Safe Working on UPS Systems and Batteries V2
Safe Working on UPS Systems and Batteries V2
Safe Working on UPS Systems and Batteries V2
Service Manual:
Safe working on UPS Systems and
Service Manual
Safe working on UPS Systems and
The 7 Steps that Saves Lives ....................................... 8 What to do in case of electrical shock .................. 14
1 Prepare for the work ............................................. 8 First aid procedure ................................................. 14
2 Clearly identify the work location and
equipment ............................................................ 8 Safety courses checklist ............................................. 15
3a Disconnect completely....................................... 8
PPE and tool checklist .................................................. 15
3b Secure against re-connection ........................... 8
4 Verify that the installation is dead ..................... 8
Revision History .............................................................. 16
5 Carry out earthing and short-circuiting ............ 9
1/ 16
Introduction Say Yes to Safety, No to
Safety is central to the ABB way of doing things, Unsafe Conditions
both for its own people and for everyone whose
lives and businesses it touches. Every ABB’s employee is empowered everyone to
Promoting safety must be at the heart of a stop! and report unsafe conditions. In ABB all have
company’s culture and commitment. Therefore, a right to work in safe conditions and a
ABB is working hard to achieve best practice and responsibility to report unsafe ones. The same is
demonstrate its continuous drive for highly recommended to Channel Partners.
The aim of this document is to provide guidelines
addressed to the elimination of incidents and
accidents from UPS service operations.
Connec ting, installing, assembling & These works may not be exec uted unless they are tec hnic ally nec essary and justified. When required, additional training
***LIVE WORKING dismantling, maintaining, greasing, and level of c ompetenc e, a spec ific operating instruc tion and spec ial equipment are nec essary. Live work needs pre-
c overing & c leaning approval and authorization by the Manager of the Organisation or LBU.
Class 00 Class 00
≥500V ≥500V
e.g. Work on equipment where other
uninsulated parts are "LIVE" in the
working area
*PROCEDURES USING A GALVANIC SEPARATED POWER SUPPLY as per doc umentation c ontained in the servic e manual
**WORKING IN VICINITY EXPOSED LIVE PARTS: Working within the arc flash boundary and if the arc -flash boundary is unknown, then either working within the Vic inity Zone per EN standards or working within the
“Restric ted Approac h Boundary” per NFPA 70E. [NOTE: work boots shall be EH rated where applic able]
This matrix is an excerpt from PPE-03 Arc-Rated Clothing and PPE in the Code of Practice for Safe Working, and is modified to be specific for ABB UPS product families (Revision 5 - 08/31/2017)
1 An AFRA provides the calculations for incident energy potential at each electrical apparatus, along with the arc-flash boundary to
these apparatuses for the times when covers are removed to expose the internal energized circuit parts or when we intervene on
an electrical circuit by switching it on or off.
Arc-Flash Boundaries: In absence of a formal AFRA, this defines the limit of approach to energized electrical lines, equipment, or
systems where if encroached, a person could receive severe burns if an electrical arc flash were to occur. Therefore, the arc-flash
and associated PPE, identified in each respective column, shall be worn whilst inside this boundary. Please note that these
boundaries were calculated by an Electrically Qualified Person using a standardized methodology based on worst case scenarios .
wearing the proper PPE defined in step “ 1
Prepare for the work”, or observe switching from
a safe distance.
To work in the absence of voltage, 7 safety rules – The Person in Charge of
must be applied. When one of the following part Works (PICW) shall
is missing the situation has to be seen as a “hot” ensure that the
situation. switching is performed
in the proper manner.
– A switching plan shall
1 Prepare for the work be created and
reviewed and the
Complete an on-site Risk Assessment or Job proper PPE that was either defined in the arc
Hazard Analysis. flash risk assessment or determined via the
– Be in possession of a ABB matrix for arc-flash PPE.
clear work order to – If switching is the responsibility of the
execute the work customer, then the PICW shall witness the
– If required, an access switching from a safe distance if present on
or work permit is to be site or engage the person responsible for the
obtained by a person switching to identify the isolation points and
authorized for the specific integrate the PICW with the lockout/tagout.
electrical system and from the person
responsible for the electrical equipment or
system. 3b Secure against re-connection
– Ensure the competence of workers
– Check for proper tools for the Job Secure against reconnection by means of a
– Determine and select the proper arc‐flash Lockout/Tagout procedure to ensure it cannot
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and accidentally become live.
associated protective equipment as defined in – Take care around reversed polarity voltage e.g.
the arc-flash risk assessment or ABB Matrix. Batteries, Capacitors, parallel and back feeds,
– Engage the person responsible for electrical etc.
equipment or system to review single-line, – When securing against re-connection, ensure
schematics, switching plans, etc. that nobody can accidentally switch-on the
– Decide on the appropriate work methods, and equipment and that all sources of supply are
– Initiate the permit to work process secured correctly (Lockout-Tagout)
This may have to be repeated throughout the job: Wear the proper PPE identified in step “ 1 Prepare
– Define the work area via barriers for the work”, and check with a voltage
and barricading and label tester the absence of voltage on all
equipment parts of the system where you are
– Use your senses (site, hearing, working.
and olfactory) to identify Before and after this, the operation of
problem areas. the measurement device must be
– Avoid distractions such as tested.
talking or texting on the phone.
In addition to the “The 7 Steps that Saves Lives”, 1. Switch the UPSs to Static BYP Mode.
there are correct operation procedures and 2. Turn to ON position IA1 (if available) in all the
practices allowing to carry out maintenance and units in the parallel system.
service on a UPS system avoiding danger both for 3. Close the External Maintenance Bypass.
the technician and the system. 4. Load-Off all UPSs.
The main procedures here described are valid 5. Turn to OFF position the Input and Output
both for single unit and parallel system where the Isolators (circuit breakers, switches or fuses),
critical load must be kept supplied. as well as the battery fuses.
6. Wait until the DC Link capacitors are
completely discharged.
Important practices 7. After the work follow procedure “C”.
Manual BYP
Rectifier Input
Manual BYP
Critical Load
Main External
Output Isolator
Manual BYP
Ideal UPS parallel system represented in a state of complete isolation, with the load supplied through the
Maintenance Bypass
VRLA battery
mixture of hydrogen gas which can vent under
overcharging conditions.
Therefore, do not smoke, avoid fire and to
As described in chapter “PPE to be used while introduce sparks in the vicinity of batteries.
operating on UPS systems and battery” live work Prior to handling batteries, dissipate any static
on energized equipment must be avoided charge that may have developed on your body
whenever possible. Operational/business (e.g. by touching a grounded metal object).
continuity should not be justification for work on Avoid the accumulation of potential vented gas
energized equipment. But battery systems are by providing adequate ventilation to the battery
always energized and you cannot de-energize cabinet and room.
stored electrical energy. This means that live work
is unavoidable on certain portions of battery Handling hazards
systems. The individual battery block/cell may weight from
10 up to more than 70 kg. Therefore assure the
Consult always user manual and safety manual use of appropriate lifting and handling
of specific battery for detailed safety, equipment.
operating and maintenance requirements.
1. Never work alone on battery banks. 1. Never work alone on battery banks.
2. Always use voltage rated tools and wear 2. Always use voltage rated tools and wear
appropriate PPE appropriate PPE
3. Visually inspect the battery 3. Turn to off position the battery isolator device
4. Keep dry and free from dust the battery, of the string you are going to replace the
cleaning must be done only with a damp battery block or cell
cotton cloth. 4. Turn to off position the isolator devices (if
5. Read and record the following: present) installed in the inter-cell/block
– Individual cell or block float voltage connections. This will limit the battery voltage
– Cell-to-cell or block-to-block connection in the section where the battery block or cell
resistance has to be replaced.
– Terminal connection resistance (re-torque 5. Remove the faulty battery
the inter-block/cell connectors if the 6. Install the new battery following the same
terminal connection resistance increased recommendations described in section “ A
more than 20% form the value at Safety procedures while installing batteries”.
– Battery resistance, impedance or
– Charging current and voltage
– Ambient temperature in the immediate
battery vicinity
– Keep a logbook to record values, power
outages, discharge tests, etc.
– An autonomy/capacity test can be carried
out once or twice a year
Hazardous Materials and Safety Data Sheets Electrical Gloves and Leather Over-gloves, or
arc rated and “fit for purpose” electrical gloves
Manual Lifting and Handling offering the right dexterity for the specific
Slips, Trips and Same Level Fall Prevention application (e.g. battery clamp tightening) and
that can be used without leather over-gloves
The Seven Steps that Save Lives
Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots
Stop work authority
( Lock-Out Tag-Out equipment
BB735044E199C12581D700350F39.aspx) Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V
Voltage tester (e.g. Fluke T110)
Multimeter and current clump meter
Set of safety measurement cables, leads
and accessories
Phase rotation indicator
Complete set of voltage rated tools
(1000Volts) necessary to screw and
unscrew UPS, power cables, etc.
Oscilloscope with galvanic separation
together with Voltage probes (x100, x10)
and AC and DC current probe
Our support team can be Your after sales team: ABB Power Protection SA
reached in the following ways: Via Luserte Sud 9
Manager 6572 Quartino, Switzerland
For support requests please Zoltan Gal Phone: +41 91 850 2929
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[email protected] David Muntwyler
Emanuele Ravano
The portal is handled by all our Marcello Soldini
Service Support Engineers,
and the access is provided to Training
trained and certified Field Giuseppe Landolfi
Service Engineers. Miodrag Miladinovic
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We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without
prior notice. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible
lack of information in this document.
We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained
therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents in whole or in
parts is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB