Gatsby Study Guide
Gatsby Study Guide
Gatsby Study Guide
Name:_____________________ Hour:__________________
Please answer the following questions with as much information as possible from the book.
1. What is the exact quote from Nick Carraway’s father that Nick has “been turning over in
[his] mind ever since”?
2. Nick wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the
____________ __________.
3. Who is the only person exempt from this reaction? ________________
4. What is the only thing that Nick doesn’t like about Gatsby? (HINT: end of the
paragraph that answers the question to answer three.)
5. Why does Nick go East? _______________________
6. When does Nick go East, exactly? ________________________________
7. List four different colors with page numbers found in Chapter 1.
8. When does the history of the summer really begin?
9. What does Tom seem to say that shows he is arrogant, demanding, and in control?
10. Sitting on the couch, the two females dressed in white seem to represent or symbolize
two ___________________.
11. How old is Tom? ________________.
12. What is the name of the book Tom reads?______________________ What do you
suppose it is about? ______________________________________
13. Who calls while everyone is eating dinner? _________________________.
14. Why is Daisy “pretty cynical about everything”? _____________________.
15. What does Daisy say when Pammy is born? _________________________.
16. Nick “heard some story of her (Jordan) too, a ___________, __________ _______.”
17. What does Daisy want to do to Nick and Jordan as Jordan is heading off to bed so she
can be ready for her golf tournament? _____________________
18. What does Daisy hear about Nick and someone else from out West?
_______________________________. What is Nick’s reply? ____________
19. Who does Nick see “standing with his hands in his pockets regarding the silver pepper of
the stars”? _________________
20. Once Nick sees this person, the man seems to reach his arms out toward the “dark
water.” “I [Nick] could have sworn he [the man] was ______________.”
21. What does Nick see across the bay? ____________________
22. Nick glances out across the bay to see what this man was watching. However, when
Nick turns back to the man, the man had ______________________.
Quiz over Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby
Name:______________________ Class:_______________________
Please answer the following questions with as much information as possible from the book.
1. What is the simile that is used to talk about the valley of ashes?
2. What drifts endlessly over the valley of ashes? (HINT: eyes) ________________
___________________ Describe them from your book. ___________________
3. What is Nick doing with Tom in the valley of ashes? ______________________
4. If Nick didn’t get off the train with Tom, what would Tom probably do?
Again, this shows another example of Tom’s _________________ nature.
5. Whose business is located in the valley of ashes? Use description of sign from book.
6. Describe George B. Wilson.___________________________________________
7. What does Wilson want from Tom? ____________________________________
8. Compare & contrast Myrtle and Daisy by looking at the descriptions from Chapter 1 and 2.
9. Look at your notes on Dr. T. J. Eckleberg. Why does Tom frown at the sign as he leaves
Wilson’s garage? _____________________________________________
10. George is so ______________ he doesn’t know he’s alive.
11. What kind of taxi cab does Myrtle select? _______________ Why?___________
12. What does Catherine whisper to Nick while at the party? ___________________
13. According to Catherine, why don’t Tom and Daisy divorce? _________________
14. What did George do for Myrtle and his wedding that was so odd?
15. When Myrtle first met Tom on the train, what did she say “over and over”?
16. What does Tom do to Myrtle at the party? ______________________________
Quiz over Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby
1. Why do you suppose Fitzgerald has men and girls attending Gatsby’s parties?
2. Find and list three different colors (not fruits) with page numbers from Chapter 3.
3. How many people are invited to Gatsby’s parties?________________ Who is the only
one invited?____________________________ Why is he the only one? (HINT: his
proximity) ______________________________________________________________
4. What does Lucille receive from Gatsby?_____________________ How much was it to
replace? ______________________________
5. What are four specific rumors about Gatsby from Chapter 3?
6. What do Nick and Gatsby have in common that is the “ice-breaker” for their
conversational piece at the party?
7. What noun does Gatsby use to continually address Nick?________________________
8. How old is Gatsby? _______________
9. Why did Gatsby have to leave Nick’s company so quickly during their first
10. Describe what Nick sees as the orchestra leader starts to play Vladimir Tostoff’s Jazz
History of the World? Summarize using all three lines.
11. Who wants to see Jordan, alone? ___________________________
12. Why are the husbands and wives fighting at the conclusion of the party?____________
13. Why is Jordan so excited as she exits the library after talking to Gatsby? ____________
14. What are Nick and Gatsby going to do “tomorrow morning” at nine o’clock?
15. Why did Gatsby leave this conversation so quickly?_____________________________
16. What happened as everyone was leaving Gatsby’s party (HINT: wheel)?
17. What are three things Nick talks about, or does, after he sees the strange event after
Gatsby’s party?
18. A few pages before Chapter 3 ends, what is it that Nick remembers that he had forgotten
on the first night at the Buchanan’s in regards to Jordan Baker? Be specific.
19. What does Nick accuse Jordan of being as they drive off on the first “so-called” date?
________________________________________________________ What is her
reply? _________________________________________________________________
20. What is Nick’s cardinal virtue?______________________________________________
The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Quiz
Answer the following questions using your book. Only answers from the book will
be correct.
15. Who does Jordan find the night before Daisy’s bridal dinner in Daisy’s bed?
__________________________ Describe the scene filling in the blanks
below. _______________________________________________________
16. Why do you suppose Daisy is so sad and miserable? (HINT: soldier)
17. Tom gets into a wreck in Santa Barbara. Who is with
18. What does Daisy hear about six weeks ago when Nick first went over to
visit her and Tom?____________________________
19. Why does Gatsby buy the house in West Egg? _______________________
20. What is the “BIG” favor that Gatsby wanted Jordan to ask Nick to do for
him? ________________________________________________________
21. What does Jordan think Gatsby “half expected . . .some night”?
22. T or F Nick is supposed to call and tell Daisy that Gatsby wants to meet
her at Nick’s.
The Great Gatsby Chapter 5 Quiz
b. Gatsby: