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ROLL NO:___________ DATE:09/12/2024

General Instructions:
i) The Question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All the
sections are compulsory.
ii) Section A has sixteen questions 12 MCQ and 4 Assertion-Reason questions of 1 mark each.
iii) Section B contains five questions of two marks each.
iv) Section C contains seven questions of three marks each.
v) Section D contains two case study-based questions of 4 marks each.
vi) Section E contains three long questions of five marks each.
vii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 1 question in section B, 1
question in section C, 1 question in each case Based question in section D and in all 3 questions of
section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
1. Find the potential energy stored in a ball of mass 5 kg placed at a height of 3 m above the ground.
(a) 121 J. (b) 147 J. (c) 227 J. (d) 182 J
2. Which one of the following is unit less and dimensionless quantity?
(a) Angle (b) Solid angle (c) Strain (d) Modulus of elasticity
3. A force of 49 N is just able to move a block of mass 10 kg on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient
of friction is
(a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.7 (d) 1=
4. During the perfectly elastic collision, which of the following is conserved?
(a) Linear momentum of the each body is conserved. (b) Kinetic energy of the each body is conserved.
(c) Linear momentum of the system is conserved. (d) None of the above.
5. Rotational analogue of mass in rotational motion is -
(a) Weight (b) Moment of inertia (c) Torque (d) Angular momentum
6. Orbital velocity of a satellite of earth does not depend upon -
(a) Mass of the earth (b) mass of the satellite
(c) Radius of the earth (d) acceleration due to gravity
7. Which of the following represents volumetric strain?
(a) V/(∆V) (b) (ΔV)/V. (c) P / V (d) -P / (ΔV/V)
8. Surface energy is -
(a) Kinetic energy of the surface molecules
(b) The force per unit length acting on surface particles
(c) The energy of the molecules inside the liquid
(d) The extra energy that the molecules at the surface have relative to molecules inside the liquid
9. A cube with a side length of 1m is heated uniformly a degree Celsius above the room temperature and
all the sides are free to expand. What will be the increase in the volume of the cube? Consider the
coefficient of thermal expansion as unity.
(a) Zero (b) 1 m3. (c) 2 m3 (d) 3 m3
10. At Critical temperature the surface tension of a liquid is
(a) Zero. (b) Infinity. (c) Same as any other temperature. (d) none of these
11. Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is Newton second.
(a) Impulse. (b) Force. (c) Work. (d) Momentum
12. The monoatomic gas molecules have only three degrees of freedom because of
(a) translatory motion. (b) Rotatory motion
(c) Both translatory and rotatory motion. (d) Translatory, rotatory and vibratory motion
Directions: Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select
the correct answer to questions 13 to 16 from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true and R is false.
(d) A is false and R is also false.
13. Assertion: Horizontal range is same for angle of projection  and (90 – ).
Reason: Horizontal range is independent of angle of projection.
14. Assertion: In one dimensional elastic collision between two bodies, the relative speed of the bodies
after collision is equal to the relative speed before the collision.
Reason: In an elastic collision, the linear momentum and kinetic energy of the system is conserved.
15. Assertion: The earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
Reason: The earth revolves around the sun due to gravitational force between them.
16. Assertion : If dot product and cross product of A and B are zero, it implies that one of the vector Aand B
must be a null vector
Reason: Null vector is a vector with zero magnitude.

17. E, m, L and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum, and gravitational constant respectively.
Determine the dimensions of EL2/m5G2.
18. A car is moving along a straight highway with speed 126 km h-1 is brought to a stop within a distance of
200 m. Calculate the retardation of the car (assumed uniform).
When it comes to instantaneous velocity and magnitude of velocity, no distinction is necessary. The
magnitude of instantaneous velocity is always equal to the instantaneous speed. Why?
19. Write the expressions for the ‘g’ at height ‘h’ and depth‘d’ from the surface of earth. Explain, why is the
value of ‘g’ decreases with height and depth from the surface of the earth?
20. Define the term bulk modulus of elasticity, Give its SI unit. Write the relation between bulk modulus
and compressibility.
21. A steel wire of length 4.7 m and cross-section 3.0 x 105 m² stretches by the same amount as a copper
wire of length 3.5 m and cross-section 4.0×10-5 m² under a given load. What is the ratio of the Young’s
modulus of steel to that of copper?
22. (a) Give two examples of conservative forces. (b) State and prove work energy theorem.
23. Obtain equations of motion using calculus method.
A man can swim with a speed of 4.0 km/h in still water. How long does he take to cross a river 1.0 km
wide if the river flows steadily at 3.0 km/h and he makes his strokes normal to the river current? How
far down the river does he go when he reaches the other bank?
24. A car of mass 1000 kg travelling at 32 m/s dashes into the rear of a truck of mass 8000 kg moving in the
same direction with a velocity of 4 m/s. After the collision, the car bounces backwards with a velocity of
8 m/s. What is the velocity of the truck after the impact?
25. (a) Define Centre of mass.
(b) Three point masses of 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg lie in X-Y plane at (1,2), (0,-1) and (2,-3) respectively.
Calculate the co-ordinates (Xcm, Ycm) of the centre of mass of the system.

26. Draw stress-strain curve for a loaded wire. On the graph mark :
(a) Hooke’s law. (b) Elastic limit. (c) Yield point. (d) Breaking point
27. State and explain three modes of transfer of heat. Explain the loss of heat due to these three modes is
minimised in a thermos flask.
28. Glycerine flows steadily through a horizontal tube of length 1.5 m and radius 1.0 cm. If the amount of
glycerine collected per second at one end is 4.0 × 10 –3 kg s–1 what is the pressure difference between
the two ends of the tube? (Density of glycerine = 1.3 × 10 3 kg m–3 and viscosity of glycerine = 0.83 Pa s).
[You may also like to check if the assumption of laminar flow in the tube is correct].

29. We know that the motion of a rigid body, in general, is a combination of rotation and translation. If the
body is fixed at a point or along a line, it has only rotational motion. Let us take the example of opening
or closing a door.

A door is a rigid body which can rotate about a fixed vertical axis passing through the hinges. What
makes the door rotate? It is clear that unless a force is applied the door does not rotate. But any force
does not do the job. A force applied to the hinge line cannot produce any rotation at all, whereas a
force of given magnitude applied at right angles to the door at its outer edge is most effective in
producing rotation. It is not the force alone, but how and where the force is applied is important in
rotational motion.
Answer the following questions:
i) The rotational analogue of ‘force’ in rotational motion is
(a) Moment of force (b) Mass
(c) Gravitational force (d) Moment of inertia
ii) Torque is
(a) 2( r x F) (b) r.F. (c) r x F (d) 2(r.F)
iii) Why is the handle of a door fixed far away from the hinges?
iv) 120 N of force is required to open a nut using a spanner of length 10 cm. If another spanner of
length 6 cm is used to open the same nut, amount of force to be applied is
(a) 100N (b) 200N. (c) 300N (d) 60N
If applied torque on a system is zero, then for that system
(a) Moment of inertia is zero
(b) Angular momentum remains conserved
(c) angular acceleration is constant
(d) None of the above
30. When an object moves along a straight line with uniform acceleration, it is possible to relate its velocity,
acceleration during motion and the displacement covered by it in a certain time interval by a set of
equations known as the equations of motion. For convenience, a set of three such equations are given
below: v = u + at. s = ut + ½ at 2, 2as = v2 – u2 Where u is the initial velocity of the object which moves
with uniform acceleration a for time t, v is the final velocity and s is the distance travelled by the object
in time t.
i) Equation of motions are applicable to motion with
(a) uniform acceleration (c) non uniform acceleration
(b) constant velocity (d) none of these
ii) The displacement travelled by a body is directly proportional to the square of time taken ,its
(a) increases (b)decreases (c ) becomes zero (d)remains constant
iii) The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 10 m/s 2 in the opposite direction to the motion.
If the car takes 1 s to stop after the application of brakes, calculate the distance travelled during this
time by car.
iv) An object is dropped from a tower falls with a constant acceleration of 10 m/s 2. Find its speed 10 s after
it was dropped.
A bullet hits a target with a velocity of 10 m/s and penetrates it up to a distance of 5 cm. Find the
deceleration of the bullet in the target
31. (i) Find the expression for the recoil velocity of a gun.
(ii) A person of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving
(a) Upward with uniform acceleration of 5 m s-2 ,
(b) Downward with uniform speed 2 m s-1
(c) Downward with uniform acceleration of 10 m s-2
Calculate the reading on the scale in each case? (Take g = 10 m s-2)
What is meant by banking of roads? Explain the need for it. Obtain an expression for the maximum
speed with which a vehicle can safely negotiate a curved road banked at angle θ. The coefficient of
friction between road and wheels is μ.

32. (i) State Pascal’s law and explain the working of hydraulic lift.
(ii) Calculate the pressure on a swimmer 10 m below the surface of a lake.
State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem. Explain why to keep a piece of paper horizontal, we should blow over,
not under it.

33. A projectile is fired upward at an angle θ with horizontal with velocity u. obtain expression for (i)
Maximum height attained. (ii) Time of flight. (iii) Horizontal range. At what value of θ is the range
State parallelogram law of vector addition. Give Analytical treatment to find the magnitude and direction
of resultant vector by using this law

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