in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
Double Peer Reviewed
Impact Factor: 5.6 (SJR)
This research is based on fog computing studies, in which we
Open Access
explored, designed, and developed fog-computing AI-based real-
Refereed Journal
time traffic management and optimization frameworks. To detect
the interaction between fog computing technologies and artificial
intelligence. In this research, the proposed framework operates at
the edge of networks to facilitate rapid data collection and
preprocessing to enhance the decision-making ability of systems. In
a given architecture, there are various layers, like fog, edge, cloud,
and AI layers. Every layer plays a vital role in data gathering and
processing, from analytics to traffic optimization. They integrated
the data from various devices and sources, like traffic sensors
(ultrasonic), cameras, and GPS-signal data. This framework enables
effective traffic prediction and manages and optimizes their system.
For the real-time data preprocess in fog nodes, combined with
optimizing techniques such as the genetic algorithm, particle swarm
optimization (PSO), and ant colony optimization (ACO), these
technologies allow dynamic traffic signal control and route
optimization. They are used to ensure their scalability and reliability
when employing deployment strategies. Experimental evaluations
are conducted to reduce congestion and quick response times with
various traffic scenarios. At the end of the comparative analysis,
previous studies are highlighted to be compared with their
techniques, results, and limitations with our proposed model. This
real-time AI framework for fog computing to optimize traffic and
manage it gives the easiest solution for addressing urban traffic and
identifies the challenges to enhancing the transportation system to
make it more effective and efficient in the future.
1.1 Background
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International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
Smart cities are urban areas that exploit knowledge and data to recover excellence in life for
their populations and increase the efficiency of town services to promote sustainability.
Integrating information-with-communications technology (ICT) for the Internet of Things is
dominant in creating intelligent urban areas [1]. Large-scale data collection and analysis are
made for advanced technological developments since various sources facilitate better
decision-making and more efficient management of urban resources. The core components
of a smart city include smart infrastructure, energy-efficient buildings, and advanced
transportation systems. Smart governance uses data to make more informed policy decisions
and engages with citizens to positively impact the smart economy, innovation, and digital
facilities in a very smooth environment to easily focus on sustainable practices and reduce
pollution [1-2]. To live these smart things, which aim to enhance the total quality of life,
improved healthcare, education, and safety are most important.
In which roads and city traffic are interconnected, systems work together to create a more
responsive and adaptive urban environment. Easily, smart grids optimize energy distribution,
reducing waste and lowering costs. For clever water management systems, monitor and
control water usage to prevent leaks and ensure efficient distribution. These interconnected
systems not only enhance the functionality of urban services but also promote sustainable
development to minimize the ecological footprint of cities. Traffic management is a critical
component of smart cities due to its direct impact on urban flexibility, economic
productivity, environmental sustainability, and public safety [3]. Efficient traffic
management systems leverage advanced technologies to monitor, control, and optimize
traffic flows, reducing congestion, minimizing travel time, and enhancing the overall
transportation experience.
One of the main benefits of smart traffic management is the reduction of traffic congestion
by using real-time data from sensors, devices, and cameras to catch GPS device data. Traffic
management applications can alter traffic signals with continuous performance; some
redirect cars and buses and offer drivers live traffic information. This helps flatten traffic
flow, reduce bottlenecks, and avoid gridlock. Shorter commute times, lower fuel
consumption techniques, and decreased emissions contribute to a more sustainable urban
environment [4]. Fast, effective traffic management improves community protection. Smart
traffic systems can detect accidents or hazardous conditions in real time, enabling quicker
response times from emergency services. They can also prioritize the movement of
emergency vehicles through adaptive signal control devices to ensure that ambulances with
fire trucks can connect with police cars and reach their destinations swiftly and securely. To
optimize and manage traffic patterns and identify dangerous intersections, city organizers
can implement targeted measures to decrease accidents and improve road protection [4-5].
1.2 Research Aim
This research aims to develop and evaluate a fog computing-based AI framework for real-
time traffic management with optimization. The capabilities of fog computing and artificial
2 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
intelligence in the proposed framework aim to enhance the efficiency and receptiveness of
traffic management structures in urban environments. The research addresses key challenges
in traffic management to identify congestion mitigation and incident detection for route
optimization with real-time data processing and optimization algorithms. The main
objectives are to contribute to advancing smart transportation systems by developing and
assessing the planned framework, leading to safer, more sustainable, and more efficient
metropolitan movements.
1.3 Problem Statement
Urban transportation mobbing poses important challenges to transport systems universal to
augmented tourism times with petroleum consumption's ecological effluence. Traditional
traffic management systems often struggle to effectively address these challenges due to
limitations in data processing speeds, executive latency, and adaptability to dynamic traffic
conditions. The increasing complexity of city road networks and the growing volume of real-
time traffic data further aggravate these issues [5]. There is a pressing need for innovative
solutions to efficiently manage and optimize traffic flow using advanced technologies such
as fog computing with AI. Existing research in this area frequently lacks comprehensive
contexts that flawlessly mix these technologies to provide accessible and responsive
solutions for adaptive traffic management.
1.4 Research summary
The research focuses on developing and calculating a fog-computing-based AI framework
personalized in place of real-time traffic management and optimization. The chapter starts
by highlighting the pressing challenges of urban traffic congestion and the limitations of
traditional traffic management systems in addressing these issues effectively. It articulates
the need for innovative solutions leveraging advanced technologies like fog computing and
artificial intelligence to enhance traffic management efficiency. The research aims to fill this
gap by proposing a comprehensive framework that assimilates fog computing with AI to
enable fast data processing, dynamic decision-making, and adaptive traffic control. This
chapter lays the groundwork for the subsequent chapters, which will delve deeper into the
proposed framework's development, implementation, and evaluation. Strive toward
advancing intelligent transportation systems, eventually resulting in improved effectiveness
secured via environmentally friendly city transport.
2. Related Work
The development of transportation administration systems and technological breakthroughs
made computing with fog and the Internet possible to be integrated into smart metropolises.
Large volumes of traffic data are gathered and transferred to central servers for analysis in
traditional traffic management systems, which mostly rely on centralized data processing.
Although somewhat successful, these systems have serious issues with adaptability and
latency. When managing data in real-time from a growing variety of urban sensing
3 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
equipment. In immediate view, traffic data may now be collected by a network of networked
devices, including CCTV cameras, sensors, and even GPS components, thanks to the World
Wide Web of Things [6]. For centrally controlled processing systems, a huge amount of
information generated by devices is difficult, resulting in delays and losses. This is the
application of fog computing, which computes power farther from the data sources and
distributes the handling of fog technology, which lowers latency and facilitates quicker, more
effective decision-making [7].
2.1 Fog Computing Technologies
To highlight the major benefits of integrating IoT and fog computing technology for real-
time rush-hour traffic control, smart towns and cities. Urban regions have significant issues
controlling traffic flow and maintaining safety for citizens. These may be addressed by
collaborating among the above technologies, which allows for better information
manufacturing, faster reaction times, and increased scalability. Building on these
discoveries, the current research creates a strong foundation for improved transportation
planning in smart cities by utilizing computational fog computing and the Internet of Things
[8]. A cloud computing expansion that brings processing power closer to the information's
source was unveiled via Cisco Systems. Fogging technology decentralizes data processing,
unlike typical cloud computing, which sends information to central servers to be processed
with local nodes or gadgets, lowering latencies and enhancing local analysis of information
and immediate data processing capability. Previous studies have emphasized several
advantages of computational fogging, particularly when instantaneous processing is
essential [9].
4 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
5 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
• Data analytics: analyzing the data generates vast amounts of data that can be
analyzed to uncover patterns, predict trends, and make informed decisions. Advanced
analytics can optimize urban services, from traffic management to waste collection.
IoT allows automation of urban services, enlightening competence and reducing necessity
intended for human interference. Instances comprise automated traffic signal controls and
smart street lighting [12-13].
2.2 Evolution of Smarts Cities traffics
Smart city initiatives have gained attention due to the diverse outcomes observed throughout
the globe. Though some initiatives have faced severe obstacles, others have effectively
implemented clever solutions [14]. The Songdo IBD-Smart City around South Korea and
the Google Sidewalk Laboratory's endeavor to create a smart neighborhood in Toronto are
notable examples. Google Sidewalk Labs had problems with data privacy and using public
space, whereas Songdo-IBD received recognition for its cutting-edge technological
infrastructure. Large-scale intelligent city initiatives that have advanced significantly include
Smart Nation Malaysia and Green Dubai. Through efforts in smart mobility, Smart-Dubai
hopes to establish itself as the "happiest-smartest-city-in-the-world." savvy living savvy
government. Smart Nation Singapore has applied smart solutions in transportation, energy,
and public services to enhance citizens' quality of life [15].
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International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
7 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
encompassing strategy for developing smart cities. They cover various topics, including
energy, transit, and government, focusing on citizen-centric efforts that enhance residents'
quality of life while encouraging healthy urban development [18].
2.3 Key Challenges in Traffic Management
Urban traffic management is fraught with various difficulties, including traffic jams,
inadequate infrastructure for integrating trains or buses, safety issues while integrating the
Internet in behavioral shifts, environmental effects, and financial limitations. A
comprehensive strategy, including cooperation between several stakeholders and applying
numerous tactics, including behavioral modifications, is needed to address these issues [19].
Cities may work toward implementing systems for traffic control and implementing
complete solutions.
Urban regions with frequent traffic present several issues for traffic management. Among
the principal obstacles are:
1. Congestions: Many cities have serious traffic congestion problems. It wastes more
fuel than is used, resulting in environmental contamination. In order to manage
traffic, it is necessary to put in place efficient traffic management systems that
optimize traffic signal timing, allocate lanes for public transit, and encourage the use
of alternate forms of transportation like walking and cycling.
2. Infrastructure Limits: To handle expanding populations and an increasing number
of cars, many cities suffer from inadequate transportation infrastructure. The expense
of constructing new highways or expanding existing ones can be substantial, and
there may be opposition because of space constraints in crowded places or ecological
issues [19-20].
3. Integrating with Urban Transport: Promoting public transportation is crucial to
lowering pollution and traffic because different public transportation modes, such as
buses and trains in metros, have separate operating systems besides timetables for
fare structures. While combining them can be difficult, open transportation must be
better connected and coordinated across various systems to increase passenger
attraction and convenience.
4. Security Worries: One major obstacle to traffic management is the number of traffic
accidents and deaths [20]. Enforcing traffic regulations and putting in place
pedestrian crossings, speed bumps, and traffic signals are crucial steps in improving
road safety and lowering accident rates.
5. Technology Integrations: Advancements in technologies in which intelligent
transport systems (ITS) and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication offer
opportunities to improve traffic; incorporating these skills into existing organizations
and ensuring compatibility among different systems can be multifaceted and costly.
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
9 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
Waste Using fog nodes to observe seal points in trash baskets is being boosted
Management by leftover collection routes to facilitate recycling initiatives with
further efficient waste management and reduced environmental
influence in smart cities.
Smart-Park Deploying fog-based solutions to monitor parking spaces provides
system drivers with information on availability via mobile apps and optimizes
parking resource utilization to reduce traffic congestion and releases.
10 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
The agent can adjust signal phases based on real-time traffic density, reducing idle
times and improving the flow of vehicles through intersections.
4. Incident Detection and Management: Machine learning models are used to detect
and respond to traffic incidents, such as accidents caused by road closures. In real-
time, facts from web cameras and sensors inside models can identify unusual patterns
that indicate an incident [26] once AI systems can notify relevant authorities and
provide alternative routing suggestions to mitigate the impact on the complete rush-
hour traffic stream.
2.6 Research Gap
A study of the scientific literature on computerized fog applications in traffic management
and smart cities provides important new insights into the possible advantages and difficulties
of combining fog computing with Internet of Things technology. Because of the abundance
of knowledge, there are substantial gaps in research that demand more study. Even though
the benefits of fog computing and increased security have been extensively discussed in
deeper empirical research, case studies are required to show the technology's practical
effectiveness in traffic control circumstances. Research that has already been done frequently
concentrates on theoretical models or simulations and lacks hard data on how well they
operate in urban settings. The relationship between fog computing and technology like
blockchain and artificial intelligence is largely unexplored in the context of smart traffic
management. Examining how these complementary technologies might work together to
manage traffic issues more successfully and economically may yield insightful information
for both practical applications and future research.
3. Research Methodology
In the methodology section, which describes and develops the AI-based framework with fog
computing technologies to manage and optimize the real-time traffic network system to
enhance its latency and response times, various components are interconnected in a frame,
like nodes, to make the network more secure:
11 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
12 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
• Fog Nodes (Fog Layer): To route data in real-time to perform local analytics and
communicate with other fog nodes for a synchronized response. They also interact
per cloud layer for complex data analysis and modeling.
• Cloud Servers (Cloud Layer): Store historical data from vehicles to train with AI
models and update fog nodes using sophisticated models.
• AI Models (AI Layer): Organized across fog and cloud layers for traffic predictions,
congestion detection, and optimization of traffic signals.
3.2 Data Collection
A range of data types is necessary for real-time traffic management to be effective. The
number, velocity, and percentage of vehicles in the line of traffic offer important information
on the condition of the roadway network today. The connectivity of environmental
information within the management system is necessary since it affects traffic patterns and
safety. This data includes weather and road surface states. Data on incidents related to
crashes and blocked roads is essential for quick reactions and rerouting plans to reduce
traffic. Feedback on the present traffic management measures is provided via signal timings
and traffic light statuses to enable dynamic modifications to improve flow. Real-time
tracking and traffic condition prediction are made possible by the exact position and
movement information provided by GPS data from automobiles. These many kinds of data
combine to create a large dataset that drives the AI-powered fog computing system for
effective and flexible traffic control.
3.2.1 Methods of Data Collection
• Sensors: These are to be embedded in roads to monitor vehicle count and speed.
• Cameras: They provide visual data aimed at traffic flow and incident detection.
• GPS-Signals Data: Installed in buses to track their position and undertaking.
• Mobile Signals Data: Collect data after travelers (e.g., Google Maps).
3.3 Data Preprocessing
Real-time traffic data is handled on fog nodes via many stages, such as preprocessing to
standardize and aggregate the data for analysis and filtering out redundant or unnecessary
information to save processing burden. These nodes provide local analytics using minimal
AI models to anticipate traffic conditions and identify patterns quickly. To optimize traffic
management in real-time, various techniques are utilized in neural networks for complex
pattern recognition models for regression for traffic flow forecasting, machine learning for
adaptable signal regulation, and algorithms that cluster data for congested hotspot discovery.
3.3.1 Real Times Data Process In Fog
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ISSN: 3246-544X
14 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
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Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
Table 2 compares signal timings beforehand and after optimization, demonstrating how
traffic signal control procedures can vigorously adjust signal techniques to enhance traffic
adeptness and decrease congestion at connections within the urban traffic network.
3.5 Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
15 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
Machine learning and deep learning play crucial roles in modern traffic management
systems, offering powerful tools for predicting traffic, optimizing it, and pattern recognition.
These models influence old data and real-time responses to forecast traffic situations to
enhance traffic management and detect anomalies, accidents, or unusual traffic patterns.
Machine learning algorithms include time series forecasting and monitoring traffic volume
and congestion levels as well as reinforcement learning and optimization techniques to adjust
traffic control strategies [29]. The deep learning models implemented were CNNs and the
Adam-optimizer model, which excel in pattern recognition by detecting occurrences and
anomalies from traffic camera feeds and sensor data. The outputs generated by these models
provide real-time traffic insides for predictive analytics and optimized traffic management
authorities to make informed verdicts and traffic proficiency in urban atmospheres.
3.5.1 Traffic Prediction
Machine learning models forecast traffic situations using current and past statistics. To
predict the circulation of degrees in traffic jams and commute times, these models examine
some variables, including past traffic patterns with different times in the morning and days
to cover the environment and holidays.
• Time series models (ARIMA and LSTM) are frequently employed to forecast
traffic volume and congestion conditions over time.
• Regression models, which consist of the random forest model and logistic
regression, forecast traffic taking into account previous data, the specific
moment of day, and the climate.
3.5.2 Traffic Optimization
In order to decrease traffic congestion and maximize traffic flow in real time, machine
learning and optimization approaches are utilized.
• These models assess the state of the traffic and modify route advice, traffic lights,
and other traffic control techniques to increase effectiveness.
• Reinforcement learning algorithms are applied to feature technologies like Q-
learning and Deep Q-Networks (DQN), which acquire the most effective
management policies through interaction with the surroundings and input on how
well their actions work.
• The timing of traffic signals and control schemes can be improved by using these
• Genetic algorithms: To enhance traffic routing techniques, signaling timings and
additional traffic management tactics may be optimized via optimization techniques
like ant colony and particle swarm optimization.
16 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
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ISSN: 3246-544X
17 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
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ISSN: 3246-544X
deployment reduced
modernizes. physical errors.
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ISSN: 3246-544X
In this part, to evaluate the performance metrics, Some calculation metrics were working to
quantify the performance of the fog-computing-created AI structures:
1. Reductions for Congestion-systems: Calculated as per the percentage decrease in
traffic congestion stages compared to starting point scenarios. The formula for
calculating decreasing in blocking is:
Calculation Case:
19 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Development
in Computing Science
Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal
ISSN: 3246-544X
The framework correspondingly displayed rapid response times of traffic detections with
incident discovery and reaction stirring within minutes to improve traffic flow while
minimizing suggestive delays.
4.4 Comparative Analysis with Existing Studies
This table examines several elements, applicable methodologies, final results, and
constraints of fog computing with the management and optimization of real-time traffic from
earlier research investigations.
Table 5: Comparative Analysis
Authors- Pub- Aspects Methods- Results Limitations
names Years Techniques
Smith et 2018 Traffic LSTM, Time Improved Limited dataset
al. Prediction Series Analysis accuracy in availability
Johnson et 2019 Congestion GA, PSO, ACO Reduced The simulation-
al. Management congestion based study may not
levels by 25% reflect real-world
Wang and 2020 Incident CNN, Pattern Increased Reliance on high-
Liu Detection Recognition incident quality camera
detection feeds
accuracy by
Chen et al. 2021 Route Reinforcement Optimized Computational
Optimization Learning route guidance, complexity,
reduced travel training time
20 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
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ISSN: 3246-544X
21 A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
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ISSN: 3246-544X
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