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African History, A Kenyan Perspective GN 2

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Africas Pre-History, by George N. Njenga

AlthougheachdaybringsusnewerinformationaboutourpastitisworthytodocumentAfrican prehistory as it is today. According to Bekerie, A. (2007), the ancient African past, in its broadestsense,referstodeedsandeventsdocumented,throughoralorwrittentraditions,by peoples of Africa or African descent from the earliest, in African time1 But what is Africa? Africaisacontinentmadeof54countries(or56countriesifweincludetheFrenchterritoriesin Africa Reunion and the Comoros) with an area approximately of 30.3 million Square Kilometers.2 When this article was written the approximate total population was 935 million people. Africa is perceived as the last continent because of its poor economic performance. According to the most current data available in the Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook, Africa is currently contributing nearly 4% of the World level of Gross Domestic Production (taking into account the Purchasing PowerParity). When this article was written, data from the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America showed that the average per capita income for Africa was approximately USD $4,100 p.a. with Equatorial Guinea,havingthehighestpercapitaincomeatjustoverUSD$30,000.3 Dueto its variedgeography,history, demography,governanceandeconomies,Africais often perceivedasadividedcontinent.Acommondivisionofthecontinent,andthatwhichIwould prefertouseinthisarticle,wouldbasedoneconomicandgeographicalaffiliationandsocial demographic composition. In this case most authors have divided Africa into; Northern, Western,Central,EasternandSouthconfederations.Thisdoesnotmeanthattheappropriate structure hear elaborated is a perfect outline of the divisions. For instance, countries in the central, eastern and southern Africa at various points in time have entered into economic relationswitheachother.
1 Ayele Bekerie, Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3, Pp. 445-460 2 Cfr. Central Intelligence Agency, Source: Feb 21, 2009; World FactBook: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications 3 Cfr. Central Intelligence Agency, Source: Feb 21, 2009


Northern Africa is made up of 6 countries, Egypt at the furthest Northeastern end, Libya, Tunisia,Algeria,WesternSaharaandMoroccoattheNorthwesternend.WesternSaharaisstill in dispute between Morocco and Mauritania after Spain moved out last century. These countries were historically very close to their northern neighbors, Lebanon, Palestine, Arabia andMediterraneanEurope.Aslonghistoryhasbeen,itspolitical,socialandeconomichistory is entwined with that of its northern neighbors. Egypt was one of the primeval world civilizations together with the civilizations of the Sumer region and that of yellow river civilization.ItwasthefirstAfricanregiontobeChristianizedinAfrica;itwascolonizedbythe Muslims from Arabia in the 7th century and since then it has a strong Muslim presence. For example,EgyptandSudanareseenaspartoftheArabLeagueofNations. WesternAfricaonthehandisoftenconsideredascomprising17countries.Benin,BurkinaFaso, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, The Ghana, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. These countriesarelocatedwestofChadintheeast,boardertheAtlanticcoastonthewestandsouth of the Sahara desert. Another region generally considered as the central region of Africa is giventhesamename,CentralAfricanRegion.Itismadeupof10countries,namely,Equatorial Guinea, Botswana, Gabon, Angola, Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Chad, Zambia, Central AfricanRepublic,DemocraticRepublicofCongo. The Eastern African countries are made of 17 countries. If we were to include two French territoriesaffiliatedtoAfrica,theywouldbe19.ForthepurposesofthispaperbothReunion and the Mayotte Islands will be considered as part of the Eastern African territory for the purposesofhistoricaloutline.ThereadermaynotethattheMayotteIslands,locatedbetween the Northern end of Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique, are a disputed territory between the Comoros and the French Government. The other 17 countries that make up Eastern Africa include, Seychelles, Mauritius, Djibouti, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar, Uganda, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Malawi, Eritrea, Somalia, Burundi, Zimbabwe.


Finally, there is the Southern African region which is made up of 5 countries all very closely affiliatedtoSouthAfrica.Theyare;SouthAfrica,Namibia,Swaziland,Lesotho.BothSwaziland andLesothoaregeographicallysurroundedbytheSouthAfricanterritory.Namibiaseconomy isalmostentirelydependentontheSouthAfricaneconomy. Inourcurrenthistory,itisthisregiononereferstoAfrica.Geographically,itliesbetweenthe southernlimitsoftheSaharaandthenorthernlimitoftheKalahariDesertorRiverLimpopoin the south. Despite this seeming homogeneity, SubSaharan Africa is made up of a variety of nations (often referred to as tribes, to differentiate them from their contemporary world of nations. It is a matter of semantics) and peoples with significant historical, sociopolitical ethnic and religious disparities. SubSaharan Africa may be divided according to its inherent disparities,betweenWesternAfrica,CentralAfricaandEasternAfrica. Radioactivityandthenaturaldecompositionofcertainchemicalisotopeshavemadeitpossible to date certain types of rocks. Based on research done by Artigas and Turbn (2008),4 it is calculatedthattherearecertainrocksontheearthssurfacethatdateback4.55billionyears whileatthesametimetherearerocksfromthemoonandabout70meteoritesthatdateback tothesameage,thatis4.5billionyears.5ForthepurposesofahistoryofAfrica,itisrelevantto knowwhenandwhatsciencehassofarrevealedofthefirstofourgalaxyoftenseenaspartof theMilkyWay.Thesameauthorscontinuetoexplainthat,thefirstbiologicallifeseemstohave emergedalmost3.8billionyearsagoalthoughnooneknowsyethoetheyarose.Sciencehas not deciphered this so far. However postulations are that the first DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid,isthehereditarymaterialinhumansandalmostallotherorganisms)wasalreadyformed at this time. The DNA strand inhuman genetics is like a very resilient and stable computeror data center in humans. However, biological scientists postulate that the first living beings carried Ribonucleic acid (RNA) which is a type of molecule that consists of a long chain of
4 Artigas, M. and Turbn, D., Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin; 2 ed. Eunsa: Pamplona, 2008, P. 30 5 Artigas, M. and Turbn, D., Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin; p. 36 2


nucleotideunitsverysimilartotheDNA,accordingtoWikipedia6.TheRNAistheonlymolecule able to change things with its computer like capacity. However, this theory has not been supportedsubstantiallythroughexperiments. Around 1.4 billion years ago there appeared another evolutionary conquest which was the colonization of middle earth by Cyanobacterias, also known as bluegreen algae, bluegreen bacteria or Cyanophyta, is a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis.7 Within another 1.3 billion years, it is suggested that the first marine algae pluricelulars appeared on earth, followed by the appearance of the first animals about 1.2 billionyearsago.However,thispostulationisstilltobesupportedbyconcretedatasincefossil researchhasdiscoveredlifebeyond600millionyearsago.Sofaritseemsthat1billionyears ago saw the first animals with blunt bodies and fish, later the first vertebrates, then the first plantsandterrestrialanimals;reptilesfollowedthenmammalsandfinallymanabout7million yearsago.TheearliestdatedhumanlikespeciesclosesttomansphysicalattributesisTM266 010601, "Touma", Sahelanthropus tchadensis discovered by Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye in 2001inChad,inthesouthernSaharadesert(Brunetetal.2002,Wood2002). 8Hebelongsto the species Australopithecus meaning the southern man. There are many other Australopithecus fossils that have been discovered to date which give a sense of the evolutionaryprocessofman.TheyhavebeendiscoveredinmainlyinAfrica;inSouthAfrica,the East and Central African regions. Among the species of the genus Australopithecus are; Aphaerensis,Africanus,Bosei,Robustus.ThenextfossilsinMansevolutionaryprocessare;the Homohabilis,theHomoErectus,HomoErectusPekinensisandfinallytheHomoSapien. From the 18th century, science studies man as a species of nature, identifying him as the confluenceofadvancesinMedicine,comparativeanatomyandarcheology.Fundamentallyhe isseenasarationalanimalwithaningeniouscapacitytogenerateculturetoprotecthimfrom
6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA 7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanobacteria 8 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin; 2 ed. Eunsa: Pamplona, P. 39 3


the process of natural selection and to help control his own evolution.9 This scientific perceptionwasclearlybasedonWallaceandDarwinsevolutiontheory.AsArtigasandTurbn explain,scienceseesmantodayassomeonewhodominateshisnaturalenvironmentusinghis qualitiesandcapacities.Hehasthecapacitytounderstandcomplexityrelativelyfastinrelation to his environment and can communicate through articulated language a better means of communication in comparison communication by gestures such as that of most animals. This capacityhasenabledmantodevelopallkindsoftechnologybasedonhisintellectualexegesis; suchas,makinginstrumentsliketheairplane.Butallthisistheresultofcumulativeknowledge sincemansignificantlydependsongroupknowledge;orbettersaidonhissociety.Thereseems noothergroup,wheretheindividualdependssomuchon theothersinordertoaccumulate knowledge as is the case of man. His cognitive capacity is crucial for his survival. It seems thereforenecessarytolinksciencesrelatedwiththestudyofthehumanbrainandthenorms thatgovernorregulatehumansociallife.Thisscience,asArtigasandTurbnexplain,hasalso toincludenormativeinstructionsonhowitshouldbedoneandmoresohowtoconservethe knowledge derived from group or social experience within man himself. We may lose this so importantcapacitythankstooverzealousmaterialscientists.Primarily,thishastoberelatedto Encephalization. Encephalizationisthemeasurementoftheprocessofbrainenlargementthroughevolutionary time dimensions. It is the ratio between the size of the brain obtained and that which is expected from an animal of the same total body mass.10 Quantifying an animal's encephalizationhasbeenarguedtobedirectlyrelatedtothatanimal'slevelofintelligence.Itis nowknownthatthehumanevolutionarystrategystartedabout2millionyearsagothanksto paleontologists and archeologists.11 The human brain is almost the same size as that of primatesbutacleardifferenceariseswhenweconsidermansbrainrelativetohisbody.Using encephalizationweseethatintheevolutionaryprocesssofarproposed,thehumanbrainhasa
9 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin; P. 39 10 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin P. 61 11 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin, P 61 4


higherratioofEncephalizationQuotient(EQ)thanthatofthemonkeysanditimprovesthrough historyasthedatabelowshows.ThedatashowsthatthroughevolutionHomohabilisreached thelevelofencephalizationoftheDolphinsandsincethenbecametheleadingbeingwiththe highestEncephalizationfactor. Table1:ComparisonofLongevity,bodymassandtheEncephalizationQuotient

Species Extinct Species Austr. Aphaerensis Austr. Africanus Austr. Bosei Austr. Robustus Homo Habilis Homo Erectus (Asia and Africa) Homo Erectus Pekinensis Living Species Gorilla Gorilla Papio Cynocephalu (Baboon) Hylobathes Lar (Gibbon) Pongo pygmeus (Orangutan) Pan Troglodytes (Chimpanzee) Homo Sapiens (Humans) 40 31 32 46 46 100 140 19 6 53 45 57 1.7 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 7.6 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 37 35 48 44 48 53 53 3.1 3.4 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.5 6.1 Longevity (avg. yrs) Avg. Body Mass (Kg) Jerisons EQ 67


Raymond Dart in 1924 found the first hominid Australopithecus Africanus, called the baby TaungisSouthAfrica.12LaterinEthiopia,AlemayehuAsfaw,foundafossilmorethan3million yearsold.13DinqneshorLucysscientificnameisAustralopithecusaphaeresismeaningthe SouthernApeoftheAfarregion.EthiopiansrefertoherasDinqnesh.Sheisalsoclassified inHadarasAL2881.LucyiskeptfullypreservedatthenationalMuseuminAddisAbaba;an
12 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin, P. 55 13 Time Magazine, in partnership with CNN, Monday, Dec. 02, 1974 5


exact plaster replica is also displayed next to her. (Pankhurst 12)14 She was very bipedal. Donald Johnson an anthropologistinvolved inthe research commented; "Surely such a noble littlefossilladydeservedaname.Aswe[hisexpeditioncrew]sataroundoneeveninglistening toBeatles'songs,someonesaid,Whydon'twecallherLucy?Youknow,afterLucyintheSky withDiamonds.SoshebecameLucy.15In1978,MaryLeakeyhadfoundLaetoliinTanzania whichdated3.6millionyears.Asrecentlyas27February,2009,Prof.MatthewBennetandhis team reported finding hominin footprints in two sedimentary layers dated at 1.51 to 1.53 millionyearsago(Ma)atIleret,Kenya,providingtheoldestevidenceofanessentiallymodern humanlike foot anatomy, with a relatively adducted hallux, medial longitudinal arch, and medial weight transfer before pushoff. The size of the Ileret footprints is consistent with stature and body mass estimates for Homo ergaster/erectus, and these prints are also morphologically distinct from the 3.75millionyearold footprints at Laetoli, Tanzania.16 In timemanyhominidshavebeenfoundbutsofartheevolutionarylinkbetweenthemisstillin debate.Itseemsthataround2.8millionyearsagosuddenclimaticchangesresultedinchanges in a grand scale. The panama isthmus was land locked; the Arctic froze and there was a progressivedisappearance of African forests17. Homo habilis developeda capacity for making stonetools. Based on genetic research Homo sapiens may have come from an African male gene dated 59,000years.Femalemitochondriaseemtoreachthesameconclusion.AsinthecaseofAsfaw above and Richard Leakeys research in the Lake Turkana region, the Rift Valley geographical formationseemstohideatremendousamountofhistoricaldataburiedunderitsmorphology. Dinqnesh is a forerunner to womens active presence in the African past. African women invented agriculture. In ancient Africa, women held central positions in creation legends and mythologies.Rockpaintingsandengravingsamplydocumentedthedeedsofbothwomenand
14 MOHR, A., Countries and Their Cultures; Gale Group, Thomson Corporation Company, 2001, Pp 2 15 MOHR, A., Countries and Their Cultures, p. 2 16 Science, Vol. 323. no. 5918, 27 February 2009:pp. 1197 1201, DOI: 10.1126/science.1168132 17 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin, P. 60 6


men.Althoughminimal,earlydocumentsnarratethehistoricalachievementsofgreatwomen leaders. Human evolution continued in Africa until the emergence of Homo erectus, whose familymembersmigratedoutofAfricaabout1.5millionyearsago.Thespecieswerenolonger simplyscavengersandgatherers;theyusedtheirstonetoolstocutandbreakmeatintosmaller pieces.Inotherwords,mobilityandtheavailabilityofstonetoolsenhancedtherangeoffood sources.Withtheproductionofmoreadvancedtools,suchasstoneaxes,spears,andcutting knives,huntingbecameamajorsourceoffood.Homoerectuseducatedchildrenduringtheir childhood and in their adolescent years. Around 1.8 million years ago this species began a suddenmigrationfromAfricapopulatingEurope(1.7millionyearsago),China(1.8millionyears ago)andAsia(around1.81.6millionyearsago).18Evidenceofthislefttousthroughmyriadof fossilsandtoolsstrewnalloverEurope,Asia,chinaandAfrica.Ithasbeenpostulatedthatthis movement would only have resulted from a change in conduct and the improvement of our organicdevelopment. Thetransition fromHomohabilistoHomosapiensmay probablyhavebeenoccurred around 500,000yearsago.Itdidnotoccuruniformly.Around300,000yearsagothetotalpopulationof Homosapiensprobablydidnotexceed3million.HomoSapiensNeanderthals(anevolutionof HomohabilisthatoccurredinEuropearound400,000120,000yearsago)appearedinEurope. Paleontological research also suggests to us the original evolution that reached its peak with the emergence of Homo sapiens about 150,000 years ago. Africa, and especially the Eastern African zone, had the highest Homo sapien population. This has been worked out using both DNAanalysisofthearcheologicalfossilsandpollen.ThroughanalysisofCarbon14itseemsthat fire was discovered around 10,500 years ago. With the DNA analysis it has also been proved thatthereisverylittlegeneticdifferencebetweenhumanbeings.Theirhomogeneityisnowa givenfactandsecondlyit isacertaintynow that thesupposed Adam andEvethatisthe first parents of the Homo sapiens lived in East Africa at the boarder of Kenya and Uganda between 60,000 and 100,000 years ago. Adam had Chromosome y and it seems almost
18 Artigas, M and Turbn D, 2008; Origen del Hombre, Ciencia, filosofa y Religin, P. 67 7


100,000 years more recent than the Eves mitochondria. Rock art inSouth Africa carries the SanpeoplesreligiousconceptsandritualandthetraditionwasacommonHomosapienswere huntersandgatherers. 19Theywerealsothepioneersoffamily,communalliving,rituals,and otherculturalactivities.Rockpaintingsandengravingsthatarefoundthroughoutthecontinent ofAfricahelpusunderstandtheearlyhumanbeingsandtheirlives.Practiceuntiltheendofthe nineteenth century of our era.20 They were to be found in the rest of the world in Siberia, alongtheIndiancoast,inNorthandCentralChinaandAsia.Itisbelievedthatby30,000years agoHomosapiensweremodernintellectuallyandanatomically. ThenextperiodofinterestistheNeolithicperiod.Thisistheperiodmoreorlessaround9000 and 6750 B.C. According to Fernandez; it is believed that this was a period representing a technological revolution in the History of early man. Man during this period experienced scarcityoffoodduetothegrowthofpopulationandthereforehadtofindawayofdominating it.ArcheologicalevidencehasbeenestablishedbeyondreasonabledoubtinthenearEast.That is, fossils have been found in Zatal Huyuk, Jarmo, Jericho, Syria, Khirotikia among others. Neolithic culture began in the Levant (Jericho, modernday West Bank) about 9500 BC. It developed directly from the Epipaleolithic Natufian culture in the region, whose people pioneeredtheuseofwildcereals,whichthenevolvedintotruefarming.TheNatufianscanthus be called "protoNeolithic" (12,5009500 BC or 12,0009500 BC). By 95009000 BC, farming communities arose in the Levant and spread to Asia Minor, North Africa and North Mesopotamia.EarlyNeolithicfarmingwas limitedto anarrowrangeofplants,bothwildand domesticated,whichincludedeinkornwheat,milletandspelt,andthekeepingofdogs,sheep and goats. By about 8000 BC, it included domesticated cattle and pigs, the establishment of permanentlyorseasonallyinhabitedsettlements,andtheuseofpottery.

19 Science, Vol. 323. no. 5918, 27 February 2009:pp. 1197 1201, DOI: 10.1126/science.1168132 20 Isichei, E., A history of African societies to 1870. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 1997 8


InAfrica,archaeologistsalsofoundremnantsofawhitelimestonecasingforthesurviving,16 foottall (5metertall) pyramid base. The angle of the base helped them determine that the pyramid'swallsstoodata51degreeangle.The4,300yearoldmonumentisbelievedtobethe tombofQueenSesheshet,themotherofPharaohTeti,thefounderancientEgypt's6thdynasty. Oncenearlyfivestoriestall,thepyramidoratleastwhatremainsofitlaybeneath23feet(7 meters)ofsand.Basedonthatangle,theteamdeterminedthatthepyramidwasoriginally46 feet (14 meters) tall and about 72 feet (22 meters) square at its base.21 According to Ayele (2007), a team of scholars found clay tablets in Abydos, Egypt dated as far back as 3200400 B.C. which makes them perhaps the oldest record of writings.22 He also quotes Martin DelaneysworkinthePrincipiaofEthnology,whoindicatesaseriouspossibilitythatwithour limitedknowledgeofArcheologythephilosophyandrootofalphabeticliteraturehaditsorigin inAfrica.Thiswouldalsomakesensegiventhattheearliestcivilizationsincludethecivilization alongtheRiverNileinEgypt.

According to Herlin, Susan J. (2003),23 Humans in Africa started agricultural cultivation in the equatorialforestsbetweenabout6000and1000BC.Themainreasonforthiswasfavorable locations, the use of new technology through accumulation ofknowledge.She quotes among theearly'cradlesofagriculture'andcattledomesticationasNorthAfrica,SudannicWestAfrica, forests of West Africa, and the Ethiopian highlands.In each of these areas certain abundant plantsand/oranimalsnativetotheregionwereincreasinglyselectedandcultivatedforuseby local populations that had previously relied entirely on foraging. We know from her research thattheearliestagriculturemayhavebeeninthehighlandsofEthiopia,wheretheycultivateda kind of banana, milletand coffeebean. In the Sudannic belt there was millet, the blackeyed pea, and okra due to better rainfall. Around 2000 BC, we find in the Nigerian forest and savannahyams,kolaandpalmkernels.
21 Onishi, N., A wall, A Moat, Behold! A lost Yoruba kingdom, Eredo journal, 1999, p. A4 22 Ayele Bekerie, JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES, Vol. 37 No. 3, January 2007 445-460 23 Herlin, Susan J., Ancient African Civilizations up to 1500 A.D. http://louisville.edu/a-s/history/herlin/textsup.htm, 2003, p. 22 9


Source: Feb 21, 2009; Central Intelligence, World Factbook: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/theworld factbook/geos/wi.html




Size Pop/Km2

EquatorialGuinea Botswana Gabon Angola Congo,Republicofthe Cameroon Chad Zambia CentralAfricanRepublic Congo,D.R.ofthe SubTotals 30,200 15,800 14,900 9,100 3,800 2,400 1,600 1,500 700 300

616,459 1,842,323 1,485,832 12,531,357 3,903,318 18,467,692 10,111,337 11,669,534 4,444,330 66,514,504 131,586,686 28,051 600,370 267,667 1,246,700 342,000 475,440 1,284,000 752,614 622,984 2,345,410 7,965,236 22 3 6 10 11 39 8 16 7 28

Seychelles Mauritius Reunion Mayotte Djibouti Sudan Kenya Tanzania Comoros Madagascar Uganda Mozambique Rwanda Ethiopia Malawi Eritrea Somalia Burundi Zimbabwe SubTotals 18,700 12,400 6,000 4,900 3,800 2,200 1,800 1,400 1,100 1,100 1,100 900 900 800 800 700 600 400 200 82,247 1,274,189 776948 216,306 506,221 40,218,456 37,953,840 40,213,160 731,775 20,042,552 31,367,972 21,284,700 10,186,063 82,544,840 13,931,831 5,502,026 9,558,666 8,691,005 11,350,111 336,432,908 455 2,040 2517 374 23,000 2,505,810 582,650 945,087 2,170 587,040 236,040 801,590 26,338 1,127,127 118,480 121,320 637,657 27,830 390,580 8,138,105

181 625 309 578 22 16 65 43 337 34 133 27 387 73 118 45 15 312 29






Size Pop/Km2

4 63 14 82 77 1

Libya Tunisia Algeria Egypt Morocco WesternSahara SubTotals

14,900 8,000 7,100 5,500 4,000 4,000

6,173,579 10,383,577 33,769,668 81,713,520 34,343,220 393,831 166,777,395

1,759,540 163,610 2,381,740 1,001,450 446,550 266,000 6,018,890

SouthAfrica Namibia Swaziland Lesotho SubTotals

10,400 5,500 5,100 1,600

48,782,756 2,088,669 1,128,814 2,128,180 54,128,419

1,219,912 825,418 17,363 30,355 2,093,048

40 3 65 70

Benin BurkinaFaso CapeVerde Coted'Ivoire Gambia,The Ghana Guinea GuineaBissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria SaoTomeandPrincipe Senegal SierraLeone Togo SubTotals

1,500 1,300 4,200 1,700 1,200 1,500 1,100 600 500 1,200 1,900 700 2,200 1,400 1,800 700 900

8,532,547 15,264,735 426,998 20,179,602 1,735,464 23,382,848 9,806,509 1,503,182 3,334,587 12,324,029 3,364,940 13,272,679 146,255,312 206,178 12,853,259 6,294,774 5,858,673 284,596,316 973,521,724 6,706,993,152 15%

112,620 274,200 4,033 322,460 11,300 239,460 245,857 36,120 111,370 1,240,000 1,030,700 1,267,000 923,768 1,001 196,190 71,740 56,785 6,144,604 30,359,883 510,072,000 6%

76 56 106 63 154 98 40 42 30 10 3 10 158 206 66 88 103

Total WorldEst. RatioofAfrica/World

4,118 10,500

32 13




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