Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over time there are
changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?
1. What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
- I think that due to the integration of technology into the classroom, which offers
efficient learning environments, changes are occurring in the face-to-face
learning setting. It influences the way chairs and tables are arranged, and there
are areas that need to be set aside, among other aspects.
2. From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
- The most important changes I think I can implement are related to the entire
classroom layout. I intend to make my classroom more innovative by using the
Field Study 2
Learning Episode 6: Enhancing Face-to-Face Learning Environment
available technologies. I believe that I should concentrate on elements that
eliminate distractions from the classroom and aid students in their development.
Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom will
enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Yes Explain your answer.
- The most important changes I think I can implement are related to the entire
classroom layout. I intend to make my classroom more innovative by using the
available technologies. I believe that I should concentrate on elements that
eliminate distractions from the classroom and aid students in their development.