Energy Complex
Energy Complex
Energy Complex
I. Introduction
General relativity (GR) has recently been reformulated as a gauge theory in
terms of spacetime algebra STA [1, 2, 3]. This brings new mathematical tools
to the formulation and analysis of physical problems in GR as well as new ideas
for refining and extending the theory. Those tools and ideas are applied in this
article to long-standing problems about energymomentum localization in GR.
Though many different mathematical formalisms for GR have been proposed,
the “covariant tensor formalism” originally introduced by Einstein is still the
clear favorite in the literature. However, since the seminal paper on gauge theory
by Weyl [6], it has been clear that orthonormal frames called tetrads, or vier-
beins, are essential for incorporating the Dirac equation into GR. This involves
an elaborate “tetrad formalism” that considerably complicates the classical ten-
sor formalism, so it has remained on the fringes of mainstream GR. The “STA
gauge theory formalism” employed in this paper can be regarded as a marriage
of tensors and tetrads that enhances both with new algebraic methods, though
it is recognized as a device to make equations coordinate-free [8]. While the
classical features of GR are incorporated without change into the formalism,
advantages of the new algebraic methods are illustrated in an analysis of ener-
gymomentum tensors. Thus, we have one more way to do GR. However, gauge
theory provides added value to GR with a new way to incorporate a flat space
background and thus interpret GR as a gravitational field theory on Minkowski
spacetime without altering its mathematical content. Indeed, it unmasks the
tetrad formalism as an indirect way to smuggle flat space into GR. The main
purpose of this paper is to show how STA gauge theory provides new insight
into the problem of defining a suitable energymomentum tensor for gravity.
1 electronic mail:[email protected]
To set the stage, let us review some highlights in the troubled history of
energy-momentum conservation in GR. The core of GR is Einstein’s famous
gravitational field equation
∂µ E Tαµ = 0, (3)
(orthonormal) tetrad field are more suitable, because they are essential for in-
corporating the Dirac equation into the theory. This enabled him to define a
split of the form (2) with a new expression for tµα that is a true tensor. Let’s call
it the Møller split. After carefully evaluating its properties and explaining how
it resolves the problematic aspects of alternatives, he declared himself satisfied
with the result. His result has scarcely been noticed in the literature, but we
shall see that there is much to recommend it when formulated in STA gauge
Møller noted, however, that his gravitational energymomentum tensor, though
covariant, is still not unique, because its values can be changed by local Lorentz
rotations (gauge transformations) of the tetrad field. He investigated ways to
make it unique with supplementary conditions, but wisely did not insist on any
of them. Instead he concluded that energy in the gravitational field is not local-
izable, that is, no exact physical meaning can ascribed to “energy content in a
finite part of space.” Einstein came to the same conclusion about his pseudoten-
sor, which he maintained throughout his life as the best available descriptor of
gravitational energymomentum.
The view that gravitational energymomentum and angular momentum con-
servation laws are well-defined only asymptotically seems to be the general con-
sensus of workers in GR today [8, 9], though they recognize that this entails
problematic ambiguities in the detection of gravitational waves. Still, there are
dissenters who argue that the ambiguities can be removed by regarding GR
as field theory on (flat) Minkowski spacetime. In particular, GR has been de-
veloped as the field theory of a spin-2 particle, the graviton [13, 14, 15]. It
is noteworthy that generating a self-consistent gravitational energymomentum
tensor is a key ingredient of that approach.
On quite a different note, Rosen observed that physicists working with GR
invariably have a flat space background in mind, so he elevated the existence of a
flat background to an axiom in his Bimetric general relativity [16]. Later it was
noted that introducing a flat background metric is mathematically equivalent
to the tetrad formulation of GR [17], though it appears to be quite different
conceptually. Indeed, Rosen was most interested in using his Bimetric theory
to generate alternatives to Einstein’s equation (1), especially to eliminate Black
Hole singularities.
Introducing a Minkowski background into GR does not alter its mathemat-
ical content, as is evident in the gauge theory formulation below. Moreover,
it is essential for energymomentum conservation as a consequence of Poincaré
invariance in special relativity, with its unparalleled success in relativistic quan-
tum theory. Indeed, Babak and Grishchuk argue that “the Minkowiski metric
is not an artificially imposed “prior geometry” but a reflection of experimental
facts,” and they employ it to derive a unique gravitational energymomentum
tensor [18] without the deficiences of standard pseudotensors. Though differing
in detail, the present approach supports their general conclusions.
In preparation for the main event, Section II reviews the necessary basics
of spacetime algebra, while Sections III and IV summarize essentials of gauge
theory gravity and its relation to general relativity. In Section IV Einstein’s
gravitational field tensor is given a simple new “unitary” formulation directly
in terms of the curvature tensor without the usual reference to the Ricci tensor.
This greatly simplifies the formulation and analysis of the classic energymo-
mentum complexes, as demonstrated in Section V. Then, the main event in
Section VI presents a stunning simplification in the formulation and analysis of
the energymomentum complex that opens up many new possibilities. This new
canonical energymomentum complex passes an initial test for physical relevance
in Section VII.
Note that the scalar 1 in these equations would be replaced by the identity
matrix if the γµ were Dirac matrices. Thus, (6) is no mere shorthand for matrix
equations but a defining relation of vectors to scalars that encodes spacetime
signature in algebraic form.
The frame {γµ } generates an associative geometric algebra that is isomorphic
to the Dirac algebra. The product γµ γν of two vectors is called the geometric
product. The usual inner product of vectors is defined by
defines a new entity called a bivector (or 2-vector), which can be interpreted as
a directed plane segment representing the plane containing the two vectors.
STA is the real geometric algebra G4 = G(V 4 ) generated by V 4 with real
scalars. A full basis for the algebra is given by the set:
1 {γµ } {γµ ∧ γν } {γµ i} i
1 scalar 4 vectors 6 bivectors 4 trivectors 1 pseudoscalar
grade 0 grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4
where the righthanded unit pseudoscalar
i ≡ γ0 γ1 γ2 γ3 (9)
squares to −1, anticommutes with all odd grade elements and commutes with
even grade elements. Thus, G4 is a graded linear space of dimension 1 + 4 + 6 +
4 + 1 = 23 = 16, and any element M can be expressed as a linear combination
of the 16 basis elements.
A generic element of the STA is called a multivector. Any multivector M
can be expanded into the in the graded forms
M = α + a + F + bi + βi = M k , (10)
It follows for any multivector M in the graded form (10) that the reverse M
given by
= α + a − F − bi + βi .
M (12)
This enables a remarkably simple realization for the classical mathematical con-
cept of duality. The dual of any multivector is obtained by multiplying it by the
pseudoscalar i (or some scalar multiple thereof). Thus, in (10) the trivector bi
is the dual of the vector b. Inner and outer products are related by the duality
dimensions the well-known identities for dot and cross products in ordinary
3D vector algebra. We will need the following identities. For a vector a, the
geometric product is related to inner and outer products by
aB = a · B + a ∧ B . (15)
For vectors a, b, c the most commonly used identity is
a · (b ∧ c) = (a · b)c − (a · c)b = a · b c − a · c b , (16)
where parentheses have been dropped with the understanding that inner prod-
ucts have precedence in ambiguous expressions. The expansion (16) is a special
case of
a · (b ∧ B) = a · b B − b ∧ (a · B) (17)
for grade(B) ≥ 2, and we have a related identity
a · (b · B) = (a ∧ b) · B . (18)
Inner and outer products are very helpful for defining and manipulating
relations among vectors. For example, the entire theory of determinants can be
efficiently developed along the following lines [5]. Let {aj ; j = 1, 2, ..., m} and
{bk ; k = 1, 2, ..., m} be sets of m vectors referred to “row vectors” and “column
vectors” for convenience. The m × m determinant of the matrix {ajk ≡ aj · bk }
is defined by
det (ajk ) = det (aj · ak ) = (am ∧ ... ∧ a2 ∧ a1 ) · (b1 ∧ b2 ∧ . . . ∧ bm ) . (19)
Note how the outer product gives the antisymmetry of the determinant under-
change of any pair of rows or columns, and the inner product gives symmetry
under interchange of all rows with all columns. The standard Laplace expan-
sion for a determinant is an application of the rules (18) and (17); thus, the
expansion with respect to the first row of the determinant specified by vector
a1 is
det (ajk ) = (am ∧ . . . ∧ a2 ) · [a1 · (b1 ∧ b2 ∧ . . . ∧ bm )]
= a11 (am ∧ ... ∧ a2 ) · (b2 ∧ . . . ∧ bm ) (20)
− a12 (am ∧ . . . ∧ a2 ) · (b1 ∧ b3 ∧ . . . ∧ bm ) + a13 . . . .
Now, let {gµ } be a righthanded frame of vectors spanning V 4 , so its pseu-
doscalar is an oriented 4-volume element proportional to the unit pseudoscalar
i, that is
g0 ∧ g1 ∧ g2 ∧ g3 = g i . (21)
In terms of the metric tensor for the frame gµν ≡ gµ · gν , the magnitude g of
the volume is given by the determinant
−g 2 = (g0 ∧ g1 ∧ g2 ∧ g3 )2 = det (gµν )
= (g3 ∧ g2 ∧ g1 ∧ g0 ) · (g0 ∧ g1 ∧ g2 ∧ g3 ) .
This can be evaluated in terms of the gµν by the Laplace expansion (20).
Algebraic manipulations with the frame {gµ } are greatly facilitated by in-
troducing its reciprocal frame {g µ } defined by the conditions
g µ · gν = γ µ · γν = δνµ . (23)
AB = A · B + A × B + A ∧ B, (26)
which should be compared with (15). It is important to note that for bivector
A the commutator product is “grade-preserving” and acts as a “derivation” on
geometric products; that is, for any multivectors M and N , we have
A × M k = A × M k (27)
A × (M N ) = (A × M )N + M (A × N ). (28)
M → M = L M L , (29)
LL = 1 . (30)
III. Gauge Gravity with Coordinate Frames
Our flat space model of spacetime M4 = {x} represents each spacetime point
as a vector x in the Minkowski vector space of special relativity [19]. Let x =
x(x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ) be a parametrization of the points, in some spacetime region, by
an arbitrary set of coordinates {xµ }. Partial derivatives then give a coordinate
frame of tangent vectors to the coordinate curves:
eµ ≡ ∂µ x = . (31)
The inverse of x = x(x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ) is a set of coordinate functions xµ = xµ (x)
determining a coordinate frame of gradient vectors
eµ = xµ (32)
x = xµ γµ and xµ = x · γ µ . (35)
x → x = LxL + c , (36)
where L is a constant rotor. The corresponding inertial frames are then related
by the Lorentz rotation:
Its reciprocal frame is then
gµ = h −1 (eµ ) , (39)
are precisely equivalent to the components of the metric tensor in GR. Whence
the displacement differential dx = dxµ eµ generates the familiar line element
Writing h ≡ det (h), we find from (22) that the squared volume of an arbitrary
frame is given by
Thus, the ratio h−1 of the volume elements for the two metric tensors is a
gravitational invariant independent of the coordinate system. This quantity
plays a prominent role in Rosen’s Bimetric Theory [16].
The second GTG principle is satisfied by introducing a “gauge covariant
derivative” or coderivative, with components Dµ defined, for operating on a
multivector field M = M (x), by
Dµ M = ∂µ M + ωµ × M , (44)
ωµ = ω(gµ ) (45)
Dµ M = ∂µ M . (46)
the connexion must obey the transformation law
D = g µ Dµ , (49)
Dµ gν = ∂µ gν + ωµ · gν . (50)
Dµ gν = Lα
µν gα , (54)
where the Lα µν = g · (Dµ gν ) are the usual coefficients of connexion. And dif-
Dµ g α = −Lα ν
µν g . (55)
D ∧ g µ = D ∧ Dxµ = 0 . (57)
It follows that
D ∧ g µ = g α ∧ Dα g µ = g β ∧ g α Lµαβ = 0 (58)
implies Lµαβ = Lµβα , or equivalently,
Dα gβ = Dβ gα . (59)
Lα 1 αβ
µν = 2 g (∂µ gνβ + ∂ν gµβ − ∂β gµν ) , (60)
which will be recognized as the Christoffel form for the connexion in GR. This
completes our demonstration of equivalence between GTG and GR.
To facilitate subsequent computations, we record a number of useful identi-
ties that follow from the above relations. From (50) we get
2ωµ = g ν ∧ ∂µ gν − g ν ∧ Dµ gν , (61)
g ν ∧ ∂µ gν = gν ∧ ∂µ g ν = g ν ∧ g α gν · ∂µ gα , (62)
g ν ∧ Dµ gν = D ∧ gµ = (Dgνµ ) ∧ g ν . (63)
D · (g −1 gν ) = 0 . (65)
D · g µ = −g αβ Lµαβ = ∂ν (g g µν ) . (66)
Dµ g µ = −Lµµµ g ν = −D ln g = ∂µ g µ + ωµ · g µ . (67)
Dµ (g g µ ) = 0 , (68)
g µ · ωµ = ∂µ g µ + D ln g = ∂µ (g g µ ) . (69)
Experts will recognize that the frame vectors g µ are equivalent to the usual
tetrad variables hµ(α) , as expressed by
where the lower index is placed in parenthesis to indicate that it is not (neces-
sarily) related to the coordinates. Thus, the STA formalism developed here can
be regarded as just another way — perhaps a more elegant, transparent and
efficient way — to treat GR in terms of tetrad variables. However, gauge theory
offers a deeper theoretical advantage, which is manifested by inserting (38) into
(70) to get
R(gµ ∧ gν ) = ∂µ ων − ∂ν ωµ + ωµ × ων (73)
Of course, decomposing this into tensor components Gµν = gµ · G(gν ) and Tµν =
gµ · T (gν ) yields Einstein’s equation in its standard tensor component form (1).
In this paper we are interested only in equations for the gravity field variables
gµ , so we write (72) in the form
and, to make contact with the standard tensor formalism, we use (54) to write
Rµνβ = ωµν · (gβ ∧ g α ) = ∂µ Lα
νβ − ∂ν Lµβ + Lνβ Lµλ − Lµβ Lνλ .
α λ α λ α
We will also make use of the curvature bivector expressed directly in terms of
the coderivative:
Using (17) and (18) to expand the inner product in (81), we get
which will be recognized as equivalent to the standard form (76) for the Einstein
tensor. Thus, expansion of the inner product has split the “unitary” Einstein
tensor into two parts. Let us refer to this as the Ricci split of the Einstein
tensor. We shall see that there are alternative splits that may be more physically
As is well-known, the Bianchi identity implies that the codivergence of the
Einstein tensor vanishes, that is
where the implication D ∧ (g µ ∧ g ν ) = 0 from (57) has been used. From the
antisymmetry of the outer products, it follows that the Bianchi identity can be
written in the instructive form
With the help of (68) we can write the codivergence of Einstein’s tensor in the
alternative form
which shows that it is a symmetrical tensor. With the help of (83), contraction
retrieves the scalar curvature:
α = G · gα = (g ∧ g ) · ωµν = −R .
Gα α µ ν
gR = g(g ν ∧ g µ ) · [g λ ∧ Dν Dµ gλ ]
= g(g ν ∧ g µ ) · [Dν (g λ ∧ Dµ gλ ) − (Dν g λ ) ∧ (Dµ gλ )] (89)
= ∂ν W ν + L ,
gR = g(g ν ∧ g µ ) · [2Dµ ων + ων × ωµ ]
ν (93)
= ∂ν Ŵ + L̂ ,
where the identity (92) is again used to identify Ŵ ≡ 2g(g ν ∧ g µ ) · ων and
Møller’s “effective Lagrangian” has the various forms
Again, rather that calculating the variation of this Lagrangian with respect
to tetrad components as Møller did, we derive the Møller split directly from the
Einstein tensor below.
We are now prepared to derive and elucidate the Einstein split (2) of the
gGβα . The derivation begins by inserting (80) into (81) to get Einstein’s tensor
in the form
Gβ = 12 (g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · [g λ ∧ Dν Dµ gλ ] . (95)
Dν [g(g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν )] = 0 . (99)
follows as an identity.
Alternative forms for Einstein’s tensor E tβα are most easily derived by using
the surprising identity
which is readily verified after it has been discovered. Now equation (100) can
be expanded as follows:
2κg E tβα = g(g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · [(Dν gα ) ∧ g λ ∧ (Dµ gλ ) + gα ∧ (Dν g λ ) ∧ (Dµ gλ )]
= Dα [g(g β ∧ g µ )] · (g λ ∧ Dµ gλ ) + g[(g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · gα ] · [(Dν g λ ) ∧ (Dµ gλ )]
= Dα [g(g β ∧ g µ ) · (g λ ∧ gσ )]Lσµλ + δαβ g(g µ ∧ g ν ) · [(Dν g λ ) ∧ (Dµ gλ )] .
Identifying Einstein’s Lagrangian (90) in the last term, we can put this result
into the form
2κg E tβα = ∂α [g(g β ∧ g µ ) · (g λ ∧ gσ )]Lσµλ + δαβ L
= Lβµλ ∂α (gg µλ ) − Lµµλ ∂α (gg βλ ) + δαβ L ,
This expression for Einstein’s gravitational energymomentum tensor was first
derived by Møller [12].
Møller also derived the following compact expression for Freud’s superpo-
κ E Uαβν = 12 g −1 gασ ∂λ [g 2 (g νσ g βλ − g βσ g νλ )]
= 12 g −1 gασ ∂λ [g 2 (g β ∧ g ν ) · (g σ ∧ g λ )] .
Here, it is an immediate consequence of using identity (103) in (97).
As Møller observed, an obvious variation of this result is a superpotential of
the form
κ L U βνσ = 12 g −1 ∂λ [g 2 (g β ∧ g ν ) · (g σ ∧ g λ )]
= 12 g(g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · (g σ ∧ g λ ∧ Dλ gµ )
This provides an elegant superpotential for the Landau-Lifshitz split (5), where
the total energymomentum tensor can now be put in the form:
The split is then immediately given by the following:
g β
M Uαβ = (g ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · [ 12 (ωµ × ων ) ∧ gα + ων ∧ (ωµ · gα )] . (113)
This expression can be expanded into many terms in agreement with Møller’s
result [12]. However, that will not be done here, as the assorted terms are not
physically informative. The result of greatest physical interest here is the simple
expression (110) for Møller’s superpotential, as its divergence gives Møller’s total
energymomentum tensor according to (109).
The advantages of Møller’s split over Einstein’s split should now be evident.
We have already mentioned Møller’s argument that tetrads are more fundamen-
tal than metric tensors, because they are essential for introducing spinors and
quantum mechanics into GR. Though he never made use of that fact, he did
demonstrate that tetrads enable him to create a new kind of superpotential.
Møller emphasized that his superpotential (110) is a covariant tensor, whereas
Freud’s superpotential (97) is a pseudotensor. Accordingly, he was able to show
that his energymomentum tensor had certain advantages over Einstein’s. His
analysis will not be reviewed here, because GTG introduces a new element that
greatly simplifies and clarifies the theory. That is the subject of the next section.
As Møller discovered by direct calculation, Møller and Einstein splits are
equivalent for some solutions of Einstein’s equation such as Schwarzschild’s. A
general condition for such equivalence is vanishing of the first term on the right
side of (61), and (62) shows that this can be reduced to the equivalent condition
gν · ∂µ gα = gα · ∂µ gν .
VI. Canonical Energymomentum Split and
Inertial Frames
In the preceding section the energymomentum complex was analyzed in terms
of gravity frames {gµ } to make direct contact with the literature in general
relativity and introduce simplifications afforded by the STA formalism. With
that background we can appreciate the ultimate simplification in the following
version of an energymomentum split.
The new split is obtained by using (99) to put (108) and Einstein’s equation
in the form
κU βµ ≡ g(g β ∧ g µ ∧ g ν ) · ων , (115)
Dµ U βµ = ∂µ U βµ + ωµ × U βµ , (116)
T β ≡ ∂µ U βµ = tβ + T β , (119)
∂β T β = ∂β (tβ + T β ) = 0 . (120)
We refer to (119) with the associated definitions (115) and (118) as the canonical
energymomentum split. It is essentially equivalent to the Møller split discussed
in the previous section. However, its formulation is now so simple and its
derivation is so straightforward as to be almost trivial. Consequently, we can
expect its physical implications to be more transparent and easier to analyze.
The most striking and perhaps the most profound feature of the canonical
split is the simple linear relation (115) between the the superpotential, which de-
termines energymomentum density, and the connexion, which determines grav-
itational force. It is a kind of duality between a vector-valued function of a
bivector variable κU βµ and a bivector-valued function of a vector variable ωσ .
The duality relation can be inverted by expanding the right side of (115) to get
which has been expressed as the dual of a vector field H. Solving (121) for the
connexion bivector we obtain
v · Dv = v̇ + ω(v) · v = 0. (125)
For a given gauge, the term −ω(v) · v can be regarded as the gravitational force
on the particle. This force changes with a change in gauge, but the superpoten-
tial and energymomentum tensor change in the same way. Therefore, the local
relation of force to energymomentum is preserved. In other words, with respect
to local energymomentum exchange, all gauges are equivalent. In this sense,
energymomentum is localizable whatever gauge is chosen.
So far, we have not fully exploited the fact that GTG augments GR with
the explicit assumption of a flat spacetime background. As we have already
noted, that entails the existence of distinguished coordinate systems and frames
called inertial coordinates and inertial frames. In others words, for the purpose
of spacetime measurement we can set up a distinguished class of ideal observers
called inertial observers [19, 1]. In contrast to the spacetime history of an inertial
observer, the history of a real observer is “curved” by the ambient gravitational
field. However, with suitable physical measurements and theoretical calculations
the effect of the gravitational field can be ascertained, so an inertial frame can be
determined indirectly. In this respect, GTG is similar to Newtonian mechanics,
where an inertial frame cannot be defined physically without identifying the
ambient forces.
The remainder of this section is devoted to formulation and analysis of con-
servation laws from the “viewpoint of the mythical inertial observer.” It demon-
strates how inertial frames simplify and clarify physical interpretation, especially
for angular momentum.
We begin by expressing the connexion as an explicit function of the γµ :
Note that, according to (42), the metric density g for inertial coordinates is
entirely determined by gauge tensor and given explicitly by g −1 = h = det (h).
Next we introduce an inertial energymomentum superpotential defined by
Ω ν ≡ g h(Ων ) (128)
results from transforming the connexion to the “inertial system.” It follows that
U βµ = h(Uβµ ) . (129)
as advertised.
In strict analogy to (119), from the inertial superpotential Uβµ we obtain an
inertial energymomentum tensor
T β ≡ ∂µ Uβµ . (132)
The relation between the canonical and inertial energymomentum tensors is
obtained by differentiating (129), which gives
∂µ U βµ = h(∂µ Uβµ ) + Uαβµ ∂µ g α . (133)
Accordingly, the canonical and inertial conservation laws are related by
∂µ T β = h[ ∂µ T β ] = 0 . (134)
Of course, the entire canonical conservation law (119) can be recast as “inertial
conservation law” T β = tβ + T β , but we will not bother with explicit definitions
for the “inertial tensors” tβ and T β as we shall not need them. Rather, we
devote the rest of this section to analysing properties of T β . Also, we continue
the practice introduced in the last two paragraphs of denoting inertial quantities
with underbars to distinguish them from their canonical counterparts, though
it is an abuse of our underbar notation for linear operators.
The energymomentum tensor T µ is not generally symmetric. Its transpose
T µ is defined by the condition γ µ · T µ = T µ · γ ν , so from (127) and (129) it
has the specific form
κT µ
= · [γ σ · (Ω σ ∧ γ µ )] = · [Ω µ + (γ σ · Ω σ ) ∧ γ µ )] . (135)
Thus T µ can be calculated directly from the connexion without bothering with
duality. The antisymmetry Uµν = −Uνµ of the superpotential immediately
implies the total energymomentum conservation law in the two equivalent forms
∂µ T µ = 0 ⇐⇒ ·T µ
= 0. (136)
Of course, this ignores the possibility of source singularities, which will be
treated separately.
We start by noting that the trace of the energymomentum tensor is
Tr T µ ≡ γµ · T µ = ∂ν (γµ · Uµν ) = · I , (137)
where, in analogy with (122),
I ≡ 12 (γν ∧ γµ ) · Uµν = γν (γµ · Uµν ) = 2κ−1 γ σ · Ω σ . (138)
Anticipating a connection to gravitational mass, let us tag the vector field I
with the suggestive name inertial vector.
Further physical insight comes from considering angular momentum conser-
vation. To get an angular momentum conservation law, we define a generalized
orbital angular momentum tensor T µ ∧ x at each spacetime point x = xµ γµ .
Noting that
∂µ (T µ ∧ x) = T µ ∧ γµ = ∂ν (Uµν ∧ γµ ),
we identify S µ ≡ Uνµ ∧ γν as an intrinsic spin angular momentum tensor and
define the total angular momentum tensor
Mµ = ∂ν (Uµν ∧ x) = T µ ∧ x + S µ . (139)
Thus we have an angular momentum superpotential Uµν ∧x, from which angular
momentum conservation follows:
∂µ Mµ = 0 . (140)
It is noteworthy that this simple form for the angular momentum conservation
law is unique to the inertial complex, though there an equivalent, but more
complicated, gauge covariant version that we need not explicate.
Of course, spin appears in (139) because T µ is not a symmetric tensor.
(∂ν S ν ) · γ µ = ∂ν (Uσν ∧ γσ ) · γ µ = (T σ ∧ γσ ) · γ µ = T µ − T µ
shows that spin divergence determines the skew symmetric part of T µ . When
∂ν S ν = 0, spin and orbital angular momentum are separately conserved. The
existence of such a general spin conservation law has hitherto gone unnoticed.
Of course, it is a “spin-off” of the superpotential. Indeed, the spin tensor is
completely equivalent to the superpotential, and its interpretation as angular
momentum may make it physically more perspicuous, as we see next.
To clarify the structure of the spin tensor, consider the expansion
κS µ = κUνµ ∧ γν = [(γ ν ∧ γ µ ∧ γ σ ) · Ω σ ] ∧ γν
= [γ ν (γ µ ∧ γ σ ) · Ω σ − γ µ (γ ν ∧ γ σ ) · Ω σ + γ σ (γ ν ∧ γ µ ) · Ω σ ] ∧ γν
= −γ µ ∧ (γ σ · Ω σ ) + γ σ ∧ (γ µ · Ω σ ) (142)
= γ σ · (γ µ ∧ Ω σ ) − γ µ · (γ σ ∧ Ω σ )
= Ω µ + (γ σ · Ω σ ) ∧ γ µ − γ µ · (γ σ ∧ Ω σ ).
Therefore, the spin tensor is directly related to the superpotential and the con-
nexion by
T µ
= · [S µ − 12 (γν ∧ S ν )·γ µ ] . (145)
We could solve (143) for Uνµ as a function of S µ , but that is unnecessary, as we
have already replaced the superpotential by the spin tensor in the significant
physical quantities.
Now let us turn to the formulation of integral conservation laws for inertial
systems. Incorporation of integration theory with differential forms into geo-
metric calculus has been expounded elsewhere [23]. Here we use only a fragment
of the theory for non-null manifolds.
The differential on an m-dimensional submanifold of spacetime is a simple
m-vector dm x tangent to the manifold at the point x, so it can be resolved
into its magnitude | dm x | and its direction, represented by a unit m-vector field
Im = Im (x) on the manifold; thus,
dm x = Im | dm x | . (146)
∂ = Im Im · (149)
is the projection of into the tangent space at each interior point, and at each
boundary point x the unit outward normal n = n(x) is determined by
Im = Im−1 n . (150)
x · γ0 = t ; (151)
` ) = 0 over
Now, integrating the differential conservation law ∂µ T µ = T̀ (
the region M, we obtain the integral conservation law
P (t2 ) − P (t1 ) = dt T (n) | d2 x | . (152)
t1 ∂V(t)
where the energymomentum vector P (t) = P [V(t)] for the region V(t) is defined
P (t) = T (γ 0 ) | d3 x | . (153)
` we can
Introducing the superpotential with T (γ 0 ) = ∂ν U(γ 0 ∧ γ ν ) = Ù(∇),
apply Gauss’ theorem again to express the momentum as a boundary integral:
P (t) = U(n) | d2 x | , (154)
where n = nγ0 = γ0 n−1 is the 3D outward normal. Note that the operator
∇ = γ 0 ∧ is a projection of the 4D vector derivative onto the 3D manifold
V(t), as required for applicability of Gauss’ theorem to a submanifold.
The integral angular momentum conservation laws are derived in exactly
the same way, simply by replacing the energymomentum tensor and its super-
potential by the angular momentum tensor and its superpotential, so the steps
need not be spelled out. The differential conservation laws for charge and other
quantities can likewise be converted to integral conservation laws by analogous
application of Gauss’ theorem.
It should be noted that the total energymomentum vector P defined by (153)
is in perfect accord with special relativity. In particular, a rigid displacement
of the whole system contained in the region M, as defined by the Poincaré
transformation (36), induces the Lorentz rotation
P → P = LP L . (155)
This, of course, is the most general transformation that leaves the flat space
background invariant. Thus, the Poincaré group is the kinematic group of the
Recall from Section III that gauge theory gravity requires that the equations
of physics be invariant under the Position Gauge Group (PGG) and covariant
under the Local Rotation Gauge Group (LRGG). Factoring out the kinematic
Poincaré group (PG), we can identify
are also homogeneous and isotropic, so our analysis of conservation laws readily
generalizes to those cases. This eliminates the objection to GTG that it is does
not allow a closed topology for the universe. That is a subject to be addressed
at another time.
and lν = l · γν . Consequently, the metric tensor has the form gσν = ησν − 2lσ lν ,
and we easily calculate that
gν · ∂µ gσ = gσ · ∂µ gν . (159)
[Recall from the end of Section V that condition (159) implies equivalence of
Møller and Einstein energymomentum complexes. Therefore, our analysis of
Kerr-Schild fields cannot provide grounds to discriminate between them, though
we have seen that Møller’s complex is much to be preferred on theoretical
Continuing our analysis, we find from (158) that
g ν = h(γ ν ) = γ ν − lν l , (160)
h(i) = i , (162)
and from (42) we conclude that g = h = det(h) = 1. Inserting these details into
(157), we obtain a specific form for the Kerr-Schild connexion:
Following [22], with little loss of generality we restrict our considerations to the
case l ∧ (l · l) = 0 even inside matter, so the connexion (163) reduces to the
simple form
Ωµ = ∧ (lµ l) . (164)
` ∧ `l ∧ γ µ ) = ∂ [l · (l ∧ γ µ ∧ γ ν )] ,
κS µ = γ σ · (Ωσ ∧ γ µ ) = `l · ( (166)
T µ ` ∧ `l ∧ γ µ )] = ∂ ∂ [(γ α ∧ l) · (l ∧ γ µ ∧ γ ν )] .
= · S µ = · [`l · ( (167)
ν α
To incorporate further details, we need to evaluate the connexion for the specific
special cases.
To describe spherically-symmetric solutions in an inertial system specified
by the timelike vector γ0 , we introduce the “spacetime split”
xγ0 = x · γ0 + x ∧ γ0 = t + rσ r . (168)
r = |x ∧ γ0 | (169)
is the radial coordinate to the spacetime point x, and the radial direction is
described by
and ϕ = ϕ(r). Inserting this into (164) and replacing γµ with a constant vector
a, we get the connexion in the more explicit form
x · a = a · x = a and x = 4. . (174)
e = −er = − 2 = · e (176)
For the Schwarzschild solution ϕ = M/r, so the connexion has the specific form
Ω(a) = 2a · e er − a ∧ e , (180)
or, equivalently,
Ωµ = 2γµ · e σ r + e ∧ γµ . (181)
Whence we obtain the inertia vector
I = 2κ−1 γ µ · Ωµ = − e. (182)
κ r2
Its divergence is
· I = 2M · er = M δ 3 (x ∧ γ0 ) . (183)
κ r2
This connection with mass is the motivation for the name given to the vector
field I.
Using (127), from (181) we obtain an explicit form for the superpotential:
2M µ
U µν = (γ ∧ γ ν ) · σ r e , (184)
κ r2
and therefrom the energymomentum tensor:
2M µ σ r
T µ = ∂ν U µν = γ · · e = γ µ · γ0 M δ 3 (x ∧ γ0 ) e . (185)
κ r2
Its adjoint is
2M 2M µ σ r
T µ
= · σ r γ µ
· e = γ ·e · . (186)
κ r2 κ r2
This is identical to the expression found by Doran and Lasenby [22]. The spin
tensor has the form
2M µ
S µ = γν ∧ U µν = (γ · σ r ) ∧ e , (187)
κ r2
and its divergence is
2M σ r
∂µ S µ = γν ∧ U µν = · ∧ e = M δ 3 (x ∧ γ0 )γ0 ∧ e , (188)
κ r2
which is equal to γµ ∧ T µ as required. Note that it vanishes outside the origin,
in keeping with symmetry of the gravitational energymomentum tensor.
The energymomentum integral (153) is easily evaluated from (184). For a
sphere with outward normal n = σ r we obtain
P = U (n) | d2 x | = 2
(1 − n)γ0 r2 d2 Ω = M γ0 , (189)
∂V κ r
as required for a point particle with mass M at rest.
The Riessner-Nordstrom solution for the gravitational field of a point charge
at rest differs from the Schwarzschild solution only in the “scalar potential,”
which has the form
M q2
ϕ= − ≡ ϕ1 + ϕ2 . (190)
r κ r2
Consequently, the the connexion (179) is expressible as a superposition
ϕ2 −q 2
Ω2 (a) = (3a · e er − a) ∧ e = (3a · e σ r + e ∧ a) . (192)
r κ r2
Whence we find that the inertia vector vanishes:
I2 = 2κ−1 γ µ · Ω2 (γµ ) = [(3e · σ r + γ µ · (e ∧ γµ )] = 0 , (193)
and the superpotential has the form
U2µν = κ−1 (γ µ ∧ γ ν ) · Ω2 (γλ )γ λ = [3(γ µ ∧ γ ν ) · σ r e + (γ µ ∧ γ ν ) · e] . (194)
However, it is more convenient to use (135) to get
q2 e · a
κT 2 (a) = · Ω2 (a) = · e∧
κ r2 (195)
q 2
e ∧ a − 3e · aσ r
= · .
κ r3
This result agrees with [22], which gives its components such as
q 2 −2σ r q2
κT 0
2 = · = γ0 , (196)
κ r3 4πr2
and shows that it is equivalent to the standard form for the electromagnetic
energymomentum tensor:
µ qσ r
T 2 = − 12 Fγ µ F where F= (197)
is the Coulomb field of the point charge.
Following [22], we can investigate the singularity at the origin by considering
the integral of the total energymomentum tensor T (a) = T 1 (a) + T 2 (a) over a
sphere centered at the origin; thus
2M q2
|d x|T (a) = |d3 x| ·
e · aσ r + 2 3
e ∧ a − 3e · aσ r
κr κ r
2M q2
= − d2 Ω er · e · aσ r + 2 e ∧ a − 3e · aσ r (198)
κ κ r
q2 q2
= M− a · γ0 γ0 + (a ∧ γ0 )γ0 .
κr 3κr
Thus the total energymomentum in the sphere is
P = |d3 x|T 0 = M − γ0 . (199)
As observed in [22], this tells us that the electromagnetic contribution to the
energy is negative, and it vanishes when the integral is extended to infinity.
Therefore, inclusion of the gravitational field has removed the divergent self-
energy of the classical electromagnetic field!
The gauge tensor for Vaidya’s “shining star” solution has the form [22]
µ(t − r)
h(a) = a + a · e+ e+ where e+ = γ0 + er . (200)
This is nearly the same as the the Schwarzschild gauge tensor, so it leads to a
connexion of the same form as (172):
µ a · e
Ω(a) = ∧ e+ · a e+ = µ
∧ e+ , (201)
r r
where µ = e+ ∂t µ was used to kill the derivative of µ in the last step. Conse-
quently, it differentiates to a perfect analog of the Schwarzschild form (181):
Ω2 (γµ ) = 2γµ · e+ σ r + e+ ∧ γµ . (202)
We can skip other details that are similar to the Schwarzschild case. However,
one significant difference is that the energymomentum tensor no longer vanishes
outside the source. Indeed, in analogy to (186) the adjoint tensor has the form
2µ 2∂t µ
T µ
= · σ r γ µ · e+ = − 2 γ µ · e+ e+ . (203)
κ r2 κr
This is identical to the result in [22], which notes that it describes a steady loss
of mass from the source of the gravitational field.
For the Kerr solution we adopt the notation of [22] to write the connexion
(164) in the form
and n = n(x) are determined by Einstein’s equation, which [22] shows can be
reduced (outside the source singularity) to the equations
nσ γ = n = −σ γ n , (210)
Using these results, we can express the Kerr connexion (204) in the explicit form
T 0
= · S 0 = κ−1 M · [−∇γ + (α2 + β 2 )n] . (215)
As defined in (153), the energymomentum vector for a spacelike region V = V(t)
is given by
P = |d x|T =
3 0
| d2 x | êu · S 0 (216)
the expected result. Though the integral is independent of the the region V
as long as it contains the singularity, it is most easily evaluated for an oblate
spheroid with outward unit normal êu , which reflects the symmetry of the source.
Details of the integration are given in [22].
The Inertia vector is given by
Again (except, perhaps, for the factor 2) this is exactly what we expect, and
details of the integration are given in [22] (though the present formulation in-
troduces some simplifications).
The present study of the energymomentum complex for Kerr geometry is
completed by the thorough analysis of the Kerr ring singularity given in [22].
VIII. Conclusions
It took almost a quarter century to identify the superpotential in Einstein’s ener-
gymomentum complex [21], and another quarter century to scope out the range
of alternative superpotentials until Møller realized the unique advantages of a
“tetrad superpotential” [12]. And to this day, Møller’s contribution is generally
overlooked. One reason for the long time lag may be obscurity and complexity
of the tensor and tetrad formulations. We saw in Section V that, with a new
unitary formulation of Einstein’s tensor, STA greatly simplifies and clarifies the
formulation and analysis of superpotentials. Then we saw that the canonical
split of Einstein’s tensor in Section VI brings even greater simplifications and
surprising new insights into the structure of the “energymomentum complex.”
We have seen that the energymomentum superpotential (??) is manifestly
gauge invariant, and it generates an energymomentum conservation law that is
consistent with the requirements of special relativity. Nevertheless, more work is
needed before we can be sure that this is a satisfactory solution to the longstand-
ing problem of energymomentum conservation in general relativity. Though our
application of the “inertial complex” to Kerr-Schild fields provides significant
confirmation, it is not even sufficient to distinguish the canonical complex from
Einstein’s original energymomentum complex. Further tests on solutions on
Einstein’s equation are needed, especially for gravitational radiation and the
new ideas about spin. The effect of local gauge transformations, especially on
physical interpretion, remains to be studied. The gauge can be fixed in many
ways, such as boundary conditions at sources or globally. It remains to be seen
if some gauges have special physical significance.
Finally, it should be observed that the formulation of the canonical energy-
momentum complex in Section V is sufficiently general to include torsion, so
it is immediately applicable to Dirac theory [3], where it raises new questions
about the relation of mass and spin in sources to the gravitational field.
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[17] M. Israelit, “A Gauge-Covariant Bimetric Tetrad Theory of Gravitation
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