Reading Strategies File
Reading Strategies File
Reading Strategies File
and/or After Before. Describe how you will use the strategy with students. Before the content is addressed, an anticipation guide will not only present the purpose to what the content is but is also could be an informal assessment to see what the students know for me to better prepare what I have to teach. Giving this assessment beforehand will show me will show me what my students already know. During the unit will show me how to adjust my lesson to make sure each student knows what they need to know, speaking for vocabulary. After the lesson has been started, this can help build up the vocabulary or can assess if the students understood what the lesson was trying to achieve. The students try an attempt on each word with an example and definition. Then, as the vocabulary is learned they see if their definition is correct and if not, they will change it to make it correct. Students are in groups and have to use the
1.Anticipation Guide
Sets a purpose for reading or learning. Can heighten the purpose or motivation of the content.
2. CLOZE Maze
Before or during
3. Bubble Map
A vocabulary assessment that will help with knowing if the students know the connections of different vocabulary.
During or after
4. SelfAwareness Chart
This vocabulary exercise helps the students infer what the vocabulary words mean.
5. Say Something
encouraging to speak. 6. Listen-Viewing Guide A worksheet that helps the students stay focused during a video presentation Before, During, and After
7. SeedDiscussion
Introduces a new topic, and can be used for individual, group, or class work.
Can uncover component ideas, can show structure and interrelatedness and organization of ideas.
9. Possible Sentences
Pre-reading strategy that focuses on vocabulary building and students prediction prior to reading
prompt(s) given to have a discussion by taking turns when talking. The students have a worksheet that they fill out a preview before the video, record notes during, discuss as a group and summarize, then as a class, a synthesizes happens. When reading an article the students each write information they dont understand, information that is surprising, and vocabulary they dont know and things that remind them of other things. The students identify several main concepts of a reading and fill in graphic organizer. Students suggest a category of a concept and complete the form by providing a definition of the category. Give students a list of vocabulary words that are important to the reading and have them come up with definitions of each word. After that, they will pair up each word with another vocabulary word and make a sentence for each pair of words. 4 squares are used for note taking during the reading for definitions, examples, characteristics, and nonexamples for each vocabulary word. Before the students read
Activity Guide
going to be read, and diagrams are filled out as the reading happens
and During
Students set the purpose and determine how they will meet the purpose
14. KWL
Gets what the students already know, what questions they have and what they learn after the lesson
Students take notes while watching a video then discuss the notes with a small group.
they predict what the reading this going to be about and during the reading, reading guides help them focus on the purpose of reading. The content is then discussed with partners or in a small group. The students predict what the passage will be about and then after they read they will confirm or deny if what they read was correct or not. They also ask questions and clarify the answer after they read. After the reading they will summarize with the new knowledge they have what they had just read. Teach the students how to develop a purpose and facilitate reasoning skills that the students will use. After the students come up with a purpose, help them test their predictions. Students write down what they know about topic beforehand and what questions they have about the topic. After the lesson, they write down what they have learned. The lesson is given and then after the lesson is discussion and reading of the materials related. While watching a video the students write down words and phrases that are important to the topic. Afterwards, the student will expand on what was meant of that
17. RAFT
Incorporates writing in meaningful and creative ways into different topic areas As a group, roles are split up and everyone reads the same piece
18. Cube It
word or phrase. Then, a group will discuss and a summary statement is made by each student at the bottom of the page. Students think of a role, audience, format, and topic they write about then go ahead and write what they thought up. I will already come up with six types of questions (describe, analyze, apply, take a stand, reinvent, and choose a different prospective) in groups of six, each person has their own role. After they do their own work, a discussion follows.