Study of Nec Transmitter

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Doordarshan is the national service of India and is also one of the largest broadcasting organizations in the world. A network of three nationals, two special interest channels; 10 regional language channels, 4 state network and an international channels. Through a network of 868 terrestrial transmitters of varying powers it makes available television signals for over 87% of population. 300 million viewers in their homes watch Doordarshan programs. Television sets established under various schemes in community centers in villages for a total number of 450 million viewers (India, 1998). The countrywide class room on national network is aimed to reach quality education of students in small villages. Television in India has been in existence for decades now. India did not begin till September 15, 1959 with a small studio. The service was called Doordarshan for the first 17 years, it spread haltingly and transmission was mainly in black and white. Doordarshan was established as a part of AIR, until 1976, it consisted of one national network and seven regional networks. In 1992 there were sixty three high power television transmitters, 369 medium power transmitters, 76 low power station and 23 transposers. Regular satellite transmission began in 1982. Television has come to the forefront only in the past 21 years and more so in past 13. There were initially two ignition points, the first in the 80s when color television was introduced by state owned broad caster. Doordarshan (DD) timed with 1982 Asian games which India hosted. It then proceeded to install transmitter nationwide rapidly for terrestrial broadcasting. In this period, no private enterprise was allowed to set up television signals. The second spark came in early nineties with the broadcast of satellite television by foreign programmers like CNN followed by STAR T.V and a little later by domestic channels such as ZEE T.V and SUN T.V into Indian homes.





02-08-1986 BEL 0710KW 1KW 189.2396 MHz 194.7396 MHz INSAT 3A 93.50 1490 670 REGIONAL : 3820MHz, NATIONAL : 3725 MHz 350 METRES

01-04-2003 NEC 09 10KW 1KW 203.26MHz 208.76 MHz INSAT 3C, INSAT 4B 740, 93.50 2200 ,1490 63.20,670 NEWS 3725MHz 350 METRES

Table 1.1 features of doordarshan Kendra HPT



U lin p k A ntenna

Dow link n A ntenna

E arth station Terrestrial system User

E arth station Terrestrial system U ser

FIGURE 2.1 processes going on doordarshan TV Signals from studio are processed and up-linked to the satellite where these signals are further processed and then down linked to the Terrestrial T.V Transmitters with the help of transponders of the satellite. The signal received by the parabolic dish antenna is sent to the TVRO (television receiver only) of input output chain with the help of coaxial cable. The signal is divided into visual signal and aural signal. Demodulator separates audio and video signal. The video Signal is further amplified to 1V peak to peak by Video Distribution Amplifier ( VDA) and Stab Amplifier in Video Signal Chain where as the Aural Signal is amplified to 10 dB by Audio Distribution Amplifier.


This visual signal first undergoes the input monitoring section. Input monitoring section consists of mainly three sections. Video distributor
Color Stab Amplifier Video Equalizer

2.1.1 VIDEO DISTRIBUTOR: The video distribution amplifiers are employed in Transmitters to distribute composite video signals to a number of units. This contains two identical distribution amplifiers each providing five outputs. Here the input signal coming from TVRO (television receiver only) is amplified to 1V peak to peak. 2.1.2 COLOUR STAB AMPLIFIER: So when the visual signal goes to this amplifier block, the signal is amplified, and we get perfect 1v peak to peak signal. This is used with sync. Processor to process the composite color video signal. The composite video signal is processed to remove hum and noise from the timing components in the sync. Processor which produces regenerated noise free sync and blanking signals. These noise free signals are added to the composite color video signals in the color stabilizing amplifier.

2.1.3 VIDEO EQUALIZER: The video equalizer is used to compensate for the video signal attenuation in cables (OD lengths up to 300 mts). The equalizing can be adjusted in 21 steps.


In the similar way audio signal undergoes many processes to get the signal in the range of 0 to10 dB. First the signal goes through audio distribution block where audio level correction is carried out. Then the signal undergoes pre-emphasis technique to get perfect audio signal.


In processing audio signals, pre-emphasis refers to a system process designed to increase, within a band of frequencies, the magnitude of some (usually higher) frequencies with respect to the magnitude of other (usually lower) frequencies in order to improve the overall signal-to-noise ratio by minimizing the adverse effects of such phenomena as attenuation distortion or saturation of recording media in subsequent parts of the system. De-emphasis is a process designed to decrease, within a band of frequencies, the magnitude of some frequencies ( usually earlier pre-emphasized ) with respect to the magnitude of other frequencies in order to improve the overall signal-to-noise ratio by minimizing the adverse effects of such phenomena as attenuation differences or saturation of recording media in subsequent parts of the system. It is the mirror of pre-emphasis, and the whole system is called emphasis. The frequency curve (response) is decided by special time constants, from which one can calculate the cutoff frequency. It may be recalled that 7 MHz bandwidth is provided in band 3in VHF range. At these frequencies, propagation takes place by space waves limited by maximum line of sight distance between transmitting and receiving aerials. The signal strength at any place in the service area must be large enough to overcome noise at that place and provide satisfactory picture. The radiated power of transmitter is usually expressed as effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). In a TV transmitter, amplitude modulation of picture carrier by video signal can be carried out at high level or a low level modulation. In early transmitter designs, direct modulation was used. The picture was directly modulated by video signal. This can be done at a high level modulation in final power amplifier or at low level RF driving amplifier. At present, I.F modulation at low level is used.


In the 625 line TV system, frequency components present in the video signal extend from 0 Hz to 5 MHz a double side band AM transmission would occupy a total bandwidth of 10 MHz to reduce the channel bandwidth and power, vestigial sideband Transmission is in practice. In the video signal very low frequency modulating components exist along with rest of signal. These components give rise to sidebands very close to carrier frequency which are difficult to remove by physically realizable filters. Suppressing one complete sideband also not possible. The low video frequency contains the most important information of picture and any effort to completely suppress the lower sideband results in objectionable phase distortion at these frequencies; it will look in the picture as smear. Therefore only a part of lower side band is suppressed and radiates signal with full Upper Side Band together with carrier and vestige of the partially suppressed Lower Side Band. This is called V.S.B or A5C transmission. In the 625 line system, frequencies up to 0.75 MHz in the lower sideband are fully radiated. So it is a double sideband transmission for lower video frequency. Because of filter design difficulties it is not possible to terminate the bandwidth of signal abruptly at the edges of sideband therefore attenuation slope covering 0.5 MHz is allowed at either end.

Now these visual and aural signals are given to the exciter for further processing. In the exciter stage, blocks like video processing unit , diode bridge modulator , delay equalizer , V.S.B filter , video up converter , linear amplifier , power amplifier and diplexer and frequency multiplier process the video and audio signals. The combined visual and aural signal after arriving the diplexer block is transmitted to mast antenna.


The block diagram of the NEC transmitter is as shown in figure bellow.

NEC 10 KW Transmitter

Figure 3.1 Complete Block Diagram of a 10 kW TV Transmitter (NEC)


The exciter section consists of various parts like

A/D-D/A converter( analog to digital-digital to analog converter)

Visual modulator
IF corrector( intermediate frequencey corrector)

Digital video compression Synthesizer Visual mixer Aural modulator

IM corrector( image corrector )

Aural mixer








REF I/P VIF O/P 10MHz O/P 600 75







Figure 3.2 block diagram of exciter unit

3.1.1 AURAL MODULATOR: This unit generates a frequency modulated aural IF signal by modulating a voltage controlled oscillator with an audio input. Two sets of audio inputs are provided one for 600 balanced line and other 75 unbalanced line used for sound multiplexer broadcasting. To fix the average frequency of modulator oscillator at the reference input the automatic phase control (APC) circuit is provided. This unit is applied to a VHF or UHF mixer circuit.

3.1.2 IM CORRECTOR (image corrector): This unit is used for dual sound having two carriers in which some correction of IM due to the non-linearity of the power amplifier stage can be carried out. This unit contains a low level and a high level correction circuit each having correction circuits for amplitude and phase. In the low level circuit, correction can be performed by combining a non-linear signal generated by

class B amplifier with the linear signal; as a result the phase combining of the linear signal with the non-linear signal produces amplitude correction. Difference phase combining in the rated phase difference produces phase correction. High level correction of amplitude is performed by the use of a saturated class A transistor amplifier high level correction of phase is performed by the use of a class C transistor amplifier.

3.1.3 A/D-D/A UNIT(A/D Convertor D/A convertor): This unit has functions that converts video input signal supplied to the exciter into PCM signal and sends the PCM signal to a unit for digital correction and which converts the video PCM signal after the digital correction into analog video signal and supplies the analog video signal to a visual modulator unit. The functions exercised by the A/D-D/A unit are as follows:
1. Allows switching between input video signal from the main line and that from a feedback

line. 2. Converts analog video signal fed to exciter into a PCM signal and supplies the video data to DVC unit at a next stage.
3. Converts the 12 bit video data from DVC (digital video compensator) unit in to an analog

video signal, and supplies the signal to V Mod unit. 4. Clamps the pedestal potential of the video signal. 5. Carries out synchronous separation of the main input video signal, the feedback input video signal and that of the input synchronous signal when scrambling is used.

3.1.4 DIGITAL VIDEO COMPENSATOR: This unit compensates by the use of digital signal processing technology distortion of input video signals and different types of distortion like linear and nonlinear distortions produced in transmitter and receiver. It is composed of a non-linear distortion compensating circuit, linear compensating circuit, control circuit, etc. It will receive the demodulated output signals of the transmitter and automatically compensates for the digital video. The non-linear distortion compensating circuit (for differential gain,

differential phase and luminance linearity) compensates as an auxiliary circuit to the IF corrector. The non-linear distortion is caused by the power amplifier of the transmitter. Furthermore, the circuit is an APL follow-up type that can compensate for variations in the characteristics of the power amplifier by APL. The linear distortion compensating circuit (pre-compensation circuit for compensating, or the frequency and group delay characteristics of the transmitter, and the group delay characteristics of receiver) performs high accuracy compensation by using a 128 tap digital filter (for input signals with the filter co-efficient of 12 bits) The nonlinear and linear distortion compensating circuits respectively can be bypassed. The control circuit is provided with a DSP (digital signal processor) that analyze demodulated output of the transmitter and automatically computes the compensation values.

3.1.5 VISUAL MODULATOR: This unit is intended to convert a base band video signal into a modulated IF signal with ring modulator in which IF carrier is also phase modulated by a processed video signal to precorrect the incidental carrier phase modulation (ICPM). The video signal for the IF phase modulation is arbitrarily sliced into three regions of sync, black and white in which each signal is individually expanded or compressed then summed into the processed video signal by which the carrier for the ring modulator is phase modulated.

3.1.6 IF CORRECTOR UNIT: This unit is generally used for correction of non-linear distortion generated in the power amplifier stage enables correction of DG (differential gain) and DP (differential phase) characteristics of visual signal. This also contains a means to combine two modulated IF carriers of visual and aural allowing multiplex operation of the transmitter. 3.1.7 VHF MIXER UNIT:


In this unit the IF signal applied at input is converted to an RF signal and the RF signal is then passed through filters to separate out only the specified band and amplified to obtain an RF signal of +20dBm. By applying AGC (automatic gain control) to IF signal, the output of the transmitter is maintained at a constant level.

3.1.8 SYNTHESIZER UNIT: This unit generates signals at three frequencies visual IF and local frequency. The exciter section is to receive two input of both video and audio incoming to the TV transmitter. It contains same signal processing plug in board by which signals are converted into IF modulator visual and aural TV signals. The visual and aural outputs are then given to exciter switch. The modulated visual IF signal passes through a VHF mixer unit and IF corrector unit and modulated aural IF signal passes directly through a separate VHF mixer unit of same type, thereby producing VHF TV signal on desired channel. The visual output power that is 100 mw is given to 2-way divider block, which is used for dividing the signal to two transistor power amplifier blocks and two transistor power amplifier in parallel. This two 50 mw power is then given to 5-way divider block, where the power gets divided into five parts producing 1kw each which gets combined in a 5-way combiner resulting in a total power of 5kw. The two 5kw power (10kw) gets combined into 2-way combiner and results in 10kw of power which is then given to V/A combiner.



This 2-way power divider for dividing the signal to two transistor power amplifier blocks and two transistor power amplifiers is parallel. 2-way power divider using a 2-way zero degree type 3db hybrid as shown in figure.

Figure 3.3 2 way power divider


This 2 way power divider has the following features Wide frequency range Low transition loss Low input return loss(VSWR)


The specification of this 2 way power divider is shown in table 3.1.


ITEM 1.frequancey range 2.VSWR 3.return loss 4.insertion loss

SPECIFICATION 170-230MHz 1.2 20dB 0.6dB Table 3.1

5.maximum input power rating 10mw 6.input/output impedance 7.input/output terminal 8.ambient temperature 9.dimensions WHD specifications of two way power divider

50 BNC-j -10 to +45C 2005522mm

The outside view of 2-way power divider as shown in figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 outside view of 2 way power divider




This 5-way power divider for dividing the signal to two transistor power amplifier blocks and five transistor power amplifiers is parallel.5-way power divider using a 2-way zero degree type 3dB hybrids as shown in figure.

Figure 3.5 5 way power divider


This 5 way power divider has the following features

Wide frequency range Low transition loss Low input return loss(VSWR)



The specification of this 5 way power divider is shown in table

ITEM 1.frequancey range 2.VSWR 3.return loss 4.insertion loss

SPECIFICATION 170-230MHz 1.2 20dB 1.0dB

5.maximum input power rating 2mw 6.input/output impedance 7.input/output terminal 8.ambient temperature 9.dimensions WHD 50 BNC-j -10 to +45C 6005722mm

Table 3.2 specifications of 5 way power dividers


3.3.1 OPERATING PRINCIPLES: The drive PA1 comprises two stage of power amplifier circuits containing PIN attenuator, a phase shifter, RF limiter, hybrid IC MC5388 and FET 2SK1543 A signal from J1 (BNC-J) on the front panel passes through input and the PIN attenuator, Where the gain of the unit is adjusted. The phase shifter adjusts the phases between two units when this unit runs in parallel with another. The phase shifter can adjust the phase in a range within approximately 40 degrees. The RF amplifier protects the unit from overdrive input signal and has been adjusted so as to operate 1dB above the input rating.

The MC5388(IC 301) at the first stage, which is a class A hybrid IC, has a gain approximately 18DB. The next stage amplifier circuit having an FET 2SK1543 (TR301) which is a single class AB has a gain of approximately 18dB. The output from the FET 2SK1543 (TR301) passes through an isolator W1 and then is to the drive PA2. 3.3.2 DRIVE PA2 CIRCUIT: The drive PA2 comprises one stage of power amplifier having a 2SK1543M. The drive PA2 is class AB operation with a gain of approximately 16dB. The output from the drive PA2 circuit passes through an isolator W2 and is distributed by a Wilkinson 3way divider and then fed to the final PA. 3.3.3 FINAL PA CIRCUIT: The final PA circuit is the final stage amplifier circuit supplied with six 2SK1543MPS which uses a pair of characteristic matched 2SK1543M in parallel and it comprises two stages of 2 way distribution circuits of distributed type and one stage of power amplifier using 2SK1543S as well as a circulator combiner. The signal from the drive PA is divided into six sub signals and distributed by the distributor and each final stage amplifier circuit. the final stage amplifier circuit of optimum class AB push pull design using 2SK1543MPs recurs a gain of approximately 16dB, maximum out of 250W or more and a drain efficiency of 70% or higher at the maximum output. The 2SK 1543s used in this units are developed MOSFETs of a push pull constructions which are of a high output, a high gain, a high reliability for use in particularly VHF band TV transmitter. Six outputs of the signals amplified at the final stage amplifier circuit lead to a 6-way combiner through circulator.




This 5-way power combiner is used for combining five transistor power amplifiers in parallel to obtain the required power. The general diagram for 5 way power combiner is given below.

Figure 3.6 5 way power combiner


This 5-way power combiner has the following features 1) wide frequency range 2) low insertion loss 3) low input return loss(VSWR)

The specification of this 5-way power combiner is as shown in table


ITEM 1.frequencey range 2.VSWR 3.return loss 4.insertion loss

SPECIFICATION 170-230 MHz 1.2 20dB 0.2dB

5.maximum input power rating 1000W 6.input/output impedance 7.input/output terminal 8.ambient temperature 9.dimensions WHD 50 W-20D/W-39D -10 TO 45C 61379420mm

Table 3.3 specifications of 5 way power combiner


The type of this 5-way power combiner uses quarter wave impedance transforms into combiner More ever this 5-way power combiner is made of copper plate strip line with in aluminum case. The copper plate strip line is supported from the aluminum case by Teflon insulators.




This 2-way power combiner is used for combining two transistor power amplifier blocks and two transistor power amplifiers in parallel to obtain the required power. The general diagram for two way power combiner given below.

Figure 3.7 two way power combiner


This 2-way power combiner has the following features 1) wide frequency range 2) low insertion loss 3) low input return loss(VSWR)

The specification of this 2-way power combiner is as shown in table.


ITEM 1.frequencey range 2.VSWR 3.return loss 4.insertion loss

SPECIFICATION 170-230 MHz 1.2 20dB 0.2dB

5.maximum input power rating 100W 6.input/output impedance 7.input/output terminal 8.ambient temperature 9.dimensions WHD 50 W-20D/W-39D -10 TO 45C 19079430mm

Table 3.4 specifications of 2 way power combiner


The type of this 2-way power combiner uses quarter wave impedance transforms into combiner More ever this 2-way power combiner is made of copper plate strip line with in aluminum case. The copper plate strip line is supported from the aluminum case by Teflon insulators.


V/A combiner work in the similar fashion as CIN(constant impedence notch) diplexer in BEL transmitter, and are used to combine the visual and aural outputs. V/A combiner is equipment used to combine visual and aural output of a TV transmitter into a single composite output, to feed a common antenna while maintaining a sufficient isolation between visual and aural input. It provides constant input impedance at that input ports.








Figure 3.8 V/A combiner unit


CIBD stands for Constant Impedance Band Diplexer which is similar to CIN (constant impedance notch) Diplexer in BEL transmitter. The output filter and harmonic filter are used for combining visual and aural signals of a VHF TV transmitter and attenuating spurious and harmonics.

A simple explanation of the CIB Diplexer is as follows: The signal of the aural transmitter applied at terminal (1) of the 3db coupler H1 appears at terminals (2) and terminal (3) with the same amplitude but with a phase difference of 90 0 (terminal (2) is 900 ahead in phase of terminal (3) , because of nature of 3db coupler, no output appears at terminal (4).

The signals appearing at terminal (2) and terminal (3) then passes through aural band pass filters respectively, and terminal (21) and terminal (31) of other 3db coupler H2 still with 900 phase difference.



1 Ain H1

2 BPF1








Figure 3.9 block diagram of CIBD

The signals appearing at 3dB coupler H2 terminal (21) and terminal (31) with 900 phase difference are combined in the H2 into terminal (41) because signal at terminal (21) has a 900 lead phase from that at terminal (31) but no output appears at terminal (11). The signal appearing at terminal (41).

Mean while, the visual transmitter output is connected to terminal (11) of 3dB coupler H2. The visual signal entering this terminals does not appear at terminal (41), but at terminal (21) and terminal (31) with same phase difference of 900 (terminal (21) is 900 ahead in phase of terminal (31)). The visual signals are reflected at points A and point B, then reaching terminal (2 1) and terminal (31) of 3dB coupler H2. Since the length of point A to terminal (21) of H2 is equal electrically to that of point B to terminal (31) of H2, the visual signal entering to terminal (21) of H2 is combined with that to terminal (31) because of nature of 3dB coupler. Then the combined visual signal appears at terminal (41). The CIB Diplexer has constant input impedance as viewed from visual and aural input and allows sufficient isolation between visual and aural signals. Accordingly, it can supply visual and aural signals to antenna without mutual interference. The absorbing resistor absorbs aural signal components reflected by filters and the visual signal components passed through filters.



The transmitter can be controlled in three modes Remote Local Maintenance

In either mode all controlling signals are processed in the transmitter control which is also capable of controlling signals are processed in the transmitter control which is also capable of controlling several equipments such as V/A combiner and main blowers.



This control system applies to TV transmitters. This system is composed of different types of equipment that are described in the following section and which respectively have special functions. The details of monitor and control by this system are all displayed on a display unit, the EL(electroluminicent) display, where operators can read the necessary information. Furthermore, an RS-232C connector for serial data communication fitted to this system allows for connection of this system to PC, thus enabling monitoring of information the same as is on EL display. 3.7.3 EL CONTROL: This will control the display on the EL DISPLAY unit that receives information signals from transmitter control and which makes display for monitoring the TV transmitter. This EL control is mounted with a CPU and performs control operation by means of control software. Furthermore, the EL CONTROL is provided with an RS-232C serial interface connector to send out the data displayed on the EL DISPLAY. This performs control of the display but has no relation to control of TV transmitter. 3.7.4 TRANSMITTER CONTROL: The transmitter control is a controller system for television transmitter series. This controls and monitors the television transmitter and in the event of a serious alarm in the transmitting system shuts off the transmitter in order to protect it from the serious damage. All of the information monitored by the transmitter control is displayed on the EL control. The information is also sent to the relay card and transmitted to external equipment. To enable analogue values to be displayed on the EL display, the output power of the television transmitter, reflective power V/A combiner, absorbed power, information from transistor power amplifiers and the output level and deviation of the mixer in the exciter are converted to digital signals. 3.7.5 TX-PA MONITOR: This TX-PA monitor is a part of monitors and control system of television transmitters. This distributes the signals coming from transmitter control to transistor power amplifiers (TRPAS) and power supplies for transistor amplifiers. Furthermore this monitor samples output power , reflection power, temperature, DC voltage, drain current, alarm etc in sequence and time division multiplexes and sends this data through a data bus line to transmitter control.

3.7.6 TR-MONITOR: This unit indicates the transmitter output power and detects any abnormal condition Hence the DD-NATIONAL and DD-NEWS channels are combined in Kathrin block through channel-7 and channel-9 producing the total output power of 20kw which is again further divided into two parts each 10kw and is given to mast antenna and finally from mast antenna consumer receives the channels.



High reliability and low maintenance are two reasons NECs transmitters are known for.


Nonlinear distortions are corrected at the videos and IF stages. Among the nonlinear parameters are luminance distortion, differential gain (DG), differential phase (DP), and incidental carrier phase modulation (ICPM). All of these items are individually corrected. Higher reliability, performance and maintainability can be obtained. The exciter also employs a pedestal AGC circuit and a surface acoustic wave vestigial side band filter. 2) Highly efficient transistor power amplifier unit 3) Compact components for ease of installation newly developed, greatly maintained component parts are mounted on each cabinet in such a manner as to facilitate ease of maintenance service.

The transmitter is equipped with a display panel for visually displaying all operating and faults status for the operator in one convenience location. Supplementing the EL display, the fault displaying functions distributed among several units. in order to improve the operational flexibility of the television transmitter and the expectancy of the visual and aural transistor power amplifier unit, a wide variety of circuit design improvements have been incorporated.



Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite television is becoming a buzzword in the satellite broadcast industry due to the fact that DTH offers immense opportunities to both broadcasters and viewers. Thanks to the rapid development of digital technology, DTH broadcast operators worldwide have been able to introduce a large number of new interactive applications in the television market besides a large number of entertainment programs over a single delivery platform. In addition, since digital technology permits a highly efficient exploitation of the frequency spectrum, the number of TV channels that can be broadcast using digital technology is significantly higher than with analogue technology. The increased number of television channels allows the operator to satisfy the demand of a number of nice markets with dedicated transmissions.

In general, DTH service is the one in which a large number of channels are digitally compressed, encrypted and beamed from very high power satellites. The programs can be directly received at homes. This mode of reception facilitates the use of small receiving dish antennas of 60 to 90 cm diameter installed at convenient location in individual buildings without needing elaborate foundation /space etc. Also, DTH transmission eliminates local cable operator completely, since an individual user is directly connected to the service providers. However, a digital receiver is needed to receive the multiplexed signals and view them on a TV. DTH, in sharp contrast to Cable TV, lends itself to easy monitoring and control. DTH is digital in nature hence more number of channels are available and bandwidth is reduced. This works in Ku-band for up linking and down linking process.


DTH is defined as the reception of satellite programs with a personal dish in an individual home. And an individual Set Top Box empowering you to pick & choose you bundles of choice and pay for what you watch.

Figure 5.1 DTH transmission In DTH, TV channels will be transmitted from the satellite to a small dish antenna mounted on the window or rooftop of the subscriber's home. So the broadcaster directly connects to the user. DTH can also reach the remotest of areas since it does away with the intermediate step of cable and wires (cables) that come to your house. DTH offer digital superior quality picture against cable TV today which is most analog.


DTH is an encrypted transmission that travels to the consumer directly through a satellite. DTH transmission is received directly by the consumer at his end through a small dish antenna. The encrypted transmission is decoded by an individual STB (set top box) at your home. The other advantage of DTH is the availability of satellite broadcast in rural and semiurban areas laying of cable is difficult. Due to digital compression techniques, many more niche channels are available than cannot be provided by cable operators. DTH also offers digital quality signals which do not degrade the picture or sound quality. It also offers interactive channels and program guides with customers having the choice to block out programming which they consider undesirable.



We have done the project at doordarshan Kendra Simhachalam in Visakhapatnam. There we have gone through all the different varieties of transmitters and antennas. There we have studied the digital transmitter NEC (DD-NEWS) and DTH in detail. We came to conclusion that the digital transmitters are much more effective than the solid state transmitters in terms of audio and video quality and also maintenance cost. We have seen the improved version of DTH receiver which will give good clarity of TV pictures and quality with the expense of high bit rate transmission and it is beneficial to the remote areas where the cost of installation of cable transmission is high.


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