I. Multiple choice questions:
1. If objects dropped into water remain on the surface of the water, then the
objects are said to:
a) Sink c) Float
b) Submerge d) Sink and float
2. Stems of celery and sugar cane stores food in their stems. So, these are called
________ stems.
a) underground c) climbing
b) edible d) semi-solid
3. Potato is a modified stem and is known as_______.
a) rhizome c) tuber
b) bulb d) stolon
4. The plants prepare their food with the help of ________________.
a) sunlight, water and carbon dioxide
b) sunlight, water and oxygen
c) sunlight, minerals and nitrogen
d) oxygen, water and carbon dioxide
II. Very short answer type question:
A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Solids have a fixed shape, mass and _________.
2. A shadow is produced when the path is ___________.
3. Plants that grow in water are called __________ plants.
4. __________ consists of one or more protective layers that enclose the seed.
5. The __________ protects the baby plant inside the seed.
III. Short answer questions:
1. Write two properties of liquid.
2. Can air make shadow? Explain.
3. Write the difference between flowering plant and non-flowering plant?
4. What would happen if grasses had thick stems?
5. Define the following terms:
a. climber b. shadowgraphy
6. What are luminous objects? Give one example.
7. What is lamina?
IV. Give reasons:
1. Salt, sugar, and flour can be poured but still are solid.
2. We can see non-luminous objects.
Section- D
V. Long answer questions:
1. Write any two difference of solid and liquid.
2. Name three types of seeds.
3. Write any one use of the followings.
a. Wool b. Oil c. Nitrogen d. stem
4. Define germination.
5. Why do stem store food?
VII. Observe the picture below and answer the following questions.
1. Name the process and define it.
2. What gas does the leaf give off? How does
this gas help other living things?
VIII. Draw and label the parts of the plants and a seed.