Practice Exam for the Abdomen
Practice Exam for the Abdomen
Practice Exam for the Abdomen
A. T8
B. T10
7. The abdominal C. T12
aorta passes D. L1
through the E. L2
diaphragm at which
vertebral level?
A. gastrosplenic ligament
B. gastrohepatic ligament
8. The common bile C. hepatoduodenal ligament
duct, hepatic artery D. gastrocolic ligament
and postal vein are E. falciform ligament
found grouped
together in the:
A. hepatoduodenal ligament
B. peritoneum over the inferior vena cava
C. peritoneum on the caudate lobe of the liver
11. The epiploic D. free border of the greater omentum
foramen is bounded E. peritoneum at the beginning of the duodenum
anteriorly by the:
A. vagus nerve
B. thoracic splanchnic nerve
11. Motor C. 3rd, 4th and 5th thoracic nerves
innervation to the D. phrenic nerve
respiratory E. recurrent laryngeal nerve
diaphragm is the:
A. hepatic duct
B. common hepatic duct
12. The common C. cystic duct
bile duct and major D. cisterna chyli
pancreatic duct join E. ampulla of Vater
to form the:
A. gastrosplenic ligament
B. left triangular ligament of the liver
13. Each of the C. greater omentum
following forms a D. lesser omentum
boundary of the E. splenorenal ligament
lesser peritoneal sac
A. superior mesenteric
15. When removing B. left gastric
the spleen, a C. left gastroepiploic
surgeon must be D. superior pancreaticoduodenal
careful not to cut E. left renal
one of its branches,
A. obturator
16. Which of the B. deep external pudendal
following arteries is C. femoral
used to characterize D. superficial circumflex iliac
an inguinal hernia E. inferior epigastric
as direct or
A. tunica vaginalis
B. transversus abdominis aponeurosis
C. external oblique aponeurosis
20. The external D. extraperitoneal fascia
spermatic fascia is E. internal oblique aponeurosis
derived from the:
A. ischiopubic ramus
B. pubic symphysis
21. The perineum is C. apex of the coccyx
bounded by all of D. urogenital diaphragm
the following E. sacrotuberous ligament
A. penile urethra
22. The portion of B. spongy urethra
the male urethra C. membranous urethra
that passes through D. prostatic urethra
the urogenital E. external urethral sphincter
diaphragm is called
A. round ligament
25. The portion of B. mesovarium
the broad ligament C. mesometrium
of the uterus that D. mesosalpinx
attaches to the E. parametrium
uterine tube is
known as the:
In the adjacent
diagram of a
sagittal section
through the female
pelvis, select a
letter that answers
the question or
26. A space or
recess used to reach
the urinary bladder
without entering the
peritoneal cavity:
27. A space or
recess easily
entered from the
posterior fornix of
the vagina
28. Anastomosis of
the left
artery with the right
artery occurs here:
Match the
numbered statement
with the lettered
30. independent A. rectus abdominis
contraction of this B. iliacus
muscle results in C. internal oblique
D. transverse abdominis
trunk flexion
E. quadratus lumborum
31. independent
contraction of this
muscle aids in
rotation of the trunk
41. contraction of
this muscle
stabilizes the 12th