Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
A. Startup 1) Integrator: It is assumed that the circuit is at rest upon startup. The startup conditions consist of a DC input voltage source being turned on. This action has the s-domain equivalent of a step function, 1 . Superposition was used to nd the transfer s function of the integrator stage, see Equation 1. 1 104 s 1 2 104 s
H(s)integrator =
Fig. 1.
A frequency domain and time domain plot of this step response can be seen in gure 2. The bode plot shows a frequency response very similar to an ideal integrators. The time domain plot shows that the integrator will produce a negative ramp. This ramp represents the capacitors integration of the current. The end result is an increasingly negative voltage at the integrator output over time. 2) Schmitt Trigger: Initially, the output of the Schmitt trigger is at the negative rail of the op-amp. This means the threshold voltage, Vth , is negative as well. In order for the comparator output to change state to the positive rail, the voltage at its II. P RINCIPLES OF O PERATION inverting terminal, Vn , must become more negative. The voltage to frequency converter shown in The output of this comparator can be determined by gure 1 consists of three main stages. The rst stage using Equation 4. is an integrator, the second a Schmitt trigger, and the nal stage is an NMOS switch. The input to the circuit is a DC voltage. This input voltage can range V oComparator = Ao (Vth Vn ) (3) from 0.5V to 30V, as tested. A qualitative overview Vs R4 for the operation of this circuit will be divided into = Ao ( Vn ) (4) R4 + R5 three sections. Each stage of the circuit will be examined in each of these sections. An analysis for determining the frequency of oscillation will be The voltage at Vn of the Schmitt Trigger is the presented in a later section. output of the integrator, Vtri .
I. I NTRODUCTION Oltage controlled oscillators, i.e. voltage to frequency converters, are used in a wide range of applications. Some of these applications include audio synthesizers, phase locked loops, digital clocks, function generators, and communication circuits. This paper presents a NMOS switched, two op-amp voltage controlled relaxation oscillator, gure 1. The operation of this circuit will be discussed, as well as a method for deriving an expression for the output frequency as a function of input voltage. Factors affecting the circuits output frequency are discussed, and demonstrated through simulation and experimentation.
H(s)integrator =
0 Magnitude (dB)
150 0
90 2 10
10 Frequency (rad/sec)
x 10
its output state. This will drive the transistor into saturation; which effectively closes the switch. Vn is always equal to Vp in an ideal op-amp. The circuit in gure 1 shows that Vp and Vn of the integrator are equal to 1 Vin ; as determined by the voltage 2 divider network at Vp . Therefore, the current through the switch, id , is twice that owing through R1 . For an input voltage of 1, this equates to a 500A current through R1 , and a 1mA current through R6 . The remaining 500A must come through the capacitor, C1 . This means the current through C1 changes direction when the switch is closed. 3) Integrator: Previous to the switch closing, the current through the capacitor was owing from Vn of the integrator to the output of the integrator. Therefore, a negative voltage developed on the side of the capacitor with respect to the integrator output. After the switch closes, the current changes direction and ows from the output of the integrator to Vn . The output of the integrator will begin to rise from Vth , as it is the integral of the current through the capacitor, see equation 5. vcap = 1 C1 icap dt (5)
Phase (deg)
(b) Integrator Step Response in Time Domain Fig. 2. Time and Frequency Step Response of Integrator
C. Transition of Switch from Closed to Open 1) Schmitt Trigger: The ramping voltage at the output of the integrator will eventually rise to the positive Vth of the Schmitt Trigger. When this voltage becomes more positive than Vth the output of the Schmitt Trigger will go to the negative rail of the op-amp, see equation 4. 2) NMOS Switch: The negative rail voltage at the output of the Schmitt Trigger will cause the NMOS to go into the cutoff region of its operation. This action is equivalent to opening the switch. 3) Integrator: The opening of the switch allows all of the current owing through R1 , to again ow through the C1 . The change in current direction will cause integrators output voltage to ramp down. This behavior is the same as that described in the section on the startup behavior of the integrator. However, the voltage is now ramping down from approximately positive Vth . Eventually, this voltage will reach negative Vth , and the cycle will repeat again. .
3) NMOS Switch: At start up the switch is open. The voltage at its gate is the output voltage of the Schmitt trigger. The condition Vgs > Vt is not met; therefore, the transistor remains in the cutoff region of its operation, i.e. switch is open. B. Transition of Switch from Open to Closed 1) Schmitt Trigger: The input voltage to the inverting terminal of the Schmitt Trigger is the output of the integrator. As seen previously, this voltage is becoming more negative over time. Eventually, the voltage at Vn of the Schmitt Trigger will fall below Vth . This will cause the comparator output to swing to the positive rail, see equation 4. The polarity of Vth will then change from negative to positive. 2) NMOS Switch: The NMOS will be analyzed as an ideal switch, meaning the impedance at its drain is equivalent to that of a short. The condition Vgs > Vt will be met after the comparator changes
1) Circuit oscillates. 2) Op-amps are ideal. 3) Triangle and Square waves are symmetrical. 4) NMOS switch was closed, and is now open. The startup transient of the circuit is not of interest, since it is assumed to be oscillating. Analyzing the circuit using the ideal op-amp model simplies the process of nding the said equation. Real op.. amp limitations such as input impedance, slew rate, and saturation voltages are not taken into account. Fig. 3. SPICE Simulated Voltage Waveforms Assuming symmetrical triangle and square waves also simplify the process of nding the equation, as will be shown. This symmetry implies that the D. Operation Summary time it takes to complete half of these waveforms The following list is a summary of the circuits is equivalent to T . This symmetry also allows us to 2 operation. See gure 3 to view the waveforms analyze the circuit as it transitions from one state to associated with these steps: the next. The circuit could very well be analyzed 1) After startup, the output voltage of the inte- from the point in time when the NMOS switch was open and is closing. However, the opposite grator, Vtri , ramps in the negative direction. 2) When Vtri < Vth , Vout will go from negative condition has been assumed. The assumptions listed above lead to the followto positive rail. ing conditions in the circuit: 3) Vout is at positive rail; therefore, Vth becomes positive. V+ R4 4) The NMOS switch closes when Vout rails = s Vth (0 ) = Vs+ (6) positive. R4 + R5 3 5) Current through the capacitor changes direcV R4 = s (7) Vth (0+ ) = Vs tion. R4 + R5 3 6) Vtri ramps in the positive direction. Vcap (i) = Vcap (0/+ ) = Vth (0 ) (8) 7) When Vtri > Vth , Vout will rail negative. 8) The NMOS switch opens The change in Vth is due to the change in state 9) The current through the capacitor changes of the comparator output, from positive rail to negdirection; causing Vtri to ramp negative. ative rail. However, the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously; therefore its voltage 10) Go to step 2 and Repeat stays the same right after the switch opens. Repeating steps 2 to 10 results in oscillation. The The non-inverting, Vp , and inverting, Vn , inputs periodically produced negative and positive voltage in an ideal op-amp maintain the same voltage. ramps at the output of the integrator results in a Therefore, the voltages at the inputs of the integrator symmetrical triangle wave. The swinging of the in gure 1 are equal, see equation 9. Schmitt Trigger output from negative to positive rail produces a symmetrical square wave, i.e. 50% duty R2 Vin cycle. Vn = Vp = Vin = (9) R2 + R3 2 III. T HEORETICAL A NALYSIS An equation for the relationship between the DC input voltage and output frequency of the circuit shown in gure 1 is now found. In order to nd this equation, four initial assumptions about the circuit are made: Keeping the above assumptions, and observations in mind, it is now possible to get an equation for the relationship between the input voltage and output frequency. A step by step approach will be taken.
1) Find the Current through the Capacitor: The input impedance of an ideal op-amp is innite; therefore, the current through R1 is equivalent to the current through C1 , see equations 10 - 12.
in Vin V2 Vin = R1 2R1
icap =
icap = C1
dv dt dv Vin C1 = dt 2R1
15 Volts(V)
Current is traveling from Vn to the output of the rst op-amp. Therefore, the voltage at the integrator output will be the same as the negative voltage developing across C1 . This explains where the negative sign comes from in the last line of equation 12.
Fig. 4.
3) Frequency: Equation 17 provides a great deal of information about what affects the output frequency. DC input voltage, Vin is linearly propor2) Solve for Time: The time variable, t, in equa- tional to frequency. Also, frequency can be intion 12 can now be solved for. creased by reducing R1 , C1 , and Vth . Placing the Student Version of MATLAB circuit elements values in the expression for f in equation 17 yields the following for the circuit in Vcapf t Vin dv = dt (13) gure 1. 2R1 C1 Vcapi 0 Vin Vin t f= = Vin 250 (18) (14) Vcapf Vcapi = 4 103 2R1 C1 Equation 18 shows that the output frequency will be a multiple of 250Hz. Equation 18 was plotted Vcapf will be approximately equal to Vth (0+ ), in MATLAB. Figure 4 shows that the theoretical the voltage required to change the state of the output frequency is perfectly linear with respect to Schmitt trigger. Vcapi will be equal to Vth (0 ), the voltage input. the initial voltage across the capacitor when the switch opened. Therefore, the left side of last line in IV. SPICE S IMULATION equation 14 is equal to 2Vth . It was stated earlier The circuit in gure 1 was simulated in that the circuit is being analyzed for half the period LT SPICE. Op-amp models for the LM741 were of oscillation; therefore t = T . Substituting these 2 used. A default NMOS component was used to into equation 14 lead to the nal expressions of the model the IRF510 transistor. The frequency of the period and frequency of oscillation. output, and its linearity, were measured for input voltages between 0V to 30V. 2Vth = T = f= Vin T 4R1 C1 (15) A. Waveforms Figure 3 shows voltage waveforms for three (16) points of interest: Vth (blue), Vtri (red), and Vout (black), for a Vin of 1V. This gure also shows how the frequency of the output is determined. The (17) values for the three voltages listed differ from those
obtained with ideal models. This is expected. The Schmitt Trigger output is limited by the saturation voltage of the LM741, in this case 13.8V . Vth is therefore 1 of this, 4.6V . It is also apparent from 3 gure 3 that Vout does not change instantaneously. B. Results Figure 5 shows that as input voltage increases, output frequency changes less and less. Figure 6 shows that the simulated LM741 output deviates up to 60% from theoretical values. The linearity of the VCO is an indicator of its performance. The data for a discrete derivative of the frequency with respect to the input voltage was calculated in SPICE. This data was then exported to MATLAB to perform a linear regression. The result of this operation can be seen in gure 7. The data in gure 7 appears to vary greatly. This variation is due to precision limitations in the frequency difference calculation. It is well known that exceeding the precision for a certain number of bits results in overow, or signed results. The linear regression was performed to correct for these errors. The tted linear regression shows the frequency changes less and less as input voltages increase. This is evident by the negative slope of the red line. C. Discussion The rise and fall time of Vout from positive to negative saturation, and vice versa, introduces a time delay. This is a deviation from ideal operation, see equation 18. This time delay is due to the slew rate of the LM741, .3V . The slew rate can be used to s calculate the time delay per period, see equation 19.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 6.
Vout to reach the voltage required to open the switch. It then takes 44s for Vout to reach the negative rail. These delays occur twice per period. Therefore, the total is approximately the delay value seen in equation 20. The slew rate of the op-amp is the biggest limitation to the linear performance of this VCO. It is clear from the results shown above that s tdelay = 2 27.6V = 184s (19) performance of the simulated circuit is far worse 0.3V 106 than the ideal model. This time delay can be added to the period calculation in equation 17 to nd a closer approximation V. E XPERIMENTAL of the output frequency, see equation 20. A. Materials A B&K Precision power supply was used to 8 4.6V 1k 0.1F supply the input voltages. The input voltage values TSP ICE = + 184s (20) Vin were recorded with a Summit 35 digital multiEquation 20 explains the results seen in gures 5, meter. A Tektronix TDS2004 oscilloscope was used 6, and 7. The delay introduced by the slew rate of to measure the output frequency and capture the the Schmitt Trigger op-amp limits the rate at which input and output waveforms of the circuit. Circuit the NMOS can be switched open or closed. Figure 8 elements consisted of thin lm resistors with a shows that it takes 44s after Vtri crosses Vth for 5% tolerance, mylar capacitor, IRF510 NMOS, and
Student Version of MATLAB
X: 10.01 Y: 124.6
X: 12.48 Y: 96.22
X: 15 Y: 67.27
Fig. 7.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 8.
a Texas Instruments TL082 dual op-amp IC. The TL082 dual op-amp IC was used in order to observe changes in performance due to an increased slew rate. The data sheet for the TL082 reports a slew rate of 13V . s
C. Results and Discussion B. Waveforms The circuit in gure 1 was built and tested at over 200 input voltage values. Experimental waveforms for various input voltages are shown in gure 9. Figure 9(a) shows that the op-amp saturates at 13.5V . Figure 9(d) shows Vth 4.36V . The triangle wave in gure 9(d) overshoots Vth by 80mV . This value is much smaller than those overshoots obtained with a LM741, see gure 8. The decrease in overshoot is due to the increase in slew rate; which translates into quicker switching of the NMOS.
Figure 10 shows a plot of the measured output frequencies over a voltage ranges of 0V to 30V. It is readily apparent that the TL082 performs much better than the simulated LM741. The constant delay in the LM741 circuit was approximated to be 184s. The constant delay and oscillation period for the TL082 circuit can be calculated with equation 21. s 27V = 4.25s 13V 106
tdelay = 2 TExp =
X: 0.5953 Y: 256.8
X: 3.645 Y: 253.6
X: 6.791 Y: 250.2
X: 9.555 Y: 247.3
Input Voltage
X: 15.27 Y: 241.2 X: 19.66 Y: 236.6 X: 23.09 Y: 232.9 X: 29 Y: 226.7
Ideal (Hz)
Experimental (Hz)
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750
258 492 706 902 1082 1247 1400 1542 1674 1797 1911 2023 2119 2214 2303
279 520 782 1000 1279 1556 1796 2023 2293 2523 2766 3012 3268 3526 3770
150 5 10 15 20 25
3 4 5
Fig. 11.
The results for the TL082 more closely match the ideal linear model for this VCO, see equation 17. The linearity of the output can be seen in gure 11. Again, linear regression was used to correct for precision errors in the discrete differences. Figure 11 shows that the TL082 circuit is more linear than the simulated LM741. Table I compares the ideal, SPICE, and experimental results. The results for the LM741 stray further and further away from ideal calculations as the input voltage increases. This is due to the slew rate. The experimental values consistently exceed those calculated for the ideal model. This is due to the difference in the values for Vth , see equation 17. The ideal model assumes saturation at 15V. However, a real op-amp saturates below this. Vth is a ratio of the saturation voltage. It is also worthwhile to not that saturation voltages depend on the voltage supply at the rail of the opamp. Therefore, decreasing power supply voltages of the op-amps in this circuit actually cause a greater output frequency than predicted. It is expected that the experimental error with respect to the ideal model will be much smaller than those calculated for the SPICE simulated LM741.
Student Version of MATLAB
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
VI. C ONCLUSION The analysis of a voltage controlled oscillator, or any circuit, is best done by using the ideal models of components contained in that circuit. This type of analysis makes it easier to understand how the circuit operates. Making reasonable assumptions about the state of the circuit also helps. The ideal model for the op-amp, and assuming the circuit was oscillating, made it possible to derive the expression seen in equation 17. This type of analysis also
makes it easier to identify non-idealities in the circuit. Such non-idealities show up when the circuit is simulated, or built on the bench. In the case of the circuit presented, the main non-ideality was identied as the slew-rate. It was also found that frequency output increases by reducing V th. V th is based on the saturation value of an op-amp; and saturation voltage depends on power supply voltages. This translates into faster frequencies with smaller power supply voltages. When the main limitation to the performance of a circuit is found, only then can a designer choose components with parameters that will more closely match ideal operation of that circuit. This paper has shown this.