Safe Working on UPS Systems and Batteries V2

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Service Manual:
Safe working on UPS Systems and

Copyright© 2018 ABB All rights reserved

ABB Power Protection Product Group

Doc name: Safe Working on Electrical Status of document: Approved
Installation and Battery V2.docx Date: March 9, 2018
Creator: Giuseppe Landolfi Document Type: Service Manual
Issued by: After Sales Dept. Classification: Public

Service Manual
Safe working on UPS Systems and

Contents 6 Provide protection against adjacent live parts

and take special precautions when close to
bare conductors. ................................................. 9
Contents.................................................................................1 7 Complete the permit to work and “Walk the
Permit” .................................................................. 9
Introduction......................................................................... 2
Safety procedures for UPS maintenance and
Description .......................................................................... 2 service .................................................................................. 10
Important practices................................................ 10
Say Yes to Safety, No to Unsafe Conditions ........ 2 A Operation procedure to carry out maintenance
on a system completely isolated or where there
PPE to be used while operating on UPS systems is no redundancy ............................................... 10
and battery .......................................................................... 3 B Operation procedure to carry out maintenance
Live working .............................................................. 3 on a UPS unit in a parallel system with
Diagnostic measurement on live electrical redundancy ......................................................... 10
installation ................................................................. 3 C Operation procedure to reactivate the system
Undertaking procedures to achieve safe working after carrying out maintenance on a completely
..................................................................................... 3 isolated system or where there is no
Troubleshooting procedures using the redundancy ......................................................... 10
galvanically isolated power supply ........................ 3 D Operation procedure to reactivate the system
Working in vicinity of exposed live parts .............. 3 after carrying out maintenance on a UPS unit in
Working in dead condition and without arc flash a parallel system with redundancy .................. 11
hazard ......................................................................... 3
Working on battery ................................................... 3 Safety procedures with VRLA battery ...................12
ABB Electrical Safety Matrix working with UPS Battery hazards ....................................................... 12
and battery ................................................................ 5 Electrical hazards ........................................ 12
Specification A .................................................. 6 Chemical hazards ........................................ 12
Specification B .................................................. 6 Fire, explosion and heat hazards .............. 12
Specification C .................................................. 6 Handling hazards ......................................... 12
Specification D .................................................. 6 A Safety procedures while installing batteries .. 12
Specification E .................................................. 6 B Safety procedures while maintaining VRLA
Additional notes: .............................................. 7 batteries ............................................................. 13
Recommendations: .......................................... 7 C Safety procedures while repairing batteries
Arch-flash boundaries...................................... 7 (replacement)..................................................... 13

The 7 Steps that Saves Lives ....................................... 8 What to do in case of electrical shock .................. 14
1 Prepare for the work ............................................. 8 First aid procedure ................................................. 14
2 Clearly identify the work location and
equipment ............................................................ 8 Safety courses checklist ............................................. 15
3a Disconnect completely....................................... 8
PPE and tool checklist .................................................. 15
3b Secure against re-connection ........................... 8
4 Verify that the installation is dead ..................... 8
Revision History .............................................................. 16
5 Carry out earthing and short-circuiting ............ 9
1/ 16
Introduction Say Yes to Safety, No to
Safety is central to the ABB way of doing things, Unsafe Conditions
both for its own people and for everyone whose
lives and businesses it touches. Every ABB’s employee is empowered everyone to
Promoting safety must be at the heart of a stop! and report unsafe conditions. In ABB all have
company’s culture and commitment. Therefore, a right to work in safe conditions and a
ABB is working hard to achieve best practice and responsibility to report unsafe ones. The same is
demonstrate its continuous drive for highly recommended to Channel Partners.

When working on electrical installations, UPS

units and battery safety rules and procedures
must be observed.

The aim of this document is to provide guidelines
addressed to the elimination of incidents and
accidents from UPS service operations.

 The rules and suggestion in this document are

mainly based on the European Standard EN
50110, and are only indicative. Refer always to
the normative and law present in your

 All the action described in this document

must be carried out by qualified and
authorized personnel.
Keep unauthorized personnel away from the
activities described in this document

ABB’s personnel must attend general safety

courses (such as
functions/service/service-safety) before
participating in a UPS Service Trainings as during
this trainings only specific safety topics for UPS
are covered. The same is highly recommended to
Channel Partners.


PPE to be used while Undertaking procedures to achieve
safe working
operating on UPS
During all the procedures and activities to achieve
systems and battery safe working (e.g. The 7 Steps that Save Lives) it is
required to wear the correct PPE according to the
All the Field Service Engineers (FSE) who specification of the electrical installation (see “ABB
undertake work at low voltage shall be protected Electrical Safety Matrix working with UPS and
to a minimum standard in respect of battery”).
– arc flash hazard Only once the system is proven dead, locked,
– electrocution hazard tagged and if necessary earthed all higher level of
– battery hazards (gas emission, acid, fire, heat PPE can be removed. The FSE can then wear only
and explosion) the minimum necessary PPE.
from the moment that they are in the course of
their employment until they have completed the
work for the day or shift.
Troubleshooting procedures using
the galvanically isolated power
Prior to deployment to a worksite and as part of
the initial risk assessment process, the electrical
system parameters (voltage, max current and
short circuit current) as well as the hazards must The output specification of the galvanically
be evaluated to determine the appropriate PPE isolated power supply are 345Vdc or 230Vac with a
(Personal Protection Equipment) that will be maximum current of about 3A. Therefore during all
needed on site to carry out the required work. the procedures and activities executed supplying
Hierarchy of controls applies in all cases with the UPS with the galvanically separated power
greater emphasis on risk prevention measures supply the “Specification B” must be followed.
over protection measures.

 The selection of the PPE shall be as per local

Working in vicinity of exposed live
policies and rules. This means that where parts
local legal requirements or customer
standards are higher than what is described If working on equipment where other uninsulated
in this document and other relevant parts (e.g. maintenance bypass, battery) are live in
documents in the service manual, then that the working area within the arc flash boundary and
higher standard shall be followed. if the arc-flash boundary of the live parts is
unknown, then it is required to wear the correct
PPE according to the specification of the exposed
Live working live parts (see “ABB Electrical Safety Matrix
working with UPS and battery”).
FSE may not work on energized equipment
unless it is technically necessary.
When required, additional training and level of
Working in dead condition and
competence, as well as a specific operating without arc flash hazard
instruction and special equipment (not covered
by this document) are necessary. While working on equipment where there is no
electrical risk and where the electrical supply has
been physically isolated is considered to be safe, it
Diagnostic measurement on live is still needed to wear basic arc-flash work-wear as
electrical installation per “Specification A”.

During all the activities of diagnostic

Working on battery
measurement on live electrical installation,
including UPS and battery, it is required to wear
Keep in mind a single VRLA battery block of 7Ah
the correct PPE according to the specification of
the electrical installation (see “ABB Electrical can provide a max current up to more than 100A
Safety Matrix working with UPS and battery”). for short time with a much higher short circuit
current, and that in a UPS system we can have
battery strings in parallel composed of 40 or more


battery blocks in series.

If between the point where the FSE is working

and the battery there isn’t any device to limit the
overcurrent or the short circuit current then the
PPE shall be selected according to the battery
specifications and the “ABB Electrical Safety
Matrix working with UPS and battery”.
When required the following should be also used:
– rubber apron to protect clothes and bodies
against acid hazards
– other chemical PPE (such us portable
eyewash, spill kit and fire extinguisher class

Example: as example we can take the following

battery specifications and configuration:
– 1 strings x ( 48 blocks x 90Ah )
– 633 VDC when fully charged
– max current (1sec) 598A
– short circuit current 2258A
In this example the clothing and equipment
described in “Specification E” are needed if
working directly on the battery string.


 energy storage, the energy stored in the
ABB Electrical Safety Matrix
capacitors on input and output filter as well as
working with UPS and battery in the DC link.
W = ½ * C * U2
This matrix is designed for the selection of arc- W = energy stored - or work done in
rated clothing and electrical PPE in the event establishing the electric field (joules, J)
that the electrical installation has not undergone C = capacitance (farad, F, µF)
a formal Arc-Flash Risk Assessment (AFRA) 1. V = potential difference (voltage, V)
The ABB electrical safety matrix highlights three Example:
main specifications about the electrical W = ½ * 400 * 10-6 * 3602 = 23 [J]
installation: in theory, if this energy is dissipated within 5 μ
 voltage, valid for AC and DC (phase to phase s the potential power generated can be
and positive to negative pole of the battery calculated as
string) P = 23 / (5 * 10-6) = 4.6 [kW]
 amperage, the current carrying capacity of
the upstream overcurrent breaker (or other
devices) on UPS AC and battery input.
 short circuit current, the maximum
perspective fault current which the circuit
breaker or protection device can clear and
still remain serviceable.
Voltage: valid for AC and DC (on UPS input, ≤30V >30 ….480V >30V … 480V >480V…<1000V ≥1 kV … ≤7 kV
output, battery and internal circuits) and and or or or
Upstream overcurrent breaker, or other devices ≤16 A ≤16 A >16 A … ≤63 A >63 A … <200 A >200 A
(on UPS AC and battery input) and and or or or
Short circuit current Isc ≤ 1 kA Isc ≤1 kA Isc >1 kA … ≤7 kA Isc >7 kA … <15 kA Isc >15 kA
Energy Storage or or or or
(eg. Capacitors W= 1/2 *C*U² ) ≤ 10 kJ >10 kJ ≤ 150 kJ ≤ 300 kJ
Properties of the protec tive garments
ABB's Minimum One Layer One Layer Multilayer ATPV ≥8c al/c m²
Worn as Multilayer mandatory
arc -flash workwear: ATPV ≥8c al/c m² ATPV ≥8c al/c m² and ATPV ≥8c al/c m²
NPFA 70E ATPV ≥8c al/c m²
ATPV ≥8c al/c m² Class 1 (IEC) Class 1 (IEC) or ATPV 25c al/c m² Jac ket and
IEC 61482-1-2 and ATPV ≥25c al/c m²
Class 1 (IEC) Category 2 (NFPA 70E) Category 2 (NFPA 70E) Trousers
NOTE: A helmet , visor, and neck NOTE: A helmet , visor, and neck
prot ect or of t he same calorie prot ect or of t he same calorie
TASK ACTIVITIES rat ing can be w orn in lieu of t he rat ing can be w orn in lieu of t he
flash hood. flash hood.

Connec ting, installing, assembling & These works may not be exec uted unless they are tec hnic ally nec essary and justified. When required, additional training
***LIVE WORKING dismantling, maintaining, greasing, and level of c ompetenc e, a spec ific operating instruc tion and spec ial equipment are nec essary. Live work needs pre-
c overing & c leaning approval and authorization by the Manager of the Organisation or LBU.

• Switc h off switc hgear/distribution ≥8cal/cm2

≥25cal/cm2 ≥40cal/cm2
• Identify equipment to be worked on;
• test c irc uits are dead
• isolate and loc k off & tag
• apply earthing and short c irc uiting. ≥8cal/cm2
• protec t against other live parts
NG ≥8cal/cm2 Class 0 ≥7,500V
• switc h on switc hgear /distribution ≥1,000V
• Removing or inserting fuse c artridges 8cal/cm2 ≥8cal/cm 2
whic h are not protec ted against direc t
c ontac t.
• Diagnostic /troubleshooting
POWER SUPPLY ≥8cal/cm2
measurements ≥8cal/cm2 ≥25cal/cm2
• Examination works

Class 00 Class 00
≥500V ≥500V

e.g. Work on equipment where other
uninsulated parts are "LIVE" in the
working area

WORKING IN e.g. work on equipment where there is

***DEAD no elec tric al risk, where the elec tric al Outerwear - ABB's Minimum Standard: Long-Sleeved Shirt and Trousers or Coveralls; ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm² (PPE Category 2 NFPA 7 0E) or (Class 1 (IEC )
CONDITION OR supply has been physic ally isolated and NOTE: Where no arc flash hazard exists as determined by risk assessment/study and approved by the PICW*, then the minimum arc-flash workwear is NOT
WITHOUT ARC where there will be no intervention on required.
FLASH HAZARD the elec tric al installation

*PROCEDURES USING A GALVANIC SEPARATED POWER SUPPLY as per doc umentation c ontained in the servic e manual
**WORKING IN VICINITY EXPOSED LIVE PARTS: Working within the arc flash boundary and if the arc -flash boundary is unknown, then either working within the Vic inity Zone per EN standards or working within the
“Restric ted Approac h Boundary” per NFPA 70E. [NOTE: work boots shall be EH rated where applic able]
This matrix is an excerpt from PPE-03 Arc-Rated Clothing and PPE in the Code of Practice for Safe Working, and is modified to be specific for ABB UPS product families (Revision 5 - 08/31/2017)

1 An AFRA provides the calculations for incident energy potential at each electrical apparatus, along with the arc-flash boundary to
these apparatuses for the times when covers are removed to expose the internal energized circuit parts or when we intervene on
an electrical circuit by switching it on or off.


Specification A – Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots
Outerwear: – Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V
– Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV (Arc Thermal
Protective Value) rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE Specification D
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)] Underwear:
– Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE – Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²]
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or [Class 1 (IEC)] [PPE Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
PPE: – Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE
– Safety Glasses Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
– Arc-Rated or Leather Gloves where required Outerwear:
(must provide also acid protection when – Coverall or jacket and trousers: ATPV rating of
working with batteries) ≥8cal/cm² [PPE Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class
– Work Boots (EH Rated where applicable) 1 (IEC)]
– Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V – Neck Protector or Flash Hood: ATPV rating of
where required ≥25cal/cm²
Specification B – Safety Glasses
Outerwear: – Voltage-Rated Helmet and Visor ATPV
– Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV (Arc Thermal ≥25cal/cm², or Above Flash Hood ATPV
Protective Value) rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE ≥25cal/cm²
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)] – Ear Defenders
– Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE – Electrical Gloves Class 0 = 1,000V and Leather
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or [Class 1 (IEC)] Over-gloves, or arc rated and “fit for purpose”
PPE: electrical gloves offering the right dexterity for
– Safety Glasses the specific application (e.g. battery clamp
– Voltage-Rated Helmet and Visor minimum tightening) and that can be used without
(8cal/cm²) and Balaclava or Neck Protector: leather over-gloves (must provide also acid
ARC/FR minimum where required] protection when working with batteries).
– Electrical Gloves Class 00 = 500V and Leather – Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots
Over-gloves, or arc rated and “fit for purpose” – Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V
electrical gloves offering the right dexterity for
the specific application (e.g. battery clamp Specification E
tightening) and that can be used without Underwear:
leather over-gloves (must provide also acid – Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²]
protection when working with batteries). [PPE Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
– Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots – Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE
– Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
Specification C – Coverall or jacket and trousers: ATPV rating of
Outerwear: ≥25cal/cm² [PPE Category 3 (NFPA 70E) or
– Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV (Arc Thermal Class 2 (IEC)]
Protective Value) rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE – Neck Protector or Flash Hood: ATPV rating of
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)] ≥40cal/cm²
– Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE PPE:
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or [Class 1 (IEC)] – Safety Glasses
– Balaclava or Neck Protector: ATPV rating of – Voltage-Rated Helmet and Visor ATPV
≥8cal/cm² ≥25cal/cm² and Balaclava, or Above Flash
PPE: Hood ATPV ≥25cal/cm²
– Safety Glasses – Ear Defenders
– Voltage-Rated Helmet and Visor minimum – Electrical Gloves Class 1 = 7,500V and Leather
ATPV (8cal/cm²) Over-gloves, or arc rated and “fit for purpose”
– Ear Defenders electrical gloves offering the right dexterity for
– ARC Visor minimum (8cal/cm²) the specific application (e.g. battery clamp
– Electrical Gloves Class 00 = 500V and Leather tightening) and that can be used without
Over-gloves, or arc rated and “fit for purpose” leather over-gloves (must provide also acid
electrical gloves offering the right dexterity for protection when working with batteries).
the specific application (e.g. battery clamp – Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots
tightening) and that can be used without – Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V
leather over-gloves (must provide also acid
protection when working with batteries).


Additional notes: Recommendations:
– For switching where touch or step potentials  Field Service Engineers shall ensure that all
are not likely, voltage rated gloves may be personal metal objects (rings, watches, etc.)
replaced with ARC Protection Gloves equal or are removed and that NO synthetic underwear
greater than the incident risk. shall be worn, it must be of natural fiber such
– Here an example of arc rated and “fit for as Cotton or Wool or Flame
purpose” electrical gloves which can be used Resistant/Retardant material.
without leather over-glove as they have been
combined with a mechanically more resistant
Arch-flash boundaries
material: Arc-flash boundaries 2 for those who are
electrically competent to work on energized
Gloves/ELECTROSOFT_COMPOSITE.aspx?site electrical apparatuses or in the vicinity of them
=/europe&LangType=1033 need to be verified by the Person In Charge of
– Outerwear in specifications B and C can also
Work (PICW) as a part of the on-site Risk
be Coveralls with ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm² Assessment (RA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and
PPE Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC ). demarked with danger tape or barricaded when
– For any instances where the incident energy is
the arc-flash boundary exceeds the shock
known or suspected to be greater than 40 protection boundaries.
cal/cm2, other control measures must be
identified (alternative isolation points, remote
switching, etc.). Working at any known
incident energy levels >40 cal/cm2 is strictly
prohibited for ABB’s personnel!
– This matrix is intended for situations where
work is carried out on equipment with
encapsulated live parts and up to a nominal
voltage of 7kV. E.g. metal clad switchgears,
distribution boards, control equipment, bus
ducts, motors, UPS systems, etc. For voltages
above 40kV or AIS equipment located outside,
other methods of risk assessments must be

Arc-Flash Boundaries: In absence of a formal AFRA, this defines the limit of approach to energized electrical lines, equipment, or
systems where if encroached, a person could receive severe burns if an electrical arc flash were to occur. Therefore, the arc-flash
and associated PPE, identified in each respective column, shall be worn whilst inside this boundary. Please note that these
boundaries were calculated by an Electrically Qualified Person using a standardized methodology based on worst case scenarios .


The 7 Steps that Saves 3a Disconnect completely
Perform switching, when required and only while

wearing the proper PPE defined in step “ 1
Prepare for the work”, or observe switching from
a safe distance.
To work in the absence of voltage, 7 safety rules – The Person in Charge of
must be applied. When one of the following part Works (PICW) shall
is missing the situation has to be seen as a “hot” ensure that the
situation. switching is performed
in the proper manner.
– A switching plan shall
1 Prepare for the work be created and
reviewed and the
Complete an on-site Risk Assessment or Job proper PPE that was either defined in the arc
Hazard Analysis. flash risk assessment or determined via the
– Be in possession of a ABB matrix for arc-flash PPE.
clear work order to – If switching is the responsibility of the
execute the work customer, then the PICW shall witness the
– If required, an access switching from a safe distance if present on
or work permit is to be site or engage the person responsible for the
obtained by a person switching to identify the isolation points and
authorized for the specific integrate the PICW with the lockout/tagout.
electrical system and from the person
responsible for the electrical equipment or
system. 3b Secure against re-connection
– Ensure the competence of workers
– Check for proper tools for the Job Secure against reconnection by means of a
– Determine and select the proper arc‐flash Lockout/Tagout procedure to ensure it cannot
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and accidentally become live.
associated protective equipment as defined in – Take care around reversed polarity voltage e.g.
the arc-flash risk assessment or ABB Matrix. Batteries, Capacitors, parallel and back feeds,
– Engage the person responsible for electrical etc.
equipment or system to review single-line, – When securing against re-connection, ensure
schematics, switching plans, etc. that nobody can accidentally switch-on the
– Decide on the appropriate work methods, and equipment and that all sources of supply are
– Initiate the permit to work process secured correctly (Lockout-Tagout)

2 Clearly identify the work location 4 Verify that the installation is

and equipment dead

This may have to be repeated throughout the job: Wear the proper PPE identified in step “ 1 Prepare
– Define the work area via barriers for the work”, and check with a voltage
and barricading and label tester the absence of voltage on all
equipment parts of the system where you are
– Use your senses (site, hearing, working.
and olfactory) to identify Before and after this, the operation of
problem areas. the measurement device must be
– Avoid distractions such as tested.
talking or texting on the phone.


Steps in performing absence of voltage test apply portable equipment for earthing and
Step 1 – probing position short-circuiting.
– start measure: first place the black lead on – If this is carried out by the customer, then the
ground and then red lead on the test point PICW shall ensure that this equipment is
– finish measure: first remove red lead and then properly installed as a part of the
black lead from ground lockout/tagout integration/verification and
during step 7 “ 7 Complete the permit to work
Step 2 – test meter and “Walk the Permit” when the PICW walks
– test the meter on a energized source before the permit with the working group.
and after the absence of voltage check
– the source must be the same type (AC and DC)
of the part to be checked (AC input/output, 6 Provide protection against
DC battery terminals,…) adjacent live parts and take special
Step 3 – ground to phase check precautions when close to bare
– make absolutely sure that the ground point conductors.
used for the test is reliable (if not sure test
that the ground point is connected to the There are situations where potentially live
ground of the electrical installation) equipment can be close enough for contact to
– make sure the test point is not covered by happen accidentally,
insulated material including when you put up
– measure AC phase to ground for all the phases the safety barriers or
Step 4 – neutral to phase check insulated screens designed
 Provides a backup test to ground to phase to protect you.
check – Determine minimum
approach distances,
– make absolutely sure that the neutral point apply screening or shrouding, and when
used for the test is reliable (if not sure test the
applicable, padlock both cable and buss bar
neutral point is connected to the neutral of the
electrical installation)
– If working within the restricted approach
– measure AC phase to neutral for all the phases
boundary or vicinity zone where inadvertent
– measure DC battery positive and negative
movement could cause contact with live parts,
terminal to neutral special precautions shall be employed such as
Step 5 – phase to phase check the use of the properly rated insulated gloves
and tools.
– measure each phase to all other phases
(L1L2, L1L3 L2L3)

Step 6 – ground to neutral check 7 Complete the permit to work and

– measure neutral to ground “Walk the Permit”

Finally, it is now time for the PICW to complete

5 Carry out earthing and short- the permit to work or verify that all sections of
circuiting the PTW are accurately completed.
– Check isolation points
– Ensure all circuits are
All live parts of the work location and system
isolated and secured
must be grounded and short-circuited by using
– Ensure all parties are
the correct earthing equipment.
integrated with the
The earthing and short-
circuiting device should be
– Check the earths are properly applied
visible from the work
– Answer specific questions from the work
location. In low voltage
systems you can avoid the
– Ensure work can proceed without danger
application of that rule if
– Sign the PTW
there is no danger of induced
voltages or power feed-back
(e.g. solar systems,
– Close and lock earthing switch if the electrical
equipment is designed for this purpose or


Safety procedures for A Operation procedure to carry
out maintenance on a system
UPS maintenance and completely isolated or where there
service is no redundancy

In addition to the “The 7 Steps that Saves Lives”, 1. Switch the UPSs to Static BYP Mode.
there are correct operation procedures and 2. Turn to ON position IA1 (if available) in all the
practices allowing to carry out maintenance and units in the parallel system.
service on a UPS system avoiding danger both for 3. Close the External Maintenance Bypass.
the technician and the system. 4. Load-Off all UPSs.
The main procedures here described are valid 5. Turn to OFF position the Input and Output
both for single unit and parallel system where the Isolators (circuit breakers, switches or fuses),
critical load must be kept supplied. as well as the battery fuses.
6. Wait until the DC Link capacitors are
completely discharged.
Important practices 7. After the work follow procedure “C”.

Here some important practices are described:

B Operation procedure to carry
 Operate the UPS Internal Output Isolator (IA2)
and the External Output Isolators (starting
out maintenance on a UPS unit in a
always from the internal to the external) only parallel system with redundancy
when the UPS is Load-Off.
– Where the External Maintenance Bypass and 1. Be sure the remaining UPS units can keep
the External Isolators are not present the supplied the load. If not refer to the above
maintenance is only possible using the Internal procedure “A”.
Manual Bypass. Please note, in that case 2. Load-Off the unit by means of the ON/OFF
you are not working in a completely isolated buttons.
unit. 3. Turn to OFF position the Input and Output
Isolators (circuit breakers, switches or fuses),
 Never leave the Bypass Input Isolator in ON
as well as the battery fuses.
position while the Rectifier Input Isolator and
4. Wait until the DC Link capacitors are
Output Isolator (4 poles) are in OFF position.
completely discharged.
Danger of floating Neutral (refer to Service-
5. After the work follow procedure “D”.
News 13/09 and 04/13).
– Always use the PPE (Personal Protection
Equipment) according to chapter “PPE to be C Operation procedure to
used while operating on UPS systems and
reactivate the system after
– Always follow “The 7 Steps that Saves Lives” carrying out maintenance on a
while carrying out the procedures described in completely isolated system or
this chapter.
where there is no redundancy
– Before connecting the battery to the UPS
verify the polarity.
1. Turn to ON position the Input and External
– During commissioning follow step by step the Output Isolators, as well as the Battery Fuses.
Commissioning Procedure. 2. Wait until the Rectifier Input line 1 is OK
During maintenance follow step by step the (green)
Maintenance Procedure 3. If possible Load-On the UPS and test it leaving
IA2 in OFF position. After the test Load-Off the
4. Close the IA2 and Load-On the relative UPS
(Static BYP Mode). Do it one by one.
5. Turn to OFF position the External Maintenance
Bypass (be sure that the Internal Manual
Bypass are closed in all the units)
6. Turn to OFF position IA1 in all the units
7. Switch the UPSs to Inverter Mode.


D Operation procedure to
reactivate the system after
carrying out maintenance on a UPS
unit in a parallel system with
1. Turn to on position the Input and External
Output Isolator, as well as the Battery Fuses.
2. Wait until the Rectifier Input line 1 is OK
3. If possible Load-On the UPS and test it leaving
IA2 in OFF position. After the test Load-Off the
4. Close the IA2 and Load-On the UPS

External Maintenance Bypass

Bypass Input

Manual BYP
Rectifier Input

Manual BYP
Critical Load
Main External
Output Isolator

Manual BYP

External Output Isolators

External Input Isolators

Ideal UPS parallel system represented in a state of complete isolation, with the load supplied through the
Maintenance Bypass


Safety procedures with Fire, explosion and heat hazards
Lead acid batteries can contain an explosive

VRLA battery
mixture of hydrogen gas which can vent under
overcharging conditions.
Therefore, do not smoke, avoid fire and to
As described in chapter “PPE to be used while introduce sparks in the vicinity of batteries.
operating on UPS systems and battery” live work Prior to handling batteries, dissipate any static
on energized equipment must be avoided charge that may have developed on your body
whenever possible. Operational/business (e.g. by touching a grounded metal object).
continuity should not be justification for work on Avoid the accumulation of potential vented gas
energized equipment. But battery systems are by providing adequate ventilation to the battery
always energized and you cannot de-energize cabinet and room.
stored electrical energy. This means that live work
is unavoidable on certain portions of battery Handling hazards
systems. The individual battery block/cell may weight from
10 up to more than 70 kg. Therefore assure the
 Consult always user manual and safety manual use of appropriate lifting and handling
of specific battery for detailed safety, equipment.
operating and maintenance requirements.

A Safety procedures while

Battery hazards installing batteries
Batteries have many hazards including acid, fire 1. Never work alone on battery banks.
or explosion, electrical shock, arc flash, and heavy 2. Always use voltage rated tools and wear
weight. appropriate PPE
Extreme caution must be exercised especially 3. Batteries are supplied in a fully charged state
when working with batteries enclosed in cabinets and must be handled carefully to avoid very
with limited access. high short-circuit currents between terminals
of opposite polarity.
Electrical hazards 4. Install in a clean, dry and vented area with
Batteries present a risk of electrical shock, high temperature between 20 and 25 °C.
short circuit currents and arc flash. Therefore the 5. Place the blocks or cells on the rack or
following precautions should be observed during enclosure and arrange the positive and the
all the procedures described in this chapter: negative terminals for connection according
– observe circuit polarity to the wiring diagram.
– do not make or break live circuits (e.g. remove 6. Check that all contact surfaces are clean and
a battery block while UPS is charging the apply the block or cell connectors and the
battery, first isolate the battery string) terminal screws.
– assure that the battery is not inadvertently 7. Tighten the nuts or bolts to the recommended
grounded levels of fastening torque indicated on the
– do not lay any metal tool or hardware on the battery user manual.
top of batteries A loose connector can cause problems to the
– use an insulated blanket to cover exposed battery system and/or personal injury.
portions of the battery system (this helps to 8. Follow the polarity to avoid short circuiting of
protect against personal or equipment cell groups
contact with the energized conductors) 9. Omit inter-block/cell connectors to limit the
battery voltage to 100Vdc. These connectors
Chemical hazards should only be fitted with the UPS charger
VRLA batteries contain electrolyte with dilute isolated and when the rest of the battery
sulfuric acid which is harmful to the skin and eyes, installation is complete.
is electrical conductive and is corrosive. 10. Connect the battery string terminals
Any liquid leaking from a VRLA battery is 11. Ensure that the connection between the UPS
electrolyte. Therefore, in case of contacts with the and each battery string have the same
skin wash immediately and thoroughly with electrical resistance. Parallel strings must be
water. If electrolyte enters the eyes, wash limited to five strings.
thoroughly with special neutralizing eye wash
solution and seek immediately medical help.


B Safety procedures while C Safety procedures while
maintaining VRLA batteries repairing batteries (replacement)

1. Never work alone on battery banks. 1. Never work alone on battery banks.
2. Always use voltage rated tools and wear 2. Always use voltage rated tools and wear
appropriate PPE appropriate PPE
3. Visually inspect the battery 3. Turn to off position the battery isolator device
4. Keep dry and free from dust the battery, of the string you are going to replace the
cleaning must be done only with a damp battery block or cell
cotton cloth. 4. Turn to off position the isolator devices (if
5. Read and record the following: present) installed in the inter-cell/block
– Individual cell or block float voltage connections. This will limit the battery voltage
– Cell-to-cell or block-to-block connection in the section where the battery block or cell
resistance has to be replaced.
– Terminal connection resistance (re-torque 5. Remove the faulty battery
the inter-block/cell connectors if the 6. Install the new battery following the same
terminal connection resistance increased recommendations described in section “ A
more than 20% form the value at Safety procedures while installing batteries”.
– Battery resistance, impedance or
– Charging current and voltage
– Ambient temperature in the immediate
battery vicinity
– Keep a logbook to record values, power
outages, discharge tests, etc.
– An autonomy/capacity test can be carried
out once or twice a year


What to do in case of
electrical shock
Electricity can burn the body on the inside and
outside. Electricity can stop breathing or cause a
deadly abnormal heart rhythm.
Electricity may leave only small marks on the
body. No one can tell how much damage there is
inside the body based on the marks on the
All electrical injuries need to be checked out by a
physician or healthcare professional as symptoms
can manifest long after the event

First aid procedure

1. Always make sure the scene is safe.

2. If the victim is in contact with electricity, do
not touch the victim unless you can intervene
with an insulated object such as a rescue hook.
3. Disconnect and secure the power source.
4. Call for help and get the first aid kit and
automated external defibrillator (AED) if
available or delegate these tasks.
5. If the victim’s clothing is on fire, put out the
fire (smother with blanket or jacket) and
remove clothing and jewelry that is not stuck
to the skin.
6. When it is safe to touch the victim, check for
breathing and for vital signs.
7. Begin CPR if necessary. If breathing, check for
shock and cover with a dry or fire blanket and
talk to the victim to provide reassurance.


Safety courses PPE and tools checklist
checklist Do I have all the necessary PPE and tools for my
Have I attended the necessary safety courses?
 Long-Sleeved Shirt [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²]
(for ABB’s personnel
[PPE Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
functions/service/service-safety)  Trousers [ATPV rating of ≥8cal/cm²] [PPE
Category 2 (NFPA 70E) or Class 1 (IEC)]
 Electrical Safety
 Coverall or jacket and trousers: ATPV rating of
 Hand and Power Tools
≥25cal/cm² [PPE Category 3 (NFPA 70E) or
 Personal Protective Equipment Class 2 (IEC)]

 Lockout Tagout  Neck Protector or Flash Hood: ATPV rating of

 Ladders
 Safety Glasses
 Working at Heights
 Voltage-Rated Helmet and Visor ATPV
 Fire Prevention and Protection ≥25cal/cm² and Balaclava, or Above Flash
 Confined Space Entry Hood ATPV ≥25cal/cm²

 Road Safety  Ear Defenders

 Hazardous Materials and Safety Data Sheets  Electrical Gloves and Leather Over-gloves, or
arc rated and “fit for purpose” electrical gloves
 Manual Lifting and Handling offering the right dexterity for the specific
 Slips, Trips and Same Level Fall Prevention application (e.g. battery clamp tightening) and
that can be used without leather over-gloves
 The Seven Steps that Save Lives
 Electric Hazard Rated Work Boots
 Stop work authority
(  Lock-Out Tag-Out equipment
BB735044E199C12581D700350F39.aspx)  Insulated tools rated for exposure up to 1000V
 Voltage tester (e.g. Fluke T110)
 Multimeter and current clump meter
 Set of safety measurement cables, leads
and accessories
 Phase rotation indicator
 Complete set of voltage rated tools
(1000Volts) necessary to screw and
unscrew UPS, power cables, etc.
 Oscilloscope with galvanic separation
together with Voltage probes (x100, x10)
and AC and DC current probe

 External galvanically separated power supply

(as per electric diagrams in the service

 Battery charger stabilizer (as per electric

diagram in the service manual)

 Inverter Output DC Component Transformer

(art. Nr. 04-3455, as per service manual)


Revision History
Row # Version Revision date Revision description Revision tracking notes

1 V2 March 8, 2018 – updated safety matrix to version 5 n/a

– added description of each specification
– added example of arc rated and electrical
– added PPE and tools checklist
– added safety courses checklist
– added stop work authority


Contact us

Our support team can be Your after sales team: ABB Power Protection SA
reached in the following ways: Via Luserte Sud 9
Manager 6572 Quartino, Switzerland
For support requests please Zoltan Gal Phone: +41 91 850 2929
send an email to the following
Fax: +41 91 840 1254
email address: Service support
[email protected] David Muntwyler
Emanuele Ravano
The portal is handled by all our Marcello Soldini
Service Support Engineers,
and the access is provided to Training
trained and certified Field Giuseppe Landolfi
Service Engineers. Miodrag Miladinovic

How to get the credentials to

access to the UPS Support Alessandro Piccardi
Ticketing Portal:
dm.nwp.tkt.access.request@c Administration Ivo Quaresma

Hotline number: Service product management

Tel: +41 91 850 21 62 Marco Albasser

Administration support:
[email protected]
[email protected]

We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without
prior notice. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible
lack of information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained
therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents in whole or in
parts is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB

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