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Family Activities - Randall's ESL Cyber Listening…

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General Listening Quiz


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Level: Topic: Speakers: Length:

family man – young
easy 01:05
activities girl

Pre-Listening Exercise
Imagine you are a five-year-old girl, and your father
asks you about your day. What activities do little
children (in this case, a little girl) do during the day at
that age?

“keep an eye on” = watch carefully
“Be sure to keep an eye on the kids so they don’t get
too close to the river.”

“homesick” = sad at being away from home or

things that are familiar
“My roommate is really homesick and can’t think
about anything else but his mom’s cooking.”

Listening Exercise
A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

00:00 00:00

Besides paper books, what did the little girl make

with paper at school ?

a person

a building

an animal 

 Correct!
Dad: Like what types of things did you make?
Emily: We made books.
Dad: You made books! Okay. And what else?
Emily: We . . . we made paper kangaroos.

The girl used crayons, paper, and ______.


glue 


 Correct!
Emily: We used crayons, papers, glue, and we had to
follow directions.

What did the girl do after school besides playing


She rode her bicycle. 

She watched television.

She went to the store.

 Correct!
Emily: I rode my bike in the tennis court.

The girl played with her ______ at the school.

cousin 



 Correct!
Dad: You went with your cousins.

Where does this conversation most probably take


at a house 

at school

at a park

 Correct!
Emily: Welcome home, Dad.

Your score: 5 / 5
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Vocabulary Practice
Do the vocabulary quizzes with the words from the
conversation for more practice:

Mixed-Up Sentence
Multiple-Choice Questions
Sentence and Vocabulary Matching
Gap-fill Exercise

Post-Listening Exercise
Talk about your family with a partner using some of
these questions:

How many people are in your family?

What do your parents do?
What kinds of activities does your family do
What is one thing you like or dislike about your

Online Investigation
Choose a country you want to visit. Use the internet
and find three favorite games that children play
there. Answer these questions:

1. What is the name of the game?

2. Do you play this game inside or outside?
3. What are some basic rules of the game?
4. How many people can play at one time?
5. How do you win?

See Listening Script

B a c k To E a s y Q u i z z e s

Language Games

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