I can gain more experience in dealing with situations and demands which will
be of a great help in my future career. I will pursue my MS degree in
Economics and the normal length of study is about 2 years. Throughout these
years, my study and research will focus on Economics research, Formal
methods for specification and verification, Applications. The time and
arrangement of MS program is listed as follow,
First year
I would like to put most effort of my first year on studying core course. I
would like to attend seminars and conferences. I will join a research group
and do some preliminary research. I will then finish my research proposal
under instruction of my research adviser. According to my research
proposal, I will carry out my research plan, arranged detailed experiments,
analyze the results and modify the schemes high quality research papers
are expected to be published on international academic journals in this
Second year
At the beginning of this year, I will finish my research.
Then I will focus on my Master's dissertation and degree defence.
Now the question arises, “Why China?” Reading the books, watching the
news, analyzing and observing the people of China I am really impressed by
the way these individuals have proved themselves to be dedicated to their
work and with true efforts they have set China as a successful example for
other third world or developed countries. The fast growing economy,
technological advancement and the global ranking education institutes of
China with high reputation makes a great aspiration to the students and
professionals for the better career perspectives. Thus such kind of positiveness
has boosted my confidence further and I am highly satisfied with the decision I
have taken. Moreover, China diverse cultural norms and values, the famous
gentle hospitality of its people make me feel China as my second homeland;
also my family fully supports my choice for China being my preference for
graduate studies. All these reasons put together make China an ideal place
for me to do my Master's degree. Concluding it, with high hopes I believe this
application will receive your favorable consideration and I will be happy to
provide any additional information you may need.
As a saying goes, Blessed people shall live like a tree, do not count on others
and firmly root in the hurried stream of life, appear green through wind and
rain. I am well aware that my advanced study in China presents many
challenges, but I am confident that I can overcome these challenges. As a
young professional, I am ready to accept the challenges on the way of
pursuing my dream. I realize that as a non-native student, I will be required
to work harder than my contemporaries and I am prepared to do that I have a
cheerful and open-minded disposition, positive character and look forward to
sharing and exploring new ideas.
Ibrar Khan