for Vehicle
Driving hints
174 Driving precautions
177 Loads
179 Towing a trailer
183 Saving fuel
About this Owner's Symbol for components and
Recommends that you study the relevant
Orientation section of this Owner's Handbook in
connection with a particular part or assembly.
The quickest access to a particular topic or
item is by consulting the alphabetical index.
The first chapter is recommended for an initial
overview of the vehicle.
Vehicle equipment
This Owner's Handbook describes all models
Updates after going to press and all standard, national and special equip‐
Updates to the Owner's Handbook after going ment provided in the model series. This Own‐
to press are found in the appendix of the prin‐ er's Handbook therefore also describes and il‐
ted quick reference to the vehicle. lustrates equipment not present in your
vehicle, for example due to selected special
Owner's Handbook for Navigation, equipment and national version.
Entertainment, Communication That also applies to safety-relevant functions
The topics of Navigation, Entertainment, Com‐ and systems.
munication and shortcut commands of the If certain equipment and models are not de‐
voice control system are described in a sepa‐ scribed in this Owner's Handbook, refer to the
rate Owner's Handbook, which is also part of Supplementary Owner's Handbooks provided.
the on-board literature. In right-hand drive vehicles, some of the con‐
trol functions are arranged differently from
those shown in the illustrations.
Indicates precautions that must be followed
precisely in order to avoid the possibility of Built-date
personal injury and serious damage to the The 'built-date' of your vehicle is indicated un‐
vehicle. derneath the door post on the driver's door.
◄ Marks the end of a specific item of The 'built-date' is defined as 'the calendar
information. month and the calendar year in which the body
Refers to measures that can be taken to shell and the powertrain subassemblies are
help protect the environment. conjoined and the vehicle is driven or moved
"…" identifies texts on a display in the vehicle from the production line'.
for selecting functions.
›...‹ Identifies commands for the voice control
››...‹‹ Identifies replies by the voice control
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Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
BMW is unable to assess each individual prod‐ as needed. After rectifying the fault, the infor‐
uct of outside origin as to its suitability for use mation in the fault memory is deleted or con‐
on BMW vehicles without safety risk. Nor can tinuously overwritten.
suitability be assured if an official permit has When using the vehicle, situations are conceiv‐
been issued for it in a specific country. Tests able in which this technical data can be per‐
performed for such permits cannot always sonal in connection with other information, for
cover all operating conditions for BMW vehi‐ example, accident report, damage to the vehi‐
cles, and some of them therefore are insuffi‐ cle, witness statements, etc — possibly by en‐
cient. listing the help of an expert.
Additional functions, contractually agreed with
the customer, for example vehicle location in
Data memory an emergency, allow certain pieces of vehicle
Many of the electronic components of your ve‐ data to be transferred from the vehicle.
hicle contain data memories, which store tech‐
nical information on vehicle condition, events
and errors temporarily or permanently. This Vehicle identification
technical information documents in general the number
condition of a component, a module, a system
or its environment:
▷ Operating states of system components,
for example, fill levels.
▷ Status messages of the vehicle and indi‐
vidual components, for example, wheel ro‐
tation number/ speed, movement retarda‐
tion, transverse acceleration.
▷ Malfunctions and faults of important sys‐
tem components, for example, lights and The vehicle identification number is in the en‐
brakes. gine compartment.
▷ Responses of the vehicle to special driving
situations, for example, triggering of an air‐
bag, using the stability control systems.
▷ Ambient conditions, for example, tempera‐
These data are only of a technical nature and
are for detecting and rectifying faults and opti‐
misation of vehicle functions. Movement pro‐
files over driven routes cannot be created from
these data. When servicing, for example, dur‐
ing repairs, service processes, warranty cases
or quality assurance, this technical information
can be read by employees of the service, in‐
cluding the manufacturer, from the event and
fault data memories with special diagnostic
tools. You will receive further information there
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Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
This summary of buttons, switches and displays
serves as an initial guide.
In addition, it gives you an insight into the
principles behind the various ways in which
functions can be performed.
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Low-beam headlights 97
Intelligent Safety 111
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Cockpit Overview
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Overview Cockpit
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Cockpit Overview
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Overview iDrive
Vehicle equipment Control display
Control functions
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
iDrive Overview
2. Pressing.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Overview iDrive
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iDrive Overview
White arrows to the left or right indicate that 2. Turn the Controller until the desired set‐
other screens can be called up. ting is displayed.
Some of the functions of the iDrive can be op‐
erated with the touchpad of the controller:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Overview iDrive
▷ To enter small and capital letters and num‐ Example: setting the clock
bers, it may be necessary to change input
mode, see page 23, for example, when Setting the clock
identically writing small and capital letters.
On the Control Display:
▷ Enter symbols as they are displayed on the
control display.
1. Press the button. The main menu is
▷ Relevant symbols, such as accents or full displayed.
stops, for example, are always known am‐
2. Turn the Controller until "Settings" is high‐
biguously with the letter. Options to input
lighted and press the Controller.
these depends on the language set. You
may need to enter special characters using
the controller.
▷ To delete a character, stroke the touchpad
towards the left.
▷ To enter a space, stroke towards the right
in the middle of the touchpad.
▷ To enter a hyphen, stroke towards the right
in the upper area of the touchpad.
▷ To enter an underscore, stroke towards 3. If necessary, tilt the Controller to the left to
the right in the upper area of the touchpad. display "Time/date".
4. Turn the Controller until "Time/date" is
Operating interactive map and
highlighted and press the Controller.
The Interactive map of the navigation system
and websites can be moved using the touch‐
Function Controls
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iDrive Overview
Gracenote® database.
Symbols in the status field
The symbols are combined in the following AUX-IN port
groups. USB audio interface.
Symbol Meaning
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Overview iDrive
Favourites buttons
Clearing assignment of buttons
iDrive functions can be saved on the favourites
1. Press buttons 1 and 8 simultaneously for
buttons and called up directly, for example
approximately five seconds.
radio stations, navigation destinations, tele‐
phone numbers and shortcuts into the menu. 2. "OK"
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iDrive Overview
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Overview Voice control system
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Voice control system Overview
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Overview Voice control system
Operating conditions
▷ Commands, digits and letters should be
pronounced fluently, with the usual em‐
phasis, and at a normal volume and speed.
▷ Always speak the commands in the lan‐
guage of the voice control system.
▷ When selecting the radio station, use the
customary pronunciation of the station
name as it is displayed on the Control Dis‐
›Station ...‹, for example, Classic Radio sta‐
▷ Doors, windows and the Glass Roof should
be kept closed to avoid noise interference.
▷ Avoid background noises in the vehicle
while you are speaking.
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Integrated Owner’s Handbook in the vehicle Overview
Quick Reference
Important information is found in the quick ref‐
erence for the operation of the vehicle, the op‐ Browsing within the Owner’s
eration of fundamental vehicle functions or in Handbook
case of breakdown. This information can also
be displayed when driving. Page by page with link access
Turn the controller until the next or previous
Search by pictures
page is displayed.
Using the search by pictures, information and
descriptions can be searched using pictures. Page by page without link access
For example, this is particularly helpful when
Browse the pages directly, skipping links.
the description of a piece of equipment is nee‐
ded, which cannot be named. Highlight the symbol once. Then simply press
the controller to browse from page to page.
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Overview Integrated Owner’s Handbook in the vehicle
Browse back.
4. Press the button again to switch back
to the last displayed function.
Browse forward.
5. Press the button again to switch back
to the last displayed page of the Owner's
Context-sensitive help - Owner's
To switch continuously between the last dis‐
Handbook for the currently selected
played function and the last displayed page of
the Owner's Handbook, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Suitable information can be displayed directly. As you do so, new screens are opened.
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Integrated Owner’s Handbook in the vehicle Overview
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Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
This chapter enables you to operate your car
with greater ease, explaining in detail the
features designed to make your journey safer,
more comfortable and more enjoyable.
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Opening and closing Controls
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Controls Opening and closing
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Opening and closing Controls
Using a guest profile ▷ All the doors and the tailgate are unlocked.
With the guest profile, individual settings can ▷ Interior light and courtesy light are
be made which are not saved in any of the switched on. This function is not available
three personal profiles. if the interior light was switched off man‐
This can be beneficial if a driver without their ually.
own profile uses the vehicle temporarily. ▷ The welcome light is switched on if this
function was activated.
1. "Settings"
▷ Exterior mirrors folded in using comfort
2. "Profiles"
closing are folded out.
3. "Guest"
You can set how the vehicle is unlocked. Set‐
Note: the guest profile cannot be renamed. It is tings, see page 42.
assigned to the current remote control.
Anti-theft system is switched off.
Showing profile list at start The alarm system, see page 43, is disarmed.
Locking from the outside
Do not lock the vehicle from the outside
when there is someone inside it, as it cannot
then be unlocked from the inside in some na‐
tional-market versions.◀
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Controls Opening and closing
Press the button on the remote control. available on opening the tailgate, as otherwise
damage can occur.◀
All the doors and tailgate are locked.
Press the button on the remote con‐
Anti-theft system is switched on. It prevents trol for approximately one second.
the doors from being able to be unlocked using
the locking buttons or the door openers. The closed tailgate opens automatically, re‐
The alarm system, see page 43, is armed. gardless of whether the vehicle is locked or un‐
locked. To close opened tailgate, press and
Comfort closing hold button of remote control until tailgate is
Keep the button on the remote control
Depending on the equipment and country ver‐
pressed after locking.
sion it can be set whether the doors are also
The windows and the Glass Roof are closed for locked. Adjust the settings, see page 42.
as long as the button on the remote control is In some equipment versions, doors are also
pressed. unlocked if appropriate
Exterior mirrors are folded in. If the doors were not unlocked, the tailgate is
With the hazard warning lights switched on, locked again as soon as it is closed.
the exterior mirror is not folded in. Do not lay the remote control in the boot
Follow the closing operation Keep the remote control with you at all
Follow closing operation and ensure that times and do not lay it in the boot, as otherwise
nobody gets jammed.◀ there is a risk of the remote control being
locked inside the vehicle when the tailgate is
Switching on interior light and
courtesy light Protect edges.
With the vehicle locked, press the button Sharp objects or those with sharp edges
on the remote control. may knock against the rear window while the
vehicle is in motion and damage the heating
This function is not available if the interior light conductor of the rear window. Protect edges.◀
was switched off manually.
If the button is pressed again within 10 sec‐ Malfunction
onds of locking, passenger compartment pro‐
Detection of the remote control by the vehicle
tection and tilt alarm sensor of alarm system,
may be disrupted by the following circumstan‐
see page 44, are switched off. After locking,
ces, amongst others:
wait 10 seconds before pressing the button
again. ▷ Disruption of the radio link by transmission
masts or other equipment transmitting
Opening and closing tailgate powerful signals.
Pay attention to the opening height of ▷ Shielding of the remote control by metallic
the tailgate objects.
The tailgate swings rearwards and upwards ▷ Disruption of the radio link by mobile tele‐
when opened. Make sure enough space is phones or other electronic devices in the
immediate vicinity.
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Opening and closing Controls
Do not transport the remote control together special ID of the remote control, see page 33,
with metallic objects or electronic devices. as necessary.
If there is a malfunction, the vehicle can also be
unlocked and locked from the outside without From inside
remote control, see page 37.
Unlocking and locking
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Controls Opening and closing
Protect edges.
Sharp objects or those with sharp edges
may knock against the rear window while the
vehicle is in motion and damage the heating
conductor of the rear window. Protect edges.◀
▷ Press the button on the outside of the tail‐ Without Comfort Access:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Opening and closing Controls
▷ Press the button on the inside of the tail‐ ▷ Press the button on the outside of the tail‐
gate. gate.
Pressing the button again stops the move‐
With Comfort Access:
The vehicle is locked after the tailgate has If the tailgate is blocked, do not operate it man‐
been closed. To do this, the driver's door ually as otherwise the tailgate could become
must be closed and the remote control damaged and can cause injury.
must be outside the vehicle in the vicinity Contact a Service centre.◀
of the tailgate.
In the case of an electrical defect, operate the
Pressing the button again stops the move‐ unlocked tailgate manually, proceeding slowly
ment. and avoiding sudden movements.
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Controls Opening and closing
Press the button on the rear window.
The rear window opens a little and can be tilted
To close: press the rear window closed.
Protect edges.
Sharp objects or those with sharp edges
may knock against the rear window while the
vehicle is in motion and damage the heating
conductor of the rear window. Protect edges.◀
Firmly grab the handle on the driver's or front
passenger's door, arrow.
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Opening and closing Controls
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Controls Opening and closing
Otherwise the tailgate may open unintention‐ ▷ Disruption of the radio link by mobile tele‐
ally due to an inadvertent or wrongly detected phones or other electronic devices in the
foot movement.◀ immediate vicinity.
Do not transport the remote control together
Closing with metallic objects or electronic devices.
The warning indicator flashes and an audible In case of a fault, unlock and lock the vehicle
signal sounds before the tailgate closes. with the buttons on the remote control or with
The tailgate swings rearwards and downwards the integrated key, see page 37.
when closing.
Closing the tailgate has no effect on locking
the vehicle. Settings
The locking mechanism may be interrupted Unlocking
due to a new foot movement.
Settings are saved in active profile, see
Avoid inadvertent closing page 33.
In situations in which opened tailgate
should not be closed contactlessly, ensure Doors
that remote control is outside sensor range, at 1. "Settings"
least 1.50 m, 5 ft from rear area.
2. "Doors/key"
Otherwise tailgate may close unintentionally
3. Select the symbol.
due to an inadvertent or wrongly detected foot
movement.◀ 4. Select the desired function:
▷ "Driver's door only"
Keep lock area clear
Only the driver's door and fuel filler flap
To avoid injuries, ensure that the closing are unlocked. Pressing again unlocks
area of the tailgate is unobstructed.◀ the entire vehicle.
Do not lay the remote control in the boot ▷ "All doors"
Keep the remote control with you at all The entire vehicle is unlocked.
times and do not lay it in the boot, as otherwise
there is a risk of the remote control being Tailgate
locked inside the vehicle when the tailgate is Depending on the equipment and country ver‐
closed.◀ sion, these settings are not provided.
1. "Settings"
2. "Doors/key"
Detection of the remote control by the vehicle
3. Select the symbol.
may be disrupted by the following circumstan‐
ces, amongst others: 4. Select the desired function:
▷ Disruption of the radio link by transmission ▷ "Tailgate"
masts or other equipment transmitting Tailgate is opened.
powerful signals.
▷ "Tailgate + door(s)"
▷ Shielding of the remote control by metallic
Tailgate is opened and doors are un‐
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Opening and closing Controls
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Controls Opening and closing
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Opening and closing Controls
To avoid injuries, ensure that the closing The window opens again slightly.
area of the window is unobstructed during
closing.◀ Closing without the anti-trap
▷ Pull the switch as far as the resist‐ Keeping closing zone clear
ance point. To avoid injuries, ensure that the closing
The window closes as long as the switch is area of the window is unobstructed during
held. closing.◀
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Controls Opening and closing
2. Pull the switch past the resistance point Panorama Glass Roof
again within approximately four seconds
and hold it there. General
The window closes without the anti-trap The Glass Roof and the sun blind can be oper‐
mechanism. ated separately or together with the same
Safety switch
Keeping closing zone clear
General To avoid injuries, ensure that the closing
The safety switch can be used to prevent chil‐ area of the glass roof is unobstructed during
dren from opening and closing the rear win‐ closing.◀
dows by means of the switches in the rear, for
Removing the remote control
Take the remote control with you when
Switching on and off you leave the vehicle, otherwise children could
operate the Glass Roof and possibly injure
Press the button. themselves.◀
When the safety function is switched
on, the LED is illuminated.
Roller sunblinds
Raising the Glass Roof
Roller sunblinds for rear side windows
Press the top of the switch.
Pull the roller sunblind out with the loop and
hang into the holder. ▷ From the closed position,
the Glass Roof is raised and
Do not open the window if the roller sun‐ the sun blind opens slightly.
blind has been pulled up
▷ The opened Glass Roof
Do not open the window when the roller sun‐ closes to the raised position.
blind has been pulled up, otherwise there is a The sun blind does not
risk of damage and subsequently injury at high move.
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Opening and closing Controls
Opening and closing the Glass Roof Closing without anti-trap mechanism
and sun blind together from open position
Push the switch twice in rapid In the event of danger from outside, for exam‐
succession beyond the resist‐ ple, proceed as follows:
ance point in the desired direc‐ 1. Slide the switch forwards beyond the re‐
tion. sistance point and hold it there.
The Glass Roof and the sun The anti-trap mechanism is restricted and
blind open together. Movement is stopped by the Glass Roof opens slightly when the
pressing switch upwards. closing force exceeds a certain value.
▷ See also: Comfort opening, see page 35, 2. Press the switch forwards once again be‐
and comfort closing, see page 36, by re‐ yond the resistance point and hold until the
mote control. Glass Roof closes without the anti-trap
mechanism. Ensure that the closing area is
▷ See also: closing using Comfort Access,
see page 40.
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Controls Opening and closing
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Adjusting Controls
Vehicle equipment Keep area of movement clear
When changing the position of the seat,
This chapter describes all standard, national
keep the area of movement of the seat clear,
and special equipment provided in the model
otherwise persons may be injured or objects
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
may be damaged.◀
therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions Manually adjustable seats
and systems.
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Controls Adjusting
After releasing the lever, move the seat gently lever, sit on and get up out of the seat to make
forward or back to make sure it engages prop‐ sure it engages properly.
Electrically adjustable seats
The driver's seat setting is saved for the profile
currently in use. When the vehicle is unlocked
using the remote control, this position is called
up automatically if the function, see page 43,
for this has been activated.
Pull the lever and add or remove pressure on
the backrest as required.
Settings in detail
1. Longitudinal direction.
Seat angle
Pull the lever and move the seat until the de‐
sired angle is reached. After releasing the
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Adjusting Controls
3. Seat angle. Pull the lever on the front of the seat and adjust
the thigh support.
Lumbar support
The curvature of the backrest can be altered to
support the lordosis, the lumbar section of the
spine. The upper edge of the pelvis and the
spinal column are supported to encourage an
upright posture.
▷ Press the switch at the front/
4. Backrest angle. rear.
The curvature is increased/
▷ Press the switch at the top/
The curvature is shifted up‐
Backrest width
Alter the width of the backrest
via the side cushions to adjust
the lateral support.
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Controls Adjusting
Switch off
Press and hold down the button.
LEDs go out.
Switching on
Press the button once per tempera‐ Seat belts
ture stage.
Maximum temperature is indicated by three Number of seat belts
LEDs. Your vehicle has been fitted with five seat belts
If the journey is continued within about 15 mi‐ for the safety of you and your passengers.
nutes, the seat heating automatically activates However, they can only offer protection when
with the last temperature set. adjusted correctly.
If ECO PRO, see page 184, is activated, the
heating power is reduced.
Before driving off, always make sure that all
occupants have fastened their seat belts.
Switch off
To protect vehicle occupants, belt interlock is
Press and hold down the button. triggered early. When it is applied, the belt is
LEDs go out. slowly guided from the bracket.
The airbags are a complementary safety fea‐
Seat heating, rear ture and not a substitute for the seat belts.
The belt anchorage is suitable for adults of any
stature as long as the seat is correctly adjus‐
▷ Both belt anchorages incorporated into the
rear bench seat are determined for those
sitting on the left and right.
▷ The inner seat belt buckle of the rear seat
is intended exclusively for the vehicle oc‐
cupant in the middle.
Switching on
Press the button once per tempera‐
ture stage.
Maximum temperature is indicated by three
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Adjusting Controls
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Controls Adjusting
Automatically tension seat belt Checking and replacing the seat belts
If the belt is fastened, the belt strap is automat‐ Only have this work carried out at the
ically fastened once when driving off. Service Centre, as otherwise correct function‐
ing of this safety device is not ensured.◀
Unfastening the seat belt
1. Hold onto the belt.
2. Press the red button on the belt buckle. Front head restraints
3. Guide the belt back up to the reel mecha‐
nism. Correctly adjusted head restraint
Head restraints adjusted to the correct height
Seat belt reminder for driver’s and reduce the risk of injuries to the neck in the
front seat passenger seat event of an accident.
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Adjusting Controls
▷ Up: push.
▷ Down: press the button, arrow 1, and slide
1. Raise head restraint until resistance.
the head restraint downwards.
2. Press the button, arrow 1, and pull the
The height of the centre head restraints can‐
head restraint fully out.
not be adjusted.
Before carrying passengers
Install the head restraints again before Fold down head restraint
carrying passengers, otherwise the head re‐
Fold in/out head restraints
straints do not offer protection.◀
Only fold in head restraints again, if oc‐
cupants are carried in the rear. Fold out folded-
in head restraints again if occupants are car‐
ried in the rear, otherwise there is an increased
risk of injury in case of accident.◀
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Controls Adjusting
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Adjusting Controls
Safety function
1. Close the driver’s door or switch the igni‐
tion on.
2. Keep button 1 or 2 pressed as desired until
the adjustment procedure has been con‐
1 Adjusting 57
2 Left/right, automatic parking function
Calling up has been disabled 3 Folding in and out 58
After a short time, calling up saved seat posi‐
tions is disabled to prevent the battery from Selecting a mirror
being discharged.
Switching to other mirror:
To reactivate calling up:
Push switch.
▷ Open or close a door or the tailgate.
▷ Press a button on the remote control.
Electrical adjustment
▷ Press the start/stop button.
Corresponding to movement of button
Saving positions
Exterior mirrors Seat and mirror position memory, see page 56.
Adjusting manually
Depending on the equipment, the mirror set‐
In the event of an electrical defect, for example,
ting is saved for the profile currently in use.
press the borders of the mirror glass.
When the vehicle is unlocked using the remote
control, this position is called up automatically
if the setting for this has been enabled.
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Controls Adjusting
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Adjusting Controls
Do not adjust the steering wheel whilst
the vehicle is in motion
Do not adjust the steering wheel position while
the vehicle is in motion, or an accident may re‐
sult from any unexpected movement.◀
Switch on ignition
Before moving the vehicle, switch on the
ignition, otherwise the electric steering wheel
lock is not locked and the vehicle cannot be
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Controls Carrying children in safety
Important considerations
Children in the vehicle
Do not leave children unattended in the
vehicle, as they could otherwise endanger
themselves and/or other persons by opening
the doors, for example.◀
Group Weight of child Approximate Front pas‐ Rear seats, Rear seat,
age senger's seat outer middle
0 Up to 10 kg Up U U X
to 9 months
0+ Up to 13 kg Up U U X
to 18 months
I 9 – 18 kg Up to 4 years U U X
II 15 – 25 kg Up to 7 years U U X
III 22 – 36 kg 7 years or U U X
U: suitable for child restraint systems in Universal category that have been approved for use in
this weight group.
X: not suitable for child restraint systems in Universal category that have been approved for use
in this weight group.
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Carrying children in safety Controls
there is an increased risk of injury in the event Ensure stability of child seat
of an accident.◀ When installing child restraint systems,
make sure that the child seat makes firm con‐
Not for Australia/New Zealand: tact with the seat backrest. To do this, adapt
Children on the front passenger's seat the backrest angle on all the seats in question
If it becomes necessary to use a child restraint as far as possible and also adjust the height of
in the front passenger's seat, make sure that the head restraints or, if possible, remove
the front and side airbags on the passenger's them. Make sure that all backrests are securely
side are disabled. Front passenger airbags can locked. Otherwise, the stability of the child
only be deactivated with the key switch for seat is limited and there is an increased risk of
front passenger airbags, see page 105. injury due to unexpected movement of the
Deactivating the front passenger airbags
For Australia/New Zealand:
installation of child restraints
If you fit a child restraint in the front pas‐
Please note the following warning because
senger's seat, deactivate the front passenger
your vehicle has been equipped with a front
airbags, otherwise a child travelling on that
airbag for the front passenger's seat that can‐
seat will face an increased risk of injury if the
not be deactivated:
airbags are deployed, even if a child restraint is
used.◀ It is recommended not to use any kind
of child restraint system on the front
passenger's seat.
Fitting child restraints Extreme hazard
Child restraints Do not use a rearward facing child re‐
straint on a seat protected by an airbag in front
Child restraints for every age and weight class
of it.◀
are available from the Service centre
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Carrying children in safety
Deactivating the front passenger airbags with to the rear and as far up as possible to achieve
key switch, see page 105. the best possible routing of the belt and pro‐
tection in the event of an accident.
Rear-facing child restraints If the upper attachment point of the seat belt is
Deactivate front passenger airbags if us‐ located ahead of the child seat's belt guide,
ing rear-facing child restraints carefully move the front passenger's seat for‐
wards until the best possible belt guidance is
If you fit a rear-facing child restraint in the front
passenger's seat, deactivate the front passen‐
ger airbags, otherwise a child travelling on that
seat will face an increased risk of injury if the
Backrest width
airbags are deployed, even if a child restraint is Backrest width for child’s seat
used.◀ Before fitting a child restraint system in
the front passenger’s seat, the backrest width
must be fully open. Do not change the setting
while the child restraint system is fitted, as oth‐
erwise the stability of the child’s seat will be re‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Carrying children in safety Controls
Carrycot F - ISO/L1 X IL
0 Up to 10 kg Approximately 9 E - ISO/R1 X IL
0+ Up to 13 kg Approximately 18 E - ISO/R1 X IL
months D - ISO/R2 X IL
I 9 - 18 kg Up to approxi‐ D - ISO/R2 X IL
mately 4 years C - ISO/R3 X IL
IL: the seat is suitable for installation of an ISOFIX child seat in the Semi-Universal category sub‐
ject to compliance with the list of vehicles accompanying the child seat.
IUF: the seat is suitable for installation of an ISOFIX child seat with Universal approval and at‐
tachment with the TOP TETHER strap.
X: the seat is not equipped with anchor points for the ISOFIX system.
a) When using child seats on the rear seats, adapt the front/back position of the front seat if nec‐
essary, and also adjust the head restraint of the rear seat, or remove it.
Brackets for lower ISOFIX anchors The corresponding symbol shows the
brackets for lower ISOFIX anchor
Properly engage the lower ISOFIX an‐
Make sure that the lower ISOFIX anchors are
correctly locked in place and that the child re‐
straint is seated firmly against the backrest, as
otherwise the protective effect can be dimin‐
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Controls Carrying children in safety
Position Note
Securing eyelets
Only use the fastening eyes of the upper
holding belt for fastening child restraints, oth‐
erwise the fastening points may be damaged.◀
Mounting points
1 Direction of travel
2 Head restraint
3 Hook for the upper retaining strap
4 Mounting point/eyelet
5 Seat backrest
6 Upper retaining strap
There are two mounting points for the upper Attaching the upper retaining strap to
retaining strap of ISOFIX child restraints. the mounting point
1. Raise head restraint if necessary.
The mounting point for the upper re‐
taining strap is identified with a Top 2. Guide the upper retaining strap between
Tether symbol. the head restraint mounts.
3. Guide the holding belt between the back‐
rest and luggage cover.
4. Engage the hook of the retaining strap in
the securing eyelet.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Carrying children in safety Controls
5. Pull the restraining strap firmly down. The mounting point for the upper re‐
6. Push head restraint down if necessary and taining strap is identified with a Top
engage. Tether symbol.
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Controls Carrying children in safety
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Driving Controls
Vehicle equipment cally activated when door is opened if light is
switched off or daytime driving lights are
This chapter describes all standard, national switched on, when corresponding equipment
and special equipment provided in the model is fitted.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
therefore also described, for example the se‐ Ignition off
lected special equipment or national version.
Steptronic transmission: Press the start/stop
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
button again without applying the brakes.
and systems.
Manual gearbox: Press the start/stop button
again, do not press the clutch pedal.
Start/stop button All indicator lights in the instrument cluster ex‐
Principle To save battery power when the engine is off,
The ignition is switched on or off switch off the ignition and any unnecessary
and the engine is started by electronic systems.
pressing the start/stop button. P with the ignition switched off
Steptronic transmission: The P is engaged automatically with the igni‐
engine starts if the brakes are tion switched off. Make sure that in a car wash,
applied when the start-stop button is pressed. for example, the ignition is not switched off in‐
Manual gearbox: The engine starts if the clutch advertently.◀
pedal is pressed when pressing the start/stop
Ignition automatically switches off with a sta‐
tionary vehicle and engine shut off:
▷ When locking, even with the low-beam
Ignition on headlights switched on.
Steptronic transmission: Press the start/stop ▷ Shortly before the battery is discharged so
button without applying the brakes. that an engine start remains possible. This
Manual gearbox: Press the start/stop button, function is only available with the low-
do not press the clutch pedal. beam headlights switched off.
All systems are ready to operate. ▷ When opening or closing the driver's door,
Most of the indicator and warning lights in the if the driver's belt is unfastened and the
instrument cluster are illuminated for different low-beam headlights are switched off.
lengths of time. ▷ When the driver's belt is unfastened, if the
To save battery power when the engine is off, driver's door is opened and the low-beam
switch off the ignition and any unnecessary headlights switched off.
electronic systems. After about 15 minutes without further opera‐
tion, low-beam headlights are changed over to
Note side lights.
If engine is switched off and ignition is
switched on, radio ready state will be automati‐
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Controls Driving
▷ When the engine is running: press the Avoid starting, stopping and restarting the en‐
start/stop button. gine in rapid succession as well as repeated at‐
tempts to start the engine if it does not fire.
Individual electrical systems remain ready to
Otherwise unburned or only partially combus‐
ted fuel could reach the catalytic converter,
Radio ready state switches off automatically: which could overheat and sustain damage as a
▷ After approximately eight minutes. result.◀
▷ When locking via the central locking sys‐ Do not warm up the engine with the car at a
tem. standstill; it is preferable to set off straight
▷ Shortly before the battery is discharged so away, driving at moderate engine speeds.
that an engine start remains possible.
Radio readiness remains active when ignition Diesel engine
is switched off automatically, such as for With the engine cold and at temperatures be‐
following reasons: low approximately 0 ℃, 32 ℉, the starting op‐
▷ Opening or closing driver's door. eration can be delayed slightly due to auto‐
matic preheating.
▷ Unfastening driver's seat belt.
A Check Control message is displayed.
▷ When low-beam headlights are automati‐
cally changed to side lights.
Steptronic transmission
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Driving Controls
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Controls Driving
The display indicates that the ▷ Driver's seat belt unbuckled and driver's
preconditions for an automatic door open.
engine stop are not met. ▷ Bonnet has been unlocked.
Several indicator lights illuminate for various
lengths of time.
Note The engine can only be started using the start/
stop button.
The engine is not shut down automatically in
the following situations:
▷ Outside temperature too low.
Even if you do not want to drive off, the engine
▷ High outside temperature and operation of restarts automatically in the following situa‐
the automatic air conditioning. tions:
▷ Interior not heated or cooled to the desired ▷ Very high temperature inside the passen‐
temperature. ger compartment, if the cooling function is
▷ Engine is not yet at operating temperature. on.
▷ Sharp steering angle or steering operation. ▷ The driver applies lock to the steering
▷ After reversing. wheel.
▷ Condensation when the automatic air con‐ ▷ Steptronic transmission: shift from selector
ditioning is switched on. lever position D to N, R or M/S.
▷ Vehicle battery is very low. ▷ Steptronic transmission: shift from selector
lever position P to N, D, R or M/S.
▷ At high altitudes.
▷ Vehicle starts to roll.
▷ Bonnet is unlocked.
▷ Condensation when the automatic air con‐
▷ Parking assistant is activated.
ditioning is switched on.
▷ Stop-start traffic.
▷ Vehicle battery is very low.
▷ Selector lever in position N, M/S or R.
▷ Very low temperature inside the passenger
▷ Use of fuel with high ethanol content. compartment, if the heating is on.
▷ Low brake vacuum, for example because
Engine start
the brake pedal has been depressed a
For driving off, the engine automatically starts number of times in succession.
under the following conditions:
▷ Steptronic transmission:
By releasing the brake pedal.
▷ Manual gearbox:
Clutch pedal is depressed.
After starting the engine, accelerate as normal.
Safety function
After an automatic shut down, the engine will
not restart automatically if one of the following
conditions is satisfied:
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Driving Controls
Parking brake
The lever engages itself after pulling up.
The indicator light illuminates red. The
parking brake is engaged.
Press the button.
▷ LED illuminates: Auto Start Stop function
is deactivated.
During an automatic engine stop, the en‐
gine is started.
The engine can be started or stopped only
by means of the start/stop button.
▷ LED goes out: Auto Start Stop function is
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Controls Driving
Turn indicators, high-beam The setting is stored for the currently used
headlights, headlight flasher
Indicating a turn briefly
Turn indicator
Press the lever as far as the resistance point
Information and hold it there for as long as you wish to indi‐
cate a turn.
Do not fold in exterior mirror
When driving and when operating the High-beam headlights, headlight
turn indicator/hazard warning indicator do not flasher
fold in exterior mirror, as otherwise the addi‐
tional indicators in the exterior mirror do not
have the prescribed position and it is difficult
to detect them.◀
Wiper system
Press the lever beyond the resistance point.
Switching the wipers on/off and flick-
To cancel the signal manually, press the lever
as far as the resistance point.
1. "Settings"
2. "Lights"
3. "1-touch triple turn signal"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Driving Controls
Wiper operation not with wipers folded ▷ Switching off normal mode: press down‐
out wards once.
Do not switch on wipers if they are folded out, ▷ Switching off fast mode: press downwards
otherwise the bonnet or wipers may be dam‐ twice.
Intermittent operation or rain sensor
Switching on
Without rain sensor, the interval for the wiper
operation is specified.
The rain sensor automatically controls the
wiper operation depending on the rain inten‐
sity. The sensor is mounted on the wind‐
screen, directly in front of the interior mirror.
Press the wiper lever upwards.
The lever returns to the basic position when
▷ Normal wiping speed: press upwards once.
When the vehicle is stationary, the wipers
switch to intermittent operation.
▷ Rapid wiping speed: press upwards twice
or press once beyond the resistance point.
When the vehicle is stationary, the wipers Press the button on the wiper lever.
switch to normal speed. Wiping is started. If a rain sensor is fitted: LED
in wiper lever illuminates.
Switching off and flick-wiping If there is frost, no wiping process is started.
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Controls Driving
When the vehicle's lights are switched on, the 3. Press the wiper lever upwards beyond the
headlights are also cleaned simultaneously at resistance point and hold it there for ap‐
practical intervals. proximately three seconds until the wipers
come to a standstill in a nearly vertical po‐
Do not use the washer system in the sition.
event of frost
After folding the wipers in, the wiper system
Only operate the washer systems and cleaning must be reactivated.
equipment if you are certain that the fluid will
not freeze on the windscreen and interfere with Folding the wipers onto the windscreen
the view ahead. Therefore, use anti-freeze. Before switching on the ignition, fold the
Do not use the washer systems if the fluid res‐ wipers onto the windscreen, otherwise dam‐
ervoir is empty, or the washer pump will be age can occur when the wipers are switched
damaged.◀ on.◀
1. Switch on ignition.
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Driving Controls
2. Press the wiper lever downwards. The wip‐ Do not top up with undiluted screenwash con‐
ers move to the rest position and are op‐ centrate and antifreeze and do not top up with
erational once again. pure water; that may damage the washer sys‐
Do not mix any screenwash concentrates of
Washer fluid different manufacturers, as this may otherwise
block the washer nozzles.
General Recommended minimum fill level: 1 litre, ap‐
Anti-freeze protection for washer fluid proximately 1.7 Imp. pints.
Anti-freeze is flammable and may cause
injuries if not used properly.
It should therefore be kept away from naked
Manual gearbox
Shifting gears
Only store it in the sealed original container
and out of reach of children. Change to 5th or 6th gear
Comply with the information on the con‐ During gearchange to 5th or 6th gear,
tainer.◀ push gear shift lever to right, otherwise an in‐
advertent change to 3rd or 4th gear could lead
to engine damage.◀
Reservoir for washer fluid
Topping up washer fluid Reverse gear
Only top up washer fluid when the en‐ Engage this position only when the vehicle is
gine has cooled down and then fully close the stationary.
lid to prevent washer fluid from making contact
To overcome the resistance of the selector
with hot engine components.
lever move in a dynamic movement towards
Otherwise, if the fluid is spilled, there is a risk the left and engage the reverse gear.
of fire and personal safety is endangered.◀
Steptronic transmission
Selector lever positions
D Drive
Selector lever position for all normal driving. All
gears for forward driving are selected automat‐
All washer jets are supplied from one tank.
R Reverse
When filling with a mixture of screenwash con‐
Engage this position only when the vehicle is
centrate and tap water, to which anti-freeze
has been added if required, always follow the
manufacturer's instructions.
Before topping up, mix the washer fluid to
comply with the mixture ratio.
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Controls Driving
P Park
Engage this position only when the vehicle is
stationary. The driven wheels are locked.
Transmission position P is engaged automati‐
▷ After stopping the engine in the radio
ready state, see page 68, or ignition off,
Briefly press the selector lever in the desired
see page 67, when position R or D is en‐
direction, possibly overcoming a resistance
▷ With ignition off, when selector lever posi‐
When you let go of the selector lever, it returns
tion N is engaged.
to the central position.
▷ If the vehicle is at a standstill and position
D or R is engaged, the driver's side seat
belt is unfastened, the driver's door is
opened and the brake is not depressed.
Before leaving the vehicle, ensure that the se‐
lector lever is engaged in the P position. The
vehicle could otherwise start to move.
Kick-down enables you to achieve maximum
performance. Press the accelerator pedal Press the unlock button to:
down beyond the regular full-throttle position; ▷ Engage R.
resistance will be felt.
▷ Shift from P.
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Driving Controls
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Controls Driving
If you switch gear with the shift paddles whilst Position N is shown in the instrument clus‐
in automatic mode, the vehicle switches to ter.
manual shift mode briefly. 5. Release the brake as soon as the starter
If selector lever remains in selector lever posi‐ stops.
tion D, change to automatic operation is possi‐ 6. Manoeuvre the vehicle out of the danger
ble: area and then secure it against rolling
▷ Give right shift paddle a long pull. away.
Steptronic Sport transmission:
▷ In addition to briefly pulling right shift pad‐
Launch Control
dle, briefly pull left shift paddle.
System reverts to automatic operation from Principle
manual operation after a certain period of time
Launch Control allows optimised acceleration
without acceleration or gearshifts using shift
when driving off on a non-slip road surface.
Displays in the instrument cluster Component wear
The selector lever position is dis‐ Do not use Launch Control too often,
played, for example: P. otherwise there is a risk of premature compo‐
nent wear due to the high loading of the vehi‐
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Driving Controls
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Displays
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Electronic displays
▷ Selection lists, see page 90. ▷ Date, see page 86.
▷ Outside temperature., see page 85 ▷ Energy recuperation, see page 86.
▷ Auto Start Stop function, see page 69. ▷ Gear Indicator, see page 78.
▷ On-board computer, see page 91. ▷ Seat belt reminder for rear seats, see
page 54.
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Displays Controls
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Controls Displays
Vehicle recognition, Active Cruise Control The runflat indicator reports a pressure
loss in a tyre.
Illuminating: preceding vehicle detec‐
ted. Reduce your speed and carefully stop
the vehicle. Avoid violent or sudden braking
Flashing: the requirements for opera‐
and steering manoeuvres.
tion of the system are no longer being met.
For more information, see Runflat indicator,
The system was deactivated but will continue
see page 109.
to brake until you actively take over by de‐
pressing the brake or the accelerator pedal.
Tyre Pressure Monitor TPM
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Displays Controls
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Controls Displays
High-beam headlights
High-beam headlights are switched on.
For further information see high-beam
headlights, see page 72.
General lights
Check control
Press the on-board computer button on the
At least one check control message is turn indicator lever.
displayed or stored (symbol in display).
▷ Some check control messages are dis‐
played permanently and remain until the
Text messages fault has been repaired. If there are a num‐
Text messages and symbols in the instrument ber of malfunctions simultaneously, the
cluster explain the meaning of a check control messages are displayed in succession.
message and the indicator and warning lights. These messages can be hidden for ap‐
proximately eight seconds. They are then
Supplementary text messages displayed again automatically.
You can call up additional information, for ex‐ ▷ Other check control messages are auto‐
ample the cause of the fault and any action re‐ matically hidden after approximately
quired, via check control. 20 seconds. They remain saved and can
The supplementary text is automatically shown be displayed again.
in the Control Display for urgent messages.
Displaying check control messages
Symbols saved in memory
Depending on the Check Control message, the On the Control Display:
following functions can be selected.
1. "Vehicle information"
▷ "Owner's Handbook"
2. "Vehicle status"
Display additional information on the
Check Control message in the integrated 3. "Check Control"
Owner's Handbook. 4. Select a text message.
▷ "Service request"
Messages displayed at the end of
Contact a Service centre. a journey
▷ "Mobile Care" Special messages displayed when driving are
Contact the Mobile Service centre. displayed again when the ignition is switched
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Displays Controls
Show/reset distance
Revolution counter Press the button.
It is vital to avoid engine speeds in the red ▷ When the ignition is off, the
warning zone. In this zone, the fuel supply is in‐ time, outside temperature
terrupted to protect the engine. and odometer are displayed.
▷ When the ignition is on, the
trip distance recorder is re‐
Engine oil temperature set.
▷ Cold engine: the pointer is
located at a low temperature
value. Drive with moderate Outside temperature
engine speed and vehicle
speed. If the display drops to
+3 ℃/+37 ℉ or lower, a signal
▷ Normal operating temperature: the needle
is located in the centre or left half of the
temperature display. A Check Control message is
▷ Hot engine: the pointer is located at a high
temperature value. A check control mes‐ There is an increased risk of black ice.
sage is also displayed.
Danger of icy roads
Even at temperatures above
+3 ℃/+37 ℉, there can be an increased danger
Coolant temperature of icy roads.
If the coolant and therefore the engine become To reduce the risk of an accident, you should
too hot, a check control message is displayed. always drive carefully in potentially icy areas,
Check coolant level, see page 211. for example bridges and shaded roads.◀
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Controls Displays
1. "Settings"
2. "Instr. cluster display"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Displays Controls
1. "Vehicle information"
2. "Vehicle status"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Displays
1. "Vehicle information"
2. "Vehicle status" Shift up into most efficient gear.
3. "Service requirements"
4. "Service history" Shift down into most efficient gear.
Maintenance visits carried out are shown.
5. Select an entry to display more detailed in‐
formation. Shift to neutral.
Sym‐ Description
Steptronic transmission: displays
Example Description
Green: maintenance has been car‐
Most efficient gear is engaged.
ried out on time.
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Displays Controls
Speed Limit Information with The system supports the driver and does not
replace the human eye.◀
No Passing Information
Principle Overview
The system is no substitute for your per‐ Speed limit cancelled - for Ger‐
sonal assessment of the traffic situation. man motorways.
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Controls Displays
Speed limit information unavail‐ ▷ During the calibration process of the cam‐
able. era immediately after the vehicle is sup‐
The Speed Limit Information can also be dis‐ Selection lists in the
played in the Head-Up Display. instrument cluster
No Passing Information Principle
▷ No passing restriction. Depending on equipment, the following can be
▷ End of no passing restric‐ displayed or operated via the buttons and the
tion. knurled wheel on the steering wheel and using
the displays in the instrument cluster and
▷ No Passing Information un‐
Head-Up Display:
▷ Current audio source.
The No Passing Information can also be shown ▷ Repeat dialling for telephone.
in the Head-Up Display.
▷ Activating the voice control system.
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Displays Controls
Detailed information
Displays the estimated range available with the
remaining fuel.
It is calculated based on your driving style over
the last 30 km, 20 miles.
Press the on-board computer button on the If the fuel provides a range of less than 80 km,
turn indicator lever. 45 miles, the colour of the display changes.
Information is displayed on the information dis‐
play in the instrument cluster.
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Controls Displays
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Displays Controls
Repeat warning if the set speed limit was un‐ 3. "Time zone:"
dershot once by at least 5 km/h/3 mph. 4. Select desired time zone.
The time zone is saved.
Displaying, setting or altering the
speed warning
Setting the time
On the Control Display:
1. "Settings"
1. "Settings" 2. "Time/date"
2. "Speed" 3. "Time:"
3. "Warning at:" 4. Turn the controller until the desired hours
4. Turn the Controller until the desired speed are displayed.
is displayed. 5. Press the controller.
5. Press the Controller. 6. Turn the controller until the desired mi‐
Speed warning is stored. nutes are displayed.
7. Press the controller.
Activating/deactivating speed warning
The time is saved.
On the Control Display:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Displays
Voice dialogue for the voice control system, 3. "Driver assistance info"
see page 25.
1. "Settings"
2. "Language/units"
3. Select the desired menu item.
4. Select the desired unit.
The setting is stored for the currently used
profile. The system projects important information
into the field of vision of the driver, for example
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Displays Controls
1. "Settings"
2. "Head-up display"
Overview 3. "Height"
▷ Speed. 4. Turn the Controller.
▷ Navigation system. The setting is stored for the currently used
▷ Check control messages. profile.
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Controls Displays
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Lights Controls
Vehicle equipment Side lights/low-beam
This chapter describes all standard, national headlights, driving lights
and special equipment provided in the model control
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
therefore also described, for example the se‐ General
lected special equipment or national version. Switch setting: 0, ,
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
If the driver's door is opened with the ignition
and systems.
switched off, the exterior lights are automati‐
cally switched off with these switch settings.
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Controls Lights
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Lights Controls
Depending on the speed, the variable light dis‐ 0 / 1 = 1 to 2 persons without luggage.
tribution ensures even better illumination of 1 / 1 = 5 persons without luggage.
the roadway.
1 / 2 = 5 persons with luggage.
The light distribution is automatically adapted
2 / 2 = 1 person, boot fully loaded.
to the speed. The city light is active as of a
speed of less than 50 km/h, 30 mph. The mo‐
torway light is switched on at a speed higher
than 110 km/h, 68 mph after approximately High-beam assistance
30 seconds or as of a speed of 140 km/h,
87 mph. Principle
In sharp turns up to a specified speed, for ex‐ When low-beam headlights are switched on,
ample in hairpin bends or when cornering, ei‐ this system automatically switches the high-
ther the fog lights or the cornering light beam headlights on and off or fades out the
switches on. The lights up the inside of the areas which dazzle oncoming vehicles. This
curves better. process is controlled by a camera on the front
of the rear-view mirror. The assistant ensures
Activating that the high-beam headlights are switched on
whenever the traffic situation allows. You can
Switch position with the ignition switched
also control the lights yourself at any time and
switch them on and off as usual.
So as not to dazzle oncoming vehicles, the
adaptive cornering light does not swivel to the Activating
driver's side when stationary.
A cornering light is activated automatically de‐
pending on the steering angle or use of the
turn indicators.
The cornering light may be switched on when
driving in reverse, irrespective of the steering
A Check Control message is displayed. 1. Depending on equipment, turn the light
Adaptive Headlights are faulty or have failed. switch to position or .
Have the system checked as soon as possible. 2. Press the button on the turn indicator
lever, arrow.
The indicator light in the instrument
Headlight beam throw cluster is illuminated.
When the low-beam headlights are on, the
With halogen headlights adjust the beam
beam is dipped and returned to full beam auto‐
throw of the low-beam headlights manually in
accordance with the vehicle load. Otherwise,
the glare will disturb drivers of oncoming vehi‐ The system responds to light from oncoming
cles. traffic and traffic driving ahead of you, and to
Values applicable when towing a trailer:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Lights
Fog lights
▷ High-beam headlights on, arrow 1. Front fog lights
▷ High-beam headlights off / headlight The side lights or low-beam headlights must
flasher, arrow 2. be switched on.
Press the button. The green indicator
The high beam assistance can be deactivated
light is illuminated.
by manually raising and dipping. To reactivate
high-beam assistance, press the button on the If automatic driving lights control, see page 98,
turn indicator lever. has been activated, the low-beam headlights
illuminate automatically when the front fog
System limits lights are switched on.
Personal responsibility
Guiding fog lights
The high-beam assistance cannot re‐
place the personal decision to use the high In switch position , a guide fog light for a
beam. In such situations you should dip the wider illumination is also activated up to a
headlights manually in order not to create a speed of 110 km/h, 68 mph.
safety hazard.◀
Rear fog lights
In the following situations, the system will not
The low-beam headlights or front fog lights
operate or its operation will be impaired and
must be switched on.
your intervention may be required:
Press the button. The yellow indicator
light is illuminated.
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Lights Controls
If automatic driving lights control, see page 98, The brightness of some equipment is influ‐
has been activated, the low-beam headlights enced by the knurled wheel for the instrument
come on automatically when the rear fog lights lighting.
are switched on.
Left-hand/right-hand traffic
Measures to prevent the headlights from daz‐
zling oncoming vehicles are necessary if you
take the vehicle into countries in which the op‐
posite rule of the road applies. Your Service
1 Interior light
Centre can provide the appropriate light bend‐
ers that can be affixed to the headlight lenses. 2 Reading light
Proceed in accordance with the enclosed in‐
formation when affixing the light benders to Switching the interior light on and off
the headlights. manually
Press the button.
Adaptive Headlights
When driving in a country where you drive on
To switch off permanently: press the button for
the opposite side of the road from the country
approximately three seconds.
the car is licensed, do not drive with the
setting, otherwise this could cause a dazzling Switch on again: press button.
effect from the cornering light.
Reading lights
Press the button.
Instrument lighting
There are reading lights located at the front
Adjusting and in the rear beside the interior lights.
The brightness can only be ad‐
justed when the side lights or Ambient lighting
the low-beam headlights are Depending on the equipment, the lighting in
switched on. the interior can be set for a few lights.
The brightness can be set using
the knurled wheel. Selecting colour scheme
On the Control Display:
1. "Settings"
Interior light 2. "Lights"
General 3. "Ambient:"
The interior light, the footwell lights, door entry 4. Select the desired setting.
lighting and the courtesy lighting are controlled If the colour scheme of the line is selected and
automatically. the welcome light is activated, the welcome
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Controls Lights
Adjusting brightness
The brightness of the ambient light can be set
over the knurled wheel for the instrument light‐
ing or on the Control Display.
On the Control Display:
1. "Settings"
2. "Lights"
3. "Brightness:"
4. Adjusting brightness.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
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Controls Security
▷ Keep your distance from the airbags. ▷ Do not modify individual components of
▷ Always grip the steering wheel on the rim, the system or its wiring in any way. This in‐
with your hands in the 3 o'clock and cludes the covers on the steering wheel,
9 o'clock positions, to minimise the risk of instrument cluster, seats and roof posts as
injury to the hands or arms in the event of well as the sides of the roof lining.◀
the airbag being triggered. Even if all these information are complied with,
▷ No other persons, pets or objects should depending on the circumstances in which an
be held or permitted to remain between accident occurs, certain injuries as a result of
the airbag and yourself. contact with the airbag cannot be entirely ruled
▷ Do not use the front airbag cover on the
front passenger's side as a tray. The noise caused by the deployment of an air‐
bag may lead to brief and generally temporary
▷ Keep the dashboard and windscreen in the
hearing loss in vehicle occupants sensitive to
area of the passenger's side free, in other
words do not attach adhesive foil or covers
and do not fit brackets or cables, for exam‐ Fault, taking the airbags out of use and
ple for navigation devices or mobile tele‐ after they have been triggered
phones. Avoid touching the system's components im‐
▷ Make sure that the front passenger adopts mediately after it has been triggered, as there
a correct seated position, in other words is a risk of sustaining burns.
leaves his or her feet in the footwell and Only commission the Service centre or author‐
does not rest feet or legs on the instrument ised workshops with checking, repairing or dis‐
cluster, otherwise he/she could sustain leg mantling and scrapping airbag generators, as
injuries in the event of the front airbag be‐ the Service centre or authorised workshops
ing triggered. have the required legal permits for handling ex‐
▷ Do not fit seat covers, cushions or other plosives.
objects not specifically approved for seats Any careless or unskilled interference with the
with integral side airbags to the front seats. system could lead to its failure or to accidental
▷ Do not hang items of clothing such as triggering with the risk of injury.◀
coats or jackets over the backrests.
▷ Make sure that vehicle occupants keep Functional readiness of the airbag
their heads away from the side airbag and system
do not lean against the head airbag. Other‐ When the ignition is switched on, the
wise they could be injured should the air‐ warning light in the instrument cluster
bags deploy. briefly illuminates and so shows the
▷ Do not dismantle the airbag system. functional readiness of the entire airbag sys‐
▷ Do not dismantle the steering wheel. tem and the belt tensioner.
▷ Never attach any material to the airbag
covers with adhesive; never place material Airbag system disrupted
over them or modify them in any way. ▷ Warning light does not illuminate after the
ignition is switched on.
▷ Warning light is permanently illuminated.
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Security Controls
Immediately check airbag system when passenger airbags so that they are triggered as
there is a fault intended in the event of an accident.
Immediately check airbag system when there The airbag condition is displayed on the check
is a fault, otherwise there is a risk that the sys‐ lamp on the headlining, see page 105.
tem does not function as expected in an acci‐
dent in spite of corresponding seriousness of Activating the front passenger airbags
the accident.◀
Insert the key and press inwards
where necessary.
Not for Australia/New Zealand: Key While the key is pressed in‐
switch for front passenger airbags wards, turn it to the ON position
as far as it will go. Once the stop
General position has been reached, remove the key.
The front passenger airbags are reactivated
and can deploy correctly if the need arises.
Key switch in end position
Make sure that the key switch is in the
corresponding end position. Otherwise the air‐
bags are not activated/deactivated.◀
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Controls Security
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Security Controls
The wheels are shown grey and the status ap‐ What to do in the event of a flat tyre
pears on the display.
After driving for a short time over 30 km/h, Standard tyres
19 mph the set tyre inflation pressures are ac‐ 1. Identify the damaged tyre.
cepted as target values. The reset is run auto‐ Do this by checking the air pressure in all
matically while the vehicle is in motion. four tyres.
After a successfully concluded reset, the The tyre inflation pressure display of the
wheels are shown in green on the Control Dis‐ Mobility System, see page 202, can be
play and "Tyre Pressure Monitor (RDC) used for this.
active." is shown.
If all four tyres are inflated to the correct
You can interrupt your drive at any time. Reset pressures, the Tyre Pressure Monitor
resumes automatically when you continue might not have been reset. Run reset
your journey.
If it is not possible to identify, contact a
Service Centre.
Message if tyre inflation pressure is
low 2. Fix puncture on damaged tyre, with Mobi‐
lity System if available.
The yellow warning light is illuminated.
A check control message is displayed.
Run-flat tyres
▷ There is a flat tyre or substantial
loss of tyre pressure. Top speed
▷ No reset has been done to the system. If a tyre has punctured you can continue your
Consequently, the system warns of the journey, driving at speeds up to a maximum of
tyre pressures of the last reset. 80 km/h, 50 mph.
1. Reduce your speed and carefully stop the Continuing a journey with a flat tyre
vehicle. Avoid violent or sudden braking
and steering manoeuvres. If you continue a journey with a flat tyre:
2. Check whether the vehicle is equipped 1. Avoid violent or sudden braking and steer‐
with standard tyres or run-flat tyres. ing manoeuvres.
The symbol identifying run-flat tyres, see 2. Do not exceed a speed of 80 km/h, 50 mph
page 201, is the circle with the letters RSC any longer.
on the tyre sidewall. 3. As soon as you get an opportunity, check
Do not continue a journey without run- the tyre pressure in all four tyres.
flat tyres If all four tyres are inflated to the correct
Do not continue your journey if the vehicle is pressures, the Tyre Pressure Monitor
not equipped with run-flat tyres, otherwise a might not have been reset. Then run reset.
serious accident could occur.◀ Maximum possible distance with tyres entirely
When signalling that the tyre inflation pressure
is low, the Dynamic Stability Control DSC may The possible distance with a flat tyre depends
be switched on. on the load and strain on the vehicle during the
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Security
With a moderate vehicle load, the possible dis‐ ▷ System has detected a wheel change, but
tance travelled is approximately 80 km, no reset has been run.
50 miles. ▷ Filling was not performed according to the
When driving with damaged tyres, the vehicle regulations.
handling changes, for example quicker loss of ▷ The tyre inflation pressure has dropped
traction when braking, longer stopping dis‐ compared to the last confirmation.
tance and modified self-steering behaviour.
If that is the case:
Adapt driving style accordingly. Avoid abrupt
steering or driving over obstacles, for example ▷ Check the tyre pressure and adjust as nec‐
curbs, potholes etc. essary.
As the possible distance largely depends on ▷ Reset the system after a wheel change.
the strain on the vehicle during the journey,
this can be shorter, or longer if the vehicle is System limits
driven carefully, according to speed, road con‐ The system is not working correctly if no reset
dition, outside temperature, load etc. has been run, for example, a flat tyre is repor‐
Continuing a journey with a flat tyre ted in spite of the correct tyre inflation pres‐
Drive with care and do not exceed a
speed of 80 km/h, 50 mph. Tyre inflation pressure depends on the tem‐
perature of the tyre. By increasing tyre temper‐
If tyre pressure has fallen, vehicle handling ature, for example, when driving or with solar
changes, for example reduced directional sta‐ radiation, the tyre inflation pressure increases.
bility when braking, longer stopping distance Tyre inflation pressure decreases if the tyre
and modified self-steering behaviour.◀ temperature drops. Through this behaviour, a
Continuing a journey with a flat tyre and warning may be triggered if there are major
trailer temperature drops, due to the given warning
When a trailer is being towed, heavy trailers in
particular can start to snake. For this reason,
do not exceed 60 km/h, 35 mph, otherwise
there is a danger that accidents might occur.◀ The yellow warning light flashes and is
then illuminated continuously. A check
Final tyre failure control message is displayed. No flat
Vibration or loud noises while driving tyres or loss of tyre pressure can be detected.
may be an indication that the tyre has finally
Displayed in the following situations:
failed. Reduce your speed and stop, otherwise
sections of the tyre could become detached ▷ Wheel without TPM electronics is fitted:
and cause an accident. Do not drive the vehicle have the vehicle checked by the Service
any further; contact your Service Centre in‐ Centre if necessary.
stead.◀ ▷ Malfunction: have the system checked by
the Service Centre.
Message with required tyre inflation ▷ TPM has not completed a reset. Run a re‐
pressure test set of the system again.
In such situations, a check control message is ▷ Fault due to systems or devices with the
displayed: same frequency: the system is automati‐
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Security Controls
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Controls Security
A natural, even loss of tyre pressure in all four 3. As soon as you get an opportunity, check
tyres that occurs over time is not detected. the tyre pressure in all four tyres.
Consequently, check the tyre pressures at reg‐ If all four tyres are inflated to the correct
ular intervals. pressures, the runflat indicator might not
In the following situations, the system could be have been initialised. In this case initialise
slow to respond or operate incorrectly: the system.
▷ If the system has not been initialised. Maximum possible distance with tyres entirely
▷ When driving on snow-covered or slippery deflated:
surfaces. The possible distance with a flat tyre depends
▷ When driving enthusiastically, causing the on the load and strain on the vehicle during the
driven wheels to spin, high lateral accelera‐ journey.
tion. With a moderate vehicle load, the possible dis‐
▷ Driving with snow chains. tance travelled is approximately 80 km,
50 miles.
What to do in the event of a flat tyre When driving with damaged tyres, the vehicle
handling changes, for example quicker loss of
Standard tyres traction when braking, longer stopping dis‐
1. Identify the damaged tyre. tance and modified self-steering behaviour.
Adapt driving style accordingly. Avoid abrupt
Do this by checking the air pressure in all
steering or driving over obstacles, for example
four tyres.
curbs, potholes etc.
If all four tyres are inflated to the correct
As the possible distance largely depends on
pressures, the runflat indicator might not
the strain on the vehicle during the journey,
have been initialised. In this case initialise
this can be shorter, or longer if the vehicle is
the system.
driven carefully, according to speed, road con‐
If it is not possible to identify, contact a dition, outside temperature, load etc.
Service centre.
Continuing a journey with a flat tyre
2. Fix the puncture.
Drive with care and do not exceed a
speed of 80 km/h, 50 mph.
Run-flat tyres
If tyre pressure has fallen, vehicle handling
Top speed changes, for example reduced directional sta‐
If a tyre has punctured you can continue your bility when braking, longer stopping distance
journey, driving at speeds up to a maximum of and modified self-steering behaviour.◀
80 km/h, 50 mph. Continuing a journey with a flat tyre and
Continuing a journey with a flat tyre
When a trailer is being towed, heavy trailers in
If you continue a journey with a flat tyre: particular can start to snake. For this reason,
1. Avoid violent or sudden braking and steer‐ do not exceed 60 km/h, 35 mph, otherwise
ing manoeuvres. there is a danger that accidents might occur.◀
2. Do not exceed a speed of 80 km/h, 50 mph
any longer.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
Intelligent Safety
Intelligent Safety permits central operation of The camera is in the area of the base of the
driver assistance systems. rear-view mirror.
Depending on equipment, Intelligent Safety Keep the windscreen clean and clear in the
consists of one or more systems which can area in front of the rear view mirror.
help to avoid the risk of a collision. These sys‐
tems are automatically active after each time Switching on/off
you start the engine with the start/stop button:
The Intelligent Safety Systems are active auto‐
▷ Front-end collision warning, see page 111. matically at the start of each journey.
▷ Person warning, see page 117.
Press button: the systems are
switched off again. LED turns off.
Press button again: the systems are switched
Personal responsibility on. LED is illuminated.
The system is no substitute for your per‐
sonal assessment of the traffic situation. Settings can be adjusted on the Control Dis‐
Observe the traffic situation and area around
the vehicle, otherwise an accident may occur,
in spite of warnings.◀
Forward alert
Overview Depending on the equipment, the forward alert
consists of one of the two systems:
Button in the vehicle ▷ Forward alert with city braking function,
see page 112.
▷ Forward alert with braking function, see
page 114.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Security
Personal responsibility
The system is no substitute for your per‐
sonal assessment of the traffic situation.
Observe the traffic situation and area around
the vehicle, otherwise an accident may occur, Intelligent Safety button
in spite of warnings.◀
General Camera
The system warns from approximately 5 km/h,
approximately 3 mph in two stages of any risk
of collision with vehicles. The timing of these
warnings may vary depending on the current
driving situation.
Up to approximately 60km/h, 35 mph.
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Security Controls
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Controls Security
There will only be brake intervention if Dy‐ ▷ In thick fog, rain, spray or snowfall.
namic Stability Control, DSC is switched on ▷ On sharp bends.
and Dynamic Traction Control DTC is not acti‐
▷ When restricting or deactivating vehicle
stability control systems, for example DSC
Braking can be discontinued either by pressing OFF.
the accelerator pedal or by actively moving the
▷ If, depending on equipment, the field of
steering wheel.
view of the camera in the mirror or the ra‐
Detection of objects can be restricted. Limita‐ dar sensor is soiled or covered.
tions of the detection range and functional re‐
▷ Up to 10 seconds after starting the engine
stricitions are to be considered.
using the start/stop button.
Tow-starting and towing ▷ During the calibration process of the cam‐
When tow-starting or towing, switch off era immediately after the vehicle is sup‐
the intelligent safety systems, otherwise an ac‐ plied.
cident may be caused by the malfunction of ▷ When there is sustained glare effect due to
the brake actuation function of individual sys‐ light opposite, for example the sun low in
tems.◀ the sky.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
The system warns from approximately 5 km/h,
approx. 3 mph in two stages of any possible
risk of collision with vehicles. The time of these
warnings may vary depending on the current
driving situation. A sensor that is dirty or covered can restrict
the detection of vehicles.
Detection range
▷ If necessary, clean the radar sensor. Take
care when removing any layers of snow or
ice from the sensor.
▷ Do not cover the field of view of the radar
Switching on/off
Automatic activation
The system is automatically activated at the
Objects are taken into account if they are de‐
start of each journey.
tected by the system.
Switch off
Overview Press the button: the system is
switched off. LED turns off.
Button in the vehicle
Press the button again: the system is switched
on. LED is illuminated.
1. "Settings"
2. "Collision warning"
3. Set the desired time on the Control Dis‐
Intelligent Safety button
The selected time is stored for the currently
used profile.
Radar sensor
There is a radar sensor in the bumper to detect
vehicles travelling in front.
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Controls Security
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Security
If there is a risk of collision with a detected per‐
son, a warning symbol is shown in the instru‐
ment cluster and in the head-up display.
Intelligent Safety button
Red symbol is displayed and an acous‐
tic warning sounds.
Take action yourself immediately, by braking
or swerving.
Brake intervention
The warning requires that you have to brake
yourself. Maximum braking force is used dur‐
ing a warning. In order for braking force sup‐
port to be used, it is necessary for the brake to
be pressed sufficiently quickly and powerfully.
In addition, the system may also support with a
The camera is in the area of the base of the small amount of braking if there is the risk of a
rear-view mirror. collision. The vehicle can be braked at low
Keep the windscreen clean and clear in the speed until it comes to a stop.
area in front of the rear view mirror. Manual gearbox: When brakes are engaged
until it comes to a stop, the engine may shut
Switching on/off
There will only be brake intervention if Dy‐
Automatic activation namic Stability Control, DSC is switched on
and Dynamic Traction Control DTC is not acti‐
The system is automatically activated at the
start of each journey.
Braking can be discontinued either by pressing
Switching off the accelerator pedal or by actively moving the
steering wheel.
Press button: the systems are
switched off again. LED turns off. Detection of objects can be restricted. Limita‐
tions of the detection range and functional re‐
Press button again: the systems are switched
stricitions are to be considered.
on. LED is illuminated.
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Security Controls
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Controls Security
System limits
The function can be restricted, for example in
the following situations:
▷ In thick fog and heavy rain or snow.
▷ With missing, worn, poorly visible, merg‐
The camera is in the area of the base of the
ing/separating or ambiguous boundary
rear-view mirror.
lines, for example in areas where there are
Keep the windscreen clean and clear in the road works.
area in front of the rear view mirror.
▷ If boundary lines are covered by snow, ice,
dirt or water.
Switching on/off ▷ On sharp bends or narrow roads.
Press the button. ▷ If the boundary lines are not white.
▷ If boundary lines are obscured.
▷ On: LED is illuminated. ▷ If the vehicle is moving too close to the ve‐
▷ Off: LED turns off. hicle ahead.
The setting is stored for the currently used ▷ With bright light from oncoming traffic.
profile. ▷ When the windscreen in front of the inte‐
rior mirror is covered with condensation,
Display in the instrument cluster dirt, stickers, labels, etc.
▷ Lines: the system is activated. ▷ During the calibration process of the cam‐
era immediately after the vehicle is sup‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
Two radar sensors under the rear bumper Lane change warning
monitor the area behind and beside the vehicle
as of approximately 20 km/h, approximatively
12 mph. Radar sensors
In some equipment configurations, the radar
sensors are active from approximately
50 km/h, approximately 30 mph.
The system indicates when vehicles are in the
blind spot, arrow 1, or are approaching from
the rear on an adjacent lane, arrow 2.
The light in the exterior mirror housing illumi‐
nates at a dimmed level.
Before changing lanes with the turn indicator The radar sensors are located under the rear
switched on, the system issues a warning the bumper.
above situations.
The light in the exterior mirror housing flashes
Switching on/off
and the steering wheel vibrates.
Press the button.
▷ On: LED is illuminated.
Personal responsibility
▷ Off: LED turns off.
The system is no substitute for your per‐
sonal assessment of the traffic situation. The system can issue warnings as of approxi‐
mately 20 km/h, 12 mph.
Observe the traffic situation and area around
the vehicle, otherwise an accident may occur, The setting is stored for the currently used
in spite of warnings.◀ profile.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Security
Information level
No brake intervention
The dimmed light in the exterior mirror housing
If the set speed limit has been reached or unin‐
indicates when vehicles are in the blind spot or
tentionally exceeded (for example driving
are approaching from the rear.
downhill) there is no brake intervention.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Security Controls
Press the rocker switch repeatedly upwards or Marking of the speed limit
downwards until the desired speed limit is set. Display in the speedometer:
▷ Every time the rocker switch is pressed to ▷ Marker illuminates green:
the resistance point, the speed limit is in‐ the system is active.
creased or decreased by approximately
▷ Marker does not illuminate:
1 km/h, approximately 1 mph.
the system is inactive.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐
yond the resistance point, the speed limit
is increased or decreased to the next multi‐ Indicator light
ple of 10 km/h on the speedometer display.
▷ If indicator light is illuminated: the
If you set a speed limit whilst driving which is system is switched on.
below the current speed, the vehicle rolls until
▷ If indicator light is flashing: set
the driving speed drops below the speed limit.
speed limit is exceeded.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Security
The system is switched on every time the en‐
▷ Normal braking: brake lights illuminate. gine is started and cannot be switched off.
▷ Severe braking: brake lights flash. After the start of the drive, the system is adap‐
Shortly before the vehicle comes to a stand‐ ted to the driver so that an increase in inatten‐
still, the hazard warning system is activated. tion or fatigue can be detected.
Deactivating the hazard warning system: This process considers the following criteria:
▷ Accelerating. ▷ Personal driving style, for example, steer‐
▷ Press the hazard warning system button. ing.
▷ Drive conditions, for example, time of day,
duration of drive.
The system is active from approxi‐
Active Protection
mately. 70 km/h, 43 mph and can display a rec‐
ommendation to take a break
The Active Protection safety package consists Recommendation to take a break
of systems independent of each other:
With increasing inattention or tiredness of the
▷ Attentiveness assistant. driver, an instruction is shown on the control
▷ PreCrash. display with the recommendation to take a
▷ PostCrash. break.
A recommendation to take a break will only be
Attentiveness assistant displayed once during an uninterrupted trip.
After a break, at the earliest another break rec‐
Principle ommendation may be displayed after approxi‐
The system can detect increasing inattentive‐ mately 45 minutes.
ness or tiring of the driver on long monotonous
drives, for example on motorways. In this situa‐ System limits
tion, it is recommended that you take a break. The function may be restricted in situations
such as the following and no warning or a
wrong one is triggered:
▷ If the time is wrongly set.
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Security Controls
▷ If the speed driven falls considerably below ▷ The front belts are automatically preten‐
70 km/h, 43 mph. sioned.
▷ For sporty driving style, for example, with ▷ The windows are automatically closed.
heavy acceleration or fast cornering. ▷ The Glass Roof automatically closes.
▷ In active drive situations, for example, fre‐ ▷ With electrically adjustable seat backrest:
quent lane change. automatic positioning of the backrest of
▷ With bad road conditions. the front passenger seat.
▷ With high side-wind. After a critical driving situation without acci‐
dent, the front belts are released again. All
PreCrash other systems can be put back into the desired
Principle If the belt tension does not loosen automati‐
With the system from 30 km/h/20 mph critical cally, stop the vehicle and open the seat belt
driving situations may occur, which could using the red button in the lock section. Fasten
cause an accident. In these situations, auto‐ the seat belt again before continuing your jour‐
matically preventative, protective measures ney.
are taken to minimise the risk of accident.
Critical driving situations are, for example: PostCrash
▷ Full braking. The system can automatically bring the vehicle
to a standstill in certain accident situations
▷ Heavy understeering.
without the involvement of the driver. The risk
▷ Heavy oversteering. of a further collision and its consequences can
When collision warning or front-end collision thereby be reduced.
warning with braking function is fitted, within By depressing the brake pedal, the vehicle can
the limits of the system, threatened collisions be decelerated much faster. The automatic
into vehicles in front or stationary vehicles are braking is interrupted as a result. By pressing
detected. the accelerator pedal, automatic braking is also
Note After reaching a standstill, the brake is auto‐
Personal responsibility matically triggered. Then secure the vehicle
The system is possibly no substitute for against rolling away.
your personal assessment of the traffic situa‐
tion. The system may not always reliably de‐
tect critical situations in time. Adjust the speed
to the traffic situation and pay attention when
driving, otherwise there is a safety risk.◀
After fastening the belt, the front belts are au‐
tomatically pretensioned once when driving
In driving critical situations, the following indi‐
vidual functions become active as required:
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Controls Driving stability control systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Driving stability control systems Controls
Indicator and warning lights In particular road conditions, for example roads
on which snow has not been cleared or uncon‐
If indicator light is flashing: DSC is reg‐
solidated ground, system ensures maximum
ulating the acceleration and braking
forward momentum but limited driving stabil‐
If indicator light is illuminated: DSC has failed.
Maximum traction is available when Dynamic
Traction Control DTC is activated. Driving sta‐
Deactivate DSC: DSC OFF bility is limited on accelerating and cornering.
Driving stability during acceleration and cor‐ Therefore, drive with the appropriate caution.
nering is restricted if DSC is deactivated. In the following exceptional situations it may
To support the driving stability, activate DSC be best to activate DTC for a short time:
as soon as possible. ▷ When driving in slush or on uncleared,
snow-covered roads.
Deactivating DSC
▷ If the vehicle has to be rocked out of or
Press and hold down the button – but started in deep snow or on a loose surface.
for no longer than approximately
▷ Driving with snow chains.
10 seconds – until the DSC OFF indicator light
in the instrument cluster is illuminated and
Deactivating/activating Dynamic
DSC OFF is displayed.
Traction Control, DTC
The DSC system is switched off.
Steering and, depending on equipment, chas‐ Activating DTC
sis are tuned for dynamic driving. Press the button.
TRACTION is displayed in the instru‐
Activating DSC ment cluster and the DSC OFF indicator light
Press the button. is illuminated.
The DSC OFF and DSC OFF indicator
lights are not illuminated. Deactivating DTC
Press the button again.
Indicator and warning lights TRACTION and the DSC OFF indica‐
DSC OFF is displayed in the instrument cluster tor light no longer illuminate.
when DSC is deactivated.
If indicator light is illuminated: DSC is
deactivated. xDrive
xDrive is the four-wheel drive system available
in your vehicle. The combination of xDrive and
Dynamic Traction Control, DSC further optimises traction and driving dy‐
DTC namics. The xDrive four-wheel drive system
distributes the acceleration forces variably to
Principle the front and rear axles based on the driving
situation and the condition of the road.
The DTC system is a variant of the DSC opti‐
mised for forward momentum.
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Controls Driving stability control systems
Programs Overview
The system provides different programs.
Button in the vehicle
The progams can be selected via the Drive ex‐
perience, see page 128.
Resolute sports regulation of the shock ab‐
sorbers for greater agility when driving.
Resolute sports regulation of the shock ab‐
sorbers for greater agility when driving, with re‐
stricted driving stability. Operation of the programs
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Driving stability control systems Controls
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Driving stability control systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Driving stability control systems Controls
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Driving comfort
Driving comfort
Vehicle equipment General
Characteristics of Cruise Control may change
This chapter describes all standard, national
in certain areas depending on vehicle setting.
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version. Personal responsibility
This also applies to safety-relevant functions Not even an activated system releases
and systems. the driver from their personal responsibility for
driving, in particular for keeping in lane and ad‐
justing speed, distance and driving style to the
Active Cruise Control with traffic conditions.
Stop & Go function, ACC Due to technical limits of the system, it cannot
respond independently in a reasonable way in
Principle all traffic conditions.
This system can be used to select a desired Always pay attention to driving, the area
speed which the vehicle automatically main‐ around the vehicle and the traffic and intervene
tains when the road ahead of you is clear. actively as required, for example, by braking,
Notes steering or swerving, otherwise an accident
may occur.◀
You can vary the distance maintained by the
system between your vehicle and the vehicle in Unfavourable weather conditions
In unfavourable weather or light condi‐
It is dependent on speed for safety reasons. tions, for example during rain, snow, slush, fog
To maintain distance, the system automatically or oncoming glare, detection of vehicles may
reduces speed, brakes slightly if necessary, deteriorate and there may be brief interrup‐
and accelerates again when the vehicle in front tions of already detected vehicles. Pay atten‐
of you starts to move more quickly. tion when driving and respond to the prevailing
If the vehicle ahead brakes to a standstill, and traffic conditions. Take action actively as nec‐
sets off again within a short time, the system essary, for example by braking, steering or
can comprehend this within the given frame‐ swerving, otherwise there is a risk of acci‐
work. Your own vehicle is braked and acceler‐ dent.◀
ated again automatically.
Before leaving the vehicle, secure it to
When vehicle ahead drives off again after some prevent it rolling away
time, briefly press accelerator pedal or press
Before leaving the vehicle with the engine run‐
corresponding button to reactivate system.
ning: apply the parking brake and ensure that
Vehicle is accelerated again automatically.
position P of the Steptronic transmission is en‐
As soon as the road in front of you is clear, the gaged. The vehicle could otherwise start to
vehicle accelerates to your desired speed. move.◀
This speed will also be maintained on downhill
slopes, but may be under-run on uphill slopes
if engine output is insufficient.
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Driving comfort Controls
When the system is activated, press
the button.
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Controls Driving comfort
▷ With the driver experience switch SPORT+ With the system switched on, the driven speed
activated. is maintained and saved as the desired speed.
▷ If the vehicle is stationary and the seat belt This is shown in the speedometer and briefly in
and driver's door are opened. the instrument cluster. Displays in the instru‐
▷ If the system does not detect any objects ment cluster, see page 135.
for a lengthy period of time, for example on When maintaining or saving the Cruise Con‐
infrequently driven roads without defined trol, the Dynamic Stability Control DSC will be
boundaries. switched on if required.
▷ If the detection zone of the radar is disrup‐
ted, for example, due to contamination of Changing speed
heavy rainfall. Press the rocker switch repeatedly upwards or
downwards until the desired speed is set.
Maintaining, saving, changing speed With the system active, the speed that is then
shown is set and will be achieved on a clear
Information road.
Adapting the desired speed ▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed up
Adapt the desired speed to the traffic to the resistance point, the desired speed
conditions and always be prepared to apply is increased or decreased by approxi‐
brakes, as otherwise there is a danger that ac‐ mately 1 km/h, 1 mph.
cidents might occur.◀ ▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed be‐
yond the resistance point, the desired
Speed differences speed is increased or decreased to the
Large differences in speed to vehicles next multiple of 10 km/h on the speedome‐
travelling in front may not be compensated for, ter display.
for example, in the following situations: Hold the rocker switch in one position to re‐
▷ Quickly approaching a slowly moving vehi‐ peat the corresponding action.
▷ Another vehicle suddenly swerves out of Distance
its own lane.◀ Selecting the distance
Adapt the distance to traffic and weather
Maintaining speed, saving
conditions as otherwise there is the risk of an
accident. Observe the prescribed safety dis‐
Reducing distance
Press button repeatedly until the de‐
sired distance is set.
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Driving comfort Controls
The selected distance, see page 135, is dis‐ Switching between Cruise Control
played in the instrument cluster. with/without distance control
Traffic moving ahead
Recalling the desired speed and
The Cruise Control does not react to traf‐
fic travelling in front of you, but maintains the
stored speed. Bear this circumstance in mind
While the vehicle is in motion
and react accordingly, otherwise there is a
With the system switched on, press danger that accidents might occur.◀
the button.
Switching to Cruise Control:
The saved speed value is deleted and can no Press and hold the button or
longer be called up in the following instances:
▷ When the system is switched off.
Press and hold the button.
▷ When the ignition is switched off.
Switch back to Active Cruise Control, press
When the vehicle is at a standstill button again briefly.
The vehicle was braked to a complete stop by
the system: Displays in the instrument cluster
▷ Green marker in the speedometer:
Your own vehicle automatically accelerates Desired speed
as soon as the vehicle travels out of the ▷ Marker illuminates green:
range of the radar sensor. the system is active.
▷ Marker in the speedometer changes to or‐ ▷ Marker illuminates orange:
ange: no automatic driving away. the system is interrupted.
To accelerate automatically to desired ▷ Marker does not illuminate:
speed, briefly press accelerator pedal or the system is inactive.
press RES button.
Rolling bars in the distance display show that Brief status display
the vehicle has driven away in the detection
range of the radar sensor. Selected desired speed.
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Controls Driving comfort
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Driving comfort Controls
The detection capability of the system and au‐ A vehicle driving ahead of you is only detected
tomatic braking capacity are limited. when it is fully in your driving lane.
For example, two-wheeled vehicles in front
may possibly not be detected. Vehicles pulling out
If another vehicle suddenly pulls out in
Limited detection capability front of you, the system might not be able to
The limited detection capability of the re-establish the selected distance of its own
system means that you must pay full attention accord. The same applies when you are driving
so that you are able to intervene actively at any significantly faster than the vehicle in front of
time. Otherwise there is the risk of an acci‐ you, for example when you are rapidly ap‐
dent.◀ proaching a lorry. If a vehicle is clearly detected
in front of you, the system requires that you in‐
tervene by braking, and if necessary by taking
Deceleration evasive action. You must react accordingly,
The system does not decelerate your car when otherwise there is the risk of an accident.◀
a standing obstacle is in the same lane, for ex‐
ample a vehicle at a red light or at the end of a
Unexpected lane changes
traffic jam.
The system also does not respond in the case
▷ Pedestrians or similar slow road users
▷ Red traffic lights
▷ Stationary objects
▷ Cross-traffic
▷ Oncoming traffic
No warnings If a vehicle ahead of you unexpectedly changes
Under certain circumstances, no warning lane to avoid a stationary vehicle, you must re‐
is issued on approaching a stationary or very act accordingly, as the system does not re‐
slow moving obstacle. You must react accord‐ spond to stationary vehicles.
ingly, otherwise there is the risk of an acci‐
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Controls Driving comfort
The system cannot be activated if the radar
sensor is not correctly aligned, for example
following parking damage.
A check control message is displayed if the
system has failed.
Characteristics of Cruise Control may change
in certain areas depending on vehicle setting.
Unfavourable conditions
Do not use the system if unfavourable
conditions do not permit driving at constant
When your car is approaching a bend, the an‐ speed, for example:
gle of the bend may cause the system to re‐ ▷ On stretches with many corners and
spond temporarily to vehicles in the other lane. bends.
A possible reduction in the vehicle's speed by
▷ In heavy traffic.
the system can be compensated for by briefly
accelerating. ▷ If the road is icy, if there is fog, snow, rain
or a loose road surface.
When the accelerator pedal is released again,
the system will resume control of the car’s Otherwise you could lose control of the vehicle
speed. and cause an accident as a result.◀
Vehicle cannot drive off automatic in following
situations, for example:
▷ On steep uphill gradients.
▷ Before bumps in road.
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Driving comfort Controls
Switching off
Disabled or interrupted system
When the system is disabled or interrup‐
ted, intervene actively by braking and manoeu‐
vring the vehicle yourself, as otherwise there is
a danger that accidents might occur.◀
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Controls Driving comfort
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Driving comfort Controls
Always pay attention to driving, the area ▷ Off: LED turns off.
around the vehicle and traffic and actively in‐
tervene as required, otherwise an accident Display
may occur.◀
Audible warning signals
Avoid driving fast with PDC active An intermittent sound indicates position of an
Avoid approaching an object at speed. object as the vehicle approaches it. For in‐
Avoid moving off at speed while PDC is not yet stance, if an object is identified to the rear left
active. of the vehicle, the warning signal sounds from
the rear left loudspeaker.
Due to physical conditions the system could
warn when it is too late.◀ The shorter the distance to an object be‐
comes, the shorter the intervals become.
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Controls Driving comfort
▷ With persons with certain clothing, for ex‐ ▷ Due to other ultrasonic sources, for exam‐
ample, a coat ple sweeping machines, steam-jet cleaners
or neon lights.
▷ With external disruption to the ultrasound,
for example, by passing vehicles for loud The functional disruption is reported by an
machines alternating continuous tone between the
front and rear loudspeakers. As soon as
▷ If the sensors are dirty, iced-up, damaged the disruption by other ultrasound sources
or incorrectly adjusted.
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Driving comfort Controls
is no longer present, the system is fully due to other road users or objects located out‐
functional again. side of the screen area of the rear-view cam‐
era, for example.◀
A Check Control message is displayed. Overview
The recording area of the sensors is shown
hatched on the Control Display. Button in the vehicle
PDC has failed. Have the system checked.
To ensure correct functionality:
▷ Keep sensors clean and free from ice.
▷ Do not attach any sticker to the sensors.
▷ Do not spray the sensors with high-pres‐
sure cleaners for an extended period of
time and maintain a distance of at least
30 cm, 12 in.
Rear-view camera
Surround view
Surround view contains various camera assis‐
tance systems, providing support when park‐
ing, manoeuvring and exits and junctions with
poor visibility.
▷ Rear-view camera, see page 143.
▷ Side view, see page 146.
▷ Top view, see page 147.
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Controls Driving comfort
Automatic switching off when moving The zoom to the trailer tow hitch is dis‐
forwards played.
The system switches off when a certain dis‐
tance or speed is exceeded. Driving lane lines
Switch the system back on if necessary.
"Towbar zoom"
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Driving comfort Controls
Display settings
The distance between the trailer and the trailer With rear-view camera switched on:
tow hitch can be estimated with the aid of two
static circular segments. 1. Select the symbol.
A docking-on line dependent on the steering 2. Turn the controller until the desired setting
angle helps to aim at the trailer with your trailer is reached and press the controller.
tow hitch.
The zoom function can be enabled when the
camera is switched on. With rear-view camera switched on:
Displaying the trailer tow hitch via iDrive, see 1. Select the symbol.
page 144.
2. Turn the controller until the desired setting
is reached and press the controller.
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Controls Driving comfort
Side View provides you with an advance view
of crossing traffic at blind entrances. Road
users hidden by obstacles at the side are only
detected very late from the driver's seat. In or‐
der to improve the view, two cameras in the
front area of the vehicle scan the area to the
Two cameras integrated into the bumpers pro‐
Notes vide detection.
The camera pictures are shown simultane‐ Both lenses of the cameras are located at the
ously on the control display. side of the bumper.
Also monitor the traffic situation Dirt can impair the quality of the picture.
When coming out of blind entrances, Clean the lens, see page 237.
also monitor the traffic situation around the ve‐
hicle by observing it directly. Otherwise road
users or objects outside the range of the Side
Switching on/off
View cameras, for example, could pose an ac‐
cident risk.◀
Switching on/off manually
Press the button.
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Driving comfort Controls
Also monitor the traffic situation
Also monitor the traffic situation around
the vehicle by observing it directly. Otherwise,
there is a danger that accidents might occur
Artificial lines on the lower screen edge show
due to other road users or objects located out‐
the position of the vehicle front.
side of the screen area of the cameras, for ex‐
With Side View switched on: Overview
1. "Brightness"
Button in the vehicle
2. Turn the controller until the desired setting
is reached and press the controller.
With Side View switched on:
1. "Contrast"
2. Turn the controller until the desired setting
is reached and press the controller.
Top View
Top View assists you with manoeuvring and
parking. To achieve this, the area around the
door and road is displayed on the control dis‐
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Controls Driving comfort
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Driving comfort Controls
Transporting loads
The system does not take account of
loads projecting beyond the outline of the ve‐
hicle during the process of parking.
This means that you must pay full attention so
that you are able to intervene actively at any
The system supports you when parking in par‐ time. Otherwise there is the risk of an acci‐
allel to the road. dent.◀
Ultrasound sensors measure parking spaces
Towing a trailer
on both sides of the vehicle.
Trailers or load carriers attached to the
The park assistant calculates the ideal parking
trailer tow hitch are not taken into account by
line and takes over steering during the process
the system. The park assist will possibly not be
of parking.
available. Do not use the park assist in con‐
When parking up, also follow the visual and au‐ junction with a trailer or load carrier, otherwise
dible information of the PDC, the park assist there is a risk of accidents.◀
and the reversing camera, and respond ac‐
cordingly. Curbs
The park assistant incorporates Park Distance Where applicable, the park assistant may
Control, PDC, see page 140. steer across curbs or up onto curbs.
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Controls Driving comfort
Switching off
The system can be deactivated by:
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Driving comfort Controls
White: system available but not ac‐ Status of the parking space search is dis‐
tivated. played on the Control Display.
2. Follow the instructions on the Control Dis‐
System is activated. play.
To achieve an optimum parking position,
Status of the system wait for the automatic steering process af‐
ter changing gear at standstill.
The end of the parking process is dis‐
played on the Control Display.
3. Straighten up the parking position, if appli‐
Cancelling manually
You can cancel the park assistant at any time:
▷ "Park Assist" Select the symbol on the
▷ Coloured symbols, see arrows, on the side
Control Display.
of the vehicle display. Parking assist is acti‐
vated and parking space search is active. ▷ Press the button.
▷ Suitable parking spaces are shown on the
Control Display on the edge of the carria‐
Cancelling automatically
geway next to the vehicle symbol. With ac‐
tive parking assistant, the suitable parking The system automatically cancels in the
spaces are highlighted in colour. following situations:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Driving comfort
▷ Any obstacles difficult to get over, for ex‐ ▷ With small children and animals
ample kerbstones. ▷ With persons with certain clothing, for ex‐
▷ With obstacles that suddenly arise. ample, a coat
▷ If the Park Distance Control PDC shows ▷ With external disruption to the ultrasound,
gaps are too small. for example, by passing vehicles for loud
▷ When a maximum number of parking at‐ machines
tempts or parking time is exceeded. ▷ If the sensors are dirty, iced-up, damaged
▷ If turn indicator is set opposite to desired or incorrectly adjusted.
parking side. ▷ In certain weather conditions, for example,
▷ When changing to other functions on the high humidity, rain, snowfall, extreme heat
Control Display. or strong wind.
A check control message is displayed. ▷ With trailer noses and hitches of other ve‐
Continuing ▷ Thin or wedge-shaped objects.
You can continue a cancelled parking process, ▷ With moving objects
if applicable. ▷ Higher, protruding objects, for example
For this purpose, follow the instructions on the breaks of walls or loads.
Control Display. ▷ Objects with corners and sharp edges.
▷ Objects with fine surfaces or structures, for
System limits
example fences.
No parking support ▷ For objects with porous surfaces.
The park assistant does not support in the Low objects already indicated, such as kerbs,
following situations: may enter the sensors' blind areas before or
after a continuous audible signal is given.
▷ On sharp bends.
In some cases, parking spaces may be detec‐
▷ When towing a trailer.
ted that are not suitable.
Restrictions of the function
The function can be restricted, for example in
A Check Control message is displayed.
the following situations:
The park assistant has failed. Have the system
▷ When on uneven road surfaces, for exam‐
ple gravel roads.
▷ On slippery ground.
▷ On steep inclines.
▷ If leaves have collected or snow has drifted
or been piled up in the parking gap.
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Climate Controls
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Controls Climate
The heated rear window is switched Depending on weather conditions, the wind‐
off automatically after a certain time. screen and side windows may mist over mo‐
mentarily when the engine is started.
Adjusting the air flow manually The cooling function is switched on automati‐
cally in the AUTO program.
Pressing the button on the left or right
reduces or increases the air flow. When using the automatic air conditioning,
condensation water, see page 176, develops
The air flow of the air conditioning system is that exits underneath the vehicle.
reduced as necessary to save the battery.
Recirculated-air mode
AUTO program If the air outside the vehicle has an unpleasant
Press the button. odour or contains pollutants, the supply to the
The air flow, air distribution and tem‐ interior of the vehicle can be shut off. The air
perature are automatically regulated. inside the vehicle is then recirculated.
Press button repeatedly to call up an
Depending on the selected temperature and operating mode:
external influences, the air is directed towards
the windscreen, side windows, and upper ▷ LED off: ambient air is constantly entering
body, and into the footwell. the car.
The cooling function, see page 154, is ▷ LED on, recirculated-air mode: the ambient
switched on automatically in the AUTO pro‐ air supply is permanently shut off.
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Climate Controls
Switching off
In the lowest setting, press the left of
the button.
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Controls Climate
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Climate Controls
Air is cooled and dried, then reheated to suit Adjusting the air distribution manually
the temperature setting.
Press button repeatedly to select a
Depending on weather conditions, the wind‐ program:
screen and side windows may mist over mo‐
▷ Upper body area.
mentarily when the engine is started.
▷ Upper body area and footwell.
The cooling function is switched on automati‐
cally in the AUTO program. ▷ Footwell.
When using the automatic air conditioning, ▷ Windows and footwell: only on the driver's
condensation water, see page 176, develops side.
that exits underneath the vehicle. ▷ Windows, upper body area and footwell:
only on the driver's side.
Automatic air recirculation control, If there is condensation on the window, press
AUC/recirculated-air mode the AUTO button in order to use the conden‐
If the air outside the vehicle has an unpleasant sation sensor.
odour or contains pollutants, the supply to the
interior of the vehicle can be shut off. The air Adjusting the air flow manually
inside the vehicle is then recirculated. To be able to regulate the air flow manually,
Press button repeatedly to call up an first switch off the AUTO program.
operating mode: Pressing the button on the left or right
reduces or increases the air flow.
▷ LEDs off: ambient air is constantly entering
the car. The selected air flow is shown on the display
▷ Left-hand LED on, AUC mode: a sensor for automatic air conditioning.
detects pollutants in the outside air and In order to protect the battery the air flow rate
shuts it out automatically. of the automatic air conditioning is reduced, if
▷ Right-hand LED on, recirculated-air mode: necessary.
the ambient air supply is permanently shut
off. Heated rear window
The recirculated-air mode automatically Press the button.
switches off at low outside temperatures after
The heated rear window is switched
a given time, to avoid condensation.
off automatically after a certain time.
If there is condensation on the window, switch
off recirculated-air mode and press the AUTO
button to use the condensation sensor. Ensure Defrosting windows and removing
that air can flow towards the windscreen. condensation
If you stay in the vehicle for a long time, This removes ice and condensation
ensure there is adequate ventilation from the quickly from the windscreen and the front side
outside and do not use recirculated-air mode windows.
continuously, otherwise the air quality in the To do this, point the side nozzles at the side
interior will steadily deteriorate.◀ windows if necessary.
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Controls Climate
The air flow can be adapted when the program ▷ Knurled wheel for varying temperature in
is active. upper body area, arrow 3.
If there is condensation on the window, switch Towards blue: cooler
on the cooling function as well or press the Towards red: warmer.
AUTO button to use the condensation sensor.
Set interior temperature for driver and front
seat passenger is not changed.
Switching system on/off
▷ Heated rear window. Adjust the outlets so that the air flows past
▷ Seat heating
Ventilation in rear passenger
Microfilter/activated charcoal filter compartment
In outside and recirculated-air mode, the mi‐
crofilter/activated carbon filter filters dust, pol‐
len and harmful gases from the air.
This filter should be changed during mainte‐
nance on your vehicle, see page 212.
Ventilation at front
▷ Knurled wheel to open and close the air
outlets continuously, arrow 1.
▷ Knurled wheel for varying the temperature,
arrow 2.
Towards blue: cooler
Towards red: warmer.
▷ Lever to change the direction in which air
flows, arrow 3.
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Climate Controls
1. "Settings"
2. "Climate"
3. "Activate aux. ventilation"
symbol on automatic air conditioning
flashes when system is switched on.
1. "Settings"
2. "Climate"
3. "Start time 1:" or "Start time 2:"
4. Set desired time.
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Controls Interior equipment
Interior equipment
Vehicle equipment Lighter
Vanity mirror
A vanity mirror is situated in the sun visor be‐
hind a cover. The mirror light switches on
when the cover is opened.
The cigarette lighter is located next to the ash‐
Press in the cigarette lighter.
The cigarette lighter can be re‐
moved when it pops back out.
Remove lid.
Lift out the insert.
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Interior equipment Controls
Power sockets
Cigarette lighter socket can be used as a
socket for electrical devices when the engine
is running or the ignition is switched on. Remove the cover.
The total load of all sockets must not exceed
Inside the boot
140 Watt at 12 Volt.
To avoid damage to the socket, do not insert
an incompatible plug.
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Controls Interior equipment
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Interior equipment Controls
Risk of trapping
Press the release button, arrow 1, and remove Before folding the rear seat backrests, al‐
boot cover towards the rear, arrow 2. ways check that there is nothing to obstruct
their movement. When the centre section in
particular is folded down, make sure that there
Inserting is no-one in its movement zone and that no-
Push in boot cover until this clicks into place one reaches into the movement zone of the
on both sides. rear seat backrests. Otherwise injury or dam‐
age might occur.◀
Stowing away
Ensure stability of child seat
If the boot cover is not needed, it can be
stowed away under the rear part of the boot When installing child restraint systems,
floor. make sure that the child seat makes firm con‐
tact with the seat backrest. To do this, adapt
1. Fold up the rear part of the boot floor. the backrest angle on all the seats in question
as far as possible and also adjust the height of
the head restraints or, if possible, remove
them. Make sure that all backrests are securely
locked. Otherwise, the stability of the child
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Controls Interior equipment
Folding down centre section 2. Press the button, arrow 1, to disengage the
cartridge at both sides.
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Interior equipment Controls
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Controls Storage compartments
Storage compartments
Vehicle equipment ▷ Storage compartment in the centre con‐
sole in the back, see page 168.
This chapter describes all standard, national
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Glove box
therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
Front passenger's side
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems.
Close the glove box again immediately
Notes After using the glove box while the vehi‐
cle is in motion, close it without delay, so that it
No loose objects in the interior.
cannot cause injury in the event of an acci‐
Do not store any objects unsecured in dent.◀
the interior, otherwise they could endanger ve‐
hicle occupants when braking or swerving, for
Storage options
Pull the handle.
The following storage options are located in
The light in the glove box comes on.
the interior:
The net in the glove box is stowing the inlay for
▷ Glove box on the passenger side, see
the cupholder, see page 168.
page 166.
▷ Glove box on the driver's side, see
page 167. Closing
▷ Without smoker's package: front compart‐ Fold lid down.
ment, in front of cupholders, see
page 167. Locking
▷ Storage compartment in the front centre The glove box can be locked with an integrated
armrest, see page 167. key. This means it is not possible to access the
glove box.
▷ Pockets in the doors., see page 167
▷ Nets on the backrests of the front seats.
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Storage compartments Controls
After the glove box has been locked, the re‐ Pockets in the doors
mote control without the integrated key can be
handed over, for example, at a hotel. Do not store any breakable objects
Do not store any breakable objects, for
Driver's side example, glass bottles, otherwise there is the
increased risk of injury in the event of an acci‐
Note dent.◀
Close the glove box again immediately
After using the glove box while the vehi‐
cle is in motion, close it without delay, so that it Centre armrest
cannot cause injury in the event of an acci‐
dent.◀ Front
There is a storage compartment in the centre
Opening armrest between the front seats.
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Controls Storage compartments
Unbreakable containers and no hot bev‐
Pull centre armrest forward with the loop.
Use light and unbreakable containers and do
To open: press the button.
not transport hot beverages. Otherwise there
is an increased risk of injury in the event of an To close: push both covers back in one after
accident.◀ the other.
Coat hooks
Keep a clear view
Items of clothing hung from the hooks
must not obstruct the driver’s view.◀
No heavy objects
Do not hang heavy objects from the
hooks as they could endanger the vehicle oc‐
cupants, for example in the case of braking or
evasive manoeuvres.◀
Fittings for front cupholders
With the fitting, the cupholders can be used as The clothes hooks are located on the grab
an extra compartment. To do this, put the fit‐ handles in the rear.
tings into the cupholder.
Only use fittings for small object, for exaple a
key or remote control.
Storage compartments in the
When not in use, stow the fittings in the net in
the glove box. To do this, plug the fittings with
the top upwards in the net. Observe the trape‐
zoidal shape of net and fitting. Smaller objects can be stowed in the nets on
the left and right side.
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Storage compartments Controls
Hooks/bag holders
1 Bracket
In the boot there is a bag holder on every side. 2 Telescopic track
The bag holders can be loaded up to max. 3 Tensioning strap
4 kg, approximately 8.8 lb. 4 Attachment for tensioning strap
5 Attachment points for bracket
Only light and suitable objects
Only hang light shopping bags or suita‐
ble objects on the holders. Otherwise, these
Use bracket
can endanger vehicle occupants, for example if Push the bracket into the attachment point un‐
objects fly around in the case of braking and til it clicks into place.
evasive manoeuvres.
Only transport heavy luggage with suitable
Fastening load
means of securing in the boot.◀ There are the following options for fastening
the load:
Tensioning strap ▷ Between rear backrests and telescopic
There is a tensioning strap on the right-hand
trim panel for securing small objects. ▷ Between telescopic track and tensioning
Lashing eyes in the boot Fastening load between telescopic track and
For securing the load, see page 177, four lash‐ tensioning strap:
ing eyes are in the boot. 1. Put the load onto the telescopic track.
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Controls Storage compartments
Remove brackets
Fold up boot floor, arrow.
Divide compartment
The compartment can be divided with a plug‐
gable divider.
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Storage compartments Controls
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Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Driving hints
The Driving hints chapter provides you with
information that you may require in particular
driving situations or operating modes.
Driving precautions
Vehicle equipment Tyres
New tyres do not achieve their full road
This chapter describes all standard, national
grip immediately, for production reasons.
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is During the first 300 km, 200 miles, drive mod‐
therefore also described, for example the se‐ erately.
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions Brake system
and systems. Brake pads and discs only achieve a favourable
wear and contact pattern after approximately
500 km, 300 miles. Drive moderately during
Running in this running-in period.
General Clutch
Moving parts need a certain time to achieve The clutch only begins to function optimally at
maximum operating efficiency as a unit. approximately 500 km, 300 miles. Engage the
The following information helps to achieve clutch gently during this running-in period.
maximum service life and efficiency of the ve‐
hicle. After fitting new parts
Do not use Launch Control, see page 78, when The same running-in procedures should be
running in. observed if any of the components mentioned
above have to be renewed in the course of the
vehicle's operating life.
Engine, gearbox and differential
Please observe the valid speed limit in the re‐
spective country you are travelling in.
General driving information
Up to 2000 km, 1200 miles
Closing the rear window and tailgate
Do not exceed the maximum engine revs and
speed: Drive with the rear window and tailgate
▷ With petrol engines, 4500 rpm and
160 km/h, approximately 100 mph. Drive only with the tailgate closed in the event
of an accident, or if you have to brake abruptly
▷ With diesel engines, 3500 rpm and
or swerve to avoid an obstruction. Otherwise
150 km/h, approximately 93 mph.
the vehicle occupants or other road users
In principle, avoid full load or kick-down. could be at risk or the vehicle could be dam‐
aged. There is also the danger of exhaust
From 2000 km, 1200 miles onwards fumes entering the interior of the vehicle.◀
Engine and road speeds can be gradually in‐
If there is no alternative to driving with the tail‐
gate open:
▷ Close all windows and the Glass Roof.
▷ Turn up the blower to a high output level.
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Driving precautions Driving hints
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Driving hints Driving precautions
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Loads Driving hints
Vehicle equipment Loading
This chapter describes all standard, national ▷ Wrap protective material around sharp cor‐
and special equipment provided in the model ners and edges of the load.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is ▷ Heavy transported load: stow as far for‐
therefore also described, for example the se‐ ward and as low down as possible, ideally
lected special equipment or national version. directly behind the rear backrests.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
▷ Very heavy transported load: with no pas‐
and systems.
sengers on the back seat, insert both outer
seat belts into the respective opposite
▷ Fully fold down the rear-seat backrest if
Overloading the vehicle the load is to be stowed accordingly.
So that the permitted load capacity of the ▷ Do not stack storage goods above the up‐
tyres is not exceeded, do not overload the ve‐ per edge of the backrests.
hicle. The tyres could then overheat and sus‐
▷ Use the luggage net, see page 164, to pro‐
tain internal damage. Under certain circum‐
tect the vehicle's occupants. Make sure
stances, sudden tyre pressure loss will be the
that objects cannot pass through the lug‐
gage net.
Permitted total weight and permitted axle
Do not exceed the permitted overall weight
Securing the load
and permitted axle loads, otherwise the opera‐
tional safety of the vehicle can no longer be
Lashing eyes in the boot
guaranteed and the permit regulations are not
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Driving hints Loads
Follow fitting instruction of the roof rack.
For securing the load, four moveable lashing
Make sure that there is sufficient space to
eyes are found in the boot.
raise and open the Glass Roof.
A loaded roof rack alters the vehicle's road be‐
haviour and steering response by shifting its
centre of gravity.
When loading and driving, bear the following in
▷ Do not exceed permitted roof and axle load
as well as the permitted gross weight.
▷ Distribute the roof load evenly.
▷ The roof load must not be spread over a
To reposition a lashing eye press the button,
large area.
arrow 1. Ensure that the lashing eyes mesh
into the new position. ▷ Place heavy items of luggage at the bot‐
The lashing eyes can be removed from the
rails at the recesses. ▷ Securely fasten roof rack, for example with
tensioning straps.
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Towing a trailer Driving hints
Towing a trailer
Vehicle equipment approved. Use only the genuine BMW towball
mount assembly.
This chapter describes all standard, national
BMW Group Australia does not recommend or
and special equipment provided in the model
support the installation and use of a Weight
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Distribution Hitch or Load Levelling Device on
therefore also described, for example the se‐
any BMW Group vehicles. The use of such de‐
lected special equipment or national version.
vices may affect the vehicle's warranty status.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems. We recommend you consult your Authorised
BMW Dealer for any further advice or clarifica‐
The permitted trailer loads, axle loads, trailer Before a journey
nose weights and gross vehicle weight rating
are specified in the technical data. Trailer nose weight
Information on possibilities to increase the If possible, the trailer should not have a trailer
load can be provided by any Service Centre. nose weight less than the minimum of 25 kg,
The vehicle is equipped with reinforced approximately 55 lb, and also try to use the
springs on the rear axle and, depending on the maximum trailer nose weight to the full extent.
type, with a more powerful cooling system. The weight of the trailer tow hitch and the nose
weight reduce the maximum load of the towing
vehicle. The nose weight increases the vehicle
For Australia/New Zealand: weight. The total permitted weight of the tow‐
note ing vehicle must not be exceeded.
Towing Loads
Australian standard AS 4177.1-2004 Caravan Distribute the load as evenly as possible over
and light trailer towing components – towbars the loadbed.
and towing brackets contains the following Stow the load as low as possible and as close
statement, which is hereby accepted by the as possible to the trailer axle. A low centre of
BMW Group Australia: FOR TOWING ONLY. trailer gravity makes the vehicle combination
The trailer tow hitch supplied with your BMW much more stable and safe to drive.
vehicle should only be used for towing and not
The permitted total weight of the trailer and
in connection with any kind of transport device
the permitted trailer load of the vehicle must
attached to the trailer tow hitch, i.e. bicycle
not be exceeded. The smaller value is the limit
carriers or similar.
which should be adhered to.
As all BMW Group towbar assemblies are de‐
signed, tested and approved as a single unit, Tyre pressures
the practice of modifying or replacing the
Check the vehicle's and the trailer's tyre pres‐
BMW supplied towball mount assembly is not
sures carefully.
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Driving hints Towing a trailer
Power consumption
Counteracting snaking
Function of the rear lights
If the trailer begins to snake, the vehicle com‐
Before beginning your journey, check the bination can only be stabilised by braking hard
function of the rear lights of the trailer, as oth‐ immediately.
erwise this might endanger other road users.◀
Make sure that the necessary steering correc‐
The power output of the trailer's rear lights tions are carried out as cautiously as possible,
must not exceed the following values: taking other road users into consideration.
▷ Turn indicators: 42 Watts per side.
Uphill gradients
▷ Tail lights: 50 Watts per side.
In the interest of safety and to avoid holding up
▷ Brake lights: 84 Watts total.
other traffic, do not attempt to climb gradients
▷ Rear fog lights: 42 Watts total. steeper than 12 % when towing a trailer.
▷ Reversing lights: 42 Watts total. If higher trailer loads are permitted later, the
Keep the switch-on times of the current con‐ limit is 8 %.
sumer units in the vehicleavan mode short in
order not to place an excessive load on the ve‐ Driving off on upward inclines
hicle battery. To prevent the vehicle from rolling back when
driving off, use the parking brake.
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Towing a trailer Driving hints
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Driving hints Towing a trailer
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Saving fuel Driving hints
Saving fuel
Vehicle equipment Closing windows and the
This chapter describes all standard, national glass roof
and special equipment provided in the model An opened glass roof or opened window in‐
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is creases the drag coefficient and thus reduces
therefore also described, for example the se‐ the range.
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems.
General Tyres can have differing effects on fuel con‐
Your vehicle contains wide-ranging technolo‐ sumption. For example, fuel consumption can
gies for reducing consumption and emission be affected by tyre size.
Fuel consumption depends on various factors. Checking tyre pressures regularly
A number of measures, such as a moderate Check and, if necessary, correct tyre inflation
driving style and regular maintenance, can in‐ pressures at least twice a month and before
fluence fuel consumption and reduce burden setting off on a longer journey.
on environment. Insufficient tyre inflation pressure enlarges the
rolling resistance and thus increases fuel con‐
sumption and tyre wear.
Removing transported load
that is not required
Setting off immediately
Extra weight increases fuel consumption.
Do not warm up the engine with the vehicle at
a standstill; it is preferable to set off straight
away, driving at moderate engine speeds.
Removing add-on parts after
This brings the cold engine to operating tem‐
perature as quickly as possible.
Remove auxiliary mirrors, roof racks and rear-
mounted racks after use.
Add-on parts on the vehicle interfere with its Driving with foresight
aerodynamic performance and inflate fuel con‐
Avoid accelerating and braking unnecessarily.
Keep an appropriate distance from the preced‐
ing vehicle.
Anticipating the road situation and adopting a
smooth driving style will reduce fuel consump‐
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Driving hints Saving fuel
Switching off engine if Please also see the BMW Maintenance Sys‐
tem, see page 212.
stopping for a relatively long
When you stop the vehicle for longer periods, ECO PRO
for example at traffic lights, railway crossings
or in traffic jams, switch off the engine. Principle
ECO PRO supports a low energy consumption
Auto Start Stop function driving style. To do this, the engine control and
The Auto Start Stop function of your vehicle comfort functions are adjusted, such as, for ex‐
shuts off the engine automatically during a ample, the air conditioning power.
stop. The engine is disconnected from the gearbox
If the engine is switched off and then started in selector lever position D under certain cir‐
again, the fuel consumption and emissions are cumstances. The vehicle rolls when idling to
reduced compared with a permanently running optimise fuel consumption. Selector lever po‐
engine. Savings can be made just by stopping sition D remains engaged.
the engine for a few seconds. In addition, situation-dependent information
Fuel consumption also depends on other fac‐ can be displayed which help you to drive with
tors, such as driving style, road condition, optimum fuel consumption.
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Saving fuel Driving hints
In the instrument cluster, the extension of the Set ECO PRO speed.
range achieved as a result can be displayed as ▷ "ECO PRO limit":
a bonus range.
The power is reduced when the set ECO
PRO speed is reached.
The system comprises the following Coasting
EfficientDynamics functions and displays:
When rolling off, the engine can be operated at
▷ ECO PRO bonus range, see page 185. idle in a way that saves fuel by coasting, see
▷ ECO PRO tips driving instructions, see page 188.
page 186. The function is only available in ECO PRO
▷ ECO PRO air conditioning, see page 185. Mode.
▷ ECO PRO route-ahead assistant driving in‐
struction, see page 187. ECO PRO air conditioning
▷ ECO PRO coasting driving condition, see "ECO PRO climate control"
page 188. The air conditioning is adjusted for efficient
▷ ECO PRO driving style analysis, see fuel consumption.
page 190. A slight deviation from the temperature set
such as a longer heating up and/or cooling
Activating ECO PRO down of the interior is therefore possible, in or‐
der to lower consumption.
Press the button until ECO PRO is
displayed in the instrument cluster. Mirror heating is available when the tempera‐
ture outside is low.
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Driving hints Saving fuel
Display in the instrument cluster The arrow shows that the driving style
can be adjusted to be more efficient on
fuel consumption, for example, by
coming off the gas.
The display of driving style and ECO PRO tips
in the instrument cluster are displayed if the
ECO PRO display is activated.
Activate display of driving style and ECO PRO
Display in the instrument cluster with extended
functionality 1. "Settings"
2. "Instr. cluster display"
3. "ECO PRO information"
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Saving fuel Driving hints
EfficientDynamics Principle
When travelling, information on consumption The system helps to save fuel and supports a
and technology is shown. precautionary driving style. Using the naviga‐
tion data, certain sections of the route ahead
1. "Vehicle information"
can be recognised early and pointed out.
2. "EfficientDynamics"
The recognised sections of the route, such as
built-up areas or bends ahead, for example, re‐
Show fuel consumption history quire a reduction in speed.
The average fuel consumption can be shown
The instruction is also made if the section of
in the set time span.
the route ahead has cannot yet be detected
Vertical bars shows the fuel consumption for when driving.
the selected time span.
The instruction is shown until the section of
Interruptions in the trip are shown underneath the route is reached.
the bar on the time axis.
If there is an instruction, the speed can be re‐
"Consumption history" duced in way that saves fuel by coming off the
gas and coasting.
Setting time fuel consumption history
time span Operating requirements
Select the symbol. The system depends on how up-to-date the
navigation data are and their quality.
Reset fuel consumption history The navigation data can be updated.
1. Calling up "Options".
2. "Reset consumption history" Display
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Driving hints Saving fuel
Display on the Control Display ▷ Temporary and variable speed limits, such
as at roadworks.
▷ Quality of the navigation data is insuffi‐
▷ Cruise Control active.
▷ Trailer towing.
In display on the Control Display is shown if The system helps to save fuel.
there is a corresponding section of the route.
To do this, the engine is automatically discon‐
An additional symbol in the split-screen of the nected from the gearbox in selector lever posi‐
Control Display shows the detected section of tion D under certain circumstances. The vehi‐
the route. cle continues to roll in idle to reduce
Symbol Section of the road in front consumption. Selector lever position D re‐
mains engaged.
Speed limit, for example, built-up
This vehicle condition is called coasting.
As soon as the brake or accelerator pedal is
Junction or turn, exit from a fast depressed, the engine is automatically con‐
road. nected again.
Corner. Information
Coasting is a component of ECO PRO, see
page 184, drive mode.
Roundabout. By calling up the ECO PRO mode via the drive
experience switch coasting is automatically ac‐
The function is available over a given speed
Using route ahead assistant
A section of the route ahead is shown:
A precautionary driving style helps to use the
1. Come off the gas. function as often as possible and supports the
2. Until reaching the section of the route consumption-reducing effect of coasting.
shown, allow the vehicle to coast.
Safety function
3. Adjust the speed by braking as necessary.
The function is not available if one of the
System limits following conditions is met:
The system is not available in the following sit‐ ▷ DSC OFF or TRACTION activated.
uations: ▷ Driving in the dynamic boundary range and
▷ Speed below 50 km/h, approximately on steep slopes.
30 mph.
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Saving fuel Driving hints
▷ Battery charge state too low or too high Display in instrument cluster with
power requirement in the on-board net‐ extended functionality
work. The marking in the bar display
▷ Cruise Control activated. underneath the rev counter has
▷ Trailer towing. a blue background and is at
zero. The rev counter displays
Operating requirements information about the idle
The function is available in ECO PRO mode in
the speed range of approximately 50 km/h, ap‐ The coasting point display is illuminated at
proximately 30 mph to 160 km/h, approxi‐ zero when coasting.
mately 100 mph if the following conditions are
met: Display on the Control Display
▷ Accelerator pedal and brake pedal are not In the EfficientDynamics Info the drive state
operated. coasting is shown when driving.
▷ Selector lever in selector lever position D. The route covered in the coasting drive state is
shown by a counter.
▷ Engine and gearbox are at operating tem‐
Coasting vehicle condition can be influenced
using shift paddles.
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Driving hints Saving fuel
ECO PRO driving style analysis The table of values contains stars. The more
efficient the driving style, the more stars are
Principle contained in the table and the faster the bonus
The system helps develop a particularly effi‐ range increases, arrow 2.
cient driving style and to save fuel. On the other hand, if driving style is inefficient,
To do this, the driving style is analysed. Evalu‐ a bumpier road and a reduced number of stars
ation is done in various categories and is is shown.
shown on the control display. To support an efficient driving style, ECO PRO
Using this display, the individual driving style tips are shown while the vehicle is in motion.
can be adjusted to save fuel. Tips on energy-saving driving style, saving
The last fifteen minutes of a trip are evaluated. fuel, see page 183.
Operating requirements
The function is available in ECO PRO Mode.
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Saving fuel Driving hints
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Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
To assist you in preserving your car’s mobility,
this section contains important information on
operating fluids, wheels and tyres, maintenance
and breakdown assistance.
Vehicle equipment 2. Turn the fuel filler cap anticlockwise.
Fuel tank cap 1. Fit the tank cap and turn clockwise until it
is clearly heard to click into place.
2. Close fuel filler cap.
1. Briefly press rear edge of fuel filler flap.
Do not crush the retaining strap
Do not jam the retaining strap on the tank
cap, otherwise the tank cap cannot be closed
properly and fuel vapours can escape.◀
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Refuelling Mobility
Handling fuels
Comply with the safety regulations dis‐
played at filling stations.◀
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Mobility Fuel
Vehicle equipment Do not refuel with fuel with a higher pro‐
portion of ethanol
This chapter describes all standard, national
Do not fill with fuel with a higher ethanol con‐
and special equipment provided in the model
tent than recommended or fuels containing
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
methanol, for example M5 to M100, otherwise
therefore also described, for example the se‐
the engine and the fuel supply system will be
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems. The engine has anti-knock control. This means
that different grades of petrol can be used.
For optimal fuel economy, the petrol should be Incorrect refuelling
sulphur-free or as low in sulphur content as Do not refuel any rape seed methyl ester
possible. – RME –, green diesel or petrol.
Fuels labelled on the pump as containing metal After refuelling a wrong fuel, do not start the
must not be used. engine, otherwise there is danger of engine
Only refuel with unleaded petrol without
metallic additives Contact your Service Centre if the wrong type
Do not refuel with leaded petrol or petrol with of fuel has been added.
metallic additives, for example manganese or
iron, otherwise it may cause permanent dam‐ Diesel quality
age to the catalytic converter and other com‐ The engine is designed to run on diesel fuel to
ponents.◀ DIN EN 590.
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Fuel Mobility
Winter-grade diesel
No diesel additives
Do not use any additives, including pet‐
rol, as these could cause damage to the en‐
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Mobility Wheels and tyres
Tyre pressures
Information for your safety
A tyre’s condition and pressure influence the
▷ Operating life of the tyre.
The tyre inflation pressures specified for ap‐
▷ Driving safety. proved tyre sizes are located on the door pillar
▷ Driving comfort. of the driver's door.
If the speed letter of the tyre cannot be found,
Checking tyre pressures the tyre inflation pressure of the corresponding
Checking tyre pressures regularly size applies. The tyre inflation pressure data
Check tyre pressure regularly and adjust apply to tyres at ambient temperature.
as necessary, but at least twice a month and
before any long journey. Incorrect tyre pres‐ For Australia/New Zealand
sures can adversely affect the car's road hold‐
ing and cause tyre damage, which could result
in an accident.◀ The inflation pressures on the tyre label
are applicable only for tyres explicitly men‐
Tyres have a natural, uniform tyre pressure tioned on the label. Inflation pressures for tyres
loss. that may be covered by the label – by size,
Tyres heat up when driving and with the tem‐ speed category and load rating/load index –
perature of the tyre, the tyre filling pressure in‐ but not explicitly mentioned on the label may
creases. The tyre filling pressure data relate to be different. Please obtain adequate inflation
cold tyres or tyres at ambient temperature. pressures in accordance with the tyre manu‐
Only check the tyre pressure when the tyres facturer’s specifications at your tyre dealer.◀
are cold. In other words, after driving for a max‐
imum of 2 km or if the vehicle has been parked Tyre sizes
for at least 2 hours. Inflation pressures refer to the approved and
Inflating devices can display a pressure as recommended tyre sizes and tyre makes.
much as 0.1 bar too low.
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Wheels and tyres Mobility
Inspect tyres frequently for damage, the pres‐
ence of foreign bodies and wear.
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Mobility Wheels and tyres
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Wheels and tyres Mobility
Interchanging front and rear wheels Observe the information on continuing to drive
with a flat tyre.
Different tread wear patterns arise on the
wheels of the front and rear axles, depending
Changing run-flat tyres
on the individual operating conditions. To ach‐
ieve even wear, it is possible to swap the For your own safety, use only run-flat tyres.
wheels over from one axle to the other. Your There is no spare wheel available in the event
Service Centre will be pleased to advise. After of a puncture. Your Service centre will be
changing, check the tyre pressure and adjust if pleased to advise.
Such a change is not permitted on vehicles
with different tyre dimensions on the front and Remedying punctures
rear axles, in other words if mixed tyres are fit‐ Safety precautions in the event of a
ted. puncture
Park the vehicle on a solid surface and as far
Tyre storage away from moving traffic as possible.
Store wheels and tyres in a cool, dry and pref‐
Switch on hazard warning lights.
erably dark place when not in use.
Engage the steering wheel lock in the straight
Protect tyres against contamination from oil,
ahead position of the wheels.
grease and fuel.
Protect the vehicle against rolling, by applying
Do not exceed the maximum tyre pressure in‐
the parking brake.
dicated on the tyre's side wall.
Allow all occupants get out of the vehicle and
guide them out of the danger area, for example
behind the crash barrier.
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Mobility Wheels and tyres
Mobility system
With the mobility system, minor tyre damage
can be quickly sealed, to allow you to drive on.
To do that, liquid sealant is pumped into the
tyres which encloses the damage from the in‐
side when it hardens.
The compressor can be used to check the tyre ▷ Sealant container, arrow 1.
inflation pressure. ▷ Filler hose, arrow 2.
Note the use-by date on the sealant container.
▷ Please observe the information on the ap‐
plication of the Mobility system which are Compressor
on the compressor and the sealant con‐
▷ Applying the Mobility system can be inef‐
fective for tyre damage as from a size of
approximately 4 mm.
▷ Contact a Service Centre if you are unable
to put the tyre back in operation.
▷ If possible, foreign matter that has penetra‐
ted the tyre should remain inside the tyre.
1 On/Off button
▷ Remove the speed limit sticker from the
sealant container and attach to the steer‐ 2 Mounting for cylinder
ing wheel. 3 Reduce tyre inflation pressure
▷ Using sealants can damage the TPM wheel 4 Tyre inflation pressure display
electronics. If sealant is used, check the 5 Compressor
electronics as soon as you get an opportu‐
6 Plug/cable for socket
nity and have them replaced if necessary.
7 Connecting hose — stored in the com‐
Enclosed spaces pressor floor
Never run the engine in enclosed spaces,
as inhaling the exhaust gas can lead to loss of
consciousness with fatal consequences. The
exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, which
is colourless and odourless, but highly toxic.◀
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Wheels and tyres Mobility
Filling with sealing compound 4. Push the sealant container upright into the
1. Shake the sealant container. bracket on the compressor housing, until it
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Mobility Wheels and tyres
7. Switch on the compressor with the ignition 3. Pack empty sealant container and con‐
switched on or the engine running. necting hose to avoid soiling in the boot.
4. Store Mobility system in the vehicle again.
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Wheels and tyres Mobility
Snow chains
Fine-link snow chains
Only certain fine-link snow chains have been
tested, found safe for use in traffic, and ap‐
proved by the manufacturer of your vehicle.
Information on approved snow chains can be
obtained from the Service centre.
Snow chains may only be used in pairs on the
rear wheels with tyres of the following sizes:
▷ 205/60 R 16.
▷ 225/55 R 16.
▷ 225/50 R 17.
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Mobility Engine compartment
Engine compartment
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Engine compartment Mobility
Closing bonnet
Bonnet open while the vehicle is in mo‐
Should it appear while the vehicle is in motion
that the bonnet has not been properly locked,
stop immediately and close properly.◀
Risk of trapping
To avoid injuries, ensure that the closing
area of the bonnet is unobstructed during clos‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Mobility Engine oil
Engine oil
Vehicle equipment If the engine oil level reaches the minimum, a
check control message is shown.
This chapter describes all standard, national
and special equipment provided in the model Requirements
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
A current measurement is available after ap‐
therefore also described, for example the se‐
proximately 30 minutes of driving. With a
lected special equipment or national version.
shorter trip, the status of the last sufficiently
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
long trip is shown.
and systems.
When frequently making short trips, regularly
take a detailed measurement.
Displaying engine oil level
The engine oil consumption depends on the On the Control Display:
driving style and operating conditions.
Engine oil consumption can be increased, for 1. "Vehicle information"
example by: 2. "Vehicle status"
▷ Sporty driving style. 3. "Engine oil level"
▷ Running in engine.
Messages for the engine oil level
▷ Engine idling.
Different messages are shown on the display,
▷ Use of unapproved engine oil grades. depending on the engine oil level. Follow these
Therefore check the engine oil level regularly messages.
after each time you fill up. If there is too little engine oil, within the next
Depending on the engine, the vehicle has an 200 km, approximately 120 miles top up en‐
electronic oil measurement system or an oil gine oil, see page 209.
measurement with a dipstick.
Too little engine oil
Electronic oil measurement has two measure‐
Immediately top up with engine oil, oth‐
ment principles:
erwise damage may be caused by too little en‐
▷ Status display. gine oil.◀
▷ Detailed measurement.
Ensure not to top up with too much engine oil.
Too much engine oil
Electronic oil measurement Have the vehicle examined immediately,
otherwise too much engine oil could result in
Status display engine damage.◀
The engine oil level is electronically monitored
when travelling and shown on the Control Dis‐
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Engine oil Mobility
In the detailed measurement, the engine oil
level is checked and shown on a scale.
During the measurement, the idle speed is
slightly raised.
A detailed measurement is only possible with
certain engines. Only top up a maximum quantity of 1 litre, ap‐
proximately 2 pints of engine oil when the
Requirements message in the instrument cluster is shown.
▷ Vehicle is on an even road.
Adding engine oil
▷ Manual gearbox: gear lever in neutral posi‐
tion, clutch and accelerator pedal not de‐ Within the next 200 km, approximately
pressed. 120 miles top up engine oil otherwise engine
damage could be caused.◀
▷ Steptronic transmission: selector lever in
selector lever position N or P and accelera‐ Do not top up with too much engine oil
tor pedal not depressed. With too much engine oil topped up, im‐
▷ Engine is running and is at operating tem‐ mediately have the vehicle checked, otherwise
perature. engine damage can be caused.◀
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Mobility Engine oil
Petrol engine
BMW Longlife-01.
BMW Longlife-04.
Diesel engine
BMW Longlife-04.
Petrol engine
Diesel engine
Oil change
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends
having the engine oil changed at the Service
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Coolant Mobility
Vehicle equipment The marks are on the side of the coolant
This chapter describes all standard, national
and special equipment provided in the model Symbol Meaning
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
therefore also described, for example the se‐ Maximum
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems.
Top up
1. Allow the engine to cool down.
Information 2. Turn the cap on the coolant tank slightly
Danger of scalding while the engine is anti-clockwise until it starts to open, then
hot allow the pressure to escape before open‐
ing it fully.
Do not open up the cooling system while the
engine is hot, otherwise you may scald your‐
self on the escaping coolant steam.◀
Suitable additives
Use only suitable additives, otherwise
the engine could incur damage. The additives
are injurious to health.◀
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Mobility Maintenance
Vehicle equipment Periods out of use
Immobilisation periods with the vehicle battery
This chapter describes all standard, national
disconnected are not taken into account.
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is Updating the time-dependent maintenance
therefore also described, for example the se‐ scope such a brake fluid and any engine oil and
lected special equipment or national version. microfilter or activated carbon filter can be
This also applies to safety-relevant functions done by a Service Centre.
and systems.
Service history
BMW Maintenance System Have maintenance work vehicleried out by the
The maintenance system points out the nec‐ Service Centre and entered in the vehicle data.
essary maintenance measures and so sup‐ The entries are, just like a service booklet, evi‐
ports you in maintaining the road and opera‐ dence of regular maintenance.
tional safety of the vehicle. Maintenance entered is shown on the Control
Display, see page 88.
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Maintenance Mobility
Brake discs: check surface and thickness. Check windscreen wiper and washer system.
Reset service display in line with workshop Mobility system: check expiry date on the
guidelines. sealant container.
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Mobility Maintenance
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Replacing parts Mobility
Replacing parts
Vehicle equipment 3. Press together securing spring, arrow 1,
and fold out the wiper blade, arrow 2.
This chapter describes all standard, national
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems.
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Mobility Replacing parts
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Replacing parts Mobility
1 Side lights
2. Press the bulb gently into the fitting, turn
2 High-beam headlights/headlight flasher
anticlockwise and remove.
3 Low-beam headlights
3. Fit new bulb and bulb holder in the reverse
4 Turn indicator sequence.
5 Daytime driving lights 4. Attach the cover in the wheel arch.
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Mobility Replacing parts
Side lights
6 watt bulb, H6W.
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Replacing parts Mobility
1. Release the bulb by tipping downwards 1. If needed, remove plug from the high-
and up out of the holder and remove. beam bulb.
2. Pull out bulb holder.
Xenon headlight
Xenon light
These bulbs have a very long service life and
5. Close headlight casing with lid Ensure that are highly unlikely to fail. Frequent switching
the lid engages. on and off shortens the service life.
If a bulb fails, you can continue driving moder‐
ately with fog lights. Observe any applicable
country-specific laws.
Do not perform any work on or replace
bulbs on the xenon lights
Work on the xenon light system, including
changing the bulb, must always be performed
by a Service Centre. Otherwise there is a risk
of potentially fatal accidents if work is per‐
formed inexpertly, because of the high electri‐
cal voltages present.◀
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Mobility Replacing parts
Turn indicator
Follow the general information, see page 216.
3. Press the bulb gently into the fitting, turn
anticlockwise and remove.
4. Fit new bulb and bulb holder in the reverse
5. Attach the cover in the wheel arch.
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Replacing parts Mobility
Carefully pull back wheel arch trim, ar‐ Rear lights, replacing the bulbs
row 2.
Follow the general instructions, see page 216.
Turn indicator: 21 watt bulb, P21WLL.
Brake lights: 21 Watt, H21W bulb.
3. Insert new bulb, connect plug and screw Rear lights are designed in LED technology. In
on wheel arch trim. the event of a defect, contact your Service
Turn indicator in exterior mirror Proceed with caution when changing the
Follow the general instructions, see page 216. bulb
Turn indicators in the exterior mirrors are de‐ Proceed with caution and take one step at a
signed in the LED technology. In the event of a time when changing bulbs, otherwise, the rear
defect, contact your Service centre. lights could be damaged.◀
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Mobility Replacing parts
Removing rear light ber sealing ring on the linkage of the cen‐
1. Opening the tailgate. tring is plugged in.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Replacing parts Mobility
row 2, and push firmly. Ensure that the tail Changing rear lights and rear fog lights
light engages in the rubber bearing. 1. Undo both fastenings, arrow 1, and pull the
lamp holder downwards, arrow 2.
Push the cover outwards, following the arrow, 2. Press on the lamp holder. Ensure that both
and remove. fastenings engage on the outside.
3. Put the cover back on and push inwards.
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Mobility Replacing parts
Do not connect chargers to 12 volt sock‐
ets in the vehicle
Do not connect battery chargers to the 12 volt
sockets installed in the vehicle in the factory,
otherwise increased current consumption in
the vehicle could damage the vehicle battery.◀
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Replacing parts Mobility
▷ When making frequent short trips. Plastic tweezers and details of the fuse assign‐
▷ When leaving for periods of longer than ment can be found with the fuses in the boot.
one month.
In the engine compartment
Jump-starting connections 1. Undo the three screws of the cover, ar‐
Recharge the battery only with the engine row 1, with the on-board tool.
stopped, via the jump-starting connections,
see page 229, in the engine compartment.
Chargers developed especially for the vehicle
and attuned to the on-board network can be
obtained from the Service centre.
Power failure
Following a temporary electrical power outage, 2. Pull fastening upwards, arrow 2.
some equipment will have to be reinitialised or 3. Remove cover from the side, arrow 3.
individual settings will need to be updated, for
4. Press on the four fastenings and remove
the lid.
▷ Seat and mirror memory: re-save positions.
▷ Time: update.
▷ Date: update.
▷ Glass Roof: initialise system, see page 48.
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Mobility Replacing parts
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Help in the event of a breakdown Mobility
This chapter describes all standard, national Emergency call not ensured
and special equipment provided in the model For technical reasons, it might not be
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is possible to make an emergency call in highly
therefore also described, for example the se‐ adverse conditions.◀
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions Overview
and systems.
The button is located in the centre console. ▷ SIM card integrated into the vehicle is acti‐
▷ Radio ready state is switched on.
Intelligent emergency call ▷ Emergency call system is functional.
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Mobility Help in the event of a breakdown
Starting assistance
The warning triangle is located in the tailgate.
To open the locks, turn the arrows through Notes
90°. Open the trim panel. If the vehicle battery is discharged, the engine
can be started using two jump leads from an‐
other vehicle’s battery. Use only jump leads
with fully insulated terminal clamps.
First-aid kit
Do not deviate from the procedure described
Note below, as otherwise personal injury could re‐
sult or both vehicles could be damaged.
The longevity of some items is limited.
Check the use-by dates of the contents regu‐
larly and replace any items that have expired.
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Help in the event of a breakdown Mobility
1. Check whether the battery in the other ve‐
hicle shows 12 volts. Specifications are on
the battery.
The battery negative terminal is the body earth
2. Switch off the engine of the donor vehicle. or a special nut.
3. Switch off any electrical systems in both
Connecting the cables
Avoid contact between the vehicle bod‐ 1. Open the cover of the BMW starting assis‐
ies tance connection.
The bodies of the two vehicles must not make 2. Connect a terminal clamp on the positive/+
contact, otherwise there is the risk of a short- jump lead to the positive terminal of the
circuit.◀ battery or the corresponding jump-starting
connection on the donor vehicle.
Jump-starting connections 3. Connect the other terminal clamp to the
Order for connecting battery's positive terminal or to the corre‐
sponding jump-starting connection on the
Connect the jump leads in the correct or‐
vehicle to be started.
der to avoid sparks that could cause injury.◀
4. Connect a terminal clamp on the negative/–
jump lead to the negative terminal of the
battery or the corresponding engine or
body earth connection on the donor vehi‐
5. Connect the second terminal clamp to the
negative terminal of the battery or to a
ground/earth connection on the corre‐
sponding engine or body of the vehicle to
be started.
The jump-starting connection in the engine
compartment serves as the positive battery Starting the engine
terminal. Do not use the spray products sold as starting
Open the cover of the starting assistance con‐ aids.
1. Start the engine of the donor vehicle and
allow it to run for a few minutes at a slightly
increased idle speed.
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Mobility Help in the event of a breakdown
For diesel-engined vehicles to be started: ▷ Do not tow the vehicle with the rear axle
allow the engine of the donor vehicle to run raised, otherwise the steering can turn.
for approx. 10 minutes. ▷ When the engine is not running, there is no
2. Start the engine of the vehicle to be started power assistance and the brake servo is
as normal. out of action. The steering and brakes will
If an initial attempt to start the engine fails, require extra effort to operate.
wait several minutes until the flat battery ▷ Greater steering wheel movements are
has been recharged to a slightly greater necessary.
degree. ▷ The towing vehicle must not be lighter
3. Allow both engines to run for a few mi‐ than the towed vehicle, otherwise it may be
nutes. unable to keep the towed vehicle reliably
4. Disconnect the jump leads in the opposite under control.
order from that in which they were origi‐
nally attached. Towing truck
Check the battery if necessary and have it re‐
With driven rear axle
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Help in the event of a breakdown Mobility
Only have the vehicle transported on a load Only have the vehicle transported on a load
platform. platform.
Do not tow the vehicle using individually Do not raise the vehicle
raised front or rear axles Do not raise the vehicle at the towing eye
Do not tow the BMW using individually raised or by body or suspension components, other‐
front or rear axles, as otherwise the wheels wise it could be damaged.◀
could jam and the transfer gearbox can be
Use the towing eye screwed into the socket at
the front of the vehicle for manoeuvring only.
Do not raise the vehicle
Do not raise the vehicle at the towing eye
Towing other vehicles
or by body or suspension components, other‐
wise it could be damaged.◀
Light towing vehicle
Steptronic transmission: transporting The towing vehicle must not be lighter
your vehicle than the towed vehicle, otherwise it may be
unable to keep the towed vehicle reliably under
Note control.◀
Do not attempt to have your vehicle towed.
Attaching the tow bar/towing rope
Consequently, contact your Service Centre in
the event of a breakdown. Only attach the tow bar or towing rope to
the towing eye. Attaching the towing rope to
Do not tow the vehicle other parts of the vehicle can result in dam‐
Have your vehicle transported on a load age.◀
platform, otherwise damage might result.◀
▷ Switch on the hazard warning lights, de‐
pending on local regulations.
▷ If the vehicle's electrical system has failed,
the vehicle being towed must be made
identifiable to following vehicles, for in‐
stance by placing a notice or the warning
triangle in the rear window.
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Mobility Help in the event of a breakdown
If it is impossible to avoid attaching the tow bar Otherwise the towing eye and the vehicle
at an angle, note the following: could be damaged.◀
▷ Tow bar clearance may be restricted when
cornering. Thread for towing eye
▷ The tow bar will generate lateral forces if it
is attached offset.
Towing rope
Ensure that the towing rope is taut when the
towing vehicle moves off.
For towing, use nylon ropes or straps, as these
will help to avoid sudden tensile loads.
Manual gearbox
The towing eye is located in the on-board tool‐ If possible, do not tow-start the vehicle but
kit under the boot floor. To open, lift narrow start the engine using starting assistance, see
flap. page 228. Only tow-start when the engine is
cold if your vehicle has a catalytic converter.
Towing eye, information on use
1. Switching on hazard warning lights, please
▷ Use only the towing eye supplied observe country-specific regulations.
with the vehicle, and make sure that
2. Ignition, see page 67, on.
it is screwed in fully and is tight.
3. Insert 3rd gear.
▷ Only use the towing eye for towing on nor‐
mal roads (in other words not off-road). 4. Tow-start with the clutch depressed and
release the clutch slowly. Depress the
clutch again immediately after the engine
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Help in the event of a breakdown Mobility
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Mobility General care
General care
Vehicle equipment cle for sustained periods and maintain a dis‐
tance of at least 30 cm, 12 in. This applies to
This chapter describes all standard, national systems such as Park Distance Control.◀
and special equipment provided in the model
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
Automatic car washes.
therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and systems. ▷ Textile car washes or systems using soft
brushes are preferable, to avoid damage to
the paintwork.
Washing the car ▷ Make sure the wheels and tyres are not
damaged by the conveying mechanism.
General ▷ Fold in the exterior mirrors, as they could
Regularly remove foreign bodied, for example, otherwise sustain damage due to the vehi‐
leaves, with the bonnet opened in the area be‐ cle's width.
neath with windscreen. ▷ Deactivate the rain sensor, see page 73, to
Especially in winter, wash the car more fre‐ avoid unintentional operation of the wipers.
quently. Very high levels of dirt and spreading ▷ In some instances, depending on the inte‐
salt can cause damage to the car. rior movement detector of the alarm sys‐
tem, a false alarm may be triggered. Ob‐
Information serve the information on avoiding false
Steam-jet cleaners or high-pressure alarms, see page 44.
cleaners Guide rails in car washes
If you use steam-jet cleaners or high-pressure Avoid car washes where the guide rails
cleaners, make sure you maintain an adequate are higher than 10 cm, 4 in otherwise the car
distance and a maximum temperature of body may be damaged.◀
60 ℃/140 ℉.
With the glass roof keep a distance of at least Entering a car wash
80 cm, approximately 31.5 inches. High-pres‐
Follow the below steps so that the vehicle can
sure jets striking it from close up or with exces‐
be driven into a vehicle wash:
sively high pressure or temperature could
cause damage, or start off a process of long- Manual gearbox:
term damage. 1. Drive into the car wash.
Comply with the instructions for the high-pres‐ 2. Engage idle position.
sure cleaner.◀
3. Stop the engine.
Cleaning sensors/cameras with high- 4. Switch on ignition.
pressure cleaners Steptronic transmission:
Do not direct high-pressure cleaners at the
sensors or cameras on the outside of the vehi‐ 1. Drive into the car wash.
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General care Mobility
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Mobility General care
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
General care Mobility
Clean sensors or cameras using a cloth mois‐
tened with a small amount of a glass-cleaning
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
The section contains the technical data and the
alphabetical index that will lead you to the
desired information in the quickest manner
Technical data
Vehicle equipment therefore also described, for example the se‐
lected special equipment or national version.
This chapter describes all standard, national This also applies to safety-relevant functions
and special equipment provided in the model and systems.
series. Equipment not available in a vehicle is
The technical data and specifications in the the permit documents, on information signs on
Owner's Handbook are indications. The vehi‐ the vehicle or can be requested from the Serv‐
cle-specific data can deviate from this, for ex‐ ice Centre.
ample, due to the selected special equipment, The information in the vehicle documents al‐
national version or country-specific measure‐ ways has priority.
ment method. Detailed values can be found in
The dimensions can vary depending on the or spoiler. The heights can deviate, for exam‐
model version, equipment or country-specific ple, due to the selected special equipment,
measurement method. tyres, loads and chassis design.
The heights specified do not take into account
add-on parts such as a roof aerial, roof railing
Height mm 1416–1434
Length mm 4624
Wheelbase mm 2810
Values in front of the / are for vehicles with
manual gearbox, values after the / are for vehi‐
cles with Steptronic transmission.
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Technical data Reference
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1525/1545
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3363/3407)
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1545/1570
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3407/3462)
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1585/1615
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3495/3561)
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1650/1660
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3638/3660)
320i xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1630/1650
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3594/3638)
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Technical data Reference
328i xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1665/1685
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3671/3715)
335i xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1730 (3814)
tank 90 % full, no optional extras
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1555/1575
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3429/3473)
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1555/1575
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3429/3473)
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1570/1585
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3462/3495)
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Technical data Reference
320d ed
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1570/1585
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3462/3495)
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1615/1635
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3561/3605)
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1685 (3715)
tank 90 % full, no optional extras
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
318d xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1635 (3605)
tank 90 % full, no optional extras
320d xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1650/1660
tank 90 % full, no optional extras (3638/3660)
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Technical data Reference
330d xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1750 (3859)
tank 90 % full, no optional extras
335d xDrive
Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg, 165 lb, load, kg (lb) 1765 (3892)
tank 90 % full, no optional extras
Towing a trailer
Values in front of the / are for vehicles with
manual gearbox, values after the / are for vehi‐
cles with Steptronic transmission.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Technical data Reference
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
320i xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
328i xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
335i xDrive
Trailer loads in accordance with EC operating permit. Details on possible increases can be quer‐
ied at the Service Centre.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Technical data Reference
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
320d ed
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Technical data Reference
318d xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
320d xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Technical data
330d xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
335d xDrive
Towing loads according to EU operating permit. Details on possible increases can be queried at
the Service Centre.
Filling capacities
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Technical data Reference
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Reference Everything from A to Z
Everything from A to Z
A Anti-freeze protection, Automatic transmission, see
washer fluid 75 Steptronic transmission 75
ABS, anti-lock braking sys‐ Anti-lock braking system, AUTO program, air condi‐
tem 126 ABS 126 tioner 154
ACC, Active Cruise Control Anti-theft alarm system, see AUTO program, automatic air
with Stop & Go 132 Alarm system 43 conditioning 156
Acceleration assistant, see Anti-theft system, wheel AUTO program, intensity 156
Launch Control 78 studs 224 Auto Start Stop function 69
Accessories and parts 7 Anti-trap mechanism, Glass Average fuel consumption 92
Activation, airbags 105 Roof 47 Average speed 92
Active Cruise Control with Anti-trap mechanism, win‐ Axle load limit 240
Stop & Go, ACC 132 dows 45 Axle loads, weight 240
Active Protection 124 Aquaplaning 175
Adaptive brake light, see Dy‐ Around the centre con‐ B
namic brake lights 124 sole 14
Adaptive Headlights 98 Around the headlining 15 Backrest contour, see Lum‐
Additives, oil 209 Around the steering wheel 12 bar support 51
Adjust headlights 101 Arrival time 92 Backrest width 51
After washing the car 235 Ashtray 160 Bar for tow-starting/
Age of tyres 199 Attentiveness assistant 124 towing 231
Airbags 103 AUC, automatic air recircula‐ Battery, vehicle 224
Airbags, indicator/warning tion control 157 Being towed, see Tow-start‐
light 104 AUTO intensity 156 ing/towing 230
Airbag switch, see Key switch Automatic air condition‐ Belts, seat belts 52
for front passenger air‐ ing 153 Black ice, see Outside tem‐
bags 105 Automatic air conditioning perature warning 85
Air conditioning 155 with extended functional‐ Block, power windows 46
Air Conditioning 153 ity 155 Blower, see air flow 154
Air distribution, man‐ Automatic air recirculation Blower, see Air flow 157
ual 154, 157 control, AUC 157 BMW Maintenance Sys‐
Air flow, air conditioning 154 Automatic anti-glare control, tem 212
Air flow, automatic air condi‐ see High-beam assis‐ BMW Services, see Owner's
tioning 157 tance 99 Handbook for Navigation,
Air outlets, see Ventila‐ Automatic Cruise Control Entertainment, Communica‐
tion 158 with Stop & Go 132 tion
Air pressure, tyres 198 Automatic driving lights con‐ Bonnet 206
Alarm, false 44 trol 98 Bonus range, ECO PRO 185
Alarm system 43 Automatic locking 43 Boot 162
All-season tyres, see Winter Automatic parking func‐ Boot cover 162
tyres 200 tion 58 Boot, storage space 168
Alternative oil grades 210 Automatic tailgate 38
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Everything from A to Z Reference
Bottle holder, see Cu‐ CD/Multimedia, see Owner's Comfort opening with the re‐
pholder 168 Handbook for Navigation, mote control 35
Brake assist 126 Entertainment, Communica‐ COMFORT program, driving
Brake lights, adaptive 124 tion dynamics 129
Brake lights, dynamic 124 Central key, see Remote con‐ Compressor 202
Braking, information 175 trol 32 Computer, see On-board
Braking safely 175 Central locking system 37 computer 91
Breakdown Assist 227 Central screen, see Control Condensate under the vehi‐
Breakdown service, mobile display 16 cle 176
service 228 Centre armrest 167 Condensation on win‐
Breakdown, wheel Centre console 14 dows 154, 157
change 224 Changes, technical, see Your Condition Based Service,
Brightness of the Control Dis‐ own safety 7 CBS 212
play 94 Changing bulb, rear 221 Configuring drive pro‐
Bulb change, halogen head‐ Charcoal canister 158 gram 130
lights 217 Chassis number, see Vehicle Confirmation signals 43
Bulb change, rear 221 identification number 8 ConnectedDrive, see Owner's
Bulb change, xenon head‐ Check control 81 Handbook for Navigation,
light 219 Checking the oil level elec‐ Entertainment, Communica‐
Button RES 135 tronically 208 tion
Buttons on the steering Child's seats 60 ConnectedDrive services
wheel 12 Child locks 66 Connecting electrical applian‐
Button, start/stop 67 Children, carrying 60 ces 161
Child restraints 60 Contactless closing of tail‐
C Child seat classes, ISOFIX 63 gate 41
Child seat mounting 61 Contactless opening of tail‐
Camera, rear-view cam‐ Child seat mountings, ISO‐ gate 41
era 143 FIX 62 Continuing a journey with a
Cameras, care 237 Chrome parts, care 236 flat tyre 107, 110
Camera, Side View 146 Cigarette lighter 160 Control display 16
Camera, Top View 148 Cleaning displays 237 Control display, settings 93
Car care 235 Clock 86 Controller 16, 17
Care, displays 237 Closing/opening using door Control systems, driving sta‐
Care products 235 lock 37 bility 126
Care, vehicle 235 Closing/opening with remote Coolant 211
Car jack 224 control 35 Coolant level 211
Car key, see Remote con‐ Coasting 188 Coolant temperature 85
trol 32 Coasting in idle 188 Cooling effect, maximum 156
Carpet, care 237 Coat hooks 168 Cooling function 154, 156
Carrying children safely 60 Cockpit 12 Cooling system 211
Car washes 234 Cold start, see Engine Corrosion of brake discs 176
Catalytic converter, see Hot start 68 Cruise Control 138
exhaust system 175 Comfort Access 40 Cruise Control, Active with
CBS, Condition Based Serv‐ Comfort closing with the re‐ Stop & Go 132
ice 212 mote control 36 Cruise Control, see Active
Cruise Control 132
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Reference Everything from A to Z
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Everything from A to Z Reference
ESP, Electronic Stability Pro‐ Front-end collision warning Hazard warning and indicator
gram, see DSC 126 with city braking func‐ lights, see Check control 81
Exhaust system 175 tion 112 Hazard warning lights 227
Expanding the boot 163 Front fog lights 100 Head airbags 103
Extended BMW Online Serv‐ Front head restraints 54 Head Light 98
ices, see Owner's Handbook Front lights 217 Headlight courtesy delay fea‐
for Navigation, Entertain‐ Front neck supports, see ture 98
ment, Communication Head restraints 54 Headlight flasher 72
Exterior mirror, automatically Front passenger airbags, de‐ Headlight lens 216
dimming 58 activating/activating 105 Headlights 217
Exterior mirrors 57 Front passenger airbags, Headlights, care 235
External starting 228 light 105 Headlight washer system 72
Eye for securing cable, trailer Fuel 196 Headlining 15
towing 182 Fuel consumption, see Aver‐ Head restraints 49
Eye for towing, see Towing age fuel consumption 92 Head-Up Display 94
eye 232 Fuel filler flap 194 Head-up Display, care 237
Eyes for securing load 177 Fuel gauge 85 Heated rear window 154, 157
Fuel quality 196 Heavy transported load, load‐
F Fuel recommendation 196 ing 177
Fuel tank cap 194 Height, vehicle 240
Failure message, see Check Fuel, tank capacity 254 Help in driving off 130
control 81 Fuse 225 High-beam assistance 99
False alarm 44 High-beam headlights 72
Fastening seat belts, see Seat G Hill Start Assist, see Drive-off
belts 52 assistant 130
Fault displays, see Check Gearbox, manual gearbox 75 Horn 12
control 81 Gearbox, Steptronic trans‐ Hot exhaust system 175
Favourites buttons, iDrive 22 mission 75 HUD Head-Up Display 94
Filler neck for engine oil 209 Gear change, Steptronic
Fine wood, care 236 transmission 76 I
First-aid kit 228 Gearshift, manual gearbox 75
Flat tyre, warning Gearshift, Steptronic trans‐ IBA Integrated Owner's
lamp 107, 109 mission 75 Handbook in vehicle 27
Flooding 175 General driving informa‐ Ice warning, see Outside tem‐
Floor carpet, care 237 tion 174 perature warning 85
Fog lights, replacing the Glare protection 160 Identification number, see Ve‐
bulbs 220 Glass Roof, see Panorama hicle identification num‐
Fold-out position, wiper 74 Glass Roof 46 ber 8
Foot brake 175 Glove box 166 iDrive 16
Foot mats, care 237 Green diesel 196 Ignition key, see Remote con‐
Four-wheel drive 127 trol 32
Front airbags 103 H Ignition off 67
Front-end collision warning Ignition on 67
with braking function 114 Handbrake, see Parking Important considerations 60
brake 71
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Reference Everything from A to Z
Important information regard‐ Interior lights via remote con‐ Laying up, vehicle 237
ing the engine compart‐ trol 36 Leather, care 235
ment 206 Interior movement detec‐ LEDs, light-emitting di‐
Independent ventilation 159 tor 44 odes 216
Indication of a flat Interval display, service re‐ Left-hand traffic, light set‐
tyre 107, 109 quirement 87 ting 101
Indicator and hazard warning ISOFIX child seat mount‐ Light alloy wheels, care 236
lights, see Check control 81 ings 62 Light-emitting diodes,
Indicator lights, see Check LEDs 216
control 81 J Lighter 160
Indicators, see Turn indica‐ Lighting 97
tors 72 Jack mounting points 224 Lighting via remote con‐
Individual air distribu‐ Journey computer 92 trol 36
tion 154, 157 Joystick, Steptronic transmis‐ Lights 97
Individual settings, see Per‐ sion 76 Lights and light bulbs 216
sonal Profile 33 Jump-starting connection, Light switch 97
Inflation pressure, tyres 198 starting assistance 229 LIM button, see Speed limit,
Inflation pressure warning Jump starting, see starting adjustable 122
RPA, tyres 109 assistance 228 Loads 177
Info Display, see On-board Lock, door 37
computer 91 K Locking/unlocking using door
Information 6 lock 37
Information on no passing 89 Key/remote control 32 Locking/unlocking with re‐
Information on speed limit 89 Keyless Go, see Comfort Ac‐ mote control 35
Initialise, Tyre Pressure Moni‐ cess 40 Locking, automatic 43
tor TPM 106 Key memory, see Personal Locking, doors and win‐
Initialising, runflat indicator, Profile 33 dows 66
RPA 109 Key switch for front passen‐ Locking settings 42
Instrument cluster 80 ger airbags 105 Lock, wheel studs 224
Instrument cluster, electronic Kick-down, Steptronic trans‐ Low-beam headlights 97
displays 80 mission 76 Lower back support 51
Instrument cluster switch, see Luggage net 164
Turn indicators 72 L Luggage rack, see Roof
Instrument cluster switch, see rack 178
Wipers 72 Label, run-flat tyres 201 Lumbar support 51
Instrument lighting 101 Lane boundary, warning 119
Integrated key 32 Lane change warning 121 M
Integrated Owner's Lane departure warning 119
Handbook in vehicle 27 Language, on the control dis‐ Maintenance 212
Intelligent emergency play 94 Maintenance require‐
call 227 Lashing eyes, securing ment 212
Intelligent Safety 111 load 177 Maintenance, service require‐
Intensity, AUTO Automatic Lashing straps, securing ment 87
program 156 load 177 Maintenance System
Interior light 101 Launch Control 78 BMW 212
Laying up out of use 237
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Everything from A to Z Reference
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Reference Everything from A to Z
Person warning with city Rear-view mirror, manual- Rim cleaner 236
braking function 117 dim 58 RME, rape seed methyl es‐
Petrol 196 Rear window 39 ter 196
Petrol grade 196 Recirculated-air Roller cover 162
Place for children 60 mode 154, 157 Roller sunblinds 46
Plasters, see First-aid kit 228 Recirculating air filter 158 Rolling away in idle, coast‐
Plastic, care 236 Recirculation, see Recircula‐ ing 188
Pockets in the doors 167 ted-air mode 154, 157 RON petrol grade 196
Power failure 225 Recommended tyre Roof load 240
Power windows 44 makes 200 Roof rack 178
Pressure check, tyres 106 Recycling 214 Rope for tow-starting/
Pressure, tyres 198 Refuelling 194 towing 231
Pressure warning RPA, Remaining distance 86 Route-ahead assistant 187
tyres 109 Remedying punctures 201 RPA runflat indicator 109
Profiles, Personal Profile 33 Remote control/key 32 RSC Runflat System Compo‐
Protection function, Glass Remote control, malfunc‐ nent, see Run-flat tyres 201
Roof 47 tion 36 Rubber parts, care 236
Protection function, win‐ Replacement fuse 225 Runflat indicator RPA 109
dows 45 Replacement of parts 215 Run-flat tyres 201
Puncture, runflat indicator Replacement of wheels/ Running in 174
RPA 109 tyres 200 Running in brake discs 174
Replacing bulbs 216 Running in brake pads 174
R Replacing bulbs, front 217
Replacing parts 215 S
Radio-control key, see Re‐ Replacing the battery, vehicle
mote control 32 battery 224 Safe seated position 49
Radio ready state 68 Replacing the battery, vehicle Safety package, see Active
Radio, see Owner's remote control 33 Protection 124
Handbook for Navigation, Replacing wiper blades 215 Safety switch, windows 46
Entertainment, Communica‐ RES button 135 Safety systems, airbags 103
tion RES button, see Active Saving fuel 183
Radio signals 175 Cruise Control, ACC 132 Saving settings for seat, mir‐
Rain sensor 73 RES button, see Cruise Con‐ ror 56
Range 86 trol 138 Screen, see Control dis‐
Rape seed methyl ester, Reserve warning, see play 16
RME 196 Range 86 Screwdriver, see On-board
Readiness service, see mo‐ Reset, Tyre Pressure Monitor toolkit 215
bile service 228 TPM 106 Screw thread, see Thread for
Rear fog lights 100 Restraint systems for chil‐ towing eye 232
Rear head restraints 55 dren 60 Sealing compound 202
Rear lights 221, 223 Retreaded tyres 200 Seat and mirror memory 56
Rear neck supports, see Head Reuse 214 Seat belt reminder for driver's
restraints 55 Reversing light 221 and front passenger's
Rear-view camera 143 Revolution counter 85 seat 54
Rear-view mirror, automatic- Right-hand traffic, light set‐ Seat belt reminder for rear
dim 58 ting 101 seats 54
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Everything from A to Z Reference
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Reference Everything from A to Z
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 956 728 - X/14
Everything from A to Z Reference
Wiper system 72
Wood, care 236
Wordmatch principle, naviga‐
tion 23
Working in the engine com‐
partment 206
xDrive 127
Xenon light, bulb change 219
Your own safety 7
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