DLP No.: 35 Learning Area: Math Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 1 Duration: 60mins
Competency/ Solves problems involving real numbers. Code: M7NS-Ij-1
Key To solve problems involving real numbers, you should:
Concepts / 1. Read and understand the problem;
Understandi 2. Determine the known and the unknown;
ngs to be 3. Identify what operation/operations to be used;
Developed: 4. Do the checking to prove that your answer is correct.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Formulate probems involving real numbers.
Skills Solve problems involving real numbers with interest and perseverance.
Attitudes Develop trust and unity with others in solving problems involving real numbers.
Values Apply the steps in solving problems involving real numbers with speed and accuracy.
2. Content Problems Involving Real Numbers
Resources LM in Math 7, Workbook in Math Grade 7, PowerPoint presentation, projector/TV, laptop/net book
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each
step will consume)
Preparation 1. Prayer
7 minutes 2. Attendance and Physical Arrangement Check
3. Checking of Assignment
1. Ask students to solve on how much savings they will have in a week if they are going to
save 30% of their daily allowance?
2. Ask them that if they want to buy something, how many weeks they have to save to
purchase that product? What things can they buy based on your savings?
3. Ask a volunteer to share their answers.
1. How much savings do you have in a week?
2. How much time it requires you to purchase the product you want?
3. What are your ways of saving money?
Presentation ACTIVITY:
25 minutes 1. Divide the class into ten groups.
2. Ask them to formulate a problem which is observable in their daily lives.
3. Let each group finalize their problem with the corresponding solution and answer.
4. Ask them to write their problem in a sheet of paper.
5. Cluster the groups in such a way that it forms a circle.
6. Instruct the class that they are going to exchange their work and each group will be given 1
minute to solve each problem with solution.
7. Let each group present and explain their work on the board. One representative only in
each group.
1. What problem did you find difficult to answer? Why?
2. How did you come up with your answers?
3. Do the problems involve real numbers? What are these numbers?
4. Are there different ways in solving these problems? How?
5. What is the first step in dealing with problems involving real numbers? Explain.
6. Does recognizing the known and the unknown help in solving these problems? In what
7. Does selection of appropriate operation matter in coming up with your answers? Why?
8. How did you know that you got the right answer? Show if possible.
1. How to solve problems involving real numbers?
2. What are the steps in solving problems involving real numbers?
3. What is the significance of following these steps in solving problems? Explain.
Practice Solve the following problems.
13 minutes 1. A deep-freeze compartment is maintained at a temperature at 12 °C below zero. If the
room temperature is 31 °C , how much warmer is the room temperature than the
temperature in the deep-freeze compartment?
48 66
2. The product of two rational numbers is 5 . If one of the rational number is 7 , find the
other rational number.
3. A tortoise moves forward 15 . 9 m in one hour. It turns arouns and crawls backward 10 .3 m
in the next hour. Finally, in the third hour, it turns around again and crawls 8 . 5 m more
forward. How much forward progress did the tortoise makes in 3 hours?
5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or
Analysis of Learner’s Products and/or Tests)
Written Test Answer Worksheet 19.0 – Items No. 6-10 in Workbook in Math 7
12 minutes
Solve the following problems.
1. Mrs. Lim brought a used car worth Pphp 95 250.00. She paid a down payment of Php 50
000.00 and she is to make 6 payments of Php 3 500.00 each and 12 payments of Php 3
000.00 each. How much would she have saved if she paid the entire amount when she
bought the car?
2. Find the balance for the following transactions in a savings account: beginning balance,
Php 3 500.0, deposit Php 7 840.00; withdrawal, Php 4 200.00; deposit, Php 1 890.00;
withdrawal, Php 2 875.00.
3. Going home, Risa walked 70 meters from the chapel to the jeepney stop. She forgot her
umbrella, so she went back to the chapel. on her way back to the jeepney stop, she
flagged down a jeepney after walking 25 meters. How many meters did she walk?
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Reinforcement Let the students formulate three (3) problems that involve real numbers with corresponding solution
2 minutes and answer.
7. Wrap-
up/ Close the period by wrapping – up the day’s lesson.
1 minute
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