Freedom Movement by SR JK
Freedom Movement by SR JK
Freedom Movement by SR JK
Capitalist class and Non cooperation movement
• the immediate post world war 1 period saw the
interests of Indian businesses being affected
– Gandhian emphasis on non-violence and his theory of
“trusteeship” which legitimized ownership of wealth
reassured the industrialist against any kind of political
radicalism. Businessmen like G D Birla and Jamnalal
Bajaj became his close associates.
• When the non-cooperation movement started, the cotton
merchants supported the boycott movement & donated
generously to the tilak-swaraj fund.
• Post WW1, decline in wages saw a series of strikes, one led by Gandhi
himself (Ahemdabad Mill strike). Like the Western India cotton mills, the
Calcutta jute mills also witnessed unprecedented strikes during 1920-21.
• Socio-religious causes:
• The conservative social reaction to attempted social reforms through
legislative measures such as abolition of sati, widow remarriage and women
education were seen as interference in social and religious domains of locals
by outsiders.
Sepoy- racial high levels
of taxation Taluqdars-
discrimination land
-smaller ranks, &
indebtedn confiscate
lesser pay. He d,-21k in
was a Peasant ess to
moneylen awadh,
in uniform.75k storm Artisans &
came from der
centre of craftsmen
awadh-peasant revolt -Source of
families patronage
Doctrine of gone-no
lapse alternative
Immediate religious
cause- backlash-
religious abolition of
conspiracy- sati-1830,
greased widow
cartridges remarriage
Poor co-
Intelligentsia &
native princes-
quick system of
supported british.
Territorial Poor
spread-east, leadership-
southern and except laxmibai
west- kunwar singh
Lack of
No arms-
vision of
swords & Failure
future- wanted
to regain lost
Army- European
dominance-divide &
races, caste &
communal companies
introduced in all
Policy of
Company rule union-
Crown took direct
Post annexation
resp-1858 1857 foreign policy-
british + pro
Regression –
divide & rule,
wither social
Imp of historical event is not limited to its immediate
The revolt of 1857 was not a pure historical tragedy- Even in
failure it served a grand purpose: a source of inspiration for the
national liberation movement which later achieved what the revolt
could not.
Home rule movement-1914
• The home rule movement was a less charged but a
more effective response(as compared to gadhar
movement) to Indian participation in WW1.
• The lucknow session also saw the muslim league and congress
coming together and presenting common demands to british.
• The reasons for the shift in league’s position from a loyalist
position to an anti-imperialist one was guided by many factors-
– League came to be dominated by younger nationalists and came closer
to congress objectives (they turned anti imperalists). The league
outgrew the loyalist outlook of the Aligarh school of thought.
– Britain’s refusal to help turkey in its war in the balkans.
– Annulment of partition of bengal (1911)
• While the league agreed to press joint constitutional demands
with the congress to the government, the congress accepted
the muslim leagues position on separate electorates.
• Assessment of lucknow pact-
• Positive- the acceptance of principle of separate electorates
represented a serious desire to allay minority fears of majority
• Negative- the lucknow pact was a tacit acceptance of the idea
that the congress and league represented separate political
interests. This was a major landmark in the evolution of a two-
nation theory by the muslim league.
– While the leaders of the two groups came together, efforts to bring
the masses together were not considered.
Monatgu- Chelmsford reforms- GoI
• Montagu statement-gradual development of
self governing institutions, with a view to
progressive realization of self govt for indians
now became a govt policy.
• Extremists were suppressed- Tilak was jailed for six years. Aurbindo
ghosh & Bipin Chandra Pal retired from active politics. Lala Lajpat
Rai left for abroad.
4. Some muslims participated- Liaqat Hussain, but most of the upper and
middle class muslims stayed away from it. Those led by Nawab
Salimullah of Dacca, supported the partition of Bengal on the plea that it
would give them a muslim majority East Bengal
• The repression of Extremists failed to provide effective organization to
the impatient & patriotic youth of country, they took the path of
individual heroism & revolutionary terrorism inspired by the activity of
Irish nationalists.
• Attempted to assassinate unpopular British officials like Lord Curzon
with the aim of striking terror in the heart of the rulers & arouse the
patriotic instinct of the masses, thereby removing the fear of authority
from their minds.
• Moreover the trial of revolutionaries who were caught would act as
‘propaganda by deed’.
• Bengal- inner circle of Anushilan Samiti ( Barindrakumar Ghosh,
Bhupendranath Dutta) started the weekly ‘Yugantar’ and conducted a
few actions. Political Dacoity and abortive attempts on higher british
• Newspaper like Sandhya & Yugantar in Bengal openly advocated RT.
• Lord Ripon & the Ilbert bill controversy (1883)- under ripon, the govt
sought to abolish “judicial disqualifications based on race distinctions” &
give the Indian members of civil service the same powers as those
enjoyed by their European colleagues. However, ripon came under
intense pressure and was forced to modify the bill.
1. East India Association- Dadabhai Naoroji- 1866: was formed in
London to discuss the Indian question & influence public opinion in
England to promote Indian welfare
Lightning conductor- Bipin Chandra argues that INC represented the urge of
politically conscious Indians to set up a national body to express their
political and economic demands.
If the indians would have convened such body on their own, they would
have faced a strong colonial backlash. Thus they decided to use Hume as a
‘lightning conductor’ i.e as a catalyst to bring the nationalistic forces even if
under the guise of ‘safety valve’.
• Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozshah mehta, W.C Bonnerjea
• Dominated early stages of congress- strong believers in liberalism and
moderate politics. Moderate political activity involved constitutional
agitation within the confines of law.
• Weakness:
1. The moderate phase of national movement had a narrow social base
and the masses played a passive role. They had little faith in the
capacity of masses.
2. They failed to broaden the scope of their demands beyond those
permitted by strictly constitutionalist framework.
1937- freedom & partition
Opposing indian involvement in WW 2
• Support for war on - two basic conditions-
– after war a constituent assembly will be convened to
determine political structure of free india
– immediately, some form of genuine responsible govt to be
established at centre
• Punjab & Bengal legislative assemblies would meet in two groups, Hindus
& Muslims to vote for partition.
• Independence for princely states ruled out, they would either join India or