The document discusses globalization, defining it as a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments across nations, driven by trade and technology. It outlines various types of globalization, including economic, sociological, political, financial, technological, ecological, geographical, and cultural, each with distinct characteristics and impacts. Additionally, it highlights the factors that have caused globalization, such as migration and the interconnectedness of societies.
The document discusses globalization, defining it as a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments across nations, driven by trade and technology. It outlines various types of globalization, including economic, sociological, political, financial, technological, ecological, geographical, and cultural, each with distinct characteristics and impacts. Additionally, it highlights the factors that have caused globalization, such as migration and the interconnectedness of societies.
The document discusses globalization, defining it as a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments across nations, driven by trade and technology. It outlines various types of globalization, including economic, sociological, political, financial, technological, ecological, geographical, and cultural, each with distinct characteristics and impacts. Additionally, it highlights the factors that have caused globalization, such as migration and the interconnectedness of societies.
The document discusses globalization, defining it as a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments across nations, driven by trade and technology. It outlines various types of globalization, including economic, sociological, political, financial, technological, ecological, geographical, and cultural, each with distinct characteristics and impacts. Additionally, it highlights the factors that have caused globalization, such as migration and the interconnectedness of societies.
REVIEW: 1. A doctor attending to the patients in the emergency room.
2. A scientist finding a cure for
an infectious disease
3. A group of researchers solving
climate change problems REVIEW:
4. A firefighter rescuing people
from a burning building
5. a group of non government
organizations solving violence againts women WORLD MAKER The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Kimchi, Korea Taj Mahal, India United States of America Switzerland China Japan United States of America Paris, France GLOBAL NETWORKS Learning Objectives: 1. Explain Global Networks; 2. Give examples of various activities in one’s daily life that show the concrete causes of globalization; 3. Internalize the effects of globalization in different social units. Trending Question: What comes into your mind where you hear the word GLOBALIZATION? Activity: Craft your group engine!!! What is globalization What are the types of globalization What caused globalization? Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology worldwide. It means international integration. Globalization Refers to the emergence of an international network, belonging to an economic and social system. (Revisitadestica, 2012) It is a powerful force for change in the world today affecting all societies in the planet. It entails movement of capital, free flow of goods and services and expansion of multinational corporation. It is the understanding of the world and teh increased of perception of the world as a whole. Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland was the first person who defined globalization as. “THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD AND THE INCREASED PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD AS A WHOLE” Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King (sociologist) define globalization “ALL THOSE PROCESSES BY WHICH THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD ARE INCORPORATED INTO A SINGLE WORLD SOCIETY” 1. Economic Globalization It is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional and local economies across Companies move their production and capital to the world through an any market that will benefit intensification of cross the company (increase boarder movement of profits and share values) goods, services, ie: Ford has plants in technologies and capital Mexico Coca Cola and Nike are all over the world Economic Globalization Example: Free trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, are examples of economic globalization. Multinational corporations, which operate in two or more countries, play a large role in economic globalization. 2. Sociological Globalization It is a social transformation or process leadign to the achievement of people-centered development. Human centered development concept is offered as an alternative strategy to bring about a more equity development outcome. A growing belief that we are all global citizens & should all be held to the same standards and have the same rigths. Common attitudes and behaviors, morality of capital punishments, role of women in the society, sexual orientation, right to practice religion. 3. Political Globalization It refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism in an emerging transnational state apparatus and the emergence of national and international non-governmental organizations that acts as watchdogs over government. The process by which political decisions and actions are becoming internationally. The growing inter-connections between countries and international organizations. Adoption of Uniform Policies
Eg. European Union, United Nations,
International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organizations, Free Trade, The Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) International Treaties to deal with environmental issues like biodiversity, climate change, or the ozone layer, over fishing of the ocean 4. Financial Globalization It is a collective concept that refers to an increasing global linkages created through cross-border financial flows. Financial integration refers to the an individual country’s linkages to international capital markets. World’s financial systems have become intimately interconnected. - Stock market trading in New York stock exchange can affect Tokyo and Hong Kong- Wave continues in European markets then back to American markets Money Exchange 5. Technological Globalization It is accelerated in large part by technology transmission or the spread of technology borders. Technological revolution has meant the “Global Village” has expanded to everything corner of the globe with growth in travel communication and computer technology, and mobile (smart) phones communications. 6. Ecological Globalization It occurs when ecosystems are constantly exchanging materials through the movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow of water in rivers and the migration of animals across the landscape. the planet must be treated as a single ecological system The world is becoming highly interconnected through the movement of people and the transport of goods locally to globally. ( 7. Geographical Globalization It is defined as the set of processes (economic, social, cultural, technological and institutional) that contributes to the relationships between the societies and individuals around the world. Past = world in terms of 1 country (borders) Present = borderless world with many relationships. 8. Cultural Globalization Refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel. Harmonization of worlds cultures at the expense of distinctly different local cultures We will eventually all listen to the same music, watch same TV, eat same food, have the same values.. Loss of worlds cultural diversity, replaced by primarily Americanized world cultures Major issue for cultures where religion is directly connected to their culture, “western” values can often come into conflict with tradition religious beliefs Factors that caused Globalization 6. MIGRATION It refers to the movement of people from one territory to another for the purpose of taking up residence. Leaving one country to move to another. It is said to be as old as human civilizations and there is clear proof that globalization is inextricably related to it. It is the growing demand for the laborers of teh most capitalist countries precipitated the migration of many families from the unprivileged communities. People are more willing to move between different countries today in search for work (labor). Remittances now play a large role in transfers from developed countries to developing countries. Reasons of Migration Types of Migration INTERNAL MIGRATION - this is defined as the process where migrants look for a new residence within their own country state or continent. EXTERNAL MIGRATION - it means moving to a different country,state or continent for a new residence. IMMigration - Migratio This means moving into another country. The act of people entering and settling in a country or region to which they are not native. Assignment: Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization Give examples of various activities in one's life that show the concrete effect of globalization. References; ges&sxsrf=ACYBGNSU1Ee-XkHo4Z9eaN- bm0EN3R9FFQ:1574599956283&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=elwUvmqR9mLzEM%2 53A%252CssfGP6VNymwa2M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_- kQRNWjqfBZlCGDtlpN9Ji8ScWJj4Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiox7r48YLmAhWVyYsBHWJ uBBIQ9QEwAHoECAoQBg#imgdii=fZeeD0B0u0sZpM:&imgrc=_W3KuMBIwew3cM:&ve t=1