Oedipus at Colonus: Abridged
Oedipus at Colonus: Abridged
Oedipus at Colonus: Abridged
ACT I Scene 1 Enter OEDIPUS with ANTIGONE. ANTIGONE leads OEDIPUS to a rock, where OEDIPUS is sat. OEDIPUS Where are we? ANTIGONE I dont know, father. OEDIPUS Antigone, where are we? ANTIGONE Father, I dont know. OEDIPUS My favorite daughter, where are we? ANTIGONE WE ARE IN ATHENS! OEDIPUS Well, obviously were in Athens. But where, specifically? ANTIGONE I dont know! Why dont you ask that guy? Enter COUNTRYMAN OEDIPUS What? Who? Hello? Sir, can you help me? COUNTRYMAN Get out of there, thats sacred ground. OEDIPUS No. COUNTRYMAN Yes. OEDIPUS Where is this? COUNTRYMAN Colonus.
CONTINUED: OEDIPUS Do you have a king? COUNTRYMAN His name is Theseus. OEDIPUS Bring him to me. COUNTRYMAN Whats in it for me? OEDIPUS Blessings. COUNTRYMAN Works for me. Wait up. OEDIPUS Antigone! ANTIGONE What? OEDIPUS ...is he gone? ANTIGONE (annoyed) Yes, father... Chorus
Enter Elders of Colonus (AKA Chorus) not noticing Oedipus CHORUS Where is he? OEDIPUS Here. CHORUS (Frightened) OH MY ZEUS, A STRANGER! OEDIPUS Dont make me leave. CHORUS Too late. Leave. ANTIGONE helps OEDIPUS up. OEDIPUS is moved to a different rock. (CONTINUED)
OEDIPUS Is this fine? CHORUS Yes. Now, who are you? OEDIPUS Im sure youve heard of me. CHORUS Really? Tell us. OEDIPUS Cant tell you. CHORUS Why not? OEDIPUS Its shameful. CHORUS Tell us. OEDIPUS Will you have me leave if I tell you? CHORUS No. OEDIPUS I am Oedipus! CHORUS OH MY ZEUS, ITS OEDIPUS! GET OUT IMMEDIATELY! OEDIPUS But you just said..! CHORUS That was BEFORE we knew you were Oedipus! EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE ANTIGONE Just let us be. CHORUS No. OEDIPUS Please? Its not my fault Im Oedipus.
CHORUS Alright, well think about it. Enter ISMENE ANTIGONE Father, its Ismene! OEDIPUS Youre lying. ANTIGONE No, seriously! Look- I mean, trust me! ISMENE Hi, father. OEDIPUS Oh, hi, daughter. ISMENE Oh, your sons are evil. OEDIPUS I know. ISMENE No, now theyre more evil. Theyre planning on bringing you back to Thebes. OEDIPUS THE DEMONS! ISMENE I know. OEDIPUS I wont let them. This way, Athens will win the battle against the Theban invaders. ISMENE ...what? OEDIPUS Dont worry about it. CHORUS Here, you should make a ritual for the goddesses who own this land. OEDIPUS I cant. Ismene, you do it.
ISMENE Fine. Ill be back. Exit ISMENE Chorus II CHORUS Hey, Oedipus, is that story about you true? OEDIPUS Yes. CHORUS Ew. OEDIPUS I know. It hurts me just to talk about it. CHORUS Look, heres Theseus. Enter THESEUS with attendants. THESEUS Oedipus, son of Laius. Victim of that horrific tale. OEDIPUS The one and only. I have one request. THESEUS What is it? OEDIPUS You cant know yet. THESEUS Then what can I know? OEDIPUS I need you to stop Creon from taking me away to Thebes. THESEUS Whats in it for me? OEDIPUS Victory against Thebes. THESEUS ...but we arent at war.
OEDIPUS Exactly. THESEUS Alright, then. OEDIPUS Thank Zeus! Exit THESEUS with attendants CHORUS III CHORUS Athens is so cool. EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES ANTIGONE Father! Creons coming! OEDIPUS Hey, old guys! Help us! CHORUS Okay! Enter CREON with Guards CREON Dont be alarmed, elders. Im here for Oedipus. OEDIPUS NO! CREON ...no, what? OEDIPUS I wont let you have my body! CREON Thats okay, I already have your daughters. OEDIPUS NO! CHORUS Stand back, villain! CREON (motions to ANTIGONE) No. Guards, grab that girl. (CONTINUED)
Guards beat ANTIGONE, and begin to take her away. CHORUS IV CHORUS Stop! CREON No. CHORUS Stop or we wont let you leave! CREON Then Thebes and Athens will war. OEDIPUS (to himself) I knew I was right! ANTIGONE Theyre dragging me away! OEDIPUS Where are you, Antigone? ANTIGONE Theyre... taking me away. OEDIPUS Oh. Guards leave with ANTIGONE CHORUS surrounds CREON CREON Move. CHORUS No. Not until you hand back Oedipus daughters. Enter THESEUS THESEUS Let them go, sir. CREON No. THESEUS You will.
Exit THESEUS with CREON and THESEUS guards CHORUS Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, and Artemis, help! EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH Enter THESEUS with ANTIGONE and ISMENE OEDIPUS My daughters! Im so happy! Theseus, Im so thankful! THESEUS No problem. Oh, someone wants to see you. OEDIPUS Who? THESEUS Your son from Argos. OEDIPUS AND ANTIGONE Oh no! Exit THESEUS CHORUS V CHORUS Wow, we must be very old. Very old, indeed. EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE ANTIGONE Here he is now. OEDIPUS Which of my sons is it, again? ANTIGONE Polyneices. Enter POLYNEICES POLYNEICES Dad, Im sorry for what Ive done, but can you come back to my place in Argos? If youre there, the Oracle said we will win the battle against Thebes. OEDIPUS No, of COURSE I wont go with you!
POLYNEICES But dad, Ill die! OEDIPUS Get out of my sight. ANTIGONE and ISMENE bawl their eyes out; exit POLYNEICES CHORUS VI CHORUS Oh my, its lightninging, and thundering! OEDIPUS What? Oh man, that means its time to die. Quick, call Theseus! CHORUS Theseus! Enter THESEUS THESEUS What? What is it, Oedipus? OEDIPUS Time for me to die. Quick, follow me. Exit THESEUS, OEDIPUS, ANTIGONE, and ISMENE. CHORUS Hades, Persephone, and Cerberus, dont let Oedipus bump his head on the way in! Enter MESSENGER EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK MESSENGER Oedipus is dead. CHORUS Aw, man. I really liked him. MESSENGER Yeah, he died at Demeters hill. Apparently, only Theseus knows how he died. CHORUS Wow, thats something.
CONTINUED: MESSENGER Yeah, he was a poor, old man. CHORUS Where are his daughters? MESSENGERS Here. Enter ANTIGONE and ISMENE, bawling CHORUS VII ANTIGONE AND ISMENE CRY, CRY, CRY! CHORUS (feigning ignorance) Where is Oedipus? ANTIGONE Dead! CHORUS How? ANTIGONE I DONT KNOW! CHORUS Then I guess thats that, then. ISMENE We shouldnt return to Thebes. CHORUS Obviously... Enter THESEUS THESEUS Cry not, you lovely ladies, for Oedipus died painlessly. ANTIGONE PLEASE tell us how he died! THESEUS No. Daddy said so.
ANTIGONE Well, if daddy said so... But please, help us get to Thebes.
THESEUS Alright, lets go. CHORUS Stop your crying, ladies. Hes dead, and your crying wont fix anything!