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READING & WRITING SKILLS hero’s role is often to prevent the antagonist from

LESSON 1: PATTERNS OF doing harm to people.

DEVELOPMENT b. setting – where and when is the story set? Setting
represents both the physical location but also the
ACTIVITY 1: Read the paragraph from Maya Angelou’s time (past, present, future) and the social and
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Encircle the action cultural conditions in which the character exists.
words and underline the transition signals used. Common setting considerations are:
Before the girls got to the porch, I heard their laughter Place
crackling and popping like pine logs in a cooking stove. Alternative reality
I suppose my lifelong paranoia was born in those cold,
molasses-slow minutes. They came finally to stand on c. conflict – the challenge or problem around which
the ground in front of Momma. At first they pretended the plot is based. Without conflict, the story will have
seriousness. Then one of them wrapped her right arm no purpose or trajectory.
in the crook of her left, pushed out her mouth and The main types of conflict you will come across in a
started to hum. I realized that she was aping my story are:
grandmother. • Protagonist vs Antagonist
• Protagonist vs Nature
1. NARRATION • Protagonist vs Self
-a narrative is a story • Protagonist vs Society
-a narrative paragraph can be effective at drawing the In the protagonist vs antagonist conflict, the
reader in and establishing your voice in the essay protagonist (hero) must challenge the antagonist in
-sequential presentation of events is observed order to prevent the antagonist from doing something
-it is normally chronological although at times can use harmful. For example, this occurs in Harry
flashbacks Potter. Harry (protagonist) must defeat Voldermort
-contains action words --- verbs and adverbs--- that (antagonist). Harry is the only person who can save
help move the story or process along and make it the world from Voldermort and represents the child
more interesting savior.
-uses transitions such as first, then, soon, and In the protagonist vs nature conflict, the protagonist
suddenly, which maintain coherence and show goes up against a challenge that occurs in nature. This
movement from one event to the next may involve a main character taking on a natural
challenge like escaping the jungle, or a natural
Transitions that signal time: disaster like a tsunami or asteroid coming at earth.
Before meanwhile In the protagonist vs self conflict, the protagonist
afterward may have inner struggles to overcome in order to
At the same time to begin with succeed. The protagonist may need to get over a lost
Previously subsequently love, learn courage, or achieve a personal goal that
they set out for themselves in the beginning. For
Transitions that signal chronology: example, this happens in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy
After later soon never always next and her companions each has to learn that the
now characteristics they most desire are within them. The
Then at length this time during Cowardly Lion seeks courage, the Tin Man seeks the
Once until now earlier ability to love, and the Scarecrow seeks intellect.
simultaneously In the protagonist vs society conflict, the protagonist
When following so far whenever may identify an enemy or problem in society that they
while must overcome, often single-handedly. In children’s
Immediately sometimes in the meantime books, this model is often recast as Child (protagonist)
vs. Adults (Society) where the child must save adults
STORY COMPONENTS from themselves. Ex: Hunger Games
(characters, setting, conflict, climax, and resolution)
-it is not simply listing the events; it is pointing in the d. theme - The theme is the author’s central argument
direction of a story using specific details. or the big idea they want to convey.
Themes are often associated with a ‘moral of a story’
a. character – a person or animal or really anything or an analogy (a hidden meaning in the text). They
personified. There can be one main character or attempt to convey a piece of wisdom or fundamental
many, and often there are secondary characters, truth about human nature for us to think about. Even
but not always. in a short story there will be a key theme.
Common types of themes, also known as central
The protagonist is the hero of the story and ideas, include:
central character. We’ll also usually call them the • Good vs. evil
‘main character’. They will get most of the
• True love
attention of the author. Every narrative – whether
• The absurdity of life
it’s a novel or short story – will have a protagonist.
• The pain of war
• Seeking freedom
The antagonist is the opponent of the main
character. This person stirs trouble and is often • Political corruption
the main cause of tension in the plot line. The • The power of redemption
• The importance of faith

1|P age
e. plot - The plot is the sequence of events that tell g. tone - The tone often overlaps with the
the story. protagonist’s mood or circumstance.
• Exposition: The exposition begins the story. Tone can be conveyed through elements like weather
It provides the necessary background conditions, time of day, and a soliloquy.
information like the setting and character Tones include moods like:
details. It may also outline the relationships • Melancholy
between characters and any other important • Uplifting
information. This section should set the • Hopeful
scene but also entertain the reader from • Ominous
page one. • Intellectual
• Rising Action: The rising action part is the
part of the story where “the plot thickens”.
Challenges, conflicts and complications are Points to remember in developing a paragraph using
introduced during the rising action segment. Narration:
This is often the longest part of the story. 1. Use action verbs and transitional expressions. A
Authors aim to create and build tension as story is built around people doing things.
long as possible to entertain the reader and 2. Your paragraph/s is/are characterized by words that
create a true ‘page turner’ of a story. show action and words that show sequence.
• Climax: After rising action comes climax. This 3. Descriptive details in a narrative paragraph are
is the turning point of the story where the essential to a good story. Details help readers to
tensions in the plotline come to a head. A connect to the world the author envisions.
good climax may involve a twist or a big 4. Choose the right words for their meaning and use
reveal. Other examples of a climax might be specific expressions.
a big battle, police chase or exposure of a
love affair. ACTIVITY 2: Read the narrative below, then find the
• Falling Action: After the climax comes falling story component (characters, setting, conflict, climax
action. I often find the falling action segment and resolution).
is brief but may be necessary to conclude the
key scenes that occurred in the climax. Around 2 a.m. something woke Charles Hanson up. He
During the falling action, tension starts to lay in the dark listening. Something felt wrong.
dissolve Outside, crickets sang, tree-frogs chirruped. Across
• Resolution (denouement): The resolution the distant forest floated two muffled hoots from a
gives a sense of closure to the reader. It may barred owl. It was too quiet. At home in New Jersey,
tie up loose ends in character plotlines and the nights are filled with the busy, comforting sounds
explain what becomes of the key characters of traffic. You always have the comforting knowledge
after the story. To use The Lord of the that other people are all around you. And light: At
Rings example, the resolution shows Frodo home he can read in bed by the glow of the streetlight.
sailing to the Grey Havens and Sam marrying It was too quiet. And much too dark. Even starlight
Rosie Cotton. failed to penetrate the 80-foot canopy of trees the
camper was parked beneath. It was the darkest dark
f. point of view -The point of view of a story has a big he had ever seen. He felt for the flashlight beside his
impact on how the story will be told. bunk. It was gone. He found where his pants were
There are three common points of view: first person, hanging and, as he felt the pockets for a box of
second person and third person. matches, something rustled in the leaves right outside
First person stories are told by the the window, inches from his face. He heard his wife,
protagonist. You can tell a first person story from the Wanda, hold her breath; she was awake, too. Then,
use of first person phrases like ‘I’ and ‘We’. A benefit whatever, was outside in the darkness also breathed,
of first person point of view is that you can get inside and the huge silence of the night seemed to come
the head of the main character. They can talk about inside the camper, stifling them. It was then he
what they’re thinking and what their opinion is of all decided to pack up and move to a motel.
the other characters throughout the piece.
Second person stories are narrated by an Characters:
outsider (not a character in the story), but talk directly ___________________________________________
to the reader. It is like we are in a conversation with ___________________________________________
the author. This is called ‘breaking the fourth wall’. An ______
example of second person is when the author directly Setting:
says ‘you’ to the reader. ___________________________________________
Third person stories do not talk directly to ___________________________________________
the reader and do not insert themselves into the story ______
either. This is the most common type of point of Conflict:
view. Most third person books have ___________________________________________
an omniscient narrator. This means the narrator is an ___________________________________________
all-knowing person who can get into characters’ heads ___________________________________________
and explain their thoughts. The author tells the story _________
as if looking through a looking glass. They refer to the Climax:
characters (including the protagonist) using terms like ___________________________________________
‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. ___________________________________________
2|P age
___________________________________________ I woke up very late the next morning. The sun was high
___________________________________________ in the sky, so I got up quickly and started to walk along
____________ the bank of the stream. I poked my stick into the
Resolution: undergrowth. Then I took a step or two. One has to be
___________________________________________ very careful about watching for snakes and spiders. I
___________________________________________ listened for the sounds of danger, but I also listened to
___________________________________________ the birds. My mother knew all about birds. “The birds
___________________________________________ can tell you about the jungle,” she told me. “Listen to
____________ them.”

She taught me a lot about birds, so I recognized the

GROUP ACTIVITY terrible cries in the sky. I recognized the big, black
Read the directions carefully. Write your answers in wings and the ugly, bare heads. I knew those sharp,
a 1 whole sheet of paper. List down the names of hungry beaks. King vultures! The biggest vultures in
your members. the world. They do not kill. They only watch and wait.
They fly over the jungle and look for dead bodies. The
A. Read the narrative below, then find the story sky was black from their wings. They flew down
component (characters, setting, conflict, climax and between the trees. There was food on the ground-
resolution). dead flesh. It was the passengers from the plane. I
didn’t see the bodies, but I knew. The vultures told me.
We would like to tell you about a swindler we knew.
He was old and small, hardly reaching your shoulders. On the afternoon of my third day in the jungle, it grew
His black shoes were scuffed and dusty from walking; very hot, and I often had to rest. There were a lot of
his trousers were dirty at the seams. He came up storms. There was thunder and lightning, and thick,
standing beside your desks, shuffling his feet until you jungle rain. Then the rain ceased and I saw a thick line
look up, and when he spoke, his voice was slow and of ants in front of me. They looked like a big, black
stuttered. snake, but I recognized them. They were very
dangerous ants. They march through the jungle and
He was selling magazine subscriptions, he said. He attack all the insects and small animals in their patch.
held out a sheaf of dog-eared folios, which contain a Hundreds of them march through the Indian villages
list of American magazines. The prices he quoted were and not only eat up the food completely but sting
ridiculously low, and the men in the office clustered sleeping babies too. I jumped quickly into the stream.
about him, laughing, their clean clothes and honest
faces and self-confidence shining against his shifty “I must go on,” I thought. “I must find people. Where
little body. One wanted to know they would be sure he are all the Indians?” Monkeys played in the trees or
would have the magazines delivered. (He was asking run along the bank in front of me. They played happily
for payments in advance; he had no capital, he said.) and didn’t run away. Then I knew. The Indians must be
His voice shook, his eyes grew sadder, and his brow far away. Monkeys don’t go near Indian villages
wrinkled at thus being doubted. He pulled out with his because the Indians hunt monkeys. But these monkeys
pockets, which were filled with papers with all sorts, a weren’t afraid of people.
dirty handkerchief, and a twenty-peso bill, a money-
order form. Then he gave the name of the doctor who I started to hear strange noises. One day I heard
was his relative, he said. He shuffled the papers in his chickens. “That’s fortunate,” I thought. “There must
hands and separated the money-order form, which be people and food around.” But it wasn’t a chicken. It
was reddish and passed it around among us saying: was a strange jungle bird.
“That was how mush I paid… See, where the receipt Source: adapted from Monica Vincent: Girl
says how much money I sent to the States?” His against the Jungle
fingernail, dirty and cracked, ink-pointed at us
accusingly. The men laughed and began to dig into 1. Why did the writer think that the scream she heard
their pockets. could be that of a monkey?
2. What do you suppose has happened to her? How
B. Read the paragraphs below and answer the do you know this?
questions that follow. 3. Why did she poke her stick into the undergrowth?
4. How was she able to tell the cries in the sky
“What are the strange noises in the bushes?” I belonged to the vultures?
wondered. “Snakes? Alligators? Or a hungry jaguar?” 5. What led her to conclude that the bodies of the
I felt an insect on my bare leg. “It may be a poisonous passengers from the plane were lying among the
spider,” I thought. Its hairy legs crawled up and up. I trees?
didn’t move. Then it crawled away, but I still couldn't 6. Why does the author consider jungle ants
sleep. Once I heard a terrible scream. I know that dangerous?
jaguars hunt t night. They kill monkeys and eat them. 7. “Then I knew.” What is this knowledge that the
Sometimes they kill people, too. “It could be a monkey writer had?
screaming,” I thought to myself. “Or it might be a 8. How many days had the writer spent in the jungle
human being.” My thoughts continued with increasing by the time she saw the jungle fowl?
alarm. I tried to forget the dangers and to think about 9. Is it possible that it was a spider that crawled up the
pleasant things instead. I thought about my father. I writer’s legs?
thought about our safe little home. 10. Why do you think the writer jumped into the

3|P age
11. Why must the writer find people?
12. Whys should the presence of chickens mean that
people and food were nearby?
13. Can you tell whether the writer is a girl or a boy?
Give reasons for your answer.
ACTIVITY 2: Read each of the paragraphs below
Activity 1: Read the paragraph below. Identify
and identify whether it is developed using
and underline the lines that describes.
subjective description or objective description.
Write your answer on the blank.
The dirt of the girls’ cotton dresses continued on
their legs, feet, arms, and faces to make them all
1. O'Leno is a good example of a state park in
of a piece. Their greasy uncolored hair hung
Florida. Surrounded by the tall, shaded
down, uncombed, with a grim finality. I knelt to
woods of a beautiful hardwood forest, the
see them better, to remember them for all time.
Santa Fe River disappears in a large, slowly
The tears that had slipped down my dress left
swirling, tree-lined pool. After appearing
unsurprising dark spots and made the front yard
intermittently in scattered sinkholes, the river
blurry and even more unreal. The world had
rises three miles downstream in a big boil,
taken a deep breath and was having doubts
then continues on to meet the Suwannee and
about continuing to revolve.
the sea. Nearby, stands of cypress mirror
themselves in the still waters, walls of dense
river swamp rise before you, sudden
- Used when you need to explain the nature of
sinkholes open in the woodlands-rich with
people, places, and things
cool ferns and mosses. Farther from the river,
- You can start with the physical description –
expanses of longleaf pinelands stretch across
the details of how your subject looks,
rolling hills. In the midst of this lovely setting,
sounds, feels, smells, or even tastes like
you find 65 campsites, 18 rustic cabins, and a
- the details can be arranged in any pattern
pavilion for group meetings. A diving
you think is best
platform marks a good place to swim in the
- Grow (1999) emphasized that successful
soft, cool waters of the Santa Fe, and
descriptions record a series of detailed
canoeing up this dark river is like traveling
observations. It is not about what the writer
backwards in time in the direction of original
sees but what the readers need to see in
order to imagine the scene, the person or the
object. He further suggested the use of
sensory language; to go light on adjectives
2. It was May 17, 2015, and Brian, then 36, had
and adverbs and to look for ways to describe
been out of communication range since the
13th. People were almost certainly searching
for him, he reasoned, but what were the
chances they could find him and his broken
describing an impression of what is
snowmobile, alone in a bleak, snowy expanse
just above the Arctic Circle?
Ex: “It was a dark and lonely night” – This
Brian climbed the hill next to his makeshift
helps us imagine the kind of night it was.
camp and scanned his hand-held radio,
- Description of characters, their appearance,
hoping to catch a signal. He built a fire, using
mannerisms and utterances help us imagine
cooking oil and what little debris and rubbish
what they are like.
he could accumulate, but it burned hot and
- Often used in fiction
clean, producing a smokeless flame. He
looked back to see that the snow had already
employed in reportorial and scientific
covered his tracks. Any search planes would
have a hard time spotting him—a tiny blob of
- The goal of the writer is to present an
colour in a sea of white snow.
impartial and actual picture of an object or
- The writer has to stay away from emotional
impressions or responses, bracketing his or
her biases. He/She must be aware of his/her
own biases so as not to influence judgment.
a. When detectives cover crime scenes and
has to write clear reports of their
b. News writers present their reports

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3.DEFINITION 6. By its origin – providing a history of what
- It identifies a term and sets it apart from all a term has meant can help us
other terms that may be related to it understand its current meaning.
- It begins by citing the general class to which Ex: The slang term “wimp” comes from
the term belongs. the term “wimple”, which refers to a
- Followed by the particulars to differentiate headscarf women wore in medieval
the term from the other members of that Europe.
class providing clear details to support the 7. By its effect – discussing what effects the
term’s definition. subject produces are important with
Ex: If you were to define “whale”, you might certain subjects or in certain contexts.
start by saying it is an aquatic mammal. Then Ex: In an essay on global warming, a
you could talk about its size, shape, varieties, definition of CO² emissions emphasizing
environment, breeding habits and so on. the consequences of these emissions to
the environment would be important.
Activity: Read the paragraph. Determine
the general class to which the subject In a definition paragraph (or essay), the writers
belongs, then find specifics that distinguish goal is to help the reader understand new terms
it from other members of that class. or concepts, or to come to a new understanding
of terms they may be familiar with.
The viola is a stringed instrument in the violin
family. It is only slightly larger than the violin Scientific Definition – definition is very
and is tuned at a lower pitch. Like its smaller important in the sciences, where the
relative, the viola is held on the shoulder terminology is extensive and discipline-specific.
under the chin and is played with a bow. - In defining scientific terms, a writer should
While the violin has many uses, the viola is be as objective as possible, and when
used mainly in orchestral and chamber impressions are essential, the writer should
music. strive to use analogies and impressions that
the reader can readily identify with.
General class: _______________________
Specifics: Subjective Definition – definitions in the
____________________________________ humanities can be more subjective.
____________________________________ - A writer may wish to define complex terms
____________________________________ such as “heartache”, “luck”, or “democracy”
____________________________________ in a personal way.
____________________________________ ACTIVITY 2: Identify whether the paragraph
____________________________________ uses scientific definition or subjective definition.
____________________________________ Write you answer on the blank.
1. Bacterial endocarditis occurs when bacteria
in the bloodstream (bacteremia) lodge on
COMMON METHODS OF DEFINITION abnormal heart valves or other damaged
1. By characteristics or features – physical heart tissue. Certain bacteria normally live on
features as well as behaviors (as in parts of your body, such as the mouth and
animal or cell behavior) may be a part of upper respiratory system, the intestinal and
this type of definition. Scientific urinary tracts, and the skin. Some surgical
definitions typically rely on this type of and dental procedures cause a brief
definition. bacteremia. Bacteremia is common after
2. By function – how something works, or many invasive procedures, but only certain
what it does can be an important part of bacteria commonly cause endocarditis.
definition ________________________________
3. By what it is not – we can get a pretty
good sense of what something is like, by 2. “[I]diot” is not a nice word to call somebody,
learning what it is not, or what is lacking and I find myself asking, as Mr. Welch did for
4. By what it is similar to – comparison and Senator Joseph McCarthy, “Have you no
analogy help us understand things that sense of decency, sir?” Throughout my life, I
are unfamiliar to us have had to struggle to keep from thinking of
5. By example – giving examples illustrating myself in the limiting way that word implies.
what the term means can be highly So, for the record, I would like it known that I
effective am not an “idiot.” I am a person who suffers
from idiocy. Nobody knows what it is like to
deal with crippling bouts of idiocy while
5|P age
trying to lead a normal life. The last thing I Woodstock was a disaster: it rained; the promoters had to switch
need is for somebody to make it harder by sites; water and food were not delivered as planned, and so on.
pointing out what an “idiot” I am.
_________________________________ Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

When I was seven years old, it was my job each

evening to round up the chickens and make sure they were
4. EXEMPLIFICATION (or illustration) locked safely in their pen. I hit upon the idea of sitting on the roof
- in developing this type of paragraph, the writer develops a of our house and guiding the chickens into their shed using a
general statement – the topic sentence, with one or more small hand mirror. What you did was you targeted the “lead”
examples. chook (often the rooster), then flashed the fading sun’s light into
- illustrations through clear and specific examples help explain one eye or the other. Since a chicken always veers away from
abstract idea and illuminate or clarify meaning in texts. a light shone into its eyes, you could effectively steer them
- writers use examples to make general idea clear – to wherever you liked. it took ten minutes longer than simply
exemplify idea shooing them in. my dad caught me doing it once, and rather
- the exemplification may be long, or it may be short than yell me down off the roof like I certainly would with my own
- it may be a story, an anecdote, a quotation, or a statistic kids, he just laughed and told me to be careful.

Example #1 1. Identify the topic sentence.

A Few Kind Words for Superstition 2. List the specific illustrations the writer uses to develop
by Robertson Davies this topic sentence.
Many superstitions are so widespread and so old that
they must have risen from a depth of human mind that is 5. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST
indifferent to race or creed. Orthodox Jews place a charm on -a paragraph that demonstrates comparison and/or contrast
their doorposts; so do (or did) the Chinese. Some peoples of examines how given subjects are either similar or different.
Middle Europe believe that when a man sneezes, his soul, for -comparison examines how the subjects are the same
that moment, is absent from his body, and they hasten to bless -contrast examines how the subjects are different
him, lest he should be seized by the devil. How did the -central to the development using this pattern is the effective
Melanesians come by the same idea? Superstition seems to use of appropriate transitional words and phrases that signal
have a link with some body or belief that for antedates the comparison and contrast
religions we know- religions which have no place for such
comforting little ceremonies and charities. Signal words for effective writing
For comparison For contrast
Identify the two examples in the paragraph above. • in the same way * yet * but
1. ______________________________________ • similarly * and yet * however
2. ______________________________________ • in like manner * nevertheless * though
**the examples in the paragraph not only explain the topic • likewise * nonetheless * otherwise
sentence but also make the writing more interesting and more • in similar fashion * after all * in contrast
convincing. * on the contrary
* notwithstanding
Example #2 * on the other hand
In most respects, after all, Woodstock was a disaster.
To begin with, it rained and rained for weeks before the festival, Activity
and then, of course, it rained during the festival. The promoters Observe how comparison and contrast are shown in the
lost weeks of preparation time when the site had to be switched paragraphs below and answer the following questions.
twice. They rented Yasgur’s field less than a month before the
concert. The stage wasn’t finished, and the sound system was Text 1:
stitched together perilously close to the start of the show. As Traffic Signals
soon as the festival opened, the water- and food- delivery Although the interpretation of traffic may seem highly
arrangements broke down, the gates and fences disintegrated, standardized, close observation reveals regional variations
and tens of thousands of new bodies kept pouring in. (One across this country, distinguishing the East Coast from Central
powerful lure was the rumor that the revered Bob Dylan was Canada and the West as surely as dominant dialects or political
going to perform; he wasn’t.) In response to an emergency inclinations do. In Montreal, a flashing red traffic light instructs
appeal for volunteers, fifty doctors were flown in. The Air Force drivers to careen even more wildly through intersections heavily
brought in food on Huey helicopters, and the Women’s populated with pedestrians and oncoming vehicles. In startling
Community Center in Monticello sent thirty thousand contrast, an amber light in Calgary warns drivers to screech to
sandwiches. One kid was killed as he was run over by a tractor, a halt on the off chance that there might be a pedestrian within
one died of appendicitis, and another died of a drug overdose. 500 meters who might consider crossing at some unspecified
time within the current day. In my home town in New Brunswick,
-in the paragraph above, the examples are piled one after the finally, traffic lights (along with painted lines and posted speed
other. Each example gives a specific illustration of how limits) do not apply to tractors, all-terrain vehicles, or pickup
6|P age
trucks, which together account for most vehicles on the road. In
fact, were any observant alien dropped from a space vessel at An avalanche is a huge snow slide that rushes down the
an unspecified intersection anywhere in this vast land, it could side of a mountain, carrying large trees, rocks, and other
almost certainly orient itself according to the surrounding traffic debris in its path. Avalanches are similar to landslides but
patterns. can be more dangerous and destructive. Avalanches can
occur when huge amounts of new snow fall on layers of
snow and ice that have become unstable because of
Text 2: melting. They can also be triggered by explosions or
Guitars earthquakes.

As broad as their sounds are, there are several very -it is essential that when writing a paragraph using cause-and-
distinct similarities and differences between electric and effect you know which factor to highlight causes or effects and
acoustic guitars. For instance, both utilize the use of a body for determine the reason of discussing the cause and/or effect.
the neck to attach to and a neck with frets for finger placement. -signal words used in cause-and-effect
The strings attach to the lower end of the body and go all the Cause Effect
way to the head, or the top of the neck. They both use strings • because * for this reason
that vary in gauge, or size, which are vital to produce sound • since * it follows
when they are picked, hammered on, or strummed as a group. • is due to * as a result
Similarly, each is tuned in the same manner to produce the • is caused by * as a consequence
proper tone desired. An acoustic guitar needs no amplifier to * thus
make it sound loud enough to be heard. An acoustic guitar uses * so
the body of the guitar as its amplifier. Because the body is very * therefore
thick and hollow it is able to project its own natural sound loudly. - aside from the common single cause with single effect, there
This makes it very portable and capable of being played virtually may be three other types of organization depending on the
anywhere. An acoustic guitar doesn’t need any foot pedals, topic; multiple causes with single effect, single cause with
volume and tone knobs, or any other hardware like that to multiple effects, and casual chain/domino effect
produce the sound it makes. An electric guitar is very hard to
hear without an amplifier. An electric guitar requires the use of Activity
an amplifier to transport the sound through pickups that are Read the paragraph and assess whether it is developed by
secured in the body. These sounds are transferred through a emphasizing a cause or an effect. Identify the transitional
cable connected to the guitar. The cable then goes to the words used in the paragraph.
amplifier that produces the sounds out of the speakers. Volume
and tone knobs on the electric guitar can make it louder or Global climate change resulting from the accumulation
change the sound of the strings being played. Additionally, foot of greenhouse gases, for example, is likely to have significant
pedals can be added to produce even more different sounds so health effects, both direct and indirect. An average global
that the musical capabilities of the electric guitar are almost temperature rise of 3-4˚C, predicted for the year 2100 by the
limitless. There’s not a lot of music that I listen to that doesn’t Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, will greatly
have some sort of electric or acoustic guitar in the mix, either as increase the number of days in the United States with
the main instrument or as small as a fill in for a certain sound. temperatures over 38˚C (100˚F), with a resulting sharp rise in
The genre of the music frequently dictates which type of guitar heat-related mortality. Deaths would occur primarily from heat
should be used. strokes, heart attacks, and cerebral strokes. The very young,
poor, and elderly, as well as those with chronic cardiovascular
1. What ideas were compared in paragraph 1? In paragraph and respiratory diseases, are most at risk. During the two-week
2? heat wave of July 1993 in the Eastern United States, 84 people
2. Identify the transitional words used in each paragraph. died in Philadelphia alone as a result of the higher temperatures.

- a discussion of the steps one must take to achieve a
- the cause-and-effect as a method in developing a paragraph
particular end
is useful in explaining why something happens.
- intended for an audience that needs to learn how to perform a
- a paragraph emphasizing the ‘cause’ normally starts with an
process themselves
Example: fixing a bent bicycle wheel
- the goal of this is to explore how a particular paragraph is to
quitting smoking
explore how such effect came to be
finding a good job
- a paragraph emphasizing the ‘effect’ begins with a particular
- other process analysis writing is informative rather than
cause then explains the consequences of effects of this cause
example: how to resolve the healthcare crisis
• Notice how the causes of avalanche are explained in
the paragraph below.

7|P age
- some process analysis work on both levels 8. DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION
example: a discussion about how to respond to global warming - are related methods for organizing objects or information.
can be both instructional and informative -in division, we divide a general category of things into smaller
- individuals can take many steps to control global subcategories.
warming Example: “There are three main problems associated with
- other steps may be taken by the government as well living across from a high school: noise, trash, and traffic
- a kind of paragraph which is used to teach someone how to congestion”.
do something -in classification, we develop criteria for the items in a
- the steps happen in a sequence, thus presented in subcategory based on relationships between the items.
chronological order. Consider your music playlist, the songs are organized into
- To indicate the sequence, transitional expressions such as many subcategories like country, rock, hip-hop, dance music,
first, second, then, and finally are used world music, classical, jazz, soundtracks. etc.
-division and classification make it easy for individuals to locate
Example 1: what they are looking for
Hello, my name is Joe and I’m going to give you a few -the purpose of classification paragraph is to clearly define
simple lessons on how to make a Web Page. I must warn you something and place it in a group according to some basis or
though, this is for “all wet behinda ears” Newbies. If you’re at all rule.
experienced at this sort of thing, you’ll probably find this tutorial
a bit of a yawner. Example:
You’ll be happy to learn that it’s really pretty simple. Computer Languages
The basic idea is this… A web page is nothing more than a file, A computer language used for creating web
a HTML file to be exact. It’s called HTML because web page documents can be classified according to its purpose: HTML,
documents have the file extension .html or .htm. HTML stands JavaScript, and CCS. The first type of computer language,
for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (if you are unclear about this HTML, is the basic language for creating an HTML, or a web
file extension stuff, then you really are a newbie!! Take a quick document. HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language was
detour for a few ramblings on the subject). developed in the 1980’s and revised until it reached its current
(Source: Barta, Joe. “So you want to make a web page.” From Page Tutor.com) form. The style and content of a webpage is determined by
HTML, code, tags, and attributes. A text file ending with the .html
Example 2: extension is written in a text editor such as Notepad, and then
There are basically two ways to make a web page. The interpreted by a browser. For example, the MSUGF homepage
first way is to create the page(s) offline and then upload them to contains images, texts, links, headers and other HTML elements
your Internet Service Provider (ISP) via FTP. The second way specified by HTML code which causes it to display in a web
is to create your web page(s) online using a Telnet program by browser such as Internet Explorer. The second type of computer
accessing your UNIX account, if you have one. language, CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets is also a language
If you are creating your web page(s) offline, do so in used for creating web pages; however, its purpose is to describe
any text editing or word processing document. Make sure that a page structure and style. An inline, embedded, or external
when you save your document, you save it as a “text”, “plain style sheet is used in accompaniment to HTML and indicates
text” or “text only” document. Otherwise, it will not be read styles for features like fonts, colors, images, and text. CSS is
properly by a web browser. Once you have created your also used to position elements on a web page, and to format
page(s), you will need to contact your ISP about how to go about how the page is displayed on various output devices, including
uploading them to your server. printed documents, monitors, and hand-held devices. The third
(Source: How to Create A Web Page, http://www.make-a-web-site.com)
language, JavaScript, is a computer language used for creating
executable applications in web documents. Like HTML and CS,
- When writing using process analysis paragraphs, it is vital
JavaScript is created with a text editor and displayed by a
that the author determines who the audience is going to be
browser. An application is composed of objects like expressions,
and writes for that audience. How is this shown in the
variables, values and operators. An automatically updated time
examples above?
or date on a web page is a JavaScript application. A script can
be produced for various functions including hiding e-mail
addresses from spammers, or performing mathematical
• Use process analysis pattern of development to describe functions. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS computer languages
the steps involved in making a coffee jelly dessert. used for indicating the style, content, and formatting of elements
within web pages are constantly being revised to improve
usability for the programmer and the end-user and to offer
endless options for web design.
(Source: Kelly Byron (2005), from http://english 120.pbworks.com)

Review a product such as video game, a movie, a book,
or any product that you have ordered online and
categorize your review based on specific criteria.
Example: plot, characters, graphics, or sound if you will
review a movie.
8|P age
ACTIVITY 1: ______________________________________________
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions __________________________________________
that follow.
c. How can the problem be solved?
Over the centuries, the Chinese created a marvelous ______________________________________________
history of making silk cloth. Legends record that about __________________________________________
2640 BC a Chinese Empress, Si-Ling-Chi watched the little
silkworms spin cocoons in mulberry trees. She unwound 2. Malnutrition is a big health issue in Niger. Niger is
one of the threads from a cocoon. It was one very long located in Africa close to the Equator. It has extremely
strand of shiny thread. Little did she know that silk has high daytime temperatures and very little rainfall. Yearly
the longest strand of any natural plant or animal fiber. droughts threaten food production. As a result, many
The challenge was to develop some kind of winding people starve. With 10 million people to feed, they need
devise so that the silk thread could be made into cloth. No a more reliable food supply. The challenge for people
one knows for sure when the Chinese first developed silk living in Niger is to develop hardy drought resistant crops.
winding machines. However, there is mention of such With ample food supplies, the people of Niger would
devices in Chinese dictionaries in the 2nd century AD. experience better health.
Actual spinning wheels, however, came much later,
perhaps the 11th century AD. Even today, China is the a. What is the problem?
world's leading producer of quality silk cloth. ______________________________________________
1. What is the problem? b. Why is it a problem?
____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
2. Why is it a problem? __________________________________________
3. How can the problem be solved? c. How can the problem be solved?
____________________________________________ ______________________________________________

- it has two parts: a problem and a solution
- the writer presents the problem and some facts
or reasons why it is a problem 10. PERSUASION
-naturally, readers look for a solution for the - to persuade is to convince someone that your
problem opinion on a subject is the right one
-the closing statement or conclusion highlights - for your paragraph to be more convincing,
the connection between the problem and the think of your audience and the kind of evidence your
solution audience would likely respond to

ACTIVITY 2: Read the paragraphs below and answer the Methods of persuasion:
questions that follow. a. Using facts
b. Referring to authority who can give impartial
1.Jackie Kersee overcame asthma and extreme poverty to and unbiased information
become a famous athlete. How could this happen? At c. Predicting the consequence and answering
first, Jackie denied that she had a problem. As a oppositions
competitor in the seven-event heptathlon, she was used
to being in complete control of her body. She felt it Signal words to illustrate your points when you want to
showed her strength and determination. Her asthma give your reasons:
problem changed all that. After many disappointing First (second, third) finally
competitions, she found ways to work with her problem Another because
rather than against it. She was the most dominant Next since
woman in the track and field competition at the 1988 Last for although
Olympics in Seoul. Eventually, the little girl became the
‘first lady’ of American sports. Signal words in answering oppositions:
Of course Nevertheless On the other hand
a.What is the problem?
______________________________________________ Signal words when you want to draw conclusions:
__________________________________________ Therefore hence consequently thus

b. Why is it a problem?
Example of persuasion:

9|P age
LAUGHTER, THE MEDICINE ______________________________________________
Laughter is one of the greatest healing devices known to ______________________________________________
man. Laughter is powerful and can help people in many ______________________________________________
different ways. It has the power to cure something as little ________________________________
as a bad day or to heal the wounds of a terminally ill ______________________________________________
person. Laughing has helped create the smile which is the ______________________________________________
universal sign of well-being. Generally, individuals who do ______________________________________________
not laugh live miserably and have unhappy lives. Dr. ______________________________________________
Robert Holden found out that smiling and laughing ______________________________________________
releases endorphins in the brain which gives people an ______________________________________________
overall happy well-being. Using comedy, many doctors ________________________________
have stimulated the healing process in manic depressants
and fatally ill patients giving them hope and ambition. In
many clinics laughter is being used in replacing anti-
depressants and reduces the need for pain killers. (Dr.
Gael Crystal). Take comedians for example, they usually
live long and happy lives. Putting a smile on faces and
laughs in soul is what makes life complete. Laughter helps
heal people and brightens spirits for a better and
healthier life. Laughing is a sign of joy and hope and keeps
people normal and the world happy. Using the techniques
of laughter and happiness is the best medicine known to
man. Laughter is the universal sign of well-being and
happiness within health. Laughing brightens the spirit
and heals the mind and body of people who allow it to
overcome them. Therefore, try a smile and laugh on for
size and live a longer happier life with loved ones.


In 5-10 sentences, convince the Grade 10 students to

choose your track & strand when they pursue Senior High
School next school year.

10 | P a g e

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