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PVC Waterstop are extruded from high grade PVC
compounds, designed for sealing movement and
construction joint in reinforced concrete sructures.
The versatility of PVC has made these waterstops
popular with specifiers and engineers. Outstanding
physical properties, excellent inherent elasticity and
resistance to many waterborne chemicals has made
it the most widely specified waterstop material.
Types of PVC Waterstop
PVC waterstops are available in several styles and
Typical Application
sizes. Choosing the correct waterstop begins with
• Water and waste water treatment facilities
determining whether the joint is moving or • Dams, lock, canals, water reservoirs and aqueducts
non-moving and the right sizes. • Tunnels and culverts
• Foundations
1) Centrally placed waterstop profile for expansion joint
• Primary and secondary containment structures.
WSH 150 / WSH 200 / WSH 250 / WSH 330
(Width : 150 mm / 200 mm / 250 mm / 330 mm) Properties
2) Centrally placed waterstop profile for construction joint
Form : Extruded thermoplastic sections
WSF 150 / WSF 200 / WSF 250 / WSF 300 & V 300.
Color : Blue
(Width: 150 mm / 200 mm / 250 mm / 300 mm)
Solid content : 100%
Density : 1409kg/m3
Uses Toxicity : Non-toxic
PVC Waterstop, used in concrete for the sealing Physical Properties
of construction and expansion joint, are embedded
in concrete, across and along the joint, to form
a continuous watertight diaphragm that prevents Test
Test Average
Method Value
the passage of fluid through the joint. Method Value

The many shapes centrally and externally placed Shore A hardness DIN 53505 80

allow lasting watertight seals in any grades of Modulus of elasticity DIN 53457 50%
construction design. They are typically used in
water retaining and excluding structure such as : Elongation at break point DIN 53455 350%/+20

reservoirs, sewage tanks, dams, pools, basements, 150 Kp/cm2/+20C

Tear Resistance DIN 50504
tunnels retaining walls, etc. 240 Kp/cm2/ -20C

Expansion at maximum DIN 53455

PVC Waterstop will accommodate movement during force at -20C

constructionand service life, ease of use simple on

site jointing, full range of factory welded and Tensile strength DIN 53455 14 N/ mm2

febricated intersection places to suit every need,

Ozone resistance ASTM D-1149 Passed
brass reinforced eyelets adge flanges to ensure
perfect fixing. Approval for use in contact with
Specific gravity ASTM D-792 1.3
potable water.

PT. SELARAS CIPTA GLOBAL , Taman Keb on Jeruk Bl ok AA IV No : 12. Jakarta 11650 . Tel p : (021 ) 585-3295 , 585-3267 , 585-7441 . Fax : ( 021 ) 585-3267
SCG 70

PVC WATERSTOP Dimensions / Tolerances

Constr uc tion joint water stops
Thermoplastic waterstops
For waterstops according to DIN 18541 minimum
20 20
WSF. 150
7 9 dimensions are specified.
1 Roll : 25 m' For all other profiles the following tolerances are
applicable :
55 20 8
Dimensions from 51 - 250 mm : Tolerance ± 5 %
WSF. 200
1 Roll : 25 m' a a
69 23 concrete
7 8 slab
WSF. 250
1 Roll : 25 m' a construction joint
construction joint
250 Section (b)
83 24 (a). Installation of pvc waterstop in concrete wall
7 9
(b). Installation of pvc waterstop in concrete slab
WSF. 300 Section (a)
1 Roll : 20m'


95 7 10 13
V . 3 00
1 Roll : 20m'


Expansion joint wa ters tops Waterstops are effective in preventing lateral
movement of water at cold joint areas. These
12 20
8 joints are subject to cracking due to concrete
WSH. 150
1 Roll : 25 m' shrinkage and allow water penetration if barrier
150 such as a waterstop is not installed
a a
12 20 8
WSH. 200
1 Roll : 25 m'
200 slab

a expansio n joint
23 expansion joint
WSH. 250 Section (b)
1 Roll : 25 m' concrete
wa ll
250 (a). Installation of pvc waterstop in concrete wall
(b). Installation of pvc waterstop in concrete slab
Section (a)
16 23
WSH. 330
1 Roll : 15 m'


PT. SELARAS CIPTA GLOBALL, Taman Kebon Jeruk Blok AA IV No : 12. Jakarta 11650 . Telp : (021 ) 585-3295 , 585-3267 , 585-7441 . Fax : ( 021 ) 585-3267
Installation Instructions Centrally placed waterstop : sections cast in
slabs or walls in concrete structure can prevent
Waterstop must be installed in their correct position water seepage. They fit to water retaining
securely while the concrete is being placed. Concrete structures and in walls and slabs where pressure
must be fully compacted around the waterstops to differentials may occur, i.e. Reservoir walls.
ensure that no voids or porous areas remain. They also fit to joints in suspended slabs, ground
floor slabs, vertical wall joints and lift joints.
PVC internal waterstop is made with a row of
eyelets along both edges for wiring to nearby Externally placed waterstop: it fits to basement
reinforcement. These eyelets should always be used ; and foundation contruction where it support
there should be adequate clearance between firmly against back pressure, i.e. In or beneath
waterstop and surrounding reinforcement for wiring water excluding structures where it is firmly
and to ensure good compaction of concrete.
supported by the base formation.
PVC external waterstop should nail split flanges to
bulkhead between the last rib and the end of the The width of waterstop subjects to the thickness
waterstop. of the concrete, the size of the aggregate and the
position of the reinforcement. Bellow are the
smart tips for satisfactory choices.
Site Jointing Instructions - The overall width of the waterstop should not
Welding can be used to joint the SCG 70 PVC be greater than that of the concrete into which
waterstop. The ends to be jointed are cut flat and it is cast.
held in alignment in a special jug. The ends are - The distance between the concrete and the
heated with welding equipment until the PVC waterstop must be greater than half the width
gets plastic and then immediately pressed of the waterstop.
together. - For satisfactory compaction result, the width of
the waterstop should be more than six times
SCG 70 PVC Waterstop allow an easy on site the size of the largest aggregate.
welding, including the prefabrication of cross, Example : for use in a contraction joint, when
T. L and corner pieces. the aggregate size is 20 mm, the width of the
water stop must be more than 6 x 20 = 120 mm.
- The distance between the waterstop and
reinforcement members should be more than
Storage twice the size of the largest aggregate, or an
No shelf like kept in cool and dry conditions. unsatisfactory compaction may result.

90 Vertical

Heater Blades

90 Flat T Piece Flat Cross Piece Flat

PT. SELARAS CIPTA GLOBAL , Taman Keb on Jeruk Blok AA IV No : 12. Jakarta 11650 . Telp : (021 ) 585-3295 , 585-3267 , 585-7441 . Fax : ( 021 ) 585-3267

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