Essay Samples
Essay Samples
Essay Samples
It was a crisp autumn morning when I decided to embark on a Many tourists I have met have told me that one place they have to go
spontaneous road trip. The leaves had transformed into a vibrant mosaic of is the weekend market. This market is huge and has everything from bags,
reds, yellows, and oranges, beckoning me to escape the routine of daily life souvenirs and handicrafts to many kinds of animals, many kinds of plants and
and embrace the unknown. With a hastily packed bag and a full tank of gas, I it also has a variety of local food. In other words, the weekend market is a great
set out on a journey of self-discovery. The road stretched endlessly before me, place for shopping and experiencing the local culture. The market is located
winding through picturesque landscapes and quaint little towns. I had no near the city's main bus station so people come from all over the country to
destination in mind, only a desire to explore and find a deeper connection with buy and sell goods. Moreover, it is also near a sky train station and a subway
myself. The rhythmic hum of the tires on the pavement served as a soothing station which makes it very convenient for city people, especially young people
soundtrack, and the open road became my canvas for introspection. As I who don't have cars. The market is very large and full of hundreds of small
drove, memories from my past surfaced like autumn leaves carried by the shops and stalls. Consequently, it can be confusing to get around. However, if
wind. Each mile became a marker of reflection, a chance to revisit moments you get lost, it is a good idea to look for the clock tower which is right in the
that had shaped my identity. The quaint roadside diners and charming gas middle of the market. It will help you find your way. When I walk into the market
stations became more than pit stops; they were the backdrop to the narrative early on a Sunday morning, there are people and cars and motorcycles
of my life. The journey was not without its challenges. Unexpected detours and everywhere. people have to be careful where they walk. Many people are
roadblocks forced me to navigate the twists and turns of both the literal and bringing their goods to sell in big bags on carts and trolleys. In fact, people
metaphorical roads. Yet, with each obstacle, I discovered resilience within might even have to jump out of the sellers' way as they charge along the
myself that I hadn't recognized before. It was as if the universe conspired to narrow walkways with their goods. In addition to the sellers, tourists and locals
test my determination and commitment to this odyssey of self-discovery. are pouring in looking for something to eat or ready to start shopping. As time
Amidst the solitude of the open road, I found solace in the simplicity of the goes by, the market gets more and more crowded and people have to start
present moment. The vastness of the landscape mirrored the vastness of my squeezing past people to keep moving. As people walk through the market,
own potential, and the journey itself became a metaphor for the continuous they will experience many sensations. For example, there are many smells,
evolution of the self. I embraced the uncertainty, finding liberation in not scents and aromas. One moment you will be smelling the aromas of stir-fried
knowing where the next turn would lead. As the sun dipped below the horizon, cooking dishes from a small restaurant and the next, you smell the scents of
casting a warm glow across the landscape, I realized that the journey was not orchids and other flowers as you pass through the cooler and more relaxing
about reaching a specific destination but about embracing the process of garden section. Furthermore, walking deeper into the market, your eyes will
becoming. The road trip had become a pilgrimage of self-awareness, an have trouble recording so many products with their many colors, designs and
exploration of the internal landscapes that mirrored the external beauty I sizes. After a while you may feel dizzy and look for a quiet place to have a rest
witnessed through my windshield. Days turned into nights, and nights into and a refreshing drink. Fortunately, there are many small cafes and drink stalls
days, as I surrendered to the ebb and flow of the journey. Eventually, I found selling fresh coconut juice, orange juice or iced water.
myself back where I started, physically tired but spiritually rejuvenated. The
road trip had become a chapter in the ongoing narrative of my life—a chapter To sum up, a day at the weekend market is both a day of shopping
filled with unexpected discoveries, personal growth, and a newfound and a unique experience for your senses. It is a kind of magical journey that is
appreciation for the beauty of the unknown. As I parked my car and stepped great as a first experience for tourists and an escape from daily life for locals.
out onto familiar ground, I carried with me the lessons learned on the open Moreover, while it is usually hot and crowded, the atmosphere is friendly and
road. The journey of self-discovery, like the changing seasons, is a perpetual good-natured.
cycle—one that I now embrace with open arms, knowing that every road, no
matter how winding, leads to a deeper understanding of oneself.
Exploring Different Learning Styles: A Guide to Effective Education The Impact of Technology on Modern Communication
Education is a dynamic and multifaceted process, and individuals Communication, a fundamental aspect of human interaction, has
often engage with information in diverse ways. Learning styles, defined as the undergone significant transformations with the advent of technology. In today's
preferred approaches individuals take to acquire and process knowledge, play digital age, various technological tools and platforms shape the way we
a crucial role in shaping how we understand and retain information. connect, share information, and build relationships. The integration of
Understanding and acknowledging the diversity of learning styles is essential technology into communication processes has not only revolutionized the way
for educators and learners alike, as it fosters more effective teaching strategies we interact but has also brought about unprecedented convenience, speed,
and facilitates optimal information absorption and retention. Visual, auditory, and interconnectedness in our interconnected world.
kinesthetic, and read/write, are the different styles on how a learner acquires
knowledge. The rise of instant messaging apps and social media platforms proves
the transformative impact of technology on communication. For example,
Visual learners thrive on visual aids such as charts, graphs, and platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter allow individuals to connect
diagrams. They comprehend information best when presented in a spatial or instantly, share updates, and engage in real-time conversations, breaking
graphical format. These individuals often benefit from the use of visual down geographical barriers and facilitating global communication.
metaphors and color-coded information. Classroom activities that involve
images, videos, or mind maps are particularly effective for this learning style. On the other hand, the prevalence of video conferencing tools such
as Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams also shows how technology has
Auditory learners absorb information most effectively through reshaped professional communication. Virtual meetings have become
listening. They grasp concepts well through lectures, discussions, and audio commonplace, enabling remote collaboration, reducing travel costs, and
materials. Group discussions, podcasts, and verbal explanations resonate with fostering efficient communication in diverse work environments.
auditory learners. These individuals may struggle with purely visual materials
and may find it helpful to verbalize information or discuss it with others to Meanwhile, the evolution of email communication serves as a prime
enhance their understanding. example of technology streamlining written correspondence. Emails have
replaced traditional mail, providing a faster and more efficient means of
Kinesthetic learners are hands-on individuals who learn best through communication in both personal and professional spheres. The convenience
physical activities and experiences. They benefit from interactive learning of instant communication has become an integral part of our daily lives.
environments, where they can manipulate objects and engage in practical
applications of concepts. Role-playing, experiments, and field trips are Lastly, the widespread availability of the internet has revolutionized
valuable tools for kinesthetic learners. information sharing. Online platforms, blogs, and forums serve as exemplars
of how technology facilitates the dissemination of information. The ability to
Read/write learners prefer traditional text-based learning. They excel share ideas, knowledge, and perspectives on a global scale has empowered
at processing information through reading and writing activities such as individuals and communities.
textbooks, articles, and note-taking. These learners often appreciate written
instructions, enjoy writing summaries, and may benefit from creating outlines In conclusion, technology really has a profound influence on modern
or lists to organize information. communication. From instant messaging and virtual meetings to email
communication and information sharing, technology has not only expedited the
In conclusion, recognizing and appreciating the diversity of learning communication process but has also fundamentally altered the way we
styles is paramount for creating inclusive and effective educational connect with one another. As we navigate this digital era, it is imperative to
environments. Educators must embrace a variety of teaching strategies that recognize the transformative power of technology in shaping our
cater to visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write learners. By tailoring communication landscape. While these advancements offer unparalleled
instructional methods to the preferences of each learning style, educators can convenience and connectivity, it is crucial to balance the benefits with an
optimize the learning experience for all students. As we move forward in the awareness of potential challenges, ensuring that technology enhances rather
realm of education, acknowledging and accommodating different learning than hinders our ability to communicate effectively in the modern world.
styles will contribute to a more enriching and equitable learning journey for
learners of all backgrounds and abilities.
Social Media Giants as well as fan pages. Twitter makes no distinction between the personal
accounts utilized by individuals and the accounts of organizations and
Since social media’s origin over a decade ago, several sites have celebrities. Most accounts on Twitter are public, and a user can “follow” an
enjoyed time in the spotlight. Indeed, individuals of all ages and lifestyles often account without that account “following” them back. The relationship is not
manage several social media accounts at the same time, ranging from the big necessarily mutual, as it is with Facebook friends. Any account holder can
names to more specific platforms, such as the book-sharing site Goodreads. address another user with that user’s twitter handle (the @ sign followed by a
The two giants of the moment are likely Facebook, used by tweens and distinct name or word combination). This tweet will not automatically appear
grandparents alike, and Twitter. Most individuals have one or more of these on the addressed user’s profile, as it would on a “friend’s” Facebook page. The
accounts and may even use them in integrated ways. For example, Twitter has addressed user would have to “retweet” in order for the tweet to appear on his
a feature that allows users to post their tweets to Facebook, thus updating two or her page. “Retweeting” is similar to “sharing” on Facebook.
sites at once. Often, these sites share the same major features. Facebook and
Twitter are similar on a basic level but differ in appearance and in the way These subtle nuances in Twitter and Facebook impact the way the
users employ them. account holders use the sites. Facebook emphasizes a circle of friends, family,
and acquaintances through the mutual relationship of “friends.” Thus, the
Facebook has the typical offerings associated with social media sites. information users share on Facebook tends to be personal. Users are able to
Account holders have a home page containing their “news feed,” a list of posts post large numbers of photos in albums and additional biographical
by other users with whom the account holder is “friends.” information is compiled under the “about” tab. A compilation of the pages a
Additionally, posts by fan pages for businesses, products, and user likes is visible to his or her friends. Twitter is less about friends and
celebrities the account holder “likes” will appear on the news feed. Users can relatives and more about an enlarged conversation. There is no place for users
arrange their news feed by “top stories” or “most recent.” The home page also to upload 200 photos of their latest family vacation. Since most tweets are
contains the Facebook chat feature, where users can instant message one public, Twitter users have an expanded audience, and there are more
another, and links to the private message page and the account holder’s opportunities to engage with other users who are interested in the same news
personal profile. The individual’s profile contains a personal picture – as well stories, businesses, and blogs. Twitter also updates faster because the posts
as a banner picture – biographical information, and a compilation of all the are shorter, creating an ideal environment for news and conversation in real
individual’s posts, called the “timeline” ( time.
Twitter is not much different on these points. The homepage also Facebook and Twitter are similar in their major features. They both
features a list of tweets by other users whom the account holder “follows.” The provide account holders with an online platform for connecting with others
account holder can choose to view a list of tweets generated by Twitter’s through posts, profiles, and content sharing. However, they differ in the details
assessment of his or her interests under the “Discover” tab. A Twitter user also of appearance and focus, thus creating two unique environments: one that
has a profile with his or her photograph situated over a larger photo at the top. emphasizes friends and personal information and another that highlights
Underneath, the user provides a short biography, his or her location, and a link cultural conversations.
to a personal website, if applicable. Direct messaging is also available on a
separate page (
The term "halcyon" carries an aura of serenity and repose, conjuring In the Philippines, teenage pregnancy remains a pressing social issue,
images of a bygone era characterized by peace and prosperity. Rooted in posing complex challenges for both young individuals and the society at large. The
Greek mythology, where the kingfisher bird, Alcyone, was believed to bring escalating rates of teenage pregnancies not only jeopardize the health and well-
calm to the seas during its nesting period, "halcyon" transcends its literal being of the young mothers but also contribute to broader socio-economic
definition. As we delve into the layers of this word, we unravel a narrative that concerns. This essay endeavors to delve into the multifaceted causes of teenage
intertwines mythology, historical usage, and its contemporary resonance. pregnancy in the Philippines and proposes comprehensive solutions aimed at
addressing this critical problem. By examining the root causes and presenting
Derived from the ancient Greek myth of Alcyone, "halcyon" initially viable strategies, this essay seeks to contribute to the ongoing efforts to create a
denotes a period marked by tranquility, both in nature and the human healthier and more sustainable future for Filipino youth.
experience. This mythical association, however, extends beyond a mere
Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is a complex issue rooted in various
description of calm seas. It symbolizes a state of internal and external factors, including inadequate sex education, limited access to reproductive health
harmony, evoking a sense of nostalgia for an idealized epoch. Literature, from services, and socio-cultural norms surrounding sexuality. To address these root
the ancient classics to modern works, employs the term to capture a yearning causes, comprehensive and age-appropriate sex education programs must be
for a utopian existence, an interlude when the world stands still. integrated into the school curriculum. This educational initiative should not only
cover the biological aspects of reproduction but also emphasize responsible sexual
Beyond its mythological and literary roots, "halcyon" infiltrates
behavior, contraceptive methods, and the importance of informed decision-
everyday language as a descriptor laden with sentiment. It articulates a
collective longing for a peaceful and prosperous time, whether referring to a
historical epoch, a personal relationship, or a fleeting moment of contentment. Ensuring access to reproductive health services is paramount in
The word becomes a vessel for expressing a desire to transcend life's preventing teenage pregnancies. Governments and non-governmental
complexities and attain a semblance of order and peace. organizations should collaborate to provide affordable and accessible reproductive
health services, including contraceptives, family planning counseling, and prenatal
Moreover, "halcyon" encapsulates a duality—it is both a descriptor care. Removing barriers to healthcare access, particularly in rural areas, is
and an aspiration. In literature, it narrates stories of idyllic landscapes, essential to empower young individuals with the knowledge and resources needed
unmarred by turmoil. In everyday language, it becomes a beacon, guiding to make informed choices regarding their reproductive health.
individuals toward the pursuit of moments untouched by discord. This dual
nature endows "halcyon" with a richness that transcends its dictionary Furthermore, societal attitudes and cultural norms surrounding sexuality
must be addressed to create an environment where open discussions about
definition, offering a nuanced exploration of the human yearning for tranquility.
reproductive health are encouraged. Breaking the stigma associated with teenage
In conclusion, "halcyon" emerges as more than a word; it is a vessel pregnancy and fostering a supportive community can contribute to reducing the
that carries with it the weight of mythology, the echoes of literature, and the prevalence of early pregnancies. Media campaigns and community-based
aspirations of everyday language. Its roots in ancient Greek myth, its presence programs can play a crucial role in challenging stereotypes and promoting positive
in timeless works of literature, and its contemporary usage converge to reveal attitudes towards responsible sexual behavior.
a term that resonates with a universal longing for peace and prosperity. As we In conclusion, the issue of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines requires
navigate the currents of time, "halcyon" remains a linguistic testament to the a comprehensive and collaborative response from various sectors of society. By
enduring human quest for a calm and idyllic existence—an aspiration that addressing the root causes through robust sex education programs, ensuring
spans myth, literature, and the shared language of our everyday lives. access to reproductive health services, and challenging societal norms, we can
create an environment that empowers young individuals to make informed choices
about their reproductive health. It is imperative for policymakers, educators,
healthcare providers, and communities to unite in the shared goal of fostering a
society where teenage pregnancies are minimized, allowing Filipino youth to
pursue healthier and more promising futures. The journey towards mitigating
teenage pregnancy requires a collective commitment to providing the necessary
support systems for the well-being and aspirations of the youth in the Philippines.
Miscommunication Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day
We often talk about how important it is to stay attentive and be focused when A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without
somebody is speaking so that the message could be delivered smoothly. In this manner, having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that
we also believe that we are creating a preventive measure and a concrete solution for they don’t have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that
communication breakdown. However, people tend to disregard the fact that to solve everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities.
miscommunication, we have to be aware why it happens and why it exists, and how it
could have an impact on the conversation. Miscommunication occurs because of these The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is
three reasons: (a) passive hearing, (b) failure to take time to understand the person for your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a
you are talking to, and (c) unawareness of one's own perceptual filters. disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It’s very
important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going
Dr. Katherine Hampsten, an Associate Professor of Communication Studies
to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast.
and a TED-Ed educator, has stated various reasons on why miscommunication
happens and the first thing to take note of is passive hearing. When somebody only Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food to do well
passively hears things, that means he or she is unable to decipher both the verbal and in your classes. Your body and your brain are not going to function as well as they
nonverbal language used by the speaker. When we converse, it is very important that could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn
we listen carefully; this means that we do not only use our ears but we also use our something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble
mind, eyes, and heart if it need be. Both spoken words and the non-verbal feedback
succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going
given by the one we are talking to are significant because if we do not actively listen
to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary,
and if we disregard those two factors, then there will be misunderstanding, confusion,
you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the
and of course miscommunication.
entire previous night without food.
Another reason why miscommunication happens is that we do not take time
to understand the person we are talking to. Oftentimes, we prioritize more the reply that The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid
we have to give instead of listening to the speaker. When this occurs, the essential diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going
meaning that is being conveyed by the other person is being lost. Thus, the to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you’re
conversation dies down or worst, conflict would arise because the person we are talking going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day.
to might think that we do not care about what they have to say about a certain matter
or issue. You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your
The last thing that might bring about miscommunication is our failure of defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast than
recognizing our personal perceptual filters. We all grew up in a different environment run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your
with a distinct culture that aided in molding the beliefs which we hold true to ourselves. health, and eating breakfast is the best way to start your day.
Hence, our perception or the way we see things might be different from others.
That is why, when talking to another person, it is necessary that we have a background
knowledge about his or her experiences and the community he or she grew up in
because it can give as an idea as to why that particular person's beliefs and attitude is
not the same as ours. Unfortunately, this is something that we still need to improve on
because sometimes our own biases and prejudice get a hold of us, resulting to
unsuccessful analysis and understanding of the people around us.