Visiting Form
Visiting Form
Visiting Form
Offender Name DOC Number Facility
The above named offender has asked that you be placed on his/her approved visitor list. If you wish to visit this offender please complete this questionnaire completely and return it to at You will be notified by the offender if and when you are approved to visit. If you are approved for visits, you should be aware that specific dress standards apply. Please check with the offender or facility prior to your first visit to ensure compliance with the dress code. If you do not return this questionnaire within 30 days, we will assume you do not wish to visit. . .
READ CAREFULLY: All questions MUST be answered. Any omission or falsification of this questionnaire will be sufficient reason to deny or cancel visiting privileges. If you are under the age of 18, you must have notarized written consent from your parent or legal guardian to visit. Minors must be accompanied during the visit by a parent or legal guardian. Please return your questionnaire by _____/______/_____, or we will assume you do not wish to visit.
Name (First, MI, Last) Mailing Address Telephone Number ( ) Maiden Name Height Weight (Street) Social Security Number* Previous Married Names Eyes Hair Gender Race Date of Birth (City) ID Type (State) Place of Birth (Zip code) ID Number Drivers License Number Email Address
Relationship to Offender: (e.g., mother, wife, friend, etc.) Proof of Relationship may be required. Visiting Rules Received? Yes No
Have you ever been involved in illegal or criminal activity with this offender Yes No. If "yes", when and where?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If "yes, when and where?
Are you presently under active supervision by any state or local criminal justice entity? Yes No
Are you now or have you ever been employed by the Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) or by a current/former contractor or volunteered for DOC? Yes No Unknown. If "yes," where did you work and when?
If "yes", you must be an immediate family member and submit with this questionnaire written permission to visit from your supervising authority. Are you presently approved to visit any other offender? Yes No. If "yes", please list name, date, DOC number, relationship, and location:
Country of citizenship Have you ever been incarcerated in the Department of Corrections? Yes No. Release Date:
Have you ever been approved to visit any other offender? Yes No. If "yes", please list name, date, DOC number, relationship, and location:
Number of months you have known offender. Have you ever been denied visiting privileges at a Department of Corrections facility? Yes No. If "yes," when, where and why?
NOTE: You may not visit offenders at more than one facility unless you have the approval of the superintendent's of the applicable facilities.
*Your Social Security Number is requested under the authority granted
to a Superintendent pursuant to RCW 72.02.045 and will be used to perform a background check to ensure that you meet the criteria and eligibility for entering an adult correctional facility. Disclosure of your Social Security Number is mandatory if you wish to be granted visitation privileges. Information received may be shared with other law enforcement agencies when appropriate. DOC 20-060 FRONT (Rev. 11/07/11)
DOC 450.300
I understand that a background check will be conducted, including arrests and convictions. I understand that untruthful or misleading answers or deliberate omissions will be cause for rejection of my application, removal of my name from eligible visitor lists, or termination of my visiting privileges, if approved. SEARCH OF VISITORS: To prevent possible delivery of weapons, controlled substances, or contraband to offenders, all visitors are subject to pat, strip, electronic, locker, vehicle, and canine searches and inspections of any purses, packages, briefcases, or similar containers which are brought onto the premises or the facility grounds. REFUSAL TO BE SEARCHED: A visitor has the option of refusing to be searched, but may then be removed from the facility and denied visiting privileges or entrance to the facility for a period not to exceed 90 days. If a visitor refuses to be searched on more than one instance, their visiting privileges may be denied permanently. I, the undersigned, understand the search procedures written above and hereby grant authority to the facility to search my person or property in compliance with these procedures.
Signature Date
PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN CONSENT Notarized, written permission from a non-incarcerated parent or legal guardian is required before a minor (i.e., under the age of 18) may visit an offender. I understand that the visits may be contact visits. A certified copy of the minor's birth certificate and, if appropriate, a copy of the filed court order establishing legal guardianship must accompany this form. Please include a self addressed stamped envelope if you would like the originals returned to you. I,
Full Name (print) Signature
legal guardian or parent, for the above named person to visit offender
Offender Name
residing at
DOC Number Facility
Month, Year
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the state of _____________________________ Title Printed Name My Commission Expires
Approved Reason:
Entered into Info Port By Date The contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure. Social Security Numbers are considered confidential information and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.56, and RCW 40.14 ORIGINAL Distribution: Electronic Imaging File DOC 20-060 BACK (Rev. 11/07/11) Signature Date
DOC 450.300