Air_Pollution pdf
Air_Pollution pdf
Air_Pollution pdf
Particulate matter
The control of particulate matter is an important aspect of industrial air pollution engineering.
Particles are collected by a combination of several mechanisms. The six available mechanisms
are gravitational settling, centrifugal impaction, inertial impaction, direct interception, diffusion
and the electrostatic attraction.
There are five basic types of dust collectors used for particulate pollutant control
The first two of the above are used for coarse particulates where as the other threeare used for fine
Gravitational Settling chambers discussed above are not effective in removing small particles.
Therefore, one needs a device that can exert more force than gravity force on the particles so that
they can be removed from the gas stream. Cyclones use centrifugal forces for removing the fine
particles. They are also known as centrifugal or inertial separators.
The cyclone consists of a vertically placed cylinder which has an inverted cone attached to
its base. The particulate laden gas stream enters tangentially at the inlet point to the cylinder. The
velocity of this inlet gas stream is then transformed into a confined vortex, from which
centrifugal forces tend to drive the suspended particles to the walls of the cyclone. The vortex
turns upward after reaching at the bottom of the cylinder in a narrower inner spiral. The clean gas
is removed from a central cylindrical opening at the top, while the dust particles are collected at
the bottom in a storage hopper by gravity.
The efficiency of a cyclone chiefly depends upon the cyclone diameter. For a given
pressure drop, smaller the diameter, greater is the efficiency, because centrifugal action increases
with decreasing radius of rotation. Centrifugal forces employed in modern designs vary from 5 to
2500 times gravity depending on the diameter of the cyclone. Cyclone efficiencies are greater
than 90% for the particles with the diameter of the order of 10 µ. For particles with diameter
higher than 20 µ, efficiency is about 95%.
Fabric filters
Fabric filtration is one of the most common techniques to collect particulate matter from
industrial waste gases. The use of fabric filters is based on the principle of filtration, which is a
reliable, efficient and economic method to remove particulate matter from the gases. The air
pollution control equipment using fabric filters are known as bag houses.
Bag Houses
A bag house or a bag filter consists of numerous vertically hanging, tubular bags, 4 to 18 inches
in diameter and 10 to 40 feet long. They are suspended with their open ends attached to a
manifold. The number of bags can vary from a few hundreds to a thousand or more depending
upon the size of the bag house. Bag houses are constructed as single or compartmental units. In
both cases, the bags are housed in a shell made of rigid metal material. Occasionally, it is
necessary to include insulation with the shell when treating high temperature flue gas. This is
done to prevent moisture or acid mist from condensing in the unit, causing corrosion and rapid
deterioration of the bag house.
Hoppers are used to store the collected dust temporarily before it is disposed in a landfill or
reused in the process. Dust should be removed as soon as possible to avoid packing which would
make removal very difficult. They are usually designed with a 60 degrees slope to allow dust to
flow freely from the top of the hopper to the bottom discharge opening. Sometimes devices such
as strike plates, poke holes, vibrators and rappers are added to promote easy and quick discharge.
Access doors or ports are also provided. Access ports provide for easier cleaning, inspection and
maintenance of the hopper.
A discharge device is necessary for emptying the hopper. Discharge devices can be manual
(slide gates, hinged doors and drawers) or automatic trickle valves, rotary airlock valves, screw
conveyors or pneumatic conveyors)
Filter Media
Woven and felted materials are used to make bag filters. Woven filters are used with low energy
cleaning methods such as shaking and reverse air. Felted fabrics are usually used with low
energy cleaning systems such as pulse jet cleaning.
While selecting the filter medium for bag houses, the characteristics and properties of the carrier
gas and dust particles should be considered. The properties to be noted include:
Fabrics are usually pre-treated, to improve their mechanical and dimensional stability.
They can be treated with silicone to give them better cake release properties. Natural fibers (wool
and cotton) are usually preshrunk to eliminate bag shrinkage during operation. Both synthetic
and natural fabrics usually undergo processes such as calendering, napping, singeing, glazing or
coating. These processes increase the fabric life and improve dimensional stability and ease of
bag cleaning.
The gas entering the inlet pipe strikes a baffle plate, which causes larger particles to fall into a
hopper due to gravity. The carrier gas then flows upward into the tubes and outward through
the fabric leaving the particulate matter as a "cake" on the insides of the bags.
Efficiency during the pre-coat formation is low, but increases as the pre-coat (cake) is formed,
until a final efficiency of over 99% is obtained. Once formed, the pre-coat forms part of the
filtering medium, which helps in further removal of the particulate. Thus the dust becomes the
actual filtering medium. The bags in effect act primarily as a matrix to support the dust cake. The
cake is usually formed within minutes or even seconds.
The accumulation of dust increases the air resistance of the filter and therefore filter bags
have to be periodically cleaned. They can be cleaned by rapping, shaking or vibration, or by
reverse air flow, causing the filter cake to be loosened and to fall into the hopper below
The efficiency of bag filters may decrease on account of the following factors:
a) Excessive filter ratios - 'Filter ratio' is defined as the ratio of the carrier gas volume to gross
filter area, per minute flow of the gas. Excessive filter ratios lower particulate removal efficiency
and result in increased bag wear. Therefore, low filter ratios are recommended. Therefore, low
filter ratios are recommended for high concentration of particulate.
b) Improper selection of filter media - While selecting filter media, properties such as
temperature resistance, resistance to chemical attack and abrasion resistance should be taken into
a) Cleaning -
b) Rupture of the cloth -
c) Temperature - Fabric filters will not perform properly if a gross temperature overload
occurs. If the gas temperature is expected to fluctuate, a fiber material that will sustain the
upper temperature fluctuation must be selected.
d) Bleeding -This is the penetration of the fabric by fine particles, which is common in fabric
filtration. It can occur if the weave is too open or the filter ratio is very high. The solution is to
use a double layer material or a thick woven fabric.
e) Humidity -This is a common and important problem, especially if the dust is hygroscopic. It
would therefore be advisable to maintain moisture free conditions within the bag house, as a
precautionary measure.
f) Chemical attack -This is another problem associated with fabric filters. The possibility of
chemical attack due to corrosive chemicals present in the effluent. A proper choice of fabric
filter will avoid this problem.
High collection efficiencies for all particle sizes, especially for particles smaller than 10
micron in diameter.
Simple construction and operation.
Nominal power consumption.
Dry disposal of collected material.
The principle behind all electrostatic precipitators is to give electrostatic charge to particles in a
given gas stream and then pass the particles through an electrostatic field that drives them to a
collecting electrode.
The electrostatic precipitators require maintenance of a high potential difference between the two
electrodes, one is a discharging electrode and the other is a collecting electrode. Because of the
high potential difference between the two electrodes, a powerful ionizing field is formed. Very
high potentials - as high as 100 kV are used. The usual range is 40- 60 kV. The ionization
creates an active glow zone (blue electric discharge) called the 'corona' or 'corona glow'. Gas
ionization is the dissociation of gas molecules into free ions.
As the particulate in the gas pass through the field, they get charged and migrate to the
oppositely charged collecting electrode, lose their charge and are removed mechanically by
rapping, vibration, or washing to a hopper below.
In summary, the step by step process of removing particles using ESPs is:
Scrubbers are devices that remove particulate matter by contacting the dirty gas stream with
liquid drops. Generally water is used as the scrubbing fluid. In a wet collector, the dust is
agglomerated with water and then separated from the gas together with the water.
The mechanism of particulate collection and removal by a scrubber can be described as a four-
step process.
i) Transport: The particle must be transported to the vicinity of the water droplets which are
usually 10 to 1000 times larger.
iv) Precipitation: This involves the removal of the droplets, containing the dust particles from
the gas phase.
The physical principles involved in the operation of the scrubbers are: i) impingement, ii)
interception, iii) diffusion and iv) condensation.
i) Impingement :
When gas containing dust is swept through an area containing liquid droplets, dust particles
will impinge upon the droplets and if they adhere, they will be collected by them. If the liquid
droplet is approximately 100 to 300 times bigger than the dust particle, the collection efficiency
of the particles is more, because the numbers of elastic collisions increase.
ii) Interception:
Particles that move with the gas stream may not impinge on the droplets, but can be
captured because they brush against the droplet and adhere there. This is known as interception.
iii) Diffusion:
Diffusion of the particulate matter on the liquid medium helps in the removal of the
particulate matter.
iv) Condensation:
Condensation of the liquid medium on the particulate matter increases the size and weight
of the particles. This helps in easy removal of the particles.
The simpler types of scrubbers with low energy inputs are effective in collecting particles above
5 - 10 µ in diameter, while the more efficient, high energy input scrubbers will perform
efficiently for collection of particles as small as 1 - 2 µ in diameter.
The scrubbers are used in a variety of applications. Some of the situations are:
i) They're particularly useful in the case of a hot gas that must be cooled for some reason.
ii) If the particulate matter is combustible or if any flammable gas is present, even in trace
amounts, in the bulk gas phase, a scrubber is preferred to an electrostatic precipitator.
iii) Scrubbers can be used when there are waste water treatment systems available on the site,
with adequate reserve capacity to handle the liquid effluent.
iv) Scrubbers are also used when gas reaction and absorption are required simultaneously with
particulate control.
Packed scrubbers Spray towers
Venturi scrubbers
For the control of gases such as NO2 and SO2 produced in combustion, wet and dry scrubbers are used.
The major automobile pollutants are carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons and the oxides of
nitrogen. These are generated by evaporation of fuel from carburetor, leakage between piston
rings and cylinder wall and combustion of fuel (exhaust gases). To prevent the automobile
pollution the law can be enforced at two levels. The industry can be compelled to manufacture
the vehicles in such a way, i.e. enforcing the Euro standards, that they produce minimum
pollutants. Secondly, the user has to maintain the vehicle by its proper servicing (tuning of
engine) in such a way that the exhaust emissions are under control. Actually, at this level nobody
bothers, as the checking systems and the provision of genuine penalty is very difficult. The
general public is not aware of the bad effects of pollution particularly the air pollution that is
many times more effective. The third control should be on the quality of fuel. If the fuel is
having lead in it, neither the vehicle nor the owner can prevent its emission to the ambient air.
That is why unleaded petrol is being supplied these days. Sometimes Kerosene is mixed with
petrol or diesel (as it is cheaper) than the emissions are more pollutant and are of different nature.
Even after exercising all such checks on quality of vehicles, maintenance and the adulteration
some pollution is inevitable. This can be reduced by changing the fuel, such as by the use of
CNG. The other most important way of reducing the air pollution is changing the life style of the
urban population. Minimizing the use of vehicles by walking for small distances, pooling of the
vehicles, switching off the vehicles on red lights, maintaining the vehicles in proper order,
adopting efficient ways of driving, ban on overloading, better design and maintenance of roads,
collectively can reduce automobile air pollution.
The vehicular pollution can also be controlled by using the catalytic converter. (Details will be given later).