Class 10 (Physics)
Class 10 (Physics)
Class 10 (Physics)
Note : Laws of reflection are always valid no GDO = DOI (DG || IO).
matter whether reflection is regular or Hence, DIO = DOI
The image will also approach (or recede) at (iii) The size of the image formed by a plane
speed v mirror is same as that of the size of the object.
If object is 10 cm high, then the image of this
The speed of image relative to object will be
object will also be 10 cm high.
v – (–v) = 2v.
(iv) The image formed by a plane mirror is at the
Case II :
same distance behind the mirror as the object is
If the mirror is moved towards or (away in front of it. Suppose, an object is placed at 5 cm
from) the object with speed 'v' in front of a plane mirror then its image will be at
The image will move towards (or away from) 5 cm behind the plane mirror.
the object with a speed '2v'. (v) The image formed by a plane mirror is laterally
inverted, i.e., the right side of the object appears as
Multiple Reflection the left side of its image and vice-versa.
Number of images formed by combination of plane
mirrors depends upon angle between mirrors.
C A' P
F Fig. Concave mirror : Object between pole
and focus, image behind the mirror.
Concave mirror : object at centre of
(1) Object at infinity
curvature, image at centre of curvature
A point object lying on the principal axis.
(4) Object between Centre of Curvature and Focus
Rays come parallel to the principal axis and
Real object AB has its image AB formed after reflection from the mirror, appear to
beyond centre of curvature. diverge from focus F behind the mirror.
The image is real-inverted and enlarged The image is formed at F.
(bigger in size than the object). (Fig.) The image is virtual and point sized. [fig.]
Fig. Convex mirror : point object at infinity,
Concave mirror : object between centre of
virtual image at focus.
curvature and focus, image beyond centre of
(2) Object at anywhere on principle axis
convex mirror
distance (u) the image distance (v) and the size
mirror focal length (f) is called the mirror anywhere between diminished virtual
formula. on pole & erect
1 1 1 principal focus
v u f
Ex.9 A 1 cm high object is placed at 20 cm in front
Sol. Here, object distance, u = –40 cm of a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm.
Focal length of convex mirror, f = +30 cm Find the position and nature of the image.
1 1 1 Sol. u = –20 cm, f = –15 cm, h0 = 1 cm
Now, using mirror formula, + = we
v u f 1 1 1
get Using mirror formula, + = we get
v u f
1 1 1
+ = 1 1 1
v 40 30 + =
v 20 15
1 1 1 7
or = + = 1 1 1 1
v 40 30 120 or =– + =–
v 15 2v 60
or = = – 60 cm
The image is formed 60 cm from the mirror.
The positive sign shows that the image is Since, the signs of u and are the same, the
formed on the right, i.e. behind the mirror. object and image are formed on the same side
Now, magnification, of the mirror. Therefore, the image is real.
v 120 3 Now magnification,
m = – =– =+
u 7 (40) 7 h' v 60 cm
m= = = = –3
Since, the magnification is positive, the image h u 20 cm
is erect. Thus, the image is formed 17.1 cm h’ = –3h = – 3 × 1 cm = – 3cm
behind the mirror. The image is virtual, erect
and diminished. The negative sign shows that the image is
inverted. Thus, the image is real, inverted and
Ex.8 A 3 cm high object is placed at a distance of of size 3 cm and formed 60 cm in front of the
30 cm from a concave mirror. A real image is mirror.
formed 60 cm from the mirror. Calculate the
focal length of the mirror and the size of the
Ex.10 An object 4 cm high is placed 25 cm in front h' 60 / 7 60 3
of a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm. At or =– =+ =
5 (20) 7 20 7
what distance from the mirror should a screen
be placed in order to obtain a sharp image? 3 15
or h' = 5 × = cm
Find the nature and size of image. 7 7
Sol. Here, u = –25 cm, f = –15 cm, h = + 4 cm
1 1 1 The height of the image is 2.1 cm. Positive
Using the mirror formula, + = , we get
v u f sign shows that the image is erect.
1 1 1
or + =
v 25 15 Ex.12 A convex mirror used on a automobile has 3
m radius of curvature. If a bus is located 5 m
1 1 1 1 1 2
or = – =– + =– from this mirror, find the position, nature and
v 15 25 15 25 75 size of image.
or = = –37.5 cm
2 Sol. Here, u = –5 m, r = +3m
Thus, the screen must be placed 37.5 cm from
r 3
the mirror on the same side as the object. f= =+ 1.5 m
2 7
h' v
Now, magnification, m = = 1 1 1
h u Using the relation, + = , we get
v u f
h' (37.5)
= – 1.5 1 1 1
4.0 cm (25) or + =
v 5 1. 5
or h' = – 1.5 × 4 = –6 cm
Negative sign shows that the image is 1 1 1
or = + = + 1.15 m
inverted. Hence, the image is real, inverted v 1. 5 5
and of size 6 cm. The image is 1.15 m behind the mirror.
h' v 1.15
Ex.11 An object 5 cm high is placed at a distance of Magnification, m = =– =– = + 0.23
h u (5)
20 cm from a convex mirror of radius of
curvature 30 cm. Find the position, nature and Thus, the image is virtual, erect and smaller
size of image. in size than the object.
Sol. Here, u = –20 cm, h = 5 cm
Radius of curvature, r = +30 cm IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE REMEMBER
r 30 Laws of reflection :
Focal length, f = =+ = + 15 cm
2 2 (a) Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
1 1 1 reflection .
Using the mirror formula, + = , we get
v u f
(b) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the
1 1 1
+ = normal all lie in the same plane.
v 20 15
Mirror : A smooth, highly polished reflecting
1 1 1 7
or = + = surface is called a mirror. There are two types
v 15 20 60
of mirrors : (a) plane mirror (b) curved
or = cm mirrors
Curved mirrors are classified as spherical
The image is formed 8.5 cm from the mirror.
The positive sign shows that the image is mirrors or parabolic mirrors depending upon
formed on the other side or behind the mirror. the curvature of the mirror.
So the image is virtual.
Concave mirror : A spherical mirror whose
h' v inner hollow surface is the reflecting surface
Magnification, m= =–
h u
is called concave mirror. A concave mirror Virtual image : The image which can be
forms a real, inverted image of an object if seen into a mirror but cannot be obtained on a
the object is placed at any place outside F. screen is called a virtual image. A virtual
However, when the object lies between F and image is formed only when the reflected or
P, the image formed is erect and virtual. the refracted rays appear to come from a
Convex mirror : A spherical mirror whose point.
outer bulging at surface is the reflecting Sign convention for spherical mirrors :
surface is called convex mirror. The image According to the sign convention for mirror,
formed by a convex mirror is always erect, the focal length of a concave mirror is
virtual and smaller than the object whatever negative and that of a convex mirror is
may be the position of the object. A convex positive.
mirror is used as a side-mirror (driver’s
Mirrors formula : The relationship,
mirror) on automobiles.
1 1 1
Aperture of a mirror : The effective width is called the mirror formula.
f v u
of a spherical mirror from which reflection
Magnification : The ratio of the size of the
can take place is called its aperture.
image to that of the object is called
Pole : The centre of a curved mirror is called
magnification. For a mirror, magnification
its pole.
(M) is given by,
Centre of curvature : The centre of the
v h
hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror is M=– = i
u ho
a part is called its centre of curvature. The
centre of curvature of a concave mirror is in 1
power (in diopters )
front of it, while that of a convex mirror is f ( metre )
behind it.
Radius of curvature : Radius of the hollow CONCLUSIONS FROM THE SIGN CONVENTION
sphere of which the mirror is a part is called For spherical mirror :
its radius of curvature.
Principal axis : A straight line passing Distance of the object, u is negative
through the centre of curvature and pole of a Distance of the real image, v is negative
spherical mirror is called its principal axis. Distance of the virtual image v is positive
Focus : A point on the principal axis of a Focal length, f is negative for
concave & f is +
mirror at which the rays coming from infinity
ve for convex
meet or appear to meet is called its focus.
Radius of curvature, R is negative
Focus is denoted by F.
for concave &
Focal length : The distance between the pole R is + ve for
of a spherical mirror and the focus is called convex
the focal of a spherical mirror. Height of the object, O is positive
Real image : The image which can be Height of the inverted (real) image, I is negative
obtained on a screen is called a real image. A Height of the erect (virtual) image, I is positive
real image is formed only when the reflected
or refracted rays actually meet at a point.
A. Very Short Answer Type Questions Q.13 We known that plane and convex mirrors
produce virtual images of objects. Can they
Q.1 A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror, i produce real images under some
being the angle of incidence. What is the circumstances ? Explain
deviation suffered by the ray of light? Q.14 The wall of a room is covered with perfect
plane mirror. Two movie films are made, one
Q.2 A plane mirror reflects a pencil of light to
recording the movement of a man and the
form a real image. What is the nature of the
other of his mirror image. From viewing the
pencil of light incident on the mirror?
films later, can an outsider tell which is
Q.3 Define principal axis of a spherical mirror. which?
Q.9 An object is placed between two plane Q.20 Prove that the virtual image produced by a
parallel mirrors. Why do the distant images convex mirror is always diminished in size
get fainter and fainter? and is located between the focus and the pole.
Q.10 Why mirrors used in search light are Q.21 Show analytically that an object placed
parabolic and not concave spherical? between the pole and focus of a concave
mirror produces a virtual and enlarged image.
Q.11 You read a newspaper because of the light
that it reflects. Then why do you not see even Q.22 We know that a virtual image cannot be
a faint image of yourself in the newspaper? obtained on a screen. But when we see a
virtual image, we are obviously bringing it on
Q.12 If you were driving a car, what type of mirror the retina (may be regarded as a screen) of the
would you prefer to use for observing traffic eye. Point out the contradiction, if any.
at your back and why?
Q.23 Why a concave mirror of small aperture
Q.30 Find formulae for magnification produced in
forms a sharper image?
the following cases : (i) concave mirror, when
Q.24 What do you understand by the term image formed is real (ii) concave mirror,
‘parallax’? when image formed is virtual (ii) convex
Q.25 How can you distinguish between three
different mirrors just by looking at them?
Q.31 Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of
Q.26 What is the effect of size of mirror on the image of an object placed between the pole
nature of image ? and centre of curvature of a concave mirror.
Derive the formula connecting object distance
Q.27 Is irregular reflection follows the laws of (u), image distance () and focal length (f) for
reflections or not ? this particular case for the given concave
mirror. State clearly the assumptions and sign
conventions used.
C. Long Answer Type Questions
Q.32 Express magnification produced by a
Q.28 Prove that the radius of curvature of a
spherical mirror in terms of (i) u and f(ii)
spherical mirror is equal to twice the focal
and f.
length of the mirror.
Q.1 A child walks towards a fixed plane mirror at (B) neither absorbs nor reflects light
a speed of 5 km h–1. The velocity of the (C) transmits whole of light
image with respect to mirror is - (D) all of the above are correct
(A) 5 km h–1 (B) –5 km h–1
(C) 10 km h–1 (D) –10 km h–1 Q.9 According to laws of reflection of light -
(A) Angle of incidence is equal to the angle
Q.2 The letter that does not show lateral of reflection
(B) Angle of incidence is less than the angle
(A) Z (B) M (C) O (D) W of reflection
Q.3 In a plane mirror, an object is 0.5 m in front (C) Angle of incidence is greater than the
of the mirror. The distance between object angle of reflection
and image is - (D) None of these
(A) 0.5 m (B) 1 m
(C) 0.25 m (D) 0.75 m Q.10 Which of the following correctly represents
graphical relation between angle of incidence
Q.4 An object 0.5 m tall is in front of a plane (i) and angle of reflection (r) ?
mirror at a distance of 0.2 m. The size of the y y
image formed is- i i
(A) 0.2 m (B) 0.5 m (C) 0.1 m (D) 1 m (A) (B)
O x O x
Q.5 A plane mirror is approaching you at 10 cm r r
s–1. Your image shall approach you with a y y
speed of- i i
(A) + 10 cm s–1 (B) – 10 cm s–1 (C) (D)
(C) + 20 cm s–1 (D) – 20 cm s–1 O x O x
r r
Q.6 The path along which light travels in a Q.11 A light ray falls on a mirror and deviates by
homogeneous medium is called a- 60° then the angle of reflection will be
(A) beam of light (B) ray of light (A) 30° (B) 90°
(C) pencil of light (D) none of these (C) 60° (D) 180°
Ques 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans B A B B C B A D A D C B C B B
Ques 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ans B D D A C C