Respiratory System_Case Sheet_Final
Respiratory System_Case Sheet_Final
Respiratory System_Case Sheet_Final
Gender :
Address : Occupation :
To be in chronological order
✦ Sputum ✦ Hemoptysis
✦ Breathlessness ✦ Wheeze
✦ Loss of appetite and weight ✦ Fever
Duration, Onset, Diurnal variation, Aggravating & Relieving Factors, Which time of the day the
cough is present, Character ( like bovine cough, Brassy cough etc), Associated symptoms (like
syncope, chest pain, dyspnoea etc.), Postural variation, whether dry cough or productive cough.
If productive cough, Describe the sputum: Duration, Consistency, Quantity (3 layered sputm if
quantity is more), colour, Postural variation, Blood present or absent, Odour and any other …
First confirm it is actually breathlessness; Duration; Onset it started (sudden, gradual) and
Progress (same grade throughout or improving or worsening); then Grade it. Grade 1 to 4 as per NYHA
criteria; Aggravating Factors; Relieving factors; Orthopnea and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea;
Platypnea and Trepopnea; associated symptoms like bluish discolouration of the lips, finger tips etc.
Chest Pain:
Duration; Onset; Site; Type or Character (Pricking, Burning, Dull aching etc); Continuous or Intermittent;
Aggravating Factors; Relieving factors; Radiation of the pain; Associated features like sweating,
palpitation and any other points.
How Started, Progress, Treatment taken & Response to Treatment, Present Condition &
Other Symptoms:
1. H/o. Fever / Loss of Weight / Loss of Appetite.
2. H/o. Dysphagia / Hoarseness of Voice / Puffiness of Face / Fullness of Neck
3. H/o. swelling of feet / Oliguira / Distention of Abdomen
✦ Hypertension
✦ Bronchial Asthma
Diet: Vegetarian/ Non vegetarian (actually we need to ask their full diet, because the term Vegetarian/
Non vegetarian may not give us the correct details.
Alcohol: How much and how long?; type of alcoholic beverage? etc
History of exposure to sexually Transmitted Diseases; Extra Marital relationships, Intra Venous drug use
Family History:
o Married or not:
Family history of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Tuberculosis, Dyslipidemia, Congenital illnesses etc.
After the full history, try to analyse the symptoms and think about the various diseases that
can occur in this particular patient. Try to write down the differential diagnosis at this stage
Step 1: What are the systems involved?
Step 2: Try to classify the diseases......Congenital, Traumatic, Infective(viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal
etc) Inflammatory, Degenerative, malignant, others....and try to name the disease...
General Examination:
(Exam the patient from Head to Foot and look for abnormalities.)
Eyes....Conjunctiva, Cornea, pupils and others for pallor of Conjunctiva, Jaundice, Arcus Senilis, KF Ring,
and others.
Oral cavity (Mouth)...lips, inner side of cheeks, angle of the mouth, tongue, soft and hard palate, uvula
and others
o Anemia, Jaundice, Clubbing, Pitting pedal oedema, rashes over the skin etc.
Vital Signs:
Pulse: Rate, Rhythm, Volume, Character, Condition of the vessel wall, all peripheral Pulses felt or not,
both radials equally felt or not, Radio Femoral Delay
Blood Pressure: Lying and Standing; both upper limbs and at least in one of the lower limbs.
✦ Empyema Necessitans
o Confirm the tracheal position
o Movements of the chest wall (equal on both sides or not, upper lobes, lower lobes)
o Measurements
o Anteroposterior & Transverse Diameter
o Spinoscapular distance
o Intercostal Spaces (Tenderness)
o Tender Rib (Fracture rib, Osteomyelitis, Secondaries, etc.)
o Sternal Tenderness (Leukemia)
o Vertebral Tenderness (Pott’s Spine, Secondaries, etc.)
o Dilated Veins Over Chest Wall
o Direction of Flow
o Vocal Fremitus
o Tactile Fremitus (Palpable Rales)
Note: Follow the three cardinal rules of percussion
The chest needs to be divided into various areas (follow the steps given below)
✦ Kronig’s isthmus ✦ Kronig’s Isthmus
✦ Infraclavicular ✦ Infraclavicular
✦ Mammary ✦ Mammary
✦ Axillary ✦ Axillary
o Breath Sounds
o Intensity (compare both sides)
o Character ( Vesicular, Broncho vesicular or Bronchial)
If bronchial,
- Tubular, Cavernous, or Amphoric
o Adventitious Sounds
o Crepitations – Fine / Coarse
▪ Inspiratory
▪ Rhonchi - High Pitch / Low Pitch
▪ Monophonic / Polyphonic
o Vocal Resonance
o Whispering Pectoriloquy
o Bronchophony
o Egophony
o Succussion Splash
o Coin Sound Test
✦ Scratch Test
✦ Click Sound
✦ “D’ Espine Sign
✦ Post Tussive Suction
✦ Post Tussive Rales
✦ Hamman’s Sign
✦ Ewart’s Sign
Examination of other systems:
Differential Diagnosis:
Final Diagnosis:
Note: The following components need to be included in the diagnosis
✦ Pathological {General, Special}
✦ Anatomical
✦ Etiological Diagnosis
✦ T.B. Fibrosis ✦ Pneumothorax
✦ Fibrothorax ✦ Collapse
✦ Bronchiectasis Obstruction