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Mem DDR DDR DDR Verify this cheat I would like to report a problem with this cheat Mor
Vid ATI Cleaning without Cleaning. eVG XFX On ballprop cheats [ctrl+shift+c at the same time then type in 'ballprop testingcheatsenabled true'] go over to Sapp somthing that need's cleaning shift+click on it and then click on 'Make cleaning status...' and then it will come up with 'Dirty', 'Clean', somthimes 'Ultra-Clean' and somtimes 'Ultra-Dirty'. Click on the Clean status you want and you PNY are good to go. Clean/Dirty in an instant! Mor
Hope this helped! Happy Simming! ~ SimsCheats
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: SimsCheats on February 25, 2011
Verified by: SkyNight, savannah1994Submitted by: lightsaber duel on June 13, 2009
Dream Dates....
Start of by going to a community lot.Take a bit of time for some sims to come.When you see a sim you like there chat
to them until you are friends with them.Then go home.When you are at home buy a phone and invite them over.Simple Right?Well this bit makes it a bit hard.When they are round your house keep on chatting with them until you are 100.Then ask them on a date.Personally,i prefer to stay at home with them but you can dine out or go to a community lot.Start by admiring them and stuff like that.MAKE SURE YOU DO WHAT BOTH OF YOUR SIM'S WANT TO MAKE A DREAM DATE HAPPEN.If you do a big event with them like have your first kiss with them then you should get a time extension.When you have a crush on them and it is a dream date and you are in love with them propose to them to 'Stay The Night' or 'Move In'.Hopefully he or she will say yes.Then i would propose for engagement after lost of hugging ,flirting and kissing.If they say yes (again) then immediatly propose for marriage.Then make them relax on a bed and then click 'Woohoo'....After, click'Try For A Baby'.Then type in the boolprop cheat and slide up their green health bars.CONGRATULATIONS!You have started your wonderful family in just 20-30 minutes!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: RoselandFamily on April 29, 2011
Infinite Pizza!
Bring up the cheats box and type in move_objects on get a piece of pizza and when it's in your Sims hand hold onto the pizza and press shift and you should have clone of the pizza. You can eat it again and again.
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Just a laugh
Get your sims to do a woohoo in a hotub, and enter the cheat moveObjects (dont worry about capitals), then go into buy mode and move one of the sims out of the hot tub and onto the deck. The sim will dive through the deck
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First put the "move objects" cheat on then call a nanny. When she/he gets there go into "buy objects" then click on the nanny and delete her. Then next time when you call the nanny it will be the same Sim so just do that again.
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No school - EVER!!!!!!!
Are your sim children and teens sick of going to school? Do you want more time than just the week days and holiday? Then I have the answer!!!!! 1) Pull up the cheat window 2) Type in ..... boolprop testingcheatsenabled true 3) Shift click on any sim 4) Go to 'Spawn...', then find 'scenario check' 5) You should see a bright yellow box appear near your sim 6) Swap to the child who no longer shall go to school 7) Click on the box 8) Choose 'Add me to Private School' 9) Once this is done, no more school! Tip: The school panel might not change straight away, so go to needs pannel and back. Voila! No more school!
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Quick promotion
Tired of being at level 1? Get the cheat bar up and type the boolprop cheat and shift then click the newspaper and look at the menu
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Erin on September 13, 2011
Do you want to have twins? Lets get started... Your sim has to be pregnant then open the cheat box (control,shift then c) type in 'forcetwins' remember try again <3
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Get 999,999
To get alot of money you can enter the motherlode cheat but if you want a big amount it can get annoying having to type it so many times. But you can get 999,999 quick without having to enter motherlode. First, You need open for buisness. Buy a lot and open up a store. Then, put something cheap on the ground like a gnome. Select it and set the price to 999,999. Then put in boolProp testingheatsenabled true. Press shift and click on a customer. Then click on MAKE SELECTABLE. As the customer, go and click on the gnome and buy it. Go the the register and click pay for items. Just before they finish paying, press shift again and click MAKE UNSELECTABLE. The Person will give you the money and you will have 999,999 dollars!
Youu can repeat this over and over, because there is no limit to the amount the customer has!
Add more "Get rich, quick and easy."
What it does
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Debug Mode - Create your sim with clothes that only NPC's can wear!
Ever wanted your sim to wear... a superhero costume? Ever wanted your sim to dress up as the Social Bunny? Ever wanted to dress up your sim in any clothes that only NPC's can wear? Now you can! Debug Mode let's you create your sims and make them wear clothes that only NPC's can wear, such as the Grim Repear costume.
How to unlock Enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true into the cheat box and go to create family. Press SHIFT and N on anything.
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Add more "Debug Mode - Create your sim with clothes that only NPC's can wear!" Verified by: need money, lauragraceSubmitted by: deadriclady kristy on October 07, 2010
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Violet on August 06, 2011
2 fun things
I know how to do 2 fun things the first one is: FLOATING HOUSE: to build a floating house you have to take those pillar things and make a square filled with them then put flooring on top of them. Now comes the ANNOYING part!!! Delete all the pillars and then finish your house a such. Don't add a front door that's useless just take normal steps and put them up to the house. And you have a floating house! TIP: do not spend to much time deleting the pillars you can see them perfectly in live mode. the second one is: FUNNY PHOTOS: to make a funny photo first tell your sim to do another thing with another Sim. When their in the middle of it pause the game and then type in the cheat "move_objects on" { without the """} then go into build or buy mode and move one of the sims away from the other an press "c" to take a photo but before you continue the game put them back the way they started because I manneged to have the man holding on to the womans feet continued and by the time they were done she was dead. <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> AN EXTRA FUNNY PHOTO :take two sims who love each other and go under HUG and select LEAP INTO ARMS and do what I told you then the sim who was leaping into the others arms will be floating in mid air an the other will be looking like I don't know... WEIRD!!!! But remember put them back were they started.
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4 stories, not 3
Did you know that you can make 4 stories? You can't get a roof but you don't need a roof since there is no weather (Sims 2 Seasons aside). No trick you have to do, just try it. You can make 4 stories.
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Verified by: I am stupid HELP, loveu2bits29Submitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 19, 2004
Verified by: tigirlangel, aloobahSubmitted by: Lil doodle on October 13, 2008
Verified by: alex115, bored_person167Submitted by: La Vie Boheme on April 21, 2006
Alien Babies
To get an alien baby you must get one of your adult male family members abducted by aliens. To do this, stargaze or look into a telescope. There's a chance that they will be abducted. When they come back down they will be pregnant and a few days later, a little alien sim will be born.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: emilyt4 on September 13, 2011
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Big Bucks
ok, here is how to set a baby on the road to sucess. buy the 3 toddler toys (xylophone thing, rabbit head thing, and the logic puzzle thing.) Have someone in the family feed the baby the smart milk (from asp. rewards) and have them play with the 3 toys, they will gain logic, charisma and creativity, perfect for a politics career. Once you have enough points that you want move on to the child stage and in your free time practice those skills and same in the teenager stage. When your an adult get a job in the politics career and you will skip the low jobs. My guy started making around $800 a day on his first day of work. P.S. Make sure you make a lot of friends along the way, you need a lot to be in the politics carrer
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Clogged toilets?
If you have clogged toilets and you don't want to unclog them yourself, try this. Go over to your phone and click, "services." Then click on "Repair Man." After this, then a repair man will come over to your house and unclog your toilet for you. Problem solved
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Custom Painting
To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life. Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time to take a snapshot. This will pause the game. Use Alt + Tab to exit the game, then open a picture program such as Paint and open the snapshot you just took, it will usually be in the folder: C:\My Documents\EA\Sims2\Storytelling\Snapshot.bmp Then, you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game. If your picture is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game. Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game, then save the picture. Use Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom picture. Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Krunal on December 12, 2004
once the cheat [boolprop testingcheatsenabled true] is activated, shift click your sim and select "spawn... tombstone of L and D [life and death]" select the option to make your sim pregnant (male or female! haha) and then select "speed up my pregnancy". you see, your sim gets given 3 days maternity leave when they fall pregnant, but if you speed up the pregnancy, you only use about one of those days! the rest stay there. also, once the baby is born you get more maternity days! so shift+click the baby and select "make selectable" twice, select the baby and then click on the tombstone and click "age cinematic" then you can age the toddler to a teenager and move them out, or kill them or keep them, whatever. ALSO! a lot of people say that the capitals in cheats matter. THEY DONT. seriously, its not case sensitive. and a LOT of people have given the warning the if you delete a sim with the moveobjects on cheat, NOT TO SAVE OR YOUR SIM IS GONE FOREVER!!! DUN DUN DUN! ... NOT TRUE. if you save then exit to the neighbourhood, go back into the house, THEYRE BACK! VIOLA! just as if they moved in there too! fresh as daisies with perfect happiness <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> so seriously, YOU CAN SAVE IF YOU DELETE YOUR SIM. thats uh, all for now X'D ~xxtmebombxx
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: hannahjury on January 29, 2009
Doggy Toddler!
Okay, make sure you have the sims two pets expansion pack. Then, your toddlers can sleep in the doggy bed! No more expensive cribs!
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Don't do this!
If you are inviting your childs Headmaster for dinner and the parents are Woohoo - ing the Headmaster will say somethin' like this family is not fitted for a private school. He will also say that you don't have C or higher grades.
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Don't do this!
One day when I had just discovered the move_items on cheat, one of my sims died. So I decided to be stupid and sell the Grim Reaper. (For $0) Bad idea. It wouldn't let me save, go to the neighborhood, or exit! You can get out of that by ctrl+alt+delete, which I did. xD
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Download Sites : )
Okay well if you need any Download Sites for your sims 2 here they are : ) websites: :)
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: MdeeLove on October 01, 2010
Verified by: tamyra, Hidden_ _WolfSubmitted by: Teddysrule on January 04, 2006
Ok before you build a house and lay down a floor take the shovel tool and dig a giant hole in the middle of the ground and turn on the move objects cheat. Wait for someone to walk to your house and put them in the hole. Congrats you've got a dungeon!
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Easy A+
Kids getting crap marks? Do the boolprop thing, and find any other random passing sim, hold shift and click them, choose MAKE SELECTABLE and tell them to do the homework. Then, do the same thing and click make unselectabe, and tada! Better, easy grades!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Germa88 on November 24, 2009
promotion. Then if you have the skills keep going until you don't have the nessissary skills. At that point get another job. This will allow you to get the bonuses day after day after day and you don't have to loose any time.
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Verified by: I am stupid HELP, apple_tree_threeSubmitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 19, 2004
Verified by: FreeSquirrel13, Alexandra StrangSubmitted by: Holly on April 27, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on August 05, 2011
Empty fridge?
If your going to get something from the fridge and it's empty... do this. Instead of calling delivery groceries and waiting a long time before they get here, go to buy mode. Sell your current fridge and just buy another one in it's place. It's full of food and your ready to go.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Jenny on September 08, 2011
This is a really quick and easy way to get the Want of 'Cheat Death' or whatever it is. xoxo
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Verified by: Brilo, rachael_elizabethSubmitted by: emi rules on April 20, 2008
Verified by: Star7044, iiwuvyoSubmitted by: beckys punx on June 29, 2005
Verified by: La Vie Boheme, physcoblondeSubmitted by: simzexpert on January 28, 2006
full skills
First bring up the cheat box and type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" (no quotes) then buy a exercise machine, bookcase, chess table, piano. put the game on very fast then let em get full on 1 skill make them change (to get up cookin cleanin and mechanical study a book for body use an exercise machine for logic use the chess table and for the creativity play the piano) but when your sim goes yello on needs hold shift and click on the letterbox then click the option make all happy, you will need to this alot when they are gettin up body. good luck
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Verified by: MiguelChiclana, BriloSubmitted by: Bass player on February 10, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: kimmy on January 26, 2007
pause in the middle of it. When you pause it, they should be in mid-makeout. With the cheat already on, go to the buy mode and move one of the Sims around the other so that when you are done, it is horizontal and attached to the other Sim. Now you unpause. When you are back in motion, the sim still standing should be lassoing or twirling the sim on its side. they will do this for about 20 seconds, and when it is over, the Sim being lassoed will disappear.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Chelsea on June 22, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on December 08, 2008
under the trash can outside Play the game pause the game then check under the trash can and its gone it realy works i do it all the time Happy simming
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Meghan on March 14, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on August 23, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: dungnugget on March 21, 2007
4. click on the grave and select "more". then select "simulate genetic merger with", and click on the sim of your choice.(one time when i did this, it came up with a toy car, so i selected it lol) 5. when you hear the music, you know your sim is pregnant. you can speed up this process by clicking on the grave and searching for "speed up pregnancy" with the pregnant sim. 6. you can also change their clothing as well! you can change it to any type of clothing but there are 4 dresses that i pick when my sim is pregnant because they show the stomach and it looks realistic. all you need to do is get the clothing tester from spawn and force redress, if you have bought the dresses, you can plan the pregnant sim's outfit by clicking on the clothing rack and selecting plan outfit! hope this help for all sim lovers!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: NicciManga on October 23, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: TheSimMan on January 11, 2011
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: PrettyDemitris on October 08, 2007
Grimreaper Controlable
Create a family and when you are happy with all the charactures create a roomie that is just a wast of space. get in a house and (with boolproop TestingCheatEnabled true) kill the waste of space. when the grim reaper appears to take him/her, talk to him with one or more charactures. then go to the post box, shift-click and select "add to family" or whatever it is. Just select Grim Reaper.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: kingbug on April 17, 2008
4. Look for the Aspirations... button. Press it. If you live with a lot of sims, or if they're is just a sim strolling by, you'll see they're names. 5. Press Set Me(Celeste or whatever you sims name is). Now you can change your aspiration! They're are also unfamiliar aspiration like, Grilled Cheese Aspiration! HA. 6. Have fun!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sara on January 23, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on January 23, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: elephant877 on November 11, 2008
in create a family make as many teenagers as u want, then make one adult, return to neighbourhood, buy a lot or house, move family into lot, enable the cheat ''moveObjects on'' go into bye mode and delete the adult. And voila! a teenage family...EnJoY!!
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If you want your sims to get a divorce, here's what you have to do. Start one of the sims in a relationship with another sim. Not in the family. Make them like each other. Once your sim likes another sim other than their spouse, Start making out with that sim in front of your spouse. This will get your current spouse mad. Click on your current spouse and click, "Break Up". This is how you can have your sims get a divorce. Or you can just have them fight all the time and the same thing will happen.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Tromonator133 on June 22, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kaslyna on December 31, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Skyeimagenie on June 28, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: meg on September 28, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sydney on August 05, 2011
Verified by: Alexandra StrangSubmitted by: little kitty kat on February 11, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Violet on August 05, 2011
Have fun xx
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Courtney on October 13, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Violet on August 09, 2011
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Courtney on October 13, 2008
How to get just teens with no adults and without killing anyone or moving anyone out
make an adult sim move them onto a lot then open up the cheat box ( ctrl + shift + c ) then type in Boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true then shift click on ur sim. then click spawn then keep looking until u find 'sim modder' click it. then you just look at all the different options you have click the one, i think it says, age or something like that, then click me(simsname) then click teen elder child or toddler
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mode or build mode and click on the jackhammer, then click on your sim's homework with it and it vanishes forever, and the next day when your sim goes to school it counts as finished homework!!!!
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How to make a child or toddler in university. Sims 2 university life needed.(cheats used.)
First make a toddler, kid or teen, and send it to a home. then if it is not a teen open the cheat window, (Ctrl, shift and c at the same time.) and type boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true and press enter, then hold shift and click on the sim you want to send to collage. then go to "spawn..." then go to "more..." and then on the second page at the very bottom it says sim morph or Moore, or something like that and it will show up as a random baby doll standing in front of you. so if it is a toddler or kid, while on desired sim click on the baby, (don't worry its not alive.) and press set age, then me and after "me" it should say your sims name, so click on the me section and then it says a bunch of different ages, press teen,then put the baby in your inventory, and click on the phone, then "university" and then "move to university" so then after your sim is gone, save, and go to the university that your sim will attend, and he/she will be in the sim box. put the sim in a household or dorm. Now you remember the baby thing right? put it down from your inventory and click on it with your sim, press "set age" then "me" and click on your sims original age (toddler or a kid.) and now you have a kid or toddler in university! Happy Simming!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Violet on August 05, 2011
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Taylah on February 13, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: La Vie Boheme on April 21, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: 24robbo on February 21, 2009
object highlighted with the hand tool, push these [] to go up and down! Now you can place a pic or deco at the height you want on the wall!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: bluegrassgirl on July 06, 2010
How To NOT get your kids taken away when the social worker comes!!
1. boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (write this in the cheat box Ctrl+shift+C) 2. Shift+Click On The Social Worker. Click "MAKE SELECTABLE" Keep Her Your Active Sim. 3. Let Her Put The Kids In The Car. 4. Shift+Click Her Again And Push "Force Error" 5. Push Delete. And Poof!!! She Gone Forever!! <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> 6. A Toddeler/Child/Teen Will Be In The House. A Baby Will Be Laying On The Road For An Awkward Reason :/ (I Have Double Deluxe, So I Dont Know If It Works For Any Others :/)
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How to rotate your furniture, pics, etc. so they can be placed on or along a diagonal wall!
This cheat really really helped me out and so I wanted to pass it on! Ok, make sure you've entered boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
code on the cheat window (ctrl+shift+c), then enter this cheat boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true now when you highlight and rotate an object, you get the diagonal angles, too! Great cheat for wanting to place objects along a diagonal wall. Hope this helps!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sims2_Fanatic on February 20, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: UnKnOwN on January 23, 2010
How to tell whether it is a boy or girl that you are giving birth to?
You dont need no cheats for this just as they are giving birth and it does that whole scene when the mother or even the father is holding the baby look at the eyebrows if the eyes brows go thick to thin it is a boy if they are just thin then a girl easy as that
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on December 30, 2008
2. After that have the couple in a bedroom with a bed. Then have the lonely sim that you dont want to catch you in another room with a bed. 3. After you have done that, pause the game and make the lonely sim's energy really low. And then unpause the game and make the lonely sim go to sleep. 4. Finally the couple can woo-hoo all they want when the lonely sim is sleeping! Slower Method: It's pretty much the same except you don't use the cheat to make the lonely sim tired, you just make the lonely sim tired on your own.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: MdeeLove on October 01, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: La Vie Boheme on April 21, 2006
certain sim. Then click Rodney's death creator. Then click die by flies. Make a teenage sim who isn't related to them beg the grim reaper. After the Grim Reaper goes, click some other way of dying. Let the teenage sim beg for them again. When the Grim Reaper begins to go away, click die by fire. And because it is so fast, the Grim Reaper won't come back and they will dissapear! You can't take care of them any more, but if you go out to neighborhood view and look at the family photo, they will still be there! Happy Simming! ~Sims2fanatic
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sims2fanatic on December 19, 2008
Is my woman pregnant?
To know whether or not your woman is pregnant, and there have been no tell-tale signs as of yet (morning sickness, baby bump), there are two sure ways. One way to tell is to listen for a lullaby after you try for the baby. Another is to relax both Sims as if to woohoo or try for baby. If your woman is pregnant, try for baby will no longer be an option. Hope this helps!
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Just A Few Usuful Things You Should Know If You Dont Already[!]
When your in the neighborhood If You Tyoe In boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true And then go to the make a family screen, youll find you can get all sorts of wierd clothes skins hair styles etc. Also With boolProp testingCheatsEnabled entered in the neighborhood then you go onto a lot, If you right click onyour sim you get lots of uber kewl optionss =] Like if you wanna change your sims lifetime want, Right click on your sim, go to Spawn, then look for Sim Modder. A baby will then appear near your sim, click on it then go to Umm..Aspiration i think..then wants and fears, then life time want then cycle through all lifetime wants you can get. If i said anything wrong there its easy enough to figure it out yourself. Some idiot on here said you can try pressing Force Error and see what it does...DONT! It will delete your sim! Unless you have clicked on something like a chair then press it, but it will still delete the chair. Depending on what sims 2 gmaes you have there is this groovaay thing that the grim reaper does now, if you kill your sim or it dies itself, if it has a white aspiration meter then these cool hula zombies come and its cool =] and you get like a marble/gold gravestone. Dude, make sure your sims aspiration is high before they die. I know alot of cheats but now im sick of typing, you want to know anythingg moreee email me. Have funn[!]
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Just relax.
Ok, so you're tired of ALWAYS doing homework rght? Well, no more! Just bring up the cheat box tipe in Boolprop testingcheatseabled true just like I did, then press SHIFT click on your sims homework and select FORCE ERROR.
A block will apear with three options, select DELETE, and your homework is gone AND you get full credit for it. Do it evey time you get homework and you're good for all you're teen child and teen years.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Skylar on November 24, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Graeme on April 04, 2007
8. expand This causes the cheat bar to expand to show the cheats you just entered. type it again to shrink the bar back to normal size. 9. stretchskeleton XX This cheat will make your sims taller/smaller! to use this replace XX with numbers. a normal adult Sim is 1.0 so if you want your sim taller, you might try 1.05 This can be a lot of fun but be warned, changing the heights will put the animations out. For most this is not a problem particularly but things like kissing can look odd. For this reason, big changes in height are not recommended. 10. BoolProp allow45degreeangleofrotation true This cheat lets you set items such as tables and chairs, and, well, everything on a diagonal (very usefull if you want to build diagonal walls) The only problem is sometimes it means the Sims can't use them poroperly. You use the < > keys to rotate the objects with this cheat on. 11. BoolProp allow45degreeangleofrotation false Turns number 10. off. 12. moveobjects on Lets you move and delete sims, I also lets you place items out of bounds. Sorry, walls still need to be 2 squares from the edge to build... <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> 13. moveobjects off Turns off move objects cheat. Thats all tthe ones I can remember for the moment!! HAPPY SIMMING!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: AndreannaJade on July 10, 2011
Loads Of Cheats
There are loads of cheats and i can not write all of them because there are so many that the list would be really long. Some of the cheats will not work if you don't have the expansion that you need for it to work. The cheats are: motherlode kaching boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true agesimscheat on/off help maxmotives aging on/off unlockcareerrewards stretchskeleton (#) There are more of them. If you want to know more you can look at them if you type in ,,help" without the ,, and the ".
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: jenjjiyo on January 23, 2010
lots of things
so many people have been writing this cheat rong the correct was of writing it is this... BoolProp Testingcheatsenabled true (the capitals are important) also if you want this cheat to work its best then you must do it while in neibourhood mode. the rest of these cheats need BoolProp... to work apart from the last one. With this cheat you can put you sims needs,interests,personality,skills and relationships up just by clicking (holding down the button) and moving your mouse up the bar. Also you can make your sims grow older by pressing shift while clicking on the sim you want . now press ,set age, and press ,set to birthday, then click on them again with out shift and press ,grow up, If you sim is lonly and needs some friends just press shift and click on the letter box(make sure they are doing nothing else at this moment and make sure that it is NOT on pause) now press ,make me know everyone, Once you've done that hld shift and click on the letter box again(the same rules aply) now click ,make me friends, Now five of the people you know are your friends(this works better if there are more people in your neibourhood). Heres another thing when you are making a new family, while it is loading hold down ,shift & n, and it will go into debugging mode and you can use different things on you sims. for example you sims skin tone can be not only the normal colors but green and porcelin, you can have wierd hair styles, you can put different clothes on them they can wear the socail bunny's clothes or the grim reapers and much,much more. this is how to get upducted by aliens first hold down shift and click on a telescope then press debug-get ubducted (or something like that) (you wont miss it) then your sim will be ubducted .if you get a male ubducted then most of thetime he will get pregnant and have an alien baby. if you are poor then do this cheat. first you must NOT be in neibourhood or menu but in live mode or buy mode or build mode you must just at you house. this cheat does not need BoolProp... first you open up the cheat box by pressing ctrl+shift+c and type some random letter or press the button on the left of number one with these simbles on it ` ~ it is above tab... any way once you have done that type in motherlode then press enter then press the up button ,motherlode, will show up again so press enter again and repet prosses THis cheat. move_objects on can sometimes make your game mess up and this box may appear .it will have three
options they will be ignore, reset, and delete i recomend you press reset because preesing delete can delete family members and other things and pressing delete just usaly makes the box appear again there are alot more things you can do with BoolProp... but you will find them out just NEVER press forse error and be careful.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: natalie on September 14, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: lightsaber duel on June 13, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: The Tree on June 02, 2007
2. put a door in the room 3. choose the sim that u want to make die 4. make it go in the room 5. wait for at least 4 seconds and go to build mode 6. delete the door 7. now your sim will not be able to get out. his/her hunger will suffer and they will eventually die. it takes about 1 3 sim days depending on how high the hunger bar was when you put the sim in the room. option- put a window in the room. the sim will occasionally look outside the window. the expression on their face is funny! XP have fun...
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Vickie on March 02, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Koleabear on March 26, 2007
Married/Engaged Teenagers
First, type the boolprop testingCheatsenabled true in the cheat bar. Then shift and click on a Sim and click spawn. Click on Sim Modder, and there should appear a little statue of a baby. Turn your teenager/kid/toddler into an adult by using the Sim Modder (if it's not one already) and also the Sim you want them to marry. Then get them to fall in love and get married (you can do this quickly by shift-clicking the mailbox, clicking "set pregnancy relationships with" and clicking on the desired Sim's name). Then use the Sim Modder to turn them back into a teenager or a kid or a toddler, and they will still be married! Have fun with this!
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Verified by: pitchix, ginxaizen4everSubmitted by: Dandy of the Moon on January 29, 2008
money starts growing on it, your land lord will walk in and take all of it. and also, calling the cops DOES NOT HELP they come, say that nothing is wrong than make you pay them. Of course, you can stop this, if you want to use cheats, if you don't, then you'll just have to watch him/her take your cash. if you DO use cheats open the cheat window (Ctrl+shift+c) and type in "moveObjects" (no quotation marks) and go to buy mode, and move or delete the trees.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Violet on August 05, 2011
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: lauren101 on May 26, 2007
Motive slider
on the create a sim screen click on any tab except tab1 then open the cheat box (ctrl shift c) type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. go onto tab 1 and in the name box type the letter N (make sure its a capital). when you move that family into a house you can then slide the motives around! hope it helps <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> by the way this may work on any version :-) Happy sliding <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" />
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Roisin on October 13, 2008
motivedecay off/on
THIS IS REALLY REALLY EASY!!! Alright!! If you're anything like me, after hundreds of hours of playing the Sims 2 fulfilling wants and life aspirations, fulfilling
basic needs can become tiresome (specially as this seems to take 24 hours a day just to keep your Sims alive!)The first cheat I discovered to combat this chore was BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true but even that, with the constant need to click and drag needs was annoying. THIS CHEAT HALTS THE DECAY OF ALL MOTIVES!! (even environment!) HOW TO USE: 1. I would first, in the neighborhood screen, open the cheat bar (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and type in (minus ' ') 'BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true' (if you want to turn this off after replace 'true' with 'false') 2. Enter the family you want to play and click and drag all their needs to the maximum With the game paused. 3. Re-open the cheat bar and type in (minus ' ') 'motivedecay off' (if you want to turn motive decay on again replace 'off' with 'on') 4. TADA!! You're all done. Your Sims Needs will remain in the green till you shut down the game. I'm fairly sure this cheat still works when you switch families but I could be wrong... <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> NOTE: you will need to do this again if you shut down the game!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: AndreannaJade on July 10, 2011
Verified by: Jepp42, marlamaySubmitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 19, 2004
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: jeremy2 on November 24, 2004
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Megan Marie on July 04, 2010
Fed up of building house, after house, after house in your custom neighbourhood? Well, you an make your own surbian neighbourhood by simply, 1)Making a lot and building a house in that lot. 2)Go to your custom neighbouhood once you have finished making the house and put the EMPTY house in the house and lot bin. 3)Put your hosue wherever you want in the neigh bourhood, and in the house and lot bin, the house you built will be in there forever so you can use it as much as you like! NOTE: THIS CHEAT DOES NOT WORK IF THE HOUSE IS OCCUPIED AND IT MUST BE BUILT BY YOU this cheat WILL work!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on January 02, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: -haru on February 18, 2006
NEVER CHECK THE FRIDGE FOR FOOD. If you don't, you'll have a never-ending supply of food!<img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> 2nd Cheat: <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> If you want to turn Pleasantview into a soap opera, go to the Goth's house, marry Cassandra and Don, then make Cassandra talk to Darryn Dreamer on the phone. If you don't, then DO NOT marry Cassandra and Don. <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" />
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: i_wanted_a_pony on October 17, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: deadriclady kristy on November 03, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Chees on June 13, 2009
No homework
After the child/teenager sim has placed down their homework bring up the cheat box and type in "moveObjects on" (no quotes). Go to Buy Mode and pick up the homework and place it in the sim's hand by putting the cursor on the sim. Go back into Live Mode. When you start playing the homework should disappear. Schooling goes on as if they have completed their homework.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: simfreak1 on March 16, 2011
No more visitors!
If you do not want visitors, and you don't want to delete your mailbox, then there is another way. Open the cheat box by pressing Control + Alt + Delete, and type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in neighborhood mode. Now load your family, and then click on your mailbox while holding shift. Now click "More..." and click "*Disallow Visitors".
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Connor Jarrard on September 11, 2010
I hate it when something brakes and you have to pay for the damages when you DONT HAVE TO !!! all you need to do it sell the item that is broke, then buy a NEW ONE!! AND NO MONEY IS LOST!!!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: BabieBunnie on August 17, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on February 20, 2009
No cheat required. If you want your parents gone, all you have to do is wait for a newspaper to come to your house and click on it. Click on find own place. You can't do this with teenagers or younger though.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: BEPlover32 on July 05, 2006
When it snows, build at least one snowman, the more the better. Then just wait and watch, a penguin will eventually appear and start talking to your snowman. You can pet it or shoo it. If you build a snowman where access to it is via your house, the penguin will walk through your house to get to it.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Lisa on January 06, 2009
Pet's Skills
For you guys that have The Sims 2 Pets, it takes a really long time, and effort for the pets to get all it's, potty training
skills, clean skills. But, if you enter " boolprop controlpets on " and " boolprop petactioncancel true " then you can do this to get your pet's skills WAY WAY faster. Once you have enterd those in the cheat box, then become your pet and make it scratch something.(this one is goood for not destroying the furnature.) Then become your sim and rush over and scold your pet. Do this repeatitly until the skill is complete. Or the eat pet food skill, make your pet eat pet food then call your sim to praise it. Again, do this over and over until the skill is done. This works for all the skills. Happy Siming!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: ellie~phant on May 31, 2007
if u wanna stop pets from againg click ctrl + shift + C then type againg off its the same 4 sims.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: amber on February 23, 2007
Potty Training
Well do you want to potty train you toddler in ONE USE? Follow: (Read steps BEFORE you do it! Or you might mess up!) 1. Buy a red potty for your toddler 2. Have them use it 3. WAIT! BEFORE they are done pause the game and pull up the cheat sheet and type(motiveDecay off) 3. Unpause the game now and wait for the blue bar over the toddlers head is full 4. Once full pull up the sheet again and type motiveDecay on and wait for them to get off the potty
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Preview Paint !
Hey ! Fed up of having to paint the whole room in a house by clicking every tile? Well by pressing shift you can preview the paint/wallpaper and then while holding shift and clicking it paints the whole room for you ! A simple easy tip with no hastle ! Enjoy <3
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Price down
To get the price of a house w/ furnishings lower, get a guy to move there, then leave him there till he dies, this will bring down the price of all the items.
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Verified by: I am stupid HELPSubmitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 20, 2004
Private School!!
If you want your kids to get into the private school all u have to do is this:
1)Get an adult or teen to call the headmaster over. He should tell u a time remember the time. 2)Once you have called him go into build mode and pick four rooms and decorate them like crazy. Make sure you have enough chairs at your table as well 3)When there is 1 hour before he comes get your best cook to cook something good to eat. 4)Next the headmaster should come to your house and your food should be cooked or nearly cooked. Welcome him inside and call him over for diner. 5) Once he and an adult sim have finished get your adult sim to give him a tour of the 4 rooms u decorated like carzy. 6)Once u have showed him them click end tour, then keep shomozing with him. and your DONE!! Please make sure your kids/teens have good grades <img src="" border=0 vspace=2 alt="" /> Thanks please email me if you need something at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> thanks!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Jessimica on August 09, 2011
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Hermione Rose on October 01, 2006
Random Stuffs
Here's some random stuff I've found out. Some you've probably figured out already, but whatever. One thing a lot of people have submitted is the thingy where you type in all these things that give you all the aspiration rewards. THESE DON'T WORK. If you want all the aspiration rewards, the quickest way I know is to put in the boolprop cheat and ctrl-click on the wants. This will make your aspiration meter go up and give you more points. Don't click on the fears otherwise your sim will loose points and it'll make them really surly for days. Then
once you've ctrl-clicked enough you should have enough points to get all the rewards you want. I've been hearing the same thing about the job rewards and how to get to the top of your job. NOT TRUE EITHER. The way to get to the top of your job is to put in the boolprop, shift-click on a newspaper, get the job of your choice, then shift-click again and choose "set job level". Level 10 is the best because you get paid the most. To get all the career rewards, shift-click the newspaper, click "carreer rewards" or something of the sort, and click the job reward you want, such as "criminal." This isn't a complete cheat and most of you probably know this, but for the new players, here's how to get your shabby sims into millionaires. First make the sims you want and move them into an empty lot. Then pause the game, open the cheat window, type in "motherlode" as many times as you want, save, go back to the neighborhood, and make the mansion/castle of your choice. It really saved my life One more thing is never under any circumstances attempt to repair your computer without full mechanical experience! There is a VERY high chance that your sim will get electricuted and die. If you like your sim, call a repairman. Something that's fun to do is make say, four teens, two boys, two girls (let's name them Bob, Doug, Lola, and Edith), and four adults to be each of their parents, one adult per teen. Make sure you use Romance as their aspirations otherwise there's no point to this. Move into a house of your choice with TWO bedrooms with a hot tub or couch in each. Get rid of the adults however you want to (kill them, delete them, move them out, etc.). Then type in the boolprop cheat and make the sims all like each other by dragging up their relationships to 100. All you have to do then is put say, Bob and Lola in one room, and Doug and Edith in the other. Have both pairs do first kiss with each other and fall in love and stuff. Then switch the boys so Doug is with Lola and Bob is with Edith. Do first kiss AT THE SAME TIME so they're not caught or anything, then your sims each have two loves. If you want to be really sick and get three loves, put the boys in the room together and the girls in another elders too. This works with adults and
Another nice thing to do is when you click make a new family DO NOT CLICK MAKE NEW SIM but press shift-n and debug mode will have unlocked. I like makeing a grim reaper replica sim by not worrying about their face (but make their hair black, as a bit of the hair shows out the back) and putting them in the grim reaper outfit. It comes with the hood and everything. Once in live mode I click on the stairs and do walk... like ghost and then my grim reaper floats too! It's really funny if you kill your reaper replica and there's another reaper who looks exactly alike exept for the black smoke coming out of the real reaper. You can also make sims with skeleton bodies, no bodies at all, or bodies (and hair) like you get after you're shocked. Oh, and you can also make social bunny replicas, but they scare me If you have any questions, email me at
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Ebrithil on June 28, 2007
Then just about on every sim and object you can bring up various options and click whichever one you want. And also you can put the cursor on motive and relationship bar and dreg them up to what you want. And one more while you are making a sim in create a family you can press Shift+N and you will be able to get various bonus options and things To me these cheats are VERY useful and the only thing required to use these cheats is the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled on" cheat. WELL HAPPY SIMMING!!!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kandikitten on October 13, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: courtney on October 13, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sarah M.D. on February 27, 2009
down there...
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: lola on August 03, 2010
Selectable Babies
First type in ''boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true'' (without quotation marks), then hold the shift key and click on your baby. A list will come up and click on ''MAKE SELECTABLE'' the picture of your baby on the left will then disappear as if they are not in your family. Hold shift and click on your baby again and click ''MAKE SELECTABLE'' as before. Now when you click on your babies picture you will see what it needs. Note: the babies do NOT have wants and fears.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Mary on December 08, 2008
Verified by: yorkiemaster, heaven2jwSubmitted by: Nicole Forson on April 05, 2010
Hope this helps guys. =) enjoy playing! if there's any problem. contact me guys, im willing to help. =)
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: hiddenbeneaththeweeds on December 09, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on January 06, 2009
Sneaking Out
(No expansion packs included) First,you need a teenager in your family and your family must be sleeping or the parents are at work. Once they are, have YOUR sim teenager click on the house phone and it will say "sneak out". I havent tried it myself but I asure you that you could get introuble if your caught(so you should find out what time the parents come back from work or be lucky enough to come back home while they are still sleeping!!) HAPPY SNEAKING!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Anonymus on March 20, 2011
You take all the family. Click "Multiple Sims". You can say never mind and the taxi will be cancelled. Click "Never Mind".
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Peter on June 29, 2009
Stop death
If a sim is dying of anything but old age and the grim reaper comes, have another sim click on the grim reaper when he first appears and chose "plead for loved one" THe grim Reaper will then hold out his hands and your sim will chose one, either the one that the sim dies, or the one that it lives. If he picks the right one your sim will not die!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: StarSimLuva on November 18, 2007
Strong Sims
Ever wondered how you can get your sims strong. Buy a treadmill. Don't get the thing after it. It dosen't work. Get your sim on it. put the game in super fast mode (what ever it's called)! Wait until their fitnes is all the way up, them stop. It easy to get them back in a good mood. Get the cheat bar thingy up and type in maxMotives. Happy simming!!!!!!!!!!
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swimming 24-7
Do you want your sims to be working out 24-7? First make a pool somewhere in your yard. Put in a ladder. Then press Ctrl+Shift+C and type in: moveobjects on Make one of your sims go into the pool. Once they're in, delete the ladder. Then, while in buy mode pick up the sim in the pool and put them on the ground or a floor. Then they'll be swimming in the ground 24-7. They can still do
other things like cook and sleep and eat, but whenever they walk, they're swimming. I'm not exactly sure how to undo this. You could try putting them back in the pool and make them get out normally. That would probably work but I would reccomend not saving after you do this to your sim.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on December 08, 2008
Teen family
To create a teen family, create the teens you want and a parent for each one. Once the family moves into a house, have one of the adults click on the computer or newspaper and "find own place". Select the rest of the adults in the family to move out with them. Then you have a family of just teens. You can probably do this with children and toddlers also, but toddlers would be impossible to maintain without help.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: cheatqueen53 on September 08, 2011
D stands for Life and Death. This can kill your sims, add new sims to the family and get your sims pregnant. What I find fun is adding the Grim Reaper to the family and quickly pausing the game. Then, I make one of my sims pregnant with him. The child doesn't come out looking like the GR, but I like naming it GR Juinor or something.
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Verified by: little kitty katSubmitted by: Lozdabezt on October 25, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Narphinean on November 24, 2009
Verified by: Clai Deii, curupiraSubmitted by: pixxen on November 29, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kitty Tune on August 16, 2009
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Tromonator133 on June 22, 2008
To Much Room!!
If you enter motherlode in the cheat code box and move into a really big house you have a lot of room...right? Well lets say you have to much space. Go into the buy or build section. Under the hand there is a hammer. Click it. Than click on the floor,walls, or just anything and it will delete it!!! P.S It will even work on swimming pools.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Breanna on May 01, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: noon_argentino on November 12, 2006
no cheat needed. Just put a bunch of pillars at the bottom of a floor, then take away the pillars. add foundation stairs wich dont look good but if there is an expansion pack with ladders that i dont know about try that. then add a tree to that and then do watevr u want to it.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: boblboo on July 16, 2008
I am sure all of you know about the money trees and how to get them so I'm not going to go over that, but did you know that you can EASILY make a living from them? It's very simple infact. Over time get the money trees. The faster you can the better. Now to decide how many trees you need you need to know what you need to make. Each tree gives about 200 Simoleans a day (Pending on your attentiveness). I would like to make about 1000 simoleans a day. So I neef 5 trees, which will cost 15,000 Aspiration points. After I get those 5 trees I must set them all. I must go in a line, harvest them all at once, make sure they are all ready to be harvested. Then after you harvested them water them. That sets it so that they will all get the money around the same time. The harder part, you MUST keep your aspiration in the gold. If you don't then you may only get 1 simolean which will not get you anywhere near the money you want. I suggest that you do the skills, by the time your skills are done you should be close to death, by then it's time for the next generation. Note: Only the person harvesting the money trees needs gold aspiration.
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Verified by: I am stupid HELPSubmitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 17, 2004
Upload to
Sims: Don't start up the sims game. GO to start + programs + sims + eagames+sims2(latest expansion)+ sims2 body shop. Create sim or pick sims from sim bin then click upload. Lots: Start game, and go to neighborhood. Click on lot then info button (circle with "i" and "...") then upload. Stories: Go to your sim family's story then the edit mode (where you write) then go to the bottom of the "window" and you'll se an arrow with a "*" behind it. Clickt that.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: oishi_kanatsutachi on May 28, 2007
Verified by: I am stupid HELP, tedrSubmitted by: I am stupid HELP on September 19, 2004
Vampire Robot!
Hehehehehe, this one was a good look, seeing your robot become a vampire..... You can make your robot transform into a bat! Freaky huh? You can do these 2 ways, -(First way) enter the boolprop cheat and then shift click on either of your robots and then find the "Make Vampire" option(without the "'s) then walla!! A robo-vamp- -(Second way-you will also need to enter the boolprop cheat-*this will take longer when you do this*) Let your robot go to downtown(anyplace in downtown) then wait until a Vampire comes, then greet him/her and then drag your relationship to 100 with him/her(in the relationship bar) then shift click on the vampire then chose MAKE SELECTABLE, then also drag the vampire's relationship with yours to 100 too(relationship bar) then let your robot talk to the vampire, until they become best friends, then control the vampire to bite the neck of your robot..... Walla!! A robot Vampire too!! ~Drake~
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: LinkenDrake on May 28, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: brialli on December 19, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Luckiegirll13 on April 18, 2008
Wall Covering
If you want to use the shift click to cover the whole wall, you can just put the wall piece where you want it to end on either side, and then do the shift click. Really does help!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on November 24, 2009
just go to the newspaper and select find own place. then there are no more parents and your teen is free!! " This is the closest thing to legally having people for pets." lol
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Want NO parents??
If you just want to have teenagers,kids or toddlers in a house together and want the parents out... then all you have to do is: first you need to create a family with the teens kids or toddlers that you want in the house. then create TWO adults and relate them to the teens,kids,or todds. then move the family into the house and wait for the paper boy to deliver the paper and when it gets there have one of the ADULTS click "find own place" and then it will ask you move out with who? you need to click the other ADULT!a taxi will come and pick up the two adults and they will be gone from the house. P.S: the family will not delete from the game they will only move out of the house.
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Want to see what your baby will look like when it's born?
If you want to see what your baby will be like before they're born, follow these steps. MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS. 1) Hit Ctrl+Shift+C. Type in, "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true". With out quotes. 2) Select the sim that is currently pregnant and hold the shift key and click on them. 3) Click on spawn. Then click on Tombstone of L and D. 4) Click more on the tombstone that pops up. 5) Click on CINEMACAM BABY. A baby will pop out of no where and you can see what it will look like. REMEMBER TO SAVE BEFORE TRYING THIS BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO GET RID OF THE BABY.
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To change your sims wants make them go to sleep. then wake them up and the wants should change!
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constantly pestered with phone calls from random people, such as matchmakers, social workers, and pesty neighbors you don't even really know! So, all I can really say is BEWARE!
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If you have the cheat which lets you move the 'feelings' bars up and down to what you want, make sure you dont so this all the time for hunger, because I had a really big family and didn't feed them, I just used the cheat and always just dragged the bar up, but after a while the all died! The grim reaper came because even though I had kept moving the bar up, technically the Sims never ate! So remember FEED YOUR SIMS! hope i've saved ur Sims, have fun!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Xx Nat xX on March 02, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: spiffysimsLover on November 10, 2007
White Eyes!
Put on the boolprop cheat in the neighborhood screen then click the create a family tab press shift+n(or Caps Lock then -n-) create a sim, then put his or her skin into an alien, color her Eyes pure black(Alien Eyes) then change his or her skin into a mannequin, then Walla! White and beautiful eyes! ~Drake~
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Shaymin_Queen on September 03, 2009
into the file EA games, from there go to Sims2. Click on music, and open the genre you want your song in. Then open another box and go into your music. Just drag and drop the song you want into the Sims and tada, it will play your song. You will need to go to the last song if you want to hear yours. (file must be a mp3.)
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Back to topGlitches
A Fun Glitch!
I don't know about you but I like to have my Sims neighborhood cool, organized and preppy. If you change the basic neighborhood "Veronaville" into anything like "BLAH TOWN" (It doesn't matter) and make a new Hood called "Veronaville" when you come into it, you will get that mini movie of the old base town! It's really nice!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Ocean on December 30, 2008
A no work baby!
So you know how babies are a ton of work? Well here is a good glitch type thing that will help you out so you don't have to do anything with that baby! O.K. so first buy a pet bed (if u have sims 2 pets) if not get a bed or something to put the baby in a lot of things work so try a lot of things. Next bring up the cheat box and put move_objects on, then go to buy mode and put your baby in whatever you bought to put it in. And after you do that just check on it after a little while and put in the cheat box, maxMotives and that will bring up the baby's mood! so now when your sim puts the babies on the floor all you have to do is put it in the whatever you got! so now the baby is comfortable when on the ground! Can be undone!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: sims 2 lover1994 on May 28, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Fun2Cheat on December 08, 2008
Bubbly Sim!
This is a funny glitch! Ok, so first make sure that you have "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" without the ". Next, Shift click on a sim, select spawn, then tom's clothing tester. A clothing rack should pop up. Next step, make your sim get in the pool, and when they're floating straight up in the doing nothing (not even floating on back) click the clothing rack, and select force redness. This will only change them into their everyday clothes. Get out of the pool, and now you should have a bubbly sim! It will wear off eventually.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Julz on April 27, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sammiehotcakes on November 11, 2008
Easy Training!
Instead of having to permanently buy a bookcase to help raise your sims intelligence level, buy the bookcase and have the sim read a book. If you sell the bookcase back to the store the SAME DAY, you can sell it for exactly the same amount, not losing any simoleons, but instead gaining intelligence.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: NeoPower on June 13, 2009
3. make a family and move them into a cheap house (Ranch Retreat works well) make sure you have one adult and whatever kids, toddlers, and teens you want 4. In the house go to buy/sell mode and click on the adult 5. put the adult directly on the same square as a kid/toddler/teenager 6. Watch them disappear! Happy Simming! NOTE: Be careful. Sometimes you can't save after you do this! NOTE: I've only tried this with a toddler created from the Tombstone of L and D, so it might not work with any other age or a custom toddler... Try it out!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Athena4299 on June 13, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on August 17, 2010
Standing on Water!
this is really simple, turn on move objects then plce some water. go into buy mode and put your sim on the water! sorry 'bout the boring cheat but it looks realy cool.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kissy_Kissy on December 08, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: ellaine1818 on December 30, 2008
Back to topEaster
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Floating Heads! x
To get floating heads, you have to: Go onto neighbourhood, then onto create a family, then: SHIFT+CTRL+C Type in: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true then press enter. After that, type press SHIFT=N. (this will come out with new outfits, too), then make your sim as normal. when you get to the number five,(the clothing section) the first thing (as you probably know) is casual clothing. scroll though the clothing, and when you've found the invisible top half icon thingy, click on it, like you do with normal clothes. This will make your sims' top half dissapear. Do the same with the pants. And there you have it, a floating head person!! GO YOU! Banana. Hope this cheat helped, Abii xx
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50,000 Simoleons.
Open the Cheat Box (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, C) And type in motherlode. You will then have recieve 50,000 simoleons.
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Verified by: candygirl806, lil mamaSubmitted by: Lylodile on September 18, 2007
6 babies!
it's a really funny way of getting 6 babies all in one day. Type in "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" (without the ") and shift click on the sim u want to get pregnant, click spawn, get me pregnant with or get me alien pregnant (if
you have a spouse have them do that too) then after click speed up pregnantcy. you can also type in forcetwins if you want, repeat until u have SIX babies!
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A Few Cheats =]
hey everyone i got a couple of cheats for you i have only made 2 so far but i will add some more l8r Grim Reaper Statue Easy Go into buy mode or pause and Ann Press ctrl,Shift,C type in move_objects on into the cheat menu.Kill One of your sims that you don't want if ur killing a sim that you wanna keep make sure that there is someone very close to them that can plea to the grim reaper then as soon as you see the grim reaper Go To Buy Mode Pick Him Up Make Sure You Have Done The Cheat in the cheat box you must do that for it to work pick him up and hold down shift. Without letting go of shift, put your Grim Reaper back down and you should be holding a clone of your Grim Reaper then place him where you want him then plea to the real grim reaper to save ur love one u better hope that they love them as much as you think they do otherwise ur sim is gone. Or a better way kill a neighbour walking past. But sometimes if will be one of your other sims from a different family so be carefull there.?Note: You cannot control the grim reaper, but it is still really fun and like i did i made two of them and put them as stuates at my sims house really fun. I Want a Teenager With NO Parents(No Cheat Required) Who said we were to young to be on our own without our parents now we'll teach em. Make your family or if you already have a family you want no parents with then do this You family must have one parent and at least one teenage coz that is how it works and You kill the parent (Which is Always pretty fun) or force them to move out pretty simple. Hope You Like Enjoy
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Taylor_1993 on May 26, 2007
Then, click on the wolf over by the thing where you can pick a family member to play as. Then, go to the wolf's relationships. Find your relationship with the wolf, and then boost that all the way to 100. After that Shift-click on the the wolf and then click on "MAKE UNSELECTABLE". Then after that, just have you sim stand near the wolf. Don't pause just keep waiting. Watch the action queue while you waiting. Eventually, the Action queue will have the wolf's picture, and if you hold your mouse on the action, it will say "Be nibbled". When that happens, Your currently selected sim will bend over to pet the wolf, and then the wolf will bite him. Your Sim has just been infected with Lycanthropy. At 8:05 p.m is when your sim will transform. And then their hunger will go down. Then at 8:05 a.m. in the morning, is when they'll transform back into human. And at night, if there are any more sims that you want to be a Werewolf, just click on them with your werewolf, and select Savage. Your WereWolf will attack the sim you chose, and at the end of the fight, after your sim beats the tar of them, the other sim will come flying out of the dust, and then they will be a WereWolf. Good Luck With Your Creation! MOD NOTE: You need the Sims 2 Pets expansion pack for this to work.
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Verified by: riley8, Hidden_ _WolfSubmitted by: on December 02, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Melih on March 10, 2007
So you want the cheats for THE SIMS 2?! This is a lucky entrance for you!. I know all sorts of Cheats for The Sims 2, I\'ve been getting all the versions of The Sims and The Sims 2 ever since it came out. A couple of good cheats I got. AgeSimsCheat = turns on/off disablePuppyKittenaging = (on/off) turns puppy / kitten aging on or off. exit = closes the Cheat Window. Forcetwins = Have twins when giving birth. unlockCareerRewards = Unlocks all job career reward objects for the selected sim. motherlode = $50,000 kaching = $1,000 Some other cheats Right. Do you want to make you\'re sims taller? There is a cheat for that. Open the cheat window and type in StretchSkeleton ?.? but replace the first ? and the second ? with a number. You can make them giant, you can make them a midget you can make them any height. The average height for an Adult is 1.0, so the best height if you want to go taller, is 1.1 The average Teenage size is 0.9 And the child? I think 0.8 With Toddlers, 0.7 and with New-Born Babie\'s 0.6. How to look at a baby\'s needs Open the cheat window, type in boolprop tesingcheatsenabled true then hold down the shift key and click on the baby. (This MUST be YOUR Baby!!) Click the option Make SELECTABLE and then the baby\'s picture on the left should vanish like there is no baby in your family. Then hold down Shift and click the Baby again, choose the option that should be there, Make SELECTABLE click on the Babys picture on the left and you should see all her/his needs! the Baby does not have any wants/fears. Make All Happy There are two versions I know. Version 1 ; open up the cheat window and type in boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true shift, and then click on the letter box. There should be an option saying House, click on that and then you should see the option Make All Happy at the top. Click on that and EVERYONE in the house even visitors, can get happy. Version 2 ; open up the cheat window and type in boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true hold down Shift, click on any of the bars in the Sims needs, then simply drag it up. If this doesn\'t work, click at the bottom of the bar and drag it up, if it still doesn\'t work, then you have to exit the house and go in the house again or restart the game. Get No Homework Simply everyone gets sick of Homework once in a time, so why not get rid of it in The Sims? Type in the Cheat Box, moveobjects on buy a table, and then put the homework on it. When you click on the table [must be in Buy Mode] it should say [where you can sell stuff] "Sell Table" yadda yadda yadda, sell it for how much it was and then it looks like the teen has done the homework already! Vanish. Headache-no-more. For now, that's all I'm saying because I wrote down all the Cheats somewhere in a notebook but I can\'t find the
notebook it was in.. oh well. Good luck with your sim lifes!!
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Verified by: buggy9, rellymacSubmitted by: Black dog lover on February 13, 2007
List cheats: Help -all Expands or contracts Cheat window: Expand Closes Cheat window: Exit Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect: Clear Increases game performance but lowers graphics: Vsync (on/off) Windowed mode: -w Start with desired resolution (in pixels): -r(width) x (height) Fullscreen mode: -f Disables sound: -nosound Get 1000 Cash: Kaching 50,000 Simoleans: Motherlode Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest):slowmotion Makes your Sims larger or smaller: StretchSkeleton Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles: Boolprop constrainFloorElevation false Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles: Boolprop constrainFloorElevation true Turn on aging: Aging on Turn off aging: Aging off Turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures: FaceBlendLimits (on/off)
You can invite more people to your parties: IntProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 Takes off censoring: Intprop censorgridsize 0 You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it: Social_debug Turns Postprocessing on: BoolProp enablePostProcessing true Turns Postprocessing off: BoolProp enablePostProcessing false Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood: Boolprop carsCompact (True/False) Set to true to show lot information: Boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False) Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot: Boolprop locktiles (True/False) Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots: Boolprop lotWater (True/False) Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot: Boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False) Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood: Boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False) Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used: Boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False) Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood: Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False) Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood: Boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) Set to false to remove water from neighborhood: Boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False) Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood: Boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False) Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood: Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False) Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood:
Boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False) Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house: Boolprop objectShadows (True/False) Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house: BoolProp guob (True/False) Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim: Boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False) Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to: BoolProp displayPaths (True/False) Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at: Boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False) Toggle shadows on/off for Sims: BoolProp simShadows (True/False) In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted: Boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False) You can place objects outside the grid: BoolProp snapObjectsToGrid (True/False) Moves objects and deletes you couldnt before: Moveobjects (on/off) Lets you know if theres a patch: Autopatch (on/off) Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on): Bloom rgb # Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on): Vignette # # # Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on): FilmGrain # Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on): LetterBox # Remove every Sim from the neighborhood (neighborhood view only): DeleteAllCharacters Toggle between the two terrain types (neighborhood view only): TerrainType (desert/temperate) Debug Mode: Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the Cheat menu then enter the following:
BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. While in Create-a-Sim press Shift + N before creating your first Sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs. Press Shift + M to disable it. Bring up the Debug menu by presssing Shift + Click on a Sim while in Live mode.
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on June 26, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: L_98 on April 04, 2008
Bald Sims
Activate the cheat 'moveobjects on'. Buy the Noodlesoother or Thinking Cap from the Aspirations Rewards. Get your Sim to put on the item. Then, go to Buy Mode and take off their caps. You will eventually take it off, ven the hair too. As a result, your Sim will get bald! To cancel this glitch, do not delete the cap and put it back onto your Sim.
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Be a Vampire
The Sims 2: Nightlife introduces NPC Vampires and allows your Sims to turn into Vampires themselves. By befriending the "Grand Vampires" (also known as the "Count" and "Contessa") who hang out in the downtown area at night, the player can persuade a vampire to bite their Sim. Once a Sim has become a vampire, it receives the characteristic sharp teeth, red eyes and pale skin. Vampires will die life. Beware you might not find them!!!!!!!!!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: KLIJ on May 31, 2007
use this cheat wisely. false alows you to rase and lower terain even when there are things on it
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: maril0686 on May 22, 2007
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Custom Painting
To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life. Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time. This will pause the game. Use Alt + Tab to exit the game, then open a picture program such as Paint and open the snapshot you just took, it will usually be in the folder: C:\My Documents\EA\Sims2\Storytelling\Snapshot.bmp Then, you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game. If your picture is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game. Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game, then save the picture. Use Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom picture. Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game.
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Dead Pigeon
If you want a pointless dead pigeon appearing on your floor then read ahead... Type in "boolprop (yada yada yada)" and left click on any sim, spawn, then more and then "learned behaivours cheat object" and a dead pigeon will appear on the floor. Sims can do nothing to it or with it but I think it has something to do with pets. It's really pointless but it's funny to look at. Enjoy!
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Debug Mode
Open the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, then entering the following: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true While in Create-a-Sim, press Shift + N before creating your first sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs. Press Shift + M to disable it.
While in Live mode, Shift + Click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.
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Debugging Mode
While in neighborhood mode, type in the cheat: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and then enter create a family. After it loads, type in a capital "N" and something about you activated debugging mode should pop up. Now you get new clothes to make them look like a bunny, a robot, a maid, a mad scientist, etc. Also, you get new hairdos like braided pigtails with a sidebang and the abililty to make aliens and mannequin sims. If you choose to make an alien, you can give it black eyes as well. *If you type in a capital "M", it will take you out of debugging mode, so be sure to try not to name it something that starts with an "m". If you simply must create a name with an "m" as the first letter, either wait until you finish to name it or type in a capital "n" afterwards.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Jennifer Dylan on July 10, 2008
Die By Deleting
If you don't want to watch your sim die, just move them to another lot, (doesn't have to be a houes,) and then save and go back to the neighbourhood, then delete the lot they are in, this way, you don't watch your sim die, but they stay in the family tree, but you don't get those simoleons they give you when they die.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: travis on June 18, 2007
2.) Type in the cheatbox 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' and press ENTER. 3.)Then pause the game and click on the Sim of your choice, while holding Shift. There should be all kinds of extras there. 4.) Choose 'Spawn' and then click Rodney's Death Creator. 5.) Next, click on Satelite and press the play button again. A Satelite will fall on your Sim and he'll be dead. 6.) Get the cheatbox again and type in 'moveObjects on' and press ENTER. 7.) Go into Buy Mode and pick up the Satelite. It should say, you can sell it for 3,000 Sims cash. Sell it and Tadah! You just earned money!
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NOTE! If you do it seperatly it WILL NOT work, so pause the game, then do it
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Simster 3000 on May 31, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: betch on March 10, 2007
Extra Clothing
Press shift+ctrl+c and type "boolProp Testingcheatsenabled true" (without quotes) while in the neighborhood screen. Then go to create a family. Create a new sim and name them something starting with a capital 'N'. The screen should then say something about debugging mode The extra clothing will be at the end of the scroll list for clothing. Some of the options are really cool like having military wear for your everyday option and others are funny like having a skeleton, robotic, or invisible body. Naming the sim something with a capital 'M' will turn off the cheat, so name your sim for real after getting the clothes you want. Please note the clothing options available also depend on which expansion packs you have.
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if you want to buy a big house without moving in and out of a house first, get up the cheat box by Ctrl, shift & C type in: familyfunds(Surname)(amount up to 9,999,999) and press enter this will then allow your sim family to buy a really big house happy simming
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Candygirl96 on July 25, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Pc lover on April 19, 2008
Floating house
go in to an empty land and click buy mode. get lots of pillars and put them any shape you want such as: .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ok some thing like that then you click that second story button. put a wall on top of the pillars. now put tiles/carpet/watever sort of floors they have in side the building. then you click the first story button and delete the pillars. now you should have a FLOATING HOUSE:)
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Force things
To force a burgalar, the mail or any other kind of thing, press ctrl, shift, c then type into the cheat window, boolProp testingcheatsenabled true and then press enter. go to the mail box with your cursor and press shift and click on the
Verified by: simmy78, TennisPrincess5Submitted by: Hermione Granger on February 07, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: katieloveslost on January 07, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on April 11, 2008
fullfill sim needs make a sim like a sim and full personality points in the same cheat!!
get up the cheat window (ctrl shift and c)
and type in boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" ("not in cheat) now click on pause and click and drag one of the sims needs to where you want it and when you click on play they will stay there eg. to put your sims hygeine level up without them having to have a bath to make to sims like each other go to the picture of that sim along the list of where the sims are and click on the bar you want to increase and drag it to how much you want the sims to like each other click on the personality point and drag them to how much of a certain personality you want that sim to have.
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Verified by: redundant_spice, california girlSubmitted by: no name on February 12, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on March 19, 2007
Verified by: the sims addictSubmitted by: Tiffany on July 27, 2007
1.Open the cheats box by typing Ctrl shift (the up arrow) and c. 2.When the box is open,type boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true (exactly like that) 3.Press Enter 4.Go to the selected Sim and press shift and click the Sim while pressing shift. 5.Select the option more... and look for spawn. 6.Look for a option called clothing tester. 7.A rack of clothes should appear. 8.Now you can have any clothes you wish!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: versy on May 31, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Rachyxxhun on July 12, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on May 21, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Otep313x on February 12, 2008
get to know and make friends in less then 3 seconds(not in sims time)
to get to know alot of people and to make some friends in very little time get the cheat box up(shift+ctrl+c) and type in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (w/o quotations)no capitals like other people say to do because the capitals don't work! Then hold down shift and click on the mail box and click on make 'me know everyone'. then hold shift down again and click on the mail box but this time click on 'make me friends with everyone' it doesn't make you friends with everyone but most of the people
WARNING:if you do this so many people will phone you and you won't be able to phone anyone! it get pretty annoying...if you do this and you get annoyed you can email me telling me what happened and i won't say i told you so. Happy simming! ~Courtney~
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: summerchic on February 25, 2007
Getting Twins
I found out a different way to get twins than typing forcetwins or twinsrcute in the cheat box. What you need to do is, after typing "boolProp testingCheatsenabled true" (minus the quotes, of course), you get your sim pregnant (by either woohooing or using the tombstone of life and death), and when your sim is about to have the baby, shift+click on them and click more until you see an option that says force twins. Click on that, and your sim should have twins.
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Ghost aspiration.
All you need to do is type in: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true Note: the capitals and spaces. Then hold down the shift key and click on your victim the select Kill....and options come up like death by satelite or death by flies. Once the Grim Reeper takes them away their urn will stay at your house and now your Sim can see a ghost.
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sim be abducted right after 3 minutes and 17 seconds, not in sim time but just a normal clock time, now 2 ufo\'s will be in the scene, they are both in that place, let your sim be kidnapped, then right after the little movie press p! now you will see one ufo throwing out the first sim you selected for kidnap, now click build or stuff menu (you know that chair or saw icon) grab the ufo, now hold shift click with your mouse and clone the ufo, now place it where ever you want! let the real one fly away.. also you can copy milions! just shift click on the ufo, and mouse click!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Rutger on February 13, 2007
got a job and you NEED friends for a promotion or you want to be popular
do the boolprop cheat and then press shift and click on the letterbox at the same time then click on make me know everyone then click make friends for me then you get like 32 friends including social workers, principals, social bunnys ect
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: prettyprincess on March 10, 2007
Verified by: alexaj9859, meinarmySubmitted by: Clai Deii on December 07, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Baby_cakes on July 25, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: sweet_cake94 on January 21, 2008
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Tromonator133 on June 26, 2008
Verified by: mizzundastood88, x Meep xSubmitted by: simstar on March 23, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Yummy Buns on March 25, 2007
How to be a Vampire
Allright #1: type in :boolprop testingcheatsenabled true #2: Hold down shift then click on one of your sims.#3: a whole load of options will come up but click on More... #4: One of them will say Spawn, Click on that and you may have to click on more but it might be there on the first options.#5: Then click on Make Vampire. If you have a vampire make sure you take your windows out because they burn in daylight, also when your sims are in the house take away the doors because they try and go outside and toss a football or play red hands etc. Then you are all done!! Note:make sure you have Sims2 Nightlife.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Bluecat105 on April 27, 2008
unless u sell something then it will go even higher! oh and dont go out of the cheat box or it wont work !!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Teiha on March 10, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on September 26, 2007
3.) Click on 'Spawn' and keep clicking on 'More...' until you see 'Wishing Well'. 4.) Next click on 'Wishing Well' and it should appear in your house (near your Sim!). 5.) Open the cheatbox again and type in 'moveObjects on' and press ENTER. 6.) Go into Buy Mode and click on the Wishing Well. Sell it for 2,000 $$$ and you just earned Sims bucks easily! Have Fun! =]
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Katu27 on April 07, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Luryiana Smith on March 11, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: XxGrapefruitxX on June 22, 2008
n toghether to open a cheat box then type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then exit out of your house that your playing on or go to a house if your on the menu then a little code will apear in the corner YOU HAVE DONE IT! now you will activate all sorts of things. So now onto the plant sim get a fruit tree from the gardening menu then press shft on the tree there will be 2 things that will apear first. debug make harvestible and then debug make infested. click the infested one. then once you clicked on it bugs will apear. spray them. if they dont come up click on shft then the tree and click debug infest again. then keep doing the method making bugs apear then spray them and they after a wile you have turned in to a plant sims. DONE!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on April 04, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Teiha on March 10, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: miners111 on May 28, 2007
How To Get More Money While In The Neighborhood (it really works!)
Bring up the cheat box. Type in familyfunds . Space.Then type in the family name you want. Space. Then type in the amount. Hit enter. Example: familyfunds Avoila 200000 If this doesn't work, contact me at Happy Simming!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Beautiful07 on January 06, 2008
How to get to the top of a career in just less than 2 sim days!
This is spectacular because if you want to get to the top of the career just follow these easy steps: 1] Type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true then press ENTER.
2]Press SHIFT while clicking on the newspaper even if it is an old newspaper it will come up with Adult Jobs or Career Rewards but press Adult Jobs thena big list of jobs will come up click on the one you want. 3] Once you clicked on the job click on the news paper again by pressing SHIFT while clicking on it and it will come up with Set Job Level to it goes up to 10 so click on that but I would go for level 9 because you can see which skill points you need and it will be a memory in the memories when you get to level 10! Hope you loved this cheat!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Yummy Buns on March 25, 2007
will be born in about 4 days (sim time)! GOOD LUCK! Oh, and by the way, a man or a woman can become pregnant with an alien baby.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: sims2addict909 on May 31, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: xXx???xXx on May 17, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: xAnnie--x on February 06, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: slave-to-Sims on April 07, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on December 02, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Taelor on February 03, 2007
How to make your sim a rich sim and how to get that on your memories!
Follow these steps it defenitly works! 1] Get the sim you want. 2] Type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press ENTER. 3] Hold down SHIFT while clicking on the newspaper and a list of options should come up click on Adult Jobs then click on the job you want. 4] Hold down SHIFT while clicking on the newspaper again then click on Setjoblevel to and numbers up to 10 should
come up click on 10. 5] Keep going to work to earn more money for example like 5,000 simoleons. 6] Keep going to work till you are an elder then retire and eventually you will die which gives money to relatives, you earn alot from retiring which makes you rich. Hope you loved this Cheat.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Melih on February 25, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Rdperson88 on July 16, 2007
How to move up hunger and all +skills without going to a community lot
ok first thing first type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true but make sure your not in a family you get out of it if you are then type it in press enter and go into your family you can now drag whatever you want well somethings hope you enjoy
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on February 12, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on June 29, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: LaurenChelsea39 on September 01, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: little kitty kat on June 28, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Squirmbob on March 25, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Michala on January 15, 2008
[motherlode] press "enter" (type whats in the box).Do it 5 or 6 times. 4.Open the cheat menu("Ctrl"+"Shift"+"C").Type in [boolProp testCheatsEnabled true] press "enter" (type whats in the box including Space's & Caps). 5.Build the biggest pool you can.Make sure you only put divingbroads(no Ladders). 6.Hold down "Shift" and click on the mailbox. Select the option [Make Me Know Everyone]. 7.Hold down "Shift" and click on the mailbox. Select the option [Invite Whole Neighbourhood] 8.Wait don't put your sim in the pool until you [Greet Everyone]"(pick on any sim don"t hold "Shift") 9.OOOoohhh yyyaahhh!!!Some of them will get in on there own but if they don't get in and [Ask *SOINSO to join].To ask,click on the sim you want to join. *That sims name "Ask Jill to Join". Have FUN KILL,KILL,KILL 1.NOTE:IF YOU KILL THEM ALL.THEY ARA DEAD YOU HAVE TO MAKE NEW NEIGHBOURS! 2.NOTE:KEEP YOUR SIM ALIVE.HOLD "SHIFT"+"CLICK"+"DRAG THE MOUSE TO THE RIGHT" ON ALL THE [NEEDS] BARS.(HUNGER,COMFORT,BLADDER,ECT.) 3.NOTE:IT TAKES ABOUT 2 DAYS TO KILL ALL OF THEM.AFTER THEY ARE DEAD BUILD A LADDER.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: XXXHellion666 on January 13, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: gigi on July 13, 2008
Kills sims.
If you don't want to kill your sims the normal way, do this. 1st, hold down crlt, shit, c. IN THIS ORDER AND DO NOT LIFT FINGERS. 2nd, type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. 3rd, hold down shift and click on the sim of your choice and click spwan. 4th, while in spawn find Rooney's death creater and click it. 5th, click on the tomb stone that pops up and select the death of your choice. (such as drown, struck by lightning,
flies, ect. any problems or want anyother cheats, you can contact me at
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on April 21, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: abb_kate on July 05, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Candyfuge on July 14, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Appi on April 27, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: AquaJade on April 03, 2007
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: AquaJade on April 08, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: feonixis on May 22, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Allyk on July 12, 2007
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: A Random Sim on January 13, 2008
Ok leason up. If your new and say...Don't understand what other people mean by there cheats are easy or don't wanna take a risk, then this is the cheat for you! Ok Make a friend or use a nother friend you have ask them to move in ( you don t have to have any thing but one little pice of wall or anything eales you want ) now keep asking him to move in and out over and over again and if you WooHoo with them you get more money every single time you ask them to move out you get all the money hope this helped!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Elizabeth on September 10, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Emmy on April 29, 2007
go to options and go to neighbourhood (remember to save your game!) put them in the family bin then clik on them and wala! they can afford any house!!!
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Verified by: Teddysrule, alex115Submitted by: best peep in da wrld on February 08, 2006
Naked baby
To get your baby naked all you have to do is turn 'moveobjects on' and then select change diaper. Whilst you sim is changing it, go onto buy mode click on the baby and put it somewhere else. If your baby is still smelly then i think you can go (once again) on change diaper, let the sim finish changing it and your baby should still be naked!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: GunnerMad21 on July 29, 2007
Never go to school!
I have not tried this, but I think it works. If it doesent, sorry! When the bus comes, take the bus driver out of the bus. Put him somewhere that he can't get out of. The bus wont fade. the bus wont leave. Your kid does not go to school, but nothing happens! Hope this works, sorry in advance if it doesnt. NOTE: to move Bus driver, open the cheat box and use the moveobjects on cheat.
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New Clothes
When your in the neghibrohood get the cheat box up. And type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and then create a family when its loaded press Shift and N. And Wolla Youve got new clothes ( their right at the back)
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on March 30, 2007
1st-put the moveobjects (on) code on. After that tell one of your sims to go outside and get the bills. Once the bills are on the table or whatever go onto buy mode and delete the bills. YOu will not need to pay the bills and people can still come over to your house! PS-DONT DELETE THE MAIL BOX OR ELSE NO ONE CAN COME OVER AND NO PIZZA ETC CAN BE DELIVERED!
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No homework
When the kids get home from school and drop the books on the ground, move the homework onto a table. (MAKE SURE MOVEOBJECTS ON IS ON)Then delete the table. Its like the kid did the homework and if they go to school in a good mood there grade will rise.
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Yes, you can have no mail, or visitors. Here is how! type in "moveobjects on" in the cheat box Everytime the mail person comes by, go into Buy Mode, and delete them! Make sure they haven't put the mail into the mail box! The same with visitors. Everytime you don't feel like having visitors, click on the visitor and KABLAM! They're gone. No more mail, or visitors! HaPpY SimMiNg!!!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: AquaJade on April 08, 2007
No Mailbox no visitors
Just to let you know if you want visitors you have to keep your mailbox. If you don't like visitors and you never want to get visitors you use move_objects on and delete you mailbox. Just remember No Mailbox No Visitors. Xxcaspermad001xX
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: caspermad001 on April 21, 2008
No More Bills!
to get rid of bills, type moveobjects 1 and have a pool, when the mailman/woman comes put them in the pool,they won't die, they'll just keep walking.hope this helped
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Painting glitch
This is so funny. First, buy an easel and make one of your sims practice painting. Go into buy mode and move the easel away from your sim. The sim will keep painting in mid-air and the image will show up on the painting.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Holly on February 26, 2007
1. hold down shift,ctrl and c (all at the one time) 2. boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press enter 3. click on the sim you want and then hold down shift and click on the sim again loads on options will come up go to more at the top and then spawn then go to tombstone of L and D 4. make sure you are on the person you want pregnant, click on the tombstone and go to get pregnant with... click on it and some names will come up click on the sim you want to become pregnant with and... walla your sim is having a baby !! happy simming !!!!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: sophie on April 02, 2007
To get relationships really high type in boolprop testingCheatsenabled true. Then, save the game and exit the lot. Then, go back in the lot, go to a sim and click on the relationships bar for a certain sim. and drag up, or down as much as you want.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Joeman on July 26, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Tianna on July 28, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Nicole on September 05, 2007
Secret Outfits
When you go to Create- A- Family bring up the cheat box. You may have to create a sim before.Type in: boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true (hit enter) now press shift+n. Your game is now in debugging mode! This allows you to acess hidden outfits and hair pieces. Any questions, please send me a message via e-mail at
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Beautiful07 on January 06, 2008
type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then press enter. Then you shift and click on the baby. The babies picture should dissapear. Then you shift and click on the baby again and then the baby pictue will appear again on the side. From then on you can see what it wants. Hop you have fun with this cheat. Bye XxCaspermad001xX
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: spiffi on July 21, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: KCBBSUITCASEREYOB on June 06, 2008
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Squirmbob on March 19, 2007
simple cheat
simply type in "help" into the cheat box to generate a list of cheats.
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Skip childhood!
Okay I just did this today..IT\'S AMAZINNG!! If your toddler has a birthday.. have an adult take it to the cake. As soon as it becomes a child (make sur eyou have moveObjects on) delete the cake (note: do this BEFORE it says \"congratulations! blah has grown into a child!\") after that everyone should just return to normal but if it was the toddlers aspiration to grow up it shouldn\'t have been fuffilled. buy the cake again and have the child blow out the candles again and he/she will become a teengare and skip childhood completely!
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Some cheats^-^
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect: aging (off/on) - turns again off or on deleteAllCharacters - Deletes all Sime in the neighbourhood kaching - get 1000 cash motherlode - get 50,000 simoleans moveobjects (on/off) - moves and delete objects that you cannot normally
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Verified by: Fire Ruby, phoenix_risinSubmitted by: Angelic Serenity on December 03, 2004
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kristy Lee on January 12, 2007
You can hold it now! But you can only pause the game while holding it, otherwise it goes away. You can get pics and everything with it! You've just stolen from the grim reaper!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: FortressGirl on March 22, 2008
Stop Aging!
Get the cheat box (Ctrl, Alt, C) Type in: Aging Off - Pauses aging Aging On - Restarts aging
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Verified by: I am stupid HELP, gchalSubmitted by: vanillagigglez on September 18, 2004
go into the cheat box and type in stretch_skeleton and in braquets type the number you want it to be e.g (0.5) and press enter and the sim that is selected will shrink or grow.
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suck my blood!
ok this is so cool! first us the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true coode and things. then press shift and click more on all da options. the click become vampire. ur game will freeze for 2 seconds and then ur sim will turn gray and hiss all the time!!! BUT YOU CANT!!! put them outside in daylight because they poor sim will turn into dust!!! i HAD A VAMPIRE SIM WHAT DIED AND I WAS DEVASTATED!! hope this changes you life on sims! i couldn't stop playing it when i got this cheat!!!!!! :-D lol
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: simsfanxxx on May 31, 2008
go to 1 of the three places with university on it.. type in move object on make your sim naked by clicking on them.. making them naked.. then go to buy mode and click on your sim and put them in your pool you can have all your sims inside the pool naked.. it is good fun.. you will enjoy it.. thanks.. aleigha-jay
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: anonymous on May 31, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: petedog1996 on April 17, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Kitten on March 20, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: FortressGirl on May 14, 2008
The Move
Do you find it annoying when you have mess around your house? No need! Simply get up the cheat box, tye in: "moveobjects on" and click on unwanted smells and nasties, tis includes dirty dishes, nappies , bottles, plates, cake , fish tank water, any other water or popped balloons.
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this is easy!
when you first move your sim in to your house after a while your mood goes down so heres the cheat: go back to the neiborhood then enter the house again then DRAG with your mouse over the mood and it will go up and a bonus you can do it with your skillz too! so drag that and then you can do it with your personality and your intrests BUT- YOU HAVE TO EXIT YOUR HOUSE WHEN YOU FIRST MOVE IN THEN GO BACK IN AND THEN IT WILL WORK!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: romny on January 20, 2008
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Tromonator133 on July 05, 2008
Want twins? Go into buy mode an enter the moveobjects on code. Then hold shift and click on your Sim. Keep holding shift and put your im somewhere else. You should be holding a clone of your Sim. Put that somewhere and exit buy mode. Then enter the cheat code boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. Hold shift and click on the clone. A menu should come up. Click 'Make Selectable'. Then Click 'Make Selectable' again, and you should now be able to control it! Happy Simming.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Sims2addict on December 17, 2006
Want to be happy?
First thing first, press (Ctrl+Shift+C) Then type in (BoolProp Testingcheatsenabled true). Capitols AND ALL! Then Hold down shift and press the mail box, then to the RIGHT it says make me happy. Press it. And you can do almost anything with your sim!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverifiedSubmitted by: Jane on March 02, 2008
Verified by: 1234508jazzy, Fire TrainerSubmitted by: Anime_Goth_1995 on April 25, 2008
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