Dual Nature

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Light exhibits both wave and particle properties. Radiation behaves as photons which have energy and momentum. The speed of light is constant.

Radiation behaves as a stream of particles called photons. Photons have energy proportional to their frequency and can eject electrons from metal surfaces.

Photoelectric effect demonstrates that light behaves as a stream of particles (photons). Individual photons can eject electrons if their energy is greater than the work function of the metal. Kinetic energy of electrons depends on frequency, not intensity of light.

TOPIC DUAL NATURE OF RADIATION & MATTER Formulae of the Chapter: Energy of photon, E = h = hc Number of photons emitted per

tted per second, N = P E Momentum of photon, p = mc = h = h c Equivalent mass of a photon, m = h c2 Work function, W0 = h 0 = hc 0 Kinetic energy of photoelectrons is given by Einsteins photoelectric equation, Kmax = 1 mv2max = h - W0 2 = h ( - o) = h c - c 0 If V0 is the stopping potential, the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photo electrons, K = 1 mv2max = eV0 2 Intensity of radiation = Energy = Power ; Incident power = incident intensity x area Area x time Area Kinetic energy, K = 1 mv2 = p2 2 2m Momentum, p = 2mK de-Brogile wavelength, =h = h = h p mv 2mK de-Brogile wavelength of an electron beam accelerated through a potential difference of V volts is = h = 1.23 nm 2meV V

IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED: Light and in general radiation (i.e., all types of electromagnetic waves) possesses dual character. It may sometime exhibit wave properties and at other times it may have particle nature. In interaction of radiation with matter, radiation behaves as if it is made up of particles called photons. Each photon travels in vacuum or air with a constant speed c, the speed of light, having a value c = 3 x 108 ms-1. This speed does not depend on frequency or energy / momentum of photon or on relative motion of source and observer etc. Each photon having a frequency v has energy E = h and momentum

p = h = h , where is the wavelength c Charge and rest mass of a photon is zero but dynamic mass of a photon is given by m = E = h c2 c2 All photons of light of a particular frequency have the same energy and momentum, irrespective of the intensity of light. The intensity of light indicates the number of photons striking per unit area of given surface per second. Metals have free electrons but normally they cannot escape out of metal surface. The free electron is held inside the metal surface by the attractive forces of the ions. A certain minimum amount of energy is required to be given to an electron to pull it out from a metal surface. It is called the work function ( 0) of the metal. Work function of platinum is highest ( 0 = 5.65eV) and that of caesium is the lowest ( 0 = 2.14eV). Photoelectric effect is the phenomenon of emission of electrons from the surface of metals when light radiations of suitable frequency are incident on them. The emitted electrons are called photoelectrons and the current so obtained is called the photoelectric current. For a given metal, there exists a certain minimum frequency of light radiation below which no photoelectric emission takes place, howsoever large the intensity of incident radiation may be. This minimum frequency of radiation is known as threshold frequency ( 0). Value of threshold frequency depends on the nature of photosensitive metal surface. For a given metal and frequency (provided that > 0), the number of photoelectrons ejected per second is directly proportional to the intensity of incident light radiation. If in a photoelectric tube we apply a negative potential, then for a certain minimum negative potential photoelectric current becomes zero. This minimum negative potential V0 is known as the stopping potential. Stopping potential is a measure of the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons. For a given metal and given frequency ( > 0), the stopping potential and, hence, the maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of incident light radiation. The stopping potential or the maximum kinetic energy of ejected photoelectrons from a given metal surface increases linearly with increase in frequency of incident light radiation. In fact V 0 graph is a straight line graph intersecting the frequency axis at v 0, which is the threshold frequency Photoelectric effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave theory of light radiation. Einstein successfully explained the photoelectric effect on the basis of photon concept of light radiation. According to Einsteins explanation when a light photon of suitable energy E = h is incident on a metal surface, a part of its energy (equal to work function 0 of given metal) is used in liberating the electron from the metal surface. The rest of the energy of the photon is used in imparting the kinetic energy to the emitted photoelectron. Assuming that there is no wastage of energy, according to Einsteins explanation of photoelectric effect, we can write E = h = 0 + Kmax = 0 + 1 mv2max 2 or h -

= 1 mv2max or Kmax 2

It is known as Einsteins photoelectric equation. Since Kmax > 0 (i.e., it is non-negative), it implies that photoelectric emission is possible only when frequency of incident radiation is either equal to 0 = 0 or > 0 = 0 , where v0 is the threshold frequency h h It means that work function and threshold frequency are co-related as: 0 = h 0 Einsteins photoelectric equation may also be written as hv - 0 = h ( - 0) = Kmax = 1 mv2max = eV0, where V0 is the stopping potential. 2 Einsteins photoelectric equation leads to V0 = ( h/e) - 0/e

It predicts that V0 - graph is a straight line with slope = h/e. The slope of curve is independent of the nature of the metal. The V0 - graph can, thus, be used to determine the value of Plancks constant. Moreover, the intercept of graph on V0 axis gives the value of 0 and thus can be used to determine the value of work function to given metal. e Louis de Broglie put forward the concept of matter waves. He reasoned that nature is symmetrical and that the two basic physical entities-matter and energy, must have symmetrical character. If radiation shows dual character, then matter should also have dual character. de Broglie proposed that the wavelength associated with a matter particle of momentum p is given by = h = h p mv This relation is known as de Broglie relation for wavelength of matter waves, also known as de Broglie wavelength. We have seen that for a photon p = h and hence = h. Thus, de Broglie wavelength of a photon p equals the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation of which the photon is a quantum of energy and momentum. The relation = h is a general relation for wave matter duality, which is true for radiation photon p as well as matter particles. Concepts of matter waves has no worthwhile effect on macroscopic objects in our daily life. However, for atomic and sub-atomic particles the wave character of particle is significant and measurable. If we consider an electron particle accelerated from rest through an electrostatic potential V, then kinetic energy of electron is give by K = 1 mv2 = eV 2 Momentum of electron p = 2mK = 2mVe Wavelength of electron waves = h = h = h = 1.227 nm p 2mK 2mVe V For moderate accelerating voltages ranging from 50 V - 500 V the wavelength of electron waves is of the same order as the spacing between the atomic planes in crystals. Thus, matter waves associated with an electron can be verified by crystal diffraction experiments.

Wave nature of electrons was first experimentally verified by Davisson and Germer, who observed diffraction effects with electron beams scattered by crystals.

COMMON MISTAKES: Conversion of units is not done while solving numericals. Interpretation of graphs is not done properly. Formulas are not learnt properly.

VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (1 mark each) Q.1 Q.2 How does the stopping potential applied to a photocell change, if the distance between the light source and cathode of the cell is doubled? An electron and an particle have same de-Broglie wavelength associated with them. How are their kinetic energies related to each other? (4:1) It is easier to remove an electron from sodium than from copper. Which metal has higher value of threshold frequency? Explain. How does the maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted vary with the work function of the metal? The maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron is 3 eV. What is its stopping potential? (3V) What is photoelectric effect? The frequency ( ) of incident radiation is greater than threshold frequency ( 0) in a photocell. How will the stopping potential vary if frequency ( ) is increased, keeping other factors constant? (Increases) If the intensity of the incident radiation in a photocell is increased, how does the stopping potential vary? Two metals A and B have work functions 2eV and 4eV respectively. Which of the two metals has a smaller threshold wavelength? The stopping potential in an experiment on photoelectric effect is 1.5 V. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted? (2.4X10-19J)

Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7

Q.8 Q.9 Q.10

Q.11 Q.12

Show graphically how the stopping potential for a given photosensitive surface varies with the frequency of the incident radiaton. I In an experiment on photoelectric effect, the following graphs were obtained between the photoelectric current (I) and the anode potential (V). Name the characteristic of the incident radiation that was kept constant in this experiment. 0 V

Q.13 Q.14

What is de-Broglie wavelength of a particle having momentum 6.6 x 10-24 kg-m/s.(1A) An electron and a proton have same kinetic energy. Which of the two has greater de-Broglie wavelength? (Electron as 1/m) Wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled. What happens to the energy of photon? The kinetic energy of a material particle is doubled; what happens to the de-Broglie wavelength? The work function of a metal is 2 eV. Can a 3 eV-photon emit photoelectrons from this metal? Can two photons each of energy 1.5 eV emit photoelectrons from this surface? What is the slope of graph of stopping potential verses frequency of incident radiation. For same frequency of incident radiation and given metal, how does photocurrent vary with increase of intensity? For given metal, how does photocurrent vary with increase of frequency of incident radiations provided its intensity is kept same. What affects the maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons : intensity or frequency of incident radiation? A metal A just emits photoelectrons with radiation of wavelength 0 = 400 nm. Can it emit photoelectrons with radiation of wavelength (i) 500 nm (ii) 300nm? How does de-Broglie wavelength depend on velocity of associated particle? Why are de Broglie waves associated with a moving football not visible? Express de Broglie wavelength associated with electron in terms of the accelerating voltage V. What is rest mass of photon?

Q.15 Q.16 Q.17 Q.18 Q.20 Q.21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q.27

Q.28 Q.29

Name the phenomenon which shows quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation. Which of the following radiations is more effective for electron emission from the surface of sodium? (i) Microwave (ii) Infrared (iii) Ultraviolet A metal emits photoelectrons when red light falls on it. Will this metal emit photoelectron when blue light falls on it?


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