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Department for Curriculum Management and eLearning

Educational Assessment Unit Track 3
Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2013

FORM 5 GEOGRAPHY (Option) TIME: 1h 45min

Name: _________________________________________ Class: _______________

Instructions to Candidates
Answer all questions in the space provided. Write your answers neatly and in good English. Credit
will be given for relevant illustrations. The marks for individual questions are shown in round
brackets: e.g. (4). There are 8 questions in all. The total mark for this paper is 90. The use of blank
paper, pieces of string and calculators is allowed.

For Examiner’s use only

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Written Fieldwork Total

No. Exam

Max. 12 8 12 8 12 6 14 18 90 10 100


1. Study Figure 1 Ordnance Survey map Malta West of scale 1:25000 or 4cm : 1km and then
answer the following questions:

a. What compass direction from Ras in-Niexfa (401801) is Qammieħ Point (387812)?
____________________ (1)

b. In which grid square (4-figure reference) is Santa Maria Estate? _______________ (1)

c. What is the 6-figure grid reference of Ras il-Qammieħ trigonometrical station?

_______________ (1)

d. What is the straight line distance in metres or kilometres from Ras il-Griebeġ (441811) to
Daħlet ix-Xilep point (438829)? ____________________ (1)

e. What is the distance in metres or kilometres along the coast between the same two places?
________________________ (1)

f. Measure the area of Mellieħa Bay to the nearest ¼ km². You may either draw a line with
pencil and ruler from Daħlet ix-Xilep to Ras il-Griebeġ or may take easting (grid line) 44
as the eastern limit (margin) of the bay. ______________ (1)

g. What can be found on the coast between Qammieħ Point and Ċirkewwa?
______________________ (1)
Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013 Page 1 of 9
h. Historical monuments and places are usually written in Gothic writing or font. Mention one
such historical place in grid square 4283. ____________________ (1)

i. The symbol or feature at 417791 is evidence of a particular industry at Mellieħa. What is this
industry? _________________________ (1)

j. Describe the difference in settlement pattern between the old part of Mellieħa (4279) and St
Paul’s Bay (4578).
_________________________________________________________________________ (1)

k. In the blank space below draw a cross-section along the line from Red Tower (408816) to
Biskra (410807). (2)

2. Look at Figure 2 WORLD MAP in page 3 and then name the following:
a. major biomes – A ____________________ B ____________________
C ____________________ D ____________________

b. major ports - 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

Page 2 of 9 Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013

Figure 2 for question 2

Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013 Page 3 of 9

3. Look at Figure 3 – line and bar graphs below showing monthly temperatures and rainfall for
Kayes in Senegal (West Africa) which has a tropical continental (savanna) type of climate.

Figure 3 – temperature and rainfall graphs, Kayes, Senegal

Now answer the following questions:

a. Which month is hottest? _______________ (1)
b. Why is it the hottest month
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)
c. Kayes is in the northern hemisphere. Which is the wettest season? _______________ (1)
d. What is the approximate total rainfall in the wettest season ? _______________ (1)
e. Why are July, August and September cooler than springtime?
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)
f. Why is there no rainfall from January to April?
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)
g. Mention one country outside Africa with a tropical continental (savanna) type of
climate. ____________________ (1)

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h. Mention two characteristics which the vegetation of the savanna has adopted to resist drought.
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)

4. Study Figure 4 Diagram of the Earth with lines of day and night, and then answer the questions.

Figure 4: Diagram of the Earth

a. What are the following important parallels of latitude called?

i. Q-E _________________________
ii. R-T _________________________
iii. D-C _________________________
iv. G-H _________________________ (4)

b. On which day is the earth in this position in relation to the sun? ______________ (1)
c. When the earth is in this position, are days in Malta longer or shorter than nights?
_________________ (1)
d. What is the length of the night in places South (S) of line K-L ? _______________ (1)
e. Why is this so ? __________________________________________________ (1)

Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013 Page 5 of 9

5. Study Figure 5 Landscape erosion by ice – Before and After glaciation and then answer the

Before glaciation

After glaciation

Figure 5 – Landscape erosion by ice

a. Mention five (5) effects of the glaciation that you can notice in the ‘after’ (lower) diagram that
make it different from the ‘before’ (upper) landscape.
__________________________________________________________________________ (5)

b. Fill in the blanks of the following paragraph about MORAINES:

Valley glaciers undercut the valley sides, and fragments of _____________ fall on the sides of
the _____________ to form a ridge of loose material called a ____________ moraine. When
two valley glaciers meet, two lateral moraines join to form ____________ moraine. The
material carried along underneath the ____________ , together with rock waste that falls
through the crevasses, forms the ____________ moraine. At the end of a glacier, the
accumulation of eroded material is known as the ____________ moraine. (7)

Page 6 of 9 Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013

6. Define the following terms:

a. deindustrialisation
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)
b. high technology industry
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)
c. science park
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)

7. Study Figure 6 Plan of Cambridge Science Park on page 8 and, using the information given in
the figure, answer the questions that follow:

a. Which three main transport links connect Cambridge Science Park to London and other
______________________ ________________________

______________________ (3)

b. How many companies operate at the Science Park? ___________ (1)

c. Are these industries heavy or small? _________________ (1)

Why? _________________________________________________________ (2)

d. Mention two features that make the environment in the Science Park pleasant.
_________________________ __________________________ (2)

e. Mention three major products of Cambridge Science Park.

_________________________ __________________________

_________________________ (3)

Geography (Option) – Form 5 Secondary – Track 3 – 2013 Page 7 of 9

Figure 6 – Plan of Cambridge Science Park

f. Near this Science Park is Cambridge University. Why is the link of a science park to a
university important?
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)

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8a. Define the term ecosystem.
__________________________________________________________________________ (2)

b. Name three important elements of the non-living environment in an ecosystem.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ (3)

c. Give two examples of meso (middle) level or scale ecosystems.

_____________________________ ____________________________ (2)

d. Give two examples of global (biome) level or scale ecosystems.

_____________________________ ____________________________ (2)

e. Near each of the following three descriptions, write the name of the element in the nutrient
cycle to which it refers.

i. material where roots spread _________________

ii. weight of living plants and organisms _________________
iii. surface layer of rotting vegetation _________________ (3)

f. Why is the nutrient cycle sometimes called ‘a closed system’?

__________________________________________________________________________ (2)

g. Give the names of the four (4) main stages in a food chain.
_________________________ (4)

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