that kill far more people (at least in developed nations) than exotic stuff like malaria, AIDS, Ebola, etc., are associated with cold weather. In a technical sense, cold weather does not cause the common cold, flu, strepthroat, sinusitis, and pneumonia. However, cold weather does force people to spend more time indoors, in close contact with other people, and with limited ventilation. This is an ideal environment for diseases to spread from one person to another. Warmer weather would allow people to spend more time outdoors, where diseases cannot easily spread. As for the exotic stuff, the only one that anybody is really talking about being worse because of global warming is malaria. They claim malaria is a tropical disease, and that as tropical temperatures spread, so will the disease. But malaria isn't tropical at all. A hundred years ago, its range was limited only by the range of its carrier, the anopheles mosquito, whose range was pretty much worldwide. And then all of the developed nations eradicated the anopheles mosquito (with DDT), thus eradicating malaria. If, for some reason (not global warming), the mosquito (and the disease) made a comeback, it could be eradicated again, with more DDT. Not. A. Problem.

If you look at global warming as the alternative to stopping global warming, then you could also list all of the disadvantages of stopping global warming as benefits of global warming itself. For example:

Freedom. Stopping global warming will force the people to hand over their rights and freedoms to an all-powerful government. This is indisputable. We will have to give up our right to drive cars, our right to electricity, our freedom of enterprise, and our right to anything else that involves the burning of fossil fuels. And we will even have to give up our freedom of speech, because, in the name of saving the planet, the government cannot tolerate any skepticism about global warming.

Prosperity. Stopping global warming (if the alarmists are correct about its causes) will require a ban on (or at least a massive reduction in) the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are what drives our economy. Without them, everything will grind to a halt quite quickly. Businesses will fail. Jobs will disappear. The economy will go into the tank. Human comfort, convenience, and entertainment. One of the rights we will have to give up is the right to use electricity. We won't be able to use our stoves, our lights, our air conditioners, our heaters, our dishwashers, our hot water heaters, our televisions, our computers, etc. Are those things that you want to do without? Can you even survive without those things? Food supply. I've already mentioned how the food supply will increase dramatically under global warming. But any effort to stop global warming will cause a huge decrease in the food supply. Growing crops requires tractors, and tractors use fossil fuels. Except they won't be using fossil fuels anymore if we are going to stop global warming. Tractors will be replaced with mules and other draft animals. Not only will agricultural production drop by 80-90%, but much of what is left will be required to feed the draft animals. And what little food is grown will never make it to the places where people live in massive numbers because that too requires burning fossil fuels. There will be massive starvation around the world, especially in large urban areas and other places where no food is grown. World Peace. We already know that China and India are never going to go along with reducing their carbon dioxide emissions. But no plan to stop global warming will work without their participation. So what are we going to do about that? We're going to go to war with them, that's what we are going to do. The Arab nations will ally themselves with China and India, because that will be the only customers they have for their oil. The two sides will be fairly evenly matched, which will make for a very long, very bloody world war. There will be tens of millions of deaths over years, perhaps decades, in this World War III, caused by global warming alarmism. Not to mention that the war will defeat its own purpose anyway, because of the massive burning of fossil fuels that will be required to wage that war. Avoiding Worldwide Nuclear Armageddon. It is very, very likely that the WW3 mentioned in the previous point will, eventually, go nuclear. Then everything is for naught. Oh sure, global warming will be stopped, because of the planet-covering cloud of radioactive dust, smoke, and soot, blocking 90% of the sunlight from reaching the surface. But between the immediate effect of the missiles themselves and the delayed effects of radiation poisoning, the vast majority of the earth's human population will be gone (and for those of you more worried about the precious polar bears, they'll be gone too).

In February 2007, the United Nations released a scientific report that concludes that global warming is happening and will continue to happen for centuries. The report also stated with 90% certainty that the activity of humans has been the primary cause of increasing temperatures over the past few decades. With those conclusions and the conclusions of innumerable other scientists that global warming is here and will continue into the foreseeable future, I wanted to summarize the likely effects of global warming, into the advantages and disadvantages of global warming. First, we will look at the many disadvantages of global warming and then follow with the very small number of advantages of global warming.

Disadvantages of Global Warming

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Ocean circulation disrupted, disrupting and having unknown effects on world climate. Higher sea level leading to flooding of low-lying lands and deaths and disease from flood and evacuation. Deserts get drier leaving to increased desertification. Changes to agricultural production that can lead to food shortages. Water shortages in already water-scarce areas. Starvation, malnutrition, and increased deaths due to food and crop shortages. More extreme weather and an increased frequency of severe and catastrophic storms. Increased disease in humans and animals. Increased deaths from heat waves. Extinction of additional species of animals and plants. Loss of animal and plant habitats. Increased emigration of those from poorer or low-lying countries to wealthier or higher countries seeking better (or non-deadly) conditions. Additional use of energy resources for cooling needs. Increased air pollution. Increased allergy and asthma rates due to earlier blooming of plants. Melt of permafrost leads to destruction of structures, landslides, and avalanches. Permanent loss of glaciers and ice sheets. Cultural or heritage sites destroyed faster due to increased extremes. Increased acidity of rainfall. Earlier drying of forests leading to increased forest fires in size and intensity. Increased cost of insurance as insurers pay out more claims resulting from increasingly large disasters. Aggressiveness will increase, leading to an increase in the murder rate.

Advantages of Global Warming

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Arctic, Antarctic, Siberia, and other frozen regions of earth may experience more plant growth and milder climates. The next ice age may be prevented from occurring. Northwest Passage through Canada's formerly-icy north opens up to sea transportation. Less need for energy consumption to warm cold places. Fewer deaths or injuries due to cold weather. Longer growing seasons could mean increased agricultural production in some local areas. Mountains increase in height due to melting glaciers, becoming higher as they rebound against the missing weight of the ice. Boundary disputes between countries over low-lying islands will disappear.

Disadvantages of Global Warming Ocean circulation disrupted, disrupting and having unknown effects on world climate. Higher sea level leading to flooding of low-lying lands and deaths and disease from flood and evacuation. Deserts get drier leaving to increased desertification. Changes to agricultural production that can lead to food shortages. Water shortages in already water-scarce areas. Starvation, malnutrition, and increased deaths due to food and crop shortages. More extreme weather and an increased frequency of severe and catastrophic storms. Increased disease in humans and animals. Increased deaths from heat waves. Extinction of additional species of animals and plants. Loss of animal and plant habitats. Increased emigration of those from poorer or low-lying countries to wealthier or higher countries seeking better (or non-deadly) conditions. Additional use of energy resources for cooling needs. Increased air pollution. Increased allergy and asthma rates due to earlier blooming of plants. Melt of permafrost leads to destruction of structures, landslides, and avalanches. Permanent loss of glaciers and ice sheets. Cultural or heritage sites destroyed faster due to increased extremes. Increased acidity of rainfall. Earlier drying of forests leading to increased forest fires in size and intensity. Increased cost of insurance as insurers pay out more claims resulting from increasingly large disasters.

Effects Of Global Warming

The effects of global warming can be viewed from how it is affecting our planet right now, and how it will further affect our planet in the future. Much emphasis is placed on future problems as they are more dramatic. Unfortunately, future events are much easier to dismiss because theymay, or may not occur. There are currently many problems caused by global warming, and there little doubt that these problems exist, today.

Current Effects
Glaciers are retreating as the surface temperatures increase. Glaciers are very

important to the survival of some communities. The run off from the glaciers in the warmer summer months help to fill dams, and reservoirs which are used for irrigation and drinking. With less cold water running in to rivers, fish that depend on the colder water such as Salmon, will not be able to reproduce. Sea ice is disintegrating. Polar bears use sea ice to breed, raise their young, hunt, and travel. With less ice, some polar bears are turning to cannibalism. Studies have suggested that if the trend continues, polar bears may become extinct within this century. With extreme flooding and dought comes favorable conditions for mosquitos. Diseases such as Maleria, Dengue Fever, and West Nile virus are on the increase in Asia, East Africa, and Latin America. 90% of coral in the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, in the Seychelles, and in Congo is now dead because of global warming. The survival of coral depends on a symbiotic relationship with an algae called zooxantheallea. When the temperatures rise, the corals stress and release the colorful algae. Without the algae, the coral is unable to find enough nutrients to survive. When large amounts of coral die in this way, it is known as coral bleaching because the coral turns from a beautiful spectrum of color to a plain bone white color.

Future Effects
It is anticipated that sea levels could rise between 110 to 770 mm (0.36 to 2.5 feet) by 2100. Warm water expands, and oceans will expand as the planet warms up. Also, warmer temperatures will melt the polar ice which will lead to an increase in sea level. Rising sea levels will result in a large range of social, and economic

problems. These include more severe flooding, loss of property and costal habitat, loss of culture, degradation of soil and water quality impacting agriculture and aquaculture, and loss off tourism. Global warming is likely to affect the global food supply by changing current climatic conditions. Many farmers belive that minor seasonal variations are already affecting yields. The award winning Henschke wine from Australia has found that over the last 5 years their grapes have been maturing earlier. Weather conditions are becoming more extreme. The number of Category 45 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 20 years. The effect of hurricanes is clear, but with warm temperatures they are likely to become even more powerful. Oceans continue to absorb more carbon dioxide as the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase. This absorbtion is making the oceans more acidic, and will harm some species, and will result in secondary effects that will be felt through out the food chain

Dangers of Global Warming

If you use the internet, watch television, or listen to the radio, you may already be familiar with global warming. Global warming is an important issue that is widely discussed and debated, all around the world. Global warming is a phrase that is used to describe the increase in the earth s temperature. This rise in temperature is attributed to an increase in greenhouse gases. As important as it is to know that global warming is, it is also important to know the dangers that surround it. After all, many Americans will not take steps to combat global warming unless they know for sure that it is real and poses a serious threat. As for the threat that global warming poses, you will find that there is likely to be an increased risk of diseases and illnesses. This is because mice, insects, and other rodents will be able to notice a change in the environment, namely their local temperatures and

surroundings. This will likely cause many to migrate to areas that may have previously been deemed uninhabitable. After all, why wouldn t they move, especially if the weather conditions were perfect for doing so? Unfortunately, this is likely to lead to a spread of disease. Although most of these diseases will be treatable, it may cause concern, especially when diseases and other health related issues impact areas previously left untouched. Coastal flood is another one of the many dangers that can and will likely be associated with global warming. Although we are noticing an increase in sea level right now, coastal flooding isn t likely to be a significant problem for a few years now, but that still doesn t mean that it should be ignored or pushed to the side. Global warming is playing a role in the melting of glaciers, snow and other ice masses. This melting will cause a significant rise in sea level overtime; thus leading to coastal flooding. If the costal flood is as bad as anticipated by many scientists and computer weather models, there is a good chance that billions of individuals will be displaced, all around the globe. In addition to the melting of glaciers and other large ice and snow masses, many locations will likely receive smaller amounts of snow and ice during the wintertime, if they even do receive any at all. This may have an impact on the activities that humans are able to participate in and it may have a significant impact on the economy, both locally and nationally. Of course, it is important to remember that global warming not only causes the temperature to rise, but it also causes erratic weather. So, it is common for one area of the world to receive little to no snowfall, while another area, at the same time, may be buried under two feet of snow. As previously stated, coastal flooding is one of the many dangers associated with global warming.

Global Warming and our children

If you surf the internet, listen to the radio, or watch the news on television, there is a good chance that you have heard of global warming before. Although you may have heard of global warming before, have you taken the time to better understand? If you are a parent, you should. One of the many reasons why individuals feel that global warming is not a serious issue is because of all of the debate that surrounds it. Yes, global warming does have its opponents and some of that opposition do have valid points, but is global warming something that you are willing to ignore? If you are a parent, it shouldn t be. As stated multiple times above, if you are a parent, global warming should be a huge concern of yours. After all, you love your children don t you? When your children grow up, you likely want them to have their own family and children, right? After all, many individuals want their family name and legacy to be carried on for eternity. Unfortunately, global warming may throw a wrench in that plan.

As it was previously stated, global warming is an issue that many are unsure about. In addition to wondering if those who oppose global warming are right, the delayed affects of global warming also play a role. Yes, we are starting to see many changes resulting from global warming, such as melting glaciers and droughts, but these changes are small compared to what is being predicted. Unfortunately, many individuals go by the thinking of it isn t a problem if we can t see it. Although you may not be able to live to see the drastic and horrific affects of global warming, your children or their children may. Speaking of the horrific affects of global warming, you may wonder just what is expected to happen. As previously stated, glaciers and other ice masses are melting. Despite the fact that this melting has always been noticed, it has picked up in speed. If things continue, coastal flooding is predicted and not just in limited areas, but around the entire world. Do you and your family currently reside in a coastal area? If so, did you know that global warming may prevent your children or their children from doing the same? Your hometown and your history will be unable to be shared with future family members to come, as it may be under water. Coastal flooding is just one of the many ways that global warming may have a profound affect on your children or their children. Other affects of global warming are likely to include increased temperatures, droughts, and weather instability. These global warming affects can have a huge impact on your future family s ability to eat, drink, work, and live. That is why you are urged to take action. After all, you do love your family right?

Global Warming Myths

Today nuclear power race and global warming are one such two hot topics that can steer conversation from an unexpected corner. Everyone of us have heard of global warming before either in media or read it somewhere or were forced to read it during exams. Global warming is one most of the most discussed topics around the world. Although there are many scientific facts to prove certain truths about the global warming. Global warming is also one of the most misunderstood topics.There are many popular Global warming myths Myth 1: Earths temperature is rising at alarming level. Fact: This is the most commonly perceived Global warming myth. In reality the temperature is just increasing slightly not in alarming levels. There has been very solid evidence to prove that even the temperature of Earth was rising when Global warming and greenhouse effect was not an issue. So now scientists claim that slight increase in temperature is normal not alarming.Myth 2: Humans cause global warming. Fact: This is the very popular Global warming myth that human beings are cause of global warming. Although human beings contribute very largely towards global warming but they are not the only reason for it. The changes were very radical from time to time. Temperature of earth has been on path of slight increase from time to time. The exact cause of global warming is still paves way for unending debates.Myth 3: Slight temperature increase will melt icecaps. Fact: This is also one of the most commonly perceived Global warming myth .Winter related deaths are more than summer related deaths. In UK itself every year slight rise in temperature saves 200000 people from death. Although some glaciers have melt but in some other parts of world the ice caps are also thickening. So there is no hard core evidence to prove that the ice caps are continuously melting due to slight increase in temperature.Myth 4: Weather changes are related to human activities.

Fact: Extreme weather changes are related to solar activities. They are not related to any sort of human activities. Although increase in carbon dioxide levels will contribute towards slight changes in weather but extreme weather conditions cannot be caused solely by human activities.Myth 5: Population of Polar bears are dwindling due to Global warming. Fact: Polar bears largely depend on ice sheets to swim and catch seals for food. So melting of the ice sheets will dwindle seals so Polar bears have to swim to long distances to hunt for them. But that does not mean that Polar bear population is dwindling.Myth 6: Climate changes are causing increase in sea level. Fact: Another widely circulated Global warming myth is that increase in sea level is due to Climate changes brought out by Global warming. But in reality the increase in sea level is due to interglacial periods. Changes are part of nature so the sea levels will continue to increase even if there are no climate changes.Myth 7: There are no perfect Computer models which predict Global warming. Fact: Many of the debates regarding Global warming arises from Computer circulated models. But in fact these computer models are widely used by scientists and meteorologists to predict weather. Although these computer models are not accurate or perfect but still they have moderately high success rates.

The Global Warming debate

Global warming is the buzzword that is echoed around the world. This topic is never free from its share of debates, discussions and controversies. Until some years ago you could come across environmentalists who pleaded you to join them in fight against Global warming. But today you may find environmentalists who will ask you to ignore the very concept of Global warming and to focus on more important things. So its largely your decision whether you should stand by the topic or concentrate on more important topics. Most of the time Global warming debate steers towards the direction that Global warming is not real. But still the people who go against the existence of Global Warming don't deny that temperature of earth, temperature of the water and melting of the ice had certainly occurred but the reason for global warming cannot be made to rest on human shoulders. Changes are inherent part of the nature. Even if there is no release of carbon dioxide by human activities temperatures will change. The controversial Global warming skeptic Bjorn Lomborg however confirms the existence of some global warming facts but he adopts little bit tricky track to follow the issue when he says Global warming is real and caused by Carbon dioxide. The trouble is that the climate models show we can do very little about the warming . Some skeptics have further made the issue very confusing which generates an impression amongst the common man that Global warming is not real. Their viewpoints are:
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There is no concrete evidence to show the global warming. Even if there are no emissions of Carbon dioxide changes could be observed in measured temperature which is the part of natural cycle. If the Kyoto Protocol is implemented in its full measure then that will cause economical striations in world. The losses will be large and gains very little. More people are dying of Global cooling than Global warming so if temperature increases by couple of degrees then it can save more lives than before.

Money which is invested in such treaties and protocols should be directed to solve more inherent social problems like malnutrition, poverty, AIDS etc.

While browsing through Television channels one can come across various celebrities, politicians, meteorologists, weather experts voicing their opposition to the global warming and adding some controversial conclusions towards Global warming debate. Some experts argue that even the most talked about documentary of 2007 called An Inconvenient Truth misguided the people over some facts. An Inconvenient Truth was declared as one sided and containing scientific errors by British Judge. An Inconvenient Truth shared Nobel Prize for peace with IPCC. Even IPCC openly rejected some of the points highlighted in the documentary like increase sea level. According to documentary 20 feet increase in sea level is expected at the turn of century whereas in reality scientists say only 3 feet increase is noted in the sea level at the end of the century. Gore also speaks about melting of icecaps which will contribute towards another inch of increase in sea level. Although there have been suggestions which when applied will lessen our harm on environment like going for natural energy sources than depending on the conventional energy sources. Similarly adopting environmental friendly electricity sources. The economical impact of embracing these changes will be very high. Some skeptics have also termed the Global warming debate as scam. They say that Global warming is the source of raising money for environmental organizations and so called Environmental groups. Someone may think I have contributed to environmental support group so there ends my responsibility and commitment with the nature but in reality paying hefty amounts towards fees doesn't ends your responsibility towards nature. Instead adopt ways which are less harmful to the nature.

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