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Oral Cavity 1

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Muscle constrictor, superior pharyngeal

levator veli palatini

Origin medial pterygoid plate, pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, mylohyoid line of mandible apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone and the medial surface of the auditory tube cartilage posterior nasal spine

Insertion pharyngeal tubercle and midline pharyngeal raphe muscles and fascia of the soft palate; palatine aponeurosis mucosa of the uvula side of the tongue, entering it from above

Action constricts the pharyngeal cavity

Innervation vagus (X), via the pharyngeal plexus

Artery ascending pharyngeal a.

Notes the most internal of the three pharyngeal constructor mm.

vagus nerve elevates the (X) via the soft palate pharyngeal plexus shortens the uvula vagus nerve (X) via pharyngeal plexus

ascending pharyngeal a.

a derivative of the fourth pharyngeal arch

musculus uvulae


palatine aponeurosis

vagus nerve elevates (X) via the and retracts pharyngeal the tongue plexus

the soft palate and uvula lesser resist the upward pressure palatine a. of the tongue during swallowing tonsilar although palatoglossus branch of sounds like a tongue the facial a., muscle (and would ascending therefore be innervated by pharyngeal XII), it is a palatal muscle a. innervated by X ascending pharyngeal a. palatopharyngeus is part of the inner longitudinal muscle layer of the pharynx remember: V3 innervates both tensor muscles (tympani and veli palatini); ALL other palatal muscles are innervated by vagus
Notes lingual tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer) palatine tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer) pharyngeal tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer); also known as: adenoids tubal tonsil is located at the pharyngeal orifice of the auditory tube

posterior wall of the pharynx posterior margin of and the Palatopharynge the bony palate and elevates the posterior us the palatine larynx margin of the aponeurosis thyroid cartilage opens the scaphoid fossa, auditory tensor veli lateral wall of the palatine tube; tenses palatini auditory tube aponeurosis the soft cartilage palate
Structure tonsil, lingual Location Afferents from

vagus nerve (X) via pharyngeal plexus mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V)
Efferents to

ascending pharyngeal a.

superior surface of lymphatic vessels of the the root of the tongue tongue lateral wall of the oropharynx between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx pharyngeal recess lymphatic vessels of the posterior tongue and palatoglossal/palatophar yngeal arch region lymphatic vessels of the wall of the pharynx lymphatic vessels of the torus tubarius and auditory tube

superior deep cervical nodes superior deep cervical nodes, especially the jugulodigastric node superior deep cervical nodes superior deep cervical nodes

Regions drained "guards" the entrance of the oropharynx "guards" the entrance of the oropharynx "guards" the entrance to the nasopharynx "guards" the entrance to the nasopharynx

tonsil, palatine

tonsil, pharyngeal

tonsil, tubal



intrinsic muscles of the tongue Submandibular gland Submandibular triangle sublingual gland submandibular duct foramen cecum (of tongue)

Includes the superior and inferior longitudinals, transverse, and vertical muscles Salivary gland; located beneath mylohyoid in submandibular triangle; innervated by postgang. Parasymp. Fibers from submandibular gang. Comprised of the submandibular gland and lymph nodes, hypoglossal nerve, mylohyoid nerve, and parts of the facial artery and vein Salivary gland; located beneath oral mucosa in floor of mouth; drains via multiple small ducts Drains submandibular gland to sublingual caruncle in floor of mouth

Located on midline of tongue in sulcus terminalis; remnant of thyroid diverticulum (Latin, foramen cecum = blind apeture) Located in line anteriorly along sulcus terminalis of tongue; possess taste buds in vallate papillae circular sulcus; a.k.a. circumvallate papillae frenulum of fold of mucous membrane under tongue (Latin, frenulum = a bridle, a narrow reflection tongue or fold of mucous membrane, passing from a more fixed to a movable part) sublingual Papilla on lateral side of frenulum of tongue; opening of the duct of the submandibular caruncle gland

Artery facial



ascending palatine a., tonsilar external carotid br., submental a., superior a. labial a., inferior labial a., lateral nasal a., angular a. lingual a. no named branches

dorsal lingual

Supply to lower part of the palatine tonsil, submandibular gland, facial muscles and fascia posterior tongue, palatine tonsil, soft palate

Notes the angular branch of the facial a. anastomoses with the ophthalmic a.

palatine, ascending

facial a.

no named branches

palatine, descending

maxillary a. descending palatine a.

greater palatine a., lesser palatine a. no named branches

palatine, greater

palatine, lesser

descending palatine a.

no named branches

pharyngeal, ascending external carotid

pharyngeal brs., inferior tympanic, posterior meningeal

dorsal lingual a. is only one of five arteries that supply the tonsil bed ascending palatine a. shares supply of the tonsil bed with 4 other aa. (see also: tonsillar br. of superior pharyngeal the facial a., palatine br. of the constrictor, soft palate, ascending pharyngeal a., tonsillar palatine tonsil br. of the dorsal lingual a., tonsillar br. of the descending palatine a.) descending palatine a. palate accompanies the greater palatine n. within the palatine canal greater palatine a. accompanies hard palate, palatine the greater palatine n., it is glands, palatine mucosa endangered by anesthetic injections for dental procedures muscles of the soft palate, mucosa and lesser palatine a. is endangered glands of the soft by anesthetic injections for palate, upper part of the dental procedures tonsil bed arises from the medial side of the pharynx external carotid a. close to the birfurcation Regions Drained pharynx Notes connects with the pterygoid venous plexus

Vein plexus, pharyngeal

Tributaries unnamed tributaries that drain the pharyngeal wall

Drains Into internal jugular

venous plexus, pterygoid venous descending palatine v., sphenopalatine v., infraorbital v., posterior superior alveolar v., anterior deep maxillary v. temporal v., posterior deep temporal v., middle meningeal v., masseteric v., inferior alveolar v. Location superior surface of the root of the tongue lateral wall of the oropharynx between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx Afferents from lymphatic vessels of the tongue lymphatic vessels of the posterior tongue and palatoglossal/palatophar yngeal arch region lymphatic vessels of the wall of the pharynx lymphatic vessels of the torus tubarius and auditory tube meninges, nasal cavity, infratempor al fossa valveless; the pterygoid plexus is connected with the cavernous sinus and the pharyngeal venous plexus Notes lingual tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer) palatine tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer) pharyngeal tonsil is part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer); also known as: adenoids tubal tonsil is located at the pharyngeal orifice of the auditory tube

Structure tonsil, lingual

Efferents to superior deep cervical nodes superior deep cervical nodes, especially the jugulodigastric node superior deep cervical nodes superior deep cervical nodes

Regions drained "guards" the entrance of the oropharynx "guards" the entrance of the oropharynx "guards" the entrance to the nasopharynx "guards" the entrance to the nasopharynx

tonsil, palatine

tonsil, pharyngeal

tonsil, tubal

pharyngeal recess

Oral cavity: opening or hollow part of the mouth. Frenulum of lip: cutaneous fold of the lips. Tonsil (pharyngeal): lymphoid organ in the throat. Palatopharyngeal arch: rear membrane holding the tonsil in place. Palatoglossal arch: front membrane holding the tonsil in place. Uvula: fleshy appendage that closes the nasal fossae during swallowing.

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