Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
What is an image?
An image is defined as a two-dimensional function,F(x,y),
where x and y are spatial coordinates, and the amplitude
of F at any pair of coordinates (x,y) is called the intensity of
that image at that point. When x,y, and amplitude values
of F are finite, we call it a digital image.
In other words, an image can be defined by a two-dimensional
array specifically arranged in rows and columns.
Digital Image is composed of a finite number of elements, each
of which elements have a particular value at a particular
location.These elements are referred to as picture
elements,image elements,and pixels.A Pixel is most widely
used to denote the elements of a Digital Image.
Types of an image
1. BINARY IMAGE– The binary image as its name suggests,
contain only two pixel elements i.e 0 & 1,where 0 refers to
black and 1 refers to white. This image is also known as
2. BLACK AND WHITE IMAGE– The image which consist of
only black and white color is called BLACK AND WHITE
3. 8 bit COLOR FORMAT– It is the most famous image
format.It has 256 different shades of colors in it and
commonly known as Grayscale Image. In this format, 0
stands for Black, and 255 stands for white, and 127 stands
for gray.
4. 16 bit COLOR FORMAT– It is a color image format. It has
65,536 different colors in it.It is also known as High Color
Format. In this format the distribution of color is not as same
as Grayscale image.
A 16 bit format is actually divided into three further formats
which are Red, Green and Blue. That famous RGB format.
Image as a Matrix
As we know, images are represented in rows and columns we
have the following syntax in which images are represented:
Image processing has been extensively used in medical research and has enabled more efficient
and accurate treatment plans. For example, it can be used for the early detection of breast cancer
using a sophisticated nodule detection algorithm in breast scans. Since medical usage calls for
highly trained image processors, these applications require significant implementation and
evaluation before they can be accepted for use.
In the case of traffic sensors, we use a video image processing system or VIPS. This consists of
a) an image capturing system b) a telecommunication system and c) an image processing system.
When capturing video, a VIPS has several detection zones which output an “on” signal whenever
a vehicle enters the zone, and then output an “off” signal whenever the vehicle exits the detection
zone. These detection zones can be set up for multiple lanes and can be used to sense the traffic
in a particular station.
Left - normal traffic image | Right - a VIPS image with detection zones (source)
Besides this, it can auto record the license plate of the vehicle, distinguish the type of vehicle,
monitor the speed of the driver on the highway and lots more.
Image Reconstruction
Image processing can be used to recover and fill in the missing or corrupt parts of an image. This
involves using image processing systems that have been trained extensively with existing photo
datasets to create newer versions of old and damaged photos.
Face Detection
One of the most common applications of image processing that we use today is face detection. It
follows deep learning algorithms where the machine is first trained with the specific features of
human faces, such as the shape of the face, the distance between the eyes, etc. After teaching the
machine these human face features, it will start to accept all objects in an image that resemble a
human face. Face detection is a vital tool used in security, biometrics and even filters available
on most social media apps these days.
Benefits of Image Processing
The implementation of image processing techniques has had a massive impact on many tech
organizations. Here are some of the most useful benefits of image processing, regardless of the
field of operation:
The digital image can be made available in any desired format (improved image, X-Ray,
photo negative, etc)
Information can be processed and extracted from images for machine interpretation
The pixels in the image can be manipulated to any desired density and contrast