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The Heavenly Journey of the Holy Prophet of Islamsaww has been clearly explained in two Surahs of the Holy Qur'an. In other Surahs as well, we see references to this journey. Firstly in Surat-ul-isra (Ch 17) we find that:

[Shakir 17:1] Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque

to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing. This Verse of Holy Quran tells us that the basic purpose of Mairaj was for Allahazwj to show himsaww Hisazwj signs. And then we find in Surat-un-Najm:

[Shakir 53:18] Certainly he saw of the greatest signs of his Lord. This Verse confirms that the

Prophetsaww did witness the greatest signs of hissaww Lordazwj. Let us now take a look at the Shiite doctrine and see who the Ayaatullahs (Signs of Allahazwj are:
AL KAFI - H 530, Ch. 18, h3

: : " " : : : " " : : : .

Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn abu Umayr or someone other than him from Muhammad ibn al-Fudayl from abu Hamza who has said the following: asws

Once I said to abu Ja'far

, recipient of divine supreme covenant, May


Allah keep my soul in service for your cause, the Shia (your followers) ask about the meaning of the words of Allah Of what do they ask one another? (78:1). Do they ask about the great news? The Imam

, recipient of divine

supreme covenant, said, It is up to my decision. I may tell them or may not tell them. Then he said: I want, however, to tell you the meaning thereof. I then asked what is the meaning of, Of what do they ask one another? The Imam said, It refers to (Amir al-Muminin) Ali often say, None of the signs of Allah Allah
azwj asws asws

, recipient of divine supreme covenant. (Amir al- Muminin) Ali




, the Most Holy, the Most High, is bigger than I

and none of the news of

is greater than I

asws AHADITH ON MAIRAJ We will be discussing our topic under the following headings : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What were the remarks of then angels who met Prophetsaww? What was the Kalima which the Holy Prophetsaww recited? The Hadeeth which mention that wilayat was given on the skies, and that Aliasws was declared Imam-ul-mottaqeen (Imam of the Pious). Description of our Master Aliasws. The language used in the conversation that transpires in Heavens. The revelation at qaab-o-qosain. Did the Holy Prophetsaww see something extra ordinary? Our Master Aliaswss complete vision of Mairaj. Who were those whom the Holy Prophetsaww saw? Our conclusion in which we would state the "basic purpose of Mairaj.

REMARKS OF ANGELS It is quoted from Al-Kafi that when the Holy Prophetsaww reached the first sky, Prophetsaww was greeted by the angels who asked, How is your brother? When you go back, offer him our Salaam (greetings). The Holy Prophetsaww asked: How do you know himasws? They replied, How can we not know him when we have taken the oath of you, your brother and his Shias; and we do Ziarat of the faces of his Shias five times a day, that is, at the times of Salaat; and we recite Darood and Salaam on yousaww and himasws1 At the second sky, Jibrail introduced the Holy Prophetsaww and they all offered greetings and salutations and said Please greet Aliasws once you go back to earth The Holy Prophetsaww said: How did you gain his maarifat (recognition)? Theyas replied, We have taken oath of yousaww and himasws and his Shias from the first day, and we do ziaarat of the faces of his Shias five times a day.2 The same conversation was repeated on the third and the fourth sky. On fourth sky, the Holy Prophetsaww led the prayers, and then an angel came and asked himsaww, Ask them why did they gain Prophet-hood? And the Prophetsas replied, On your Wilayat and Wilayat-e-Aliasws.3

1 2

Tafsir anwaar-un-najaf, vol 8, page 260-261 Ibid, pp. 261 3 Ibid, pp. 262 THE KALIMA WHICH THE HOLY PROPHETsaww WITNESSED Abu hamra narrates that the Holy Prophetsaww said that: On the night of Mairaj, I saw it written on the pillars of Paradise, I am Allahazwj, and there is none except Meazwj; and Iazwj Created Jannat-e-Adn with My Hand of Power (dast-e-qudrat) , Mohammadsaww is Myazwj Creation, and Elevated Prophetsaww, and Iazwj helped himsaww through Aliasws.4 Sheikh Mohammad Bin Ali Khazar Qummi narrates with his isnaad (chain of narrators) in his book kafayat-ul-athaar from Anas Bin MAlik that the Holy Prophetsaww said: When I went to the skies, I saw the KAlima written on the Throne La illaha illa Allah Mohammad ur Rasool Allah ayyaddatho be Ali wa nasratho, and I saw the names of Aimmahasws written in light which included Aliasws, my grandsonsasws, and nine descenders; I asked Allahazwj, What are these names? Allahazwj Said : They are the Awsiya (Trustees) and heirs of yours; I will give reward through them to the pious and give punishment to the sinners through them.5 Sheikh Hassan Tusi narrates with his isnaad from Ibn Abbas that he narrated from the Holy Prophetsaww that the Prophetsaww said: I saw on the door of Paradise written, There is no God except Allahazwj; and Mohammadsaww is his Rasool, Aliasws is the dear one of Godazwj, Hassanasws and Husseinasws are the chosen ones; Fatimaasws is the special devotee kaneez of Allahazwj, and those who have grudges against themasws, may the eternal Curse of Allahazwj be upon them.6

ORDER OF WILAYAT & DECLARATION OF ALI (A.S.) AS IMAM-UL-MOTTAQEEN:Ibn Abbas narrated7 from the Holy Prophetsaww that the Holy Prophetsaww said: Ya Aliasws! You are Imam of the Muslims and Amir-ul-Momineen (Commander of the Faithful), and leader of men with shining faces, and Hujjatullah (Proof of Allahazwj) after me on the all creation, and Syed-ul-Wasieen (Leader of the Trustees), and Wasi of chief of the Prophetssaww. O Aliasws! When I went to Mairaj, and went to Sidrat-ul-Montaha, and went then to veil of light, and was blessed by the Lordazwj with Munajaat, The Lordazwj Said "O Mohammad!" I said "Labbaik O my Lordazwj". My Lord Said "Ali is the Imam of My friends, and there is light for the one who follows Me, and the KAlima which I have made obligatory for the Mottaqeen (pious), who obeyed himasws has obeyed Meazwj, and whoever disobeyed himasws has disobeyed Meazwj, so give himasws this good news."
Hadeeth-e-Qudsi, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas imamat) page 262, hadeeth 21; also in chapter aimmah masoomen, as per Sunni Traditions, page 331, Hadeeth 2] 5 Hadeeth-e-Qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas imamat) page 318-319, hadeeth 113 6 Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas imamat) page 300, hadeeth 82] 7 Al Amali, Sheikh sadooq, Majlis 49, Hadeeth 16
4 Aliasws said "O Prophet! Is my status such that I was remembered even over there? The Holy Prophetsaww said: Thank God for this." So Aliasws did the prostration of thanks. The Holy Prophetsaww said "O Aliasws! Raise your head as Allahazwj is taking pride because of you in front of the angels"8 Ibn Abbas has narrated from the Holy Prophetsaww that the Prophetsaww said: "Ya Aliasws! You are the Master of the Fountain; and the owner of the Flag; and the one who would fulfil my promises; and the loved one of my heart; heir of my knowledge; and the trustee of the heritage of Prophets; and Trustee of Allahazwj on the earth; and Hujjatullah (Proof of Allahazwj; and the Pillar of faith; and the Lamp of hidayat (guidance); and the knowledge which has been elevated for the people of the world. Whoever followed youasws, became successful and whoever left youasws, got destroyed; youasws are the Open Path; and Sirat-e-mostaqeem (Straight Path); and Leader of those with bright faces; and Yasoob-ul-momineen; and Master of those whom I am the Master of; and I am Master of every believing man and believing woman; none will love you except the one of legitimate birth; and none will hold grudges against you but the one of illegitimate birth. When Isaww went to Mairaj, and Allahazwj Spoke to me, Heazwj Told me that I should tell you that you are the Imam of His friends, and for those who obey me, there is light for them. Ya Ali! Congratulations on this Blessing". And we find in AmaAli of Sheikh Sudooq,9 ) ( ) ( . Ibn Abbas has narrated that the Holy Prophetsaww said to Aliasws when he was sitting in Masjid Qaba in the presence of the Ansaar (Helpers), "O Aliasws! You are my brother, and I am your brother;O Aliasws! You are my Wasi (Trustee), and KhAlifa (CAliph), and Imam of my
A similar narration is also there in ahadeeth-e-qudsia, page 266-267, hadeeth 29 & page 271, hadeeth 37. -(A very similar narration is present in Majlis 89, Hadeeth 9, it is part of a long Hadeeth. We quote the relevant part: The only difference over here, apart from the fact that it is a different narration, is that in the end, we find Mansoor saying that it is the Grace of Allahazwj, who gives it to whosoever Heazwj wishes to do so. Similarly, we find in Amaali of Sheykh Sudooq, Majlis 50, Hadeeth 14 of the same book) 9 [similar narrations are present in Hadeeth-e-Qudsia, Al Hurr Aamili, page 268, Hadeeth 32] We find in Majlis 72, Hadeeth 17

Ummah afterwards. Allah

azwj Loves the one who loves you and hates the one who hates you;

and Allahazwj has Grudge for the one who has grudge against you; and Allahazwj will Help the one who will help you; and Allahazwj will Degrade him who would try to do this to you. O Aliasws! You are the husband of my daughter and the father of my progeny. O Aliasws! When I went to Mairaj, Allahazwj took an Oath regarding you, from me and Said: "O Mohammad! I answered: "Labbaik." Allahazwj Said: "Aliasws is the Imam of the Motaqeen (pious), and leader of men with shining faces, and the chief of momineen (believers)" And in the same Majlis 56, in Hadeeth 10, we find the timings of the revelation which are mentioned in the Verse of Surat ul Maida "O Prophet! Preach what was revealed to you..." The Hadeeth tells us that this was at the time when the Holy Prophetsaww went to Mairaj. The Hadeeth is long and covers the event of Ghadeer, so we would just cover a part of it which deals with our subject. The Holy Prophetsaww kept advancing on hissaww journey so long as Allahazwj Wished and then hesaww heard hissaww Lord Saying, "I am Mahmood (The most Praised Worthy) and you are Mohammad (The praised one). I derived your Ism (name) from My Ism (Name); whoever came closer to yousaww, came closer to Meazwj; and whoever went away from yousaww, went away from Meazwj. Tell my people about the Blessing which Iazwj have Given you. Iazwj did not send any Prophet, but made a Wazeer (vicegerent) for himas. You are the Prophet and Aliasws is your Wazeer. The Holy Prophetsaww said: "On the night of Mairaj, Allahazwj Made a Promise regarding Aliasws in three KAlimaat (Words) and Allahazwj said: O Mohammadsaww! Aliasws is Imam-ul-Motaqeen, leader of the people of shining faces, and Yasoob-ul-momineen. Ibn abbas10 narrated that Holy Prophetsaww said that when I went to Mairaj, and was taken to Sidrat-ul-montaha, and from there to the veils of Noor, my Lordazwj said "O Mohammadsaww! You are my abd (Slave), and Iazwj am your Lord, so do tawazu in front of me, and be my abd only, and trust Meazwj; and I am razi in that you are my abd, and my habeeb (friend), and rasool and nabi, and your brother Aliasws is khAlifa (Ruler), and the door (of Salvation), and Imam (leader) of Myazwj creation, Myazwj friends would be known from Myazwj enemies because of himasws; and because of himasws, the satanic party would be differentiated from Myazwj party; and religion would establish because of himasws; and My Constitution would be protected; and Myazwj orders be implemented; because of the aimmah from his progeny, Iazwj would mercy My creation; and because of Al-Qaim (the Deliverer), Myazwj earth would survive for my tasbeeh, tehleel, taqdees, takbeer, and tamjeed, and clean Myazwj earth from My enemies; and declare earth as heritage for My friends; and degrade the kAlima of kufr,

Majlis 92, Hadeeth 4, and elevate My kAlima; and because of himasws, men and cities would survive; and give himasws ilm (knowledge) of all the treasures and mines; and show him Myazwj secrets; and help himasws through Myazwj angels; so that My amr (Command) is implemented; and My religion is announced; he is My wAli-e-haq, mehdi and abd".11 Ali bin hamza narrates that abu baser asked from Imam Jafarasws, while I was sitting there, how many times Prophetsaww had Mairaj? Imamasws replied twice, Jibrailas told him to stand at a place and said: O Mohammad! Stand at this place, for it is this place where none of Prophetsas or angelsas had stood before Then Allahazwj said: O Mohammad! Who is the leader of ummat after you? Prophet said God knows better Allahazwj said Ali is amir-ul-momineen, chief of Muslims, and leader of those whose faces will shine on that day; Imam Jafar said: by God! Alis wilayat came from skies, but not from earth.12 Ismail bin jabir narrates from Imam Baqir that he said in a hadeeth that when Prophetsaww was taken to mairaj, Allahazwj said: O Mohammad! Your duration is ending and your food is finishing (that is time of death is soon to come), who will be there for your umma (nation)? Prophetsaww said: I tested all of Yourazwj creation but could not find anyone more obedient than Aliasws. Allahazwj said: who is there after you? Prophet said: I tested all but could not find anyone more loving/muhib Allahazwj said: Same is here. Allahazwj said: Tell Aliasws that heasws is the sign of guidance, and Imam of My friends, and light for those who are obedient.13 Imam Jafarasws said that Holy Prophet said that on the night of Mairaj, Allahazwj talked to me, and said: O Mohammad! I said labaik. Allahazwj said: Ali is My hujjat after you, and Imam of My obedient, who will obey him, has obeyed Me; and who has disobeyed him, has disobeyed Me; so appoint himasws as flag of guidance so that people can find the true path and guidance14 Sulaiman Jufi narrated from Imam Jafarasws that Imamasws said that when Prophetsaww was taken to mairaj, and had reached where Allahazwj wished, and Allahazwj talked to him in

11 12 13

A similar narration is present in ahadeeth-e-qudsia, hur amili, page 276, hadeeth 46]

Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 255-256, hadeeth 8 Ibid, page 269, hadeeth 34] 14 Ibid, page 271, hadeeth 36] private; when he reached fourth sky, Allahazwj said: O Mohammad! Whom have you appointed as your successor? Prophetsaww said: O Lord! You should select as the power lies with you Allahazwj said: I select Ali bin abi talib15 Khowarzmi in book majam ut tabarani says with his isnaad that Abdullah bin aleem jahni says that Holy Prophetsaww said: I was revealed three things regarding Aliasws; heasws is amirul-mominen, Imam-ul-mottaaqeen and leader of those whose faces will shine on day of qayamat16 Sheikh abu fatah karajki quotes from ibn abbass that he said that Prophetsaww said: I swear by the One who has made me basher and nazir! Throne and chair did not settle, skies and earth did not achieve stability till the time it was not written on them; la illaha illa Allah Mohammad ur rasoo Allah Ali un Waliullah When Allahazwj took mesaww to skies, and honored mesaww with His Speech, i.e., Heazwj said: O Mohammadsaww. I said: Labbaik. Allahazwj said: I am Mahmood and you are Mohammad, I took your name from my name; I gave you preference over all creations; appoint Aliasws as a sign of guidance for people so that heasws guides them to Myazwj religion; o Mohammad! I made Aliasws amir-ul-momineen, so who would try to be his amir, Iazwj will curse him; and who would oppose him, Iazwj would punish him; and who would obey him, Iazwj would reward him with respect; O Mohammad! I had made Aliasws Imam-ul-moslimeen; so who would try to move ahead of him,Iazwj will humiliate him; and who will try to oppose him, Iazwj will destroy him; Aliasws is the chief of all Oolia (Divine successor), and leader of those whose faces will shine on that day; and his My hujjat (proof).17

Aliaswss Introduction by Prophetsaww:We find in a hadith: 82 - : : : : : : :

15 16

Ibid, page 275-276, hadeeth 45] Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (as per sunni traditions) page 322, hadeeth 2. 17 Ibid, page 336, hadeeth 11 : : : : Imam Jafarasws said that Holy Prophetsaww says: When I was taken to skies, and Allahazwj talked to me; some of that talk included: O Mohammadsaww! Aliasws is first and last; Aliasws is apparent and hidden; and heasws is aware of every thing Isaww said O Lord! Are these not your characteristics? Allahazwj explained these for me: Ali is first means that he is the first of Imams from whom Iazwj took oath; and Aliasws is the last means heasws is the last whose spirit I would take, and he is owner of such life whom can talk; Aliasws is apparent means that all those which have been revealed to you have been made apparent for Aliasws; and Aliasws is hidden means that the secrets which you are been informed, Aliasws is also aware of those, and is protecting them; there is no secret between yousaww and Meazwj which heaswsis not aware of; and Iazwj did not create any halal or haram which I did not give Ali knowledge of.18

The Speech of Allahazwj:we find in a tradition: ) ( : Abdullah ibn Umar says that I heard Prophetsaww when Holy Prophetsaww was asked as to what was the tone of Allahazwj when he talked to you. Prophet said: He spoke to me in tone of Ali I asked O Allah! Is it You or Ali who is talking to me? Allahazwj replied: O Mohammad! Iazwj am such a thing which is not like others entities; I cannot be compared with others; neither I can be praised like others; I created you from My Noor and created Ali from


[from basair-ud-darajat, vol 1, page 526, hadeeth 36 ] [also from bihar ul anwar, vol 18, page 377, hadeeth 82 ] your Noor; when I read your heart, I found that you do not love anyone more than Aliasws; so I talked to you in his tone so that you feel more at ease19

The revelation at qaab-o-qosain Holy Prophetsaww said that on the night of Mairaj when Allahazwj made me visit the skies, and when I reached at qosain, rather near than that; Allahazwj revealed to me: O Mohammad! call Ali with the name of amir-ul-momineen And Allahazwj did not name anyone else with this name, neither before him nor afterwards20 Similarly, we also find in another narration: ( ) ) (

When Holy Prophet was asked regarding the verse as to what was that which was revealed, Holy Prophetsaww said that it was revealed that Aliasws is syed-ul-wasieen and Imam-ul-mottaqeen and qaid-ul-ghar-ul-mohajileen, and the first of the Caliph of the last Prophet.21

DID PROPHET SAW SOME THING? We find that Imamasws said: ( ) : ) ( :

[it is from kashaf-ul-ghama fi maarifat ul aimmah, vol 1, page 106; online link is ] [also present in bihar ul anwar, vol 38, page 312, hadeeth 14; online link is ] [also, sheikh hur amili quoted this hadeeth from khowarzmi in ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (as per sunni traditions) page 332-333, hadeeth 5] [allama hashim behraini quoted this hadeeth from ibn shahar ashoob in his book mojazaat-e-aal-e-Mohammad; urdu translation of madina-tul-moajiz, hashim behraini, vol 1, page 383] 20 [amAli, sheikh tusi, urdu version, printed by idara minhaj us sAliheen, Lahore , first edition, june 2009; chapter 11, page 439; also in Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, sheikh hur amili; page 302, hadeeth 86. also in tafsir noor uth thaqalyn, vol 5, page 149] 21 Tafsir qummi, vol 2, tafsir surat najam , page 334; also in tafsir noor uth thaqalyn, vol 5, page 152; tafsir anwar-unnajaf, vol 13, page 150.

19 : (

: :

Muhammad ibn abu AbdAllah has narrated from Muhammad ibn Ismail from al-Husayn ibn al-Hassan from Bakr ibn SAlih from al-Hassan ibn Said from Ibrahim ibn Muhammad alKhazzaz and Muhammad ibn al-Husayn they both have said the following: "We met Imam abu al-Hassan al-Rizaasws and stated to him that Prophet Muhammadsaww saw His Lordazwj in the fashion of a full grown young man of thirty years and added that Hisham ibn Salim and Sahib al-Taq and al-Maythami say that Heazwj is hallow down to His navel and the rest is solid. The Imam bowed down to a prostrating position and then said: (O Lord), Glory belongs to You they have not recognized You nor have they acknowledged Your Oneness thus, they attribute to You such things. (O Lord, Glory belongs to You, had they recognized You they would have attributed to You what you yourself have attributed to Yourself and they would not have considered You similar to things other than You. O Lord, I do not attribute to You anything other than what You have attributed to Yourself and do not consider You similar to Your creatures. To You belongs all good. Do not place me among the unjust ones. The Imamasws then turned to us saying, "Whatever you may imagine (make Wahm of) consider Allahazwj some thing other than it." Imamasws continued, We, people of the family of the Prophetsaww, are elevated such that we are the Divine Scale. Those who exceed cannot catch up with us and those who follow us cannot go ahead of us. O Muhammad, when the messenger of Allah looked at the Greatness of his Lord which was so powerful and perfect as one would be fully grown up at the age of thirty years. O Muhammad, my Lord, the Majestic, the Glorious, is far greater than to be of the qualities of the creatures." The narrator has said that I said, "May the Lord take my soul for your service, who was the one with his feet in the green?" The Imam said, "He was Prophet Muhammadsaww when

looked at his Lord

azwj with his heart He placed him in the light like that of the Hujub so

he can see what is inside the Hujub. Of the light of Allah some are green, red, white and others. O Muhammad whatever has confirmation in the book and the Sunnah we 22".affirm it :Similarly, we find, once Prophet saww was asked as to what hesaww saw in Mairaj, he replied Isaw a river and then viels and then noor, and I saw nothing else. that is, those who saw that Prophetsaww saw Allahazwj are wrong, rather Prophetsaww saw scenes of qudrat and ayaat-e32.)parwardigar (signs of Lordazwj So it is proven that Prophetsaww did saw a NOOR and AYAAT, and that they were not .Lordazwj, as we shall see later on in a tradition


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From al-kafi ;H 266, Ch. 10, h 3, And Al-touheed, sheikh sudooq, chapter 8, hadeeth 13], tafsir anwar-un151 tafsir anwar-un-najaf, vol 13, page

741-641 najaf, vol 13, page


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Ibn-e-abbas said that he heard Holy Prophetsaww saying that Allahazwj had granted himsaww five novelties; and Allahazwj had granted Aliasws five novelties. Allahazwj Gave mesaww jawamaul-kalam (complete collection of Commands), and Gave Aliasws jawama-ul-ilm (complete collection of Knowledge). Heazwj made me a Prophetsaww, and made Aliasws my wasi (successor). Allahazwj gave me kothar, and gave Ali salsabeel (Divine Spring). Heazwj gave me wahi, and gave Ali ilham. Heazwj Gave me Mairaj, and opened up all the gates and veils .of sky for Aliasws on that night so much so that Isaww could see that Aliasws was looking at me Ibn-e-abbas said that then Prophet started weeping, and I asked him O Prophet! Why did you cry? May my parents die for you he said: O ibn-e-abbas! The first thing, which Allahazwj told me on that night, is that Heazwj said O Prophetsaww! Look down towards earth thus, Isaww saw that all the veils have been removed and all the doors have opened. I saw towards Aliasws in a state that he was looking up towards mesaww, thus I talked to him, and he talked to me, also, my Lord spoke to me I asked Prophet what was that which your Lord spoke to

you? Prophet

saww replied: My Lord said: O Prophet! Iazwj have selected Aliasws as your wasi,

minister, and caliph; therefore inform Aliasws about it; and beware that he is listening this. I informed Aliasws in the very court of Allahazwj. And thus Aliasws said I have accepted this order. Then Allahazwj ordered all of the angels to convey greetings to Aliasws; thus they did so, and Aliasws replied to themas. And Isaww saw that all the angels were greeting each other; and which ever angel passed by mesaww, he congratulated mesaww, and would say O Mohammadsaww! By Lordazwj who appointed yousaww with haq, Allahazwj has made all angelsas happy by appointing him your caliph. I saw that those who were holder of arsh (heavens) were looking down, Isaww asked Jibrailasws why are they looking down? Heas replied, O Mohammad! All angels were doing ziarat of Aliasws, and congratulating each other, those of them who were busy worshipping, asked for a break from their duties and were granted, and now they are also doing ziarat of Ali When I returned and wished to inform Aliasws about it, he informed me about that and so I realised that I have not gone anywhere but that its veils were lifted for Aliasws and he saw me there. Ibn-e-abbas asked Holy Prophet please give me some advise Prophetsaww said make mowaddat (intense devotion) of Aliasws wajib on yourself, I swear by my Lordazwj that Allahazwj will not accept any good deed till the time he does not ask about love of Aliasws, though Allahazwj knows even without asking. If he is having this love, his deeds will be accepted. And if he did not had it, Allahazwj will not ask him anything else; and will send him to hell. O ibn-e-abbas! By Lordazwj, fire of hell will be more tougher on those who are enemies of Aliasws, even more than those who declare a son for Godazwj. O ibn-e-abbas! If all the great angels and Prophet get together and insist on hatred/jealousy of Aliasws, of course it cannot happen, Allahazwj will sent them to fire. Ibn-eabbas asked: O Prophetsaww! Will Aliasws have some enemies? Prophet replied: Yes, there will be a nation who would claim to be my nation but they will not have any share in Islam. Their sign of hatred would be that they would give preference to the worst of people over Aliasws, and declare them superior. By Lordazwj, Allahazwj has not sent any Prophetas greater than me, and no wasi greater than Ali. Ibn-e-abbas said that I kept on being like this, Prophetsaww advised me to love Aliasws, and I did that. Time passed by and the time of death of Prophetsaww arrived, thus I asked him O Prophet! May my parents die for you, time of your death is near, so what is your order? Prophetsaww said O ibn-e-abbas! Oppose those who oppose Aliasws, never be helper of hisasws enemy, and dont be their friend either Then I asked O Prophet! Why dont you order people not to oppose Ali? Narrator says that Prophet started weeping and he got unconscious, and when he regained, hesaww said I have learnt it from my Lordazwj; I swear by the Lord who sent me with haq that none of his enemies would leave this world but Allahazwj will deform him. O ibn-e-abbas! If you wish to meet Allahazwj in such a state that Heazwj is happy with you, follow the path of Aliasws, and wherever heasws intends, you should also strive for in that direction. Accept hisasws Imamat, and be enemy to his enemy, and be friend to his friend. O ibn-e-Abbas! Never doubt Aliasws, for doubting Aliasws is kufr with Allahazwj.24

Prophet s Vision Prior to reading further, lest take the following hadtih: : : : : : : Abdullah bin masood narrates that I went at the door of Syeda Fatimaasws and asked: Where is your husband? Syedasws replied: Jibrail took him to the skies. I asked why? Syedaasws said There was a disagreement between angels on an issue, and they asked Allahazwj to appoint a judge for them; Allahazwj told them that they should themselves select a an arbiterator and angels selected Aliasws bin abi Talib.25 So this should not come as a surprise that mola did visited skies. now, let us start with the ahadeeth directly related to our heading: : ! : ) ( : : (( ! :

Imam Ali, sheikh tusi, 4th assembly, mojazaat-e-aal-e-Mohammad; urdu translation of madina-tul-moajiz,

hashim behraini, vol 1, page 251. also Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 305, hadeeth 91.
25 ] bihar ul anwar, vol 39, page 150, online link is


hadis/behar39/a15.html ] ( :

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( ( () ) ( (( Buraida aslama narrated from Holy Prophetsaww that he said: O Aliasws! Allahazwj made you present with me at seven places; the first was when I was taken to skies and Jibrail asked me where is your brother? I said I left him behind. Jibrail said: Pray to Godazwj that Heazwj brings him here. Isaww prayed and you were there with me. At that place angels were standing in a queue; I asked Jibrailas Who are they? Jibrailas said: They are those through who Allahazwj takes pride at that time commented; and I spoke so eloquently that I have not done till today and I spoke regarding all what Allahazwj had created or what Allahazwj will create. Second time was when Jibrailas came to mesaww and took mesaww for visit of skies; and asked me where is your brother? I replied I left him behind. Jibrailas said Pray to God that he brings him. Isaww prayed and you were there with me at once; the veils of seven skies and seven earths were unveiled for mesaww; and I saw the residents of that place and place of even angels; and whatever I saw, you also saw. Third was when I went to jins; and jibrailas asked me where is your brother? I replied: I left him behind Jibrailas said Pray to Godazwj that he brings him.I prayed and youasws were there with mesaww; and whatever I spoke there, and what they told me; you listened all; and you are aware of those to the extent what I know. Fourth place, whatever I asked from Allah, Who said: O Mohammad! I specified Prophet-hood for you. Fifth was when Allahazwj specified laila-tul-qadr with usasws, and none else has any part in it. Sixth place was when Jibrailas came and he asked me where is your brother? I said I left him behind. Jibrail said pray to God that he brings him I prayed and you were there with me; Jibrailas gave adhan over there and I led the prayers and you were there with me. Similarly, we Seventh, we would survive and rest all would get destroyed at our hands.26 find in Bihar-ul-anwar, vol 18, page 388-390, hadeeth 97

in the chapter: : 3 97 - : .

[from tafsir qummi, vol 2, page 335-336; online link is ] also, present in bihar-ul-anwar, vol 18, page 405, hadeeth 112; online link is ] : :

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" " : Abu baseer narrates from Imam Jafar


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who narrated from Amir-ul-momineen that heasws

said: Holy Prophet told me: "when I went on mairaj, angels gave me glad tidings on each sky; and then Jibrail came along with a group of angels and said "if all ummat had united on hub-e-Ali, Allah would not have created hell" O Ali! I testify that there were 7 occasions when you were present along with mesaww, and that gave me unsiat (companionship); first was "?when I was taken to skies, and Jibrail asked me "O Mohammadsaww! where is your brother and i replied "i left him behind" and he said "pray to God and he will make him come" I prayed to Godazwjand your mathal/like was with me"i saw there that angels were standing in que; and i asked jibrail as to who are they? And he replied " they are the ones on whom Allah will take pride in the day of qayamat" i went near them and said what was happened and what would happen till the day of qayamat. Second was when I was moving towards throne, and Jibrail asked me "where is your brother?" and I said "I left him behind" and he said "pray to God so that he gives him to you" I prayed and saw your like present with me. And for me were opened the doors of skies and i saw those who lived there and place of all angels. Third was when I was sent to jins, and jibrail asked me "where is your brother?" and I said "I left him behind" he said "pray to God" I prayed and you were there; and you heard and remembered all what I told them and all what they told me. Fourth was when we were specified for laila-tul-qadr and youasws were there with mesaww; and none else had part in it. Fifth was when I was doing manajat (prayers) to Godazwj and your like was with me; all the things which I asked for youasws from Godazwj were accepted except Prophet-hood as it was specified to me and had to end on me. Sixth was when Isaww was doing tawaf (circummublance) of bait-ul-mamoor and your like was with me. Seventh was when different groups/armies were killed by mysaww hand and youasws were there with me. O Aliasws! Allahazwj Looked at mesaww and selected mesaww of all the men; and then Looked again and selected youasws of mesaww; then Looked at third time and selected Fatimaasws of all the women; and then Looked for fourth time and selected Hassanasws, Husseinasws and aimmahasws from his progeny from all men; O Ali! Isaww saw at four different places your name combined with mine, and I got happy. when Isaww went to skies and reached Bait-ul-maqdis, Isaww saw written on a rock "there is no god except Allahazwj and Mohammadsaww is his Prophetsaww and I helped him through his wazeer and supported him". I asked Jibrail as to "who is my wazeer?". He said "Ali bin abi Talibasws" and then when Isaww reached sidrat-ul-montaha, I saw written: "There is no god but Allahazwj and I am one; and Mohammadsaww is my sift/characteristic in My creation; and Iazwj helped and supported himsaww through his wazeer" and when Isaww crossed the sidrat and reached the throne, Isaww saw there written on the pillars of throne: "There is no god but Allahazwj and I am one; Mohammadsaww is my beloved and characteristic in My creation; I helped him and supported him through his wazeer and brother". O Aliasws! Allahazwj has given you 7 things you are the first one whose grave would be opened along with me; youasws will be there on the bridge of sirat and telling hell "catch him, he is yours; and dont touch him as he is mine" and when Isaww would be dressed, youasws would be dressed as well; and when Isaww would be enliven, youasws would also be; and you will be the first one to stand on the right side of throne along mesaww; and youasws will be the first one to knock at the door of heaven along with me; youasws will be the first one to get resident at ILLEEN (Elevated Ones) along with mesaww; youasws will be the first one who will be given the drink which smells like musk and there are such things for which one should strive.27 Similarly, we find that Allama hashim behraini quotes hafiz rajab barsi that he wrote in his book SHARAQ ANWAR UL YAQEEN FI KASHAF ISRAAR AMIR-UL-MOMINEEN that ibn abbas narrated that Holy Prophetsaww saw Aliasws Fatimaasws, Hassanasws, and Husseinasws in the skies and greeted them.28 Sheikh hassan tusi narrates with his isnaad, anas bin mAlik that Holy Prophet said when I was taken to paradise, I reached near my Lordazwj; I heard a voice of qudrat: O Mohammad! Whom do you like the most? I said Ali. Heazwj said: Look around When I looked left, I found Ali standing.29 Imam Ali razaasws narrated with sanad of his ancestors that Holy Prophetsaww said that Allahazwj did not Create any thing which is superior to me; then Imamasws narrated a lengthy narration and combined it with hadeeth-e-mairaj; Holy Prophet said: Allah made me dive in light/noor; because of which I reached that high place in His state that He wished; I heard: O Mohammad. I said: Labaik. I heard O Mohammad! You are My special one; and I am Your Lordazwj; so worship Me; and have trust in Meazwj; because you are My Noor, Prophet, and hujjat (your progeny) is in my creation; Iazwj Created paradise for your followers; and hell for your opponents; and made honour and glory compulsory for your heirs/Oosia. I asked: Who are my heirs? Allahazwj replied: They are your heirs/Oosia who have been mentioned on My Throne. I saw there, and saw 12 Noors; and there was a green line in each Noor; in which names of my heirs were written; and the first one was Aliasws, and last one was mehdiasws; I asked: Are they my Oosia? I heard: O Mohammad! they are My friends, Oolia, Chosen ones, My Hujjats after you; and they are your Oosia, caliphs, and the best in creation after you; Iazwj swear by my honour, Iazwj will endorse My religion through themasws; and elevate My Kalima through themasws; and clean the earth from Myazwj enemies through the last oneasws of them; and give the power over East and West; and make air obedient to them; and clouds submit to them; and give them greatness; and help them through special army, that is, angels; so that theyasws give My invitation to others; and collect people [mojazat-e-aal-e-Mohammad, urdu translation of madina-tul-moajiz, page 50; published by idara minhaj us sAliheen; may 2004] 29 [ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 300, hadeeth 81; also in tafsir noor-uth thaqalyn, vol 5, page 149, hadeeth 21]

27 on My touheed (Oneness); and then I will Give strength to their state; and till the qayam of

qaimasws, Iazwj will Change days between my oolia.30 Sheikh Mohammad bin Ali khazar qummi narrates with his isnaad in his book kafayat-ul-athaar from anas bin mAlik that Holy Prophet said: When I went on to skies, Jibrailas left mesaww at sidrat-ulmontaha; and said: If I move ahead of this place, my wings would burn I then travelled in the rivers of light till Allahazwj wished; then Heazwj revealed to me: Iazwj looked at earth and selected yousaww as Prophet; and then Iazwj looked again and selected Aliasws; and appointed himasws as your wasi, heir of your knowledge, and Iazwj will emerge from your light Fatimaasws and Aimmah Masoomenasws who will be the torch bearers of my knowledge; If you people were not there, I would not have created earth and qayamat; heaven or hell. O Mohammad! You wish to see them? I replied: yes Allahazwj said: Look upwards. I saw the lights of Aliasws, Fatimaasws, Hassanasws, Husseinasws, Zain-ul-abideenasws, Baqirasws, Jafarasws, Musaasws, Taqiasws, Naqiasws, Hassan Askariasws, and hujjat bin hassan mehdiasws; And Mehdiasws was shining in between all of themasws. Isaww asked: Who is he? and who are they? Allahazwj replied: They are the Tahir Aimmah from your progeny, and he is hujjat-e-khuda; who will fill the earth with justice; and give peace to hearts of momineen.31 Wathla bin asqaa narrates from Holy Prophet that when I was taken on to skies; and I reached sidrat-ul-montaha; my Lord called me: O Mohammad, I replied: Labbaik. Allahazwj said: I did not send any Prophet but he appointed a caliph before his death; yousaww make your wasi Ali bin abi Talibasws as I have made you of one Noor; and Created aimmah from your Noor; O Mohammadsaww! Do you wish to see them? I replied yes Allahazwj said: Raise your head When I raised head, I saw faces of the 12 aimmah; I asked: Whose faces are they? Allahazwj said: Those who will be aimmah after you 32 Akhtab khowarzam narrates his book MANAQIB that shepherd of Holy Prophet abi sulaiman said that I heard Prophet saying: When I was taken to skies and Allahazwj talked to me, and said aaman ur rasool bema anzal aleh min rabih Prophet brought Eman on what was revealed to him I said: wal mominoon and momineen Allahazwj said: you are right; O Mohammad! Whom did you appoint on your ummat? Isaww said: the best of ummat. Allahazwj asked: Ali? I replied: Yes. Allah said: O Mohammad! Iazwj looked at earth and Chose you; and derived your name from My name; so wherever Iazwj would be discussed, you will also be; Then Iazwj looked at earth and Chose Aliasws and Gave him My name; so

[ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 281, hadeeth 54] Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 317-318, hadeeth 112 32 Ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (moqam o nas Imamat) page 319, hadeeth 114


am Aala and he is Ali

azwj . O Mohammad! Iazwj Created yousaww, Aliasws, Fatimaasws, Hassanasws,

Husseinasws, and 9 Aimmahasws from progeny of Husseinasws , who are from my special Noor; And I presented your Wilayat (Master-ship) to the creations of skies and earth; so who accepted that is a momin, and who rejected is a kafir; If there is someone who offers so much of prayers that he gets weak like paper but he does not accept your wilayat and then comes to me in that state; I would not forgive him till he does not accept that. O Mohammad! Do you wish to see them? I said: Yes Allahazwj said: Look to the right side of throne When I saw, I found Aliasws, Fatimaasws, Hassanasws, Husseinasws, and Mehdiasws standing in world of light offering prayer. And Mehdiasws was shining like a star; Allahazwj said: O Mohammad! They are My Hujjats (Divine Representatives); and this Mehdiasws is the one would take revenge; Iazwj swear by my honour, heasws is the hujjat-e-wajiba (must be followed) for my friends and punisher of my enemies33 THE BASIC PURPOSE OF MAIRAJ:It is narrated in Tafsir Burhan34with narration of saffar that Imam Jafarasws said that Holy Prophetsaww had Mairaj 120 times; and each time, hesaww was advised to preach and emphasise wilayat-e-Aliasws and wilayat-e-Aimmah Ahlubaitasws more than any other thing. And thus, even in Tafsir Ayashi, there is a hadeeth with similar narration; and the questions and answers of angels are also highlighting this fact. Another important aspect of Mairaj, see for example35, as per numerous traditions of Masomeenasws, is to establish the caliphate of Ali bin Abi TAlibasws, as well as Mola Aliaswss marriage with Syedaasws.

[page 343-345] [ahadeeth-e-qudsia, chapter AIMMAH MASOOMEN (as per sunni traditions) page 343-345, hadeeth 24] 34 [vol 3, in tafsir of surat-ul-isra] 35 MAJMA-UN-NORAIN Sheikh Abu-ul-Hassan Najfi


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