Unit-1 (1)
Unit-1 (1)
Unit-1 (1)
1.1 Aims and Objectives
1.2 Introduction: Genesis of Indian Poetry in English
1.3 Sarojini Naidu
1.4 ‘Palanquin Bearers’
1.4.1 Interpretation
1.4.2 Images
fair : fete
rainbow tinted : multi-coloured like a rainbow
circles of light : brightly shining
radiant : glowing brightly with joy
meet : fit
maiden : young unmarried girl
flushed : blush to go red in the face
tranquil : peaceful
aglow : glowing
bloom : healthy/fresh appearance
cleaves : sticking together
limpid : clear
hue : colour/shade
luminous : glowing with light
1.6.1 Interpretation
‘Bangle-Sellers’ as you can see is a poem of 4 stanzas of 6 lines each
rhyming aa bb cc.
This poem throws light on Sarojini Naidu’s conception of Indian womanhood.
According to her, the lives of women should be radiant, the lustrous token
of which are the delicate bright rainbow-tinted bangles. The first duty of a
woman is to be happy, since her happiness radiates happiness to those who
come into contact with her. To be a happy daughter and wife is the goal to
which Indian women ought to aspire. Marriage to an Indian woman means
much more than to a man since the woman is in most cases economically
dependent. It is, therefore, a turning point in her life.
Sarojini symbolizes the heart’s desire of a bride with the rich red colour of
her bangles. The would-be bride responds to the laughter of the intimate
companions of her girlhood as they tease her about her coming marriage.
She sheds tears as she leaves her father’s house for her husband’s. Hence
Sarojini Naidu speaks of the bridal laughter and the bridal tears which like
the bangles she wears are, “Tinkling, luminous, tender and clear”.
‘Bangle Sellers’ confines itself to the different stages in a woman’s life,
relating each stage to the bangles appropriate to it. Thus the “rainbow-tinted
circles of light” carried by the bangle sellers to the temple fare are ‘Lustrous
tokens of radiant lives/for happy daughters and happy wives’.
The focus here is only on the radiance and not on the desolation at all.
Sarojini Naidu mingles description with reflection in ‘Bangle Sellers’. It is
beautifully executed and shows her descriptive skill with sustained thought.
Check Your Progress 4
1) How does the poem “The Bangle Sellers” throw light on Sarojini Naidu’s
conception of Indian Women?