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The Angels of Saturn1

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The Angels

of Saturn

Reconstructed, corrected, completed and

sigilised by Asterion
Romania, 2008
General pentacle of Saturn
For hosting the seal of the angel while calling
either by evocation or by scrying
Solomonic Pentacle of Saturn
For evoking saturnine intelligences and keeping
them under control. Densifies saturnine energies
and lifts the Earth-based consciousness to a
more Saturn-vibrating resonance.
Liber Salomonis: Sepher Raziel (1)

“The names of angels of the day of Saturne

These be the names of angels that serveth in the
day of Saturne or Sabat.

Micraton pacryton pepilon capeiel themiton alsfiton

chenyon Sandalson panion almyon expion papon
calipon horrion melifon aurion temelion refacbilion
ononiteon boxoraylon paxilon lelalion onoxion
quilon quiron vixalimon relion cassilon titomon
Murion dedion dapsion leuainon foylylon monichion
gabion paxonion xysuylion lepiron belon memitilon
Saron salion pion Macgron acciriron felyypon
ymnybron raconeal zalibron

These holy angells and blessed be they names in all

thy very workes and keepe thee wth them cleane and
thou shalt profitt.
Liber Juratus:
The Sworn Book of Honorius(2)

ye names of ye angells in ye daye of be these.

myeraton . pacrifon . polypon . capeyell . ehenyton . alfyton

. cheryon . sandalson . panyon . almyon . erpyon . paxon .
calyrxon . horryon . melyson . unryon . tonelyn .
refaebylyon . monyteon . bornaylon . paxylon . lelalyon .
onoxyon . quybon . quyron . vyxasmyon . relyon . cassylon
. tyfonyon . muryon . degyon . dapsyon . lenayon .
orleunyon . foylyon . monychyon . [26r] gabyon .
paxonyon . pynsylon . lepyron . loeloon . saron . salyon .
pyon . nargeron . aaron . selyypon . pinmybron . raconcall .
zelybron .

The following tables compare the morphological changes

in the angelic names from one work to the other, trying to
put the correct forms back in use and re-transliterate them
in Hebrew in order to sigillize them correctly.
I have followed along with trial and error procedures until I
reached a satisfying result. Some mistakes were pretty
obvious, like the long s or double s SS rendered oftentimes
F or FF, sometimes even SF. A good example is
ALSITON. Written with a double S, one normal and one
long, it would read ALSFITON, in Raziel. In Juratus, we
find the form ALFITON. MELIFON-MELISON and
SANDALSON-SANDALFON are other examples, tio
name but a few.
In many cases such as Liber Juratus the letter I is
completely replaced by Y. I have kept the Y only as an
initial letter. Also, the endings –IEL (aleph iod lamed) that
are common in angelic nomenclature, are often rendered –
YEYL or –EYL. The double letters , such as SS, FF, LL are
simplified, as there are not often seen in Hebraic script.
One major characteristic of the saturnine names are the
endings in –ON, with a few exceptions, as other planetary
intellingences have other endings as well.
About the numbers
All seven lists of planetary angels range from the minimum
of 46 to the maximum of 54. There is no way of knowing
the original system, but I would incline to dismiss the
theory of zodiacal angels. Neither the average numbers of
48, 52 or 54 cannot be fitted into the 360 degrees scheme.
Since they are called angels of the days, I m more inclined
to think they are part of an horary angelic system. The
perfect number for them would be 48 angels for each day,
ruling one half of every hour. 48 X 30 = 1440 , that is, 24
There are missing angels in Raziel that Juratus mentions,
and missing angels in Juratus that Raziel mentions. I have
devised a composite chart of all of them. Some are repeated
or written together as one name, while others are missed, so
the exact number varies. The first column is from Liber
Juratus, the second column is from Cephar Raziel, the third
is the final result of correction.
This is only a fist humble attempt at correcting this
wonderful theugic system. There.s more to come.
Angels of the day of Saturn I
1 myeraton Micraton Micraton
2 pacrifon Pacryton Pakriton
3 polypon Pepilon Pepilon
4 capeyell capeiel Kapiel
5 ehenyton themiton
6 alfyton alsfiton Alsiton
7 cheryon Chenyon
8 sandalson Sandalson Sandalson???
9 panyon Panion Panion
10 almyon Almyon Almion
11 erpyon expion
12 paxon Papon
13 calyrxon Calipon
14 horryon Horrion Horion
15 melyson Melifon Melison
16 unryon Aurion Aurion
17 tonelyn temelion Temelion
18 refaebylyon refacbilion Refacbilion
19 monyteon ononiteon
20 bornaylon boxoraylon
Angels of the day of Saturn II
21 paxylon paxilon Paxilon
22 lelalyon lelalion Lelalion
23 onoxyon onoxion Onoxion
24 quybon quilon Quilon
25 quyron quiron Quibon
26 vyxasmyon vixalimon
27 relyon relion Relion
28 cassylon cassilon Kasilon
29 tyfonyon titomon
30 muryon Murion Murion
31 degyon dedion
32 dapsyon dapsion Dapsion
33 lenayon leuainon
34 orleunyon
35 foylyon foylylon
36 monychyon monichion Monichion
37 gabyon gabion Gabion
38 paxonyon paxonion Paxonion
39 pynsylon xysuylion
40 lepyron lepiron Lepiron
Angels of the day of Saturn III
41 loeloon belon Belon
42 - memitilon Memitilon
43 saron Saron Saron
44 salyon salion Salion
45 pyon pion Pion
46 nargeron Macgron Margeron?
47 aaron acciriron
48 selyypon felyypon Selipon
49 pinmybron ymnybron
50 raconcall raconeal Rakonael
51 zelybron zalibron Zalibron
Seals of the angels
I have took liberty with sigilising the names of the angels
using the qamea method. This is the Qamea of Saturn,
along with the letter correspondents.
The beginning is marked with a triangle, and the ending
with a curved line, like PseudoAgrippa advises in his
Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy(3) :

“Now these celestial characters do consist of lines and

heads(…)The third holdeth with Saturn, a semicircle, a
triangle, either crooked, round, or acute.”

This is, of course, only one way of rendering qameic seals

of Saturn. You could use the old circle-t line method, or the
Aurum solis presigillae, or the astrological glyph of Saturn
itself: the first letter marked with the cross and the last
marked with the semicircle. The possibilities are endless.



These are merely 8 of the total of 51 (?) angels of the day
of Saturn, and only one day of the seven, to illustrate my
future endeavor. Furthermore, all angels in the two
mentioned treatises will be dealt thusly, including the 366
angels of the days and 120 angels of the altitudes, also
mentioned in the Heptameron.
After being finished, every angel shall be evoked (or at
least half) to obtain the true seal that they respond to.
May the lord keep me on this plain until my work is done,
with help of his ministering angels and celestial powers, for
the glory of His Name and benefit of all students in magic.

All graphic material is the author s original work, except

from the Solomonic Pentacle and the excerpt from Agrippa.
Please do not reproduce this material under your own
authorship. This work is a first draft, incomplete and
crippled, of what is yet to come.

Asterion, age 23

[email protected]
1. Liber Salomonis: Sepher Raziel
British Library Sloane MS 3826: 27v-57r
Transcribed, annotated, and introduced by D. Karr
© D.Karr 2003
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2. Liber Juratus or The Sworne Booke of Honorius

Royal MS (abbreviated R) with variant readings from
Sl.3885 (abbreviated S), Sl.3854 (designated S2), and
Sl.3853 (designated S3).
Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998. All rights
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3. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: his Fourth Book of Occult

This digital edition by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright ©
2000. All rights reserved.
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