FBX Max Plugins2
FBX Max Plugins2
FBX Max Plugins2
3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide 3ds Max FBX plug-in 200608 August 2006
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1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Windows Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Table of Contents
The 3ds Max FBX plug-in is used by 3ds Max to import, export, and convert files using the .fbx file format. This document describes how to install the 3ds Max FBX plug-in for Windows2000/XP. Note The 3ds Max FBX plug-in runs only on the version of 3ds Max for which it is created. Verify that the 3ds Max FBX plug-in you are installing is appropriate for your version of 3ds Max, otherwise 3ds Max will reject it.
Windows Installation
The 3ds Max FBX plug-in is available for Windows 2000 and Windows XP. To install the 3ds Max FBX plug-in: 1 Delete the old fbxmaxexp.dle and fbxmaximp.dli files from your 3ds Max FBX plug-in directory. Remove any other 3ds Max FBX plug-ins you have to avoid conflicts. These files are removed automatically during the installation process, but if you receive an error warning when you run the plug-in, check for other versions of the plug-in files and remove them manually.
Download the install file from the Autodesk web site (http:// www.Autodesk.com).
1 | Installation
Windows Installation
Double-click the install file to launch the Autodesk plug-in installer (figure 1-1).
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Click I accept to accept the terms of the license agreement, and then click Next. The next window shows the recommended installation location for the plug-in (figure 1-2). To specify another location, click Browse to launch the file browser. Click Next.
1 | Installation
Windows Installation
The next window shows the recommended installation location for the plug-in documentation. To specify another location, click Browse to launch the file browser. Click Next A series of dialog boxes appear asking if you would like to keep older versions of the plug-in (if applicable), and open the plug-in documentation. Select Yes or No for each of the options. The installation completed window appears. Click Close to exit the installer.
1 | Installation
Windows Installation
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Select options for export from the FBX Exporter window (figure 2-1). For more information about the export options, see "FBX Exporter window options" on page 7.
Activate this option to export all geometry to .fbx format.
Activate this option to export the scenes cameras to .fbx format.
Activate this option to export the scenes lights to .fbx format.
Activate this option to export animation to .fbx format.
The .xml and .pc2 files are stored in a sub-folder that is named after the .fbx file and has the extension .fpc. For example, if you export a scene containing a cube named pCube1 to the .fbx file myTest.fbx, you create the following files: myTest.fbx myTest.fpc pCubeShape1.xml pCubeShape1.pc2 Note This option is only available with the plug-in for 3ds Max 9.0.
Misc. area
This area contains miscellaneous options for the export process:
Embed Textures
Activate this option to export any textures associated with your scene.
Export to version
Use this menu to export your file to a legacy .fbx file format. Expand the Export to Version menu to select an .fbx version. See "FBX Versions" on page 13 for more information about the different .fbx file format versions offered.
Conversion method
Select from one of the following conversion methods: Option
None Convert animation
No conversion takes place and the exported data is unaffected. Recalculates all animation FCurves so their values reflect the new World system. Adds a transformation node to the top of the scene to contain the transformations needed to transport the data into the new World system. This option is available to facilitate backward compatibility as it generates the .fbx file the same way as earlier releases of the plug-in. Note: If the plug-in does not detect a need for the conversion, no Fbx_Root node is added.
1 cm will become
Use the 1 cm will become menu to specify the units of the scene saved in the .fbx file from a list of commonly-used unit conversions. By default, the plug-in offers no conversion, for example 1 centimeter remains 1 centimeter.
Scale factor
Defines a global scale that affects the entire scene.
Restores the FBX Exporter windows default values.
Starts the export process.
Closes the Export FBX window, without performing any action.
Accesses the 3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide in .pdf format.
FBX Versions
The following table lists the different versions available for you to select from the Export to version menu in the FBX Exporter window. Version
Select this version to use your file with the latest version of the 3ds Max FBX plug-in (for example, version FBX200608). Note: Do not use this option to export from 3ds Max into MotionBuilder 7.5. Use the FBX200602_MB75 option instead.
Select this version to use your file with MotionBuilder 7.5 and its associated plug-ins (for example, version FBX200602). Note: Use this option to export 3ds Max files into MotionBuilder 7.5. Otherwise, NURBS are lost and mesh normals may be inverted. In this mode, normals in normal per polygon/vertex mode are transformed to normals per vertex and hard edges become smooth edges.
Select this version to export into a format that can be read by MotionBuilder 7.0 and its associated plug-ins (for example, version FBX200508). Select this version to export into a format that can be read by MotionBuilder 6.0 and its associated plug-ins).
Select this version to export into a format that can be read by MotionBuilder 5.5 and its associated plug-ins).
Files remain backward compatible, for example, a file saved with FBX53_MB55 can be read by applications supporting FBX60_MB60, FBX200508_MB70 and FBX200602_MB75.
Click Ok.
In the menu that appears (figure 2-3), make sure that Merge is selected in the Import Type area. Click Ok.
6 7
Change the Resampling rate if it is necessary (The default is the 3ds Max frame rate). Click Ok.
Displays the takes saved with the scene. Click a take to select it for import. Note You can only select one take at a time.
Import options
Select the import type that best suits your needs before choosing your import method. Import type
Exclusive merge
Use to merge only the elements modified in the 3ds Max FBX plug-in with elements in the original 3ds Max scene. Exclusive Merge does not import control-sets, optical markers and other specific 3ds Max FBX plug-in elements.
Use to import all the 3ds Max FBX plug-in elements (enabled in the Import Configurations menu) into a new scene. Use Merge to use a combination of the Exclusive Merge and Add to New Scene. When you activate Merge, the 3ds Max FBX plugin merges the animation with the elements that are already present in the 3ds Max scene, and creates any other objects that are defined in the .fbx file. This is the default setting.
Activate this option to import your scenes bones. Click the More button to access additional Bone import options like Width, Height and Taper in the Advanced FBX Import Parameters window. For information on these advanced Bone options, see "Advanced Bone Options window" on page 22.
3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide 18
Activate this option to import your scenes geometry.
Activate this option to import your scenes Skin.
Activate this option to import any cameras used in the scene.
Activate this option to import any lights used in the scene.
Activate this option to import any markers used in the scene.
Activate this option to import any animation found in the scene. Click the More button to access additional Animation import options like Constant Key Reducing Filtering, Gimble Lock Killer Filtering, XYZ FCurve Synchronization filtering, and Resampling rate. See "Advanced Animation Options window" on page 24 for more information.
Smoothing groups
When this option is active, the plug-in exports the required information for identifying edges that are defined as hard or smooth and sets the polygon edges with the saved state.
If you disable this option, these states are discarded and 3ds Max recomputes the normals with internal algorithms, causing all hard edges to be lost. Any smoothing groups are collapsed into one group that contains all polygons. This setting is active by default.
Convert to
Use the Convert to menu to specify the units of the scene saved in the .fbx file from a list of commonly-used unit conversions. By default, the plug-in offers no conversion, that is, 1 centimeter remains 1 centimeter.
Scale factor
Defines a global scale that affects the entire scene.
Restores the FBX Importer windows default values.
Starts the import process.
Closes the Import FBX window, without performing any action.
Accesses the 3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide in .pdf format.
Bone objects
Use the Bone objects options to customize any bone objects. These values are only used on rare occasions when the plug-in cannot automatically compute bone size. Setting
Width Height Lock width and height
The size of the bone width. (This is only represented graphically.) The size of the bone height. This is active only if the same value is entered in the Bone Width and Height fields. Percentage of the Width or Height thickness at the end of the bone.
Bone conversion
Select a method to convert bones. Option
Convert as Dummy
Changes imported joints into Dummy objects. They resemble bones but do not have the limitations of a real 3ds Max bone. Creates imported joints into true Max Bones
Leave as bone
Restores the Advanced Bone Options window to its default settings.
Applies the setting changes and closes the window.
Removes redundant keyframes or keys with the same value, the same as flat sections of an FCurve.
Gimble Lock Killer filtering (will also resample rotation FCurves) XYZ FCurve Synchronization filtering
Re-evaluates the rotation FCurve to remove any 180 degree rotation jumps. On a XYZ group of FCurves (position, rotation and scale) checks that a keyframe exists for each component (X,Y,Z) at the same time.
All texture mapping types are exported as a UV map. Texture maps are only supported on the Diffuse channel. Control Points. Morphing. Colored Vertices. Phong and Lambert standard materials are supported directly with no conversion. Blinn materials are converted to Phong. Skins using Physique are still exported but will be imported using the Skin modifier.
The following section has tables that indicate how lighting is treated by both 3ds Max and the .fbx file format.
The following table lists 3ds Max lights and how they are treated by the .fbx file format on export: In 3ds Max
Omni Free Directional Targeted Directional
Becomes in .fbx
Point Light. Directional Light. Directional Light. The Target is exported as a null.
In 3ds Max
Coneangle FCurve
Becomes in .fbx
Coneangle. The cone angle is computed as the (Hotspot+Falloff)/2. If these parameters are animated, the resulting FCurve is evaluated at each frame.
Ambient light. Applies only to 3ds Maxs Ambient light, not to the Environment Tint and Level fields.
The following table lists .fbx lights and how 3ds Max treats them on import. In .fbx
Omni Directional Light Light Spot Coneangle FCurve Intensity FCurve Color FCurve:
Merge Back
Intensity is merged into the Intensity channel. Color FCurve is merged into the Color channel.
The following sections tables indicate how cameras are treated by both 3ds Max and the .fbx file format.
The following table lists 3ds Max cameras and how the .fbx file format treats them on export: In 3ds Max
Free Camera Targeted Camera Roll Angle Animation
Becomes in .fbx
Camera without interest. Camera with interest. Roll Fcurve. Angle values are inverted when exporting to .fbx to maintain a consistent orientation.
Ortho (parallel), but the width and height values are not the same. Field of View FCurve. The view is consistent, even though the focal length values changes.
Horizontal Aperture. Vertical Aperture. Near and Far values if clipping is enabled. Since Near and Far values cannot be animated in MotionBuilder, the current time value is used for evaluating the resulting Near and Far value.
The UpVector animation is plotted on the Roll FCurve. If not animated, it is always exported as (0,1,0). Camera Scale is not supported. Diagonal-Related Field Of View is not supported, and its channels are interpreted as an horizontal Field of View. Environment Planes are not supported. Target Distance is exported as a static value. If the channel is animated, the resulting value is the one evaluated at the current time.
The following lists how MotionBuilder cameras are treated by 3ds Max on import: In .fbx
Free Camera Camera (With a look-at Target/Interest) Ortho (parallel) Camera 3ds Max Parallel Camera (a parallel camera generated by a 3ds Max export)
Since the Near and Far plane values for cameras in MotionBuilder are constant, the 3ds Max channel cannot be animated. Target Distance is imported for the Free Camera.
Custom properties
Because of type limitations in .fbx files, the following conversions are applied. Exported from 3ds Max
Float Boolean Integer Color Array
Becomes in .fbx
Becomes in .fbx
ignored. ignored
The minimum and maximum values of this property cannot be retrieved, so they are not considered.
Imported .fbx
Whats new
The following section contains the new features, bug fixes, and known limitations for this version of the 3ds Max FBX plug-in:
New features
Beta support for the import and export of Collada format. NURBS are now supported on export and import. For NURBS curves, ensure that the Enable In Viewport option in 3ds Max must is active.
A new option has added to the 3ds Max FBX Importer and Exporter windows for the support of Geometry caches. See "Export Selection Set as Geometry Cache file" on page 8 and "Geometry Cache File(s)" on page 20. New options to accommodate changes for the Z-up to Y-Up axis have been added to the FBX Exporter and Importer. See "Coordinates and Unit Conversion area" on page 10 and "Coordinate and Unit conversion area" on page 20. Normals and smoothing groups have improved support, and the Support normals per polygon vertex option has been renamed Split mesh for per vertex normals. To view this option, see "Split mesh for per vertex normals" on page 8. Bones can be imported as true bones or as dummies that appear as bones. See "Bone conversion" on page 23. Import or export warning and error messages are now grouped and shown when the import or export process finishes (figure 2-7).
A new option in the 3ds Max Importer and Exporter windows lets you show or hide the Warning/Error Messages dialog box. See "Show the Warnings and Errors dialog box" on page 10. The name-handling algorithms have been enhanced.
An option in the Importer window, Use FBX file frame rate in 3ds Max, lets you import the frame rate from the FBX file. This overwrites the rate used in 3ds Max with the rate used in MotionBuilder. The default Import mode is now set to Merge. See "Import options" on page 18. Constant Key Reducer Filtering is now disabled by default on export. See "Constant Key Reducer filtering" on page 9. Physique modifier is no longer supported. Skins using Physique are still exported but will be imported using the Skin modifier. The option to import skinned objects using the Physique Modifier has been removed. Two options have been added to the Bone conversion dialog box: Option
Convert as Dummy
Converts Joint nodes in the FBX file to Dummy objects that display as bone objects but without true bone constraints. Leaves the bones as they are.
Leave as bone
A Help button has been added to the 3ds Max FBX Importer and Exporter windows so you can access the 3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide from within the Importer and Exporter windows. A new Check for web updates button has been added to the FBX Importer and Exporter to let you search the Autodesk web site for newer versions of the plug-in. New options have been added for Coordinate and Unit Conversion. These options replace the Rescale scene's root node to unit size and Y-Up to Z-Up root node rotation options in the 3ds Max FBX Importer.
Imports the frame rate from the FBX file and overwrites the rate used in 3ds Max. Converts Joint nodes in the FBX file to Dummy objects that display as bone objects but without true bone constraints.
ImportBoneAsDummy [true|false]
Bug fixes
Sub-materials now keep their sub-material name (if one is defined) when you export them. Errors with imported cameras using the Focal Length parameter instead of the Field of View parameter have been corrected. Removed support for Physique modifier import as it was never fully supported. The SkinModifier scripting option has also been removed.
Known limitations
The following is a list of known limitations for this version of the 3ds Max FBX plug-in: To correctly export NURBS curves, the Enable In Viewport option in 3ds Max must be active. If this option is disabled, the object will not be exported. Geometry tips, such as Cones, have a known issue with normals. You may encounter memory issues when using large architectural scenes.
There are known issues with diffuse Texture maps and NURBS and Patch models. Layered textures from Maya do not import in 3ds Max. Specular values on standard materials have known limitations. Not all basic Lights are currently supported, and Fall off and Cone angle lights may not re-import. Morphs on Nurbs & Patch models do not export. The AutomaticUVW operator is not correctly supported and should be avoided. The 3ds Max FBX plug-in destroys wire connections to Position, Rotation and Scale controllers. These connections should be recreated after importing. While import and export of the ambient light color is supported, this applies only to 3ds Maxs Ambient light, not to the Environment Tint and Level fields. The color of this ambient light is Set/Get at time 0. Because of differences between 3ds Max and MotionBuilder, keyframe animation set on controllers with TCB interpolation or tangent slopes set to Fast, Slow or User are systematically resampled. Polygon (faces) may be flipped during import. To fix this problem, access the stack, select the Faces sub-object, select all the faces of the object, and flip them back using the Flip and Unify functions.
FBXExporterGetParam [arg]
Queries the export plug-in parameters where [arg] is a recognized export parameter. FBXExporterGetParam returns the value of the named parameter. If the parameter is unrecognized or the wrong number of arguments are provided, the value unsupported is returned. For a list of supported parameters, see "FBXExporterSetParam [arg] [value]" on page 37.
FBXExporterSetParam returns OK if successful or if it is sent an unrecognized parameter. FBXExporterSetParam returns unsupplied if the wrong number of arguments are passed.
True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false Float Name of the selection set to use True or false True or false True or false
FBXImporterGetParam [arg]
Queries the import plug-in parameters where [arg] is a recognized import parameter. FBXImporterGetParam returns the value of the named parameter. If the parameter is unrecognized or the wrong number of arguments are provided, the value unsupported is returned. For example, to query the import Modes state:
FBXImporterGetParam "Mode"
Returns either #create, #merge, or #exmerge. The one exception to this is the TakeCount argument, where you must specify the full file name of the .fbx file that you want to query. For example:
FBXImporterGetParam TakeCount C:\\temp\\myfile.fbx
For a list of supported parameters, see "FbxImporterSetParam [arg] [value]" on page 39.
True or false
Cameras FilterKeyReducer FilterKeySync FilterUnroll Geometry HumanIK
True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false True or false The HumanIK option is available only if a compatible HumanIK product is installed.
True or false
True or false
Create or merge or exmerge When queried using FBXImportGetParm, this parameter returns #create, #merge, or #exmerge True or false Float True or false True or false An integer number from 1 to the number of takes in the fbx file. This parameter is only available for setting.
For example, to import an fbx file using the Add to new scene mode and the skin modifier, but without loading animation fcurves:
FBXImporterSetParam "Mode" "create" FBXImporterSetParam "skin" true
ImportBoneAsDummy [true|false]
Converts Joint nodes in the FBX file to Dummy objects that display as bone objects but without true bone constraints.
KeepFrameRate [true|false]
Imports the frame rate from the FBX file and overwrites the rate used in 3ds Max.